/* ** Copyright (c) 2008 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This file implements a very simple (and low-performance) HTTP server ** for windows. It also implements a Windows Service which allows the HTTP ** server to be run without any user logged on. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef _WIN32 /* This code is for win32 only */ # if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) # define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0501 # endif #include #include #include #include #include "winhttp.h" #ifndef IPV6_V6ONLY # define IPV6_V6ONLY 27 /* Because this definition is missing in MinGW */ #endif /* ** The SocketAddr structure holds a SOCKADDR_STORAGE and its content size. */ typedef struct SocketAddr SocketAddr; struct SocketAddr { SOCKADDR_STORAGE addr; int len; }; static char* SocketAddr_toString(const SocketAddr* pAddr){ SocketAddr addr; char* zIp; DWORD nIp = 50; assert( pAddr!=NULL ); memcpy(&addr, pAddr, sizeof(SocketAddr)); if( addr.len==sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6) ){ ((SOCKADDR_IN6*)&addr)->sin6_port = 0; }else{ ((SOCKADDR_IN*)&addr)->sin_port = 0; } zIp = fossil_malloc(nIp); if( WSAAddressToStringA((SOCKADDR*)&addr, addr.len, NULL, zIp, &nIp)!=0 ){ zIp[0] = 0; } return zIp; } /* ** The DualAddr structure holds two SocketAddr (one IPv4 and on IPv6). */ typedef struct DualAddr DualAddr; struct DualAddr { SocketAddr a4; /* IPv4 SOCKADDR_IN */ SocketAddr a6; /* IPv6 SOCKADDR_IN6 */ }; static void DualAddr_init(DualAddr* pDA){ assert( pDA!=NULL ); memset(pDA, 0, sizeof(DualAddr)); pDA->a4.len = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN); pDA->a6.len = sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN6); } /* ** The DualSocket structure holds two SOCKETs. One or both could be ** used or INVALID_SOCKET. One is dedicated to IPv4, the other to IPv6. */ typedef struct DualSocket DualSocket; struct DualSocket { SOCKET s4; /* IPv4 socket or INVALID_SOCKET */ SOCKET s6; /* IPv6 socket or INVALID_SOCKET */ }; /* ** Initializes a DualSocket. */ static void DualSocket_init(DualSocket* ds){ assert( ds!=NULL ); ds->s4 = INVALID_SOCKET; ds->s6 = INVALID_SOCKET; }; /* ** Close and reset a DualSocket. */ static void DualSocket_close(DualSocket* ds){ assert( ds!=NULL ); if( ds->s4!=INVALID_SOCKET ){ closesocket(ds->s4); ds->s4 = INVALID_SOCKET; } if( ds->s6!=INVALID_SOCKET ){ closesocket(ds->s6); ds->s6 = INVALID_SOCKET; } }; /* ** When ip is "W", listen to wildcard address (IPv4/IPv6 as available). ** When ip is "L", listen to loopback address (IPv4/IPv6 as available). ** Else listen only the specified ip, which is either IPv4 or IPv6 or invalid. ** Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure. */ static int DualSocket_listen(DualSocket* ds, const char* zIp, int iPort){ SOCKADDR_IN addr4; SOCKADDR_IN6 addr6; assert( ds!=NULL && zIp!=NULL && iPort!=0 ); DualSocket_close(ds); memset(&addr4, 0, sizeof(addr4)); memset(&addr6, 0, sizeof(addr6)); if (strcmp(zIp, "W")==0 || strcmp(zIp, "L")==0 ){ ds->s4 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); ds->s6 = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if( ds->s4==INVALID_SOCKET && ds->s6==INVALID_SOCKET ){ return 0; } if (ds->s4!=INVALID_SOCKET ) { addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; addr4.sin_port = htons(iPort); if( strcmp(zIp, "L")==0 ){ addr4.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK); }else{ addr4.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } } if( ds->s6!=INVALID_SOCKET ) { DWORD ipv6only = 1; /* don't want a dual-stack socket */ setsockopt(ds->s6, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&ipv6only, sizeof(ipv6only)); addr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; addr6.sin6_port = htons(iPort); if( strcmp(zIp, "L")==0 ){ memcpy(&addr6.sin6_addr, &in6addr_loopback, sizeof(in6addr_loopback)); }else{ memcpy(&addr6.sin6_addr, &in6addr_any, sizeof(in6addr_any)); } } }else{ if( strstr(zIp, ".") ){ int addrlen = sizeof(addr4); ds->s4 = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if( ds->s4==INVALID_SOCKET ){ return 0; } addr4.sin_family = AF_INET; if (WSAStringToAddress((char*)zIp, AF_INET, NULL, (struct sockaddr *)&addr4, &addrlen) != 0){ return 0; } addr4.sin_port = htons(iPort); }else{ DWORD ipv6only = 1; /* don't want a dual-stack socket */ int addrlen = sizeof(addr6); ds->s6 = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if( ds->s6==INVALID_SOCKET ){ return 0; } setsockopt(ds->s6, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (char*)&ipv6only, sizeof(ipv6only)); addr6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; if (WSAStringToAddress((char*)zIp, AF_INET6, NULL, (struct sockaddr *)&addr6, &addrlen) != 0){ return 0; } addr6.sin6_port = htons(iPort); } } assert( ds->s4!=INVALID_SOCKET || ds->s6!=INVALID_SOCKET ); if( ds->s4!=INVALID_SOCKET && bind(ds->s4, (struct sockaddr*)&addr4, sizeof(addr4))==SOCKET_ERROR ){ return 0; } if( ds->s6!=INVALID_SOCKET && bind(ds->s6, (struct sockaddr*)&addr6, sizeof(addr6))==SOCKET_ERROR ){ return 0; } if( ds->s4!=INVALID_SOCKET && listen(ds->s4, SOMAXCONN)==SOCKET_ERROR ){ return 0; } if( ds->s6!=INVALID_SOCKET && listen(ds->s6, SOMAXCONN)==SOCKET_ERROR ){ return 0; } return 1; }; /* ** Accepts connections on DualSocket. */ static void DualSocket_accept(DualSocket* pListen, DualSocket* pClient, DualAddr* pClientAddr){ fd_set rs; int rs_count = 0; assert( pListen!=NULL && pClient!=NULL && pClientAddr!= NULL ); DualSocket_init(pClient); DualAddr_init(pClientAddr); FD_ZERO(&rs); if( pListen->s4!=INVALID_SOCKET ){ FD_SET(pListen->s4, &rs); ++rs_count; } if( pListen->s6!=INVALID_SOCKET ){ FD_SET(pListen->s6, &rs); ++rs_count; } if( select(rs_count, &rs, 0, 0, 0 /*blocking*/)==SOCKET_ERROR ){ return; } if( FD_ISSET(pListen->s4, &rs) ){ pClient->s4 = accept(pListen->s4, (struct sockaddr*)&pClientAddr->a4.addr, &pClientAddr->a4.len); } if( FD_ISSET(pListen->s6, &rs) ){ pClient->s6 = accept(pListen->s6, (struct sockaddr*)&pClientAddr->a6.addr, &pClientAddr->a6.len); } } /* ** The HttpServer structure holds information about an instance of ** the HTTP server itself. */ typedef struct HttpServer HttpServer; struct HttpServer { HANDLE hStoppedEvent; /* Event to signal when server is stopped, ** must be closed by callee. */ char *zStopper; /* The stopper file name, must be freed by ** callee. */ DualSocket listener; /* Sockets on which the server is listening, ** may be closed by callee. */ }; /* ** The HttpRequest structure holds information about each incoming ** HTTP request. */ typedef struct HttpRequest HttpRequest; struct HttpRequest { int id; /* ID counter */ SOCKET s; /* Socket on which to receive data */ SocketAddr addr; /* Address from which data is coming */ int flags; /* Flags passed to win32_http_server() */ const char *zOptions; /* --baseurl, --notfound, --localauth, --th-trace */ }; /* ** Prefix for a temporary file. */ static char *zTempPrefix; /* ** Look at the HTTP header contained in zHdr. Find the content ** length and return it. Return 0 if there is no Content-Length: ** header line. */ static int find_content_length(const char *zHdr){ while( *zHdr ){ if( zHdr[0]=='\n' ){ if( zHdr[1]=='\r' ) return 0; if( fossil_strnicmp(&zHdr[1], "content-length:", 15)==0 ){ return atoi(&zHdr[17]); } } zHdr++; } return 0; } /* ** Issue a fatal error. */ static NORETURN void winhttp_fatal( const char *zOp, const char *zService, const char *zErr ){ fossil_fatal("unable to %s service '%s': %s", zOp, zService, zErr); } /* ** Make sure the server stops as soon as possible after the stopper file ** is found. If there is no stopper file name, do nothing. */ static void win32_server_stopper(void *pAppData){ HttpServer *p = (HttpServer*)pAppData; if( p!=0 ){ HANDLE hStoppedEvent = p->hStoppedEvent; const char *zStopper = p->zStopper; if( hStoppedEvent!=NULL && zStopper!=0 ){ while( 1 ){ DWORD dwResult = WaitForMultipleObjectsEx(1, &hStoppedEvent, FALSE, 1000, TRUE); if( dwResult!=WAIT_IO_COMPLETION && dwResult!=WAIT_TIMEOUT ){ /* The event is either invalid, signaled, or abandoned. Bail ** out now because those conditions should indicate the parent ** thread is dead or dying. */ break; } if( file_size(zStopper, ExtFILE)>=0 ){ /* The stopper file has been found. Attempt to close the server ** listener socket now and then exit. */ DualSocket_close(&p->listener); break; } } } if( hStoppedEvent!=NULL ){ CloseHandle(hStoppedEvent); p->hStoppedEvent = NULL; } if( zStopper!=0 ){ fossil_free(p->zStopper); p->zStopper = 0; } fossil_free(p); } } /* ** Process a single incoming HTTP request. */ static void win32_http_request(void *pAppData){ HttpRequest *p = (HttpRequest*)pAppData; FILE *in = 0, *out = 0, *aux = 0; int amt, got, i; int wanted = 0; char *z; char *zIp; void *sslConn = 0; char zCmdFName[MAX_PATH]; char zRequestFName[MAX_PATH]; char zReplyFName[MAX_PATH]; char zCmd[2000]; /* Command-line to process the request */ char zBuf[65536]; /* The HTTP request header */ const int szHdr = 4000; /* Reduced header size */ sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATH, zCmdFName, "%s_%06d_cmd.txt", zTempPrefix, p->id); sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATH, zRequestFName, "%s_%06d_in.txt", zTempPrefix, p->id); sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATH, zReplyFName, "%s_%06d_out.txt", zTempPrefix, p->id); amt = 0; if( g.httpUseSSL ){ #ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL sslConn = ssl_new_server(p->s); #endif } while( amts, &zBuf[amt], szHdr-amt, 0); if( got==SOCKET_ERROR ) goto end_request; } if( got==0 ){ wanted = 0; break; } amt += got; zBuf[amt] = 0; z = strstr(zBuf, "\r\n\r\n"); if( z ){ wanted = find_content_length(zBuf) + (&z[4]-zBuf) - amt; break; }else{ z = strstr(zBuf, "\n\n"); if( z ){ wanted = find_content_length(zBuf) + (&z[2]-zBuf) - amt; break; } } } if( amt>=szHdr ) goto end_request; out = fossil_fopen(zRequestFName, "wb"); if( out==0 ) goto end_request; fwrite(zBuf, 1, amt, out); while( wanted>0 ){ if( sslConn ){ #ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL got = ssl_read_server(sslConn, zBuf, sizeof(zBuf)); #endif }else{ got = recv(p->s, zBuf, sizeof(zBuf), 0); if( got==SOCKET_ERROR ) goto end_request; } if( got>0 ){ fwrite(zBuf, 1, got, out); }else{ break; } wanted -= got; } /* ** The repository name is only needed if there was no open checkout. This ** is designed to allow the open checkout for the interactive user to work ** with the local Fossil server started via the "ui" command. */ zIp = SocketAddr_toString(&p->addr); if( (p->flags & HTTP_SERVER_HAD_CHECKOUT)==0 ){ assert( g.zRepositoryName && g.zRepositoryName[0] ); sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCmd), zCmd, "%s--in %s\n--out %s\n--ipaddr %s\n%s", get_utf8_bom(0), zRequestFName, zReplyFName, zIp, g.zRepositoryName ); }else{ sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCmd), zCmd, "%s--in %s\n--out %s\n--ipaddr %s", get_utf8_bom(0), zRequestFName, zReplyFName, zIp ); } fossil_free(zIp); aux = fossil_fopen(zCmdFName, "wb"); if( aux==0 ) goto end_request; fwrite(zCmd, 1, strlen(zCmd), aux); sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCmd), zCmd, "\"%s\" http -args \"%s\"%s%s", g.nameOfExe, zCmdFName, g.httpUseSSL ? "" : " --nossl", p->zOptions ); in = fossil_fopen(zReplyFName, "w+b"); fflush(out); fflush(aux); fossil_system(zCmd); if( in ){ while( (got = fread(zBuf, 1, sizeof(zBuf), in))>0 ){ if( sslConn ){ #ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL ssl_write_server(sslConn, zBuf, got); #endif }else{ send(p->s, zBuf, got, 0); } } } end_request: if( out ) fclose(out); if( aux ) fclose(aux); if( in ) fclose(in); /* Initiate shutdown prior to closing the socket */ if( sslConn!=0 ){ #ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_SSL ssl_close_server(sslConn); #endif } if( shutdown(p->s,1)==0 ) shutdown(p->s,0); closesocket(p->s); /* Make multiple attempts to delete the temporary files. Sometimes AV ** software keeps the files open for a few seconds, preventing the file ** from being deleted on the first try. */ for(i=1; i<=10 && file_delete(zRequestFName); i++){ Sleep(1000*i); } for(i=1; i<=10 && file_delete(zCmdFName); i++){ Sleep(1000*i); } for(i=1; i<=10 && file_delete(zReplyFName); i++){ Sleep(1000*i); } fossil_free(p); } /* ** Process a single incoming SCGI request. */ static void win32_scgi_request(void *pAppData){ HttpRequest *p = (HttpRequest*)pAppData; FILE *in = 0, *out = 0; int amt, got, nHdr, i; int wanted = 0; char *zIp; char zRequestFName[MAX_PATH]; char zReplyFName[MAX_PATH]; char zCmd[2000]; /* Command-line to process the request */ char zHdr[4000]; /* The SCGI request header */ sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATH, zRequestFName, "%s_%06d_in.txt", zTempPrefix, p->id); sqlite3_snprintf(MAX_PATH, zReplyFName, "%s_%06d_out.txt", zTempPrefix, p->id); out = fossil_fopen(zRequestFName, "wb"); if( out==0 ) goto end_request; amt = 0; got = recv(p->s, zHdr, sizeof(zHdr), 0); if( got==SOCKET_ERROR ) goto end_request; amt = fwrite(zHdr, 1, got, out); nHdr = 0; for(i=0; zHdr[i]>='0' && zHdr[i]<='9'; i++){ nHdr = 10*nHdr + zHdr[i] - '0'; } wanted = nHdr + i + 1; if( strcmp(zHdr+i+1, "CONTENT_LENGTH")==0 ){ wanted += atoi(zHdr+i+15); } while( wanted>amt ){ got = recv(p->s, zHdr, wantedaddr); sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCmd), zCmd, "\"%s\" http --in \"%s\" --out \"%s\" --ipaddr %s \"%s\"" " --scgi --nossl%s", g.nameOfExe, zRequestFName, zReplyFName, zIp, g.zRepositoryName, p->zOptions ); fossil_free(zIp); in = fossil_fopen(zReplyFName, "w+b"); fflush(out); fossil_system(zCmd); if( in ){ while( (got = fread(zHdr, 1, sizeof(zHdr), in))>0 ){ send(p->s, zHdr, got, 0); } } end_request: if( out ) fclose(out); if( in ) fclose(in); /* Initiate shutdown prior to closing the socket */ if( shutdown(p->s,1)==0 ) shutdown(p->s,0); closesocket(p->s); /* Make multiple attempts to delete the temporary files. Sometimes AV ** software keeps the files open for a few seconds, preventing the file ** from being deleted on the first try. */ for(i=1; i<=10 && file_delete(zRequestFName); i++){ Sleep(1000*i); } for(i=1; i<=10 && file_delete(zReplyFName); i++){ Sleep(1000*i); } fossil_free(p); } /* forward reference */ static void win32_http_service_running(DualSocket* pS); /* ** Start a listening socket and process incoming HTTP requests on ** that socket. */ void win32_http_server( int mnPort, int mxPort, /* Range of allowed TCP port numbers */ const char *zBrowser, /* Command to launch browser. (Or NULL) */ const char *zStopper, /* Stop server when this file is exists (Or NULL) */ const char *zBaseUrl, /* The --baseurl option, or NULL */ const char *zNotFound, /* The --notfound option, or NULL */ const char *zFileGlob, /* The --fileglob option, or NULL */ const char *zIpAddr, /* Bind to this IP address, if not NULL */ int flags /* One or more HTTP_SERVER_ flags */ ){ HANDLE hStoppedEvent; WSADATA wd; DualSocket ds; int idCnt = 0; int iPort = mnPort; Blob options; wchar_t zTmpPath[MAX_PATH]; const char *zSkin; #if USE_SEE const char *zSavedKey = 0; size_t savedKeySize = 0; #endif blob_zero(&options); if( PB("HTTPS") ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --https"); } if( zBaseUrl ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --baseurl "); blob_append_escaped_arg(&options, zBaseUrl, 0); } if( zNotFound ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --notfound "); blob_append_escaped_arg(&options, zNotFound, 1); } if( g.zCkoutAlias ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --ckout-alias "); blob_append_escaped_arg(&options, g.zCkoutAlias, 0); } if( zFileGlob ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --files-urlenc %T", zFileGlob); } if( g.useLocalauth ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --localauth"); } if( g.thTrace ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --th-trace"); } if( flags & HTTP_SERVER_REPOLIST ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --repolist"); } if( g.zExtRoot && g.zExtRoot[0] ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --extroot"); blob_append_escaped_arg(&options, g.zExtRoot, 1); } zSkin = skin_in_use(); if( zSkin ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --skin %s", zSkin); } if( g.zMainMenuFile ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --mainmenu "); blob_append_escaped_arg(&options, g.zMainMenuFile, 1); } #if USE_SEE zSavedKey = db_get_saved_encryption_key(); savedKeySize = db_get_saved_encryption_key_size(); if( zSavedKey!=0 && savedKeySize>0 ){ blob_appendf(&options, " --usepidkey %lu:%p:%u", GetCurrentProcessId(), zSavedKey, savedKeySize); } #endif if( WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,0), &wd) ){ fossil_panic("unable to initialize winsock"); } DualSocket_init(&ds); while( iPort<=mxPort ){ if( zIpAddr ){ if( DualSocket_listen(&ds, zIpAddr, iPort)==0 ){ iPort++; continue; } }else{ if( DualSocket_listen(&ds, (flags & HTTP_SERVER_LOCALHOST) ? "L" : "W", iPort )==0 ){ iPort++; continue; } } break; } if( iPort>mxPort ){ /* These exits are merely fatal because firewall settings can cause them. */ if( mnPort==mxPort ){ fossil_fatal("unable to open listening socket on port %d", mnPort); }else{ fossil_fatal("unable to open listening socket on any" " port in the range %d..%d", mnPort, mxPort); } } if( !GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, zTmpPath) ){ fossil_panic("unable to get path to the temporary directory."); } zTempPrefix = mprintf("%sfossil_server_P%d", fossil_unicode_to_utf8(zTmpPath), iPort); fossil_print("Temporary files: %s*\n", zTempPrefix); fossil_print("Listening for %s requests on TCP port %d\n", (flags&HTTP_SERVER_SCGI)!=0 ? "SCGI" : g.httpUseSSL ? "TLS-encrypted HTTPS" : "HTTP", iPort); if( zBrowser ){ zBrowser = mprintf(zBrowser /*works-like:"%d"*/, iPort); fossil_print("Launch webbrowser: %s\n", zBrowser); fossil_system(zBrowser); } fossil_print("Type Ctrl-C to stop the HTTP server\n"); /* Create an event used to signal when this server is exiting. */ hStoppedEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); assert( hStoppedEvent!=NULL ); /* If there is a stopper file name, start the dedicated thread now. ** It will attempt to close the listener socket within 1 second of ** the stopper file being created. */ if( zStopper ){ HttpServer *pServer = fossil_malloc(sizeof(HttpServer)); memset(pServer, 0, sizeof(HttpServer)); DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), hStoppedEvent, GetCurrentProcess(), &pServer->hStoppedEvent, 0, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); assert( pServer->hStoppedEvent!=NULL ); pServer->zStopper = fossil_strdup(zStopper); pServer->listener = ds; file_delete(zStopper); _beginthread(win32_server_stopper, 0, (void*)pServer); } /* Set the service status to running and pass the listener socket to the ** service handling procedures. */ win32_http_service_running(&ds); for(;;){ DualSocket client; DualAddr client_addr; HttpRequest *pRequest; int wsaError; DualSocket_accept(&ds, &client, &client_addr); if( client.s4==INVALID_SOCKET && client.s6==INVALID_SOCKET ){ /* If the service control handler has closed the listener socket, ** cleanup and return, otherwise report a fatal error. */ wsaError = WSAGetLastError(); DualSocket_close(&ds); if( (wsaError==WSAEINTR) || (wsaError==WSAENOTSOCK) ){ WSACleanup(); return; }else{ WSACleanup(); fossil_panic("error from accept()"); } } if( client.s4!=INVALID_SOCKET ){ pRequest = fossil_malloc(sizeof(HttpRequest)); pRequest->id = ++idCnt; pRequest->s = client.s4; memcpy(&pRequest->addr, &client_addr.a4, sizeof(client_addr.a4)); pRequest->flags = flags; pRequest->zOptions = blob_str(&options); if( flags & HTTP_SERVER_SCGI ){ _beginthread(win32_scgi_request, 0, (void*)pRequest); }else{ _beginthread(win32_http_request, 0, (void*)pRequest); } } if( client.s6!=INVALID_SOCKET ){ pRequest = fossil_malloc(sizeof(HttpRequest)); pRequest->id = ++idCnt; pRequest->s = client.s6; memcpy(&pRequest->addr, &client_addr.a6, sizeof(client_addr.a6)); pRequest->flags = flags; pRequest->zOptions = blob_str(&options); if( flags & HTTP_SERVER_SCGI ){ _beginthread(win32_scgi_request, 0, (void*)pRequest); }else{ _beginthread(win32_http_request, 0, (void*)pRequest); } } } DualSocket_close(&ds); WSACleanup(); SetEvent(hStoppedEvent); CloseHandle(hStoppedEvent); } /* ** The HttpService structure is used to pass information to the service main ** function and to the service control handler function. */ typedef struct HttpService HttpService; struct HttpService { int port; /* Port on which the http server should run */ const char *zBaseUrl; /* The --baseurl option, or NULL */ const char *zNotFound; /* The --notfound option, or NULL */ const char *zFileGlob; /* The --files option, or NULL */ int flags; /* One or more HTTP_SERVER_ flags */ int isRunningAsService; /* Are we running as a service ? */ const wchar_t *zServiceName;/* Name of the service */ DualSocket s; /* Sockets on which the http server listens */ }; /* ** Variables used for running as windows service. */ static HttpService hsData = {8080, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, {INVALID_SOCKET, INVALID_SOCKET}}; static SERVICE_STATUS ssStatus; static SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE sshStatusHandle; /* ** Get message string of the last system error. Return a pointer to the ** message string. Call fossil_unicode_free() to deallocate any memory used ** to store the message string when done. */ static char *win32_get_last_errmsg(void){ DWORD nMsg; DWORD nErr = GetLastError(); LPWSTR tmp = NULL; char *zMsg = NULL; /* Try first to get the error text in English. */ nMsg = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, nErr, MAKELANGID(LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US), (LPWSTR) &tmp, 0, NULL ); if( !nMsg ){ /* No english, get what the system has available. */ nMsg = FormatMessageW( FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS, NULL, nErr, 0, (LPWSTR) &tmp, 0, NULL ); } if( nMsg ){ zMsg = fossil_unicode_to_utf8(tmp); }else{ fossil_panic("unable to get system error message."); } if( tmp ){ LocalFree((HLOCAL) tmp); } return zMsg; } /* ** Report the current status of the service to the service control manager. ** Make sure that during service startup no control codes are accepted. */ static void win32_report_service_status( DWORD dwCurrentState, /* The current state of the service */ DWORD dwWin32ExitCode, /* The error code to report */ DWORD dwWaitHint /* The estimated time for a pending operation */ ){ if( dwCurrentState==SERVICE_START_PENDING ){ ssStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; }else{ ssStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP; } ssStatus.dwCurrentState = dwCurrentState; ssStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = dwWin32ExitCode; ssStatus.dwWaitHint = dwWaitHint; if( (dwCurrentState==SERVICE_RUNNING) || (dwCurrentState==SERVICE_STOPPED) ){ ssStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; }else{ ssStatus.dwCheckPoint++; } SetServiceStatus(sshStatusHandle, &ssStatus); return ; } /* ** Handle control codes sent from the service control manager. ** The control dispatcher in the main thread of the service process invokes ** this function whenever it receives a control request from the service ** control manager. */ static void WINAPI win32_http_service_ctrl( DWORD dwCtrlCode ){ switch( dwCtrlCode ){ case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: { DualSocket_close(&hsData.s); win32_report_service_status(SERVICE_STOP_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 0); break; } default: { break; } } return; } /* ** This is the main entry point for the service. ** When the service control manager receives a request to start the service, ** it starts the service process (if it is not already running). The main ** thread of the service process calls the StartServiceCtrlDispatcher ** function with a pointer to an array of SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY structures. ** Then the service control manager sends a start request to the service ** control dispatcher for this service process. The service control dispatcher ** creates a new thread to execute the ServiceMain function (this function) ** of the service being started. */ static void WINAPI win32_http_service_main( DWORD argc, /* Number of arguments in argv */ LPWSTR *argv /* Arguments passed */ ){ /* Update the service information. */ hsData.isRunningAsService = 1; if( argc>0 ){ hsData.zServiceName = argv[0]; } /* Register the service control handler function */ sshStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerW(L"", win32_http_service_ctrl); if( !sshStatusHandle ){ win32_report_service_status(SERVICE_STOPPED, NO_ERROR, 0); return; } /* Set service specific data and report that the service is starting. */ ssStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS; ssStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; win32_report_service_status(SERVICE_START_PENDING, NO_ERROR, 3000); /* Execute the http server */ win32_http_server(hsData.port, hsData.port, NULL, NULL, hsData.zBaseUrl, hsData.zNotFound, hsData.zFileGlob, 0, hsData.flags); /* Service has stopped now. */ win32_report_service_status(SERVICE_STOPPED, NO_ERROR, 0); return; } /* ** When running as service, update the HttpService structure with the ** listener socket and update the service status. This procedure must be ** called from the http server when he is ready to accept connections. */ static void win32_http_service_running(DualSocket *pS){ if( hsData.isRunningAsService ){ hsData.s = *pS; win32_report_service_status(SERVICE_RUNNING, NO_ERROR, 0); } } /* ** Try to start the http server as a windows service. If we are running in ** a interactive console session, this routine fails and returns a non zero ** integer value. When running as service, this routine does not return until ** the service is stopped. In this case, the return value is zero. */ int win32_http_service( int nPort, /* TCP port number */ const char *zBaseUrl, /* The --baseurl option, or NULL */ const char *zNotFound, /* The --notfound option, or NULL */ const char *zFileGlob, /* The --files option, or NULL */ int flags /* One or more HTTP_SERVER_ flags */ ){ /* Define the service table. */ SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRYW ServiceTable[] = {{L"", (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONW)win32_http_service_main}, {NULL, NULL}}; /* Initialize the HttpService structure. */ hsData.port = nPort; hsData.zBaseUrl = zBaseUrl; hsData.zNotFound = zNotFound; hsData.zFileGlob = zFileGlob; hsData.flags = flags; if( GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE)!=NULL ){ return 1; } /* Try to start the control dispatcher thread for the service. */ if( !StartServiceCtrlDispatcherW(ServiceTable) ){ if( GetLastError()==ERROR_FAILED_SERVICE_CONTROLLER_CONNECT ){ return 1; }else{ fossil_fatal("error from StartServiceCtrlDispatcher()"); } } return 0; } /* Duplicate #ifdef needed for mkindex */ #ifdef _WIN32 /* ** COMMAND: winsrv* ** ** Usage: %fossil winsrv METHOD ?SERVICE-NAME? ?OPTIONS? ** ** Where METHOD is one of: create delete show start stop. ** ** The winsrv command manages Fossil as a Windows service. This allows ** (for example) Fossil to be running in the background when no user ** is logged in. ** ** In the following description of the methods, "Fossil-DSCM" will be ** used as the default SERVICE-NAME: ** ** %fossil winsrv create ?SERVICE-NAME? ?OPTIONS? ** ** Creates a service. Available options include: ** ** -D|--display DISPLAY-NAME ** ** Sets the display name of the service. This name is shown ** by graphical interface programs. By default, the display name ** equals to the service name. ** ** -S|--start TYPE ** ** Sets the start type of the service. TYPE can be "manual", ** which means you need to start the service yourself with the ** 'fossil winsrv start' command or with the "net start" command ** from the operating system. If TYPE is set to "auto", the service ** will be started automatically by the system during startup. ** ** --username USERNAME ** ** Specifies the user account which will be used to run the ** service. The account needs the "Logon as a service" right ** enabled in its profile. Specify local accounts as follows: ** ".\\USERNAME". By default, the "LocalSystem" account will be ** used. ** ** -W|--password PASSWORD ** ** Password for the user account. ** ** The following options are more or less the same as for the "server" ** command and influence the behaviour of the http server: ** ** --baseurl URL ** ** Use URL as the base (useful for reverse proxies) ** ** -P|--port TCPPORT ** ** Specifies the TCP port (default port is 8080) on which the ** server should listen. ** ** -R|--repository REPO ** ** Specifies the name of the repository to be served. ** The repository option may be omitted if the working directory ** is within an open checkout. ** The REPOSITORY can be a directory (aka folder) that contains ** one or more repositories with names ending in ".fossil". ** In that case, the first element of the URL is used to select ** among the various repositories. ** ** --notfound URL ** ** If REPOSITORY is a directory that contains one or more ** repositories with names of the form "*.fossil" then the ** first element of the URL pathname selects among the various ** repositories. If the pathname does not select a valid ** repository and the --notfound option is available, ** then the server redirects (HTTP code 302) to the URL of ** --notfound. ** ** --localauth ** ** Enables automatic login if the --localauth option is present ** and the "localauth" setting is off and the connection is from ** localhost. ** ** --repolist ** ** If REPOSITORY is directory, URL "/" lists all repositories. ** ** --scgi ** ** Create an SCGI server instead of an HTTP server ** ** ** %fossil winsrv delete ?SERVICE-NAME? ** ** Deletes a service. If the service is currently running, it will be ** stopped first and then deleted. ** ** ** %fossil winsrv show ?SERVICE-NAME? ** ** Shows how the service is configured and its current state. ** ** ** %fossil winsrv start ?SERVICE-NAME? ** ** Start the service. ** ** ** %fossil winsrv stop ?SERVICE-NAME? ** ** Stop the service. ** ** ** NOTE: This command is available on Windows operating systems only and ** requires administrative rights on the machine executed. ** */ void cmd_win32_service(void){ int n; const char *zMethod; const char *zSvcName = "Fossil-DSCM"; /* Default service name */ if( g.argc<3 ){ usage("create|delete|show|start|stop ..."); } zMethod = g.argv[2]; n = strlen(zMethod); if( strncmp(zMethod, "create", n)==0 ){ SC_HANDLE hScm; SC_HANDLE hSvc; SERVICE_DESCRIPTIONW svcDescr = {L"Fossil - Distributed Software Configuration Management"}; DWORD dwStartType = SERVICE_DEMAND_START; const char *zAltBase = find_option("baseurl", 0, 1); const char *zDisplay = find_option("display", "D", 1); const char *zStart = find_option("start", "S", 1); const char *zUsername = find_option("username", 0, 1); const char *zPassword = find_option("password", "W", 1); const char *zPort = find_option("port", "P", 1); const char *zNotFound = find_option("notfound", 0, 1); const char *zFileGlob = find_option("files", 0, 1); const char *zLocalAuth = find_option("localauth", 0, 0); const char *zRepository = find_repository_option(); int useSCGI = find_option("scgi", 0, 0)!=0; int allowRepoList = find_option("repolist",0,0)!=0; Blob binPath; verify_all_options(); if( g.argc==4 ){ zSvcName = g.argv[3]; }else if( g.argc>4 ){ fossil_fatal("too many arguments for create method."); } /* Process service creation specific options. */ if( !zDisplay ){ zDisplay = zSvcName; } /* Per MSDN, the password parameter cannot be NULL. Must use empty ** string instead (i.e. in the call to CreateServiceW). */ if( !zPassword ){ zPassword = ""; } if( zStart ){ if( strncmp(zStart, "auto", strlen(zStart))==0 ){ dwStartType = SERVICE_AUTO_START; }else if( strncmp(zStart, "manual", strlen(zStart))==0 ){ dwStartType = SERVICE_DEMAND_START; }else{ winhttp_fatal("create", zSvcName, "specify 'auto' or 'manual' for the '-S|--start' option"); } } /* Process options for Fossil running as server. */ if( zPort && (atoi(zPort)<=0) ){ winhttp_fatal("create", zSvcName, "port number must be in the range 1 - 65535."); } if( !zRepository ){ db_must_be_within_tree(); }else if( file_isdir(zRepository, ExtFILE)==1 ){ g.zRepositoryName = mprintf("%s", zRepository); file_simplify_name(g.zRepositoryName, -1, 0); }else{ db_open_repository(zRepository); } db_close(0); /* Build the fully-qualified path to the service binary file. */ blob_zero(&binPath); blob_appendf(&binPath, "\"%s\" server", g.nameOfExe); if( zAltBase ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --baseurl %s", zAltBase); if( zPort ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --port %s", zPort); if( useSCGI ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --scgi"); if( allowRepoList ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --repolist"); if( zNotFound ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --notfound \"%s\"", zNotFound); if( zFileGlob ) blob_appendf(&binPath, " --files-urlenc %T", zFileGlob); if( zLocalAuth ) blob_append(&binPath, " --localauth", -1); blob_appendf(&binPath, " \"%s\"", g.zRepositoryName); /* Create the service. */ hScm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if( !hScm ) winhttp_fatal("create", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); hSvc = CreateServiceW( hScm, /* Handle to the SCM */ fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), /* Name of the service */ fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zDisplay), /* Display name */ SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS, /* Desired access */ SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS, /* Service type */ dwStartType, /* Start type */ SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL, /* Error control */ fossil_utf8_to_unicode(blob_str(&binPath)), /* Binary path */ NULL, /* Load ordering group */ NULL, /* Tag value */ NULL, /* Service dependencies */ zUsername ? fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zUsername) : 0, /* Account */ fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zPassword) /* Account password */ ); if( !hSvc ) winhttp_fatal("create", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); /* Set the service description. */ ChangeServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, &svcDescr); fossil_print("Service '%s' successfully created.\n", zSvcName); CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hScm); }else if( strncmp(zMethod, "delete", n)==0 ){ SC_HANDLE hScm; SC_HANDLE hSvc; SERVICE_STATUS sstat; verify_all_options(); if( g.argc==4 ){ zSvcName = g.argv[3]; }else if( g.argc>4 ){ fossil_fatal("too many arguments for delete method."); } hScm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if( !hScm ) winhttp_fatal("delete", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if( !hSvc ) winhttp_fatal("delete", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){ fossil_print("Stopping service '%s'", zSvcName); if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ){ if( !ControlService(hSvc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &sstat) ){ winhttp_fatal("delete", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); } while( sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_STOP_PENDING || sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_RUNNING ){ Sleep(100); fossil_print("."); QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); } if( sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_STOPPED ){ fossil_print("\nService '%s' stopped.\n", zSvcName); }else{ winhttp_fatal("delete", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } } if( !DeleteService(hSvc) ){ if( GetLastError()==ERROR_SERVICE_MARKED_FOR_DELETE ){ fossil_warning("Service '%s' already marked for delete.\n", zSvcName); }else{ winhttp_fatal("delete", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } }else{ fossil_print("Service '%s' successfully deleted.\n", zSvcName); } CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hScm); }else if( strncmp(zMethod, "show", n)==0 ){ SC_HANDLE hScm; SC_HANDLE hSvc; SERVICE_STATUS sstat; LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIGW pSvcConfig; LPSERVICE_DESCRIPTIONW pSvcDescr; BOOL bStatus; DWORD nRequired; static const char *const zSvcTypes[] = { "Driver service", "File system driver service", "Service runs in its own process", "Service shares a process with other services", "Service can interact with the desktop" }; const char *zSvcType = ""; static const char *const zSvcStartTypes[] = { "Started by the system loader", "Started by the IoInitSystem function", "Started automatically by the service control manager", "Started manually", "Service cannot be started" }; const char *zSvcStartType = ""; static const char *const zSvcStates[] = { "Stopped", "Starting", "Stopping", "Running", "Continue pending", "Pause pending", "Paused" }; const char *zSvcState = ""; verify_all_options(); if( g.argc==4 ){ zSvcName = g.argv[3]; }else if( g.argc>4 ){ fossil_fatal("too many arguments for show method."); } hScm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, GENERIC_READ); if( !hScm ) winhttp_fatal("show", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), GENERIC_READ); if( !hSvc ) winhttp_fatal("show", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); /* Get the service configuration */ bStatus = QueryServiceConfigW(hSvc, NULL, 0, &nRequired); if( !bStatus && GetLastError()!=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ winhttp_fatal("show", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } pSvcConfig = fossil_malloc(nRequired); bStatus = QueryServiceConfigW(hSvc, pSvcConfig, nRequired, &nRequired); if( !bStatus ) winhttp_fatal("show", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); /* Translate the service type */ switch( pSvcConfig->dwServiceType ){ case SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[0]; break; case SERVICE_FILE_SYSTEM_DRIVER: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[1]; break; case SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[2]; break; case SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[3]; break; case SERVICE_INTERACTIVE_PROCESS: zSvcType = zSvcTypes[4]; break; } /* Translate the service start type */ switch( pSvcConfig->dwStartType ){ case SERVICE_BOOT_START: zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[0]; break; case SERVICE_SYSTEM_START: zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[1]; break; case SERVICE_AUTO_START: zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[2]; break; case SERVICE_DEMAND_START: zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[3]; break; case SERVICE_DISABLED: zSvcStartType = zSvcStartTypes[4]; break; } /* Get the service description. */ bStatus = QueryServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, NULL, 0, &nRequired); if( !bStatus && GetLastError()!=ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ){ winhttp_fatal("show", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } pSvcDescr = fossil_malloc(nRequired); bStatus = QueryServiceConfig2W(hSvc, SERVICE_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, (LPBYTE)pSvcDescr, nRequired, &nRequired); if( !bStatus ) winhttp_fatal("show", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); /* Retrieves the current status of the specified service. */ bStatus = QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); if( !bStatus ) winhttp_fatal("show", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); /* Translate the current state. */ switch( sstat.dwCurrentState ){ case SERVICE_STOPPED: zSvcState = zSvcStates[0]; break; case SERVICE_START_PENDING: zSvcState = zSvcStates[1]; break; case SERVICE_STOP_PENDING: zSvcState = zSvcStates[2]; break; case SERVICE_RUNNING: zSvcState = zSvcStates[3]; break; case SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING: zSvcState = zSvcStates[4]; break; case SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING: zSvcState = zSvcStates[5]; break; case SERVICE_PAUSED: zSvcState = zSvcStates[6]; break; } /* Print service information to terminal */ fossil_print("Service name .......: %s\n", zSvcName); fossil_print("Display name .......: %s\n", fossil_unicode_to_utf8(pSvcConfig->lpDisplayName)); fossil_print("Service description : %s\n", fossil_unicode_to_utf8(pSvcDescr->lpDescription)); fossil_print("Service type .......: %s.\n", zSvcType); fossil_print("Service start type .: %s.\n", zSvcStartType); fossil_print("Binary path name ...: %s\n", fossil_unicode_to_utf8(pSvcConfig->lpBinaryPathName)); fossil_print("Service username ...: %s\n", fossil_unicode_to_utf8(pSvcConfig->lpServiceStartName)); fossil_print("Current state ......: %s.\n", zSvcState); /* Cleanup */ fossil_free(pSvcConfig); fossil_free(pSvcDescr); CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hScm); }else if( strncmp(zMethod, "start", n)==0 ){ SC_HANDLE hScm; SC_HANDLE hSvc; SERVICE_STATUS sstat; verify_all_options(); if( g.argc==4 ){ zSvcName = g.argv[3]; }else if( g.argc>4 ){ fossil_fatal("too many arguments for start method."); } hScm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if( !hScm ) winhttp_fatal("start", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if( !hSvc ) winhttp_fatal("start", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_RUNNING ){ fossil_print("Starting service '%s'", zSvcName); if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_START_PENDING ){ if( !StartServiceW(hSvc, 0, NULL) ){ winhttp_fatal("start", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); } while( sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_START_PENDING || sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_STOPPED ){ Sleep(100); fossil_print("."); QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); } if( sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_RUNNING ){ fossil_print("\nService '%s' started.\n", zSvcName); }else{ winhttp_fatal("start", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } }else{ fossil_print("Service '%s' is already started.\n", zSvcName); } CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hScm); }else if( strncmp(zMethod, "stop", n)==0 ){ SC_HANDLE hScm; SC_HANDLE hSvc; SERVICE_STATUS sstat; verify_all_options(); if( g.argc==4 ){ zSvcName = g.argv[3]; }else if( g.argc>4 ){ fossil_fatal("too many arguments for stop method."); } hScm = OpenSCManagerW(NULL, NULL, SC_MANAGER_ALL_ACCESS); if( !hScm ) winhttp_fatal("stop", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); hSvc = OpenServiceW(hScm, fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zSvcName), SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS); if( !hSvc ) winhttp_fatal("stop", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOPPED ){ fossil_print("Stopping service '%s'", zSvcName); if( sstat.dwCurrentState!=SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ){ if( !ControlService(hSvc, SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP, &sstat) ){ winhttp_fatal("stop", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); } while( sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_STOP_PENDING || sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_RUNNING ){ Sleep(100); fossil_print("."); QueryServiceStatus(hSvc, &sstat); } if( sstat.dwCurrentState==SERVICE_STOPPED ){ fossil_print("\nService '%s' stopped.\n", zSvcName); }else{ winhttp_fatal("stop", zSvcName, win32_get_last_errmsg()); } }else{ fossil_print("Service '%s' is already stopped.\n", zSvcName); } CloseServiceHandle(hSvc); CloseServiceHandle(hScm); }else { fossil_fatal("METHOD should be one of:" " create delete show start stop"); } return; } #endif /* _WIN32 -- dupe needed for mkindex */ #endif /* _WIN32 -- This code is for win32 only */