
Fossil grep vs POSIX grep

Fossil grep vs POSIX grep

As of Fossil 2.7, there is a grep command which acts roughly like POSIX's grep -E over all historical versions of one or more managed files. This document explains the commonalities and divergences between POSIX grep and Fossil grep.


Fossil grep implements about half of the options specified for POSIX grep:

Option Meaning
-c report the count of matches rather than the matched text
-i ignore case in matches
-l list a checkin ID prefix for matching historical versions of the file
-q no output; return only a status code indicating the success of the match
-s suppress error output about missing files
-v invert the sense of the match

That leaves several divergences at the option level from POSIX grep:

Patches to remove those limitations will be thoughtfully considered.

Fossil grep doesn’t support any of the GNU and BSD grep extensions. For instance, it doesn’t support the common -R extension to POSIX, which would presumably search a subtree of managed files. If Fossil does one day get this feature, it would have a different option letter, since -R in Fossil has a different meaning, by convention. Until then, you can get the same effect on systems with a POSIX shell like so:

$ fossil grep COMMAND: $(fossil ls src)

If you run that in a check-out of the Fossil self-hosting source repository, that returns the first line of the built-in documentation for each Fossil command, across all historical versions.

Fossil grep has extensions relative to these other grep standards, such as --verbose to print each checkin ID considered, regardless of whether it matches. This one is noteworthy here because the behavior used to be under -v before we reassigned it to give POSIX-like grep -v behavior.

Regular Expression Dialect

Fossil contains a built-in regular expression engine implementing a subset of the POSIX extended regular expression dialect:

Atom Meaning
X* zero or more occurrences of X
X+ one or more occurrences of X
X? zero or one occurrences of X
X{p,q} between p and q occurrences of X, inclusive
(X) match X
X|Y X or Y
^X X occurring at the beginning of a line
X$ X occurring at the end of a line
. Match any single character
\c Character c where c is one of {}()[]|*+?.\
\c C-language escapes for c in afnrtv. ex: \t or \n
\uXXXX Where XXXX is exactly 4 hex digits, Unicode value XXXX
\xXX Where XX is exactly 2 hex digits, Unicode value XX
[abc] Any single character from the set abc
[^abc] Any single character not in the set abc
[a-z] Any single character in the range a-z
[^a-z] Any single character not in the range a-z
\b Word boundary
\w Word character: [A-Za-z0-9_]
\W Non-word character: [^A-Za-z0-9_]
\d Digit: [0-9]
\D Non-digit: [^0-9]
\s Whitespace character: [ \t\r\n\v\f]
\S Non-whitespace character: [^ \t\r\n\v\f]

There are several restrictions in Fossil grep relative to a fully POSIX compatible regular expression engine. Among them are:

The Fossil grep language is not a strict subset of POSIX extended regular expressions. Some of the features documented above are well-understood extensions to it, such as the "word" features \b, \w and \W.

Fossil grep is based on the Unicode engine from SQLite's FTS5 feature. This means it does do things like Unicode-aware case folding. Therefore, it is usually a user error to attempt to substitute [a-z] for a lack of the POSIX character class [:lower:] if you are grepping over pretty much any human written language other than English. Use fossil grep -i instead, which does Unicode case folding.

Algorithm Details

Fossil grep uses a nondeterministic finite automaton for matching, so the performance is bounded by O(nm) where n is the size of the regular expression and m is the size of the input string.

In order to avoid ReDoS attacks, the Fossil regular expression matcher was purposely written to avoid implementation choices which have the potential to require exponential evaluation time. This constrains the possible feature set we can support in the Fossil grep dialect. For instance, we are unlikely to ever add support for backtracking.

The X{p,q} operator expands to p copies of X followed by q-p copies of X? before RE evaluation. The O(nm) performance bound above remains true for this case, but realize that it applies to the RE after this expansion, not to the form as given by the user. In other words, as q-p increases, so does the RE evaluation time.