
Artifact [e3e30f7b]

Artifact [e3e30f7b]

Artifact e3e30f7b46488c26215a6d713be36ad4ed595132:

  proc doSomeTclSetup {} {
    # NOTE: Copy repository file name to the Tcl interpreter.  This is
    #       done first (once) because it will be necessary for almost
    #       everything else later on.
    tclInvoke set repository [repository]

    # NOTE: Create some procedures in the Tcl interpreter to perform
    #       useful operations.  This could also do things like load
    #       packages, etc.
    tclEval {
      # NOTE: Returns an [exec] command for Fossil, using the provided
      #       sub-command and arguments, suitable for use with [eval]
      #       or [catch].
      proc getFossilCommand { repository user args } {
        global env

        lappend result exec [info nameofexecutable]

        if {[info exists env(GATEWAY_INTERFACE)]} then {
          # NOTE: This option is required when calling
          #       out to the Fossil executable from a
          #       CGI process.
          lappend result -nocgi

        eval lappend result $args

        if {[string length $repository] > 0} then {
          # NOTE: This is almost certainly required
          #       when calling out to the Fossil
          #       executable on the server because
          #       there is almost never an open
          #       checkout.
          lappend result -R $repository

        if {[string length $user] > 0} then {
          lappend result -U $user

        # th1Eval [list html $result<br>]

        return $result
  proc getLatestTrunkCheckIn {} {
    tclEval {
      # NOTE: Get the unique Id of the latest check-in on trunk.
      return [lindex [regexp -line -inline -nocase -- \
          {^uuid:\s+([0-9A-F]{40}) } [eval [getFossilCommand \
          $repository "" info trunk]]] end]
  proc theSumOfAllFiles { id } {
    # NOTE: Copy check-in Id value to the Tcl interpreter.
    tclInvoke set id $id

    tclEval {
      set count 0

      foreach line [split [eval [getFossilCommand \
          $repository "" artifact $id]] \n] {
        # NOTE: Is this an "F" (file) card?
        if {[string range $line 0 1] eq "F "} then {
          incr count

      return $count
  doSomeTclSetup; # perform some extra setup for the Tcl interpreter.

  set checkIn [getLatestTrunkCheckIn]
  set totalFiles [theSumOfAllFiles $checkIn]

<br />
As of trunk check-in <th1>decorate \[$checkIn\]</th1>, this
repository contains <th1>html $totalFiles</th1> files.
<br />