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Comment: | Minor tweaks in a few test cases, placeholder for cases to exercise documented error codes. |
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Timelines: | family | ancestors | descendants | both | rberteig-json-test |
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SHA1: |
9f45c8b6e0392feb9b943419ea075a27 |
User & Date: | rberteig 2016-02-02 02:32:56.623 |
| ||
02:03 | Merged from trunk to pick up work in progress and a bug fix to tester.tcl. Fixed issue introduced by the addition of the insertCsrf and verifyCsrf commands from ci [f8820eff] which broke the test th1-info-commands. Also fixed the dependence on the order of commands output by TH1. ... (Closed-Leaf check-in: 2de15c8e user: rberteig tags: rberteig-json-test) | |
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02:32 | Minor tweaks in a few test cases, placeholder for cases to exercise documented error codes. ... (check-in: 9f45c8b6 user: rberteig tags: rberteig-json-test) | |
| ||
01:45 | Cover simple case of /json/user/save to create a new user. Consider covering various other ways that endpoint can be used, as well as CLI vs GET and POST. Current case is CLI based. This case completes coverage of the basic features provided by all documented JSON endpoints. ... (check-in: 1571e4c2 user: rberteig tags: rberteig-json-test) | |
Changes to test/json.test.
︙ | ︙ | |||
514 515 516 517 518 519 520 | set i 0 foreach u [dict get $JR payload] { test_dict_keys json-user-list-$i $u {uid name capabilities info timestamp} {} incr i } # json user save | | > > > | | | | > > | | | 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 | set i 0 foreach u [dict get $JR payload] { test_dict_keys json-user-list-$i $u {uid name capabilities info timestamp} {} incr i } # json user save fossil_json user save --uid -1 --name U2 --password Utwo test_json_envelope_ok json-user-save-env test_json_payload json-user-save {uid name capabilities info timestamp} {} # DOCBUG? Doc says payload is "same as /json/user/get" but actual # result was an array of one user similar to /json/user/list. #set i 0 #foreach u [dict get $JR payload] { # test_dict_keys json-user-save-$i $u {uid name capabilities info timestamp} {} # incr i #} #test json-user-save-count {$i == 1} #### WIKI # wiki list fossil_json wiki list test_json_envelope_ok json-wiki-list-env set pages [dict get $JR payload] |
︙ | ︙ | |||
632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 | fossil_json resultCodes test_json_envelope_ok json-resultCodes-env set codes [dict get $JR payload] test json-resultCodes-codes-1 {[llength $codes] >= 35} ;# count as of API 20120713 # foreach c $codes { # puts [dict values $c] # } #### From the API Docs # Reminder to self: in March 2012 i saw a corner-case which returns # HTML output. To reproduce: chmod 444 REPO, then submit a request | > > > | 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 | fossil_json resultCodes test_json_envelope_ok json-resultCodes-env set codes [dict get $JR payload] test json-resultCodes-codes-1 {[llength $codes] >= 35} ;# count as of API 20120713 # foreach c $codes { # puts [dict values $c] # } foreach r $codes { protOut "# [dict get $r resultCode] [dict get $r cSymbol]\n# [dict get $r description]" } #### From the API Docs # Reminder to self: in March 2012 i saw a corner-case which returns # HTML output. To reproduce: chmod 444 REPO, then submit a request |
︙ | ︙ | |||
661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 | fossil_http_json /json/timeline/checkin $U1Cookie -expectError test json-ROrepo-2-1 {$CODE != 0} test json-ROrepo-2-2 {[regexp {\}\s*$} $RESULT]} knownBug test json-ROrepo-2-3 {![regexp {SQLITE_[A-Z]+:} $RESULT]} knownBug #test_json_envelope_ok json-http-timeline2 catch {exec chmod 666 .rep.fossil}; # Unix. What about Win? | > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > | 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 | fossil_http_json /json/timeline/checkin $U1Cookie -expectError test json-ROrepo-2-1 {$CODE != 0} test json-ROrepo-2-2 {[regexp {\}\s*$} $RESULT]} knownBug test json-ROrepo-2-3 {![regexp {SQLITE_[A-Z]+:} $RESULT]} knownBug #test_json_envelope_ok json-http-timeline2 catch {exec chmod 666 .rep.fossil}; # Unix. What about Win? #### Result Codes # Test cases designed to stimulate each (documented) error code. # FOSSIL-0000 # Not returned by any command. We generally verify that in the # test_json_envelope_ok command by verifying that the resultCode # field is not present. Should any JSON endpoint begin to use the # range reserved for non-fatal warnings, those tests will fail. # # Notice that code is not included in the list returned from # /json/resultCodes. # FOSSIL-1000 FSL_JSON_E_GENERIC # Generic error # FOSSIL-1101 FSL_JSON_E_INVALID_REQUEST # Invalid request write_file e1101.json { ["command","nope"] } fossil_json --json-input e1101.json -expectError test json-RC-1101-array-CLI-exit {$CODE != 0} test_json_envelope json-RC-1101-array-env {fossil timestamp command procTimeUs \ procTimeMs resultCode resultText} {payload} test json-RC-1101-array-code {[dict get $JR resultCode] eq "FOSSIL-1101"} write_file e1101.json { "Not really a command but more of a suggestion" } fossil_json --json-input e1101.json -expectError test json-RC-1101-string-CLI-exit {$CODE != 0} test_json_envelope json-RC-1101-string-env {fossil timestamp command procTimeUs \ procTimeMs resultCode resultText} {payload} test json-RC-1101-string-code {[dict get $JR resultCode] eq "FOSSIL-1101"} # FOSSIL-1102 FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN_COMMAND # Unknown command or subcommand fossil_json NoSuchEndpoint -expectError test json-RC-1102-CLI-exit {$CODE != 0} test_json_envelope json-RC-1102-env {fossil timestamp command procTimeUs \ procTimeMs resultCode resultText} {payload} test json-RC-1102-code {[dict get $JR resultCode] eq "FOSSIL-1102"} write_file e1102.json { { "command":"no/such/endpoint" } } fossil_json --json-input e1102.json -expectError test json-env-RC-1102-CLI-exit {$CODE != 0} test_json_envelope json-env-RC-1102-env {fossil timestamp command procTimeUs \ procTimeMs resultCode resultText} {payload} test json-env-RC-1102-code {[dict get $JR resultCode] eq "FOSSIL-1102"} # FOSSIL-1103 FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN # Unknown error write_file bad.sql { CREATE TABLE spam(a integer, b text); } exec sqlite3 bad.fossil <bad.sql #exec $::fossilexe sqlite3 --no-repository bad.fossil <bad.sql #fossil_json HAI -R bad.fossil -expectError # FOSSIL-1104 FSL_JSON_E_TIMEOUT # Timeout reached # FOSSIL-1105 FSL_JSON_E_ASSERT # Assertion failed # FOSSIL-1106 FSL_JSON_E_ALLOC # Resource allocation failed # FOSSIL-1107 FSL_JSON_E_NYI # Not yet implemented # FOSSIL-1108 FSL_JSON_E_PANIC # x # FOSSIL-1109 FSL_JSON_E_MANIFEST_READ_FAILED # Reading artifact manifest failed # FOSSIL-1110 FSL_JSON_E_FILE_OPEN_FAILED # Opening file failed # FOSSIL-2000 FSL_JSON_E_AUTH # Authentication error # FOSSIL-2001 FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_AUTH # Authentication info missing from request # FOSSIL-2002 FSL_JSON_E_DENIED # Access denied # FOSSIL-2003 FSL_JSON_E_WRONG_MODE # Request not allowed (wrong operation mode) # FOSSIL-2100 FSL_JSON_E_LOGIN_FAILED # Login failed # FOSSIL-2101 FSL_JSON_E_LOGIN_FAILED_NOSEED # Anonymous login attempt was missing password seed # FOSSIL-2102 FSL_JSON_E_LOGIN_FAILED_NONAME # Login failed - name not supplied # FOSSIL-2103 FSL_JSON_E_LOGIN_FAILED_NOPW # Login failed - password not supplied # FOSSIL-2104 FSL_JSON_E_LOGIN_FAILED_NOTFOUND # Login failed - no match found # FOSSIL-3000 FSL_JSON_E_USAGE # Usage error # FOSSIL-3001 FSL_JSON_E_INVALID_ARGS # Invalid argument(s) # FOSSIL-3002 FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS # Missing argument(s) write_file e3002.json { {"color":"yellow", "really":"no, blue", "number":42 } } fossil_json --json-input e3002.json -expectError test json-RC-3002-strange-CLI-exit {$CODE != 0} test_json_envelope json-RC-3002-strange-env {fossil timestamp command procTimeUs \ procTimeMs resultCode resultText} {payload} test json-RC-3002-strange-code {[dict get $JR resultCode] eq "FOSSIL-3002"} # FOSSIL-3003 FSL_JSON_E_AMBIGUOUS_UUID # Resource identifier is ambiguous # FOSSIL-3004 FSL_JSON_E_UNRESOLVED_UUID # Provided uuid/tag/branch could not be resolved # FOSSIL-3005 FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS # Resource already exists # FOSSIL-3006 FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND # Resource not found # FOSSIL-4000 FSL_JSON_E_DB # Database error # FOSSIL-4001 FSL_JSON_E_STMT_PREP # Statement preparation failed # FOSSIL-4002 FSL_JSON_E_STMT_BIND # Statement parameter binding failed # FOSSIL-4003 FSL_JSON_E_STMT_EXEC # Statement execution/stepping failed # FOSSIL-4004 FSL_JSON_E_DB_LOCKED # Database is locked # FOSSIL-4101 FSL_JSON_E_DB_NEEDS_REBUILD # Fossil repository needs to be rebuilt # FOSSIL-4102 FSL_JSON_E_DB_NOT_FOUND # Fossil repository db file could not be found. fossil close fossil_json HAI -expectError test json-RC-4102-CLI-exit {$CODE != 0} test_json_envelope json-RC-1102-env {fossil timestamp command procTimeUs \ procTimeMs resultCode resultText} {payload} test json-1 {[dict get $JR resultCode] eq "FOSSIL-4102"} fossil open .rep.fossil # FOSSIL-4103 FSL_JSON_E_DB_NOT_VALID # Fossil repository db file is not valid. write_file nope.fossil { This is not a fossil repo. It ought to be a SQLite db with a well-known schema, but it is actually just a block of text. } |