
View Ticket

View Ticket

Ticket Hash: d13e296bd543b43070e7049d17eb60a111c43edf
Title: can't browse tickets without logging in
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Works_As_Designed
Last Modified: 2011-06-02 18:52:24
Version Found In: e5e6ca4659
Reading a ticket works without logging in, but only if you know the URI (e.g., If you don't know it, then the list of tickets tantalizes you with a summary and a hex name but there is no link to the full ticket page. Why disable the links for users who haven't logged in? I know I can log in anonymously, but having to do so just to browse tickets seems an arbitrary and superfluous barrier. It probably also means that search engines won't index the tickets.

drh added on 2011-06-02 18:52:24 UTC:
Providing open access to tickets without anonymous login is a configuration option: Simply turn on "History" privilege to the special user "nobody".

We deliberately choose to not do that on the Fossil website because the internet is a hostile place and spiders would overrun our bandwidth quota if we did.