Fossil Forum

2.21 - downloaded reports 2.22

2.21 - downloaded reports 2.22

2.21 - downloaded reports 2.22

(1) By richard (rbucker) on 2023-02-26 01:55:02 [source]

I downloaded the latest source release:

wget -O fossil-src-2.21.tar.gz

And build it per the insrtuctions... but when I checked the version from the CLI it was 2.22 instead of 2.21

This is fossil version 2.22 [1eb545a140] 2023-02-25 22:14:25 UTC

I suppose that would make sense if I was building from HEAD but since it was a versioned release it makes no sense to be the wrong version.


(2.1) By Stephan Beal (stephan) on 2023-02-27 06:03:31 edited from 2.0 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

I suppose that would make sense if I was building from HEAD but since it was a versioned release it makes no sense to be the wrong version.

It is pulling from the head because you haven't told it otherwise, you just gave it an arbitrary name of your choosing. See the tarball help for instructions on downloading a tagged version, or the home page for links to prepackaged versions.

(Edit: please pardon brevity and lack of examples - that was written on a mobile device.)

(3) By richard (rbucker) on 2023-02-26 13:44:42 in reply to 2.0 [link] [source]

I'm downloading a specific tarball.

(4) By Daniel Dumitriu (danield) on 2023-02-26 13:50:58 in reply to 3 [link] [source]

No. Read the help, as Stephan suggested. You need

or similar. Important here is r=, what you put in front just gives the name of the tarball.

(6) By anonymous on 2023-02-27 05:48:23 in reply to 4 [link] [source]

Oh neat, the filename isn't necessary at all! That simplifies my update procedure. Thanks to this thread for drawing that out.

(And yields "not found", which is much less surprising than OP's situation.)

(5) By Warren Young (wyoung) on 2023-02-26 13:58:12 in reply to 3 [link] [source]

If you still need convincing, try changing the URL to something bogus:

Unless you believe /tarball lets you time travel into the future, somethings up here, yes? Read the page we keep pointing you to in order to find out what.