(function(F/*window.fossil object*/){
"use strict";
const D = F.dom, P = F.pikchr = {};
Initializes pikchr-rendered elements with the ability to
toggle between their SVG and source code.
The first argument may be any of:
- A single SVG.pikchr element.
- A collection (with a forEach method) of such elements.
- A CSS selector string for one or more such elements.
- An array of such strings.
Passing no value is equivalent to passing 'svg.pikchr'.
For each SVG in the resulting set, this function sets up event
handlers which allow the user to toggle the SVG between image and
source code modes. The image will switch modes in response to
cltr-click and, if its *parent* element has the "toggle" CSS
class, it will also switch modes in response to single-click.
If the parent element has the "source" CSS class, the image
starts off with its source code visible and the image hidden,
instead of the default of the other way around.
Returns this object.
Each element will only be processed once by this routine, even if
it is passed to this function multiple times. Each processed
element gets a "data" attribute set to it to indicate that it was
already dealt with.
This code expects the following structure around the SVGs, and
will not process any which don't match this:
<PRE>pikchr source code</PRE>
<SPAN class='hidden'><A>link to open pikchr in /pikchrshow</A></SPAN>
P.addSrcView = function f(svg){
f.parentClick = function(ev){
if(ev.altKey || ev.metaKey || ev.ctrlKey
/* Every combination of special key (alt, shift, ctrl,
meta) is handled differently everywhere. Shift is used
by the browser, Ctrl doesn't work on an iMac, and Alt is
intercepted by most Linux window managers to control
window movement! So... we just listen for *any* of them
(except Shift) and the user will need to find one which
works on on their environment. */
|| this.classList.contains('toggle')){
Event handler for the "open in pikchrshow" links: store the
source code for the link's pikchr in
window.sessionStorage['pikchr-xfer'] then open
/pikchrshow?fromSession to trigger loading of that pikchr.
f.clickPikchrShow = function(ev){
const pId = this.dataset['pikchrid'] /* ID of the associated pikchr source code element */;
if(!pId) return;
const ePikchr = this.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector('#'+pId);
if(!ePikchr) return;
ev.stopPropagation() /* keep pikchr source view from toggling */;
window.sessionStorage.setItem('pikchr-xfer', ePikchr.innerText);
After returning from this function the link element will
open [/pikchrshow?fromSession], and pikchrshow will extract
the pikchr source code from sessionStorage['pikchr-xfer'].
Quirks of this ^^^ design:
We use only a single slot in sessionStorage. We could
alternately use a key like pikchr-$pId and pass that key on
to /pikchrshow via fromSession=pikchr-$pId, but that would
eventually lead to stale session entries if loading of
pikchrshow were interrupted at an untimely point. The
down-side of _not_ doing that is that some user (or
automation) options multiple "open in pikchrshow" links
rapidly enough, the will open the same pikchr (the one which
was stored in the session's slot most recently). The
current approach should be fine for normal human interaction
speeds, but if it proves to be a problem we can instead use
the above-described approach of storing each pikchr in its
own session slot and simply accept that there may be stale
entries at some point.
if(!svg) svg = 'svg.pikchr';
if('string' === typeof svg){
document.querySelectorAll(svg).forEach((e)=>f.call(this, e));
return this;
}else if(svg.forEach){
svg.forEach((e)=>f.call(this, e));
return this;
return this;
svg.dataset.pikchrProcessed = 1;
const parent = svg.parentNode.parentNode /* outermost DIV.pikchr-wrapper */;
const srcView = parent ? svg.parentNode.nextElementSibling /* DIV.pikchr-src */ : undefined;
if(srcView && srcView.classList.contains('pikchr-src')){
/* Without this element, there's nothing for us to do here. */
parent.addEventListener('click', f.parentClick, false);
const eSpan = window.sessionStorage
? srcView.querySelector('span') /* "open in..." link wrapper */
: undefined;
const openLink = eSpan.querySelector('a');
openLink.addEventListener('click', f.clickPikchrShow, false);
return this;