/* ** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This file contains code used to rebuild the database. */ #include "config.h" #include "rebuild.h" #include #include /* ** Update the schema as necessary */ static void rebuild_update_schema(void){ /* Verify that the PLINK table has a new column added by the ** 2014-11-28 schema change. Create it if necessary. This code ** can be removed in the future, once all users have upgraded to the ** 2014-11-28 or later schema. */ if( !db_table_has_column("repository","plink","baseid") ){ db_multi_exec( "ALTER TABLE repository.plink ADD COLUMN baseid;" ); } /* Verify that the MLINK table has the newer columns added by the ** 2015-01-24 schema change. Create them if necessary. This code ** can be removed in the future, once all users have upgraded to the ** 2015-01-24 or later schema. */ if( !db_table_has_column("repository","mlink","isaux") ){ db_begin_transaction(); db_multi_exec( "ALTER TABLE repository.mlink ADD COLUMN pmid INTEGER DEFAULT 0;" "ALTER TABLE repository.mlink ADD COLUMN isaux BOOLEAN DEFAULT 0;" ); db_end_transaction(0); } /* Add the user.mtime column if it is missing. (2011-04-27) */ if( !db_table_has_column("repository", "user", "mtime") ){ db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_user AS SELECT * FROM user;" "DROP TABLE user;" "CREATE TABLE user(\n" " uid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n" " login TEXT UNIQUE,\n" " pw TEXT,\n" " cap TEXT,\n" " cookie TEXT,\n" " ipaddr TEXT,\n" " cexpire DATETIME,\n" " info TEXT,\n" " mtime DATE,\n" " photo BLOB\n" ");" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO user" " SELECT uid, login, pw, cap, cookie," " ipaddr, cexpire, info, now(), photo FROM temp_user;" "DROP TABLE temp_user;" ); } /* Add the config.mtime column if it is missing. (2011-04-27) */ if( !db_table_has_column("repository", "config", "mtime") ){ db_multi_exec( "ALTER TABLE config ADD COLUMN mtime INTEGER;" "UPDATE config SET mtime=now();" ); } /* Add the shun.mtime and shun.scom columns if they are missing. ** (2011-04-27) */ if( !db_table_has_column("repository", "shun", "mtime") ){ db_multi_exec( "ALTER TABLE shun ADD COLUMN mtime INTEGER;" "ALTER TABLE shun ADD COLUMN scom TEXT;" "UPDATE shun SET mtime=now();" ); } /* Add the reportfmt.mtime column if it is missing. (2011-04-27) */ if( !db_table_has_column("repository", "reportfmt", "mtime") ){ static const char zCreateReportFmtTable[] = @ -- An entry in this table describes a database query that generates a @ -- table of tickets. @ -- @ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS reportfmt( @ rn INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, -- Report number @ owner TEXT, -- Owner of this report format (not used) @ title TEXT UNIQUE, -- Title of this report @ mtime INTEGER, -- Time last modified. Seconds since 1970 @ cols TEXT, -- A color-key specification @ sqlcode TEXT -- An SQL SELECT statement for this report @ ); ; db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE old_fmt AS SELECT * FROM reportfmt;" "DROP TABLE reportfmt;" ); db_multi_exec("%s", zCreateReportFmtTable/*safe-for-%s*/); db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO reportfmt(rn,owner,title,cols,sqlcode,mtime)" " SELECT rn, owner, title, cols, sqlcode, now() FROM old_fmt;" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO reportfmt(rn,owner,title,cols,sqlcode,mtime)" " SELECT rn, owner, title || ' (' || rn || ')', cols, sqlcode, now()" " FROM old_fmt;" ); } /* Add the concealed.mtime column if it is missing. (2011-04-27) */ if( !db_table_has_column("repository", "concealed", "mtime") ){ db_multi_exec( "ALTER TABLE concealed ADD COLUMN mtime INTEGER;" "UPDATE concealed SET mtime=now();" ); } /* Do the fossil-2.0 updates to the schema. (2017-02-28) */ rebuild_schema_update_2_0(); } /* ** Update the repository schema for Fossil version 2.0. (2017-02-28) ** (1) Change the CHECK constraint on BLOB.UUID so that the length ** is greater than or equal to 40, not exactly equal to 40. */ void rebuild_schema_update_2_0(void){ char *z = db_text(0, "SELECT sql FROM repository.sqlite_master" " WHERE name='blob'"); if( z ){ /* Search for: length(uuid)==40 ** 0123456789 12345 */ int i; for(i=10; z[i]; i++){ if( z[i]=='=' && strncmp(&z[i-6],"(uuid)==40",10)==0 ){ z[i] = '>'; db_multi_exec( "PRAGMA writable_schema=ON;" "UPDATE repository.sqlite_master SET sql=%Q WHERE name LIKE 'blob';" "PRAGMA writable_schema=OFF;", z ); break; } } fossil_free(z); } db_multi_exec( "CREATE VIEW IF NOT EXISTS " " repository.artifact(rid,rcvid,size,atype,srcid,hash,content) AS " " SELECT blob.rid,rcvid,size,1,srcid,uuid,content" " FROM blob LEFT JOIN delta ON (blob.rid=delta.rid);" ); } /* ** Variables used to store state information about an on-going "rebuild" ** or "deconstruct". */ static int totalSize; /* Total number of artifacts to process */ static int processCnt; /* Number processed so far */ static int ttyOutput; /* Do progress output */ static Bag bagDone; /* Bag of records rebuilt */ static char *zFNameFormat; /* Format string for filenames on deconstruct */ static int prefixLength; /* Length of directory prefix for deconstruct */ /* ** Draw the percent-complete message. ** The input is actually the permill complete. */ static void percent_complete(int permill){ static int lastOutput = -1; if( permill>lastOutput ){ fossil_print(" %d.%d%% complete...\r", permill/10, permill%10); fflush(stdout); lastOutput = permill; } } /* ** Called after each artifact is processed */ static void rebuild_step_done(int rid){ /* assert( bag_find(&bagDone, rid)==0 ); */ bag_insert(&bagDone, rid); if( ttyOutput ){ processCnt++; if (!g.fQuiet && totalSize>0) { percent_complete((processCnt*1000)/totalSize); } } } /* ** Rebuild cross-referencing information for the artifact ** rid with content pBase and all of its descendants. This ** routine clears the content buffer before returning. ** ** If the zFNameFormat variable is set, then this routine is ** called to run "fossil deconstruct" instead of the usual ** "fossil rebuild". In that case, instead of rebuilding the ** cross-referencing information, write the file content out ** to the appropriate directory. ** ** In both cases, this routine automatically recurses to process ** other artifacts that are deltas off of the current artifact. ** This is the most efficient way to extract all of the original ** artifact content from the Fossil repository. */ static void rebuild_step(int rid, int size, Blob *pBase){ static Stmt q1; Bag children; Blob copy; Blob *pUse; int nChild, i, cid; while( rid>0 ){ /* Fix up the "blob.size" field if needed. */ if( size!=blob_size(pBase) ){ db_multi_exec( "UPDATE blob SET size=%d WHERE rid=%d", blob_size(pBase), rid ); } /* Find all children of artifact rid */ db_static_prepare(&q1, "SELECT rid FROM delta WHERE srcid=:rid"); db_bind_int(&q1, ":rid", rid); bag_init(&children); while( db_step(&q1)==SQLITE_ROW ){ int cid = db_column_int(&q1, 0); if( !bag_find(&bagDone, cid) ){ bag_insert(&children, cid); } } nChild = bag_count(&children); db_reset(&q1); /* Crosslink the artifact */ if( nChild==0 ){ pUse = pBase; }else{ blob_copy(©, pBase); pUse = © } if( zFNameFormat==0 ){ /* We are doing "fossil rebuild" */ manifest_crosslink(rid, pUse, MC_NONE); }else{ /* We are doing "fossil deconstruct" */ char *zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); char *zFile = mprintf(zFNameFormat /*works-like:"%s:%s"*/, zUuid, zUuid+prefixLength); blob_write_to_file(pUse,zFile); free(zFile); free(zUuid); blob_reset(pUse); } assert( blob_is_reset(pUse) ); rebuild_step_done(rid); /* Call all children recursively */ rid = 0; for(cid=bag_first(&children), i=1; cid; cid=bag_next(&children, cid), i++){ static Stmt q2; int sz; db_static_prepare(&q2, "SELECT content, size FROM blob WHERE rid=:rid"); db_bind_int(&q2, ":rid", cid); if( db_step(&q2)==SQLITE_ROW && (sz = db_column_int(&q2,1))>=0 ){ Blob delta, next; db_ephemeral_blob(&q2, 0, &delta); blob_uncompress(&delta, &delta); blob_delta_apply(pBase, &delta, &next); blob_reset(&delta); db_reset(&q2); if( i0 ) return; rid = db_int(0, "SELECT pid FROM plink AS x WHERE NOT EXISTS(" " SELECT 1 FROM plink WHERE cid=x.pid)"); if( rid==0 ) return; /* Add the trunk tag to the root of the whole tree */ zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); if( zUuid==0 ) return; tag_add_artifact("sym-", "trunk", zUuid, 0, 2, 0, 0); tag_add_artifact("", "branch", zUuid, "trunk", 2, 0, 0); } /* ** Core function to rebuild the information in the derived tables of a ** fossil repository from the blobs. This function is shared between ** 'rebuild_database' ('rebuild') and 'reconstruct_cmd' ** ('reconstruct'), both of which have to regenerate this information ** from scratch. ** ** If the randomize parameter is true, then the BLOBs are deliberately ** extracted in a random order. This feature is used to test the ** ability of fossil to accept records in any order and still ** construct a sane repository. */ int rebuild_db(int randomize, int doOut, int doClustering){ Stmt s, q; int errCnt = 0; int incrSize; Blob sql; bag_init(&bagDone); ttyOutput = doOut; processCnt = 0; if (ttyOutput && !g.fQuiet) { percent_complete(0); } alert_triggers_disable(); rebuild_update_schema(); blob_init(&sql, 0, 0); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master /*scan*/" " WHERE type='table'" " AND name NOT IN ('admin_log', 'blob','delta','rcvfrom','user','alias'," "'config','shun','private','reportfmt'," "'concealed','accesslog','modreq'," "'purgeevent','purgeitem','unversioned'," "'subscriber','pending_alert','alert_bounce')" " AND name NOT GLOB 'sqlite_*'" " AND name NOT GLOB 'fx_*'" ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ blob_appendf(&sql, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"%w\";\n", db_column_text(&q,0)); } db_finalize(&q); db_multi_exec("%s", blob_str(&sql)/*safe-for-%s*/); blob_reset(&sql); db_multi_exec("%s", zRepositorySchema2/*safe-for-%s*/); ticket_create_table(0); shun_artifacts(); db_multi_exec( "INSERT INTO unclustered" " SELECT rid FROM blob EXCEPT SELECT rid FROM private" ); db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM unclustered" " WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid FROM shun JOIN blob USING(uuid))" ); db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM config WHERE name IN ('remote-code', 'remote-maxid')" ); db_multi_exec( "UPDATE user SET mtime=strftime('%%s','now') WHERE mtime IS NULL" ); /* The following should be count(*) instead of max(rid). max(rid) is ** an adequate approximation, however, and is much faster for large ** repositories. */ totalSize = db_int(0, "SELECT max(rid) FROM blob"); incrSize = totalSize/100; totalSize += incrSize*2; db_prepare(&s, "SELECT rid, size FROM blob /*scan*/" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM delta WHERE rid=blob.rid)" ); manifest_crosslink_begin(); while( db_step(&s)==SQLITE_ROW ){ int rid = db_column_int(&s, 0); int size = db_column_int(&s, 1); if( size>=0 ){ Blob content; content_get(rid, &content); rebuild_step(rid, size, &content); } } db_finalize(&s); db_prepare(&s, "SELECT rid, size FROM blob" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)" ); while( db_step(&s)==SQLITE_ROW ){ int rid = db_column_int(&s, 0); int size = db_column_int(&s, 1); if( size>=0 ){ if( !bag_find(&bagDone, rid) ){ Blob content; content_get(rid, &content); rebuild_step(rid, size, &content); } }else{ db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO phantom VALUES(%d)", rid); rebuild_step_done(rid); } } db_finalize(&s); manifest_crosslink_end(MC_NONE); rebuild_tag_trunk(); if( ttyOutput && !g.fQuiet && totalSize>0 ){ processCnt += incrSize; percent_complete((processCnt*1000)/totalSize); } if( doClustering ) create_cluster(); if( ttyOutput && !g.fQuiet && totalSize>0 ){ processCnt += incrSize; percent_complete((processCnt*1000)/totalSize); } alert_triggers_enable(); if(!g.fQuiet && ttyOutput ){ percent_complete(1000); fossil_print("\n"); } return errCnt; } /* ** Number of neighbors to search */ #define N_NEIGHBOR 5 /* ** Attempt to convert more full-text blobs into delta-blobs for ** storage efficiency. */ void extra_deltification(void){ Stmt q; int aPrev[N_NEIGHBOR]; int nPrev; int rid; int prevfnid, fnid; db_begin_transaction(); /* Look for manifests that have not been deltaed and try to make them ** children of one of the 5 chronologically subsequent check-ins */ db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM event, blob" " WHERE blob.rid=event.objid" " AND event.type='ci'" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM delta WHERE rid=blob.rid)" " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC" ); nPrev = 0; while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ rid = db_column_int(&q, 0); if( nPrev>0 ){ content_deltify(rid, aPrev, nPrev, 0); } if( nPrev0 ){ content_deltify(rid, aPrev, nPrev, 0); } if( nPrev0;" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO private" " SELECT fid FROM mlink" " EXCEPT SELECT fid FROM mlink WHERE mid NOT IN private_ckin;" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO private SELECT rid FROM private_ckin;" "DROP TABLE private_ckin;", TAG_PRIVATE ); fix_private_blob_dependencies(0); } /* ** COMMAND: rebuild ** ** Usage: %fossil rebuild ?REPOSITORY? ?OPTIONS? ** ** Reconstruct the named repository database from the core ** records. Run this command after updating the fossil ** executable in a way that changes the database schema. ** ** Options: ** --analyze Run ANALYZE on the database after rebuilding ** --cluster Compute clusters for unclustered artifacts ** --compress Strive to make the database as small as possible ** --compress-only Skip the rebuilding step. Do --compress only ** --deanalyze Remove ANALYZE tables from the database ** --force Force the rebuild to complete even if errors are seen ** --ifneeded Only do the rebuild if it would change the schema version ** --index Always add in the full-text search index ** --noverify Skip the verification of changes to the BLOB table ** --noindex Always omit the full-text search index ** --pagesize N Set the database pagesize to N. (512..65536 and power of 2) ** --quiet Only show output if there are errors ** --randomize Scan artifacts in a random order ** --stats Show artifact statistics after rebuilding ** --vacuum Run VACUUM on the database after rebuilding ** --wal Set Write-Ahead-Log journalling mode on the database ** ** See also: deconstruct, reconstruct */ void rebuild_database(void){ int forceFlag; int randomizeFlag; int errCnt = 0; int omitVerify; int doClustering; const char *zPagesize; int newPagesize = 0; int activateWal; int runVacuum; int runDeanalyze; int runAnalyze; int runCompress; int showStats; int runReindex; int optNoIndex; int optIndex; int optIfNeeded; int compressOnlyFlag; omitVerify = find_option("noverify",0,0)!=0; forceFlag = find_option("force","f",0)!=0; randomizeFlag = find_option("randomize", 0, 0)!=0; doClustering = find_option("cluster", 0, 0)!=0; runVacuum = find_option("vacuum",0,0)!=0; runDeanalyze = find_option("deanalyze",0,0)!=0; runAnalyze = find_option("analyze",0,0)!=0; runCompress = find_option("compress",0,0)!=0; zPagesize = find_option("pagesize",0,1); showStats = find_option("stats",0,0)!=0; optIndex = find_option("index",0,0)!=0; optNoIndex = find_option("noindex",0,0)!=0; optIfNeeded = find_option("ifneeded",0,0)!=0; compressOnlyFlag = find_option("compress-only",0,0)!=0; if( compressOnlyFlag ) runCompress = runVacuum = 1; if( zPagesize ){ newPagesize = atoi(zPagesize); if( newPagesize<512 || newPagesize>65536 || (newPagesize&(newPagesize-1))!=0 ){ fossil_fatal("page size must be a power of two between 512 and 65536"); } } activateWal = find_option("wal",0,0)!=0; if( g.argc==3 ){ db_open_repository(g.argv[2]); }else{ db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 0); if( g.argc!=2 ){ usage("?REPOSITORY-FILENAME?"); } db_close(1); db_open_repository(g.zRepositoryName); } runReindex = search_index_exists() && !compressOnlyFlag; if( optIndex ) runReindex = 1; if( optNoIndex ) runReindex = 0; if( optIfNeeded && fossil_strcmp(db_get("aux-schema",""),AUX_SCHEMA_MAX)==0 ){ return; } /* We should be done with options.. */ verify_all_options(); db_begin_transaction(); if( !compressOnlyFlag ){ search_drop_index(); ttyOutput = 1; errCnt = rebuild_db(randomizeFlag, 1, doClustering); reconstruct_private_table(); } db_multi_exec( "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('content-schema',%Q,now());" "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('aux-schema',%Q,now());" "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('rebuilt',%Q,now());", CONTENT_SCHEMA, AUX_SCHEMA_MAX, get_version() ); if( errCnt && !forceFlag ){ fossil_print( "%d errors. Rolling back changes. Use --force to force a commit.\n", errCnt ); db_end_transaction(1); }else{ if( runCompress ){ fossil_print("Extra delta compression... "); fflush(stdout); extra_deltification(); runVacuum = 1; } if( omitVerify ) verify_cancel(); db_end_transaction(0); if( runCompress ) fossil_print("done\n"); db_close(0); db_open_repository(g.zRepositoryName); if( newPagesize ){ db_multi_exec("PRAGMA page_size=%d", newPagesize); runVacuum = 1; } if( runDeanalyze ){ db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat1;" "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat3;" "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sqlite_stat4;"); } if( runAnalyze ){ fossil_print("Analyzing the database... "); fflush(stdout); db_multi_exec("ANALYZE;"); fossil_print("done\n"); } if( runVacuum ){ fossil_print("Vacuuming the database... "); fflush(stdout); db_multi_exec("VACUUM"); fossil_print("done\n"); } if( activateWal ){ db_multi_exec("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;"); } } if( runReindex ) search_rebuild_index(); if( showStats ){ static const struct { int idx; const char *zLabel; } aStat[] = { { CFTYPE_ANY, "Artifacts:" }, { CFTYPE_MANIFEST, "Manifests:" }, { CFTYPE_CLUSTER, "Clusters:" }, { CFTYPE_CONTROL, "Tags:" }, { CFTYPE_WIKI, "Wikis:" }, { CFTYPE_TICKET, "Tickets:" }, { CFTYPE_ATTACHMENT,"Attachments:" }, { CFTYPE_EVENT, "Events:" }, }; int i; int subtotal = 0; for(i=0; i0 ) subtotal += g.parseCnt[k]; } fossil_print("%-15s %6d\n", "Other:", g.parseCnt[CFTYPE_ANY] - subtotal); } } /* ** COMMAND: test-detach ** ** Usage: %fossil test-detach ?REPOSITORY? ** ** Change the project-code and make other changes in order to prevent ** the repository from ever again pushing or pulling to other ** repositories. Used to create a "test" repository for development ** testing by cloning a working project repository. */ void test_detach_cmd(void){ db_find_and_open_repository(0, 2); db_begin_transaction(); db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM config WHERE name='last-sync-url';" "UPDATE config SET value=lower(hex(randomblob(20)))" " WHERE name='project-code';" "UPDATE config SET value='detached-' || value" " WHERE name='project-name' AND value NOT GLOB 'detached-*';" ); db_end_transaction(0); } /* ** COMMAND: test-create-clusters ** ** Create clusters for all unclustered artifacts if the number of unclustered ** artifacts exceeds the current clustering threshold. */ void test_createcluster_cmd(void){ if( g.argc==3 ){ db_open_repository(g.argv[2]); }else{ db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0); if( g.argc!=2 ){ usage("?REPOSITORY-FILENAME?"); } db_close(1); db_open_repository(g.zRepositoryName); } db_begin_transaction(); create_cluster(); db_end_transaction(0); } /* ** COMMAND: test-clusters ** ** Verify that all non-private and non-shunned artifacts are accessible ** through the cluster chain. */ void test_clusters_cmd(void){ Bag pending; Stmt q; int n; db_find_and_open_repository(0, 2); bag_init(&pending); db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE xdone(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" "INSERT INTO xdone SELECT rid FROM unclustered;" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO xdone SELECT rid FROM private;" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO xdone" " SELECT blob.rid FROM shun JOIN blob USING(uuid);" ); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM unclustered WHERE rid IN" " (SELECT rid FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d)", TAG_CLUSTER ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ bag_insert(&pending, db_column_int(&q, 0)); } db_finalize(&q); while( bag_count(&pending)>0 ){ Manifest *p; int rid = bag_first(&pending); int i; bag_remove(&pending, rid); p = manifest_get(rid, CFTYPE_CLUSTER, 0); if( p==0 ){ fossil_fatal("bad cluster: rid=%d", rid); } for(i=0; inCChild; i++){ const char *zUuid = p->azCChild[i]; int crid = name_to_rid(zUuid); if( crid==0 ){ fossil_warning("cluster (rid=%d) references unknown artifact %s", rid, zUuid); continue; } db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO xdone VALUES(%d)", crid); if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d", TAG_CLUSTER, crid) ){ bag_insert(&pending, crid); } } manifest_destroy(p); } n = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM /*scan*/" " (SELECT rid FROM blob EXCEPT SELECT x FROM xdone)"); if( n==0 ){ fossil_print("all artifacts reachable through clusters\n"); }else{ fossil_print("%d unreachable artifacts:\n", n); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid, uuid FROM blob WHERE rid NOT IN xdone"); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ fossil_print(" %3d %s\n", db_column_int(&q,0), db_column_text(&q,1)); } db_finalize(&q); } } /* ** COMMAND: scrub* ** ** Usage: %fossil scrub ?OPTIONS? ?REPOSITORY? ** ** The command removes sensitive information (such as passwords) from a ** repository so that the repository can be sent to an untrusted reader. ** ** By default, only passwords are removed. However, if the --verily option ** is added, then private branches, concealed email addresses, IP ** addresses of correspondents, and similar privacy-sensitive fields ** are also purged. If the --private option is used, then only private ** branches are removed and all other information is left intact. ** ** This command permanently deletes the scrubbed information. THE EFFECTS ** OF THIS COMMAND ARE IRREVERSIBLE. USE WITH CAUTION! ** ** The user is prompted to confirm the scrub unless the --force option ** is used. ** ** Options: ** --force do not prompt for confirmation ** --private only private branches are removed from the repository ** --verily scrub real thoroughly (see above) */ void scrub_cmd(void){ int bVerily = find_option("verily",0,0)!=0; int bForce = find_option("force", "f", 0)!=0; int privateOnly = find_option("private",0,0)!=0; int bNeedRebuild = 0; db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 2); db_close(1); db_open_repository(g.zRepositoryName); /* We should be done with options.. */ verify_all_options(); if( !bForce ){ Blob ans; char cReply; prompt_user( "Scrubbing the repository will permanently delete information.\n" "Changes cannot be undone. Continue (y/N)? ", &ans); cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0]; if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){ fossil_exit(1); } } db_begin_transaction(); if( privateOnly || bVerily ){ bNeedRebuild = db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM private"); delete_private_content(); } if( !privateOnly ){ db_multi_exec( "UPDATE user SET pw='';" "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'last-sync-*';" "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'peer-*';" "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'login-group-*';" "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'skin:*';" "DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'subrepo:*';" ); if( bVerily ){ db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM concealed;\n" "UPDATE rcvfrom SET ipaddr='unknown';\n" "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS accesslog;\n" "UPDATE user SET photo=NULL, info='';\n" "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS purgeevent;\n" "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS purgeitem;\n" "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS admin_log;\n" "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS vcache;\n" ); } } if( !bNeedRebuild ){ db_end_transaction(0); db_multi_exec("VACUUM;"); }else{ rebuild_db(0, 1, 0); db_end_transaction(0); } } /* ** Recursively read all files from the directory zPath and install ** every file read as a new artifact in the repository. */ void recon_read_dir(char *zPath){ DIR *d; struct dirent *pEntry; Blob aContent; /* content of the just read artifact */ static int nFileRead = 0; void *zUnicodePath; char *zUtf8Name; zUnicodePath = fossil_utf8_to_path(zPath, 1); d = opendir(zUnicodePath); if( d ){ while( (pEntry=readdir(d))!=0 ){ Blob path; char *zSubpath; if( pEntry->d_name[0]=='.' ){ continue; } zUtf8Name = fossil_path_to_utf8(pEntry->d_name); zSubpath = mprintf("%s/%s", zPath, zUtf8Name); fossil_path_free(zUtf8Name); #ifdef _DIRENT_HAVE_D_TYPE if( (pEntry->d_type==DT_UNKNOWN || pEntry->d_type==DT_LNK) ? (file_isdir(zSubpath, ExtFILE)==1) : (pEntry->d_type==DT_DIR) ) #else if( file_isdir(zSubpath, ExtFILE)==1 ) #endif { recon_read_dir(zSubpath); }else{ blob_init(&path, 0, 0); blob_appendf(&path, "%s", zSubpath); if( blob_read_from_file(&aContent, blob_str(&path), ExtFILE)==-1 ){ fossil_fatal("some unknown error occurred while reading \"%s\"", blob_str(&path)); } content_put(&aContent); blob_reset(&path); blob_reset(&aContent); fossil_print("\r%d", ++nFileRead); fflush(stdout); } free(zSubpath); } closedir(d); }else { fossil_fatal("encountered error %d while trying to open \"%s\".", errno, g.argv[3]); } fossil_path_free(zUnicodePath); } /* ** COMMAND: reconstruct* ** ** Usage: %fossil reconstruct FILENAME DIRECTORY ** ** This command studies the artifacts (files) in DIRECTORY and ** reconstructs the fossil record from them. It places the new ** fossil repository in FILENAME. Subdirectories are read, files ** with leading '.' in the filename are ignored. ** ** See also: deconstruct, rebuild */ void reconstruct_cmd(void) { char *zPassword; if( g.argc!=4 ){ usage("FILENAME DIRECTORY"); } if( file_isdir(g.argv[3], ExtFILE)!=1 ){ fossil_print("\"%s\" is not a directory\n\n", g.argv[3]); usage("FILENAME DIRECTORY"); } db_create_repository(g.argv[2]); db_open_repository(g.argv[2]); /* We should be done with options.. */ verify_all_options(); db_open_config(0, 0); db_begin_transaction(); db_initial_setup(0, 0, 0); fossil_print("Reading files from directory \"%s\"...\n", g.argv[3]); recon_read_dir(g.argv[3]); fossil_print("\nBuilding the Fossil repository...\n"); rebuild_db(0, 1, 1); reconstruct_private_table(); /* Skip the verify_before_commit() step on a reconstruct. Most artifacts ** will have been changed and verification therefore takes a really, really ** long time. */ verify_cancel(); db_end_transaction(0); fossil_print("project-id: %s\n", db_get("project-code", 0)); fossil_print("server-id: %s\n", db_get("server-code", 0)); zPassword = db_text(0, "SELECT pw FROM user WHERE login=%Q", g.zLogin); fossil_print("admin-user: %s (initial password is \"%s\")\n", g.zLogin, zPassword); } /* ** COMMAND: deconstruct* ** ** Usage %fossil deconstruct ?OPTIONS? DESTINATION ** ** ** This command exports all artifacts of a given repository and ** writes all artifacts to the file system. The DESTINATION directory ** will be populated with subdirectories AA and files AA/BBBBBBBBB.., where ** AABBBBBBBBB.. is the 40+ character artifact ID, AA the first 2 characters. ** If -L|--prefixlength is given, the length (default 2) of the directory ** prefix can be set to 0,1,..,9 characters. ** ** Options: ** -R|--repository REPOSITORY deconstruct given REPOSITORY ** -L|--prefixlength N set the length of the names of the DESTINATION ** subdirectories to N ** --private Include private artifacts. ** ** See also: rebuild, reconstruct */ void deconstruct_cmd(void){ const char *zDestDir; const char *zPrefixOpt; Stmt s; int privateFlag; /* get and check prefix length argument and build format string */ zPrefixOpt=find_option("prefixlength","L",1); if( !zPrefixOpt ){ prefixLength = 2; }else{ if( zPrefixOpt[0]>='0' && zPrefixOpt[0]<='9' && !zPrefixOpt[1] ){ prefixLength = (int)(*zPrefixOpt-'0'); }else{ fossil_fatal("N(%s) is not a valid prefix length!",zPrefixOpt); } } /* open repository and open query for all artifacts */ db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 0); privateFlag = find_option("private",0,0)!=0; verify_all_options(); /* check number of arguments */ if( g.argc!=3 ){ usage ("?OPTIONS? DESTINATION"); } /* get and check argument destination directory */ zDestDir = g.argv[g.argc-1]; if( !*zDestDir || !file_isdir(zDestDir, ExtFILE)) { fossil_fatal("DESTINATION(%s) is not a directory!",zDestDir); } #ifndef _WIN32 if( file_access(zDestDir, W_OK) ){ fossil_fatal("DESTINATION(%s) is not writeable!",zDestDir); } #else /* write access on windows is not checked, errors will be ** detected on blob_write_to_file */ #endif if( prefixLength ){ zFNameFormat = mprintf("%s/%%.%ds/%%s",zDestDir,prefixLength); }else{ zFNameFormat = mprintf("%s/%%s",zDestDir); } bag_init(&bagDone); ttyOutput = 1; processCnt = 0; if (!g.fQuiet) { fossil_print("0 (0%%)...\r"); fflush(stdout); } totalSize = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM blob"); db_prepare(&s, "SELECT rid, size FROM blob /*scan*/" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM delta WHERE rid=blob.rid) %s", privateFlag==0 ? "AND rid NOT IN private" : "" ); while( db_step(&s)==SQLITE_ROW ){ int rid = db_column_int(&s, 0); int size = db_column_int(&s, 1); if( size>=0 ){ Blob content; content_get(rid, &content); rebuild_step(rid, size, &content); } } db_finalize(&s); db_prepare(&s, "SELECT rid, size FROM blob" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid) %s", privateFlag==0 ? "AND rid NOT IN private" : "" ); while( db_step(&s)==SQLITE_ROW ){ int rid = db_column_int(&s, 0); int size = db_column_int(&s, 1); if( size>=0 ){ if( !bag_find(&bagDone, rid) ){ Blob content; content_get(rid, &content); rebuild_step(rid, size, &content); } } } db_finalize(&s); if(!g.fQuiet && ttyOutput ){ fossil_print("\n"); } /* free filename format string */ free(zFNameFormat); zFNameFormat = 0; }