#ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON /* ** Copyright (c) 2013 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** */ #include "config.h" #include "json_status.h" #if INTERFACE #include "json_detail.h" #endif /* Reminder to check if a column exists: PRAGMA table_info(table_name) and search for a row where the 'name' field matches. That assumes, of course, that table_info()'s output format is stable. */ /* ** Implementation of the /json/status page. ** */ cson_value * json_page_status(){ Stmt q = empty_Stmt; cson_object * oPay; /*cson_object * files;*/ int vid, nErr = 0; cson_object * tmpO; char * zTmp; i64 iMtime; cson_array * aFiles; if(!db_open_local(0)){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DB_NEEDS_CHECKOUT, NULL); return NULL; } oPay = cson_new_object(); cson_object_set(oPay, "repository", json_new_string(db_repository_filename())); cson_object_set(oPay, "localRoot", json_new_string(g.zLocalRoot)); vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0); if(!vid){ json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN, "Can this even happen?" ); return 0; } /* TODO: dupe show_common_info() state */ tmpO = cson_new_object(); cson_object_set(oPay, "checkout", cson_object_value(tmpO)); zTmp = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", vid); cson_object_set(tmpO, "uuid", json_new_string(zTmp) ); free(zTmp); cson_object_set( tmpO, "tags", json_tags_for_checkin_rid(vid, 0) ); /* FIXME: optimize the datetime/timestamp queries into 1 query. */ zTmp = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(mtime) || " "' UTC' FROM event WHERE objid=%d", vid); cson_object_set(tmpO, "datetime", json_new_string(zTmp)); free(zTmp); iMtime = db_int64(0, "SELECT CAST(strftime('%%s',mtime) AS INTEGER) " "FROM event WHERE objid=%d", vid); cson_object_set(tmpO, "timestamp", cson_value_new_integer((cson_int_t)iMtime)); #if 0 /* TODO: add parent artifact info */ tmpO = cson_new_object(); cson_object_set( oPay, "parent", cson_object_value(tmpO) ); cson_object_set( tmpO, "uuid", TODO ); cson_object_set( tmpO, "timestamp", TODO ); #endif /* Now get the list of non-pristine files... */ aFiles = cson_new_array(); cson_object_set( oPay, "files", cson_array_value( aFiles ) ); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT pathname, deleted, chnged, rid, coalesce(origname!=pathname,0)" " FROM vfile " " WHERE is_selected(id)" " AND (chnged OR deleted OR rid=0 OR pathname!=origname) ORDER BY 1" ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zPathname = db_column_text(&q,0); int isDeleted = db_column_int(&q, 1); int isChnged = db_column_int(&q,2); int isNew = db_column_int(&q,3)==0; int isRenamed = db_column_int(&q,4); cson_object * oFile; char const * zStatus = "???"; char * zFullName = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zPathname); if( isDeleted ){ zStatus = "deleted"; }else if( isNew ){ zStatus = "new" /* maintenance reminder: MUST come BEFORE the isChnged checks. */; }else if( isRenamed ){ zStatus = "renamed"; }else if( !file_isfile_or_link(zFullName) ){ if( file_access(zFullName, F_OK)==0 ){ zStatus = "notAFile"; ++nErr; }else{ zStatus = "missing"; ++nErr; } }else if( 2==isChnged ){ zStatus = "updatedByMerge"; }else if( 3==isChnged ){ zStatus = "addedByMerge"; }else if( 4==isChnged ){ zStatus = "updatedByIntegrate"; }else if( 5==isChnged ){ zStatus = "addedByIntegrate"; }else if( 1==isChnged ){ if( file_contains_merge_marker(zFullName) ){ zStatus = "conflict"; }else{ zStatus = "edited"; } } oFile = cson_new_object(); cson_array_append( aFiles, cson_object_value(oFile) ); /* optimization potential: move these keys into cson_strings to take advantage of refcounting. */ cson_object_set( oFile, "name", json_new_string( zPathname ) ); cson_object_set( oFile, "status", json_new_string( zStatus ) ); free(zFullName); } cson_object_set( oPay, "errorCount", json_new_int( nErr ) ); db_finalize(&q); #if 0 /* TODO: add "merged with" status. First need (A) to decide on a structure and (B) to set up some tests for the multi-merge case.*/ db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid, id FROM vmerge JOIN blob ON merge=rid" " WHERE id<=0"); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zLabel = "MERGED_WITH"; switch( db_column_int(&q, 1) ){ case -1: zLabel = "CHERRYPICK "; break; case -2: zLabel = "BACKOUT "; break; case -4: zLabel = "INTEGRATE "; break; } blob_append(report, zPrefix, nPrefix); blob_appendf(report, "%s %s\n", zLabel, db_column_text(&q, 0)); } db_finalize(&q); if( nErr ){ fossil_panic("aborting due to prior errors"); } #endif return cson_object_value( oPay ); } #endif /* FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON */