Fossil User Forum

Make URL parser stricter

Make URL parser stricter

Make URL parser stricter

(1) By anonymous on 2021-09-28 13:50:38 [link] [source]

This forum post mentions it is an error if fossil would do an request like this:

POST home HTTP/1.0

But this can actually happen when using port number in the URL like so:

$ fossil clone

This can be observed either with nc -l 8080 or test-urlparser.

The reason for this is because the parsing of the hostname stops at 0, ':' or '/' but after parsing the port number it is not checked if the next character is 0 or '/'. With this change an error is printed in this case. The help text for the clone command also suggests that such URLs should be invalid.

Index: src/url.c
--- src/url.c
+++ src/url.c
@@ -196,10 +196,13 @@
       while( (c = zUrl[i])!=0 && fossil_isdigit(c) ){
         pUrlData->port = pUrlData->port*10 + c - '0';
+      if( c!=0 && c!='/' ){
+        fossil_fatal("expected '/' after port number");
+      }
       pUrlData->hostname = mprintf("%s:%d", pUrlData->name, pUrlData->port);
       pUrlData->port = pUrlData->dfltPort;
       pUrlData->hostname = pUrlData->name;

(2.5) By Andy Bradford (andybradford) on 2021-09-29 03:13:07 edited from 2.4 in reply to 1 [source]

> But this  can actually happen when  using port number in  the URL like
> so:
> $ fossil clone

Nice find!  However, just to clarify,  whether or not that  results in a
404 depends  on how the Fossil  server on the remote  side is operating.
When operating in "file mode", it does  not, in fact, result in an error
(mostly because  the server doesn't actually  have to parse the  path to
determine which repository  to open---it's forcing the  repository to be
the one named on the command line,  and consquently, any path is as good
as another):

$ fossil ser /tmp/new.fossil
Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port 8080

$ fossil clone http://localhost:8080whatever
Round-trips: 2   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 4
opening the new ./localhost:8080whatever.fossil repository in directory ./localhost:8080whatever...
Autosync:  http://localhost:8080whatever
repository:   /tmp/clone/localhost:8080whatever.fossil
local-root:   /tmp/clone/localhost:8080whatever/

So, despite the  malformed URL, it actually does result  in a successful
clone. The  result is still  pretty ugly in my  opinion as it  created a
weird looking clone and directory:

$ ls -1

Definitely not what one would expect!

Again, I  can have whatever  I want for the  path when Fossil  server is
operating in "file mode":

$ fossil clone http://localhost:8080/some/absurdly/wrong/path
opening the new ./path.fossil repository in directory ./path...
Autosync:  http://localhost:8080/some/absurdly/wrong/path
repository:   /tmp/clone/path.fossil

It  only  results in  a  404  when the  Fossil  server  is operating  in
"directory mode" serving multiple fossils:

$ fossil ser /tmp           
Listening for HTTP requests on TCP port 8080

$ fossil clone http://localhost:8080new
server says: 404 Not Found
Clone done, wire bytes sent: 266  received: 350  ip:
server returned an error - clone aborted

In both cases the client actually sent a  POST that had no / as a prefix
(because there was none in the path found in the parsing of the URL).

Still, I think it's a legitimate URL parsing bug.  Kudos!
