/* ** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This file contains code to implement the file transfer protocol. */ #include "config.h" #include "xfer.h" #include /* ** Maximum number of HTTP redirects that any http_exchange() call will ** follow before throwing a fatal error. Most browsers use a limit of 20. */ #define MAX_REDIRECTS 20 /* ** This structure holds information about the current state of either ** a client or a server that is participating in xfer. */ typedef struct Xfer Xfer; struct Xfer { Blob *pIn; /* Input text from the other side */ Blob *pOut; /* Compose our reply here */ Blob line; /* The current line of input */ Blob aToken[6]; /* Tokenized version of line */ Blob err; /* Error message text */ int nToken; /* Number of tokens in line */ int nIGotSent; /* Number of "igot" cards sent */ int nGimmeSent; /* Number of gimme cards sent */ int nFileSent; /* Number of files sent */ int nDeltaSent; /* Number of deltas sent */ int nFileRcvd; /* Number of files received */ int nDeltaRcvd; /* Number of deltas received */ int nDanglingFile; /* Number of dangling deltas received */ int mxSend; /* Stop sending "file" when pOut reaches this size */ int resync; /* Send igot cards for all holdings */ u8 syncPrivate; /* True to enable syncing private content */ u8 nextIsPrivate; /* If true, next "file" received is a private */ u32 clientVersion; /* Version of the client software */ time_t maxTime; /* Time when this transfer should be finished */ }; /* ** The input blob contains an artifact. Convert it into a record ID. ** Create a phantom record if no prior record exists and ** phantomize is true. ** ** Compare to uuid_to_rid(). This routine takes a blob argument ** and does less error checking. */ static int rid_from_uuid(Blob *pUuid, int phantomize, int isPrivate){ static Stmt q; int rid; db_static_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid=:uuid"); db_bind_str(&q, ":uuid", pUuid); if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ rid = db_column_int(&q, 0); }else{ rid = 0; } db_reset(&q); if( rid==0 && phantomize ){ rid = content_new(blob_str(pUuid), isPrivate); } return rid; } /* ** Remember that the other side of the connection already has a copy ** of the file rid. */ static void remote_has(int rid){ if( rid ){ static Stmt q; db_static_prepare(&q, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO onremote VALUES(:r)"); db_bind_int(&q, ":r", rid); db_step(&q); db_reset(&q); } } /* ** The aToken[0..nToken-1] blob array is a parse of a "file" line ** message. This routine finishes parsing that message and does ** a record insert of the file. ** ** The file line is in one of the following two forms: ** ** file HASH SIZE \n CONTENT ** file HASH DELTASRC SIZE \n CONTENT ** ** The content is SIZE bytes immediately following the newline. ** If DELTASRC exists, then the CONTENT is a delta against the ** content of DELTASRC. ** ** If any error occurs, write a message into pErr which has already ** be initialized to an empty string. ** ** Any artifact successfully received by this routine is considered to ** be public and is therefore removed from the "private" table. */ static void xfer_accept_file( Xfer *pXfer, int cloneFlag, char **pzUuidList, int *pnUuidList ){ int n; int rid; int srcid = 0; Blob content; int isPriv; Blob *pUuid; isPriv = pXfer->nextIsPrivate; pXfer->nextIsPrivate = 0; if( pXfer->nToken<3 || pXfer->nToken>4 || !blob_is_hname(&pXfer->aToken[1]) || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[pXfer->nToken-1], &n) || n<0 || (pXfer->nToken==4 && !blob_is_hname(&pXfer->aToken[2])) ){ blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "malformed file line"); return; } blob_zero(&content); blob_extract(pXfer->pIn, n, &content); pUuid = &pXfer->aToken[1]; if( !cloneFlag && uuid_is_shunned(blob_str(pUuid)) ){ /* Ignore files that have been shunned */ blob_reset(&content); return; } if( isPriv && !g.perm.Private ){ /* Do not accept private files if not authorized */ blob_reset(&content); return; } if( cloneFlag ){ if( pXfer->nToken==4 ){ srcid = rid_from_uuid(&pXfer->aToken[2], 1, isPriv); pXfer->nDeltaRcvd++; }else{ srcid = 0; pXfer->nFileRcvd++; } rid = content_put_ex(&content, blob_str(pUuid), srcid, 0, isPriv); Th_AppendToList(pzUuidList, pnUuidList, blob_str(pUuid), blob_size(pUuid)); remote_has(rid); blob_reset(&content); return; } if( pXfer->nToken==4 ){ Blob src, next; srcid = rid_from_uuid(&pXfer->aToken[2], 1, isPriv); if( content_get(srcid, &src)==0 ){ rid = content_put_ex(&content, blob_str(pUuid), srcid, 0, isPriv); Th_AppendToList(pzUuidList, pnUuidList, blob_str(pUuid), blob_size(pUuid)); pXfer->nDanglingFile++; db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM phantom WHERE rid=%d", rid); if( !isPriv ) content_make_public(rid); blob_reset(&src); blob_reset(&content); return; } pXfer->nDeltaRcvd++; blob_delta_apply(&src, &content, &next); blob_reset(&src); blob_reset(&content); content = next; }else{ pXfer->nFileRcvd++; } if( hname_verify_hash(&content, blob_buffer(pUuid), blob_size(pUuid))==0 ){ blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "wrong hash on received artifact: %b", pUuid); } rid = content_put_ex(&content, blob_str(pUuid), 0, 0, isPriv); Th_AppendToList(pzUuidList, pnUuidList, blob_str(pUuid), blob_size(pUuid)); if( rid==0 ){ blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "%s", g.zErrMsg); blob_reset(&content); }else{ if( !isPriv ) content_make_public(rid); manifest_crosslink(rid, &content, MC_NO_ERRORS); } assert( blob_is_reset(&content) ); remote_has(rid); } /* ** The aToken[0..nToken-1] blob array is a parse of a "cfile" line ** message. This routine finishes parsing that message and does ** a record insert of the file. The difference between "file" and ** "cfile" is that with "cfile" the content is already compressed. ** ** The file line is in one of the following two forms: ** ** cfile HASH USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT ** cfile HASH DELTASRC USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT ** ** The content is CSIZE bytes immediately following the newline. ** If DELTASRC exists, then the CONTENT is a delta against the ** content of DELTASRC. ** ** The original size of the HASH artifact is USIZE. ** ** If any error occurs, write a message into pErr which has already ** be initialized to an empty string. ** ** Any artifact successfully received by this routine is considered to ** be public and is therefore removed from the "private" table. */ static void xfer_accept_compressed_file( Xfer *pXfer, char **pzUuidList, int *pnUuidList ){ int szC; /* CSIZE */ int szU; /* USIZE */ int rid; int srcid = 0; Blob content; int isPriv; isPriv = pXfer->nextIsPrivate; pXfer->nextIsPrivate = 0; if( pXfer->nToken<4 || pXfer->nToken>5 || !blob_is_hname(&pXfer->aToken[1]) || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[pXfer->nToken-2], &szU) || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[pXfer->nToken-1], &szC) || szC<0 || szU<0 || (pXfer->nToken==5 && !blob_is_hname(&pXfer->aToken[2])) ){ blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "malformed cfile line"); return; } if( isPriv && !g.perm.Private ){ /* Do not accept private files if not authorized */ return; } blob_zero(&content); blob_extract(pXfer->pIn, szC, &content); if( uuid_is_shunned(blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1])) ){ /* Ignore files that have been shunned */ blob_reset(&content); return; } if( pXfer->nToken==5 ){ srcid = rid_from_uuid(&pXfer->aToken[2], 1, isPriv); pXfer->nDeltaRcvd++; }else{ srcid = 0; pXfer->nFileRcvd++; } rid = content_put_ex(&content, blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1]), srcid, szC, isPriv); Th_AppendToList(pzUuidList, pnUuidList, blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1]), blob_size(&pXfer->aToken[1])); remote_has(rid); blob_reset(&content); } /* ** The aToken[0..nToken-1] blob array is a parse of a "uvfile" line ** message. This routine finishes parsing that message and adds the ** unversioned file to the "unversioned" table. ** ** The file line is in one of the following two forms: ** ** uvfile NAME MTIME HASH SIZE FLAGS ** uvfile NAME MTIME HASH SIZE FLAGS \n CONTENT ** ** If the 0x0001 bit of FLAGS is set, that means the file has been ** deleted, SIZE is zero, the HASH is "-", and the "\n CONTENT" is omitted. ** ** SIZE is the number of bytes of CONTENT. The CONTENT is uncompressed. ** HASH is the artifact hash of CONTENT. ** ** If the 0x0004 bit of FLAGS is set, that means the CONTENT is omitted. ** The sender might have omitted the content because it is too big to ** transmit, or because it is unchanged and this record exists purely ** to update the MTIME. */ static void xfer_accept_unversioned_file(Xfer *pXfer, int isWriter){ sqlite3_int64 mtime; /* The MTIME */ Blob *pHash; /* The HASH value */ int sz; /* The SIZE */ int flags; /* The FLAGS */ Blob content; /* The CONTENT */ Blob x; /* Compressed content */ Stmt q; /* SQL statements for comparison and insert */ int isDelete; /* HASH is "-" indicating this is a delete */ int nullContent; /* True of CONTENT is NULL */ int iStatus; /* Result from unversioned_status() */ pHash = &pXfer->aToken[3]; if( pXfer->nToken==5 || !blob_is_filename(&pXfer->aToken[1]) || !blob_is_int64(&pXfer->aToken[2], &mtime) || (!blob_eq(pHash,"-") && !blob_is_hname(pHash)) || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[4], &sz) || !blob_is_int(&pXfer->aToken[5], &flags) ){ blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "malformed uvfile line"); return; } blob_init(&content, 0, 0); blob_init(&x, 0, 0); if( sz>0 && (flags & 0x0005)==0 ){ blob_extract(pXfer->pIn, sz, &content); nullContent = 0; if( hname_verify_hash(&content, blob_buffer(pHash), blob_size(pHash))==0 ){ blob_appendf(&pXfer->err, "in uvfile line, HASH does not match CONTENT"); goto end_accept_unversioned_file; } }else{ nullContent = 1; } /* The isWriter flag must be true in order to land the new file */ if( !isWriter ) goto end_accept_unversioned_file; /* Make sure we have a valid g.rcvid marker */ content_rcvid_init(0); /* Check to see if current content really should be overwritten. Ideally, ** a uvfile card should never have been sent unless the overwrite should ** occur. But do not trust the sender. Double-check. */ iStatus = unversioned_status(blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1]), mtime, blob_str(pHash)); if( iStatus>=3 ) goto end_accept_unversioned_file; /* Store the content */ isDelete = blob_eq(pHash, "-"); if( isDelete ){ db_prepare(&q, "UPDATE unversioned" " SET rcvid=:rcvid, mtime=:mtime, hash=NULL," " sz=0, encoding=0, content=NULL" " WHERE name=:name" ); db_bind_int(&q, ":rcvid", g.rcvid); }else if( iStatus==2 ){ db_prepare(&q, "UPDATE unversioned SET mtime=:mtime WHERE name=:name"); }else{ db_prepare(&q, "REPLACE INTO unversioned(name,rcvid,mtime,hash,sz,encoding,content)" " VALUES(:name,:rcvid,:mtime,:hash,:sz,:encoding,:content)" ); db_bind_int(&q, ":rcvid", g.rcvid); db_bind_text(&q, ":hash", blob_str(pHash)); db_bind_int(&q, ":sz", blob_size(&content)); if( !nullContent ){ blob_compress(&content, &x); if( blob_size(&x) < 0.8*blob_size(&content) ){ db_bind_blob(&q, ":content", &x); db_bind_int(&q, ":encoding", 1); }else{ db_bind_blob(&q, ":content", &content); db_bind_int(&q, ":encoding", 0); } }else{ db_bind_int(&q, ":encoding", 0); } } db_bind_text(&q, ":name", blob_str(&pXfer->aToken[1])); db_bind_int64(&q, ":mtime", mtime); db_step(&q); db_finalize(&q); db_unset("uv-hash", 0); end_accept_unversioned_file: blob_reset(&x); blob_reset(&content); } /* ** Try to send a file as a delta against its parent. ** If successful, return the number of bytes in the delta. ** If we cannot generate an appropriate delta, then send ** nothing and return zero. ** ** Never send a delta against a private artifact. */ static int send_delta_parent( Xfer *pXfer, /* The transfer context */ int rid, /* record id of the file to send */ int isPrivate, /* True if rid is a private artifact */ Blob *pContent, /* The content of the file to send */ Blob *pUuid /* The HASH of the file to send */ ){ static const char *const azQuery[] = { "SELECT pid FROM plink x" " WHERE cid=%d" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=pid)", "SELECT pid, min(mtime) FROM mlink, event ON mlink.mid=event.objid" " WHERE fid=%d" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=pid)" }; int i; Blob src, delta; int size = 0; int srcId = 0; for(i=0; srcId==0 && i0 && (pXfer->syncPrivate || !content_is_private(srcId)) && content_get(srcId, &src) ){ char *zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", srcId); blob_delta_create(&src, pContent, &delta); size = blob_size(&delta); if( size>=blob_size(pContent)-50 ){ size = 0; }else if( uuid_is_shunned(zUuid) ){ size = 0; }else{ if( isPrivate ) blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "private\n", -1); blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "file %b %s %d\n", pUuid, zUuid, size); blob_append(pXfer->pOut, blob_buffer(&delta), size); } blob_reset(&delta); free(zUuid); blob_reset(&src); } return size; } /* ** Try to send a file as a native delta. ** If successful, return the number of bytes in the delta. ** If we cannot generate an appropriate delta, then send ** nothing and return zero. ** ** Never send a delta against a private artifact. */ static int send_delta_native( Xfer *pXfer, /* The transfer context */ int rid, /* record id of the file to send */ int isPrivate, /* True if rid is a private artifact */ Blob *pUuid /* The HASH of the file to send */ ){ Blob src, delta; int size = 0; int srcId; srcId = db_int(0, "SELECT srcid FROM delta WHERE rid=%d", rid); if( srcId>0 && (pXfer->syncPrivate || !content_is_private(srcId)) ){ blob_zero(&src); db_blob(&src, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", srcId); if( uuid_is_shunned(blob_str(&src)) ){ blob_reset(&src); return 0; } blob_zero(&delta); db_blob(&delta, "SELECT content FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); blob_uncompress(&delta, &delta); if( isPrivate ) blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "private\n", -1); blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "file %b %b %d\n", pUuid, &src, blob_size(&delta)); blob_append(pXfer->pOut, blob_buffer(&delta), blob_size(&delta)); size = blob_size(&delta); blob_reset(&delta); blob_reset(&src); }else{ size = 0; } return size; } /* ** Push an error message to alert the older client that the repository ** has SHA3 content and cannot be synced or cloned. */ static void xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(Xfer *pXfer){ blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "error Fossil\\sversion\\s2.0\\sor\\slater\\srequired.\n" ); } /* ** Send the file identified by rid. ** ** The pUuid can be NULL in which case the correct hash is computed ** from the rid. ** ** Try to send the file as a native delta if nativeDelta is true, or ** as a parent delta if nativeDelta is false. ** ** It should never be the case that rid is a private artifact. But ** as a precaution, this routine does check on rid and if it is private ** this routine becomes a no-op. */ static void send_file(Xfer *pXfer, int rid, Blob *pUuid, int nativeDelta){ Blob content, uuid; int size = 0; int isPriv = content_is_private(rid); if( pXfer->syncPrivate==0 && isPriv ) return; if( db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM onremote WHERE rid=%d", rid) ){ return; } blob_zero(&uuid); db_blob(&uuid, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d AND size>=0", rid); if( blob_size(&uuid)==0 ){ return; } if( blob_size(&uuid)>HNAME_LEN_SHA1 && pXfer->clientVersion<20000 ){ xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(pXfer); return; } if( pUuid ){ if( blob_compare(pUuid, &uuid)!=0 ){ blob_reset(&uuid); return; } }else{ pUuid = &uuid; } if( uuid_is_shunned(blob_str(pUuid)) ){ blob_reset(&uuid); return; } if( (pXfer->maxTime != -1 && time(NULL) >= pXfer->maxTime) || pXfer->mxSend<=blob_size(pXfer->pOut) ){ const char *zFormat = isPriv ? "igot %b 1\n" : "igot %b\n"; blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, zFormat /*works-like:"%b"*/, pUuid); pXfer->nIGotSent++; blob_reset(&uuid); return; } if( nativeDelta ){ size = send_delta_native(pXfer, rid, isPriv, pUuid); if( size ){ pXfer->nDeltaSent++; } } if( size==0 ){ content_get(rid, &content); if( !nativeDelta && blob_size(&content)>100 ){ size = send_delta_parent(pXfer, rid, isPriv, &content, pUuid); } if( size==0 ){ int size = blob_size(&content); if( isPriv ) blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "private\n", -1); blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "file %b %d\n", pUuid, size); blob_append(pXfer->pOut, blob_buffer(&content), size); pXfer->nFileSent++; }else{ pXfer->nDeltaSent++; } blob_reset(&content); } remote_has(rid); blob_reset(&uuid); #if 0 if( blob_buffer(pXfer->pOut)[blob_size(pXfer->pOut)-1]!='\n' ){ blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "\n", 1); } #endif } /* ** Send the file identified by rid as a compressed artifact. Basically, ** send the content exactly as it appears in the BLOB table using ** a "cfile" card. */ static void send_compressed_file(Xfer *pXfer, int rid){ const char *zContent; const char *zUuid; const char *zDelta; int szU; int szC; int rc; int isPrivate; int srcIsPrivate; static Stmt q1; Blob fullContent; isPrivate = content_is_private(rid); if( isPrivate && pXfer->syncPrivate==0 ) return; db_static_prepare(&q1, "SELECT uuid, size, content, delta.srcid IN private," " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=delta.srcid)" " FROM blob LEFT JOIN delta ON (blob.rid=delta.rid)" " WHERE blob.rid=:rid" " AND blob.size>=0" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE shun.uuid=blob.uuid)" ); db_bind_int(&q1, ":rid", rid); rc = db_step(&q1); if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){ zUuid = db_column_text(&q1, 0); szU = db_column_int(&q1, 1); szC = db_column_bytes(&q1, 2); zContent = db_column_raw(&q1, 2); srcIsPrivate = db_column_int(&q1, 3); zDelta = db_column_text(&q1, 4); if( isPrivate ) blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "private\n", -1); if( pXfer->clientVersion<20000 && db_column_bytes(&q1,0)!=HNAME_LEN_SHA1 ){ xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(pXfer); db_reset(&q1); return; } blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "cfile %s ", zUuid); if( !isPrivate && srcIsPrivate ){ content_get(rid, &fullContent); szU = blob_size(&fullContent); blob_compress(&fullContent, &fullContent); szC = blob_size(&fullContent); zContent = blob_buffer(&fullContent); zDelta = 0; } if( zDelta ){ blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "%s ", zDelta); pXfer->nDeltaSent++; }else{ pXfer->nFileSent++; } blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "%d %d\n", szU, szC); blob_append(pXfer->pOut, zContent, szC); if( blob_buffer(pXfer->pOut)[blob_size(pXfer->pOut)-1]!='\n' ){ blob_append(pXfer->pOut, "\n", 1); } if( !isPrivate && srcIsPrivate ){ blob_reset(&fullContent); } } db_reset(&q1); } /* ** Send the unversioned file identified by zName by generating the ** appropriate "uvfile" card. ** ** uvfile NAME MTIME HASH SIZE FLAGS \n CONTENT ** ** If the noContent flag is set, omit the CONTENT and set the 0x0004 ** flag in FLAGS. */ static void send_unversioned_file( Xfer *pXfer, /* Transfer context */ const char *zName, /* Name of unversioned file to be sent */ int noContent /* True to omit the content */ ){ Stmt q1; if( blob_size(pXfer->pOut)>=pXfer->mxSend ) noContent = 1; if( noContent ){ db_prepare(&q1, "SELECT mtime, hash, encoding, sz FROM unversioned WHERE name=%Q", zName ); }else{ db_prepare(&q1, "SELECT mtime, hash, encoding, sz, content FROM unversioned" " WHERE name=%Q", zName ); } if( db_step(&q1)==SQLITE_ROW ){ sqlite3_int64 mtime = db_column_int64(&q1, 0); const char *zHash = db_column_text(&q1, 1); if( pXfer->clientVersion<20000 && db_column_bytes(&q1,1)>HNAME_LEN_SHA1 ){ xfer_cannot_send_sha3_error(pXfer); db_reset(&q1); return; } if( blob_size(pXfer->pOut)>=pXfer->mxSend ){ /* If we have already reached the send size limit, send a (short) ** uvigot card rather than a uvfile card. This only happens on the ** server side. The uvigot card will provoke the client to resend ** another uvgimme on the next cycle. */ blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "uvigot %s %lld %s %d\n", zName, mtime, zHash, db_column_int(&q1,3)); }else{ blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "uvfile %s %lld", zName, mtime); if( zHash==0 ){ blob_append(pXfer->pOut, " - 0 1\n", -1); }else if( noContent ){ blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, " %s %d 4\n", zHash, db_column_int(&q1,3)); }else{ Blob content; blob_init(&content, 0, 0); db_column_blob(&q1, 4, &content); if( db_column_int(&q1, 2) ){ blob_uncompress(&content, &content); } blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, " %s %d 0\n", zHash, blob_size(&content)); blob_append(pXfer->pOut, blob_buffer(&content), blob_size(&content)); blob_reset(&content); } } } db_finalize(&q1); } /* ** Send a gimme message for every phantom. ** ** Except: do not request shunned artifacts. And do not request ** private artifacts if we are not doing a private transfer. */ static void request_phantoms(Xfer *pXfer, int maxReq){ Stmt q; db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid FROM phantom CROSS JOIN blob USING(rid) /*scan*/" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid) %s", (pXfer->syncPrivate ? "" : " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM private WHERE rid=blob.rid)") ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW && maxReq-- > 0 ){ const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 0); blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "gimme %s\n", zUuid); pXfer->nGimmeSent++; } db_finalize(&q); } /* ** Compute an hash on the tail of pMsg. Verify that it matches the ** the hash given in pHash. Return non-zero for an error and 0 on success. ** ** The type of hash computed (SHA1, SHA3-256) is determined by ** the length of the input hash in pHash. */ static int check_tail_hash(Blob *pHash, Blob *pMsg){ Blob tail; int rc; blob_tail(pMsg, &tail); rc = hname_verify_hash(&tail, blob_buffer(pHash), blob_size(pHash)); blob_reset(&tail); return rc==HNAME_ERROR; } /* ** Check the signature on an application/x-fossil payload received by ** the HTTP server. The signature is a line of the following form: ** ** login LOGIN NONCE SIGNATURE ** ** The NONCE is the SHA1 hash of the remainder of the input. ** SIGNATURE is the SHA1 checksum of the NONCE concatenated ** with the users password. ** ** The parameters to this routine are ephemeral blobs holding the ** LOGIN, NONCE and SIGNATURE. ** ** This routine attempts to locate the user and verify the signature. ** If everything checks out, the USER.CAP column for the USER table ** is consulted to set privileges in the global g variable. ** ** If anything fails to check out, no changes are made to privileges. ** ** Signature generation on the client side is handled by the ** http_exchange() routine. ** ** Return non-zero for a login failure and zero for success. */ int check_login(Blob *pLogin, Blob *pNonce, Blob *pSig){ Stmt q; int rc = -1; char *zLogin = blob_terminate(pLogin); defossilize(zLogin); if( fossil_strcmp(zLogin, "nobody")==0 || fossil_strcmp(zLogin,"anonymous")==0 ){ return 0; /* Anybody is allowed to sync as "nobody" or "anonymous" */ } if( fossil_strcmp(P("REMOTE_USER"), zLogin)==0 && db_get_boolean("remote_user_ok",0) ){ return 0; /* Accept Basic Authorization */ } db_prepare(&q, "SELECT pw, cap, uid FROM user" " WHERE login=%Q" " AND login NOT IN ('anonymous','nobody','developer','reader')" " AND length(pw)>0", zLogin ); if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ int szPw; Blob pw, combined, hash; blob_zero(&pw); db_ephemeral_blob(&q, 0, &pw); szPw = blob_size(&pw); blob_zero(&combined); blob_copy(&combined, pNonce); blob_append(&combined, blob_buffer(&pw), szPw); sha1sum_blob(&combined, &hash); assert( blob_size(&hash)==40 ); rc = blob_constant_time_cmp(&hash, pSig); blob_reset(&hash); blob_reset(&combined); if( rc!=0 && szPw!=40 ){ /* If this server stores cleartext passwords and the password did not ** match, then perhaps the client is sending SHA1 passwords. Try ** again with the SHA1 password. */ const char *zPw = db_column_text(&q, 0); char *zSecret = sha1_shared_secret(zPw, blob_str(pLogin), 0); blob_zero(&combined); blob_copy(&combined, pNonce); blob_append(&combined, zSecret, -1); free(zSecret); sha1sum_blob(&combined, &hash); rc = blob_constant_time_cmp(&hash, pSig); blob_reset(&hash); blob_reset(&combined); } if( rc==0 ){ const char *zCap; zCap = db_column_text(&q, 1); login_set_capabilities(zCap, 0); g.userUid = db_column_int(&q, 2); g.zLogin = mprintf("%b", pLogin); g.zNonce = mprintf("%b", pNonce); } } db_finalize(&q); return rc; } /* ** Send the content of all files in the unsent table. ** ** This is really just an optimization. If you clear the ** unsent table, all the right files will still get transferred. ** It just might require an extra round trip or two. */ static void send_unsent(Xfer *pXfer){ Stmt q; db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM unsent EXCEPT SELECT rid FROM private"); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ int rid = db_column_int(&q, 0); send_file(pXfer, rid, 0, 0); } db_finalize(&q); db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM unsent"); } /* ** Check to see if the number of unclustered entries is greater than ** 100 and if it is, form a new cluster. Unclustered phantoms do not ** count toward the 100 total. And phantoms are never added to a new ** cluster. */ void create_cluster(void){ Blob cluster, cksum; Blob deleteWhere; Stmt q; int nUncl; int nRow = 0; int rid; #if 0 /* We should not ever get any private artifacts in the unclustered table. ** But if we do (because of a bug) now is a good time to delete them. */ db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM unclustered WHERE rid IN (SELECT rid FROM private)" ); #endif nUncl = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM unclustered /*scan*/" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom" " WHERE rid=unclustered.rid)"); if( nUncl>=100 ){ blob_zero(&cluster); blob_zero(&deleteWhere); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid FROM unclustered, blob" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom" " WHERE rid=unclustered.rid)" " AND unclustered.rid=blob.rid" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)" " ORDER BY 1"); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ blob_appendf(&cluster, "M %s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0)); nRow++; if( nRow>=800 && nUncl>nRow+100 ){ md5sum_blob(&cluster, &cksum); blob_appendf(&cluster, "Z %b\n", &cksum); blob_reset(&cksum); rid = content_put(&cluster); manifest_crosslink(rid, &cluster, MC_NONE); blob_reset(&cluster); nUncl -= nRow; nRow = 0; blob_append_sql(&deleteWhere, ",%d", rid); } } db_finalize(&q); db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM unclustered WHERE rid NOT IN (0 %s)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=unclustered.rid)", blob_sql_text(&deleteWhere) ); blob_reset(&deleteWhere); if( nRow>0 ){ md5sum_blob(&cluster, &cksum); blob_appendf(&cluster, "Z %b\n", &cksum); blob_reset(&cksum); rid = content_put(&cluster); manifest_crosslink(rid, &cluster, MC_NONE); blob_reset(&cluster); } } } /* ** Send igot messages for every private artifact */ static int send_private(Xfer *pXfer){ int cnt = 0; Stmt q; if( pXfer->syncPrivate ){ db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid FROM private JOIN blob USING(rid)"); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "igot %s 1\n", db_column_text(&q,0)); cnt++; } db_finalize(&q); } return cnt; } /* ** Send an igot message for every entry in unclustered table. ** Return the number of cards sent. */ static int send_unclustered(Xfer *pXfer){ Stmt q; int cnt = 0; if( pXfer->resync ){ db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid, rid FROM blob" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=blob.rid)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM private WHERE rid=blob.rid)" " AND blob.rid<=%d" " ORDER BY blob.rid DESC", pXfer->resync ); }else{ db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid FROM unclustered JOIN blob USING(rid)" " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=blob.rid)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM private WHERE rid=blob.rid)" ); } while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "igot %s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0)); cnt++; if( pXfer->resync && pXfer->mxSendpOut) ){ pXfer->resync = db_column_int(&q, 1)-1; } } db_finalize(&q); if( cnt==0 ) pXfer->resync = 0; return cnt; } /* ** Send an igot message for every artifact. */ static void send_all(Xfer *pXfer){ Stmt q; db_prepare(&q, "SELECT uuid FROM blob " " WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM private WHERE rid=blob.rid)" " AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM phantom WHERE rid=blob.rid)" ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "igot %s\n", db_column_text(&q, 0)); } db_finalize(&q); } /* ** pXfer is a "pragma uv-hash HASH" card. ** ** If HASH is different from the unversioned content hash on this server, ** then send a bunch of uvigot cards, one for each entry unversioned file ** on this server. */ static void send_unversioned_catalog(Xfer *pXfer){ unversioned_schema(); if( !blob_eq(&pXfer->aToken[2], unversioned_content_hash(0)) ){ int nUvIgot = 0; Stmt uvq; db_prepare(&uvq, "SELECT name, mtime, hash, sz FROM unversioned" ); while( db_step(&uvq)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zName = db_column_text(&uvq,0); sqlite3_int64 mtime = db_column_int64(&uvq,1); const char *zHash = db_column_text(&uvq,2); int sz = db_column_int(&uvq,3); nUvIgot++; if( zHash==0 ){ sz = 0; zHash = "-"; } blob_appendf(pXfer->pOut, "uvigot %s %lld %s %d\n", zName, mtime, zHash, sz); } db_finalize(&uvq); } } /* ** Called when there is an attempt to transfer private content to and ** from a server without authorization. */ static void server_private_xfer_not_authorized(void){ @ error not\sauthorized\sto\ssync\sprivate\scontent } /* ** Return the common TH1 code to evaluate prior to evaluating any other ** TH1 transfer notification scripts. */ const char *xfer_common_code(void){ return db_get("xfer-common-script", 0); } /* ** Return the TH1 code to evaluate when a push is processed. */ const char *xfer_push_code(void){ return db_get("xfer-push-script", 0); } /* ** Return the TH1 code to evaluate when a commit is processed. */ const char *xfer_commit_code(void){ return db_get("xfer-commit-script", 0); } /* ** Return the TH1 code to evaluate when a ticket change is processed. */ const char *xfer_ticket_code(void){ return db_get("xfer-ticket-script", 0); } /* ** Run the specified TH1 script, if any, and returns 1 on error. */ int xfer_run_script( const char *zScript, const char *zUuidOrList, int bIsList ){ int rc = TH_OK; if( !zScript ) return rc; Th_FossilInit(TH_INIT_DEFAULT); Th_Store(bIsList ? "uuids" : "uuid", zUuidOrList ? zUuidOrList : ""); rc = Th_Eval(g.interp, 0, zScript, -1); if( rc!=TH_OK ){ fossil_error(1, "%s", Th_GetResult(g.interp, 0)); } return rc; } /* ** Runs the pre-transfer TH1 script, if any, and returns its return code. ** This script may be run multiple times. If the script performs actions ** that cannot be redone, it should use an internal [if] guard similar to ** the following: ** ** if {![info exists common_done]} { ** # ... code here ** set common_done 1 ** } */ int xfer_run_common_script(void){ return xfer_run_script(xfer_common_code(), 0, 0); } /* ** If this variable is set, disable login checks. Used for debugging ** only. */ static int disableLogin = 0; /* ** The CGI/HTTP preprocessor always redirects requests with a content-type ** of application/x-fossil or application/x-fossil-debug to this page, ** regardless of what path was specified in the HTTP header. This allows ** clone clients to specify a URL that omits default pathnames, such ** as "http://fossil-scm.org/" instead of "http://fossil-scm.org/index.cgi". ** ** WEBPAGE: xfer ** ** This is the transfer handler on the server side. The transfer ** message has been uncompressed and placed in the g.cgiIn blob. ** Process this message and form an appropriate reply. */ void page_xfer(void){ int isPull = 0; int isPush = 0; int nErr = 0; Xfer xfer; int deltaFlag = 0; int isClone = 0; int nGimme = 0; int size; char *zNow; int rc; const char *zScript = 0; char *zUuidList = 0; int nUuidList = 0; char **pzUuidList = 0; int *pnUuidList = 0; int uvCatalogSent = 0; if( fossil_strcmp(PD("REQUEST_METHOD","POST"),"POST") ){ fossil_redirect_home(); } g.zLogin = "anonymous"; login_set_anon_nobody_capabilities(); login_check_credentials(); memset(&xfer, 0, sizeof(xfer)); blobarray_zero(xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken)); cgi_set_content_type(g.zContentType); cgi_reset_content(); if( db_schema_is_outofdate() ){ @ error database\sschema\sis\sout-of-date\son\sthe\sserver. return; } blob_zero(&xfer.err); xfer.pIn = &g.cgiIn; xfer.pOut = cgi_output_blob(); xfer.mxSend = db_get_int("max-download", 5000000); xfer.maxTime = db_get_int("max-download-time", 30); if( xfer.maxTime<1 ) xfer.maxTime = 1; xfer.maxTime += time(NULL); g.xferPanic = 1; db_begin_transaction(); db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE onremote(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" ); manifest_crosslink_begin(); rc = xfer_run_common_script(); if( rc==TH_ERROR ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error common\sscript\sfailed:\s%F(g.zErrMsg) nErr++; } zScript = xfer_push_code(); if( zScript ){ /* NOTE: Are TH1 transfer hooks enabled? */ pzUuidList = &zUuidList; pnUuidList = &nUuidList; } while( blob_line(xfer.pIn, &xfer.line) ){ if( blob_buffer(&xfer.line)[0]=='#' ) continue; if( blob_size(&xfer.line)==0 ) continue; xfer.nToken = blob_tokenize(&xfer.line, xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken)); /* file HASH SIZE \n CONTENT ** file HASH DELTASRC SIZE \n CONTENT ** ** Accept a file from the client. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "file") ){ if( !isPush ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error not\sauthorized\sto\swrite nErr++; break; } xfer_accept_file(&xfer, 0, pzUuidList, pnUuidList); if( blob_size(&xfer.err) ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error %T(blob_str(&xfer.err)) nErr++; break; } }else /* cfile HASH USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT ** cfile HASH DELTASRC USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT ** ** Accept a file from the client. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "cfile") ){ if( !isPush ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error not\sauthorized\sto\swrite nErr++; break; } xfer_accept_compressed_file(&xfer, pzUuidList, pnUuidList); if( blob_size(&xfer.err) ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error %T(blob_str(&xfer.err)) nErr++; break; } }else /* uvfile NAME MTIME HASH SIZE FLAGS \n CONTENT ** ** Accept an unversioned file from the client. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "uvfile") ){ xfer_accept_unversioned_file(&xfer, g.perm.WrUnver); if( blob_size(&xfer.err) ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error %T(blob_str(&xfer.err)) nErr++; break; } }else /* gimme HASH ** ** Client is requesting a file. Send it. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "gimme") && xfer.nToken==2 && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[1]) ){ nGimme++; if( isPull ){ int rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 0, 0); if( rid ){ send_file(&xfer, rid, &xfer.aToken[1], deltaFlag); } } }else /* uvgimme NAME ** ** Client is requesting an unversioned file. Send it. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "uvgimme") && xfer.nToken==2 && blob_is_filename(&xfer.aToken[1]) ){ send_unversioned_file(&xfer, blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]), 0); }else /* igot HASH ?ISPRIVATE? ** ** Client announces that it has a particular file. If the ISPRIVATE ** argument exists and is non-zero, then the file is a private file. */ if( xfer.nToken>=2 && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "igot") && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[1]) ){ if( isPush ){ if( xfer.nToken==2 || blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[2],"1")==0 ){ rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 1, 0); }else if( g.perm.Private ){ rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 1, 1); }else{ server_private_xfer_not_authorized(); } } }else /* pull SERVERCODE PROJECTCODE ** push SERVERCODE PROJECTCODE ** ** The client wants either send or receive. The server should ** verify that the project code matches. The server code is ignored. */ if( xfer.nToken==3 && (blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "pull") || blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "push")) && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[2]) ){ const char *zPCode; zPCode = db_get("project-code", 0); if( zPCode==0 ){ fossil_fatal("missing project code"); } if( !blob_eq_str(&xfer.aToken[2], zPCode, -1) ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error wrong\sproject nErr++; break; } login_check_credentials(); if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "pull") ){ if( !g.perm.Read ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error not\sauthorized\sto\sread nErr++; break; } isPull = 1; }else{ if( !g.perm.Write ){ if( !isPull ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error not\sauthorized\sto\swrite nErr++; }else{ @ message pull\sonly\s-\snot\sauthorized\sto\spush } }else{ isPush = 1; } } }else /* clone ?PROTOCOL-VERSION? ?SEQUENCE-NUMBER? ** ** The client knows nothing. Tell all. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "clone") ){ int iVers; login_check_credentials(); if( !g.perm.Clone ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ push %s(db_get("server-code", "x")) %s(db_get("project-code", "x")) @ error not\sauthorized\sto\sclone nErr++; break; } if( db_get_boolean("uv-sync",0) && !uvCatalogSent ){ @ pragma uv-pull-only send_unversioned_catalog(&xfer); uvCatalogSent = 1; } if( xfer.nToken==3 && blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[1], &iVers) && iVers>=2 ){ int seqno, max; if( iVers>=3 ){ cgi_set_content_type("application/x-fossil-uncompressed"); } blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[2], &seqno); max = db_int(0, "SELECT max(rid) FROM blob"); while( xfer.mxSend>blob_size(xfer.pOut) && seqno<=max){ if( time(NULL) >= xfer.maxTime ) break; if( iVers>=3 ){ send_compressed_file(&xfer, seqno); }else{ send_file(&xfer, seqno, 0, 1); } seqno++; } if( seqno>max ) seqno = 0; @ clone_seqno %d(seqno) }else{ isClone = 1; isPull = 1; deltaFlag = 1; } @ push %s(db_get("server-code", "x")) %s(db_get("project-code", "x")) }else /* login USER NONCE SIGNATURE ** ** Check for a valid login. This has to happen before anything else. ** The client can send multiple logins. Permissions are cumulative. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "login") && xfer.nToken==4 ){ if( disableLogin ){ g.perm.Read = g.perm.Write = g.perm.Private = g.perm.Admin = 1; }else{ if( check_tail_hash(&xfer.aToken[2], xfer.pIn) || check_login(&xfer.aToken[1], &xfer.aToken[2], &xfer.aToken[3]) ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error login\sfailed nErr++; break; } } }else /* reqconfig NAME ** ** Request a configuration value */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "reqconfig") && xfer.nToken==2 ){ if( g.perm.Read ){ char *zName = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]); if( zName[0]=='/' ){ /* New style configuration transfer */ int groupMask = configure_name_to_mask(&zName[1], 0); if( !g.perm.Admin ) groupMask &= ~(CONFIGSET_USER|CONFIGSET_SCRIBER); if( !g.perm.RdAddr ) groupMask &= ~CONFIGSET_ADDR; configure_send_group(xfer.pOut, groupMask, 0); } } }else /* config NAME SIZE \n CONTENT ** ** Receive a configuration value from the client. This is only ** permitted for high-privilege users. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"config") && xfer.nToken==3 && blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[2], &size) ){ const char *zName = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]); Blob content; blob_zero(&content); blob_extract(xfer.pIn, size, &content); if( !g.perm.Admin ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error not\sauthorized\sto\spush\sconfiguration nErr++; break; } configure_receive(zName, &content, CONFIGSET_ALL); blob_reset(&content); blob_seek(xfer.pIn, 1, BLOB_SEEK_CUR); }else /* cookie TEXT ** ** A cookie contains a arbitrary-length argument that is server-defined. ** The argument must be encoded so as not to contain any whitespace. ** The server can optionally send a cookie to the client. The client ** might then return the same cookie back to the server on its next ** communication. The cookie might record information that helps ** the server optimize a push or pull. ** ** The client is not required to return a cookie. So the server ** must not depend on the cookie. The cookie should be an optimization ** only. The client might also send a cookie that came from a different ** server. So the server must be prepared to distinguish its own cookie ** from cookies originating from other servers. The client might send ** back several different cookies to the server. The server should be ** prepared to sift through the cookies and pick the one that it wants. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "cookie") && xfer.nToken==2 ){ /* Process the cookie */ }else /* private ** ** This card indicates that the next "file" or "cfile" will contain ** private content. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "private") ){ if( !g.perm.Private ){ server_private_xfer_not_authorized(); }else{ xfer.nextIsPrivate = 1; } }else /* pragma NAME VALUE... ** ** The client issue pragmas to try to influence the behavior of the ** server. These are requests only. Unknown pragmas are silently ** ignored. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "pragma") && xfer.nToken>=2 ){ /* pragma send-private ** ** If the user has the "x" privilege (which must be set explicitly - ** it is not automatic with "a" or "s") then this pragma causes ** private information to be pulled in addition to public records. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "send-private") ){ login_check_credentials(); if( !g.perm.Private ){ server_private_xfer_not_authorized(); }else{ xfer.syncPrivate = 1; } } /* pragma send-catalog ** ** Send igot cards for all known artifacts. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "send-catalog") ){ xfer.resync = 0x7fffffff; } /* pragma client-version VERSION ** ** Let the server know what version of Fossil is running on the client. */ if( xfer.nToken>=3 && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "client-version") ){ xfer.clientVersion = atoi(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[2])); } /* pragma uv-hash HASH ** ** The client wants to make sure that unversioned files are all synced. ** If the HASH does not match, send a complete catalog of ** "uvigot" cards. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "uv-hash") && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[2]) ){ if( !uvCatalogSent ){ if( g.perm.Read && g.perm.WrUnver ){ @ pragma uv-push-ok send_unversioned_catalog(&xfer); }else if( g.perm.Read ){ @ pragma uv-pull-only send_unversioned_catalog(&xfer); } } uvCatalogSent = 1; } }else /* Unknown message */ { cgi_reset_content(); @ error bad\scommand:\s%F(blob_str(&xfer.line)) } blobarray_reset(xfer.aToken, xfer.nToken); blob_reset(&xfer.line); } if( isPush ){ if( rc==TH_OK ){ rc = xfer_run_script(zScript, zUuidList, 1); if( rc==TH_ERROR ){ cgi_reset_content(); @ error push\sscript\sfailed:\s%F(g.zErrMsg) nErr++; } } request_phantoms(&xfer, 500); } if( zUuidList ){ Th_Free(g.interp, zUuidList); } if( isClone && nGimme==0 ){ /* The initial "clone" message from client to server contains no ** "gimme" cards. On that initial message, send the client an "igot" ** card for every artifact currently in the repository. This will ** cause the client to create phantoms for all artifacts, which will ** in turn make sure that the entire repository is sent efficiently ** and expeditiously. */ send_all(&xfer); if( xfer.syncPrivate ) send_private(&xfer); }else if( isPull ){ create_cluster(); send_unclustered(&xfer); if( xfer.syncPrivate ) send_private(&xfer); } db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE onremote"); manifest_crosslink_end(MC_PERMIT_HOOKS); /* Send the server timestamp last, in case prior processing happened ** to use up a significant fraction of our time window. */ zNow = db_text(0, "SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%S', 'now')"); @ # timestamp %s(zNow) free(zNow); db_end_transaction(0); configure_rebuild(); } /* ** COMMAND: test-xfer ** ** This command is used for debugging the server. There is a single ** argument which is the uncompressed content of an "xfer" message ** from client to server. This command interprets that message as ** if had been received by the server. ** ** On the client side, run: ** ** fossil push http://bogus/ --httptrace ** ** Or a similar command to provide the output. The content of the ** message will appear on standard output. Capture this message ** into a file named (for example) out.txt. Then run the ** server in gdb: ** ** gdb fossil ** r test-xfer out.txt */ void cmd_test_xfer(void){ db_find_and_open_repository(0,0); if( g.argc!=2 && g.argc!=3 ){ usage("?MESSAGEFILE?"); } blob_zero(&g.cgiIn); blob_read_from_file(&g.cgiIn, g.argc==2 ? "-" : g.argv[2], ExtFILE); disableLogin = 1; page_xfer(); fossil_print("%s\n", cgi_extract_content()); } /* ** Format strings for progress reporting. */ static const char zLabelFormat[] = "%-10s %10s %10s %10s %10s\n"; static const char zValueFormat[] = "\r%-10s %10d %10d %10d %10d\n"; static const char zBriefFormat[] = "Round-trips: %d Artifacts sent: %d received: %d\r"; #if INTERFACE /* ** Flag options for controlling client_sync() */ #define SYNC_PUSH 0x0001 /* push content client to server */ #define SYNC_PULL 0x0002 /* pull content server to client */ #define SYNC_CLONE 0x0004 /* clone the repository */ #define SYNC_PRIVATE 0x0008 /* Also transfer private content */ #define SYNC_VERBOSE 0x0010 /* Extra diagnostics */ #define SYNC_RESYNC 0x0020 /* --verily */ #define SYNC_UNVERSIONED 0x0040 /* Sync unversioned content */ #define SYNC_UV_REVERT 0x0080 /* Copy server unversioned to client */ #define SYNC_FROMPARENT 0x0100 /* Pull from the parent project */ #define SYNC_UV_TRACE 0x0200 /* Describe UV activities */ #define SYNC_UV_DRYRUN 0x0400 /* Do not actually exchange files */ #endif /* ** Floating-point absolute value */ static double fossil_fabs(double x){ return x>0.0 ? x : -x; } /* ** Sync to the host identified in g.url.name and g.url.path. This ** routine is called by the client. ** ** Records are pushed to the server if pushFlag is true. Records ** are pulled if pullFlag is true. A full sync occurs if both are ** true. */ int client_sync( unsigned syncFlags, /* Mask of SYNC_* flags */ unsigned configRcvMask, /* Receive these configuration items */ unsigned configSendMask /* Send these configuration items */ ){ int go = 1; /* Loop until zero */ int nCardSent = 0; /* Number of cards sent */ int nCardRcvd = 0; /* Number of cards received */ int nCycle = 0; /* Number of round trips to the server */ int size; /* Size of a config value or uvfile */ int origConfigRcvMask; /* Original value of configRcvMask */ int nFileRecv; /* Number of files received */ int mxPhantomReq = 200; /* Max number of phantoms to request per comm */ const char *zCookie; /* Server cookie */ i64 nSent, nRcvd; /* Bytes sent and received (after compression) */ int cloneSeqno = 1; /* Sequence number for clones */ Blob send; /* Text we are sending to the server */ Blob recv; /* Reply we got back from the server */ Xfer xfer; /* Transfer data */ int pctDone; /* Percentage done with a message */ int lastPctDone = -1; /* Last displayed pctDone */ double rArrivalTime; /* Time at which a message arrived */ const char *zSCode = db_get("server-code", "x"); const char *zPCode = db_get("project-code", 0); int nErr = 0; /* Number of errors */ int nRoundtrip= 0; /* Number of HTTP requests */ int nArtifactSent = 0; /* Total artifacts sent */ int nArtifactRcvd = 0; /* Total artifacts received */ const char *zOpType = 0;/* Push, Pull, Sync, Clone */ double rSkew = 0.0; /* Maximum time skew */ int uvHashSent = 0; /* The "pragma uv-hash" message has been sent */ int uvDoPush = 0; /* Generate uvfile messages to send to server */ int nUvGimmeSent = 0; /* Number of uvgimme cards sent on this cycle */ int nUvFileRcvd = 0; /* Number of uvfile cards received on this cycle */ sqlite3_int64 mtime; /* Modification time on a UV file */ if( db_get_boolean("dont-push", 0) ) syncFlags &= ~SYNC_PUSH; if( (syncFlags & (SYNC_PUSH|SYNC_PULL|SYNC_CLONE|SYNC_UNVERSIONED))==0 && configRcvMask==0 && configSendMask==0 ) return 0; if( syncFlags & SYNC_FROMPARENT ){ configRcvMask = 0; configSendMask = 0; syncFlags &= ~(SYNC_PUSH); zPCode = db_get("parent-project-code", 0); if( zPCode==0 || db_get("parent-project-name",0)==0 ){ fossil_fatal("there is no parent project: set the 'parent-project-code'" " and 'parent-project-name' config parameters set in order" " to pull from a parent project"); } } transport_stats(0, 0, 1); socket_global_init(); memset(&xfer, 0, sizeof(xfer)); xfer.pIn = &recv; xfer.pOut = &send; xfer.mxSend = db_get_int("max-upload", 250000); xfer.maxTime = -1; xfer.clientVersion = RELEASE_VERSION_NUMBER; if( syncFlags & SYNC_PRIVATE ){ g.perm.Private = 1; xfer.syncPrivate = 1; } blobarray_zero(xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken)); blob_zero(&send); blob_zero(&recv); blob_zero(&xfer.err); blob_zero(&xfer.line); origConfigRcvMask = 0; /* Send the send-private pragma if we are trying to sync private data */ if( syncFlags & SYNC_PRIVATE ){ blob_append(&send, "pragma send-private\n", -1); } /* When syncing unversioned files, create a TEMP table in which to store ** the names of files that need to be sent from client to server. ** ** The initial assumption is that all unversioned files need to be sent ** to the other side. But "uvigot" cards received back from the remote ** side will normally cause many of these entries to be removed since they ** do not really need to be sent. */ if( (syncFlags & (SYNC_UNVERSIONED|SYNC_CLONE))!=0 ){ unversioned_schema(); db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE uv_tosend(" " name TEXT PRIMARY KEY," /* Name of file to send client->server */ " mtimeOnly BOOLEAN" /* True to only send mtime, not content */ ") WITHOUT ROWID;" "INSERT INTO uv_toSend(name,mtimeOnly)" " SELECT name, 0 FROM unversioned WHERE hash IS NOT NULL;" ); } /* ** Always begin with a clone, pull, or push message */ blob_appendf(&send, "pragma client-version %d\n", RELEASE_VERSION_NUMBER); if( syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE ){ blob_appendf(&send, "clone 3 %d\n", cloneSeqno); syncFlags &= ~(SYNC_PUSH|SYNC_PULL); nCardSent++; /* TBD: Request all transferable configuration values */ content_enable_dephantomize(0); zOpType = "Clone"; }else if( syncFlags & SYNC_PULL ){ blob_appendf(&send, "pull %s %s\n", zSCode, zPCode); nCardSent++; zOpType = (syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH)?"Sync":"Pull"; if( (syncFlags & SYNC_RESYNC)!=0 && nCycle<2 ){ blob_appendf(&send, "pragma send-catalog\n"); nCardSent++; } } if( syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH ){ blob_appendf(&send, "push %s %s\n", zSCode, zPCode); nCardSent++; if( (syncFlags & SYNC_PULL)==0 ) zOpType = "Push"; if( (syncFlags & SYNC_RESYNC)!=0 ) xfer.resync = 0x7fffffff; } if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){ fossil_print(zLabelFormat /*works-like:"%s%s%s%s%d"*/, "", "Bytes", "Cards", "Artifacts", "Deltas"); } while( go ){ int newPhantom = 0; char *zRandomness; db_begin_transaction(); db_record_repository_filename(0); db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE onremote(rid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);" ); manifest_crosslink_begin(); /* Send back the most recently received cookie. Let the server ** figure out if this is a cookie that it cares about. */ zCookie = db_get("cookie", 0); if( zCookie ){ blob_appendf(&send, "cookie %s\n", zCookie); } /* Generate gimme cards for phantoms and leaf cards ** for all leaves. */ if( (syncFlags & SYNC_PULL)!=0 || ((syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0 && cloneSeqno==1) ){ request_phantoms(&xfer, mxPhantomReq); } if( syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH ){ send_unsent(&xfer); nCardSent += send_unclustered(&xfer); if( syncFlags & SYNC_PRIVATE ) send_private(&xfer); } /* Send configuration parameter requests. On a clone, delay sending ** this until the second cycle since the login card might fail on ** the first cycle. */ if( configRcvMask && ((syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 || nCycle>0) ){ const char *zName; if( zOpType==0 ) zOpType = "Pull"; zName = configure_first_name(configRcvMask); while( zName ){ blob_appendf(&send, "reqconfig %s\n", zName); zName = configure_next_name(configRcvMask); nCardSent++; } origConfigRcvMask = configRcvMask; configRcvMask = 0; } /* Send a request to sync unversioned files. On a clone, delay sending ** this until the second cycle since the login card might fail on ** the first cycle. */ if( (syncFlags & SYNC_UNVERSIONED)!=0 && ((syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 || nCycle>0) && !uvHashSent ){ blob_appendf(&send, "pragma uv-hash %s\n", unversioned_content_hash(0)); nCardSent++; uvHashSent = 1; } /* Send configuration parameters being pushed */ if( configSendMask ){ if( zOpType==0 ) zOpType = "Push"; nCardSent += configure_send_group(xfer.pOut, configSendMask, 0); configSendMask = 0; } /* Send unversioned files present here on the client but missing or ** obsolete on the server. ** ** Or, if the SYNC_UV_REVERT flag is set, delete the local unversioned ** files that do not exist on the server. ** ** This happens on the second exchange, since we do not know what files ** need to be sent until after the uvigot cards from the first exchange ** have been processed. */ if( uvDoPush ){ assert( (syncFlags & SYNC_UNVERSIONED)!=0 ); if( syncFlags & SYNC_UV_DRYRUN ){ uvDoPush = 0; }else if( syncFlags & SYNC_UV_REVERT ){ db_multi_exec( "DELETE FROM unversioned" " WHERE name IN (SELECT name FROM uv_tosend);" "DELETE FROM uv_tosend;" ); uvDoPush = 0; }else{ Stmt uvq; int rc = SQLITE_OK; db_prepare(&uvq, "SELECT name, mtimeOnly FROM uv_tosend"); while( (rc = db_step(&uvq))==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zName = db_column_text(&uvq, 0); send_unversioned_file(&xfer, zName, db_column_int(&uvq,1)); nCardSent++; nArtifactSent++; db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM uv_tosend WHERE name=%Q", zName); if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){ fossil_print("\rUnversioned-file sent: %s\n", zName); } if( blob_size(xfer.pOut)>xfer.mxSend ) break; } db_finalize(&uvq); if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ) uvDoPush = 0; } } /* Append randomness to the end of the message. This makes all ** messages unique so that that the login-card nonce will always ** be unique. */ zRandomness = db_text(0, "SELECT hex(randomblob(20))"); blob_appendf(&send, "# %s\n", zRandomness); free(zRandomness); if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){ fossil_print("waiting for server..."); } fflush(stdout); /* Exchange messages with the server */ if( http_exchange(&send, &recv, (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 || nCycle>0, MAX_REDIRECTS) ){ nErr++; go = 2; break; } /* Output current stats */ if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){ fossil_print(zValueFormat /*works-like:"%s%d%d%d%d"*/, "Sent:", blob_size(&send), nCardSent+xfer.nGimmeSent+xfer.nIGotSent, xfer.nFileSent, xfer.nDeltaSent); }else{ nRoundtrip++; nArtifactSent += xfer.nFileSent + xfer.nDeltaSent; fossil_print(zBriefFormat /*works-like:"%d%d%d"*/, nRoundtrip, nArtifactSent, nArtifactRcvd); } nCardSent = 0; nCardRcvd = 0; xfer.nFileSent = 0; xfer.nDeltaSent = 0; xfer.nGimmeSent = 0; xfer.nIGotSent = 0; lastPctDone = -1; blob_reset(&send); blob_appendf(&send, "pragma client-version %d\n", RELEASE_VERSION_NUMBER); rArrivalTime = db_double(0.0, "SELECT julianday('now')"); /* Send the send-private pragma if we are trying to sync private data */ if( syncFlags & SYNC_PRIVATE ){ blob_append(&send, "pragma send-private\n", -1); } /* Begin constructing the next message (which might never be ** sent) by beginning with the pull or push cards */ if( syncFlags & SYNC_PULL ){ blob_appendf(&send, "pull %s %s\n", zSCode, zPCode); nCardSent++; } if( syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH ){ blob_appendf(&send, "push %s %s\n", zSCode, zPCode); nCardSent++; } go = 0; nUvGimmeSent = 0; nUvFileRcvd = 0; /* Process the reply that came back from the server */ while( blob_line(&recv, &xfer.line) ){ if( blob_buffer(&xfer.line)[0]=='#' ){ const char *zLine = blob_buffer(&xfer.line); if( memcmp(zLine, "# timestamp ", 12)==0 ){ char zTime[20]; double rDiff; sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zTime), zTime, "%.19s", &zLine[12]); rDiff = db_double(9e99, "SELECT julianday('%q') - %.17g", zTime, rArrivalTime); if( rDiff>9e98 || rDiff<-9e98 ) rDiff = 0.0; if( rDiff*24.0*3600.0 >= -(blob_size(&recv)/5000.0 + 20) ){ rDiff = 0.0; } if( fossil_fabs(rDiff)>fossil_fabs(rSkew) ) rSkew = rDiff; } nCardRcvd++; continue; } xfer.nToken = blob_tokenize(&xfer.line, xfer.aToken, count(xfer.aToken)); nCardRcvd++; if( (syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE)!=0 && recv.nUsed>0 ){ pctDone = (recv.iCursor*100)/recv.nUsed; if( pctDone!=lastPctDone ){ fossil_print("\rprocessed: %d%% ", pctDone); lastPctDone = pctDone; fflush(stdout); } } /* file HASH SIZE \n CONTENT ** file HASH DELTASRC SIZE \n CONTENT ** ** Receive a file transmitted from the server. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"file") ){ xfer_accept_file(&xfer, (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0, 0, 0); nArtifactRcvd++; }else /* cfile HASH USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT ** cfile HASH DELTASRC USIZE CSIZE \n CONTENT ** ** Receive a compressed file transmitted from the server. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"cfile") ){ xfer_accept_compressed_file(&xfer, 0, 0); nArtifactRcvd++; }else /* uvfile NAME MTIME HASH SIZE FLAGS \n CONTENT ** ** Accept an unversioned file from the server. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "uvfile") ){ xfer_accept_unversioned_file(&xfer, 1); nArtifactRcvd++; nUvFileRcvd++; if( syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE ){ fossil_print("\rUnversioned-file received: %s\n", blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1])); } }else /* gimme HASH ** ** Server is requesting a file. If the file is a manifest, assume ** that the server will also want to know all of the content files ** associated with the manifest and send those too. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "gimme") && xfer.nToken==2 && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[1]) ){ if( syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH ){ int rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 0, 0); if( rid ) send_file(&xfer, rid, &xfer.aToken[1], 0); } }else /* igot HASH ?PRIVATEFLAG? ** ** Server announces that it has a particular file. If this is ** not a file that we have and we are pulling, then create a ** phantom to cause this file to be requested on the next cycle. ** Always remember that the server has this file so that we do ** not transmit it by accident. ** ** If the PRIVATE argument exists and is 1, then the file is ** private. Pretend it does not exists if we are not pulling ** private files. */ if( xfer.nToken>=2 && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "igot") && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[1]) ){ int rid; int isPriv = xfer.nToken>=3 && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[2],"1"); rid = rid_from_uuid(&xfer.aToken[1], 0, 0); if( rid>0 ){ if( !isPriv ) content_make_public(rid); }else if( isPriv && !g.perm.Private ){ /* ignore private files */ }else if( (syncFlags & (SYNC_PULL|SYNC_CLONE))!=0 ){ rid = content_new(blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]), isPriv); if( rid ) newPhantom = 1; } remote_has(rid); }else /* uvigot NAME MTIME HASH SIZE ** ** Server announces that it has a particular unversioned file. The ** server will only send this card if the client had previously sent ** a "pragma uv-hash" card with a hash that does not match. ** ** If the identified file needs to be transferred, then setup for the ** transfer. Generate a "uvgimme" card in the reply if the server ** version is newer than the client. Generate a "uvfile" card if ** the client version is newer than the server. If HASH is "-" ** (indicating that the file has been deleted) and MTIME is newer, ** then do the deletion. */ if( xfer.nToken==5 && blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "uvigot") && blob_is_filename(&xfer.aToken[1]) && blob_is_int64(&xfer.aToken[2], &mtime) && blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[4], &size) && (blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[3],"-") || blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[3])) ){ const char *zName = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]); const char *zHash = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[3]); int iStatus; iStatus = unversioned_status(zName, mtime, zHash); if( (syncFlags & SYNC_UV_REVERT)!=0 ){ if( iStatus==4 ) iStatus = 2; if( iStatus==5 ) iStatus = 1; } if( syncFlags & (SYNC_UV_TRACE|SYNC_UV_DRYRUN) ){ const char *zMsg = 0; switch( iStatus ){ case 0: case 1: zMsg = "UV-PULL"; break; case 2: zMsg = "UV-PULL-MTIME-ONLY"; break; case 4: zMsg = "UV-PUSH-MTIME-ONLY"; break; case 5: zMsg = "UV-PUSH"; break; } if( zMsg ) fossil_print("\r%s: %s\n", zMsg, zName); if( syncFlags & SYNC_UV_DRYRUN ){ iStatus = 99; /* Prevent any changes or reply messages */ } } if( iStatus<=1 ){ if( zHash[0]!='-' ){ blob_appendf(xfer.pOut, "uvgimme %s\n", zName); nCardSent++; nUvGimmeSent++; db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM unversioned WHERE name=%Q", zName); }else if( iStatus==1 ){ db_multi_exec( "UPDATE unversioned" " SET mtime=%lld, hash=NULL, sz=0, encoding=0, content=NULL" " WHERE name=%Q", mtime, zName ); db_unset("uv-hash", 0); } }else if( iStatus==2 ){ db_multi_exec( "UPDATE unversioned SET mtime=%lld WHERE name=%Q", mtime, zName ); db_unset("uv-hash", 0); } if( iStatus<=3 ){ db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM uv_tosend WHERE name=%Q", zName); }else if( iStatus==4 ){ db_multi_exec("UPDATE uv_tosend SET mtimeOnly=1 WHERE name=%Q",zName); }else if( iStatus==5 ){ db_multi_exec("REPLACE INTO uv_tosend(name,mtimeOnly) VALUES(%Q,0)", zName); } }else /* push SERVERCODE PRODUCTCODE ** ** Should only happen in response to a clone. This message tells ** the client what product to use for the new database. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"push") && xfer.nToken==3 && (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0 && blob_is_hname(&xfer.aToken[2]) ){ if( zPCode==0 ){ zPCode = mprintf("%b", &xfer.aToken[2]); db_set("project-code", zPCode, 0); } if( cloneSeqno>0 ) blob_appendf(&send, "clone 3 %d\n", cloneSeqno); nCardSent++; }else /* config NAME SIZE \n CONTENT ** ** Receive a configuration value from the server. ** ** The received configuration setting is silently ignored if it was ** not requested by a prior "reqconfig" sent from client to server. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"config") && xfer.nToken==3 && blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[2], &size) ){ const char *zName = blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]); Blob content; blob_zero(&content); blob_extract(xfer.pIn, size, &content); g.perm.Admin = g.perm.RdAddr = 1; configure_receive(zName, &content, origConfigRcvMask); nCardRcvd++; nArtifactRcvd++; blob_reset(&content); blob_seek(xfer.pIn, 1, BLOB_SEEK_CUR); }else /* cookie TEXT ** ** The server might include a cookie in its reply. The client ** should remember this cookie and send it back to the server ** in its next query. ** ** Each cookie received overwrites the prior cookie from the ** same server. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "cookie") && xfer.nToken==2 ){ db_set("cookie", blob_str(&xfer.aToken[1]), 0); }else /* private ** ** This card indicates that the next "file" or "cfile" will contain ** private content. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "private") ){ xfer.nextIsPrivate = 1; }else /* clone_seqno N ** ** When doing a clone, the server tries to send all of its artifacts ** in sequence. This card indicates the sequence number of the next ** blob that needs to be sent. If N<=0 that indicates that all blobs ** have been sent. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "clone_seqno") && xfer.nToken==2 ){ blob_is_int(&xfer.aToken[1], &cloneSeqno); }else /* message MESSAGE ** ** Print a message. Similar to "error" but does not stop processing. ** ** If the "login failed" message is seen, clear the sync password prior ** to the next cycle. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"message") && xfer.nToken==2 ){ char *zMsg = blob_terminate(&xfer.aToken[1]); defossilize(zMsg); if( (syncFlags & SYNC_PUSH) && zMsg && sqlite3_strglob("pull only *", zMsg)==0 ){ syncFlags &= ~SYNC_PUSH; zMsg = 0; } if( zMsg && zMsg[0] ){ fossil_force_newline(); fossil_print("Server says: %s\n", zMsg); } }else /* pragma NAME VALUE... ** ** The server can send pragmas to try to convey meta-information to ** the client. These are informational only. Unknown pragmas are ** silently ignored. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0], "pragma") && xfer.nToken>=2 ){ /* If the server is unwill to accept new unversioned content (because ** this client lacks the necessary permissions) then it sends a ** "uv-pull-only" pragma so that the client will know not to waste ** bandwidth trying to upload unversioned content. If the server ** does accept new unversioned content, it sends "uv-push-ok". */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "uv-pull-only") ){ if( syncFlags & SYNC_UV_REVERT ) uvDoPush = 1; }else if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[1], "uv-push-ok") ){ uvDoPush = 1; } }else /* error MESSAGE ** ** Report an error and abandon the sync session. ** ** Except, when cloning we will sometimes get an error on the ** first message exchange because the project-code is unknown ** and so the login card on the request was invalid. The project-code ** is returned in the reply before the error card, so second and ** subsequent messages should be OK. Nevertheless, we need to ignore ** the error card on the first message of a clone. */ if( blob_eq(&xfer.aToken[0],"error") && xfer.nToken==2 ){ if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 || nCycle>0 ){ char *zMsg = blob_terminate(&xfer.aToken[1]); defossilize(zMsg); fossil_force_newline(); fossil_print("Error: %s\n", zMsg); blob_appendf(&xfer.err, "server says: %s\n", zMsg); nErr++; break; } }else /* Unknown message */ if( xfer.nToken>0 ){ if( blob_str(&xfer.aToken[0])[0]=='<' ){ fossil_warning( "server replies with HTML instead of fossil sync protocol:\n%b", &recv ); nErr++; break; } blob_appendf(&xfer.err, "unknown command: [%b]\n", &xfer.aToken[0]); } if( blob_size(&xfer.err) ){ fossil_force_newline(); fossil_warning("%b", &xfer.err); nErr++; break; } blobarray_reset(xfer.aToken, xfer.nToken); blob_reset(&xfer.line); } origConfigRcvMask = 0; if( nCardRcvd>0 && (syncFlags & SYNC_VERBOSE) ){ fossil_print(zValueFormat /*works-like:"%s%d%d%d%d"*/, "Received:", blob_size(&recv), nCardRcvd, xfer.nFileRcvd, xfer.nDeltaRcvd + xfer.nDanglingFile); }else{ fossil_print(zBriefFormat /*works-like:"%d%d%d"*/, nRoundtrip, nArtifactSent, nArtifactRcvd); } blob_reset(&recv); nCycle++; /* If we received one or more files on the previous exchange but ** there are still phantoms, then go another round. */ nFileRecv = xfer.nFileRcvd + xfer.nDeltaRcvd + xfer.nDanglingFile; if( (nFileRecv>0 || newPhantom) && db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM phantom") ){ go = 1; mxPhantomReq = nFileRecv*2; if( mxPhantomReq<200 ) mxPhantomReq = 200; }else if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0 && nFileRecv>0 ){ go = 1; } nCardRcvd = 0; xfer.nFileRcvd = 0; xfer.nDeltaRcvd = 0; xfer.nDanglingFile = 0; /* If we have one or more files queued to send, then go ** another round */ if( xfer.nFileSent+xfer.nDeltaSent>0 || uvDoPush ){ go = 1; } /* If this is a clone, the go at least two rounds */ if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)!=0 && nCycle==1 ) go = 1; /* Stop the cycle if the server sends a "clone_seqno 0" card and ** we have gone at least two rounds. Always go at least two rounds ** on a clone in order to be sure to retrieve the configuration ** information which is only sent on the second round. */ if( cloneSeqno<=0 && nCycle>1 ) go = 0; /* Continue looping as long as new uvfile cards are being received ** and uvgimme cards are being sent. */ if( nUvGimmeSent>0 && (nUvFileRcvd>0 || nCycle<3) ) go = 1; db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE onremote"); if( go ){ manifest_crosslink_end(MC_PERMIT_HOOKS); }else{ manifest_crosslink_end(MC_PERMIT_HOOKS); content_enable_dephantomize(1); } db_end_transaction(0); }; transport_stats(&nSent, &nRcvd, 1); if( (rSkew*24.0*3600.0) > 10.0 ){ fossil_warning("*** time skew *** server is fast by %s", db_timespan_name(rSkew)); g.clockSkewSeen = 1; }else if( rSkew*24.0*3600.0 < -10.0 ){ fossil_warning("*** time skew *** server is slow by %s", db_timespan_name(-rSkew)); g.clockSkewSeen = 1; } fossil_force_newline(); fossil_print( "%s done, sent: %lld received: %lld ip: %s\n", zOpType, nSent, nRcvd, g.zIpAddr); transport_close(&g.url); transport_global_shutdown(&g.url); if( nErr && go==2 ){ db_multi_exec("DROP TABLE onremote"); manifest_crosslink_end(MC_PERMIT_HOOKS); content_enable_dephantomize(1); db_end_transaction(0); } if( (syncFlags & SYNC_CLONE)==0 && g.rcvid && fossil_any_has_fork(g.rcvid) ){ fossil_warning("***** WARNING: a fork has occurred *****\n" "use \"fossil leaves -multiple\" for more details."); } return nErr; }