/* ** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This file contains code to implement the timeline web page ** */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "timeline.h" /* ** The value of one second in julianday notation */ #define ONE_SECOND (1.0/86400.0) /* ** timeline mode options */ #define TIMELINE_MODE_NONE 0 #define TIMELINE_MODE_BEFORE 1 #define TIMELINE_MODE_AFTER 2 #define TIMELINE_MODE_CHILDREN 3 #define TIMELINE_MODE_PARENTS 4 /* ** Add an appropriate tag to the output if "rid" is unpublished (private) */ #define UNPUB_TAG "(unpublished)" void tag_private_status(int rid){ if( content_is_private(rid) ){ cgi_printf(" %s", UNPUB_TAG); } } /* ** Generate a hyperlink to a version. */ void hyperlink_to_version(const char *zVerHash){ if( g.perm.Hyperlink ){ @ %z(chref("timelineHistLink","%R/info/%!S",zVerHash))[%S(zVerHash)] }else{ @ [%S(zVerHash)] } } /* ** Generate a hyperlink to a date & time. */ void hyperlink_to_date(const char *zDate, const char *zSuffix){ if( zSuffix==0 ) zSuffix = ""; if( g.perm.Hyperlink ){ @ %z(href("%R/timeline?c=%T",zDate))%s(zDate)%s(zSuffix) }else{ @ %s(zDate)%s(zSuffix) } } /* ** Generate a hyperlink to a user. This will link to a timeline showing ** events by that user. If the date+time is specified, then the timeline ** is centered on that date+time. */ void hyperlink_to_user(const char *zU, const char *zD, const char *zSuf){ if( zU==0 || zU[0]==0 ) zU = "anonymous"; if( zSuf==0 ) zSuf = ""; if( g.perm.Hyperlink ){ if( zD && zD[0] ){ @ %z(href("%R/timeline?c=%T&u=%T&y=a",zD,zU))%h(zU)%s(zSuf) }else{ @ %z(href("%R/timeline?u=%T&y=a",zU))%h(zU)%s(zSuf) } }else{ @ %s(zU) } } /* ** Allowed flags for the tmFlags argument to www_print_timeline */ #if INTERFACE #define TIMELINE_ARTID 0x0000001 /* Show artifact IDs on non-check-in lines*/ #define TIMELINE_LEAFONLY 0x0000002 /* Show "Leaf" but not "Merge", "Fork" etc*/ #define TIMELINE_BRIEF 0x0000004 /* Combine adjacent elements of same obj */ #define TIMELINE_GRAPH 0x0000008 /* Compute a graph */ #define TIMELINE_DISJOINT 0x0000010 /* Elements are not contiguous */ #define TIMELINE_FCHANGES 0x0000020 /* Detail file changes */ #define TIMELINE_BRCOLOR 0x0000040 /* Background color by branch name */ #define TIMELINE_UCOLOR 0x0000080 /* Background color by user */ #define TIMELINE_FRENAMES 0x0000100 /* Detail only file name changes */ #define TIMELINE_UNHIDE 0x0000200 /* Unhide check-ins with "hidden" tag */ #define TIMELINE_SHOWRID 0x0000400 /* Show RID values in addition to hashes */ #define TIMELINE_BISECT 0x0000800 /* Show supplimental bisect information */ #define TIMELINE_COMPACT 0x0001000 /* Use the "compact" view style */ #define TIMELINE_VERBOSE 0x0002000 /* Use the "detailed" view style */ #define TIMELINE_MODERN 0x0004000 /* Use the "modern" view style */ #define TIMELINE_COLUMNAR 0x0008000 /* Use the "columns" view style */ #define TIMELINE_CLASSIC 0x0010000 /* Use the "classic" view style */ #define TIMELINE_VIEWS 0x001f000 /* Mask for all of the view styles */ #define TIMELINE_NOSCROLL 0x0100000 /* Don't scroll to the selection */ #define TIMELINE_FILEDIFF 0x0200000 /* Show File differences, not ckin diffs */ #define TIMELINE_CHPICK 0x0400000 /* Show cherrypick merges */ #define TIMELINE_FILLGAPS 0x0800000 /* Dotted lines for missing nodes */ #define TIMELINE_XMERGE 0x1000000 /* Omit merges from off-graph nodes */ #define TIMELINE_NOTKT 0x2000000 /* Omit extra ticket classes */ #define TIMELINE_FORUMTXT 0x4000000 /* Render all forum messages */ #define TIMELINE_REFS 0x8000000 /* Output intended for References tab */ #define TIMELINE_DELTA 0x10000000 /* Background color shows delta manifests */ #endif /* ** Hash a string and use the hash to determine a background color. */ char *hash_color(const char *z){ int i; /* Loop counter */ unsigned int h = 0; /* Hash on the branch name */ int r, g, b; /* Values for red, green, and blue */ int h1, h2, h3, h4; /* Elements of the hash value */ int mx, mn; /* Components of HSV */ static char zColor[10]; /* The resulting color */ static int ix[2] = {0,0}; /* Color chooser parameters */ if( ix[0]==0 ){ if( skin_detail_boolean("white-foreground") ){ ix[0] = 140; ix[1] = 40; }else{ ix[0] = 216; ix[1] = 16; } } for(i=0; z[i]; i++ ){ h = (h<<11) ^ (h<<1) ^ (h>>3) ^ z[i]; } h1 = h % 6; h /= 6; h3 = h % 30; h /= 30; h4 = h % 40; h /= 40; mx = ix[0] - h3; mn = mx - h4 - ix[1]; h2 = (h%(mx - mn)) + mn; switch( h1 ){ case 0: r = mx; g = h2, b = mn; break; case 1: r = h2; g = mx, b = mn; break; case 2: r = mn; g = mx, b = h2; break; case 3: r = mn; g = h2, b = mx; break; case 4: r = h2; g = mn, b = mx; break; default: r = mx; g = mn, b = h2; break; } sqlite3_snprintf(8, zColor, "#%02x%02x%02x", r,g,b); return zColor; } /* ** COMMAND: test-hash-color ** ** Usage: %fossil test-hash-color TAG ... ** ** Print out the color names associated with each tag. Used for ** testing the hash_color() function. */ void test_hash_color(void){ int i; for(i=2; i @ %h(zBr) - %s(hash_color(zBr)) - @ Omnes nos quasi oves erravimus unusquisque in viam @ suam declinavit.

cnt++; } } if( cnt ){ @
} @

Enter candidate branch names below and see them displayed in their @ default background colors above.

for(i=0; i<10; i++){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zNm),zNm,"b%d",i); zBr = P(zNm); @
} @ @
style_finish_page("test"); } /* ** Return a new timelineTable id. */ int timeline_tableid(void){ static int id = 0; return id++; } /* ** Return true if the checking identified by "rid" has a valid "closed" ** tag. */ static int has_closed_tag(int rid){ static Stmt q; int res = 0; db_static_prepare(&q, "SELECT 1 FROM tagxref WHERE rid=$rid AND tagid=%d AND tagtype>0", TAG_CLOSED); db_bind_int(&q, "$rid", rid); res = db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW; db_reset(&q); return res; } /* ** Output a timeline in the web format given a query. The query ** should return these columns: ** ** 0. rid ** 1. artifact hash ** 2. Date/Time ** 3. Comment string ** 4. User ** 5. True if is a leaf ** 6. background color ** 7. type ("ci", "w", "t", "e", "g", "f", "div") ** 8. list of symbolic tags. ** 9. tagid for ticket or wiki or event ** 10. Short comment to user for repeated tickets and wiki */ void www_print_timeline( Stmt *pQuery, /* Query to implement the timeline */ int tmFlags, /* Flags controlling display behavior */ const char *zThisUser, /* Suppress links to this user */ const char *zThisTag, /* Suppress links to this tag */ const char *zLeftBranch, /* Strive to put this branch on the left margin */ int selectedRid, /* Highlight the line with this RID value or zero */ int secondRid, /* Secondary highlight (or zero) */ void (*xExtra)(int) /* Routine to call on each line of display */ ){ int mxWikiLen; Blob comment; int prevTagid = 0; int suppressCnt = 0; char zPrevDate[20]; GraphContext *pGraph = 0; int prevWasDivider = 0; /* True if previous output row was
*/ int fchngQueryInit = 0; /* True if fchngQuery is initialized */ Stmt fchngQuery; /* Query for file changes on check-ins */ static Stmt qbranch; int pendingEndTr = 0; /* True if a is needed */ int vid = 0; /* Current checkout version */ int dateFormat = 0; /* 0: HH:MM (default) */ int bCommentGitStyle = 0; /* Only show comments through first blank line */ const char *zStyle; /* Sub-name for classes for the style */ const char *zDateFmt; int iTableId = timeline_tableid(); int bTimestampLinksToInfo; /* True if timestamp hyperlinks go to the /info ** page rather than the /timeline page */ if( cgi_is_loopback(g.zIpAddr) && db_open_local(0) ){ vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0); } zPrevDate[0] = 0; mxWikiLen = db_get_int("timeline-max-comment", 0); dateFormat = db_get_int("timeline-date-format", 0); bCommentGitStyle = db_get_int("timeline-truncate-at-blank", 0); bTimestampLinksToInfo = db_get_boolean("timeline-tslink-info", 0); if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_VIEWS)==0 ){ tmFlags |= timeline_ss_cookie(); } if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_COLUMNAR ){ zStyle = "Columnar"; }else if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_COMPACT ){ zStyle = "Compact"; }else if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_VERBOSE ){ zStyle = "Verbose"; }else if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_CLASSIC ){ zStyle = "Classic"; }else{ zStyle = "Modern"; } zDateFmt = P("datefmt"); if( zDateFmt ) dateFormat = atoi(zDateFmt); if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_GRAPH ){ pGraph = graph_init(); } db_static_prepare(&qbranch, "SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0 AND rid=:rid", TAG_BRANCH ); if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_CHPICK)!=0 && !db_table_exists("repository","cherrypick") ){ tmFlags &= ~TIMELINE_CHPICK; } @ \ @ blob_zero(&comment); while( db_step(pQuery)==SQLITE_ROW ){ int rid = db_column_int(pQuery, 0); const char *zUuid = db_column_text(pQuery, 1); int isLeaf = db_column_int(pQuery, 5); const char *zBgClr = db_column_text(pQuery, 6); const char *zDate = db_column_text(pQuery, 2); const char *zType = db_column_text(pQuery, 7); const char *zUser = db_column_text(pQuery, 4); const char *zTagList = db_column_text(pQuery, 8); int tagid = db_column_int(pQuery, 9); const char *zDispUser = zUser && zUser[0] ? zUser : "anonymous"; const char *zBr = 0; /* Branch */ int commentColumn = 3; /* Column containing comment text */ int modPending; /* Pending moderation */ char *zDateLink; /* URL for the link on the timestamp */ int drawDetailEllipsis; /* True to show ellipsis in place of detail */ int gidx = 0; /* Graph row identifier */ int isSelectedOrCurrent = 0; /* True if current row is selected */ const char *zExtraClass = ""; char zTime[20]; if( zDate==0 ){ zDate = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"; /* Something wrong with the repo */ } modPending = moderation_pending(rid); if( tagid ){ if( modPending ) tagid = -tagid; if( tagid==prevTagid ){ if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_BRIEF ){ suppressCnt++; continue; }else{ commentColumn = 10; } } } prevTagid = tagid; if( suppressCnt ){ @ ... %d(suppressCnt) similar @ event%s(suppressCnt>1?"s":"") omitted. suppressCnt = 0; } if( pendingEndTr ){ @ pendingEndTr = 0; } if( fossil_strcmp(zType,"div")==0 ){ if( !prevWasDivider ){ @ } prevWasDivider = 1; continue; } prevWasDivider = 0; /* Date format codes: ** (0) HH:MM ** (1) HH:MM:SS ** (2) YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM ** (3) YYMMDD HH:MM ** (4) (off) */ if( dateFormat<2 ){ if( fossil_strnicmp(zDate, zPrevDate, 10) ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrevDate), zPrevDate, "%.10s", zDate); @ } memcpy(zTime, &zDate[11], 5+dateFormat*3); zTime[5+dateFormat*3] = 0; }else if( 2==dateFormat ){ /* YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM */ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zTime), zTime, "%.16s", zDate); }else if( 3==dateFormat ){ /* YYMMDD HH:MM */ int pos = 0; zTime[pos++] = zDate[2]; zTime[pos++] = zDate[3]; /* YY */ zTime[pos++] = zDate[5]; zTime[pos++] = zDate[6]; /* MM */ zTime[pos++] = zDate[8]; zTime[pos++] = zDate[9]; /* DD */ zTime[pos++] = ' '; zTime[pos++] = zDate[11]; zTime[pos++] = zDate[12]; /* HH */ zTime[pos++] = ':'; zTime[pos++] = zDate[14]; zTime[pos++] = zDate[15]; /* MM */ zTime[pos++] = 0; }else{ zTime[0] = 0; } pendingEndTr = 1; if( rid==selectedRid ){ @ isSelectedOrCurrent = 1; }else if( rid==secondRid ){ @ isSelectedOrCurrent = 1; }else if( rid==vid ){ @ isSelectedOrCurrent = 1; }else { @ } if( zType[0]=='t' && tagid && (tmFlags & TIMELINE_NOTKT)==0 ){ char *zTktid = db_text(0, "SELECT substr(tagname,5) FROM tag" " WHERE tagid=%d", tagid); if( zTktid ){ int isClosed = 0; if( is_ticket(zTktid, &isClosed) && isClosed ){ zExtraClass = " tktTlClosed"; }else{ zExtraClass = " tktTlOpen"; } fossil_free(zTktid); } } if( zType[0]=='e' && tagid ){ if( bTimestampLinksToInfo ){ char *zId; zId = db_text(0, "SELECT substr(tagname, 7) FROM tag WHERE tagid=%d", tagid); zDateLink = href("%R/technote/%s",zId); free(zId); }else{ zDateLink = href("%R/timeline?c=%t&y=a",zDate); } }else if( zUuid ){ if( bTimestampLinksToInfo ){ zDateLink = chref("timelineHistLink", "%R/info/%!S", zUuid); }else{ zDateLink = chref("timelineHistLink", "%R/timeline?c=%!S&y=a", zUuid); } }else{ zDateLink = mprintf(""); } @ @ if( !isSelectedOrCurrent ){ @ } if( pGraph ){ graph_finish(pGraph, zLeftBranch, tmFlags); if( pGraph->nErr ){ graph_free(pGraph); pGraph = 0; }else{ @ \ @ } } @

%z(zDateLink)%s(zTime) if( tmFlags & (TIMELINE_UCOLOR|TIMELINE_DELTA) ){ if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_UCOLOR ){ zBgClr = zUser ? hash_color(zUser) : 0; }else if( zType[0]=='c' ){ static Stmt qdelta; db_static_prepare(&qdelta, "SELECT baseid IS NULL FROM plink" " WHERE cid=:rid"); db_bind_int(&qdelta, ":rid", rid); if( db_step(&qdelta)!=SQLITE_ROW ){ zBgClr = 0; /* Not a check-in */ }else if( db_column_int(&qdelta, 0) ){ zBgClr = hash_color("b"); /* baseline manifest */ }else{ zBgClr = hash_color("f"); /* delta manifest */ } db_reset(&qdelta); } } if( zType[0]=='c' && (pGraph || zBgClr==0 || (tmFlags & (TIMELINE_BRCOLOR|TIMELINE_DELTA))!=0) ){ db_reset(&qbranch); db_bind_int(&qbranch, ":rid", rid); if( db_step(&qbranch)==SQLITE_ROW ){ zBr = db_column_text(&qbranch, 0); }else{ zBr = "trunk"; } if( zBgClr==0 || (tmFlags & TIMELINE_BRCOLOR)!=0 ){ if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_DELTA ){ }else if( zBr==0 || strcmp(zBr,"trunk")==0 ){ zBgClr = 0; }else{ zBgClr = hash_color(zBr); } } } if( zType[0]=='c' && pGraph ){ int nParent = 0; int nCherrypick = 0; GraphRowId aParent[GR_MAX_RAIL]; static Stmt qparent; db_static_prepare(&qparent, "SELECT pid FROM plink" " WHERE cid=:rid AND pid NOT IN phantom" " ORDER BY isprim DESC /*sort*/" ); db_bind_int(&qparent, ":rid", rid); while( db_step(&qparent)==SQLITE_ROW && nParent0 ){ static Stmt qcherrypick; db_static_prepare(&qcherrypick, "SELECT parentid FROM cherrypick" " WHERE childid=:rid AND parentid NOT IN phantom" ); db_bind_int(&qcherrypick, ":rid", rid); while( db_step(&qcherrypick)==SQLITE_ROW && nParent }else if( zType[0]=='e' && pGraph && zBgClr && zBgClr[0] ){ /* For technotes, make a graph node with nParent==(-1). This will ** not actually draw anything on the graph, but it will set the ** background color of the timeline entry */ gidx = graph_add_row(pGraph, rid, -1, 0, 0, zBr, zBgClr, zUuid, 0); @
} @
}else{ @ } if( pGraph && zType[0]!='c' ){ @ • } if( modPending ){ @ (Awaiting Moderator Approval) } if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_BISECT)!=0 && zType[0]=='c' ){ static Stmt bisectQuery; db_static_prepare(&bisectQuery, "SELECT seq, stat FROM bilog WHERE rid=:rid AND seq"); db_bind_int(&bisectQuery, ":rid", rid); if( db_step(&bisectQuery)==SQLITE_ROW ){ @ %s(db_column_text(&bisectQuery,1)) @ (%d(db_column_int(&bisectQuery,0))) } db_reset(&bisectQuery); } drawDetailEllipsis = (tmFlags & (TIMELINE_COMPACT))!=0; db_column_blob(pQuery, commentColumn, &comment); if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_COMPACT ){ @ }else{ @ } if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_CLASSIC)!=0 ){ if( zType[0]=='c' ){ hyperlink_to_version(zUuid); if( isLeaf ){ if( has_closed_tag(rid) ){ @ Closed-Leaf: }else{ @ Leaf: } } }else if( zType[0]=='e' && tagid ){ hyperlink_to_event_tagid(tagid<0?-tagid:tagid); }else if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_ARTID)!=0 ){ hyperlink_to_version(zUuid); } if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_SHOWRID ){ int srcId = delta_source_rid(rid); if( srcId ){ @ (%d(rid)←%d(srcId)) }else{ @ (%d(rid)) } } } if( zType[0]!='c' ){ /* Comments for anything other than a check-in are generated by ** "fossil rebuild" and expect to be rendered as text/x-fossil-wiki */ if( zType[0]=='w' ){ const char *zCom = blob_str(&comment); /* Except, the comments generated by "fossil rebuild" for a wiki ** page edit consist of a single character '-', '+', or ':' (to ** indicate "deleted", "added", or "edited") followed by the ** raw wiki page name. We have to generate an appropriate ** comment on-the-fly */ wiki_hyperlink_override(zUuid); if( zCom[0]=='-' ){ @ Deleted wiki page "%z(href("%R/whistory?name=%t",zCom+1))\ @ %h(zCom+1)" }else if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_REFS)!=0 && (zCom[0]=='+' || zCom[0]==':') ){ @ Wiki page "%z(href("%R/wiki?name=%t",zCom+1))%h(zCom+1)" }else if( zCom[0]=='+' ){ @ Added wiki page "%z(href("%R/wiki?name=%t",zCom+1))%h(zCom+1)" }else if( zCom[0]==':' ){ @ Changes to wiki page "%z(href("%R/wiki?name=%t",zCom+1))\ @ %h(zCom+1)" }else{ /* Legacy EVENT table entry that needs to be rebuilt */ @ Changes to a wiki page → Obsolete EVENT table information. @ Run "fossil rebuild" on the repository. } wiki_hyperlink_override(0); }else{ wiki_convert(&comment, 0, WIKI_INLINE); } }else{ if( bCommentGitStyle ){ /* Truncate comment at first blank line */ int ii, jj; int n = blob_size(&comment); char *z = blob_str(&comment); for(ii=0; ii0 && blob_size(&comment)>mxWikiLen ){ Blob truncated; blob_zero(&truncated); blob_append(&truncated, blob_buffer(&comment), mxWikiLen); blob_append(&truncated, "...", 3); @ %W(blob_str(&truncated)) blob_reset(&truncated); drawDetailEllipsis = 0; }else{ cgi_printf("%W",blob_str(&comment)); } } @ blob_reset(&comment); /* Generate extra information and hyperlinks to follow the comment. ** Example: "(check-in: [abcdefg], user: drh, tags: trunk)" */ if( drawDetailEllipsis ){ @ ... } if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_COLUMNAR ){ if( !isSelectedOrCurrent ){ @ }else{ @ } } if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_COMPACT ){ cgi_printf("",rid); } cgi_printf("", zStyle); if( (tmFlags & (TIMELINE_CLASSIC|TIMELINE_VERBOSE|TIMELINE_COMPACT))!=0 ){ cgi_printf("("); } if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_CLASSIC)==0 ){ if( zType[0]=='c' ){ if( isLeaf ){ if( has_closed_tag(rid) ){ @ Closed-Leaf }else{ @ Leaf } } cgi_printf("check-in: %z%S ",href("%R/info/%!S",zUuid),zUuid); }else if( zType[0]=='e' && tagid ){ cgi_printf("technote: "); hyperlink_to_event_tagid(tagid<0?-tagid:tagid); }else{ cgi_printf("artifact: %z%S ",href("%R/info/%!S",zUuid),zUuid); } }else if( zType[0]=='g' || zType[0]=='w' || zType[0]=='t' || zType[0]=='n' || zType[0]=='f'){ cgi_printf("artifact: %z%S ",href("%R/info/%!S",zUuid),zUuid); } if( g.perm.Hyperlink && fossil_strcmp(zDispUser, zThisUser)!=0 ){ char *zLink; if( zType[0]!='f' || (tmFlags & TIMELINE_FORUMTXT)==0 ){ zLink = mprintf("%R/timeline?u=%h&c=%t&y=a", zDispUser, zDate); }else{ zLink = mprintf("%R/timeline?u=%h&c=%t&y=a&vfx", zDispUser, zDate); } cgi_printf("user: %z%h", href("%z",zLink), zDispUser); }else{ cgi_printf("user: %h", zDispUser); } /* Generate the "tags: TAGLIST" at the end of the comment, together ** with hyperlinks to the tag list. */ if( zTagList && zTagList[0]==0 ) zTagList = 0; if( zTagList ){ if( g.perm.Hyperlink ){ int i; const char *z = zTagList; Blob links; blob_zero(&links); while( z && z[0] ){ for(i=0; z[i] && (z[i]!=',' || z[i+1]!=' '); i++){} if( zThisTag==0 || memcmp(z, zThisTag, i)!=0 || zThisTag[i]!=0 ){ blob_appendf(&links, "%z%#h%.2s", href("%R/timeline?r=%#t&c=%t",i,z,zDate), i,z, &z[i] ); }else{ blob_appendf(&links, "%#h", i+2, z); } if( z[i]==0 ) break; z += i+2; } cgi_printf(" tags: %s", blob_str(&links)); blob_reset(&links); }else{ cgi_printf(" tags: %h", zTagList); } } if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_SHOWRID ){ int srcId = delta_source_rid(rid); if( srcId ){ cgi_printf(" id: %d←%d", rid, srcId); }else{ cgi_printf(" id: %d", rid); } } tag_private_status(rid); if( xExtra ){ xExtra(rid); } /* End timelineDetail */ if( (tmFlags & (TIMELINE_CLASSIC|TIMELINE_VERBOSE|TIMELINE_COMPACT))!=0 ){ cgi_printf(")"); } if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_COMPACT ){ @ }else{ @ } /* Generate the file-change list if requested */ if( (tmFlags & (TIMELINE_FCHANGES|TIMELINE_FRENAMES))!=0 && zType[0]=='c' && g.perm.Hyperlink ){ int inUl = 0; if( !fchngQueryInit ){ db_prepare(&fchngQuery, "SELECT pid," " fid," " (SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=mlink.fnid) AS name," " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=fid)," " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=pid)," " (SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=mlink.pfnid) AS oldnm" " FROM mlink" " WHERE mid=:mid AND (pid!=fid OR pfnid>0)" " AND (fid>0 OR" " fnid NOT IN (SELECT pfnid FROM mlink WHERE mid=:mid))" " AND NOT mlink.isaux" " ORDER BY 3 /*sort*/" ); fchngQueryInit = 1; } db_bind_int(&fchngQuery, ":mid", rid); while( db_step(&fchngQuery)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zFilename = db_column_text(&fchngQuery, 2); int isNew = db_column_int(&fchngQuery, 0)<=0; int isMergeNew = db_column_int(&fchngQuery, 0)<0; int fid = db_column_int(&fchngQuery, 1); int isDel = fid==0; const char *zOldName = db_column_text(&fchngQuery, 5); const char *zOld = db_column_text(&fchngQuery, 4); const char *zNew = db_column_text(&fchngQuery, 3); const char *zUnpub = ""; char *zA; char zId[40]; if( !inUl ){ @
    inUl = 1; } if( tmFlags & TIMELINE_SHOWRID ){ int srcId = delta_source_rid(fid); if( srcId ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zId), zId, " (%d←%d) ", fid, srcId); }else{ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zId), zId, " (%d) ", fid); } }else{ zId[0] = 0; } if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_FRENAMES)!=0 ){ if( !isNew && !isDel && zOldName!=0 ){ @
  • %h(zOldName) → %h(zFilename)%s(zId) } continue; } zA = href("%R/artifact/%!S",fid?zNew:zOld); if( content_is_private(fid) ){ zUnpub = UNPUB_TAG; } if( isNew ){ @
  • %s(zA)%h(zFilename)%s(zId) %s(zUnpub) if( isMergeNew ){ @ (added by merge) }else{ @ (new file) } @   %z(href("%R/artifact/%!S",zNew))[view]
  • }else if( isDel ){ @
  • %s(zA)%h(zFilename) (deleted)
  • }else if( fossil_strcmp(zOld,zNew)==0 && zOldName!=0 ){ @
  • %h(zOldName) → %s(zA)%h(zFilename)%s(zId) @ %s(zUnpub) %z(href("%R/artifact/%!S",zNew))[view]
  • }else{ if( zOldName!=0 ){ @
  • %h(zOldName) → %s(zA)%h(zFilename)%s(zId) %s(zUnpub) }else{ @
  • %s(zA)%h(zFilename)%s(zId)   %s(zUnpub) } @ %z(href("%R/fdiff?v1=%!S&v2=%!S",zOld,zNew))[diff]
  • } fossil_free(zA); } db_reset(&fchngQuery); if( inUl ){ @
} } /* Show the complete text of forum messages */ if( (tmFlags & (TIMELINE_FORUMTXT))!=0 && zType[0]=='f' && g.perm.Hyperlink && (!content_is_private(rid) || g.perm.ModForum) ){ Manifest *pPost = manifest_get(rid, CFTYPE_FORUM, 0); if( pPost ){ const char *zClass = "forumTimeline"; if( forum_rid_has_been_edited(rid) ){ zClass = "forumTimeline forumObs"; } forum_render(0, pPost->zMimetype, pPost->zWiki, zClass, 1); manifest_destroy(pPost); } } } if( suppressCnt ){ @ ... %d(suppressCnt) similar @ event%s(suppressCnt>1?"s":"") omitted. suppressCnt = 0; } if( pendingEndTr ){ @
if( fchngQueryInit ) db_finalize(&fchngQuery); timeline_output_graph_javascript(pGraph, tmFlags, iTableId); } /* ** Change the RGB background color given in the argument in a foreground ** color with the same hue. */ static const char *bg_to_fg(const char *zIn){ int i; unsigned int x[3]; unsigned int mx = 0; static int whiteFg = -1; static char zRes[10]; if( strlen(zIn)!=7 || zIn[0]!='#' ) return zIn; zIn++; for(i=0; i<3; i++){ x[i] = hex_digit_value(zIn[0])*16 + hex_digit_value(zIn[1]); zIn += 2; if( x[i]>mx ) mx = x[i]; } if( whiteFg<0 ) whiteFg = skin_detail_boolean("white-foreground"); if( whiteFg ){ /* Make the color lighter */ static const unsigned int t = 215; if( mxt ){ for(i=0; i<3; i++){ x[i] = x[i]>=mx-t ? x[i] - (mx-t) : 0; } } } sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zRes),zRes,"#%02x%02x%02x",x[0],x[1],x[2]); return zRes; } /* ** Generate all of the necessary javascript to generate a timeline ** graph. */ void timeline_output_graph_javascript( GraphContext *pGraph, /* The graph to be displayed */ int tmFlags, /* Flags that control rendering */ int iTableId /* Which graph is this for */ ){ if( pGraph && pGraph->nErr==0 ){ GraphRow *pRow; int i; char cSep; int iRailPitch; /* Pixels between consecutive rails */ int showArrowheads; /* True to draw arrowheads. False to omit. */ int circleNodes; /* True for circle nodes. False for square nodes */ int colorGraph; /* Use colors for graph lines */ int iTopRow; /* Index of the top row of the graph */ int fileDiff; /* True for file diff. False for check-in diff */ int omitDescenders; /* True to omit descenders */ int scrollToSelect; /* True to scroll to the selection */ int dwellTimeout; /* Milliseconds to wait for tooltips to show */ int closeTimeout; /* Milliseconds to wait for tooltips to close */ u8 *aiMap; /* The rail map */ iRailPitch = atoi(PD("railpitch","0")); showArrowheads = skin_detail_boolean("timeline-arrowheads"); circleNodes = skin_detail_boolean("timeline-circle-nodes"); colorGraph = skin_detail_boolean("timeline-color-graph-lines"); iTopRow = pGraph->pFirst ? pGraph->pFirst->idx : 0; omitDescenders = (tmFlags & TIMELINE_DISJOINT)!=0; fileDiff = (tmFlags & TIMELINE_FILEDIFF)!=0; scrollToSelect = (tmFlags & TIMELINE_NOSCROLL)==0; dwellTimeout = atoi(db_get("timeline-dwelltime","100")); closeTimeout = atoi(db_get("timeline-closetime","250")); @ builtin_request_js("graph.js"); builtin_request_js("copybtn.js"); /* Required by graph.js */ graph_free(pGraph); } } /* ** Create a temporary table suitable for storing timeline data. */ static void timeline_temp_table(void){ static const char zSql[] = @ CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS timeline( @ rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, @ uuid TEXT, @ timestamp TEXT, @ comment TEXT, @ user TEXT, @ isleaf BOOLEAN, @ bgcolor TEXT, @ etype TEXT, @ taglist TEXT, @ tagid INTEGER, @ short TEXT, @ sortby REAL @ ) ; db_multi_exec("%s", zSql/*safe-for-%s*/); } /* ** Return a pointer to a constant string that forms the basis ** for a timeline query for the WWW interface. */ const char *timeline_query_for_www(void){ static const char zBase[] = @ SELECT @ blob.rid AS blobRid, @ uuid AS uuid, @ datetime(event.mtime,toLocal()) AS timestamp, @ coalesce(ecomment, comment) AS comment, @ coalesce(euser, user) AS user, @ blob.rid IN leaf AS leaf, @ bgcolor AS bgColor, @ event.type AS eventType, @ (SELECT group_concat(substr(tagname,5), ', ') FROM tag, tagxref @ WHERE tagname GLOB 'sym-*' AND tag.tagid=tagxref.tagid @ AND tagxref.rid=blob.rid AND tagxref.tagtype>0) AS tags, @ tagid AS tagid, @ brief AS brief, @ event.mtime AS mtime @ FROM event CROSS JOIN blob @ WHERE blob.rid=event.objid ; return zBase; } /* ** Convert a symbolic name used as an argument to the a=, b=, or c= ** query parameters of timeline into a julianday mtime value. */ double symbolic_name_to_mtime(const char *z, const char **pzDisplay){ double mtime; int rid; const char *zDate; if( z==0 ) return -1.0; if( fossil_isdate(z) ){ mtime = db_double(0.0, "SELECT julianday(%Q,fromLocal())", z); if( mtime>0.0 ) return mtime; } zDate = fossil_expand_datetime(z, 1); if( zDate!=0 ){ mtime = db_double(0.0, "SELECT julianday(%Q,fromLocal())", fossil_roundup_date(zDate)); if( mtime>0.0 ){ if( pzDisplay ) *pzDisplay = fossil_strdup(zDate); return mtime; } } rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(z, "*"); if( rid ){ mtime = db_double(0.0, "SELECT mtime FROM event WHERE objid=%d", rid); }else{ mtime = db_double(-1.0, "SELECT max(event.mtime) FROM event, tag, tagxref" " WHERE tag.tagname GLOB 'event-%q*'" " AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype" " AND event.objid=tagxref.rid", z ); } return mtime; } /* ** zDate is a localtime date. Insert records into the ** "timeline" table to cause
to be inserted on zDate. */ static int timeline_add_divider(double rDate){ int rid = db_int(-1, "SELECT rid FROM timeline ORDER BY abs(sortby-%.16g) LIMIT 1", rDate ); if( rid>0 ) return rid; db_multi_exec( "INSERT INTO timeline(rid,sortby,etype) VALUES(-1,%.16g,'div')", rDate ); return -1; } /* ** Return all possible names for file zUuid. */ char *names_of_file(const char *zUuid){ Stmt q; Blob out; const char *zSep = ""; db_prepare(&q, "SELECT DISTINCT filename.name FROM mlink, filename" " WHERE mlink.fid=(SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid=%Q)" " AND filename.fnid=mlink.fnid", zUuid ); blob_zero(&out); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zFN = db_column_text(&q, 0); blob_appendf(&out, "%s%z%h
", zSep, href("%R/finfo?name=%t&m=%!S", zFN, zUuid), zFN); zSep = " or "; } db_finalize(&q); return blob_str(&out); } /* ** Add the select/option box to the timeline submenu that is used to ** set the y= parameter that determines which elements to display ** on the timeline. */ static void timeline_y_submenu(int isDisabled){ static int i = 0; static const char *az[16]; if( i==0 ){ az[0] = "all"; az[1] = "Any Type"; i = 2; if( g.perm.Read ){ az[i++] = "ci"; az[i++] = "Check-ins"; az[i++] = "g"; az[i++] = "Tags"; } if( g.perm.RdWiki ){ az[i++] = "e"; az[i++] = "Tech Notes"; } if( g.perm.RdTkt ){ az[i++] = "t"; az[i++] = "Tickets"; az[i++] = "n"; az[i++] = "New Tickets"; } if( g.perm.RdWiki ){ az[i++] = "w"; az[i++] = "Wiki"; } if( g.perm.RdForum ){ az[i++] = "f"; az[i++] = "Forum"; } assert( i<=count(az) ); } if( i>2 ){ style_submenu_multichoice("y", i/2, az, isDisabled); } } /* ** Return the default value for the "ss" cookie or query parameter. ** The "ss" cookie determines the graph style. See the ** timeline_view_styles[] global constant for a list of choices. */ const char *timeline_default_ss(void){ static const char *zSs = 0; if( zSs==0 ) zSs = db_get("timeline-default-style","m"); return zSs; } /* ** Convert the current "ss" display preferences cookie into an ** appropriate TIMELINE_* flag */ int timeline_ss_cookie(void){ int tmFlags; const char *v = cookie_value("ss",0); if( v==0 ) v = timeline_default_ss(); switch( v[0] ){ case 'c': tmFlags = TIMELINE_COMPACT; break; case 'v': tmFlags = TIMELINE_VERBOSE; break; case 'j': tmFlags = TIMELINE_COLUMNAR; break; case 'x': tmFlags = TIMELINE_CLASSIC; break; default: tmFlags = TIMELINE_MODERN; break; } return tmFlags; } /* Available timeline display styles, together with their y= query ** parameter names. */ const char *const timeline_view_styles[] = { "m", "Modern View", "j", "Columnar View", "c", "Compact View", "v", "Verbose View", "x", "Classic View", }; #if INTERFACE # define N_TIMELINE_VIEW_STYLE 5 #endif /* ** Add the select/option box to the timeline submenu that is used to ** set the ss= parameter that determines the viewing mode. ** ** Return the TIMELINE_* value appropriate for the view-style. */ int timeline_ss_submenu(void){ cookie_link_parameter("ss","ss",timeline_default_ss()); style_submenu_multichoice("ss", N_TIMELINE_VIEW_STYLE, timeline_view_styles, 0); return timeline_ss_cookie(); } /* ** If the zChng string is not NULL, then it should be a comma-separated ** list of glob patterns for filenames. Add an term to the WHERE clause ** for the SQL statement under construction that excludes any check-in that ** does not modify one or more files matching the globs. */ static void addFileGlobExclusion( const char *zChng, /* The filename GLOB list */ Blob *pSql /* The SELECT statement under construction */ ){ if( zChng==0 || zChng[0]==0 ) return; blob_append_sql(pSql," AND event.objid IN (" "SELECT mlink.mid FROM mlink, filename" " WHERE mlink.fnid=filename.fnid AND %s)", glob_expr("filename.name", mprintf("\"%s\"", zChng))); } static void addFileGlobDescription( const char *zChng, /* The filename GLOB list */ Blob *pDescription /* Result description */ ){ if( zChng==0 || zChng[0]==0 ) return; blob_appendf(pDescription, " that include changes to files matching '%h'", zChng); } /* ** Tag match expression type code. */ typedef enum { MS_EXACT, /* Matches a single tag by exact string comparison. */ MS_GLOB, /* Matches tags against a list of GLOB patterns. */ MS_LIKE, /* Matches tags against a list of LIKE patterns. */ MS_REGEXP /* Matches tags against a list of regular expressions. */ } MatchStyle; /* ** Quote a tag string by surrounding it with double quotes and preceding ** internal double quotes and backslashes with backslashes. */ static const char *tagQuote( int len, /* Maximum length of zTag, or negative for unlimited */ const char *zTag /* Tag string */ ){ Blob blob = BLOB_INITIALIZER; int i, j; blob_zero(&blob); blob_append(&blob, "\"", 1); for( i=j=0; zTag[j] && (len<0 || ji ){ blob_append(&blob, zTag+i, j-i); } blob_append(&blob, "\\", 1); i = j; } } if( j>i ){ blob_append(&blob, zTag+i, j-i); } blob_append(&blob, "\"", 1); return blob_str(&blob); } /* ** Construct the tag match SQL expression. ** ** This function is adapted from glob_expr() to support the MS_EXACT, MS_GLOB, ** MS_LIKE, and MS_REGEXP match styles. For MS_EXACT, the returned expression ** checks for integer match against the tag ID which is looked up directly by ** this function. For the other modes, the returned SQL expression performs ** string comparisons against the tag names, so it is necessary to join against ** the tag table to access the "tagname" column. ** ** Each pattern is adjusted to to start with "sym-" and be anchored at end. ** ** In MS_REGEXP mode, backslash can be used to protect delimiter characters. ** The backslashes are not removed from the regular expression. ** ** In addition to assembling and returning an SQL expression, this function ** makes an English-language description of the patterns being matched, suitable ** for display in the web interface. ** ** If any errors arise during processing, *zError is set to an error message. ** Otherwise it is set to NULL. */ static const char *tagMatchExpression( MatchStyle matchStyle, /* Match style code */ const char *zTag, /* Tag name, match pattern, or pattern list */ const char **zDesc, /* Output expression description string */ const char **zError /* Output error string */ ){ Blob expr = BLOB_INITIALIZER; /* SQL expression string assembly buffer */ Blob desc = BLOB_INITIALIZER; /* English description of match patterns */ Blob err = BLOB_INITIALIZER; /* Error text assembly buffer */ const char *zStart; /* Text at start of expression */ const char *zDelimiter; /* Text between expression terms */ const char *zEnd; /* Text at end of expression */ const char *zPrefix; /* Text before each match pattern */ const char *zSuffix; /* Text after each match pattern */ const char *zIntro; /* Text introducing pattern description */ const char *zPattern = 0; /* Previous quoted pattern */ const char *zFail = 0; /* Current failure message or NULL if okay */ const char *zOr = " or "; /* Text before final quoted pattern */ char cDel; /* Input delimiter character */ int i; /* Input match pattern length counter */ /* Optimize exact matches by looking up the ID in advance to create a simple * numeric comparison. Bypass the remainder of this function. */ if( matchStyle==MS_EXACT ){ *zDesc = tagQuote(-1, zTag); return mprintf("(tagid=%d)", db_int(-1, "SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname='sym-%q'", zTag)); } /* Decide pattern prefix and suffix strings according to match style. */ if( matchStyle==MS_GLOB ){ zStart = "("; zDelimiter = " OR "; zEnd = ")"; zPrefix = "tagname GLOB 'sym-"; zSuffix = "'"; zIntro = "glob pattern "; }else if( matchStyle==MS_LIKE ){ zStart = "("; zDelimiter = " OR "; zEnd = ")"; zPrefix = "tagname LIKE 'sym-"; zSuffix = "'"; zIntro = "SQL LIKE pattern "; }else/* if( matchStyle==MS_REGEXP )*/{ zStart = "(tagname REGEXP '^sym-("; zDelimiter = "|"; zEnd = ")$')"; zPrefix = ""; zSuffix = ""; zIntro = "regular expression "; } /* Convert the list of matches into an SQL expression and text description. */ blob_zero(&expr); blob_zero(&desc); blob_zero(&err); while( 1 ){ /* Skip leading delimiters. */ for( ; fossil_isspace(*zTag) || *zTag==','; ++zTag ); /* Next non-delimiter character determines quoting. */ if( !*zTag ){ /* Terminate loop at end of string. */ break; }else if( *zTag=='\'' || *zTag=='"' ){ /* If word is quoted, prepare to stop at end quote. */ cDel = *zTag; ++zTag; }else{ /* If word is not quoted, prepare to stop at delimiter. */ cDel = ','; } /* Find the next delimiter character or end of string. */ for( i=0; zTag[i] && zTag[i]!=cDel; ++i ){ /* If delimiter is comma, also recognize spaces as delimiters. */ if( cDel==',' && fossil_isspace(zTag[i]) ){ break; } /* In regexp mode, ignore delimiters following backslashes. */ if( matchStyle==MS_REGEXP && zTag[i]=='\\' && zTag[i+1] ){ ++i; } } /* Check for regular expression syntax errors. */ if( matchStyle==MS_REGEXP ){ ReCompiled *regexp; char *zTagDup = fossil_strndup(zTag, i); zFail = re_compile(®exp, zTagDup, 0); re_free(regexp); fossil_free(zTagDup); } /* Process success and error results. */ if( !zFail ){ /* Incorporate the match word into the output expression. %q is used to * protect against SQL injection attacks by replacing ' with ''. */ blob_appendf(&expr, "%s%s%#q%s", blob_size(&expr) ? zDelimiter : zStart, zPrefix, i, zTag, zSuffix); /* Build up the description string. */ if( !blob_size(&desc) ){ /* First tag: start with intro followed by first quoted tag. */ blob_append(&desc, zIntro, -1); blob_append(&desc, tagQuote(i, zTag), -1); }else{ if( zPattern ){ /* Third and subsequent tags: append comma then previous tag. */ blob_append(&desc, ", ", 2); blob_append(&desc, zPattern, -1); zOr = ", or "; } /* Second and subsequent tags: store quoted tag for next iteration. */ zPattern = tagQuote(i, zTag); } }else{ /* On error, skip the match word and build up the error message buffer. */ if( !blob_size(&err) ){ blob_append(&err, "Error: ", 7); }else{ blob_append(&err, ", ", 2); } blob_appendf(&err, "(%s%s: %s)", zIntro, tagQuote(i, zTag), zFail); } /* Advance past all consumed input characters. */ zTag += i; if( cDel!=',' && *zTag==cDel ){ ++zTag; } } /* Finalize and extract the pattern description. */ if( zPattern ){ blob_append(&desc, zOr, -1); blob_append(&desc, zPattern, -1); } *zDesc = blob_str(&desc); /* Finalize and extract the error text. */ *zError = blob_size(&err) ? blob_str(&err) : 0; /* Finalize and extract the SQL expression. */ if( blob_size(&expr) ){ blob_append(&expr, zEnd, -1); return blob_str(&expr); } /* If execution reaches this point, the pattern was empty. Return NULL. */ return 0; } /* ** Similar to fossil_expand_datetime() ** ** Add missing "-" characters into a date/time. Examples: ** ** 20190419 => 2019-04-19 ** 201904 => 2019-04 */ const char *timeline_expand_datetime(const char *zIn){ static char zEDate[20]; static const char aPunct[] = { 0, 0, '-', '-', ' ', ':', ':' }; int n = (int)strlen(zIn); int i, j; /* Only three forms allowed: ** (1) YYYYMMDD ** (2) YYYYMM ** (3) YYYYWW */ if( n!=8 && n!=6 ) return zIn; /* Every character must be a digit */ for(i=0; fossil_isdigit(zIn[i]); i++){} if( i!=n ) return zIn; /* Expand the date */ for(i=j=0; zIn[i]; i++){ if( i>=4 && (i%2)==0 ){ zEDate[j++] = aPunct[i/2]; } zEDate[j++] = zIn[i]; } zEDate[j] = 0; /* It looks like this may be a date. Return it with punctuation added. */ return zEDate; } /* ** WEBPAGE: timeline ** ** Query parameters: ** ** a=TIMEORTAG Show events after TIMEORTAG ** b=TIMEORTAG Show events before TIMEORTAG ** c=TIMEORTAG Show events that happen "circa" TIMEORTAG ** cf=FILEHASH Show events around the time of the first use of ** the file with FILEHASH ** m=TIMEORTAG Highlight the event at TIMEORTAG ** n=COUNT Maximum number of events. "all" for no limit ** p=CHECKIN Parents and ancestors of CHECKIN ** bt=PRIOR ... going back to PRIOR ** d=CHECKIN Children and descendants of CHECKIN ** dp=CHECKIN The same as 'd=CHECKIN&p=CHECKIN' ** t=TAG Show only check-ins with the given TAG ** r=TAG Show check-ins related to TAG, equivalent to t=TAG&rel ** rel Show related check-ins as well as those matching t=TAG ** mionly Limit rel to show ancestors but not descendants ** nowiki Do not show wiki associated with branch or tag ** ms=MATCHSTYLE Set tag match style to EXACT, GLOB, LIKE, REGEXP ** u=USER Only show items associated with USER ** y=TYPE 'ci', 'w', 't', 'n', 'e', 'f', or 'all'. ** ss=VIEWSTYLE c: "Compact", v: "Verbose", m: "Modern", j: "Columnar", ** x: "Classic". ** advm Use the "Advanced" or "Busy" menu design. ** ng No Graph. ** ncp Omit cherrypick merges ** nd Do not highlight the focus check-in ** nsm Omit the submenu ** v Show details of files changed ** vfx Show complete text of forum messages ** f=CHECKIN Show family (immediate parents and children) of CHECKIN ** from=CHECKIN Path from... ** to=CHECKIN ... to this ** shortest ... show only the shortest path ** rel ... also show related checkins ** uf=FILE_HASH Show only check-ins that contain the given file version ** chng=GLOBLIST Show only check-ins that involve changes to a file whose ** name matches one of the comma-separate GLOBLIST ** brbg Background color determined by branch name ** ubg Background color determined by user ** deltabg Background color red for delta manifests or green ** for baseline manifests ** namechng Show only check-ins that have filename changes ** forks Show only forks and their children ** cherrypicks Show all cherrypicks ** ym=YYYY-MM Show only events for the given year/month ** yw=YYYY-WW Show only events for the given week of the given year ** yw=YYYY-MM-DD Show events for the week that includes the given day ** ymd=YYYY-MM-DD Show only events on the given day. The use "ymd=now" ** to see all changes for the current week. ** days=N Show events over the previous N days ** datefmt=N Override the date format: 0=HH:MM, 1=HH:MM:SS, ** 2=YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS, 3=YYMMDD HH:MM, and 4 means "off". ** bisect Show the check-ins that are in the current bisect ** showid Show RIDs ** showsql Show the SQL text ** ** p= and d= can appear individually or together. If either p= or d= ** appear, then u=, y=, a=, and b= are ignored. ** ** If both a= and b= appear then both upper and lower bounds are honored. ** ** CHECKIN or TIMEORTAG can be a check-in hash prefix, or a tag, or the ** name of a branch. */ void page_timeline(void){ Stmt q; /* Query used to generate the timeline */ Blob sql; /* text of SQL used to generate timeline */ Blob desc; /* Description of the timeline */ int nEntry; /* Max number of entries on timeline */ int p_rid = name_to_typed_rid(P("p"),"ci"); /* artifact p and its parents */ int d_rid = name_to_typed_rid(P("d"),"ci"); /* artifact d and descendants */ int f_rid = name_to_typed_rid(P("f"),"ci"); /* artifact f and close family */ const char *zUser = P("u"); /* All entries by this user if not NULL */ const char *zType; /* Type of events to display */ const char *zAfter = P("a"); /* Events after this time */ const char *zBefore = P("b"); /* Events before this time */ const char *zCirca = P("c"); /* Events near this time */ const char *zMark = P("m"); /* Mark this event or an event this time */ const char *zTagName = P("t"); /* Show events with this tag */ const char *zBrName = P("r"); /* Equivalent to t=TAG&rel */ int related = PB("rel"); /* Show events related to zTagName */ const char *zMatchStyle = P("ms"); /* Tag/branch match style string */ MatchStyle matchStyle = MS_EXACT; /* Match style code */ const char *zMatchDesc = 0; /* Tag match expression description text */ const char *zError = 0; /* Tag match error string */ const char *zTagSql = 0; /* Tag/branch match SQL expression */ const char *zSearch = P("s"); /* Search string */ const char *zUses = P("uf"); /* Only show check-ins hold this file */ const char *zYearMonth = P("ym"); /* Show check-ins for the given YYYY-MM */ const char *zYearWeek = P("yw"); /* Check-ins for YYYY-WW (week-of-year) */ char *zYearWeekStart = 0; /* YYYY-MM-DD for start of YYYY-WW */ const char *zDay = P("ymd"); /* Check-ins for the day YYYY-MM-DD */ const char *zNDays = P("days"); /* Show events over the previous N days */ int nDays = 0; /* Numeric value for zNDays */ const char *zChng = P("chng"); /* List of GLOBs for files that changed */ int useDividers = P("nd")==0; /* Show dividers if "nd" is missing */ int renameOnly = P("namechng")!=0; /* Show only check-ins that rename files */ int forkOnly = PB("forks"); /* Show only forks and their children */ int bisectLocal = PB("bisect"); /* Show the check-ins of the bisect */ const char *zBisect = P("bid"); /* Bisect description */ int cpOnly = PB("cherrypicks"); /* Show all cherrypick checkins */ int tmFlags = 0; /* Timeline flags */ const char *zThisTag = 0; /* Suppress links to this tag */ const char *zThisUser = 0; /* Suppress links to this user */ HQuery url; /* URL for various branch links */ int from_rid = name_to_typed_rid(P("from"),"ci"); /* from= for paths */ int to_rid = name_to_typed_rid(P("to"),"ci"); /* to= for path timelines */ int noMerge = P("shortest")==0; /* Follow merge links if shorter */ int me_rid = name_to_typed_rid(P("me"),"ci"); /* me= for common ancestory */ int you_rid = name_to_typed_rid(P("you"),"ci");/* you= for common ancst */ int pd_rid; double rBefore, rAfter, rCirca; /* Boundary times */ const char *z; char *zOlderButton = 0; /* URL for Older button at the bottom */ char *zOlderButtonLabel = 0; /* Label for the Older Button */ char *zNewerButton = 0; /* URL for Newer button at the top */ char *zNewerButtonLabel = 0; /* Label for the Newer button */ int selectedRid = 0; /* Show a highlight on this RID */ int secondaryRid = 0; /* Show secondary highlight */ int disableY = 0; /* Disable type selector on submenu */ int advancedMenu = 0; /* Use the advanced menu design */ char *zPlural; /* Ending for plural forms */ int showCherrypicks = 1; /* True to show cherrypick merges */ int haveParameterN; /* True if n= query parameter present */ url_initialize(&url, "timeline"); cgi_query_parameters_to_url(&url); /* Set number of rows to display */ haveParameterN = P("n")!=0; cookie_read_parameter("n","n"); z = P("n"); if( z==0 ) z = db_get("timeline-default-length",0); if( z ){ if( fossil_strcmp(z,"all")==0 ){ nEntry = 0; }else{ nEntry = atoi(z); if( nEntry<=0 ){ z = "10"; nEntry = 10; } } }else{ z = "50"; nEntry = 50; } /* Undocumented query parameter to set JS mode */ builtin_set_js_delivery_mode(P("jsmode"),1); secondaryRid = name_to_typed_rid(P("sel2"),"ci"); selectedRid = name_to_typed_rid(P("sel1"),"ci"); cgi_replace_query_parameter("n",z); cookie_write_parameter("n","n",0); tmFlags |= timeline_ss_submenu(); cookie_link_parameter("advm","advm","0"); advancedMenu = atoi(PD("advm","0")); /* Omit all cherry-pick merge lines if the "ncp" query parameter is ** present or if this repository lacks a "cherrypick" table. */ if( PB("ncp") || !db_table_exists("repository","cherrypick") ){ showCherrypicks = 0; } /* To view the timeline, must have permission to read project data. */ pd_rid = name_to_typed_rid(P("dp"),"ci"); if( pd_rid ){ p_rid = d_rid = pd_rid; } login_check_credentials(); if( (!g.perm.Read && !g.perm.RdTkt && !g.perm.RdWiki && !g.perm.RdForum) || (bisectLocal && !g.perm.Setup) ){ login_needed(g.anon.Read && g.anon.RdTkt && g.anon.RdWiki); return; } if( !bisectLocal ){ etag_check(ETAG_QUERY|ETAG_COOKIE|ETAG_DATA|ETAG_CONFIG, 0); } cookie_read_parameter("y","y"); zType = P("y"); if( zType==0 ){ zType = g.perm.Read ? "ci" : "all"; cgi_set_parameter("y", zType); } if( zType[0]=='a' || zType[0]=='c' ){ cookie_write_parameter("y","y",zType); } cookie_render(); /* Convert the cf=FILEHASH query parameter into a c=CHECKINHASH value */ if( P("cf")!=0 ){ zCirca = db_text(0, "SELECT (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=mlink.mid)" " FROM mlink, event" " WHERE mlink.fid=(SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid LIKE '%q%%')" " AND event.objid=mlink.mid" " ORDER BY event.mtime LIMIT 1", P("cf") ); } /* Convert r=TAG to t=TAG&rel in order to populate the UI style widgets. */ if( zBrName && !related ){ cgi_delete_query_parameter("r"); cgi_set_query_parameter("t", zBrName); cgi_set_query_parameter("rel", "1"); zTagName = zBrName; related = 1; zType = "ci"; } /* Ignore empty tag query strings. */ if( zTagName && !*zTagName ){ zTagName = 0; } /* Finish preliminary processing of tag match queries. */ if( zTagName ){ zType = "ci"; /* Interpet the tag style string. */ if( fossil_stricmp(zMatchStyle, "glob")==0 ){ matchStyle = MS_GLOB; }else if( fossil_stricmp(zMatchStyle, "like")==0 ){ matchStyle = MS_LIKE; }else if( fossil_stricmp(zMatchStyle, "regexp")==0 ){ matchStyle = MS_REGEXP; }else{ /* For exact maching, inhibit links to the selected tag. */ zThisTag = zTagName; Th_Store("current_checkin", zTagName); } /* Display a checkbox to enable/disable display of related check-ins. */ if( advancedMenu ){ style_submenu_checkbox("rel", "Related", 0, 0); } /* Construct the tag match expression. */ zTagSql = tagMatchExpression(matchStyle, zTagName, &zMatchDesc, &zError); } if( zMark && zMark[0]==0 ){ if( zAfter ) zMark = zAfter; if( zBefore ) zMark = zBefore; if( zCirca ) zMark = zCirca; } if( (zTagSql && db_int(0,"SELECT count(*) " "FROM tagxref NATURAL JOIN tag WHERE %s",zTagSql/*safe-for-%s*/)<=nEntry) ){ nEntry = -1; zCirca = 0; } if( zType[0]=='a' ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_BRIEF | TIMELINE_GRAPH | TIMELINE_CHPICK; }else{ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_GRAPH | TIMELINE_CHPICK; } if( related ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_FILLGAPS | TIMELINE_XMERGE; tmFlags &= ~TIMELINE_DISJOINT; } if( PB("ncp") ){ tmFlags &= ~TIMELINE_CHPICK; } if( PB("ng") || zSearch!=0 ){ tmFlags &= ~(TIMELINE_GRAPH|TIMELINE_CHPICK); } if( PB("nsm") ){ style_submenu_enable(0); } if( PB("brbg") ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_BRCOLOR; } if( PB("unhide") ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_UNHIDE; } if( PB("ubg") ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_UCOLOR; } if( PB("deltabg") ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_DELTA; } if( zUses!=0 ){ int ufid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid GLOB '%q*'", zUses); if( ufid ){ zUses = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", ufid); db_multi_exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE usesfile(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)"); compute_uses_file("usesfile", ufid, 0); zType = "ci"; disableY = 1; }else{ zUses = 0; } } if( renameOnly ){ db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE rnfile(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO rnfile" " SELECT mid FROM mlink WHERE pfnid>0 AND pfnid!=fnid;" ); disableY = 1; } if( forkOnly ){ db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE rnfork(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);\n" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO rnfork(rid)\n" " SELECT pid FROM plink\n" " WHERE (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=cid)==" " (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=pid)\n" " GROUP BY pid" " HAVING count(*)>1;\n" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO rnfork(rid)" " SELECT cid FROM plink\n" " WHERE (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=cid)==" " (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=pid)\n" " GROUP BY cid" " HAVING count(*)>1;\n", TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH ); db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO rnfork(rid)\n" " SELECT cid FROM plink\n" " WHERE pid IN rnfork" " AND (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=cid)==" " (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=pid)\n" " UNION " " SELECT pid FROM plink\n" " WHERE cid IN rnfork" " AND (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=cid)==" " (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=pid)\n", TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH, TAG_BRANCH ); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_UNHIDE; zType = "ci"; disableY = 1; } if( bisectLocal && fossil_strcmp(g.zIpAddr,"")==0 && db_open_local(0) ){ int iCurrent = db_lget_int("checkout",0); char *zPerm = bisect_permalink(); bisect_create_bilog_table(iCurrent, 0, 1); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_UNHIDE | TIMELINE_BISECT | TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; zType = "ci"; disableY = 1; style_submenu_element("Permalink", "%R/timeline?bid=%z", zPerm); }else{ bisectLocal = 0; } if( zBisect!=0 && bisect_create_bilog_table(0, zBisect, 1) ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_UNHIDE | TIMELINE_BISECT | TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; zType = "ci"; disableY = 1; }else{ zBisect = 0; } style_header("Timeline"); if( advancedMenu ){ style_submenu_element("Help", "%R/help?cmd=/timeline"); } login_anonymous_available(); timeline_temp_table(); blob_zero(&sql); blob_zero(&desc); blob_append(&sql, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO timeline ", -1); blob_append(&sql, timeline_query_for_www(), -1); if( PB("fc") || PB("v") || PB("detail") ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_FCHANGES; } if( PB("vfx") ){ tmFlags |= TIMELINE_FORUMTXT; } if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_UNHIDE)==0 ){ blob_append_sql(&sql, " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tagxref" " WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0 AND rid=blob.rid)\n", TAG_HIDDEN ); } if( ((from_rid && to_rid) || (me_rid && you_rid)) && g.perm.Read ){ /* If from= and to= are present, display all nodes on a path connecting ** the two */ PathNode *p = 0; const char *zFrom = 0; const char *zTo = 0; Blob ins; int nNodeOnPath = 0; if( from_rid && to_rid ){ p = path_shortest(from_rid, to_rid, noMerge, 0, 0); zFrom = P("from"); zTo = P("to"); }else{ if( path_common_ancestor(me_rid, you_rid) ){ p = path_first(); } zFrom = P("me"); zTo = P("you"); } blob_init(&ins, 0, 0); db_multi_exec( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp.pathnode(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" ); if( p ){ blob_init(&ins, 0, 0); blob_append_sql(&ins, "INSERT INTO pathnode(x) VALUES(%d)", p->rid); p = p->u.pTo; while( p ){ blob_append_sql(&ins, ",(%d)", p->rid); p = p->u.pTo; } } path_reset(); db_multi_exec("%s", blob_str(&ins)/*safe-for-%s*/); blob_reset(&ins); if( related || P("mionly") ){ db_multi_exec( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp.related(x INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO related(x)" " SELECT pid FROM plink WHERE cid IN pathnode AND NOT isprim;" ); if( P("mionly")==0 ){ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO related(x)" " SELECT cid FROM plink WHERE pid IN pathnode;" ); } if( showCherrypicks ){ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO related(x)" " SELECT parentid FROM cherrypick WHERE childid IN pathnode;" ); if( P("mionly")==0 ){ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO related(x)" " SELECT childid FROM cherrypick WHERE parentid IN pathnode;" ); } } db_multi_exec("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO pathnode SELECT x FROM related"); } blob_append_sql(&sql, " AND event.objid IN pathnode"); if( zChng && zChng[0] ){ db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM pathnode " " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM mlink, filename" " WHERE mlink.mid=x" " AND mlink.fnid=filename.fnid AND %s)", glob_expr("filename.name", zChng) ); } tmFlags |= TIMELINE_XMERGE | TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql)); if( advancedMenu ){ style_submenu_checkbox("v", "Files", (zType[0]!='a' && zType[0]!='c'),0); } nNodeOnPath = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM temp.pathnode"); blob_appendf(&desc, "%d check-ins going from ", nNodeOnPath); blob_appendf(&desc, "%z%h", href("%R/info/%h", zFrom), zFrom); blob_append(&desc, " to ", -1); blob_appendf(&desc, "%z%h", href("%R/info/%h",zTo), zTo); if( related ){ int nRelated = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM timeline") - nNodeOnPath; if( nRelated>0 ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " and %d related check-in%s", nRelated, nRelated>1 ? "s" : ""); } } addFileGlobDescription(zChng, &desc); }else if( (p_rid || d_rid) && g.perm.Read && zTagSql==0 ){ /* If p= or d= is present, ignore all other parameters other than n= */ char *zUuid; const char *zCiName; int np = 0, nd; const char *zBackTo = 0; int ridBackTo = 0; tmFlags |= TIMELINE_XMERGE | TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; if( p_rid && d_rid ){ if( p_rid!=d_rid ) p_rid = d_rid; if( P("n")==0 ) nEntry = 10; } db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ok(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)" ); zUuid = db_text("", "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", p_rid ? p_rid : d_rid); zCiName = pd_rid ? P("pd") : p_rid ? P("p") : P("d"); if( zCiName==0 ) zCiName = zUuid; blob_append_sql(&sql, " AND event.objid IN ok"); nd = 0; if( d_rid ){ compute_descendants(d_rid, nEntry==0 ? 0 : nEntry+1); nd = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*)-1 FROM ok"); if( nd>=0 ) db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql)); if( nd>0 || p_rid==0 ){ blob_appendf(&desc, "%d descendant%s", nd,(1==nd)?"":"s"); } if( useDividers ) selectedRid = d_rid; db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM ok"); } if( p_rid ){ zBackTo = P("bt"); ridBackTo = zBackTo ? name_to_typed_rid(zBackTo,"ci") : 0; if( !haveParameterN ) nEntry = 0; compute_ancestors(p_rid, nEntry==0 ? 0 : nEntry+1, 0, ridBackTo); np = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*)-1 FROM ok"); if( np>0 || nd==0 ){ if( nd>0 ) blob_appendf(&desc, " and "); blob_appendf(&desc, "%d ancestor%s", np, (1==np)?"":"s"); db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql)); } if( useDividers ) selectedRid = p_rid; } blob_appendf(&desc, " of %z%h", href("%R/info?name=%h", zCiName), zCiName); if( ridBackTo ){ if( np==0 ){ blob_reset(&desc); blob_appendf(&desc, "Check-in %z%h only (%z%h is not an ancestor)", href("%R/info?name=%h",zCiName), zCiName, href("%R/info?name=%h",zBackTo), zBackTo); }else{ blob_appendf(&desc, " back to %z%h", href("%R/info?name=%h",zBackTo), zBackTo); } } if( d_rid ){ if( p_rid ){ /* If both p= and d= are set, we don't have the uuid of d yet. */ zUuid = db_text("", "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", d_rid); } } if( advancedMenu ){ style_submenu_checkbox("v", "Files", (zType[0]!='a' && zType[0]!='c'),0); } style_submenu_entry("n","Max:",4,0); timeline_y_submenu(1); }else if( f_rid && g.perm.Read ){ /* If f= is present, ignore all other parameters other than n= */ char *zUuid; db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ok(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" "INSERT INTO ok VALUES(%d);" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ok SELECT pid FROM plink WHERE cid=%d;" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ok SELECT cid FROM plink WHERE pid=%d;", f_rid, f_rid, f_rid ); if( showCherrypicks ){ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ok SELECT parentid FROM cherrypick" " WHERE childid=%d;" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO ok SELECT childid FROM cherrypick" " WHERE parentid=%d;", f_rid, f_rid ); } blob_append_sql(&sql, " AND event.objid IN ok"); db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql)); if( useDividers ) selectedRid = f_rid; blob_appendf(&desc, "Parents and children of check-in "); zUuid = db_text("", "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", f_rid); blob_appendf(&desc, "%z[%S]", href("%R/info/%!S", zUuid), zUuid); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_XMERGE; if( advancedMenu ){ style_submenu_checkbox("unhide", "Unhide", 0, 0); style_submenu_checkbox("v", "Files", (zType[0]!='a' && zType[0]!='c'),0); } }else{ /* Otherwise, a timeline based on a span of time */ int n; const char *zEType = "event"; char *zDate; Blob cond; blob_zero(&cond); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; if( zChng && *zChng ){ addFileGlobExclusion(zChng, &cond); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_XMERGE; } if( zUses ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND event.objid IN usesfile "); } if( renameOnly ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND event.objid IN rnfile "); } if( forkOnly ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND event.objid IN rnfork "); } if( cpOnly && showCherrypicks ){ db_multi_exec( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cpnodes(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO cpnodes SELECT childid FROM cherrypick;" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO cpnodes SELECT parentid FROM cherrypick;" ); blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND event.objid IN cpnodes "); } if( bisectLocal || zBisect!=0 ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND event.objid IN (SELECT rid FROM bilog) "); } if( zYearMonth ){ char *zNext; zYearMonth = timeline_expand_datetime(zYearMonth); if( strlen(zYearMonth)>7 ){ zYearMonth = mprintf("%.7s", zYearMonth); } if( db_int(0,"SELECT julianday('%q-01') IS NULL", zYearMonth) ){ zYearMonth = db_text(0, "SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m','now');"); } zNext = db_text(0, "SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m','%q-01','+1 month');", zYearMonth); if( db_int(0, "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM event CROSS JOIN blob" " WHERE blob.rid=event.objid AND mtime>=julianday('%q-01')%s)", zNext, blob_sql_text(&cond)) ){ zNewerButton = fossil_strdup(url_render(&url, "ym", zNext, 0, 0)); zNewerButtonLabel = "Following month"; } fossil_free(zNext); zNext = db_text(0, "SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m','%q-01','-1 month');", zYearMonth); if( db_int(0, "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM event CROSS JOIN blob" " WHERE blob.rid=event.objid AND mtime=julianday(%Q)%s)", zNext, blob_sql_text(&cond)) ){ zNewerButton = fossil_strdup(url_render(&url, "yw", zNext, 0, 0)); zNewerButtonLabel = "Following week"; } fossil_free(zNext); zNext = db_text(0, "SELECT date(%Q,'-7 days');", zYearWeekStart); if( db_int(0, "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM event CROSS JOIN blob" " WHERE blob.rid=event.objid AND mtime=julianday(%Q)%s)", zNext, blob_sql_text(&cond)) ){ zNewerButton = fossil_strdup(url_render(&url, "ymd", zNext, 0, 0)); zNewerButtonLabel = "Following day"; } fossil_free(zNext); zNext = db_text(0, "SELECT date(%Q,'-1 day');", zDay); if( db_int(0, "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM event CROSS JOIN blob" " WHERE blob.rid=event.objid AND mtime=julianday('now','-%d days') ", nDays); nEntry = -1; } if( zTagSql ){ db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE selected_nodes(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO selected_nodes" " SELECT tagxref.rid FROM tagxref NATURAL JOIN tag" " WHERE %s AND tagtype>0", zTagSql/*safe-for-%s*/ ); if( zMark ){ /* If the t=release option is used with m=UUID, then also ** include the UUID check-in in the display list */ int ridMark = name_to_rid(zMark); db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO selected_nodes(rid) VALUES(%d)", ridMark); } if( !related ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND blob.rid IN selected_nodes"); }else{ db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE related_nodes(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" "INSERT INTO related_nodes SELECT rid FROM selected_nodes;" ); blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND blob.rid IN related_nodes"); /* The next two blob_appendf() calls add SQL that causes check-ins that ** are not part of the branch which are parents or children of the ** branch to be included in the report. These related check-ins are ** useful in helping to visualize what has happened on a quiescent ** branch that is infrequently merged with a much more activate branch. */ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO related_nodes" " SELECT pid FROM selected_nodes CROSS JOIN plink" " WHERE selected_nodes.rid=plink.cid;" ); if( P("mionly")==0 ){ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO related_nodes" " SELECT cid FROM selected_nodes CROSS JOIN plink" " WHERE selected_nodes.rid=plink.pid;" ); if( showCherrypicks ){ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO related_nodes" " SELECT childid FROM selected_nodes CROSS JOIN cherrypick" " WHERE selected_nodes.rid=cherrypick.parentid;" ); } } if( showCherrypicks ){ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO related_nodes" " SELECT parentid FROM selected_nodes CROSS JOIN cherrypick" " WHERE selected_nodes.rid=cherrypick.childid;" ); } if( (tmFlags & TIMELINE_UNHIDE)==0 ){ db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM related_nodes WHERE rid IN " " (SELECT related_nodes.rid FROM related_nodes, tagxref" " WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0 AND tagxref.rid=related_nodes.rid)", TAG_HIDDEN ); } } } if( (zType[0]=='w' && !g.perm.RdWiki) || (zType[0]=='t' && !g.perm.RdTkt) || (zType[0]=='n' && !g.perm.RdTkt) || (zType[0]=='e' && !g.perm.RdWiki) || (zType[0]=='c' && !g.perm.Read) || (zType[0]=='g' && !g.perm.Read) || (zType[0]=='f' && !g.perm.RdForum) ){ zType = "all"; } if( zType[0]=='a' ){ if( !g.perm.Read || !g.perm.RdWiki || !g.perm.RdTkt ){ char cSep = '('; blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND event.type IN "); if( g.perm.Read ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, "%c'ci','g'", cSep); cSep = ','; } if( g.perm.RdWiki ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, "%c'w','e'", cSep); cSep = ','; } if( g.perm.RdTkt ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, "%c't'", cSep); cSep = ','; } if( g.perm.RdForum ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, "%c'f'", cSep); cSep = ','; } blob_append_sql(&cond, ")"); } }else{ /* zType!="all" */ if( zType[0]=='n' ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND event.type='t' AND event.comment GLOB 'New ticket*'"); }else{ blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND event.type=%Q", zType); } if( zType[0]=='c' ){ zEType = "check-in"; }else if( zType[0]=='w' ){ zEType = "wiki"; }else if( zType[0]=='t' ){ zEType = "ticket change"; }else if( zType[0]=='n' ){ zEType = "new tickets"; }else if( zType[0]=='e' ){ zEType = "technical note"; }else if( zType[0]=='g' ){ zEType = "tag"; }else if( zType[0]=='f' ){ zEType = "forum post"; } } if( zUser ){ int n = db_int(0,"SELECT count(*) FROM event" " WHERE user=%Q OR euser=%Q", zUser, zUser); if( n<=nEntry ){ zCirca = zBefore = zAfter = 0; nEntry = -1; } blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND (event.user=%Q OR event.euser=%Q)", zUser, zUser); zThisUser = zUser; } if( zSearch ){ blob_append_sql(&cond, " AND (event.comment LIKE '%%%q%%' OR event.brief LIKE '%%%q%%')", zSearch, zSearch); } rBefore = symbolic_name_to_mtime(zBefore, &zBefore); rAfter = symbolic_name_to_mtime(zAfter, &zAfter); rCirca = symbolic_name_to_mtime(zCirca, &zCirca); blob_append_sql(&sql, "%s", blob_sql_text(&cond)); if( rAfter>0.0 ){ if( rBefore>0.0 ){ blob_append_sql(&sql, " AND event.mtime>=%.17g AND event.mtime<=%.17g" " ORDER BY event.mtime ASC", rAfter-ONE_SECOND, rBefore+ONE_SECOND); nEntry = -1; }else{ blob_append_sql(&sql, " AND event.mtime>=%.17g ORDER BY event.mtime ASC", rAfter-ONE_SECOND); } zCirca = 0; url_add_parameter(&url, "c", 0); }else if( rBefore>0.0 ){ blob_append_sql(&sql, " AND event.mtime<=%.17g ORDER BY event.mtime DESC", rBefore+ONE_SECOND); zCirca = 0; url_add_parameter(&url, "c", 0); }else if( rCirca>0.0 ){ Blob sql2; blob_init(&sql2, blob_sql_text(&sql), -1); blob_append_sql(&sql2, " AND event.mtime>=%f ORDER BY event.mtime ASC", rCirca); if( nEntry>0 ){ blob_append_sql(&sql2," LIMIT %d", (nEntry+1)/2); } if( PB("showsql") ){ @
} db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql2)); if( nEntry>0 ){ nEntry -= db_int(0,"select count(*) from timeline"); } blob_reset(&sql2); blob_append_sql(&sql, " AND event.mtime<=%f ORDER BY event.mtime DESC", rCirca ); if( zMark==0 ) zMark = zCirca; }else{ blob_append_sql(&sql, " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC"); } if( nEntry>0 ) blob_append_sql(&sql, " LIMIT %d", nEntry); db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql)); n = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM timeline WHERE etype!='div' /*scan*/"); zPlural = n==1 ? "" : "s"; if( zYearMonth ){ blob_appendf(&desc, "%d %s%s for the month beginning %h-01", n, zEType, zPlural, zYearMonth); }else if( zYearWeek ){ blob_appendf(&desc, "%d %s%s for week %h beginning on %h", n, zEType, zPlural, zYearWeek, zYearWeekStart); }else if( zDay ){ blob_appendf(&desc, "%d %s%s occurring on %h", n, zEType, zPlural, zDay); }else if( zNDays ){ blob_appendf(&desc, "%d %s%s within the past %d day%s", n, zEType, zPlural, nDays, nDays>1 ? "s" : ""); }else if( zBefore==0 && zCirca==0 && n>=nEntry && nEntry>0 ){ blob_appendf(&desc, "%d most recent %s%s", n, zEType, zPlural); }else{ blob_appendf(&desc, "%d %s%s", n, zEType, zPlural); } if( zUses ){ char *zFilenames = names_of_file(zUses); blob_appendf(&desc, " using file %s version %z%S", zFilenames, href("%R/artifact/%!S",zUses), zUses); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_XMERGE | TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; } if( renameOnly ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " that contain filename changes"); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_XMERGE | TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; } if( forkOnly ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " associated with forks"); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_DISJOINT; } if( bisectLocal || zBisect!=0 ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " in a bisect"); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_DISJOINT; } if( cpOnly && showCherrypicks ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " that participate in a cherrypick merge"); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_CHPICK|TIMELINE_DISJOINT; } if( zUser ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " by user %h", zUser); tmFlags |= TIMELINE_XMERGE | TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; } if( zTagSql ){ if( matchStyle==MS_EXACT ){ if( related ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " related to %h", zMatchDesc); }else{ blob_appendf(&desc, " tagged with %h", zMatchDesc); } }else{ if( related ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " related to tags matching %h", zMatchDesc); }else{ blob_appendf(&desc, " with tags matching %h", zMatchDesc); } } if( zMark ){ blob_appendf(&desc," plus check-in \"%h\"", zMark); } tmFlags |= TIMELINE_XMERGE | TIMELINE_FILLGAPS; } addFileGlobDescription(zChng, &desc); if( rAfter>0.0 ){ if( rBefore>0.0 ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " occurring between %h and %h.
", zAfter, zBefore); }else{ blob_appendf(&desc, " occurring on or after %h.
", zAfter); } }else if( rBefore>0.0 ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " occurring on or before %h.
", zBefore); }else if( rCirca>0.0 ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " occurring around %h.
", zCirca); } if( zSearch ){ blob_appendf(&desc, " matching \"%h\"", zSearch); } if( g.perm.Hyperlink ){ static const char *const azMatchStyles[] = { "exact", "Exact", "glob", "Glob", "like", "Like", "regexp", "Regexp" }; double rDate; zDate = db_text(0, "SELECT min(timestamp) FROM timeline /*scan*/"); if( (!zDate || !zDate[0]) && ( zAfter || zBefore ) ){ zDate = mprintf("%s", (zAfter ? zAfter : zBefore)); } if( zDate ){ rDate = symbolic_name_to_mtime(zDate, 0); if( db_int(0, "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM event CROSS JOIN blob" " WHERE blob.rid=event.objid AND mtime<=%.17g%s)", rDate-ONE_SECOND, blob_sql_text(&cond)) ){ zOlderButton = fossil_strdup(url_render(&url, "b", zDate, "a", 0)); zOlderButtonLabel = "More"; } free(zDate); } zDate = db_text(0, "SELECT max(timestamp) FROM timeline /*scan*/"); if( (!zDate || !zDate[0]) && ( zAfter || zBefore ) ){ zDate = mprintf("%s", (zBefore ? zBefore : zAfter)); } if( zDate ){ rDate = symbolic_name_to_mtime(zDate, 0); if( db_int(0, "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM event CROSS JOIN blob" " WHERE blob.rid=event.objid AND mtime>=%.17g%s)", rDate+ONE_SECOND, blob_sql_text(&cond)) ){ zNewerButton = fossil_strdup(url_render(&url, "a", zDate, "b", 0)); zNewerButtonLabel = "More"; } free(zDate); } if( advancedMenu ){ if( zType[0]=='a' || zType[0]=='c' ){ style_submenu_checkbox("unhide", "Unhide", 0, 0); } style_submenu_checkbox("v", "Files",(zType[0]!='a' && zType[0]!='c'),0); } style_submenu_entry("n","Max:",4,0); timeline_y_submenu(disableY); if( advancedMenu ){ style_submenu_entry("t", "Tag Filter:", -8, 0); style_submenu_multichoice("ms", count(azMatchStyles)/2,azMatchStyles,0); } } blob_zero(&cond); } if( PB("showsql") ){ @
} if( search_restrict(SRCH_CKIN)!=0 ){ style_submenu_element("Search", "%R/search?y=c"); } if( advancedMenu ){ style_submenu_element("Basic", "%s", url_render(&url, "advm", "0", "udc", "1")); }else{ style_submenu_element("Advanced", "%s", url_render(&url, "advm", "1", "udc", "1")); } if( PB("showid") ) tmFlags |= TIMELINE_SHOWRID; if( useDividers && zMark && zMark[0] ){ double r = symbolic_name_to_mtime(zMark, 0); if( r>0.0 ) selectedRid = timeline_add_divider(r); } blob_zero(&sql); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT * FROM timeline ORDER BY sortby DESC /*scan*/"); if( fossil_islower(desc.aData[0]) ){ desc.aData[0] = fossil_toupper(desc.aData[0]); } if( zBrName ){ if( !PB("nowiki") && wiki_render_associated("branch", zBrName, WIKIASSOC_ALL) ){ @
} else{ @


} style_submenu_element("Diff", "%R/vdiff?branch=%T", zBrName); }else if( zTagName && matchStyle==MS_EXACT && zBrName==0 && !PB("nowiki") && wiki_render_associated("tag", zTagName, WIKIASSOC_ALL) ){ @
} else{ @


} blob_reset(&desc); /* Report any errors. */ if( zError ){ @


} if( zNewerButton ){ @ %z(chref("button","%s",zNewerButton))%h(zNewerButtonLabel)\ @  ↑ } www_print_timeline(&q, tmFlags, zThisUser, zThisTag, zBrName, selectedRid, secondaryRid, 0); db_finalize(&q); if( zOlderButton ){ @ %z(chref("button","%s",zOlderButton))%h(zOlderButtonLabel)\ @  ↓ } document_emit_js(/*handles pikchrs rendered above*/); style_finish_page("timeline"); } /* ** The input query q selects various records. Print a human-readable ** summary of those records. ** ** Limit number of lines or entries printed to nLimit. If nLimit is zero ** there is no limit. If nLimit is greater than zero, limit the number of ** complete entries printed. If nLimit is less than zero, attempt to limit ** the number of lines printed (this is basically the legacy behavior). ** The line limit, if used, is approximate because it is only checked on a ** per-entry basis. If verbose mode, the file name details are considered ** to be part of the entry. ** ** The query should return these columns: ** ** 0. rid ** 1. uuid ** 2. Date/Time ** 3. Comment string and user ** 4. Number of non-merge children ** 5. Number of parents ** 6. mtime ** 7. branch ** 8. event-type: 'ci', 'w', 't', 'f', and so forth. */ void print_timeline(Stmt *q, int nLimit, int width, int verboseFlag){ int nAbsLimit = (nLimit >= 0) ? nLimit : -nLimit; int nLine = 0; int nEntry = 0; char zPrevDate[20]; const char *zCurrentUuid = 0; int fchngQueryInit = 0; /* True if fchngQuery is initialized */ Stmt fchngQuery; /* Query for file changes on check-ins */ int rc; zPrevDate[0] = 0; if( g.localOpen ){ int rid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0); zCurrentUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); } while( (rc=db_step(q))==SQLITE_ROW ){ int rid = db_column_int(q, 0); const char *zId = db_column_text(q, 1); const char *zDate = db_column_text(q, 2); const char *zCom = db_column_text(q, 3); int nChild = db_column_int(q, 4); int nParent = db_column_int(q, 5); const char *zType = db_column_text(q, 8); char *zFree = 0; int n = 0; char zPrefix[80]; if( nAbsLimit!=0 ){ if( nLimit<0 && nLine>=nAbsLimit ){ fossil_print("--- line limit (%d) reached ---\n", nAbsLimit); break; /* line count limit hit, stop. */ }else if( nEntry>=nAbsLimit ){ fossil_print("--- entry limit (%d) reached ---\n", nAbsLimit); break; /* entry count limit hit, stop. */ } } if( fossil_strnicmp(zDate, zPrevDate, 10) ){ fossil_print("=== %.10s ===\n", zDate); memcpy(zPrevDate, zDate, 10); nLine++; /* record another line */ } if( zCom==0 ) zCom = ""; fossil_print("%.8s ", &zDate[11]); zPrefix[0] = 0; if( nParent>1 ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrefix), zPrefix, "*MERGE* "); n = strlen(zPrefix); } if( nChild>1 ){ const char *zBrType; if( count_nonbranch_children(rid)>1 ){ zBrType = "*FORK* "; }else{ zBrType = "*BRANCH* "; } sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrefix)-n, &zPrefix[n], zBrType); n = strlen(zPrefix); } if( fossil_strcmp(zCurrentUuid,zId)==0 ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrefix)-n, &zPrefix[n], "*CURRENT* "); n += strlen(zPrefix+n); } if( content_is_private(rid) ){ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrefix)-n, &zPrefix[n], "*UNPUBLISHED* "); n += strlen(zPrefix+n); } if( zType[0]=='w' && (zCom[0]=='+' || zCom[0]=='-' || zCom[0]==':') ){ /* Special processing for Wiki comments */ if( zCom[0]=='+' ){ zFree = mprintf("[%S] Add wiki page \"%s\"", zId, zCom+1); }else if( zCom[0]=='-' ){ zFree = mprintf("[%S] Delete wiki page \"%s\"", zId, zCom+1); }else{ zFree = mprintf("[%S] Edit to wiki page \"%s\"", zId, zCom+1); } }else{ zFree = mprintf("[%S] %s%s", zId, zPrefix, zCom); } /* record another X lines */ nLine += comment_print(zFree, zCom, 9, width, get_comment_format()); fossil_free(zFree); if(verboseFlag){ if( !fchngQueryInit ){ db_prepare(&fchngQuery, "SELECT (pid<=0) AS isnew," " (fid==0) AS isdel," " (SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=mlink.fnid) AS name," " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=fid)," " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=pid)" " FROM mlink" " WHERE mid=:mid AND pid!=fid AND NOT mlink.isaux" " ORDER BY 3 /*sort*/" ); fchngQueryInit = 1; } db_bind_int(&fchngQuery, ":mid", rid); while( db_step(&fchngQuery)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zFilename = db_column_text(&fchngQuery, 2); int isNew = db_column_int(&fchngQuery, 0); int isDel = db_column_int(&fchngQuery, 1); if( isNew ){ fossil_print(" ADDED %s\n",zFilename); }else if( isDel ){ fossil_print(" DELETED %s\n",zFilename); }else{ fossil_print(" EDITED %s\n", zFilename); } nLine++; /* record another line */ } db_reset(&fchngQuery); } nEntry++; /* record another complete entry */ } if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ){ /* Did the underlying query actually have all entries? */ if( nAbsLimit==0 ){ fossil_print("+++ end of timeline (%d) +++\n", nEntry); }else{ fossil_print("+++ no more data (%d) +++\n", nEntry); } } if( fchngQueryInit ) db_finalize(&fchngQuery); } /* ** Return a pointer to a static string that forms the basis for ** a timeline query for display on a TTY. */ const char *timeline_query_for_tty(void){ static const char zBaseSql[] = @ SELECT @ blob.rid AS rid, @ uuid, @ datetime(event.mtime,toLocal()) AS mDateTime, @ coalesce(ecomment,comment) @ || ' (user: ' || coalesce(euser,user,'?') @ || (SELECT case when length(x)>0 then ' tags: ' || x else '' end @ FROM (SELECT group_concat(substr(tagname,5), ', ') AS x @ FROM tag, tagxref @ WHERE tagname GLOB 'sym-*' AND tag.tagid=tagxref.tagid @ AND tagxref.rid=blob.rid AND tagxref.tagtype>0)) @ || ')' as comment, @ (SELECT count(*) FROM plink WHERE pid=blob.rid AND isprim) @ AS primPlinkCount, @ (SELECT count(*) FROM plink WHERE cid=blob.rid) AS plinkCount, @ event.mtime AS mtime, @ tagxref.value AS branch, @ event.type @ FROM tag CROSS JOIN event CROSS JOIN blob @ LEFT JOIN tagxref ON tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid @ AND tagxref.tagtype>0 @ AND tagxref.rid=blob.rid @ WHERE blob.rid=event.objid @ AND tag.tagname='branch' ; return zBaseSql; } /* ** Return true if the input string is a date in the ISO 8601 format: ** YYYY-MM-DD. */ static int isIsoDate(const char *z){ return strlen(z)==10 && z[4]=='-' && z[7]=='-' && fossil_isdigit(z[0]) && fossil_isdigit(z[5]); } /* ** Return true if the input string can be converted to a julianday. */ static int fossil_is_julianday(const char *zDate){ return db_int(0, "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT julianday(%Q) AS jd" " WHERE jd IS NOT NULL)", zDate); } /* ** COMMAND: timeline ** ** Usage: %fossil timeline ?WHEN? ?CHECKIN|DATETIME? ?OPTIONS? ** ** Print a summary of activity going backwards in date and time ** specified or from the current date and time if no arguments ** are given. The WHEN argument can be any unique abbreviation ** of one of these keywords: ** ** before ** after ** descendants | children ** ancestors | parents ** ** The CHECKIN can be any unique prefix of 4 characters or more. You ** can also say "current" for the current version. ** ** DATETIME may be "now" or "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS". If in ** year-month-day form, it may be truncated, the "T" may be replaced by ** a space, and it may also name a timezone offset from UTC as "-HH:MM" ** (westward) or "+HH:MM" (eastward). Either no timezone suffix or "Z" ** means UTC. ** ** ** Options: ** -n|--limit N If N is positive, output the first N entries. If ** N is negative, output the first -N lines. If N is ** zero, no limit. Default is -20 meaning 20 lines. ** -p|--path PATH Output items affecting PATH only. ** PATH can be a file or a sub directory. ** --offset P skip P changes ** --sql Show the SQL used to generate the timeline ** -t|--type TYPE Output items from the given types only, such as: ** ci = file commits only ** e = technical notes only ** t = tickets only ** w = wiki commits only ** -v|--verbose Output the list of files changed by each commit ** and the type of each change (edited, deleted, ** etc.) after the check-in comment. ** -W|--width N Width of lines (default is to auto-detect). N must be ** either greater than 20 or it ust be zero 0 to ** indicate no limit, resulting in a single line per ** entry. ** -R REPO_FILE Specifies the repository db to use. Default is ** the current checkout's repository. */ void timeline_cmd(void){ Stmt q; int n, k, width; const char *zLimit; const char *zWidth; const char *zOffset; const char *zType; char *zOrigin; char *zDate; Blob sql; int objid = 0; Blob uuid; int mode = TIMELINE_MODE_NONE; int verboseFlag = 0 ; int iOffset; const char *zFilePattern = 0; Blob treeName; int showSql = 0; verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v", 0)!=0; if( !verboseFlag){ verboseFlag = find_option("showfiles","f", 0)!=0; /* deprecated */ } db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0); zLimit = find_option("limit","n",1); zWidth = find_option("width","W",1); zType = find_option("type","t",1); zFilePattern = find_option("path","p",1); showSql = find_option("sql",0,0)!=0; if( !zLimit ){ zLimit = find_option("count",0,1); } if( zLimit ){ n = atoi(zLimit); }else{ n = -20; } if( zWidth ){ width = atoi(zWidth); if( (width!=0) && (width<=20) ){ fossil_fatal("-W|--width value must be >20 or 0"); } }else{ width = -1; } zOffset = find_option("offset",0,1); iOffset = zOffset ? atoi(zOffset) : 0; /* We should be done with options.. */ verify_all_options(); if( g.argc>=4 ){ k = strlen(g.argv[2]); if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"before",k)==0 ){ mode = TIMELINE_MODE_BEFORE; }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"after",k)==0 && k>1 ){ mode = TIMELINE_MODE_AFTER; }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"descendants",k)==0 ){ mode = TIMELINE_MODE_CHILDREN; }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"children",k)==0 ){ mode = TIMELINE_MODE_CHILDREN; }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"ancestors",k)==0 && k>1 ){ mode = TIMELINE_MODE_PARENTS; }else if( strncmp(g.argv[2],"parents",k)==0 ){ mode = TIMELINE_MODE_PARENTS; }else if(!zType && !zLimit){ usage("?WHEN? ?CHECKIN|DATETIME? ?-n|--limit #? ?-t|--type TYPE? " "?-W|--width WIDTH? ?-p|--path PATH"); } if( '-' != *g.argv[3] ){ zOrigin = g.argv[3]; }else{ zOrigin = "now"; } }else if( g.argc==3 ){ zOrigin = g.argv[2]; }else{ zOrigin = "now"; } k = strlen(zOrigin); blob_zero(&uuid); blob_append(&uuid, zOrigin, -1); if( fossil_strcmp(zOrigin, "now")==0 ){ if( mode==TIMELINE_MODE_CHILDREN || mode==TIMELINE_MODE_PARENTS ){ fossil_fatal("cannot compute descendants or ancestors of a date"); } zDate = mprintf("(SELECT datetime('now'))"); }else if( strncmp(zOrigin, "current", k)==0 ){ if( !g.localOpen ){ fossil_fatal("must be within a local checkout to use 'current'"); } objid = db_lget_int("checkout",0); zDate = mprintf("(SELECT mtime FROM plink WHERE cid=%d)", objid); }else if( fossil_is_julianday(zOrigin) ){ const char *zShift = ""; if( mode==TIMELINE_MODE_CHILDREN || mode==TIMELINE_MODE_PARENTS ){ fossil_fatal("cannot compute descendants or ancestors of a date"); } if( mode==TIMELINE_MODE_NONE ){ if( isIsoDate(zOrigin) ) zShift = ",'+1 day'"; } zDate = mprintf("(SELECT julianday(%Q%s, fromLocal()))", zOrigin, zShift); }else if( name_to_uuid(&uuid, 0, "*")==0 ){ objid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid=%B", &uuid); zDate = mprintf("(SELECT mtime FROM event WHERE objid=%d)", objid); }else{ fossil_fatal("unknown check-in or invalid date: %s", zOrigin); } if( zFilePattern ){ if( zType==0 ){ /* When zFilePattern is specified and type is not specified, only show * file check-ins */ zType="ci"; } file_tree_name(zFilePattern, &treeName, 0, 1); if( fossil_strcmp(blob_str(&treeName), ".")==0 ){ /* When zTreeName refers to g.zLocalRoot, it's like not specifying * zFilePattern. */ zFilePattern = 0; } } if( mode==TIMELINE_MODE_NONE ) mode = TIMELINE_MODE_BEFORE; blob_zero(&sql); blob_append(&sql, timeline_query_for_tty(), -1); blob_append_sql(&sql, "\n AND event.mtime %s %s", ( mode==TIMELINE_MODE_BEFORE || mode==TIMELINE_MODE_PARENTS ) ? "<=" : ">=", zDate /*safe-for-%s*/ ); /* When zFilePattern is specified, compute complete ancestry; * limit later at print_timeline() */ if( mode==TIMELINE_MODE_CHILDREN || mode==TIMELINE_MODE_PARENTS ){ db_multi_exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE ok(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)"); if( mode==TIMELINE_MODE_CHILDREN ){ compute_descendants(objid, (zFilePattern ? 0 : n)); }else{ compute_ancestors(objid, (zFilePattern ? 0 : n), 0, 0); } blob_append_sql(&sql, "\n AND blob.rid IN ok"); } if( zType && (zType[0]!='a') ){ blob_append_sql(&sql, "\n AND event.type=%Q ", zType); } if( zFilePattern ){ blob_append(&sql, "\n AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM mlink\n" " WHERE mlink.mid=event.objid\n" " AND mlink.fnid IN ", -1); if( filenames_are_case_sensitive() ){ blob_append_sql(&sql, "(SELECT fnid FROM filename" " WHERE name=%Q" " OR name GLOB '%q/*')", blob_str(&treeName), blob_str(&treeName)); }else{ blob_append_sql(&sql, "(SELECT fnid FROM filename" " WHERE name=%Q COLLATE nocase" " OR lower(name) GLOB lower('%q/*'))", blob_str(&treeName), blob_str(&treeName)); } blob_append(&sql, ")", -1); } blob_append_sql(&sql, "\nORDER BY event.mtime DESC"); if( iOffset>0 ){ /* Don't handle LIMIT here, otherwise print_timeline() * will not determine the end-marker correctly! */ blob_append_sql(&sql, "\n LIMIT -1 OFFSET %d", iOffset); } if( showSql ){ fossil_print("%s\n", blob_str(&sql)); } db_prepare_blob(&q, &sql); blob_reset(&sql); print_timeline(&q, n, width, verboseFlag); db_finalize(&q); } /* ** WEBPAGE: thisdayinhistory ** ** Generate a vanity page that shows project activity for the current ** day of the year for various years in the history of the project. ** ** Query parameters: ** ** today=DATE Use DATE as today's date */ void thisdayinhistory_page(void){ static int aYearsAgo[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100 }; const char *zToday; char *zStartOfProject; int i; Stmt q; char *z; login_check_credentials(); if( (!g.perm.Read && !g.perm.RdTkt && !g.perm.RdWiki && !g.perm.RdForum) ){ login_needed(g.anon.Read && g.anon.RdTkt && g.anon.RdWiki); return; } style_header("Today In History"); zToday = (char*)P("today"); if( zToday ){ zToday = timeline_expand_datetime(zToday); if( !fossil_isdate(zToday) ) zToday = 0; } if( zToday==0 ){ zToday = db_text(0, "SELECT date('now',toLocal())"); } @

This Day In History For %h(zToday)

z = db_text(0, "SELECT date(%Q,'-1 day')", zToday); style_submenu_element("Yesterday", "%R/thisdayinhistory?today=%t", z); z = db_text(0, "SELECT date(%Q,'+1 day')", zToday); style_submenu_element("Tomorrow", "%R/thisdayinhistory?today=%t", z); zStartOfProject = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(min(mtime),toLocal(),'startofday') FROM event;" ); timeline_temp_table(); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT * FROM timeline ORDER BY sortby DESC /*scan*/"); for(i=0; i%d(iAgo) Year%s(iAgo>1?"s":"") Ago @ %z(href("%R/timeline?c=%t",zId))(more context)\ @ www_print_timeline(&q, TIMELINE_GRAPH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } db_finalize(&q); style_finish_page("timeline"); } /* ** COMMAND: test-timewarp-list ** ** Usage: %fossil test-timewarp-list ?-v|---verbose? ** ** Display all instances of child check-ins that appear earlier in time ** than their parent. If the -v|--verbose option is provided, both the ** parent and child check-ins and their times are shown. */ void test_timewarp_cmd(void){ Stmt q; int verboseFlag; db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0); verboseFlag = find_option("verbose", "v", 0)!=0; if( !verboseFlag ){ verboseFlag = find_option("detail", 0, 0)!=0; /* deprecated */ } db_prepare(&q, "SELECT (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=p.cid)," " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=c.cid)," " datetime(p.mtime), datetime(c.mtime)" " FROM plink p, plink c" " WHERE p.cid=c.pid AND p.mtime>c.mtime" ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ if( !verboseFlag ){ fossil_print("%s\n", db_column_text(&q, 1)); }else{ fossil_print("%.14s -> %.14s %s -> %s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0), db_column_text(&q, 1), db_column_text(&q, 2), db_column_text(&q, 3)); } } db_finalize(&q); } /* ** WEBPAGE: timewarps ** ** Show all check-ins that are "timewarps". A timewarp is a ** check-in that occurs before its parent, according to the ** timestamp information on the check-in. This can only actually ** happen, of course, if a users system clock is set incorrectly. */ void test_timewarp_page(void){ Stmt q; int cnt = 0; login_check_credentials(); if( !g.perm.Read || !g.perm.Hyperlink ){ login_needed(g.anon.Read && g.anon.Hyperlink); return; } style_header("Instances of timewarp"); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT blob.uuid, " " date(ce.mtime)," " pe.mtime>ce.mtime," " coalesce(ce.euser,ce.user)" " FROM plink p, plink c, blob, event pe, event ce" " WHERE p.cid=c.pid AND p.mtime>c.mtime" " AND blob.rid=c.cid" " AND pe.objid=p.cid" " AND ce.objid=c.cid" " ORDER BY 2 DESC" ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zCkin = db_column_text(&q, 0); const char *zDate = db_column_text(&q, 1); const char *zStatus = db_column_int(&q,2) ? "Open" : "Resolved by editing date"; const char *zUser = db_column_text(&q, 3); char *zHref = href("%R/timeline?c=%S", zCkin); if( cnt==0 ){ style_table_sorter(); @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ } @ @ @ @ @ @ fossil_free(zHref); cnt++; } db_finalize(&q); if( cnt==0 ){ @

No timewarps in this repository

}else{ @
} style_finish_page("timewarps"); }