


/***** Edit the following with each new release *******/
var releases = [
  {"re":        /-yyyymmddHHMM\.(tar\.gz|zip)$/,
   "title":     "Snapshot as of 2023-mm-dd HH:MM",
   "titleurl":  "../doc/trunk/www/",
   "history":   "../timeline?p=39bcd310e889538d&bt=version-2.22",
   "future":    "../timeline?df=39bcd310e889538d",
   "tarball":   "xxxx/fossil-src-202310241204.tar.gz",
   "tarballsz": 6797692},
  {"re":        /-202409280034\.(tar\.gz|zip)$/,
   "title":     "Snapshot as of 2024-09-28 00:34Z",
   "titleurl":  "../doc/trunk/www/",
   "history":   "../timeline?p=742450caf4bf3b3f&bt=version-2.24",
   "future":    "../timeline?df=742450caf4bf3b3f",
   "tarball":   "742450caf4bf3b3ff0cf150d5e5d7dbdc495c65703b897156b0815778d691ed5.tar.gz",
   "tarballsz": 7003473},
  {"re":        /-2\.24\.(tar\.gz|zip)$/,
   "title":     "Version 2.24 (2024-04-23)",
   "titleurl":  "../doc/trunk/www/",
   "history":   "../timeline?p=version-2.24&bt=version-2.23",
   "future":    "../timeline?df=version-2.24",
   "tarball":   "8be0372c1051043761320c8ea8669c3cf320c406e5fe18ad36b7be5f844ca73b/fossil-src-2.24.tar.gz",
   "tarballsz": 6904302},
  {"re":        /-2\.23\.(tar\.gz|zip)$/,
   "title":     "Version 2.23 (2023-11-01)",
   "titleurl":  "../doc/trunk/www/",
   "history":   "../timeline?p=version-2.23&bt=version-2.22",
   "future":    "../timeline?df=version-2.23",
   "tarball":   "47362306a7dd7c6fc3cab77cebe5d25469b0a9448479d9718eb5c49c8337b29/fossil-src-2.23.tar.gz",
   "tarballsz": 6799177}]
/******* Should not need to change anything else ******/
function escHTML(x){
  return x.replace(/&/g,"&amp").replace(/</g,"&lt").replace(/>/g,"&gt");
var r1 = new XMLHttpRequest();
r1.onreadystatechange = function(){
  if(r1.readyState!=4) return
  var jx = JSON.parse(r1.responseText);
  /* The jx returned will look like this:
  ** [{"name":NAME, "mtime":MTIME, "hash":HASH, "size":SIZE, "user":USER}]
  ** The sequence[] array describes the columns in the download matrix
  var sequence = [
    {"name":  "linux",
     "re":    /-linux-/,
     "icon":  "build-icons/linux.gif",
     "title": "Linux x64"  },
    {"name":  "macarm",
     "re":    /-mac-arm6?4?-/,
     "icon":  "build-icons/mac.gif",
     "title": "Mac ARM"  },
    {"name":  "macx64",
     "re":    /-mac(-x64|osx)-/,
     "icon":  "build-icons/mac.gif",
     "title": "Mac x64"  },
    {"name":  "pi",
     "re":    /-pi-/,
     "icon":  "build-icons/pi.gif",
     "title": "Rasp<wbr>berry<wbr>Pi" },
    {"name":  "src",
     "icon":  "build-icons/src.gif",
     "title": "Source Tar<wbr>ball"  },
    {"name":  "win32",
     "re":    /-w32-/,
     "icon":  "build-icons/win32.gif",
     "title": "Win<wbr>dows<wbr>32"  },
    {"name":  "win64",
     "re":    /-w64-/,
     "icon":  "build-icons/win32.gif",
     "title": "Win<wbr>dows<wbr>64"  }]

  /* Accumulate HTML for the download matrix in h */
  var h = "<table cellpadding='10'>\n"

  /* Find the hash of each icon, if possible */
  var hash = new Array;
  for(var i=0; i<sequence.length; i++){
    hash[sequence[i].icon] = "";
  for(var i=0; i<jx.length; i++){
    if( hash[jx[i].name]=="" ){
      hash[jx[i].name] = jx[i].hash;

  var top = 1;
  for(var i=0; i<releases.length; i++){
    var cnt = 0;
    var products = {"dummy":0};
    for(var j=0; j<jx.length; j++){
      var nm = jx[j].name;
      if( !releases[i].re.test(nm) ) continue;
      for(k=0; k<sequence.length; k++){
        if( sequence[k].name!="src" && sequence[k].re.test(nm) ){
          products[sequence[k].name] = jx[j];
    if( cnt==0 ) continue
    h += "<tr></tr>"   /* To defeat even/odd row coloring */
    h += "<tr><td colspan=7 align='left'>\n"
    if( top ){
      top = 0;
      h += "<hr>\n";
    h += "<center><b>"
    if( releases[i].titleurl ){
      h += "<a href='" + releases[i].titleurl + "'>" + releases[i].title +
      h += releases[i].title
    if( releases[i].history ){
      h += "(<a href='" + releases[i].history + "'>history graph</a>)\n"
    if( releases[i].future ){
      h += "(<a href='" + releases[i].future + "'>subsequent changes</a>)\n"
    h += "</b></center></td></tr>\n<tr></tr><tr>"
    for(k=0; k<sequence.length; k++){
      var nm = sequence[k].name
      h += "<td align='center' valign='bottom'>\n"
      var sz = 0;
      if( nm=="src" ){
        h += "<a href='../tarball/"+releases[i].tarball+"'>\n"
        sz = releases[i].tarballsz
      }else if( products[nm] ){
        h += "<a href='" + encodeURI(products[nm].name) + "'>\n"
        sz = products[nm].size
      if( sz>0 ){
        var icon = sequence[k].icon
        if( hash[icon]!="" ){
          icon = "./"+hash[icon];
        h += "<img src='" + icon + "'><br>\n"
        h += sequence[k].title + "</a><br>\n"
        sz /= 1000000.0;
        h += sz.toFixed(2) + " MB\n"
      h += "</td>\n"
    h += "</tr>\n"
  h += "</table>"
  document.getElementById("download_filelist").innerHTML = h;