Fossil Forum

fossil bisect help + fossil bisect options = skip is missing

fossil bisect help + fossil bisect options = skip is missing

fossil bisect help + fossil bisect options = skip is missing

(1) By MBL (RoboManni) on 2020-09-16 17:54:30 [source]


D:/Test-Fossil-Bisect>fossil bisect help
Usage: fossil bisect bad|good|log|next|options|reset|status|ui|undo


D:/Test-Fossil-Bisect>fossil bisect options
 auto-next        on      Automatically run "bisect next" after each "bisect good" or "bisect bad"
 direct-only      on      Follow only primary parent-child links, not merges
 display          chart   Command to run after "next". "chart", "log", "status", or "none"

I would like to see here also as new option

 auto-next        on      Automatically run "bisect next" after each "bisect good" or "bisect bad" or "bisect skip"
 auto-update      on      Automatically run "update" after each "bisect next"

or in other words: if this new option is set to off then bisection should omit the "fossil update" step

(2) By andygoth on 2020-09-19 14:06:53 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

Indeed, the bisect summary has a few problems. While you're at it, try running "fossil bisect" with no arguments at all (no "help"), and you'll see that you get again a different list.

Now fixed.

I also added mention of "bisect skip" to "bisect options". Here is the check-in.

I didn't add a new auto-update option. There should probably be more discussion first.

By the way, in addition to good, bad, and skip, "fossil bisect undo" will also trigger an update.

(3) By MBL (RoboManni) on 2020-09-19 16:22:04 in reply to 2 [link] [source]

Thank you very much. Yes, undo can do but would only be on my demand and therefore not unwanted.