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Comment: | By default, use the automatic zlib detection. When --with-zlib=tree is used, use zlib from the source tree. |
Downloads: | Tarball | ZIP archive | SQL archive |
Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | useTreeZlib |
Files: | files | file ages | folders |
SHA1: |
260266c1ec2cc2c347cd968158e39559 |
User & Date: | mistachkin 2016-01-11 22:27:08 |
| ||
22:47 | By default, use the automatic zlib detection. When --with-zlib=tree is used, use zlib from the source tree. ... (check-in: 8435adc4 user: mistachkin tags: trunk) | |
22:27 | By default, use the automatic zlib detection. When --with-zlib=tree is used, use zlib from the source tree. ... (Closed-Leaf check-in: 260266c1 user: mistachkin tags: useTreeZlib) | |
22:17 | By default, force the zlib in the source tree to be used. ... (check-in: 7b4153ff user: mistachkin tags: useTreeZlib) | |
Changes to auto.def.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | # System autoconfiguration. Try: ./configure --help use cc cc-lib options { with-openssl:path|auto|none => {Look for OpenSSL in the given path, or auto or none} with-miniz=0 => {Use miniz from the source tree} | | > | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | # System autoconfiguration. Try: ./configure --help use cc cc-lib options { with-openssl:path|auto|none => {Look for OpenSSL in the given path, or auto or none} with-miniz=0 => {Use miniz from the source tree} with-zlib:path|auto|tree => {Look for zlib in the given path, or auto or in the source tree} with-exec-rel-paths=0 => {Enable relative paths for external diff/gdiff} with-legacy-mv-rm=0 => {Enable legacy behavior for mv/rm (skip checkout files)} with-th1-docs=0 => {Enable TH1 for embedded documentation pages} with-th1-hooks=0 => {Enable TH1 hooks for commands and web pages} with-tcl:path => {Enable Tcl integration, with Tcl in the specified path} with-tcl-stubs=0 => {Enable Tcl integration via stubs library mechanism} |
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283 284 285 286 287 288 289 | if {[opt-bool with-miniz]} { define FOSSIL_ENABLE_MINIZ 1 msg-result "Using miniz for compression" } else { # Check for zlib, using the given location if specified set zlibpath [opt-val with-zlib] | | | | 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 | if {[opt-bool with-miniz]} { define FOSSIL_ENABLE_MINIZ 1 msg-result "Using miniz for compression" } else { # Check for zlib, using the given location if specified set zlibpath [opt-val with-zlib] if {$zlibpath eq "tree"} { set zlibdir [file dirname $autosetup(dir)]/compat/zlib cc-with [list -cflags "-I$zlibdir"] define-append EXTRA_CFLAGS -I$zlibdir define-append LIBS $zlibdir/libz.a msg-result "Using zlib in source tree" } else { if {$zlibpath ni {auto ""}} { cc-with [list -cflags "-I$zlibpath -L$zlibpath"] define-append EXTRA_CFLAGS -I$zlibpath define-append EXTRA_LDFLAGS -L$zlibpath msg-result "Using zlib from $zlibpath" } if {![cc-check-includes zlib.h] || ![cc-check-function-in-lib inflateEnd z]} { user-error "zlib not found please install it or specify the location with --with-zlib" |
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