RFC: indexing -all (KWIC, topic, ...), fossil one ring to rule them all
(1.3) By Phil Maker (pjm) on 2020-09-02 22:50:44 edited from 1.2 [source]
G'day, I've broken something with the formatting so apologies, preview looked fine. Summary: we've built a few tools for Fossil project management, in particular indexes: KWIC, topic-based, and just a list of the project headers. See below for examples. I've not linked to the server since it points to private repos and we just get bombed by the script kiddies. Question 1: is it worthwhile? where should put in, in fossil -all or just a separate project. Question 2: the complete toolset include timesheets, templates, server setup is available if your interested. I'm not entirely sure its ready for prime time but I've append the command list to this post. Drop me a line if want a tarball. <h1>Introduction</h1> We are using fossil fairly successfully as the one ring to rule them all for Project Management including things like pushing timelines, timesheets, and events into the timeline which I'm finding very useful. There is just a single project web site and the timeline shows when various documents were requested/submitted. The forum is great as well for showing how since X did Y and what are the assumptions. Thats all great and I'm looking at what I could do usefully. So thoughts and observations about the following would be taken as a kindess: <h1>KWIC index for all</h1> Currently we are tracking 110 projects (many of which are start/stop) so we have tools to build a Keyword Index in Context. This is used a bit. <verbatim> This is a Key Word In Context list for the projects and their descriptions. gnu-nana: Nana - a DBC framework element47 -work: work pjm-sasr: Access Security Remotely energynautics-work: work with Thomas Ackermanns Energynautics aptissio-work: work with paul chandler at Aptissio nf-rpc-brief: RPC BRIEF cccp-bsd: Controller Controller Program ( BSD licensed). balance-work: project for the Balance Group work. au-standards-battery-testing: project for Battery Testing Standards timed-dbc: DBC is an attempt at a C only Time DBC framework cdu-target: target for the CDU MSc Students cps-work: with CPS National blue-sky-model: model of PV Prediction Camera and its performance. pwc-skycamera-trial: from the EDS Sky Camera Trial : project at the regional Roseworthy Campus tecc-roseworthy-microgrid clean-tech-partners-work: work with Clean Technology Partners psc-work: Consulting work cccp-bsd: Controller Controller Program (BSD licensed). cccp-bsd: Controller Controller Program (BSD licensed). pm-controls-work: Controls Work corrosion-instruments-work: with Corrossion Instruments : x 1h talks for the Masters Practical Cyber Security Course. cdu-industrial-cyberwarfare-talk : x 1h talks for the Masters Practical Cyber Security Course. cdu-industrial-cyberwarfare-talk gnu-nana: Nana - a DBC framework timed-dbc: DBC is an attempt at a C only Time DBC framework timed-dbc: DBC is an attempt at a C only Time DBC framework horizon-denham: Denham Hybrid Power Station talk-pv-diesel-101: introduction to PV/ Diesel Systsems. digintel-templates: from Sana at DigIntel rpc-troop: Troop Documents and Methods EDS-home-draft: draft for the EDS home page for us to play with. EDS-team: EDS team homepage EDS: public EDS project which is readable by anyone. EDS: public EDS project which is readable by anyone. eds-fossil-usage: small tutorial on fossil usage within EDS </verbatim> <h1>The next one is a keyword index base on naming conventions</h1> The names use a keyword-keyword-... where keyword is company or tasking or owner so the following is a short view: <verbatim> Keywords based list: EDS:EDS-home-draft EDS-team EDS cdu:cdu-industrial-cyberwarfare-talk cdu-target cove:cove-military-justice pjm-cove-article eds:eds-business-cards eds-distributed-generation eds-fossil-usage eds-fp eds-itp-tool eds-itp-ui eds-licenses eds-logo energynautics:energynautics-png energynautics-work fossil:eds-fossil-usage fossil-openbsd fossil-pit fossil-project-demo itp:eds-itp-tool eds-itp-ui laot:laot-dev laot-project laot-pub laot-sys laot-work map:eds-mind-map mind-map mind:eds-mind-map mind-map norforce:norforce-remote pjm-norforce nwmf:nwmf-crocodile-drills nwmf-likely-outcomes pjm:pjm-cove-article pjm-kitlists pjm-work </verbatim> <h1>And finally there is just a index for each project header</h1> <verbatim> fossil-openbsd Installed on OpenBSD VM fossil-pit pit, a wrapper for many fossil repos fossil-project-demo a small project demo geoff-work playpen gnu-nana Nana - a DBC framework horizon-denham Denham Hybrid Power Station laot-dev laot development/tool repo laot-project project homepage laot-pub public homepage laot-sys laot-work work project little-moata small nuclear reactor model for training m-troop troop </verbatim> <h1>EDS tool set commands</h1> I've started moving this into a package provisionally called fossil-pit but its perhaps of no interest. Some of the more interesting stuff (IMHO) is putting project planning info into the timeline. <verbatim> eds-archvive-project - archive a project away after we have fiinished eds-backup-usb - this should do a backup of everything to an external eds-backup-usb - this should do a backup of everything to an external eds-check - check that we have eds-ts-co and all the changes eds-checklist - run a checklist over a wiki page eds-clean - just the clean the current working directory eds-delete - delete a project from both the local and remote repos eds-expand - expand a text file using macros eds-fossil-subset [wiki|technote...] eds-fossil-union - combine all the fossil repos into 1 eds-fossils - just list all the fossils for scripting eds-hits - a summary of where are getting hits on any of the servers eds-itp-ui - display a simple ui for an eds itp document eds-list - returns the list of all the FOSSIL projects eds-list-users - show all the users for all the projects with their capabilities eds-milestone-add - add a milestone techreport to the project timeline eds-new - create a new project usage: eds-new [[project-name] [template [description]] eds-project - just print the project name eds-project-description - prints the description for a particular project eds-project-name - just print the project name eds-project-taskjuggler-import - just a demo of a project import eds-ptx - generate a ptx of the projects and their descriptions eds-push-search - just push the default search configuration eds-push-skin - push the eds-template skin to all the repos. eds-screencast-compress - compress a screen cast eds-set-project-name-description - set project name for a fossil archive usage: eds-set-project-name-description a-project which is a nice example eds-sync - sync all EDS archives between here and eds.power.on.net (or eds-technote-add - add a technote techreport to the project timeline eds-tickets - list all tickets in eds projects eds-ts-checkin - checkin on the timesheet for a job. eds-ts-add-note - add a note to the timesheet which is just used in eds-ts-ci - do a checkin with an optional note. This just: eds-ts-ci-list - list all projects that you have an open ci in. eds-ts-co - do a checkout after doing eds-ts-ci eds-ts-commit - commit a verified set of timesheets to the eds-ts-report - generate a series of report from ./ts/* eds-ts-report-export-to-timeline - export a report from stdin eds-ts-status - display a status line suitable for a prompt or page eds-ts-submit - submit a set of timesheet files after validation eds-ui - display a simple ui for an eds project eds-update-projects - updates the wiki list of all the projects. eds-users - setup the users for all the fossil archives eds-wiki-edit - just edit and save a sinle page usage: eds-wiki-edit page eds-wiki-list - list the wiki pages in topological order eds-wiki-proofread - read, edit and commit wiki pages. </verbatim> <h1>Background</h1> To see the background of the team and work have a look at [https://eds.power.on.net/EDS/]
(2.3) By Phil Maker (pjm) on 2020-09-02 11:16:22 edited from 2.2 in reply to 1.1 [link] [source]
Deleted(3.1) By Phil Maker (pjm) on 2020-09-02 11:16:05 edited from 3.0 in reply to 2.2 [link] [source]
Deleted(4.1) By Phil Maker (pjm) on 2020-09-02 11:16:15 edited from 4.0 in reply to 3.0 [link] [source]
Deleted(5.1) By Stephan Beal (stephan) on 2020-09-02 10:33:20 edited from 5.0 in reply to 1.1 [link] [source]
I've broken something with the formatting so apologies, preview looked fine.
For reasons i don't yet understand, your top post is being emitted without the typical wrapper element which wraps up the body element. The forumPostBody element...
Normally has a single child which contains the post content and tells us what type of content it is (markdown, plain test, fossil wiki).
Has a flexbox layout because the post exceeds the "make it collapsible" threshold size the flexbox layout simplifies the stretching and growing of the content.
Your post is missing (1), and (2) causes the paragraphs of your post to then be laid out side by side.
i'll take a look at what's going wrong there.
(6.1) By Stephan Beal (stephan) on 2020-09-02 11:01:50 edited from 6.0 in reply to 5.1 [link] [source]
I've broken something with the formatting so apologies, preview looked fine.
"It's not you, it's me."
A fix for this was just checked in to trunk, so the forum will be updated the next time Richard rebuilds the binary.
The "problem" is that you used fossil wiki format, which we apparently rarely see here in the forum, as this problem has existed since the expand/collapse feature was added and has not yet been noticed, or not in such spectacular fashion. That particular format differs from the markdown and plain-text renderers in that it does not wrap its output in a top-level HTML element like markdown's DIV or plain text's PRE element. That, in turn, broke CSS-side expectations which required that the post body be encapsulated in a single element. The just-checked-in fix resolves that by adding a new wrapper element around posts which use the fossil-wiki format.
Your post is still extremely wide because of one non-wrapping element, but that's a different matter altogether which i have not looked into.
(7) By Stephan Beal (stephan) on 2020-09-02 12:53:10 in reply to 6.1 [link] [source]
Your post is still extremely wide because of one non-wrapping element, but that's a different matter altogether which i have not looked into.
That's caused by your "verbatim" tags. Those get translated to <pre class="verbatim">
, and the PRE tag has a default white-space policy of "leave it as is," so your long lines get left alone rather than wrapping. That's not something which can simply be changed in the CSS without having some degree of fallout.
One option would be to set the PRE white-space policy on forum posts to be different from that policy in non-forum wiki pages and embedded docs (where most, if not all, of the fallout would happen), but whether or not that's a good idea is as yet unclear to me. (The pre-line style works reasonably well on your second verbatim block, but the top/centered one is another story altogether - only a liberal application of fire seems likely to straighten that one out.)
i experimentally edited your post on my local dev copy to try to find a quick fix for the the formatting which would wrap the really long lines. It seems that changing the VERBATIM tags to:
pre class="verbatim" style="white-space: pre-wrap"
(don't forget the closing tags as well)
will do the trick, at least well enough for purposes of the post. i'll leave any such (optional) edits to you, though.
(8) By Phil Maker (pjm) on 2020-09-02 22:01:55 in reply to 7 [link] [source]
Thanks Stephan,
I'll wait for the update to happen and the play with the tags as you suggest.
Still it was an interesting looking format.