# # This is a "TH1 fragment" used to test the Tcl integration features of TH1. # The corresponding test file executes this file using the test-th-render # Fossil command. # proc doOut {msg} {puts $msg; puts \n} doOut "tclReady(before) = [tclReady]" set channel stdout; tclInvoke set channel $channel doOut "tclReady(after) = [tclReady]" doOut [tclEval clock seconds] doOut [tclEval {set x [clock seconds]}] tclEval {puts $channel "[clock seconds]"} tclInvoke puts $channel "via Tcl invoke" doOut [tclExpr 2+2] doOut [tclExpr 2 + 2] doOut [tclInvoke set x "two words"] doOut [tclInvoke eval set y one_word] doOut [tclInvoke eval {set z "three words now"}] doOut [set x [tclEval {set x [clock seconds]}]] doOut [tclInvoke th1Eval {set y "two words"}] doOut [set z [tclInvoke th1Expr {2+2}]] doOut $x doOut $y doOut $z doOut [tclEval set x] doOut [tclEval set y] doOut [tclEval set z]