How to search documents on Fossil CLI?
(1.1) By Sean Ma (maxiangjiang) on 2019-03-27 21:32:56 edited from 1.0 [link] [source]
I found fossil search can only work on timeline entries, while /search is more powerful, which can "Search for check-in comments, documents, tickets, or wiki".
Is it possible to make CLI "fossil search" as powerful as Online "/search"?
(2) By Martijn Coppoolse (vor0nwe) on 2019-03-31 14:36:46 in reply to 1.1 [link] [source]
If search is setup properly (see page /srchsetup
), you should be able to run a search command like this one:
fossil sql -list "SELECT name, label, snippet(ftsidx, '*', '*') AS hit FROM ftsidx INNER JOIN ftsdocs ON ftsidx.rowid = ftsdocs.rowid WHERE ftsidx MATCH 'test';"
where you should replace the test
at the end by your query.
Seeing as this is quite a long command, it might be a good idea to write a shell script for it, if you want to use it more often.
<style>code{background-color: rgba(222,222,222,0.5);white-space:pre-line}</style>
(3) By Stephan Beal (stephan) on 2019-03-31 14:48:18 in reply to 2 [source]
Just FYI, apparently you need to check the "Use Porter Stemmer" option at the bottom of /srcsetup
or the query dies with no such table: ftsidx
When running that query (after enabling the port stemmer), it ends with:
Error: sqlite3_close() returns 5: unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups
here's the full session (and a great example of how triple-backtick code blocks would be really useful ;))...
[stephan@lapdog:~/www/wh]$ fossil sql -list "SELECT name, label, snippet(ftsidx, '*', '*') AS hit FROM ftsidx INNER JOIN ftsdocs ON ftsidx.rowid = ftsdocs.rowid WHERE ftsidx MATCH 'painting' limit 1;"
|Check-in [49e19cb249d6511c] on 2019-03-11 09:58:26|Added /gaming/*painting*/, various touchups in/for the site CSS and index.html template. (user<b>...</b>
Error: sqlite3_close() returns 5: unable to close due to unfinalized statements or unfinished backups