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Fossil wiki Search Engine Search Paths

Fossil wiki Search Engine Search Paths

Fossil wiki Search Engine Search Paths

(1.1) By Martin Vahi (martin_vahi) on 2022-01-25 11:20:35 edited from 1.0 [source]

Version 2.17 fails to include wiki page titles in its search dataset. That is to say, if word "FooAlien" is part of a wiki page title, but none of the wiki pages has the word "FooAlien" as part of their body, the search results of Fossil v2.17 wiki search engine won't include a reference/link to the wiki page that has the "FooAlien" as part of the wiki page title.

A dream/feature-request/wish that I have had for years, but for some reason I had the false and naive idea that I'll get to implement it myself one day, is that the Fossil wiki search engine would include file names (files that are in the repository and files that are attached to wiki pages) and the upload comments of wiki page file attachments as part of the search dataset. They might be "ticked in"/included_to_search_dataset form the search engine settings page.

That feature would make a difference(at least to me), because in the case of scientific papers I tend to name the PDF-files according to the publication year, title and authors of the paper. The same with various video files and image_files/photos and freely downloadable books that I tend to attach to wiki pages. After all, if the wiki is for project documentation, then in the era of freely downloadable scientific papers and freely downloadable lecture notes the classical "list of references" can be a local copy of the references. 200MiB of PDF-files is not that much nowadays(year 2022), specially if it is part of documentation that is part of software project deliverables, although, in early 2000-s, when relatively expensive USB-memory sticks were just ~32MiB, not everybody could afford a CD-burner(I as an IT-student was lucky enough to have one as a present from my Father, but not all of my friends had one), etc., the 200MiB copy of PDFs "just-as-a-local-copy-of-references" would have looked ludicrous.

Thank You for reading my comment/post and if I get lucky enough that someone else actually implements that search engine dataset related feature, then also Thank You for the nice feature :-)


I forgot to add that as a compromise option I have been using slightly modified versions of the following SQL-sentences

SELECT comment,target  FROM attachment WHERE comment LIKE '%SPARC%' LIMIT 30;
SELECT filename,target FROM attachment WHERE filename LIKE '%P2P%' LIMIT 30;



and those provide me the search results that I wish I had as part of the general search engine search results.