
Artifact [556396b3]

Artifact [556396b3]

Artifact 556396b30efee629dca05f91eeb31c1320641b98d2941b0049def62a3d85af59:

** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
** Author contact information:
** Implementation of the Setup page
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "setup.h"

** Increment the "cfgcnt" variable, so that ETags will know that
** the configuration has changed.
void setup_incr_cfgcnt(void){
  static int once = 1;
  if( once ){
    once = 0;
    db_multi_exec("UPDATE config SET value=value+1 WHERE name='cfgcnt'");
    if( db_changes()==0 ){
      db_multi_exec("INSERT INTO config(name,value) VALUES('cfgcnt',1)");

** Output a single entry for a menu generated using an HTML table.
** If zLink is not NULL or an empty string, then it is the page that
** the menu entry will hyperlink to.  If zLink is NULL or "", then
** the menu entry has no hyperlink - it is disabled.
void setup_menu_entry(
  const char *zTitle,
  const char *zLink,
  const char *zDesc
  @ <tr><td valign="top" align="right">
  if( zLink && zLink[0] ){
    @ <a href="%s(zLink)">%h(zTitle)</a>
    @ %h(zTitle)
  @ </td><td width="5"></td><td valign="top">%h(zDesc)</td></tr>

** WEBPAGE: setup
** Main menu for the administrative pages.  Requires Admin or Setup
** privileges.  Links to sub-pages only usable by Setup users are
** shown only to Setup users.
void setup_page(void){
  int setup_user = 0;
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  setup_user = g.perm.Setup;

  style_header("Server Administration");

  /* Make sure the header contains <base href="...">.   Issue a warning
  ** if it does not. */
  if( !cgi_header_contains("<base href=") ){
    @ <p class="generalError"><b>Configuration Error:</b> Please add
    @ <tt>&lt;base href="$secureurl/$current_page"&gt;</tt> after
    @ <tt>&lt;head&gt;</tt> in the
    @ <a href="setup_skinedit?w=2">HTML header</a>!</p>

#if !defined(_WIN32)
  /* Check for /dev/null and /dev/urandom.  We want both devices to be present,
  ** but they are sometimes omitted (by mistake) from chroot jails. */
  if( access("/dev/null", R_OK|W_OK) ){
    @ <p class="generalError">WARNING: Device "/dev/null" is not available
    @ for reading and writing.</p>
  if( access("/dev/urandom", R_OK) ){
    @ <p class="generalError">WARNING: Device "/dev/urandom" is not available
    @ for reading. This means that the pseudo-random number generator used
    @ by SQLite will be poorly seeded.</p>

  @ <table border="0" cellspacing="3">
  setup_menu_entry("Users", "setup_ulist",
    "Grant privileges to individual users.");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Access", "setup_access",
      "Control access settings.");
    setup_menu_entry("Configuration", "setup_config",
      "Configure the WWW components of the repository");
  setup_menu_entry("Security-Audit", "secaudit0",
    "Analyze the current configuration for security problems");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Settings", "setup_settings",
      "Web interface to the \"fossil settings\" command");
  setup_menu_entry("Timeline", "setup_timeline",
    "Timeline display preferences");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Login-Group", "setup_login_group",
      "Manage single sign-on between this repository and others"
      " on the same server");
    setup_menu_entry("Tickets", "tktsetup",
      "Configure the trouble-ticketing system for this repository");
    setup_menu_entry("Wiki", "setup_wiki",
      "Configure the wiki for this repository");
    setup_menu_entry("Chat", "setup_chat",
      "Configure the chatroom");
    "Configure the built-in search engine");
  setup_menu_entry("URL Aliases", "waliassetup",
    "Configure URL aliases");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Notification", "setup_notification",
      "Automatic notifications of changes via outbound email");
    setup_menu_entry("Email-Server", "setup_smtp",
      "Activate and configure the built-in email server");
    setup_menu_entry("Transfers", "xfersetup",
      "Configure the transfer system for this repository");
  setup_menu_entry("Skins", "setup_skin",
    "Select and/or modify the web interface \"skins\"");
  setup_menu_entry("Moderation", "setup_modreq",
    "Enable/Disable requiring moderator approval of Wiki and/or Ticket"
    " changes and attachments.");
  setup_menu_entry("Ad-Unit", "setup_adunit",
    "Edit HTML text for an ad unit inserted after the menu bar");
  setup_menu_entry("URLs & Checkouts", "urllist",
    "Show URLs used to access this repo and known check-outs");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Web-Cache", "cachestat",
      "View the status of the expensive-page cache");
  setup_menu_entry("Logo", "setup_logo",
    "Change the logo and background images for the server");
  setup_menu_entry("Shunned", "shun",
    "Show artifacts that are shunned by this repository");
  setup_menu_entry("Artifact Receipts Log", "rcvfromlist",
    "A record of received artifacts and their sources");
  setup_menu_entry("User Log", "access_log",
    "A record of login attempts");
  setup_menu_entry("Administrative Log", "admin_log",
    "View the admin_log entries");
  setup_menu_entry("Error Log", "errorlog",
    "View the Fossil server error log");
  setup_menu_entry("Unversioned Files", "uvlist?byage=1",
    "Show all unversioned files held");
  setup_menu_entry("Stats", "stat",
    "Repository Status Reports");
  setup_menu_entry("Sitemap", "sitemap",
    "Links to miscellaneous pages");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("SQL", "admin_sql",
      "Enter raw SQL commands");
    setup_menu_entry("TH1", "admin_th1",
      "Enter raw TH1 commands");
  @ </table>


** Generate a checkbox for an attribute.
void onoff_attribute(
  const char *zLabel,   /* The text label on the checkbox */
  const char *zVar,     /* The corresponding row in the VAR table */
  const char *zQParm,   /* The query parameter */
  int dfltVal,          /* Default value if VAR table entry does not exist */
  int disabled          /* 1 if disabled */
  const char *zQ = P(zQParm);
  int iVal = db_get_boolean(zVar, dfltVal);
  if( zQ==0 && !disabled && P("submit") ){
    zQ = "off";
  if( zQ ){
    int iQ = fossil_strcmp(zQ,"on")==0 || atoi(zQ);
    if( iQ!=iVal ){
      db_set(zVar, iQ ? "1" : "0", 0);
      admin_log("Set option [%q] to [%q].",
                zVar, iQ ? "on" : "off");
      iVal = iQ;
  @ <label><input type="checkbox" name="%s(zQParm)" \
  @ aria-label="%s(zLabel[0]?zLabel:zQParm)" \
  if( iVal ){
    @ checked="checked" \
  if( disabled ){
    @ disabled="disabled" \
  @ /> <b>%s(zLabel)</b></label>

** Generate an entry box for an attribute.
void entry_attribute(
  const char *zLabel,   /* The text label on the entry box */
  int width,            /* Width of the entry box */
  const char *zVar,     /* The corresponding row in the VAR table */
  const char *zQParm,   /* The query parameter */
  const char *zDflt,    /* Default value if VAR table entry does not exist */
  int disabled          /* 1 if disabled */
  const char *zVal = db_get(zVar, zDflt);
  const char *zQ = P(zQParm);
  if( zQ && fossil_strcmp(zQ,zVal)!=0 ){
    const int nZQ = (int)strlen(zQ);
    db_set(zVar, zQ, 0);
    admin_log("Set entry_attribute %Q to: %.*s%s",
              zVar, 20, zQ, (nZQ>20 ? "..." : ""));
    zVal = zQ;
  @ <input aria-label="%h(zLabel[0]?zLabel:zQParm)" type="text" \
  @ id="%s(zQParm)" name="%s(zQParm)" value="%h(zVal)" size="%d(width)" \
  if( disabled ){
    @ disabled="disabled" \
  @ /> <b>%s(zLabel)</b>

** Generate a text box for an attribute.
const char *textarea_attribute(
  const char *zLabel,   /* The text label on the textarea */
  int rows,             /* Rows in the textarea */
  int cols,             /* Columns in the textarea */
  const char *zVar,     /* The corresponding row in the VAR table */
  const char *zQP,      /* The query parameter */
  const char *zDflt,    /* Default value if VAR table entry does not exist */
  int disabled          /* 1 if the textarea should  not be editable */
  const char *z = db_get(zVar, zDflt);
  const char *zQ = P(zQP);
  if( zQ && !disabled && fossil_strcmp(zQ,z)!=0){
    const int nZQ = (int)strlen(zQ);
    db_set(zVar, zQ, 0);
    admin_log("Set textarea_attribute %Q to: %.*s%s",
              zVar, 20, zQ, (nZQ>20 ? "..." : ""));
    z = zQ;
  if( rows>0 && cols>0 ){
    @ <textarea id="id%s(zQP)" name="%s(zQP)" rows="%d(rows)" \
    @ aria-label="%h(zLabel[0]?zLabel:zQP)" \
    if( disabled ){
      @ disabled="disabled" \
    @ cols="%d(cols)">%h(z)</textarea>
    if( *zLabel ){
      @ <span class="textareaLabel">%s(zLabel)</span>
  return z;

** Generate a text box for an attribute.
void multiple_choice_attribute(
  const char *zLabel,   /* The text label on the menu */
  const char *zVar,     /* The corresponding row in the VAR table */
  const char *zQP,      /* The query parameter */
  const char *zDflt,    /* Default value if VAR table entry does not exist */
  int nChoice,          /* Number of choices */
  const char *const *azChoice /* Choices in pairs (VAR value, Display) */
  const char *z = db_get(zVar, zDflt);
  const char *zQ = P(zQP);
  int i;
  if( zQ && fossil_strcmp(zQ,z)!=0){
    const int nZQ = (int)strlen(zQ);
    db_set(zVar, zQ, 0);
    admin_log("Set multiple_choice_attribute %Q to: %.*s%s",
              zVar, 20, zQ, (nZQ>20 ? "..." : ""));
    z = zQ;
  @ <select aria-label="%h(zLabel)" size="1" name="%s(zQP)" id="id%s(zQP)">
  for(i=0; i<nChoice*2; i+=2){
    const char *zSel = fossil_strcmp(azChoice[i],z)==0 ? " selected" : "";
    @ <option value="%h(azChoice[i])"%s(zSel)>%h(azChoice[i+1])</option>
  @ </select> <b>%h(zLabel)</b>

** WEBPAGE: setup_access
** The access-control settings page.  Requires Setup privileges.
void setup_access(void){
  static const char *const azRedirectOpts[] = {
    "0", "Off",
    "1", "Login Page Only",
    "2", "All Pages"
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

  style_header("Access Control Settings");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_access" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ <hr />
  multiple_choice_attribute("Redirect to HTTPS",
     "redirect-to-https", "redirhttps", "0",
     count(azRedirectOpts)/2, azRedirectOpts);
  @ <p>Force the use of HTTPS by redirecting to HTTPS when an
  @ unencrypted request is received.  This feature can be enabled
  @ for the Login page only, or for all pages.
  @ <p>Further details:  When enabled, this option causes the $secureurl TH1
  @ variable is set to an "https:" variant of $baseurl.  Otherwise,
  @ $secureurl is just an alias for $baseurl.
  @ (Property: "redirect-to-https".  "0" for off, "1" for Login page only,
  @ "2" otherwise.)
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Require password for local access",
     "localauth", "localauth", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, the password sign-in is always required for
  @ web access.  When disabled, unrestricted web access from
  @ is allowed for the <a href="%R/help/ui">fossil ui</a> command or
  @ from the <a href="%R/help/server">fossil server</a>,
  @ <a href="%R/help/http">fossil http</a> commands when the
  @ "--localauth" command line options is used, or from the
  @ <a href="%R/help/cgi">fossil cgi</a> if a line containing
  @ the word "localauth" appears in the CGI script.
  @ <p>A password is always required if any one or more
  @ of the following are true:
  @ <ol>
  @ <li> This button is checked
  @ <li> The inbound TCP/IP connection is not from
  @ <li> The server is started using either of the
  @ <a href="%R/help/server">fossil server</a> or
  @ <a href="%R/help/server">fossil http</a> commands
  @ without the "--localauth" option.
  @ <li> The server is started from CGI without the "localauth" keyword
  @ in the CGI script.
  @ </ol>
  @ (Property: "localauth")
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Enable /test_env",
     "test_env_enable", "test_env_enable", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, the %h(g.zBaseURL)/test_env URL is available to all
  @ users.  When disabled (the default) only users Admin and Setup can visit
  @ the /test_env page.
  @ (Property: "test_env_enable")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Enable /artifact_stats",
     "artifact_stats_enable", "artifact_stats_enable", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, the %h(g.zBaseURL)/artifact_stats URL is available to all
  @ users.  When disabled (the default) only users with check-in privilege may
  @ access the /artifact_stats page.
  @ (Property: "artifact_stats_enable")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Allow REMOTE_USER authentication",
     "remote_user_ok", "remote_user_ok", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, if the REMOTE_USER environment variable is set to the
  @ login name of a valid user and no other login credentials are available,
  @ then the REMOTE_USER is accepted as an authenticated user.
  @ (Property: "remote_user_ok")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Allow HTTP_AUTHENTICATION authentication",
     "http_authentication_ok", "http_authentication_ok", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, allow the use of the HTTP_AUTHENTICATION environment
  @ variable or the "Authentication:" HTTP header to find the username and
  @ password. This is another way of supporting Basic Authentication.
  @ (Property: "http_authentication_ok")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Login expiration time", 6, "cookie-expire", "cex",
                  "8766", 0);
  @ <p>The number of hours for which a login is valid.  This must be a
  @ positive number.  The default is 8766 hours which is approximately equal
  @ to a year.
  @ (Property: "cookie-expire")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Download packet limit", 10, "max-download", "mxdwn",
                  "5000000", 0);
  @ <p>Fossil tries to limit out-bound sync, clone, and pull packets
  @ to this many bytes, uncompressed.  If the client requires more data
  @ than this, then the client will issue multiple HTTP requests.
  @ Values below 1 million are not recommended.  5 million is a
  @ reasonable number.  (Property: "max-download")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Download time limit", 11, "max-download-time", "mxdwnt",
                  "30", 0);

  @ <p>Fossil tries to spend less than this many seconds gathering
  @ the out-bound data of sync, clone, and pull packets.
  @ If the client request takes longer, a partial reply is given similar
  @ to the download packet limit. 30s is a reasonable default.
  @ (Property: "max-download-time")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Server Load Average Limit", 11, "max-loadavg", "mxldavg",
                  "0.0", 0);
  @ <p>Some expensive operations (such as computing tarballs, zip archives,
  @ or annotation/blame pages) are prohibited if the load average on the host
  @ computer is too large.  Set the threshold for disallowing expensive
  @ computations here.  Set this to 0.0 to disable the load average limit.
  @ This limit is only enforced on Unix servers.  On Linux systems,
  @ access to the /proc virtual filesystem is required, which means this limit
  @ might not work inside a chroot() jail.
  @ (Property: "max-loadavg")</p>

  @ <hr />
      "Enable hyperlinks for \"nobody\" based on User-Agent and Javascript",
      "auto-hyperlink", "autohyperlink", 1, 0);
  @ <p>Enable hyperlinks (the equivalent of the "h" permission) for all users,
  @ including user "nobody", as long as
  @ <ol><li>the User-Agent string in the
  @ HTTP header indicates that the request is coming from an actual human
  @ being, and
  @ <li>the user agent is able to
  @ run Javascript in order to set the href= attribute of hyperlinks, and
  @ <li>mouse movement is detected (optional - see the checkbox below), and
  @ <li>a number of milliseconds have passed since the page loaded.</ol>
  @ <p>This setting is designed to give easy access to humans while
  @ keeping out robots and spiders.
  @ You do not normally want a robot to walk your entire repository because
  @ if it does, your server will end up computing diffs and annotations for
  @ every historical version of every file and creating ZIPs and tarballs of
  @ every historical check-in, which can use a lot of CPU and bandwidth
  @ even for relatively small projects.</p>
  @ <p>Additional parameters that control this behavior:</p>
  @ <blockquote>
  onoff_attribute("Require mouse movement before enabling hyperlinks",
                  "auto-hyperlink-mouseover", "ahmo", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  entry_attribute("Delay in milliseconds before enabling hyperlinks", 5,
                  "auto-hyperlink-delay", "ah-delay", "50", 0);
  @ </blockquote>
  @ <p>For maximum robot defense, the "require mouse movement" should
  @ be turned on and the "Delay" should be at least 50 milliseconds.</p>
  @ (Properties: "auto-hyperlink",
  @ "auto-hyperlink-mouseover", and "auto-hyperlink-delay")</p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Require a CAPTCHA if not logged in",
                  "require-captcha", "reqcapt", 1, 0);
  @ <p>Require a CAPTCHA for edit operations (appending, creating, or
  @ editing wiki or tickets or adding attachments to wiki or tickets)
  @ for users who are not logged in. (Property: "require-captcha")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Public pages", 30, "public-pages",
                  "pubpage", "", 0);
  @ <p>A comma-separated list of glob patterns for pages that are accessible
  @ without needing a login and using the privileges given by the
  @ "Default privileges" setting below. 
  @ <p>Example use case: Set this field to "/doc/trunk/www/*" and set
  @ the "Default privileges" to include the "o" privilege
  @ to give anonymous users read-only permission to the
  @ latest version of the embedded documentation in the www/ folder without
  @ allowing them to see the rest of the source code.
  @ (Property: "public-pages")
  @ </p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Allow users to register themselves",
                  "self-register", "selfreg", 0, 0);
  @ <p>Allow users to register themselves on the /register webpage.
  @ A self-registration creates a new entry in the USER table and
  @ perhaps also in the SUBSCRIBER table if email notification is
  @ enabled.
  @ (Property: "self-register")</p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Email verification required for self-registration",
                  "selfreg-verify", "sfverify", 0, 0);
  @ <p>If enabled, self-registration creates a new entry in the USER table
  @ with only capabilities "7".  The default user capabilities are not
  @ added until the email address associated with the self-registration
  @ has been verified. This setting only makes sense if
  @ email notifications are enabled.
  @ (Property: "selfreg-verify")</p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Allow anonymous subscriptions",
                  "anon-subscribe", "anonsub", 1, 0);
  @ <p>If disabled, email notification subscriptions are only allowed
  @ for users with a login.  If Nobody or Anonymous visit the /subscribe
  @ page, they are redirected to /register or /login.
  @ (Property: "anon-subscribe")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Authorized subscription email addresses", 35,
                  "auth-sub-email", "asemail", "", 0);
  @ <p>This is a comma-separated list of GLOB patterns that specify
  @ email addresses that are authorized to subscriptions.  If blank
  @ (the usual case), then any email address can be used to self-register.
  @ This setting is used to limit subscriptions to members of a particular
  @ organization or group based on their email address.
  @ (Property: "auth-sub-email")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Default privileges", 10, "default-perms",
                  "defaultperms", "u", 0);
  @ <p>Permissions given to users that... <ul><li>register themselves using
  @ the self-registration procedure (if enabled), or <li>access "public"
  @ pages identified by the public-pages glob pattern above, or <li>
  @ are users newly created by the administrator.</ul>
  @ <p>Recommended value: "u" for Reader.
  @ <a href="%R/setup_ucap_list">Capability Key</a>.
  @ (Property: "default-perms")
  @ </p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Show javascript button to fill in CAPTCHA",
                  "auto-captcha", "autocaptcha", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, a button appears on the login screen for user
  @ "anonymous" that will automatically fill in the CAPTCHA password.
  @ This is less secure than forcing the user to do it manually, but is
  @ probably secure enough and it is certainly more convenient for
  @ anonymous users.  (Property: "auto-captcha")</p>

  @ <hr />
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_login_group
** Change how the current repository participates in a login
** group.
void setup_login_group(void){
  const char *zGroup;
  char *zErrMsg = 0;
  Blob fullName;
  char *zSelfRepo;
  const char *zRepo = PD("repo", "");
  const char *zLogin = PD("login", "");
  const char *zPw = PD("pw", "");
  const char *zNewName = PD("newname", "New Login Group");

  if( !g.perm.Setup ){
  file_canonical_name(g.zRepositoryName, &fullName, 0);
  zSelfRepo = fossil_strdup(blob_str(&fullName));
  if( P("join")!=0 ){
    login_group_join(zRepo, 1, zLogin, zPw, zNewName, &zErrMsg);
  }else if( P("leave") ){
  style_header("Login Group Configuration");
  if( zErrMsg ){
    @ <p class="generalError">%s(zErrMsg)</p>
  zGroup = login_group_name();
  if( zGroup==0 ){
    @ <p>This repository (in the file named "%h(zSelfRepo)")
    @ is not currently part of any login-group.
    @ To join a login group, fill out the form below.</p>
    @ <form action="%R/setup_login_group" method="post"><div>
    @ <blockquote><table border="0">
    @ <tr><th align="right" id="rfigtj">Repository filename \
    @ in group to join:</th>
    @ <td width="5"></td><td>
    @ <input aria-labelledby="rfigtj" type="text" size="50" \
    @ value="%h(zRepo)" name="repo"></td></tr>
    @ <tr><th align="right" id="lotar">Login on the above repo:</th>
    @ <td width="5"></td><td>
    @ <input aria-labelledby="lotar" type="text" size="20" \
    @ value="%h(zLogin)" name="login"></td></tr>
    @ <tr><th align="right" id="lgpw">Password:</th>
    @ <td width="5"></td><td>
    @ <input aria-labelledby="lgpw" type="password" size="20" name="pw">\
    @ </td></tr>
    @ <tr><th align="right" id="nolg">Name of login-group:</th>
    @ <td width="5"></td><td>
    @ <input aria-labelledby="nolg" type="text" size="30" \
    @ value="%h(zNewName)" name="newname">
    @ (only used if creating a new login-group).</td></tr>
    @ <tr><td colspan="3" align="center">
    @ <input type="submit" value="Join" name="join"></td></tr>
    @ </table></blockquote></div></form>
    Stmt q;
    int n = 0;
    @ <p>This repository (in the file "%h(zSelfRepo)")
    @ is currently part of the "<b>%h(zGroup)</b>" login group.
    @ Other repositories in that group are:</p>
    @ <table border="0" cellspacing="4">
    @ <tr><td colspan="2"><th align="left">Project Name<td>
    @ <th align="left">Repository File</tr>
       "SELECT value,"
       "       (SELECT value FROM config"
       "         WHERE name=('peer-name-' || substr(,11)))"
       "  FROM config AS x"
       " WHERE name GLOB 'peer-repo-*'"
       " ORDER BY value"
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zRepo = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      const char *zTitle = db_column_text(&q, 1);
      @ <tr><td align="right">%d(n).</td><td width="4">
      @ <td>%h(zTitle)<td width="10"><td>%h(zRepo)</tr>
    @ </table>
    @ <p><form action="%R/setup_login_group" method="post"><div>
    @ To leave this login group press
    @ <input type="submit" value="Leave Login Group" name="leave">
    @ </form></p>
    @ <br />For best results, use the same number of <a href="setup_access#ipt">
    @ IP octets</a> in the login cookie across all repositories in the
    @ same Login Group.
    @ <hr /><h2>Implementation Details</h2>
    @ <p>The following are fields from the CONFIG table related to login-groups,
    @ provided here for instructional and debugging purposes:</p>
    @ <table border='1' class='sortable' data-column-types='ttt' \
    @ data-init-sort='1'>
    @ <thead><tr>
    @ <th>Config.Name<th>Config.Value<th>Config.mtime</tr>
    @ </thead><tbody>
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT name, value, datetime(mtime,'unixepoch') FROM config"
                   " WHERE name GLOB 'peer-*'"
                   "    OR name GLOB 'project-*'"
                   "    OR name GLOB 'login-group-*'"
                   " ORDER BY name");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      @ <tr><td>%h(db_column_text(&q,0))</td>
      @ <td>%h(db_column_text(&q,1))</td>
      @ <td>%h(db_column_text(&q,2))</td></tr>
    @ </tbody></table>

** WEBPAGE: setup_timeline
** Edit administrative settings controlling the display of
** timelines.
void setup_timeline(void){
  double tmDiff;
  char zTmDiff[20];
  static const char *const azTimeFormats[] = {
      "0", "HH:MM",
      "1", "HH:MM:SS",
      "2", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM",
      "3", "YYMMDD HH:MM",
      "4", "(off)"
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){

  style_header("Timeline Display Preferences");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_timeline" method="post"><div>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Allow block-markup in timeline",
                  "timeline-block-markup", "tbm", 0, 0);
  @ <p>In timeline displays, check-in comments can be displayed with or
  @ without block markup such as paragraphs, tables, etc.
  @ (Property: "timeline-block-markup")</p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Plaintext comments on timelines",
                  "timeline-plaintext", "tpt", 0, 0);
  @ <p>In timeline displays, check-in comments are displayed literally,
  @ without any wiki or HTML interpretation.  Use CSS to change
  @ display formatting features such as fonts and line-wrapping behavior.
  @ (Property: "timeline-plaintext")</p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Truncate comment at first blank line (Git-style)",
                  "timeline-truncate-at-blank", "ttb", 0, 0);
  @ <p>In timeline displays, check-in comments are displayed only through
  @ the first blank line.  This is the traditional way to display comments
  @ in Git repositories (Property: "timeline-truncate-at-blank")</p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Break comments at newline characters",
                  "timeline-hard-newlines", "thnl", 0, 0);
  @ <p>In timeline displays, newline characters in check-in comments force
  @ a line break on the display.
  @ (Property: "timeline-hard-newlines")</p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Use Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)",
                  "timeline-utc", "utc", 1, 0);
  @ <p>Show times as UTC (also sometimes called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or
  @ Zulu) instead of in local time.  On this server, local time is currently
  tmDiff = db_double(0.0, "SELECT julianday('now')");
  tmDiff = db_double(0.0,
        "SELECT (julianday(%.17g,'localtime')-julianday(%.17g))*24.0",
        tmDiff, tmDiff);
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zTmDiff), zTmDiff, "%.1f", tmDiff);
  if( strcmp(zTmDiff, "0.0")==0 ){
    @ the same as UTC and so this setting will make no difference in
    @ the display.</p>
  }else if( tmDiff<0.0 ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zTmDiff), zTmDiff, "%.1f", -tmDiff);
    @ %s(zTmDiff) hours behind UTC.</p>
    @ %s(zTmDiff) hours ahead of UTC.</p>
  @ <p>(Property: "timeline-utc")

  @ <hr />
  multiple_choice_attribute("Style", "timeline-default-style",
            "tdss", "0", N_TIMELINE_VIEW_STYLE, timeline_view_styles);
  @ <p>The default timeline viewing style, for when the user has not
  @ specified an alternative.  (Property: "timeline-default-style")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Default Number Of Rows", 6, "timeline-default-length",
                  "tldl", "50", 0);
  @ <p>The maximum number of rows to show on a timeline in the absence
  @ of a user display preference cookie setting or an explicit n= query
  @ parameter.  (Property: "timeline-default-length")</p>

  @ <hr />
  multiple_choice_attribute("Per-Item Time Format", "timeline-date-format",
            "tdf", "0", count(azTimeFormats)/2, azTimeFormats);
  @ <p>If the "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" format is selected, then the date is shown
  @ in a separate box (using CSS class "timelineDate") whenever the date
  @ changes.  With the "YYYY-MM-DD&nbsp;HH:MM" and "YYMMDD ..." formats,
  @ the complete date and time is shown on every timeline entry using the
  @ CSS class "timelineTime". (Property: "timeline-date-format")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Max timeline comment length", 6,
                  "timeline-max-comment", "tmc", "0", 0);
  @ <p>The maximum length of a comment to be displayed in a timeline.
  @ "0" there is no length limit.
  @ (Property: "timeline-max-comment")</p>

  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Tooltip dwell time (milliseconds)", 6,
                  "timeline-dwelltime", "tdt", "100", 0);
  @ <br>
  entry_attribute("Tooltip close time (milliseconds)", 6,
                  "timeline-closetime", "tct", "250", 0);
  @ <p>The <strong>dwell time</strong> defines how long the mouse pointer
  @ should be stationary above an object of the graph before a tooltip
  @ appears.<br>
  @ The <strong>close time</strong> defines how long the mouse pointer
  @ can be away from an object before a tooltip is closed.</p>
  @ <p>Set <strong>dwell time</strong> to "0" to disable tooltips.<br>
  @ Set <strong>close time</strong> to "0" to keep tooltips visible until
  @ the mouse is clicked elsewhere.<p>
  @ <p>(Properties: "timeline-dwelltime", "timeline-closetime")</p>

  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Timestamp hyperlinks to /info",
                  "timeline-tslink-info", "ttlti", 0, 0);
  @ <p>The hyperlink on the timestamp associated with each timeline entry,
  @ on the far left-hand side of the screen, normally targets another
  @ /timeline page that shows the entry in context.  However, if this
  @ option is turned on, that hyperlink targets the /info page showing
  @ the details of the entry.
  @ <p>The /timeline link is the default since it is often useful to
  @ see an entry in context, and because that link is not otherwise
  @ accessible on the timeline.  The /info link is also accessible by
  @ double-clicking the timeline node or by clicking on the hash that
  @ follows "check-in:" in the supplemental information section on the
  @ right of the entry.
  @ <p>(Properties: "timeline-tslink-info")

  @ <hr />
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_settings
** Change or view miscellaneous settings.  Part of the
** /setup pages requiring Setup privileges.
void setup_settings(void){
  int nSetting;
  int i;
  Setting const *pSet;
  const Setting *aSetting = setting_info(&nSetting);

  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

    /* Provide read-only access to versioned settings,
       but only if no repo file was explicitly provided. */
  @ <p>Settings marked with (v) are "versionable" and will be overridden
  @ by the contents of managed files named
  @ "<tt>.fossil-settings/</tt><i>SETTING-NAME</i>".
  @ If the file for a versionable setting exists, the value cannot be
  @ changed on this screen.</p><hr /><p>
  @ <form action="%R/setup_settings" method="post"><div>
  @ <table border="0"><tr><td valign="top">
  for(i=0, pSet=aSetting; i<nSetting; i++, pSet++){
    if( pSet->width==0 ){
      int hasVersionableValue = pSet->versionable &&
          (db_get_versioned(pSet->name, NULL)!=0);
      onoff_attribute("", pSet->name,
                      pSet->var!=0 ? pSet->var : pSet->name,
                      is_truth(pSet->def), hasVersionableValue);
      @ <a href='%R/help?cmd=%s(pSet->name)'>%h(pSet->name)</a>
      if( pSet->versionable ){
        @  (v)<br />
      } else {
        @ <br />
  @ <br /><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" />
  @ </td><td style="width:50px;"></td><td valign="top">
  @ <table>
  for(i=0, pSet=aSetting; i<nSetting; i++, pSet++){
    if( pSet->width>0 && !pSet->forceTextArea ){
      int hasVersionableValue = pSet->versionable &&
          (db_get_versioned(pSet->name, NULL)!=0);
      @ <tr><td>
      @ <a href='%R/help?cmd=%s(pSet->name)'>%h(pSet->name)</a>
      if( pSet->versionable ){
        @  (v)
      } else {
      entry_attribute("", /*pSet->width*/ 25, pSet->name,
                      pSet->var!=0 ? pSet->var : pSet->name,
                      (char*)pSet->def, hasVersionableValue);
  @ </td><td style="width:50px;"></td><td valign="top">
  for(i=0, pSet=aSetting; i<nSetting; i++, pSet++){
    if( pSet->width>0 && pSet->forceTextArea ){
      int hasVersionableValue = db_get_versioned(pSet->name, NULL)!=0;
      @ <a href='%R/help?cmd=%s(pSet->name)'>%s(pSet->name)</a>
      if( pSet->versionable ){
        @  (v)<br />
      } else {
        @ <br />
      textarea_attribute("", /*rows*/ 2, /*cols*/ 35, pSet->name,
                      pSet->var!=0 ? pSet->var : pSet->name,
                      (char*)pSet->def, hasVersionableValue);
      @<br />
  @ </td></tr></table>
  @ </div></form>

** SETTING:  mainmenu          width=70 block-text
** The mainmenu setting specifies the entries on the main menu
** for many skins.  The mainmenu should be a TCL list.  Each set
** of four consecutive values defines a single main menu item:
**   *   The first term is text that appears on the menu.
**   *   The second term is a hyperlink to take when a user clicks on the
**       entry.  Hyperlinks that start with "/" are relative to the
**       repository root.
**   *   The third term is an argument to the TH1 "capexpr" command.
**       If capexpr evalutes to true, then the entry is shown.  If not,
**       the entry is omitted.  "*" is always true.  "{}" is never true.
**   *   The fourth term is a list of extra class names to apply to the new
**       menu entry.  Some skins will classes "desktoponly" and "wideonly"
**       to only show the entries when the web browser screen is wide or
**       very wide, respectively.
** Some custom skins might not use this property.  Whether the property
** is used or not a choice made by the skin designer.  Some skins may add
** extra choices (such as the hamburger button) to the menu.
** SETTING: sitemap-extra      width=70 block-text
** The sitemap-extra setting defines extra links to appear on the
** /sitemap web page as sub-items of the "Home Page" entry before the
** "Documentation Search" entry (if any).  For skins that use the /sitemap
** page to construct a hamburger menu dropdown, new entries added here
** will appear on the hamburger menu.
** This setting should be a TCL list divided into triples.  Each
** triple defines a new entry:
**   *   The first term is the display name of the /sitemap entry
**   *   The second term is a hyperlink to take when a user clicks on the
**       entry.  Hyperlinks that start with "/" are relative to the
**       repository root.
**   *   The third term is an argument to the TH1 "capexpr" command.
**       If capexpr evalutes to true, then the entry is shown.  If not,
**       the entry is omitted.  "*" is always true.
** The default value is blank, meaning no added entries.

** WEBPAGE: setup_config
** The "Admin/Configuration" page.  Requires Setup privilege.
void setup_config(void){
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

  style_header("WWW Configuration");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_config" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Project Name", 60, "project-name", "pn", "", 0);
  @ <p>A brief project name so visitors know what this site is about.
  @ The project name will also be used as the RSS feed title.
  @ (Property: "project-name")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr />
  textarea_attribute("Project Description", 3, 80,
                     "project-description", "pd", "", 0);
  @ <p>Describe your project. This will be used in page headers for search
  @ engines as well as a short RSS description.
  @ (Property: "project-description")</p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Tarball and ZIP-archive Prefix", 20, "short-project-name",
                  "spn", "", 0);
  @ <p>This is used as a prefix on the names of generated tarballs and
  @ ZIP archive. For best results, keep this prefix brief and avoid special
  @ characters such as "/" and "\".
  @ If no tarball prefix is specified, then the full Project Name above is used.
  @ (Property: "short-project-name")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Download Tag", 20, "download-tag", "dlt", "trunk", 0);
  @ <p>The <a href='%R/download'>/download</a> page is designed to provide
  @ a convenient place for newbies
  @ to download a ZIP archive or a tarball of the project.  By default,
  @ the latest trunk check-in is downloaded.  Change this tag to something
  @ else (ex: release) to alter the behavior of the /download page.
  @ (Property: "download-tag")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Index Page", 60, "index-page", "idxpg", "/home", 0);
  @ <p>Enter the pathname of the page to display when the "Home" menu
  @ option is selected and when no pathname is
  @ specified in the URL.  For example, if you visit the url:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p>%h(g.zBaseURL)</p></blockquote>
  @ <p>And you have specified an index page of "/home" the above will
  @ automatically redirect to:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p>%h(g.zBaseURL)/home</p></blockquote>
  @ <p>The default "/home" page displays a Wiki page with the same name
  @ as the Project Name specified above.  Some sites prefer to redirect
  @ to a documentation page (ex: "/doc/trunk/") or to "/timeline".</p>
  @ <p>Note:  To avoid a redirect loop or other problems, this entry must
  @ begin with "/" and it must specify a valid page.  For example,
  @ "<b>/home</b>" will work but "<b>home</b>" will not, since it omits the
  @ leading "/".</p>
  @ <p>(Property: "index-page")
  @ <hr>
  @ <p>The main menu for the web interface
  @ <p>
  @ <p>This setting should be a TCL list.  Each set of four consecutive
  @ values defines a single main menu item:
  @ <ol>
  @ <li> The first term is text that appears on the menu.
  @ <li> The second term is a hyperlink to take when a user clicks on the
  @      entry.  Hyperlinks that start with "/" are relative to the
  @      repository root.
  @ <li> The third term is an argument to the TH1 "capexpr" command.
  @      If capexpr evalutes to true, then the entry is shown.  If not,
  @      the entry is omitted.  "*" is always true.  "{}" is never true.
  @ <li> The fourth term is a list of extra class names to apply to the new
  @      menu entry.  Some skins will classes "desktoponly" and "wideonly"
  @      to only show the entries when the web browser screen is wide or
  @      very wide, respectively.
  @ </ol>
  @ <p>Some custom skins might not use this property. Whether the property
  @ is used or not a choice made by the skin designer. Some skins may add extra
  @ choices (such as the hamburger button) to the menu that are not shown
  @ on this list. (Property: mainmenu)
  @ <p>
    db_unset("mainmenu", 0);
  textarea_attribute("Main Menu", 12, 80, 
      "mainmenu", "mmenu", style_default_mainmenu(), 0);
  @ </p>
  @ <p><input type='checkbox' id='cbResetMenu' name='resetMenu' value='1'>
  @ <label for='cbResetMenu'>Reset menu to default value</label>
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  @ <p>Extra links to appear on the <a href="%R/sitemap">/sitemap</a> page,
  @ as sub-items of the "Home Page" entry, appearing before the
  @ "Documentation Search" entry (if any).  In skins that use the /sitemap
  @ page to construct a hamburger menu dropdown, new entries added here
  @ will appear on the hamburger menu.
  @ <p>This setting should be a TCL list divided into triples.  Each
  @ triple defines a new entry:
  @ <ol>
  @ <li> The first term is the display name of the /sitemap entry
  @ <li> The second term is a hyperlink to take when a user clicks on the
  @      entry.  Hyperlinks that start with "/" are relative to the
  @      repository root.
  @ <li> The third term is an argument to the TH1 "capexpr" command.
  @      If capexpr evalutes to true, then the entry is shown.  If not,
  @      the entry is omitted.  "*" is always true.
  @ </ol>
  @ <p>The default value is blank, meaning no added entries.
  @ (Property: sitemap-extra)
  @ <p>
  textarea_attribute("Custom Sitemap Entries", 8, 80, 
      "sitemap-extra", "smextra", "", 0);
  @ <hr />
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_wiki
** The "Admin/Wiki" page.  Requires Setup privilege.
void setup_wiki(void){
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

  style_header("Wiki Configuration");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_wiki" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Associate Wiki Pages With Branches, Tags, or Checkins",
                  "wiki-about", "wiki-about", 1, 0);
  @ <p>
  @ Associate wiki pages with branches, tags, or checkins, based on
  @ the wiki page name.  Wiki pages that begin with "branch/", "checkin/"
  @ or "tag/" and which continue with the name of an existing branch, checkin
  @ or tag are treated specially when this feature is enabled.
  @ <ul>
  @ <li> <b>branch/</b><i>branch-name</i>
  @ <li> <b>checkin/</b><i>full-checkin-hash</i>
  @ <li> <b>tag/</b><i>tag-name</i>
  @ </ul>
  @ (Property: "wiki-about")</p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Allow Unsafe HTML In Markdown", 6,
                  "safe-html", "safe-html", "", 0);
  @ <p>Allow "unsafe" HTML (ex: &lt;script&gt;, &lt;form&gt;, etc) to be
  @ generated by <a href="%R/md_rules">Markdown-formatted</a> documents.
  @ This setting is a string where each character indicates a "type" of
  @ document in which to allow unsafe HTML:
  @ <ul>
  @ <li> <b>b</b> &rarr; checked-in files, embedded documentation
  @ <li> <b>f</b> &rarr; forum posts
  @ <li> <b>t</b> &rarr; tickets
  @ <li> <b>w</b> &rarr; wiki pages
  @ </ul>
  @ Include letters for each type of document for which unsafe HTML should
  @ be allowed.  For example, to allow unsafe HTML only for checked-in files,
  @ make this setting be just "<b>b</b>".  To allow unsafe HTML anywhere except
  @ in forum posts, make this setting be "<b>btw</b>".  The default is an
  @ empty string which means that Fossil never allows Markdown documents
  @ to generate unsafe HTML.
  @ (Property: "safe-html")</p>
  @ <hr />
  @ The current interwiki tag map is as follows:
  @ <p>Visit <a href="./intermap">%R/intermap</a> for details or to
  @ modify the interwiki tag map.
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Use HTML as wiki markup language",
    "wiki-use-html", "wiki-use-html", 0, 0);
  @ <p>Use HTML as the wiki markup language. Wiki links will still be parsed
  @ but all other wiki formatting will be ignored.</p>
  @ <p><strong>CAUTION:</strong> when
  @ enabling, <i>all</i> HTML tags and attributes are accepted in the wiki.
  @ No sanitization is done. This means that it is very possible for malicious
  @ users to inject dangerous HTML, CSS and JavaScript code into your wiki.</p>
  @ <p>This should <strong>only</strong> be enabled when wiki editing is limited
  @ to trusted users. It should <strong>not</strong> be used on a publicly
  @ editable wiki.</p>
  @ (Property: "wiki-use-html")
  @ <hr />
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_chat
** The "Admin/Chat" page.  Requires Setup privilege.
void setup_chat(void){
  static const char *const azAlerts[] = {
    "alerts/plunk.wav",  "Plunk",
    "alerts/bflat3.wav", "Tone-1",
    "alerts/bflat2.wav", "Tone-2",
    "alerts/bloop.wav",  "Bloop",

  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

  style_header("Chat Configuration");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_chat" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Initial Chat History Size", 10,
                  "chat-initial-history", "chatih", "50", 0);
  @ <p>When /chat first starts up, it preloads up to this many historical
  @ messages.
  @ (Property: "chat-initial-history")</p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Minimum Number Of Historical Messages To Retain", 10,
                  "chat-keep-count", "chatkc", "50", 0);
  @ <p>The chat subsystem purges older messages.  But it will always retain
  @ the N most recent messages where N is the value of this setting.
  @ (Property: "chat-keep-count")</p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Maximum Message Age In Days", 10,
                  "chat-keep-days", "chatkd", "7", 0);
  @ <p>Chat message are removed after N days, where N is the value of
  @ this setting.  N may be fractional.  So, for example, to only keep
  @ an historical record of chat messages for 12 hours, set this value
  @ to 0.5.
  @ (Property: "chat-keep-days")</p>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Chat Polling Timeout", 10,
                  "chat-poll-timeout", "chatpt", "420", 0);
  @ <p>New chat content is downloaded using the "long poll" technique.
  @ HTTP requests are made to /chat-poll which blocks waiting on new
  @ content to arrive.  But the /chat-poll cannot block forever.  It
  @ eventual must give up and return an empty message set.  This setting
  @ determines how long /chat-poll will wait before giving up.  The
  @ default setting of approximately 7 minutes works well on many systems.
  @ Shorter delays might be required on installations that use proxies
  @ or web-servers with short timeouts.  For best efficiency, this value
  @ should be larger rather than smaller.
  @ (Property: "chat-poll-timeout")</p>
  @ <hr />

  multiple_choice_attribute("Alert sound",
     "chat-alert-sound", "snd", azAlerts[0],
     count(azAlerts)/2, azAlerts);
  @ <p>The sound used in the client-side chat to indicate that a new
  @ chat message has arrived.
  @ (Property: "chat-alert-sound")</p>
  @ <hr/>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ </div></form>
  @ <script nonce="%h(style_nonce())">
  @ (function(){
  @   var w = document.getElementById('idsnd');
  @   w.onchange = function(){
  @     var audio = new Audio('%s(g.zBaseURL)/builtin/' + w.value);
  @     audio.currentTime = 0;
  @   }
  @ })();
  @ </script>

** WEBPAGE: setup_modreq
** Admin page for setting up moderation of tickets and wiki.
void setup_modreq(void){
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){

  style_header("Moderator For Wiki And Tickets");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_modreq" method="post"><div>
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Moderate ticket changes",
     "modreq-tkt", "modreq-tkt", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, any change to tickets is subject to the approval
  @ by a ticket moderator - a user with the "q" or Mod-Tkt privilege.
  @ Ticket changes enter the system and are shown locally, but are not
  @ synced until they are approved.  The moderator has the option to
  @ delete the change rather than approve it.  Ticket changes made by
  @ a user who has the Mod-Tkt privilege are never subject to
  @ moderation. (Property: "modreq-tkt")
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Moderate wiki changes",
     "modreq-wiki", "modreq-wiki", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, any change to wiki is subject to the approval
  @ by a wiki moderator - a user with the "l" or Mod-Wiki privilege.
  @ Wiki changes enter the system and are shown locally, but are not
  @ synced until they are approved.  The moderator has the option to
  @ delete the change rather than approve it.  Wiki changes made by
  @ a user who has the Mod-Wiki privilege are never subject to
  @ moderation. (Property: "modreq-wiki")
  @ </p>

  @ <hr />
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ </div></form>


** WEBPAGE: setup_adunit
** Administrative page for configuring and controlling ad units
** and how they are displayed.
void setup_adunit(void){
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  if( P("clear")!=0 && cgi_csrf_safe(1) ){
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'adunit*'");

  style_header("Edit Ad Unit");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_adunit" method="post"><div>
  @ <b>Banner Ad-Unit:</b><br />
 textarea_attribute("", 6, 80, "adunit", "adunit", "", 0);
  @ <br />
  @ <b>Right-Column Ad-Unit:</b><br />
  textarea_attribute("", 6, 80, "adunit-right", "adright", "", 0);
  @ <br />
  onoff_attribute("Omit ads to administrator",
     "adunit-omit-if-admin", "oia", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  onoff_attribute("Omit ads to logged-in users",
     "adunit-omit-if-user", "oiu", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  onoff_attribute("Temporarily disable all ads",
     "adunit-disable", "oall", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  @ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Apply Changes" />
  @ <input type="submit" name="clear" value="Delete Ad-Unit" />
  @ </div></form>
  @ <hr />
  @ <b>Ad-Unit Notes:</b><ul>
  @ <li>Leave both Ad-Units blank to disable all advertising.
  @ <li>The "Banner Ad-Unit" is used for wide pages.
  @ <li>The "Right-Column Ad-Unit" is used on pages with tall, narrow content.
  @ <li>If the "Right-Column Ad-Unit" is blank, the "Banner Ad-Unit" is
  @     used on all pages.
  @ <li>Properties: "adunit", "adunit-right", "adunit-omit-if-admin", and
  @     "adunit-omit-if-user".
  @ <li>Suggested <a href="setup_skinedit?w=0">CSS</a> changes:
  @ <blockquote><pre>
  @ div.adunit_banner {
  @   margin: auto;
  @   width: 100%%;
  @ }
  @ div.adunit_right {
  @   float: right;
  @ }
  @ div.adunit_right_container {
  @   min-height: <i>height-of-right-column-ad-unit</i>;
  @ }
  @ </pre></blockquote>
  @ <li>For a place-holder Ad-Unit for testing, Copy/Paste the following
  @ with appropriate adjustments to "width:" and "height:".
  @ <blockquote><pre>
  @ &lt;div style='
  @   margin: 0 auto;
  @   width: 600px;
  @   height: 90px;
  @   border: 1px solid #f11;
  @   background-color: #fcc;
  @ '&gt;Demo Ad&lt;/div&gt;
  @ </pre></blockquote>
  @ </li>

** WEBPAGE: setup_logo
** Administrative page for changing the logo, background, and icon images.
void setup_logo(void){
  const char *zLogoMtime = db_get_mtime("logo-image", 0, 0);
  const char *zLogoMime = db_get("logo-mimetype","image/gif");
  const char *aLogoImg = P("logoim");
  int szLogoImg = atoi(PD("logoim:bytes","0"));
  const char *zBgMtime = db_get_mtime("background-image", 0, 0);
  const char *zBgMime = db_get("background-mimetype","image/gif");
  const char *aBgImg = P("bgim");
  int szBgImg = atoi(PD("bgim:bytes","0"));
  const char *zIconMtime = db_get_mtime("icon-image", 0, 0);
  const char *zIconMime = db_get("icon-mimetype","image/gif");
  const char *aIconImg = P("iconim");
  int szIconImg = atoi(PD("iconim:bytes","0"));
  if( szLogoImg>0 ){
    zLogoMime = PD("logoim:mimetype","image/gif");
  if( szBgImg>0 ){
    zBgMime = PD("bgim:mimetype","image/gif");
  if( szIconImg>0 ){
    zIconMime = PD("iconim:mimetype","image/gif");
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  if( !cgi_csrf_safe(1) ){
    /* Allow no state changes if not safe from CSRF */
  }else if( P("setlogo")!=0 && zLogoMime && zLogoMime[0] && szLogoImg>0 ){
    Blob img;
    Stmt ins;
    blob_init(&img, aLogoImg, szLogoImg);
        "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
        " VALUES('logo-image',:bytes,now())"
    db_bind_blob(&ins, ":bytes", &img);
       "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('logo-mimetype',%Q,now())",
  }else if( P("clrlogo")!=0 ){
       "DELETE FROM config WHERE name IN "
  }else if( P("setbg")!=0 && zBgMime && zBgMime[0] && szBgImg>0 ){
    Blob img;
    Stmt ins;
    blob_init(&img, aBgImg, szBgImg);
        "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
        " VALUES('background-image',:bytes,now())"
    db_bind_blob(&ins, ":bytes", &img);
       "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
       " VALUES('background-mimetype',%Q,now())",
  }else if( P("clrbg")!=0 ){
       "DELETE FROM config WHERE name IN "
  }else if( P("seticon")!=0 && zIconMime && zIconMime[0] && szIconImg>0 ){
    Blob img;
    Stmt ins;
    blob_init(&img, aIconImg, szIconImg);
        "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
        " VALUES('icon-image',:bytes,now())"
    db_bind_blob(&ins, ":bytes", &img);
       "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
       " VALUES('icon-mimetype',%Q,now())",
  }else if( P("clricon")!=0 ){
       "DELETE FROM config WHERE name IN "
  style_header("Edit Project Logo And Background");
  @ <p>The current project logo has a MIME-Type of <b>%h(zLogoMime)</b>
  @ and looks like this:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p><img src="%R/logo/%z(zLogoMtime)" \
  @ alt="logo" border="1" />
  @ </p></blockquote>
  @ <form action="%R/setup_logo" method="post"
  @  enctype="multipart/form-data"><div>
  @ <p>The logo is accessible to all users at this URL:
  @ <a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/logo">%s(g.zBaseURL)/logo</a>.
  @ The logo may or may not appear on each
  @ page depending on the <a href="setup_skinedit?w=0">CSS</a> and
  @ <a href="setup_skinedit?w=2">header setup</a>.
  @ To change the logo image, use the following form:</p>
  @ Logo Image file:
  @ <input type="file" name="logoim" size="60" accept="image/*" />
  @ <p align="center">
  @ <input type="submit" name="setlogo" value="Change Logo" />
  @ <input type="submit" name="clrlogo" value="Revert To Default" /></p>
  @ <p>(Properties: "logo-image" and "logo-mimetype")
  @ </div></form>
  @ <hr />
  @ <p>The current background image has a MIME-Type of <b>%h(zBgMime)</b>
  @ and looks like this:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p><img src="%R/background/%z(zBgMtime)" \
  @ alt="background" border=1 />
  @ </p></blockquote>
  @ <form action="%R/setup_logo" method="post"
  @  enctype="multipart/form-data"><div>
  @ <p>The background image is accessible to all users at this URL:
  @ <a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/background">%s(g.zBaseURL)/background</a>.
  @ The background image may or may not appear on each
  @ page depending on the <a href="setup_skinedit?w=0">CSS</a> and
  @ <a href="setup_skinedit?w=2">header setup</a>.
  @ To change the background image, use the following form:</p>
  @ Background image file:
  @ <input type="file" name="bgim" size="60" accept="image/*" />
  @ <p align="center">
  @ <input type="submit" name="setbg" value="Change Background" />
  @ <input type="submit" name="clrbg" value="Revert To Default" /></p>
  @ </div></form>
  @ <p>(Properties: "background-image" and "background-mimetype")
  @ <hr />
  @ <p>The current icon image has a MIME-Type of <b>%h(zIconMime)</b>
  @ and looks like this:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p><img src="%R/favicon.ico/%z(zIconMtime)" \
  @ alt="icon" border=1 />
  @ </p></blockquote>
  @ <form action="%R/setup_logo" method="post"
  @  enctype="multipart/form-data"><div>
  @ <p>The icon image is accessible to all users at this URL:
  @ <a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/favicon.ico">%s(g.zBaseURL)/favicon.ico</a>.
  @ The icon image may or may not appear on each
  @ page depending on the web browser in use and the MIME-Types that it
  @ supports for icon images.
  @ To change the icon image, use the following form:</p>
  @ Icon image file:
  @ <input type="file" name="iconim" size="60" accept="image/*" />
  @ <p align="center">
  @ <input type="submit" name="seticon" value="Change Icon" />
  @ <input type="submit" name="clricon" value="Revert To Default" /></p>
  @ </div></form>
  @ <p>(Properties: "icon-image" and "icon-mimetype")
  @ <hr />
  @ <p><span class="note">Note:</span>  Your browser has probably cached these
  @ images, so you may need to press the Reload button before changes will
  @ take effect. </p>

** Prevent the RAW SQL feature from being used to ATTACH a different
** database and query it.
** Actually, the RAW SQL feature only does a single statement per request.
** So it is not possible to ATTACH and then do a separate query.  This
** routine is not strictly necessary, therefore.  But it does not hurt
** to be paranoid.
int raw_sql_query_authorizer(
  void *pError,
  int code,
  const char *zArg1,
  const char *zArg2,
  const char *zArg3,
  const char *zArg4
  if( code==SQLITE_ATTACH ){
    return SQLITE_DENY;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** WEBPAGE: admin_sql
** Run raw SQL commands against the database file using the web interface.
** Requires Setup privileges.
void sql_page(void){
  const char *zQ;
  int go = P("go")!=0;
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){
  zQ = cgi_csrf_safe(1) ? P("q") : 0;
  style_header("Raw SQL Commands");
  @ <p><b>Caution:</b> There are no restrictions on the SQL that can be
  @ run by this page.  You can do serious and irrepairable damage to the
  @ repository.  Proceed with extreme caution.</p>
#if 0
  @ <p>Only the first statement in the entry box will be run.
  @ Any subsequent statements will be silently ignored.</p>
  @ <p>Database names:<ul><li>repository
  if( g.zConfigDbName ){
    @ <li>configdb
  if( g.localOpen ){
    @ <li>localdb
  @ </ul></p>

  if( P("configtab") ){
    /* If the user presses the "CONFIG Table Query" button, populate the
    ** query text with a pre-packaged query against the CONFIG table */
    zQ = "SELECT\n"
         " CASE WHEN length(name)<50 THEN name ELSE printf('%.50s...',name)"
         "  END AS name,\n"
         " CASE WHEN typeof(value)<>'blob' AND length(value)<80 THEN value\n"
         "           ELSE '...' END AS value,\n"
         " datetime(mtime, 'unixepoch') AS mtime\n"
         "FROM config\n"
         "-- ORDER BY mtime DESC; -- optional";
     go = 1;
  @ <form method="post" action="%R/admin_sql">
  @ SQL:<br />
  @ <textarea name="q" rows="8" cols="80">%h(zQ)</textarea><br />
  @ <input type="submit" name="go" value="Run SQL">
  @ <input type="submit" name="schema" value="Show Schema">
  @ <input type="submit" name="tablelist" value="List Tables">
  @ <input type="submit" name="configtab" value="CONFIG Table Query">
  @ </form>
  if( P("schema") ){
    zQ = sqlite3_mprintf(
            "SELECT sql FROM repository.sqlite_schema"
            " WHERE sql IS NOT NULL ORDER BY name");
    go = 1;
  }else if( P("tablelist") ){
    zQ = sqlite3_mprintf(
            "SELECT name FROM repository.sqlite_schema WHERE type='table'"
            " ORDER BY name");
    go = 1;
  if( go ){
    sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
    int rc;
    const char *zTail;
    int nCol;
    int nRow = 0;
    int i;
    @ <hr />
    sqlite3_set_authorizer(g.db, raw_sql_query_authorizer, 0);
    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, zQ, -1, &pStmt, &zTail);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      @ <div class="generalError">%h(sqlite3_errmsg(g.db))</div>
    }else if( pStmt==0 ){
      /* No-op */
    }else if( (nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt))==0 ){
      rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
      if( rc ){
        @ <div class="generalError">%h(sqlite3_errmsg(g.db))</div>
      @ <table border=1>
      while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        if( nRow==0 ){
          @ <tr>
          for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
            @ <th>%h(sqlite3_column_name(pStmt, i))</th>
          @ </tr>
        @ <tr>
        for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
          switch( sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, i) ){
            case SQLITE_INTEGER:
            case SQLITE_FLOAT: {
               @ <td align="right" valign="top">
               @ %s(sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, i))</td>
            case SQLITE_NULL: {
               @ <td valign="top" align="center"><i>NULL</i></td>
            case SQLITE_TEXT: {
               const char *zText = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, i);
               @ <td align="left" valign="top"
               @ style="white-space:pre;">%h(zText)</td>
            case SQLITE_BLOB: {
               @ <td valign="top" align="center">
               @ <i>%d(sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, i))-byte BLOB</i></td>
        @ </tr>
      @ </table>

** WEBPAGE: admin_th1
** Run raw TH1 commands using the web interface.  If Tcl integration was
** enabled at compile-time and the "tcl" setting is enabled, Tcl commands
** may be run as well.  Requires Admin privilege.
void th1_page(void){
  const char *zQ = P("q");
  int go = P("go")!=0;
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){
  style_header("Raw TH1 Commands");
  @ <p><b>Caution:</b> There are no restrictions on the TH1 that can be
  @ run by this page.  If Tcl integration was enabled at compile-time and
  @ the "tcl" setting is enabled, Tcl commands may be run as well.</p>
  @ <form method="post" action="%R/admin_th1">
  @ TH1:<br />
  @ <textarea name="q" rows="5" cols="80">%h(zQ)</textarea><br />
  @ <input type="submit" name="go" value="Run TH1">
  @ </form>
  if( go ){
    const char *zR;
    int rc;
    int n;
    @ <hr />
    rc = Th_Eval(g.interp, 0, zQ, -1);
    zR = Th_GetResult(g.interp, &n);
    if( rc==TH_OK ){
      @ <pre class="th1result">%h(zR)</pre>
      @ <pre class="th1error">%h(zR)</pre>

** WEBPAGE: admin_log
** Shows the contents of the admin_log table, which is only created if
** the admin-log setting is enabled. Requires Admin or Setup ('a' or
** 's') permissions.
void page_admin_log(){
  Stmt stLog;
  int limit;                 /* How many entries to show */
  int ofst;                  /* Offset to the first entry */
  int fLogEnabled;
  int counter = 0;
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  style_header("Admin Log");
  limit = atoi(PD("n","200"));
  ofst = atoi(PD("x","0"));
  fLogEnabled = db_get_boolean("admin-log", 0);
  @ <div>Admin logging is %s(fLogEnabled?"on":"off").
  @ (Change this on the <a href="setup_settings">settings</a> page.)</div>

  if( ofst>0 ){
    int prevx = ofst - limit;
    if( prevx<0 ) prevx = 0;
    @ <p><a href="admin_log?n=%d(limit)&x=%d(prevx)">[Newer]</a></p>
    "SELECT datetime(time,'unixepoch'), who, page, what "
    "FROM admin_log "
    "ORDER BY time DESC");
  @ <table class="sortable adminLogTable" width="100%%" \
  @  data-column-types='Tttx' data-init-sort='1'>
  @ <thead>
  @ <th>Time</th>
  @ <th>User</th>
  @ <th>Page</th>
  @ <th width="60%%">Message</th>
  @ </thead><tbody>
  while( SQLITE_ROW == db_step(&stLog) ){
    const char *zTime = db_column_text(&stLog, 0);
    const char *zUser = db_column_text(&stLog, 1);
    const char *zPage = db_column_text(&stLog, 2);
    const char *zMessage = db_column_text(&stLog, 3);
    if( counter<ofst ) continue;
    if( counter>ofst+limit ) break;
    @ <tr class="row%d(counter%2)">
    @ <td class="adminTime">%s(zTime)</td>
    @ <td>%s(zUser)</td>
    @ <td>%s(zPage)</td>
    @ <td>%h(zMessage)</td>
    @ </tr>
  @ </tbody></table>
  if( counter>ofst+limit ){
    @ <p><a href="admin_log?n=%d(limit)&x=%d(limit+ofst)">[Older]</a></p>

** WEBPAGE: srchsetup
** Configure the search engine.  Requires Admin privilege.
void page_srchsetup(){
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  style_header("Search Configuration");
  @ <form action="%R/srchsetup" method="post"><div>
  @ <div style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;">
  @ Server-specific settings that affect the
  @ <a href="%R/search">/search</a> webpage.
  @ </div>
  @ <hr />
  textarea_attribute("Document Glob List", 3, 35, "doc-glob", "dg", "", 0);
  @ <p>The "Document Glob List" is a comma- or newline-separated list
  @ of GLOB expressions that identify all documents within the source
  @ tree that are to be searched when "Document Search" is enabled.
  @ Some examples:
  @ <table border=0 cellpadding=2 align=center>
  @ <tr><td>*.wiki,*.html,*.md,*.txt<td style="width: 4x;">
  @ <td>Search all wiki, HTML, Markdown, and Text files</tr>
  @ <tr><td>doc/*.md,*/README.txt,README.txt<td>
  @ <td>Search all Markdown files in the doc/ subfolder and all README.txt
  @ files.</tr>
  @ <tr><td>*<td><td>Search all checked-in files</tr>
  @ <tr><td><i>(blank)</i><td>
  @ <td>Search nothing. (Disables document search).</tr>
  @ </table>
  @ <hr />
  entry_attribute("Document Branch", 20, "doc-branch", "db", "trunk", 0);
  @ <p>When searching documents, use the versions of the files found at the
  @ type of the "Document Branch" branch.  Recommended value: "trunk".
  @ Document search is disabled if blank.
  @ <hr />
  onoff_attribute("Search Check-in Comments", "search-ci", "sc", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  onoff_attribute("Search Documents", "search-doc", "sd", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  onoff_attribute("Search Tickets", "search-tkt", "st", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  onoff_attribute("Search Wiki", "search-wiki", "sw", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  onoff_attribute("Search Tech Notes", "search-technote", "se", 0, 0);
  @ <br />
  onoff_attribute("Search Forum", "search-forum", "sf", 0, 0);
  @ <hr />
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes" /></p>
  @ <hr />
  if( P("fts0") ){
  }else if( P("fts1") ){
  if( search_index_exists() ){
    @ <p>Currently using an SQLite FTS4 search index. This makes search
    @ run faster, especially on large repositories, but takes up space.</p>
    onoff_attribute("Use Porter Stemmer","search-stemmer","ss",0,0);
    @ <p><input type="submit" name="fts0" value="Delete The Full-Text Index">
    @ <input type="submit" name="fts1" value="Rebuild The Full-Text Index">
    style_submenu_element("FTS Index Debugging","%R/test-ftsdocs");
    @ <p>The SQLite FTS4 search index is disabled.  All searching will be
    @ a full-text scan.  This usually works fine, but can be slow for
    @ larger repositories.</p>
    onoff_attribute("Use Porter Stemmer","search-stemmer","ss",0,0);
    @ <p><input type="submit" name="fts1" value="Create A Full-Text Index">
  @ </div></form>

** A URL Alias originally called zOldName is now zNewName/zValue.
** Write SQL to make this change into pSql.
** If zNewName or zValue is an empty string, then delete the entry.
** If zOldName is an empty string, create a new entry.
static void setup_update_url_alias(
  Blob *pSql,
  const char *zOldName,
  const char *zNewName,
  const char *zValue
  if( !cgi_csrf_safe(1) ) return;
  if( zNewName[0]==0 || zValue[0]==0 ){
    if( zOldName[0] ){
        "DELETE FROM config WHERE name='walias:%q';\n",
  if( zOldName[0]==0 ){
      "INSERT INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('walias:%q',%Q,now());\n",
      zNewName, zValue);
  if( strcmp(zOldName, zNewName)!=0 ){
       "UPDATE config SET name='walias:%q', value=%Q, mtime=now()"
       " WHERE name='walias:%q';\n",
       zNewName, zValue, zOldName);
       "UPDATE config SET value=%Q, mtime=now()"
       " WHERE name='walias:%q' AND value<>%Q;\n",
       zValue, zOldName, zValue);

** WEBPAGE: waliassetup
** Configure the URL aliases
void page_waliassetup(){
  Stmt q;
  int cnt = 0;
  Blob namelist;
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  style_header("URL Alias Configuration");
  if( P("submit")!=0 ){
    Blob token;
    Blob sql;
    const char *zNewName;
    const char *zValue;
    char zCnt[10];
    blob_init(&namelist, PD("namelist",""), -1);
    blob_init(&sql, 0, 0);
    while( blob_token(&namelist, &token) ){
      const char *zOldName = blob_str(&token);
      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCnt), zCnt, "n%d", cnt);
      zNewName = PD(zCnt, "");
      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCnt), zCnt, "v%d", cnt);
      zValue = PD(zCnt, "");
      setup_update_url_alias(&sql, zOldName, zNewName, zValue);
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCnt), zCnt, "n%d", cnt);
    zNewName = PD(zCnt,"");
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCnt), zCnt, "v%d", cnt);
    zValue = PD(zCnt,"");
    setup_update_url_alias(&sql, "", zNewName, zValue);
    db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql));
    cnt = 0;
      "SELECT substr(name,8), value FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'walias:/*'"
      " UNION ALL SELECT '', ''"
  @ <form action="%R/waliassetup" method="post"><div>
  @ <table border=0 cellpadding=5>
  @ <tr><th>Alias<th>URI That The Alias Maps Into
  blob_init(&namelist, 0, 0);
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    const char *zValue = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    @ <tr><td>
    @ <input type='text' size='20' value='%h(zName)' name='n%d(cnt)'>
    @ </td><td>
    @ <input type='text' size='80' value='%h(zValue)' name='v%d(cnt)'>
    @ </td></tr>
    if( blob_size(&namelist)>0 ) blob_append(&namelist, " ", 1);
    blob_append(&namelist, zName, -1);
  @ <tr><td>
  @ <input type='hidden' name='namelist' value='%h(blob_str(&namelist))'>
  @ <input type='submit' name='submit' value="Apply Changes">
  @ </td><td></td></tr>
  @ </table></form>
  @ <hr>
  @ <p>When the first term of an incoming URL exactly matches one of
  @ the "Aliases" on the left-hand side (LHS) above, the URL is
  @ converted into the corresponding form on the right-hand side (RHS).
  @ <ul>
  @ <li><p>
  @ The LHS is compared against only the first term of the incoming URL.
  @ All LHS entries in the alias table should therefore begin with a
  @ single "/" followed by a single path element.
  @ <li><p>
  @ The RHS entries in the alias table should begin with a single "/"
  @ followed by a path element, and optionally followed by "?" and a
  @ list of query parameters.
  @ <li><p>
  @ Query parameters on the RHS are added to the set of query parameters
  @ in the incoming URL.
  @ <li><p>
  @ If the same query parameter appears in both the incoming URL and
  @ on the RHS of the alias, the RHS query parameter value overwrites
  @ the value on the incoming URL.
  @ <li><p>
  @ If a query parameter on the RHS of the alias is of the form "X!"
  @ (a name followed by "!") then the X query parameter is removed
  @ from the incoming URL if
  @ it exists.
  @ <li><p>
  @ Only a single alias operation occurs.  It is not possible to nest aliases.
  @ The RHS entries must be built-in webpage names.
  @ <li><p>
  @ The alias table is only checked if no built-in webpage matches
  @ the incoming URL.
  @ Hence, it is not possible to override a built-in webpage using aliases.
  @ This is by design.
  @ </ul>
  @ <p>To delete an entry from the alias table, change its name or value to an
  @ empty string and press "Apply Changes".
  @ <p>To add a new alias, fill in the name and value in the bottom row
  @ of the table above and press "Apply Changes".