Fossil Forum

Is the Fossil book in its current state suitable to learn Fossil?

Is the Fossil book in its current state suitable to learn Fossil?

Is the Fossil book in its current state suitable to learn Fossil?

(1) By anonymous on 2022-07-11 13:24:08 [link] [source]

Hey, is the latest version of Fossil close enough to 2.18 that it can be used to learn Fossil concepts well? Or should I stick with the docs? I have experience with Git.

(2) By Warren Young (wyoung) on 2022-07-11 18:21:22 in reply to 1 [link] [source]

is the latest version of Fossil close enough to 2.18

Um, what? The latest release is 2.18.

If you're building from the trunk source code, it's pre-tagged as 2.19, so builds declare themselves as such, but 2.19 isn't formally released yet. Soon maybe, but not yet.

That means your question might be reinterpreted as, "Have they completely invalidated everything in the book over the last release's development span?" Answer? No.

I'm the one who approved your post, so you might be wondering why I delayed so many hours in answering. It's because I was hoping someone who'd read the book more recently than me would answer first. Since no one has, you might be stuck with my stale opinion: I read the book (and enjoyed it) back in its first edition, when it covered something like Fossil 1.29. I've never re-read it, and I haven't been involved in its later editions.

What I do know is that the current 3rd edition branch is supposed to be up to date with Fossil 2.$TEENS. How well they've managed that, though, I can't say.

Since they aren't running their own forum, and I don't see a lot of complaints about the current edition here, either no one's reading it, or no one's finding major problems. If the latter, and you become one of its new avid readers, complaints here are likely to result in fixes there.

learn Fossil concepts

Our quick start guide and the links therefrom — particularly the glossary — might suffice for that, given your prior DVCS experience.

I have experience with Git.

Add the Git to Fossil Translation Guide to your reading list.

I largely wrote it, so if you want to carp about its content, you now know who to target. :)

(3) By Stephan Beal (stephan) on 2022-07-11 18:44:29 in reply to 2 [link] [source]

Since they aren't running their own forum, and I don't see a lot of complaints about the current edition here,

Sidebar: the question of whether the forum should be opened there came up when the book was re-opened (so to speak) by Torsten Berg and we opted to wait and see if the traffic would warrant it. We can definitely do so if folks want that, but the book-specific forum traffic so far has been negligible.

(4) By anonymous on 2022-07-12 04:25:40 in reply to 2 [link] [source]

Thank you for the response!

Um, what? The latest release is 2.18.

Sorry! I intened to write "latest version of the Fossil book".

(5) By Torsten Berg (torstenberg) on 2022-07-13 20:24:16 in reply to 1 [source]

To answer the original question: the book is slowly being updated to the most recent fossil version - but it isn‘t there yet. Apart from still missing images and half-baked formatting, many of the newer features of fossil arr not included in the book in a form suitable for learning. Having said that, the current state of the book still makes it a valuable read and nice introduction to the basic functionality of fossil.