Fossil Forum

`--user` Option Not Documented in `pull` Command Help

`--user` Option Not Documented in `pull` Command Help

`--user` Option Not Documented in `pull` Command Help

(1) By anonymous on 2023-12-04 01:45:01 [link] [source]

Probably not a huge deal since fossil told me to supply the option, but --user isn‘t documented on the pull Help page.

Please excuse me for not being at the point yet of submitting a useful patch.

And excuse the cross-talk but is there a zero-width joiner in (your) markdown? Otherwise known as ‘‍’ in HTML.

(2.2) By Warren Young (wyoung) on 2023-12-04 12:46:48 edited from 2.1 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

--user isn‘t documented on the pull Help page.

It’s a global option, hence not redundantly documented for every single subcommand it applies to. Try “fossil help -o”.

excuse the cross-talk

Are two threads more expensive than one two-topic thread, encouraging economy in their creation?

is there a zero-width joiner

Visit the sandbox — part of every Fossil installation — and find out.

(3) By Andy Bradford (andybradford) on 2023-12-04 14:20:03 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

> Probably not a huge deal since fossil told me to supply the option

Just out of curiosity, where did Fossil tell you to supply the option?



(4) By anonymous on 2023-12-04 20:04:04 in reply to 3 [source]

I was updating the simple command line I wrote to download the main fossil repo.

cd /my/fossils
fossil clone --admin-user 'name' --no-open fossil.fossil

Was my initial clone. So I started near it for my pull command line. I wasn't sure about the need for --admin-user. I forget the exact rejection from fossil, so I removed it. Then fossil told me I needed to supply a --user name so I did.

fossil pull --repository ../fossil.fossil --user 'name'

As an aside I was wondering since I had not opened the repo how I was going to be able to do a pull. So I figured I'd just create a folder and operate out of it.

I learned fossil would let me synchronize/pull without an actual checkout.

Then from another account from within I do my main work I pulled that repo into another repo which does have a checkout. There I plan to make minor changes, poke around, and perhaps create some minor patches.

There is still a lot for me to figure out.

In other news, yes Warren, a kind of economizing instead of spamming the forum. ;-) Y'all might find it humorous I explored the fossil repo in my web browser and came to a page listing every sync or check in, I forget the exact title. There was only 1 on the list. So I clicked it and was surprised: the page generation time was over 10 seconds, my browser became mostly unresponsive for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Ultimately it looked like an incredibly long page of every check in and their hash.

So I printed the page to read it later. Ha! Just kidding. ;-)

(5) By anonymous on 2023-12-04 20:27:54 in reply to 2.2 [link] [source]

Thank you Warren for your helpful links.

I don't think I've seen the global options page yet. In my tiny scripts I'm building I do set some global variables, so I know a few I've read about. Mainly the ones dealing with adding files.

Are two threads more expensive than one two-topic thread, encouraging economy in their creation?

I did a minor hi-jack of my thread to avoid spamming a question which is perhaps obvious to some and might earn me a minor hand-slap for not having read enough docs. I don't think I saw it on a markdown help page, and I haven't had time to read the link to

I've done some experimenting with learning more markdown, but mostly I'm writing tickets on what I need to fix and going about fixing them. ;-)

Thank you for the link to the sandbox. I've tried the Pikchr sandbox and it works in one browser I use but not in another I use (Tor Browser), it seems they're overly restrictive on it (something to do with SVG no doubt, not yet looked into it).

I will try to make a link to it in my own "Learning Fossil" repo.

Curious, I tried to adapt your link to my repo and it didn't work.

  • You: [host]/forum/wikiedit/Sandbox
  • Me: [host]/wikiedit?name=Sandbox

I had to use the latter. I've not yet found the page or setting where query strings map out to their oft-called more friendly representation. I'd like to go back and forth for educational purposes.

(6) By Warren Young (wyoung) on 2023-12-05 15:35:36 in reply to 5 [link] [source]

to avoid spamming a question

Posting separate topics under separate threads doesn't fall under any of the English senses of "spam" that I'm aware of.

The closest I can imagine one like you coming is starting a whole bunch of different topics because you're full of questions at this point in your Fossil education, but the correct term for that would be "pestering," not "spam." The best antidote is searching the forum and the docs before starting a new thread.

Given that Fossil is an 18-year-old project by this point, you should always ask yourself, "Am I really the first to ever have this question?"

I don't think I saw it on a markdown help page

The built-in Markdown help is kept brief, on purpose. It's meant to be a quick reminder of previously-learned syntax, not a tutorial or a comprehensive reference manual. Markdown is used in so many places that we can reasonably assume that most newcomers to Fossil have come across it somewhere before; we do not need to provide our own exhaustively complete tutorials.

The Daring Fireball introduction is a reasonable starting tutorial. The closest thing the Markdown world has to a universal reference is CommonMark, but realize that it doesn't apply 100% to Fossil Markdown. Thus why I pointed you to the sandbox: Fossil Markdown is as Fossil Markdown does.

I had to use the latter.

This "Fossil Forum" repository that we are both presently using — asynchronously offset from posting to reading time — is rooted at and assorted aliases. Any reference to Fossil pages under it has to have the "/forum" bit on the front.

When you instead say "fossil ui" and get "http://localhost:8080/" in your web browser, the root is the root.