


** Copyright (c) 2016 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
** Author contact information:
** This file contains code used to map command names (ex: "help", "commit",
** "diff") or webpage names (ex: "/timeline", "/search") into the functions
** that implement those commands and web pages and their associated help
** text.
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "dispatch.h"

** An instance of this object defines everything we need to know about an
** individual command, webpage, or setting.
struct CmdOrPage {
  const char *zName;       /* Name.  Webpages start with "/". Commands do not */
  void (*xFunc)(void);     /* Implementation function, or NULL for settings */
  const char *zHelp;       /* Raw help text */
  unsigned int eCmdFlags;  /* Flags */

** These macros must match similar macros in mkindex.c
** Allowed values for CmdOrPage.eCmdFlags.
#define CMDFLAG_1ST_TIER    0x0001      /* Most important commands */
#define CMDFLAG_2ND_TIER    0x0002      /* Obscure and seldom used commands */
#define CMDFLAG_TEST        0x0004      /* Commands for testing only */
#define CMDFLAG_WEBPAGE     0x0008      /* Web pages */
#define CMDFLAG_COMMAND     0x0010      /* A command */
#define CMDFLAG_SETTING     0x0020      /* A setting */
#define CMDFLAG_VERSIONABLE 0x0040      /* A versionable setting */
#define CMDFLAG_BLOCKTEXT   0x0080      /* Multi-line text setting */
#define CMDFLAG_BOOLEAN     0x0100      /* A boolean setting */

/* Values for the 2nd parameter to dispatch_name_search() */
#define CMDFLAG_ANY         0x0038      /* Match anything */
#define CMDFLAG_PREFIX      0x0200      /* Prefix match is ok */

#endif /* INTERFACE */

** The page_index.h file contains the definition for aCommand[] - an array
** of CmdOrPage objects that defines all available commands and webpages
** known to Fossil.
** The entries in aCommand[] are in sorted order by name.  Since webpage names
** always begin with "/", all webpage names occur first.  The page_index.h file
** also sets the FOSSIL_FIRST_CMD macro to be the *approximate* index
** in aCommand[] of the first command entry.  FOSSIL_FIRST_CMD might be
** slightly too low, and so the range FOSSIL_FIRST_CMD...MX_COMMAND might
** contain a few webpage entries at the beginning.
** The page_index.h file is generated by the mkindex program which scans all
** source code files looking for header comments on the functions that
** implement command and webpages.
#include "page_index.h"
#define MX_COMMAND count(aCommand)

** Given a command, webpage, or setting name in zName, find the corresponding
** CmdOrPage object and return a pointer to that object in *ppCmd.
** The eType field is CMDFLAG_COMMAND to look up commands, CMDFLAG_WEBPAGE to
** look up webpages, CMDFLAG_SETTING to look up settings, or CMDFLAG_ANY to look
** for any.  If the CMDFLAG_PREFIX bit is set, then a prefix match is allowed.
** Return values:
**    0:     Success.  *ppCmd is set to the appropriate CmdOrPage
**    1:     Not found.
**    2:     Ambiguous.  Two or more entries match.
int dispatch_name_search(
  const char *zName,           /* Look for this name */
  unsigned eType,              /* CMDFLAGS_* bits */
  const CmdOrPage **ppCmd      /* Write the matching CmdOrPage object here */
  int upr, lwr, mid;
  int nName = strlen(zName);
  lwr = 0;
  upr = MX_COMMAND - 1;
  while( lwr<=upr ){
    int c;
    mid = (upr+lwr)/2;
    c = strcmp(zName, aCommand[mid].zName);
    if( c==0 ){
      if( (aCommand[mid].eCmdFlags & eType)==0 ) return 1;
      *ppCmd = &aCommand[mid];
      return 0;  /* An exact match */
    }else if( c<0 ){
      upr = mid - 1;
      lwr = mid + 1;
  if( (eType & CMDFLAG_PREFIX)!=0
   && lwr<MX_COMMAND
   && strncmp(zName, aCommand[lwr].zName, nName)==0
    /* An inexact prefix match was found.  Scan the name table to try to find
     * exactly one entry with this prefix and the requested type. */
    for( mid=-1; lwr<MX_COMMAND
              && strncmp(zName, aCommand[lwr].zName, nName)==0; ++lwr ){
      if( aCommand[lwr].eCmdFlags & eType ){
        if( mid<0 ){
          mid = lwr;  /* Potential ambiguous prefix */
          return 2;  /* Confirmed ambiguous prefix */
    if( mid>=0 ){
      *ppCmd = &aCommand[mid];
      return 0;  /* Prefix match */
  return 1;  /* Not found */

** zName is the name of a webpage (eType==CMDFLAGS_WEBPAGE) that does not
** exist in the dispatch table.  Check to see if this webpage name exists
** as an alias in the CONFIG table of the repository.  If it is, then make
** appropriate changes to the CGI environment and set *ppCmd to point to the
** aliased command.
** Return 0 if the command is successfully aliased.  Return 1 if there
** is not alias for zName.  Any kind of error in the alias value causes a
** error to be thrown.
** Alias entries in the CONFIG table have a "name" value of "walias:NAME"
** where NAME is the input page name.  The value is a string of the form
** "NEWNAME?QUERYPARAMS".  The ?QUERYPARAMS is optional.  If present (and it
** usually is), then all query parameters are added to the CGI environment.
** Except, query parameters of the form "X!" cause any CGI X variable to be
** removed.
int dispatch_alias(const char *zName, const CmdOrPage **ppCmd){
  char *z;
  char *zQ;
  int i;

  z = db_text(0, "SELECT value FROM config WHERE name='walias:%q'",zName);
  if( z==0 ) return 1;
  for(i=0; z[i] && z[i]!='?'; i++){}
  if( z[i]=='?' ){
    z[i] = 0;
    zQ = &z[i+1];
    zQ = &z[i];
  if( dispatch_name_search(z, CMDFLAG_WEBPAGE, ppCmd) ){
    fossil_fatal("\"%s\" aliased to \"%s\" but \"%s\" does not exist",
                 zName, z, z);
  z = zQ;
  while( *z ){
    char *zName = z;
    char *zValue = 0;
    while( *z && *z!='=' && *z!='&' && *z!='!' ){ z++; }
    if( *z=='=' ){
      *z = 0;
      zValue = z;
      while( *z && *z!='&' ){ z++; }
      if( *z ){
        *z = 0;
    }else if( *z=='!' ){
      *(z++) = 0;
      zName = "";
      if( *z ){ *z++ = 0; }
      zValue = "";
    if( fossil_islower(zName[0]) ){
      cgi_replace_query_parameter(zName, zValue);
  return 0;

** Fill Blob with a space-separated list of all command names that
** match the prefix zPrefix.
void dispatch_matching_names(const char *zPrefix, Blob *pList){
  int i;
  int nPrefix = (int)strlen(zPrefix);
    if( strncmp(zPrefix, aCommand[i].zName, nPrefix)==0 ){
      blob_appendf(pList, " %s", aCommand[i].zName);

** Attempt to reformat plain-text help into HTML for display on a webpage.
** The HTML output is appended to Blob pHtml, which should already be
** initialized.
static void help_to_html(const char *zHelp, Blob *pHtml){
  char *s;
  char *d;
  char *z;

  /* Transform "%fossil" into just "fossil" */
  z = s = d = mprintf("%s", zHelp);
  while( *s ){
    if( *s=='%' && strncmp(s, "%fossil", 7)==0 ){
      *d++ = *s++;
  *d = 0;

  blob_appendf(pHtml, "<pre>\n%h\n</pre>\n", z);

** COMMAND: test-all-help
** Usage: %fossil test-all-help ?OPTIONS?
** Show help text for commands and pages.  Useful for proof-reading.
** Defaults to just the CLI commands.  Specify --www to see only the
** web pages, or --everything to see both commands and pages.
** Options:
**    -e|--everything   Show all commands and pages.
**    -t|--test         Include test- commands
**    -w|--www          Show WWW pages.
**    -s|--settings     Show settings.
**    -h|--html         Transform output to HTML.
void test_all_help_cmd(void){
  int i;
  int useHtml = find_option("html","h",0)!=0;

  if( find_option("www","w",0) ){
  if( find_option("everything","e",0) ){
  if( find_option("settings","s",0) ){
  if( find_option("test","t",0) ){
    mask |= CMDFLAG_TEST;
  if( useHtml ) fossil_print("<!--\n");
  fossil_print("Help text for:\n");
  if( mask & CMDFLAG_1ST_TIER ) fossil_print(" * Commands\n");
  if( mask & CMDFLAG_2ND_TIER ) fossil_print(" * Auxiliary commands\n");
  if( mask & CMDFLAG_TEST )     fossil_print(" * Test commands\n");
  if( mask & CMDFLAG_WEBPAGE )  fossil_print(" * Web pages\n");
  if( mask & CMDFLAG_SETTING )  fossil_print(" * Settings\n");
  if( useHtml ){
    fossil_print("<!-- start_all_help -->\n");
  for(i=0; i<MX_COMMAND; i++){
    if( (aCommand[i].eCmdFlags & mask)==0 ) continue;
    fossil_print("# %s\n", aCommand[i].zName);
    if( useHtml ){
      Blob html;
      help_to_html(aCommand[i].zHelp, &html);
      fossil_print("%s\n\n", blob_str(&html));
      fossil_print("%s\n\n", aCommand[i].zHelp);
  if( useHtml ){
    fossil_print("<!-- end_all_help -->\n");

** WEBPAGE: help
** URL: /help?name=CMD
** Show the built-in help text for CMD.  CMD can be a command-line interface
** command or a page name from the web interface or a setting.
void help_page(void){
  const char *zCmd = P("cmd");

  if( zCmd==0 ) zCmd = P("name");
  if( zCmd && *zCmd ){
    int rc;
    const CmdOrPage *pCmd = 0;

    style_header("Help: %s", zCmd);

    style_submenu_element("Command-List", "%s/help", g.zTop);
    rc = dispatch_name_search(zCmd, CMDFLAG_ANY, &pCmd);
    if( *zCmd=='/' ){
      /* Some of the webpages require query parameters in order to work.
      ** @ <h1>The "<a href='%R%s(zCmd)'>%s(zCmd)</a>" page:</h1> */
      @ <h1>The "%h(zCmd)" page:</h1>
    }else if( rc==0 && (pCmd->eCmdFlags & CMDFLAG_SETTING)!=0 ){
      @ <h1>The "%h(pCmd->zName)" setting:</h1>
      @ <h1>The "%h(zCmd)" command:</h1>
    if( rc==1 ){
      @ unknown command: %h(zCmd)
    }else if( rc==2 ){
      @ ambiguous command prefix: %h(zCmd)
      if( pCmd->zHelp[0]==0 ){
        @ No help available for "%h(pCmd->zName)"
        @ <blockquote>
        help_to_html(pCmd->zHelp, cgi_output_blob());
        @ </blockquote>
    int i;


    @ <a name='commands'></a>
    @ <h1>Available commands:</h1>
    @ <div class="columns" style="column-width: 12ex;">
    @ <ul>
    for(i=0; i<MX_COMMAND; i++){
      const char *z = aCommand[i].zName;
      const char *zBoldOn  = aCommand[i].eCmdFlags&CMDFLAG_1ST_TIER?"<b>" :"";
      const char *zBoldOff = aCommand[i].eCmdFlags&CMDFLAG_1ST_TIER?"</b>":"";
      if( '/'==*z || strncmp(z,"test",4)==0 ) continue;
      if( (aCommand[i].eCmdFlags & CMDFLAG_SETTING)!=0 ) continue;
      @ <li><a href="%R/help?cmd=%s(z)">%s(zBoldOn)%s(z)%s(zBoldOff)</a></li>
    @ </ul></div>

    @ <a name='webpages'></a>
    @ <h1>Available web UI pages:</h1>
    @ <div class="columns" style="column-width: 18ex;">
    @ <ul>
    for(i=0; i<MX_COMMAND; i++){
      const char *z = aCommand[i].zName;
      if( '/'!=*z ) continue;
      if( aCommand[i].zHelp[0] ){
        @ <li><a href="%R/help?cmd=%s(z)">%s(z+1)</a></li>
        @ <li>%s(z+1)</li>
    @ </ul></div>

    @ <a name='unsupported'></a>
    @ <h1>Unsupported commands:</h1>
    @ <div class="columns" style="column-width: 20ex;">
    @ <ul>
    for(i=0; i<MX_COMMAND; i++){
      const char *z = aCommand[i].zName;
      if( strncmp(z,"test",4)!=0 ) continue;
      if( aCommand[i].zHelp[0] ){
        @ <li><a href="%R/help?cmd=%s(z)">%s(z)</a></li>
        @ <li>%s(z)</li>
    @ </ul></div>

    @ <a name='settings'></a>
    @ <h1>Settings:</h1>
    @ <div class="columns" style="column-width: 20ex;">
    @ <ul>
    for(i=0; i<MX_COMMAND; i++){
      const char *z = aCommand[i].zName;
      if( (aCommand[i].eCmdFlags & CMDFLAG_SETTING)==0 ) continue;
      if( aCommand[i].zHelp[0] ){
        @ <li><a href="%R/help?cmd=%s(z)">%s(z)</a></li>
        @ <li>%s(z)</li>
    @ </ul></div>


** WEBPAGE: test-all-help
** Show all help text on a single page.  Useful for proof-reading.
void test_all_help_page(void){
  int i;
  style_header("All Help Text");
  for(i=0; i<MX_COMMAND; i++){
    if( memcmp(aCommand[i].zName, "test", 4)==0 ) continue;
    @ <h2>%s(aCommand[i].zName):</h2>
    @ <blockquote>
    help_to_html(aCommand[i].zHelp, cgi_output_blob());
    @ </blockquote>

static void multi_column_list(const char **azWord, int nWord){
  int i, j, len;
  int mxLen = 0;
  int nCol;
  int nRow;
  for(i=0; i<nWord; i++){
    len = strlen(azWord[i]);
    if( len>mxLen ) mxLen = len;
  nCol = 80/(mxLen+2);
  if( nCol==0 ) nCol = 1;
  nRow = (nWord + nCol - 1)/nCol;
  for(i=0; i<nRow; i++){
    const char *zSpacer = "";
    for(j=i; j<nWord; j+=nRow){
      fossil_print("%s%-*s", zSpacer, mxLen, azWord[j]);
      zSpacer = "  ";

** COMMAND: test-list-webpage
** List all web pages.
void cmd_test_webpage_list(void){
  int i, nCmd;
  const char *aCmd[MX_COMMAND];
  for(i=nCmd=0; i<MX_COMMAND; i++){
    if(CMDFLAG_WEBPAGE & aCommand[i].eCmdFlags){
      aCmd[nCmd++] = aCommand[i].zName;
  assert(nCmd && "page list is empty?");
  multi_column_list(aCmd, nCmd);

** List of commands starting with zPrefix, or all commands if zPrefix is NULL.
static void command_list(const char *zPrefix, int cmdMask){
  int i, nCmd;
  int nPrefix = zPrefix ? strlen(zPrefix) : 0;
  const char *aCmd[MX_COMMAND];
  for(i=nCmd=0; i<MX_COMMAND; i++){
    const char *z = aCommand[i].zName;
    if( (aCommand[i].eCmdFlags & cmdMask)==0 ) continue;
    if( zPrefix && memcmp(zPrefix, z, nPrefix)!=0 ) continue;
    aCmd[nCmd++] = aCommand[i].zName;
  multi_column_list(aCmd, nCmd);

** Documentation on universal command-line options.
/* @-comment: # */
static const char zOptions[] =
@ Command-line options common to all commands:
@   --args FILENAME         Read additional arguments and options from FILENAME
@   --cgitrace              Active CGI tracing
@   --comfmtflags VALUE     Set comment formatting flags to VALUE
@   --errorlog FILENAME     Log errors to FILENAME 
@   --help                  Show help on the command rather than running it
@   --httptrace             Trace outbound HTTP requests
@   --localtime             Display times using the local timezone
@   --no-th-hook            Do not run TH1 hooks
@   --quiet                 Reduce the amount of output
@   --sqlstats              Show SQL usage statistics when done
@   --sqltrace              Trace all SQL commands
@   --sshtrace              Trace SSH activity
@   --ssl-identity NAME     Set the SSL identity to NAME
@   --systemtrace           Trace calls to system()
@   --user|-U USER          Make the default user be USER
@   --utc                   Display times using UTC
@   --vfs NAME              Cause SQLite to use the NAME VFS

** COMMAND: help
** Usage: %fossil help TOPIC
**    or: %fossil TOPIC --help
** Display information on how to use TOPIC, which may be a command, webpage, or
** setting.  Webpage names begin with "/".  To display a list of available
** topics, use one of:
**    %fossil help                Show common commands
**    %fossil help -a|--all       Show both common and auxiliary commands
**    %fossil help -o|--options   Show command-line options common to all cmds
**    %fossil help -s|--setting   Show setting names
**    %fossil help -t|--test      Show test commands only
**    %fossil help -x|--aux       Show auxiliary commands only
**    %fossil help -w|--www       Show list of webpages
void help_cmd(void){
  int rc;
  int isPage = 0;
  const char *z;
  const char *zCmdOrPage;
  const char *zCmdOrPagePlural;
  const CmdOrPage *pCmd = 0;
  if( g.argc<3 ){
    z = g.argv[0];
      "Usage: %s help TOPIC\n"
      "Common commands:  (use \"%s help help\" for more options)\n",
      z, z);
    command_list(0, CMDFLAG_1ST_TIER);
  if( find_option("options","o",0) ){
    fossil_print("%s", zOptions);
  if( find_option("all","a",0) ){
    command_list(0, CMDFLAG_1ST_TIER | CMDFLAG_2ND_TIER);
  else if( find_option("www","w",0) ){
    command_list(0, CMDFLAG_WEBPAGE);
  else if( find_option("aux","x",0) ){
    command_list(0, CMDFLAG_2ND_TIER);
  else if( find_option("test","t",0) ){
    command_list(0, CMDFLAG_TEST);
  else if( find_option("setting","s",0) ){
    command_list(0, CMDFLAG_SETTING);
  isPage = ('/' == *g.argv[2]) ? 1 : 0;
    zCmdOrPage = "page";
    zCmdOrPagePlural = "pages";
    zCmdOrPage = "command or setting";
    zCmdOrPagePlural = "commands and settings";
  rc = dispatch_name_search(g.argv[2], CMDFLAG_ANY|CMDFLAG_PREFIX, &pCmd);
  if( rc==1 ){
    fossil_print("unknown %s: %s\nConsider using:\n", zCmdOrPage, g.argv[2]);
    fossil_print("   fossil help -a     ;# show all commands\n");
    fossil_print("   fossil help -w     ;# show all web-pages\n");
    fossil_print("   fossil help -s     ;# show all settings\n");
  }else if( rc==2 ){
    fossil_print("ambiguous %s prefix: %s\nMatching %s:\n",
                 zCmdOrPage, g.argv[2], zCmdOrPagePlural);
    command_list(g.argv[2], 0xff);
  z = pCmd->zHelp;
  if( z==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("no help available for the %s %s",
                 pCmd->zName, zCmdOrPage);
  if( pCmd->eCmdFlags & CMDFLAG_SETTING ){
    fossil_print("Setting: \"%s\"%s\n\n",
         (pCmd->eCmdFlags & CMDFLAG_VERSIONABLE)!=0 ? " (versionable)" : ""
  while( *z ){
    if( *z=='%' && strncmp(z, "%fossil", 7)==0 ){
      fossil_print("%s", g.argv[0]);
      z += 7;

** Return a pointer to the setting information array.
** This routine provides access to the aSetting2[] array which is created
** by the mkindex utility program and included with <page_index.h>.
const Setting *setting_info(int *pnCount){
  if( pnCount ) *pnCount = (int)(sizeof(aSetting)/sizeof(aSetting[0])) - 1;
  return aSetting;