/* Manage "Copy Buttons" linked to target elements, to copy the text (or, parts
** thereof) of the target elements to the clipboard.
** Newly created buttons are <span> elements with an SVG background icon,
** defined by the "copy-button" class in the default CSS style sheet, and are
** assigned the element ID "copy-<idTarget>".
** To simplify customization, the only properties modified for HTML-defined
** buttons are the "onclick" handler, and the "transition" and "opacity" styles
** (used for animation).
** For HTML-defined buttons, either initCopyButtonById(), or initCopyButton(),
** needs to be called to attach the "onclick" handler (done automatically from
** a handler attached to the "DOMContentLoaded" event).
** The initialization functions do not overwrite the "data-copytarget" and
** "data-copylength" attributes with empty or null values for <idTarget> and
** <cchLength>, respectively. Set <cchLength> to "-1" to explicitly remove the
** previous copy length limit.
** HTML snippet for statically created buttons:
** <span class="copy-button" id="copy-<idTarget>"
** data-copytarget="<idTarget>" data-copylength="<cchLength>"></span>
function makeCopyButton(idTarget,bFlipped,cchLength){
var elButton = document.createElement("span");
elButton.className = "copy-button";
if( bFlipped ) elButton.className += " copy-button-flipped";
elButton.id = "copy-" + idTarget;
return elButton;
function initCopyButtonById(idButton,idTarget,cchLength){
idButton = idButton || "copy-" + idTarget;
var elButton = document.getElementById(idButton);
if( elButton ) initCopyButton(elButton,idTarget,cchLength);
return elButton;
function initCopyButton(elButton,idTarget,cchLength){
elButton.style.transition = "";
elButton.style.opacity = 1;
if( idTarget ) elButton.setAttribute("data-copytarget",idTarget);
if( cchLength ) elButton.setAttribute("data-copylength",cchLength);
elButton.onclick = clickCopyButton;
return elButton;
var aButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("copy-button");
for ( var i=0; i<aButtons.length; i++ ){
/* The onclick handler for the "Copy Button". */
var lockCopyText = false;
function clickCopyButton(e){
e.preventDefault(); /* Mandatory for <a> and <button>. */
if( lockCopyText ) return;
lockCopyText = true;
this.style.transition = "opacity 400ms ease-in-out";
this.style.opacity = 0;
var idTarget = this.getAttribute("data-copytarget");
var elTarget = document.getElementById(idTarget);
if( elTarget ){
var text = elTarget.innerText.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,'');
var cchLength = parseInt(this.getAttribute("data-copylength"));
if( !isNaN(cchLength) && cchLength>0 ){
text = text.slice(0,cchLength); // Assume single-byte chars.
var elButton = document.getElementById(id);
if( elButton ){
elButton.style.transition = "";
elButton.style.opacity = 1;
lockCopyText = false;
/* Create a temporary <textarea> element and copy the contents to clipboard. */
function copyTextToClipboard(text){
if( window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData ){
var x = document.createElement("textarea");
x.style.position = 'fixed';
x.value = text;