/* ** Copyright © 2018 Warren Young ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Contact: wyoung on the Fossil forum, https://fossil-scm.org/forum/ ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This file contains the JS code specific to the Fossil default skin. ** Currently, the only thing this does is handle clicks on its hamburger ** menu button. */ (function() { var hbButton = document.getElementById("hbbtn"); if (!hbButton) return; // no hamburger button if (!document.addEventListener) { // Turn the button into a link to the sitemap for incompatible browsers. hbButton.href = "$home/sitemap"; return; } var panel = document.getElementById("hbdrop"); if (!panel) return; // site admin might've nuked it if (!panel.style) return; // shouldn't happen, but be sure var panelBorder = panel.style.border; var panelInitialized = false; // reset if browser window is resized var panelResetBorderTimerID = 0; // used to cancel post-animation tasks // Disable animation if this browser doesn't support CSS transitions. // // We need this ugly calling form for old browsers that don't allow // panel.style.hasOwnProperty('transition'); catering to old browsers // is the whole point here. var animate = panel.style.transition !== null && (typeof(panel.style.transition) == "string"); // The duration of the animation can be overridden from the default skin // header.txt by setting the "data-anim-ms" attribute of the panel. var animMS = panel.getAttribute("data-anim-ms"); if (animMS) { // not null or empty string, parse it animMS = parseInt(animMS); if (isNaN(animMS) || animMS == 0) animate = false; // disable animation if non-numeric or zero else if (animMS < 0) animMS = 400; // set default animation duration if negative } else // attribute is null or empty string, use default animMS = 400; // Calculate panel height despite its being hidden at call time. // Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/29047447/142454 var panelHeight; // computed on first panel display function calculatePanelHeight() { // Clear the max-height CSS property in case the panel size is recalculated // after the browser window was resized. panel.style.maxHeight = ''; // Get initial panel styles so we can restore them below. var es = window.getComputedStyle(panel), edis = es.display, epos = es.position, evis = es.visibility; // Restyle the panel so we can measure its height while invisible. panel.style.visibility = 'hidden'; panel.style.position = 'absolute'; panel.style.display = 'block'; panelHeight = panel.offsetHeight + 'px'; // Revert styles now that job is done. panel.style.display = edis; panel.style.position = epos; panel.style.visibility = evis; } // Show the panel by changing the panel height, which kicks off the // slide-open/closed transition set up in the XHR onload handler. // // Schedule the change for a near-future time in case this is the // first call, where the div was initially invisible. If we were // to change the panel's visibility and height at the same time // instead, that would prevent the browser from seeing the height // change as a state transition, so it'd skip the CSS transition: // // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Transitions/Using_CSS_transitions#JavaScript_examples function showPanel() { // Cancel the timer to remove the panel border after the closing animation, // otherwise double-clicking the hamburger button with the panel opened will // remove the borders from the (closed and immediately reopened) panel. if (panelResetBorderTimerID) { clearTimeout(panelResetBorderTimerID); panelResetBorderTimerID = 0; } if (animate) { if (!panelInitialized) { panelInitialized = true; // Set up a CSS transition to animate the panel open and // closed. Only needs to be done once per page load. // Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/29047447/142454 calculatePanelHeight(); panel.style.transition = 'max-height ' + animMS + 'ms ease-in-out'; panel.style.overflowY = 'hidden'; panel.style.maxHeight = '0'; } setTimeout(function() { panel.style.maxHeight = panelHeight; panel.style.border = panelBorder; }, 40); // 25ms is insufficient with Firefox 62 } panel.style.display = 'block'; document.addEventListener('keydown',panelKeydown,/* useCapture == */true); document.addEventListener('click',panelClick,false); } var panelKeydown = function(event) { var key = event.which || event.keyCode; if (key == 27) { event.stopPropagation(); // ignore other keydown handlers panelToggle(true); } }; var panelClick = function(event) { if (!panel.contains(event.target)) { // Call event.preventDefault() to have clicks outside the opened panel // just close the panel, and swallow clicks on links or form elements. //event.preventDefault(); panelToggle(true); } }; // Return true if the panel is showing. function panelShowing() { if (animate) { return panel.style.maxHeight == panelHeight; } else { return panel.style.display == 'block'; } } // Check if the specified HTML element has any child elements. Note that plain // text nodes, comments, and any spaces (presentational or not) are ignored. function hasChildren(element) { var childElement = element.firstChild; while (childElement) { if (childElement.nodeType == 1) // Node.ELEMENT_NODE == 1 return true; childElement = childElement.nextSibling; } return false; } // Reset the state of the panel to uninitialized if the browser window is // resized, so the dimensions are recalculated the next time it's opened. window.addEventListener('resize',function(event) { panelInitialized = false; },false); // Click handler for the hamburger button. hbButton.addEventListener('click',function(event) { // Break the event handler chain, or the handler for document → click // (about to be installed) may already be triggered by the current event. event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); // prevent browser from acting on click panelToggle(false); },false); function panelToggle(suppressAnimation) { if (panelShowing()) { document.removeEventListener('keydown',panelKeydown,/* useCapture == */true); document.removeEventListener('click',panelClick,false); // Transition back to hidden state. if (animate) { if (suppressAnimation) { var transition = panel.style.transition; panel.style.transition = ''; panel.style.maxHeight = '0'; panel.style.border = 'none'; setTimeout(function() { // Make sure CSS transition won't take effect now, so restore it // asynchronously. Outer variable 'transition' still valid here. panel.style.transition = transition; }, 40); // 25ms is insufficient with Firefox 62 } else { panel.style.maxHeight = '0'; panelResetBorderTimerID = setTimeout(function() { // Browsers show a 1px high border line when maxHeight == 0, // our "hidden" state, so hide the borders in that state, too. panel.style.border = 'none'; panelResetBorderTimerID = 0; // clear ID of completed timer }, animMS); } } else { panel.style.display = 'none'; } } else { if (!hasChildren(panel)) { // Only get the sitemap once per page load: it isn't likely to // change on us. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onload = function() { var doc = xhr.responseXML; if (doc) { var sm = doc.querySelector("ul#sitemap"); if (sm && xhr.status == 200) { // Got sitemap. Insert it into the drop-down panel. panel.innerHTML = sm.outerHTML; // Display the panel showPanel(); } } // else, can't parse response as HTML or XML } xhr.open("GET", "$home/sitemap?popup"); // note the TH1 substitution! xhr.responseType = "document"; xhr.send(); } else { showPanel(); // just show what we built above } } } })();