(function(F/*fossil object*/){
A basic API for creating and managing a copy-to-clipboard button.
Requires: fossil.bootstrap, fossil.dom
const D = F.dom;
Initializes element e as a copy button using the given options
The first argument may be a DOM element or a string (CSS selector
suitable for use with document.querySelector()).
.copyFromElement: DOM element
.copyFromId: DOM element ID
One of copyFromElement or copyFromId must be provided, but copyFromId
may optionally be provided via e.dataset.copyFromId.
.extractText: optional callback which is triggered when the copy
button is clicked. I tmust return the text to copy to the
clipboard. The default is to extract it from the copy-from
element, using its [value] member, if it has one, else its
[innerText]. A client-provided callback may use any data source
it likes, so long as it's synchronous. If this function returns a
falsy value then the clipboard is not modified. This function is
called with the fully expanded/resolved options object as its
"this" (that's a different instance than the one passed to this
.cssClass: optional CSS class, or list of classes, to apply to e.
.style: optional object of properties to copy directly into
.oncopy: an optional callback function which is added as an event
listener for the 'text-copied' event (see below). There is
functionally no difference from setting this option or adding a
'text-copied' event listener to the element, and this option is
considered to be a convenience form of that.
Note that this function's own defaultOptions object holds default
values for some options. Any changes made to that object affect
any future calls to this function.
Be aware that clipboard functionality might or might not be
available in any given environment. If this button appears to
have no effect, that may be because it is not enabled/available
in the current platform.
The copy button emits custom event 'text-copied' after it has
successfully copied text to the clipboard. The event's "detail"
member is an object with a "text" property holding the copied
text. Other properties may be added in the future. The event is
not fired if copying to the clipboard fails (e.g. is not
available in the current environment).
Returns the copy-initialized element.
const button = fossil.copyButton('#my-copy-button', {
copyFromId: 'some-other-element-id'
console.debug("Copied text:",ev.detail.text);
F.copyButton = function f(e, opt){
if('string'===typeof e){
e = document.querySelector(e);
opt = F.mergeLastWins(f.defaultOptions, opt);
D.addClass(e, opt.cssClass);
var srcId, srcElem;
srcElem = opt.copyFromElement;
}else if((srcId = opt.copyFromId || e.dataset.copyFromId)){
srcElem = document.querySelector('#'+srcId);
const extract = opt.extractText || (
undefined===srcElem.value ? ()=>srcElem.innerText : ()=>srcElem.value
D.copyStyle(e, opt.style);
const txt = extract.call(opt);
if(txt && D.copyTextToClipboard(txt)){
e.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('text-copied',{
detail: {text: txt}
if('function' === typeof opt.oncopy){
e.addEventListener('text-copied', opt.oncopy, false);
return e;
F.copyButton.defaultOptions = {
cssClass: 'copy-button',
style: {/*properties copied as-is into element.style*/}