
Artifact [839d9113]

Artifact [839d9113]

Artifact 839d9113b2b439caec2332b77225d92c9a33665c3d19c45b1e31c2fe4156b78a:

** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
** Author contact information:
** This file contains code used to check-in versions of the project
** from the local repository.
#include "config.h"
#include "checkin.h"
#include <assert.h>

** Change filter options.
enum {
  /* Zero-based bit indexes. */

  /* Bitmask values. */
  C_EDITED    = 1 << CB_EDITED,     /* Edited, merged, and conflicted files. */
  C_UPDATED   = 1 << CB_UPDATED,    /* Files updated by merge/integrate. */
  C_CHANGED   = 1 << CB_CHANGED,    /* Treated the same as the above two. */
  C_MISSING   = 1 << CB_MISSING,    /* Missing and non- files. */
  C_ADDED     = 1 << CB_ADDED,      /* Added files. */
  C_DELETED   = 1 << CB_DELETED,    /* Deleted files. */
  C_RENAMED   = 1 << CB_RENAMED,    /* Renamed files. */
  C_CONFLICT  = 1 << CB_CONFLICT,   /* Files having merge conflicts. */
  C_META      = 1 << CB_META,       /* Files with metadata changes. */
  C_UNCHANGED = 1 << CB_UNCHANGED,  /* Unchanged files. */
  C_EXTRA     = 1 << CB_EXTRA,      /* Unmanaged files. */
  C_MERGE     = 1 << CB_MERGE,      /* Merge contributors. */
              | C_EXTRA   | C_MERGE,                /* All filter bits. */
  C_ALL       = C_FILTER & ~(C_EXTRA     | C_MERGE),/* All managed files. */
  C_DIFFER    = C_FILTER & ~(C_UNCHANGED | C_MERGE),/* All differences. */
  C_RELPATH   = 1 << CB_RELPATH,    /* Show relative paths. */
  C_CLASSIFY  = 1 << CB_CLASSIFY,   /* Show file change types. */
  C_MTIME     = 1 << CB_MTIME,      /* Show file modification time. */
  C_SIZE      = 1 << CB_SIZE,       /* Show file size in bytes. */
  C_FATAL     = 1 << CB_FATAL,      /* Fail on MISSING/NOT_A_FILE. */
  C_COMMENT   = 1 << CB_COMMENT,    /* Precede each line with "# ". */

** Create a TEMP table named SFILE and add all unmanaged files named on
** the command-line to that table.  If directories are named, then add
** all unmanaged files contained underneath those directories.  If there
** are no files or directories named on the command-line, then add all
** unmanaged files anywhere in the check-out.
** This routine never follows symlinks.  It always treats symlinks as
** object unto themselves.
static void locate_unmanaged_files(
  int argc,           /* Number of command-line arguments to examine */
  char **argv,        /* values of command-line arguments */
  unsigned scanFlags, /* Zero or more SCAN_xxx flags */
  Glob *pIgnore       /* Do not add files that match this GLOB */
  Blob name;   /* Name of a candidate file or directory */
  char *zName; /* Name of a candidate file or directory */
  int isDir;   /* 1 for a directory, 0 if doesn't exist, 2 for anything else */
  int i;       /* Loop counter */
  int nRoot;   /* length of g.zLocalRoot */

  db_multi_exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE sfile(pathname TEXT PRIMARY KEY %s,"
                " mtime INTEGER, size INTEGER)", filename_collation());
  nRoot = (int)strlen(g.zLocalRoot);
  if( argc==0 ){
    blob_init(&name, g.zLocalRoot, nRoot - 1);
    vfile_scan(&name, blob_size(&name), scanFlags, pIgnore, 0, SymFILE);
    for(i=0; i<argc; i++){
      file_canonical_name(argv[i], &name, 0);
      zName = blob_str(&name);
      isDir = file_isdir(zName, SymFILE);
      if( isDir==1 ){
        vfile_scan(&name, nRoot-1, scanFlags, pIgnore, 0, SymFILE);
      }else if( isDir==0 ){
        fossil_warning("not found: %s", &zName[nRoot]);
      }else if( file_access(zName, R_OK) ){
        fossil_fatal("cannot open %s", &zName[nRoot]);
        /* Only add unmanaged file paths specified on the command line. */
            "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO sfile(pathname)"
            " (SELECT 1 FROM vfile WHERE pathname=%Q)",
            &zName[nRoot], &zName[nRoot]

** Generate text describing all changes.
** We assume that vfile_check_signature has been run.
static void status_report(
  Blob *report,          /* Append the status report here */
  unsigned flags         /* Filter and other configuration flags */
  Stmt q;
  int nErr = 0;
  Blob rewrittenOrigName, rewrittenPathname;
  const char *zName;
  int i;

  /* Skip the file report if no files are requested at all. */
  if( !(flags & (C_ALL | C_EXTRA)) ){
     goto skipFiles;

  /* Assemble the path-limiting WHERE clause, if any. */
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    Blob fname;
    file_tree_name(g.argv[i], &fname, 0, 1);
    zName = blob_str(&fname);
    if( fossil_strcmp(zName, ".")==0 ){
      " %s (pathname=%Q %s) "
      "OR (pathname>'%q/' %s AND pathname<'%q0' %s)",
      (blob_size(&where)>0) ? "OR" : "AND", zName,
      filename_collation(), zName, filename_collation(),
      zName, filename_collation()

  /* Obtain the list of managed files if appropriate. */
  if( flags & C_ALL ){
    /* Start with a list of all managed files. */
      "SELECT pathname, %s as mtime, %s as size, deleted, chnged, rid,"
      "       coalesce(origname!=pathname,0) AS renamed, 1 AS managed,"
      "       origname"
      "  FROM vfile LEFT JOIN blob USING (rid)"
      " WHERE is_selected(id)%s",
      flags & C_MTIME ? "datetime(checkin_mtime(:vid, rid), "
                        "'unixepoch', toLocal())" : "''" /*safe-for-%s*/,
      flags & C_SIZE ? "coalesce(blob.size, 0)" : "0" /*safe-for-%s*/,

    /* Exclude unchanged files unless requested. */
    if( !(flags & C_UNCHANGED) ){
          " AND (chnged OR deleted OR rid=0 OR pathname!=origname)");

  /* If C_EXTRA, add unmanaged files to the query result too. */
  if( flags & C_EXTRA ){
    if( blob_size(&sql) ){
      blob_append_sql(&sql, " UNION ALL");
      " SELECT pathname, %s, %s, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL"
      " FROM sfile WHERE pathname NOT IN (%s)%s",
      flags & C_MTIME ? "datetime(mtime, 'unixepoch', toLocal())" : "''",
      flags & C_SIZE ? "size" : "0",
      fossil_all_reserved_names(0), blob_sql_text(&where));

  /* Pre-create the "ok" temporary table so the checkin_mtime() SQL function
   * does not lead to SQLITE_ABORT_ROLLBACK during execution of the OP_OpenRead
   * SQLite opcode.  checkin_mtime() calls mtime_of_manifest_file() which
   * creates a temporary table if it doesn't already exist, thus invalidating
   * the prepared statement in the middle of its execution. */

  /* Append an ORDER BY clause then compile the query. */
  blob_append_sql(&sql, " ORDER BY pathname");
  db_prepare(&q, "%s", blob_sql_text(&sql));

  /* Bind the check-out version ID to the query if needed. */
  if( (flags & C_ALL) && (flags & C_MTIME) ){
    db_bind_int(&q, ":vid", db_lget_int("checkout", 0));

  /* Execute the query and assemble the report. */
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zPathname = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    const char *zClass = 0;
    int isManaged = db_column_int(&q, 7);
    const char *zMtime = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    int size = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    int isDeleted = db_column_int(&q, 3);
    int isChnged = db_column_int(&q, 4);
    int isNew = isManaged && !db_column_int(&q, 5);
    int isRenamed = db_column_int(&q, 6);
    const char *zOrigName = 0;
    char *zFullName = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zPathname);
    int isMissing = !file_isfile_or_link(zFullName);

    /* Determine the file change classification, if any. */
    if( isDeleted ){
      if( flags & C_DELETED ){
        zClass = "DELETED";
    }else if( isMissing ){
      if( file_access(zFullName, F_OK)==0 ){
        if( flags & C_MISSING ){
          zClass = "NOT_A_FILE";
        if( flags & C_FATAL ){
          fossil_warning("not a file: %s", zFullName);
        if( flags & C_MISSING ){
          zClass = "MISSING";
        if( flags & C_FATAL ){
          fossil_warning("missing file: %s", zFullName);
    }else if( isNew ){
      if( flags & C_ADDED ){
        zClass = "ADDED";
    }else if( (flags & (C_UPDATED | C_CHANGED)) && isChnged==2 ){
      zClass = "UPDATED_BY_MERGE";
    }else if( (flags & C_ADDED) && isChnged==3 ){
      zClass = "ADDED_BY_MERGE";
    }else if( (flags & (C_UPDATED | C_CHANGED)) && isChnged==4 ){
      zClass = "UPDATED_BY_INTEGRATE";
    }else if( (flags & C_ADDED) && isChnged==5 ){
      zClass = "ADDED_BY_INTEGRATE";
    }else if( (flags & C_META) && isChnged==6 ){
      zClass = "EXECUTABLE";
    }else if( (flags & C_META) && isChnged==7 ){
      zClass = "SYMLINK";
    }else if( (flags & C_META) && isChnged==8 ){
      zClass = "UNEXEC";
    }else if( (flags & C_META) && isChnged==9 ){
      zClass = "UNLINK";
    }else if( (flags & C_CONFLICT) && isChnged && !file_islink(zFullName)
           && file_contains_merge_marker(zFullName) ){
      zClass = "CONFLICT";
    }else if( (flags & (C_EDITED | C_CHANGED)) && isChnged
           && (isChnged<2 || isChnged>9) ){
      zClass = "EDITED";
    }else if( (flags & C_UNCHANGED) && isManaged && !isNew
                                    && !isChnged && !isRenamed ){
      zClass = "UNCHANGED";
    }else if( (flags & C_EXTRA) && !isManaged ){
      zClass = "EXTRA";
    if( (flags & C_RENAMED) && isRenamed ){
      zOrigName = db_column_text(&q,8);
      if( zClass==0 ){
        zClass = "RENAMED";

    /* Only report files for which a change classification was determined. */
    if( zClass ){
      if( flags & C_COMMENT ){
        blob_append(report, "# ", 2);
      if( flags & C_CLASSIFY ){
        blob_appendf(report, "%-10s ", zClass);
      if( flags & C_MTIME ){
        blob_append(report, zMtime, -1);
        blob_append(report, "  ", 2);
      if( flags & C_SIZE ){
        blob_appendf(report, "%7d ", size);
      if( flags & C_RELPATH ){
        /* If C_RELPATH, display paths relative to current directory. */
        file_relative_name(zFullName, &rewrittenPathname, 0);
        zPathname = blob_str(&rewrittenPathname);
        if( zPathname[0]=='.' && zPathname[1]=='/' ){
          zPathname += 2;  /* no unnecessary ./ prefix */
        if( (flags & (C_FILTER ^ C_RENAMED)) && zOrigName ){
          char *zOrigFullName = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zOrigName);
          file_relative_name(zOrigFullName, &rewrittenOrigName, 0);
          zOrigName = blob_str(&rewrittenOrigName);
          if( zOrigName[0]=='.' && zOrigName[1]=='/' ){
            zOrigName += 2;  /* no unnecessary ./ prefix */
      if( (flags & (C_FILTER ^ C_RENAMED)) && zOrigName ){
        blob_appendf(report, "%s  ->  ", zOrigName);
      blob_appendf(report, "%s\n", zPathname);

  /* If C_MERGE, put merge contributors at the end of the report. */
  if( flags & C_MERGE ){
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT mhash, id FROM vmerge WHERE id<=0" );
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      if( flags & C_COMMENT ){
        blob_append(report, "# ", 2);
      if( flags & C_CLASSIFY ){
        const char *zClass;
        switch( db_column_int(&q, 1) ){
          case -1: zClass = "CHERRYPICK" ; break;
          case -2: zClass = "BACKOUT"    ; break;
          case -4: zClass = "INTEGRATE"  ; break;
          default: zClass = "MERGED_WITH"; break;
        blob_appendf(report, "%-10s ", zClass);
      blob_append(report, db_column_text(&q, 0), -1);
      blob_append(report, "\n", 1);
  if( nErr ){
    fossil_fatal("aborting due to prior errors");

** Use the "relative-paths" setting and the --abs-paths and
** --rel-paths command line options to determine whether the
** status report should be shown relative to the current
** working directory.
static int determine_cwd_relative_option()
  int relativePaths = db_get_boolean("relative-paths", 1);
  int absPathOption = find_option("abs-paths", 0, 0)!=0;
  int relPathOption = find_option("rel-paths", 0, 0)!=0;
  if( absPathOption ){ relativePaths = 0; }
  if( relPathOption ){ relativePaths = 1; }
  return relativePaths;

** COMMAND: changes
** COMMAND: status
** Usage: %fossil changes|status ?OPTIONS? ?PATHS ...?
** Report the change status of files in the current check-out.  If one or
** more PATHS are specified, only changes among the named files and
** directories are reported.  Directories are searched recursively.
** The status command is similar to the changes command, except it lacks
** several of the options supported by changes and it has its own header
** and footer information.  The header information is a subset of that
** shown by the info command, and the footer shows if there are any forks.
** Change type classification is always enabled for the status command.
** Each line of output is the name of a changed file, with paths shown
** according to the "relative-paths" setting, unless overridden by the
** --abs-paths or --rel-paths options.
** By default, all changed files are selected for display.  This behavior
** can be overridden by using one or more filter options (listed below),
** in which case only files with the specified change type(s) are shown.
** As a special case, the --no-merge option does not inhibit this default.
** This default shows exactly the set of changes that would be checked-
** in by the commit command.
** If no filter options are used, or if the --merge option is used, the
** artifact hash of each merge contributor check-in version is displayed at
** the end of the report.  The --no-merge option is useful to display the
** default set of changed files without the merge contributors.
** If change type classification is enabled, each output line starts with
** a code describing the file's change type, e.g. EDITED or RENAMED.  It
** is enabled by default unless exactly one change type is selected.  For
** the purposes of determining the default, --changed counts as selecting
** one change type.  The default can be overridden by the --classify or
** --no-classify options.
** --edited and --updated produce disjoint sets.  --updated shows a file
** only when it is identical to that of its merge contributor, and the
** change type classification is UPDATED_BY_MERGE or UPDATED_BY_INTEGRATE.
** If the file had to be merged with any other changes, it is considered
** to be merged or conflicted and therefore will be shown by --edited, not
** --updated, with types EDITED or CONFLICT.  The --changed option can be
** used to display the union of --edited and --updated.
** --differ is so named because it lists all the differences between the
** checked-out version and the check-out directory.  In addition to the
** default changes (excluding --merge), it lists extra files which (if
** ignore-glob is set correctly) may be worth adding.  Prior to doing a
** commit, it is good practice to check --differ to see not only which
** changes would be committed but also if any files should be added.
** If both --merge and --no-merge are used, --no-merge has priority.  The
** same is true of --classify and --no-classify.
** The "fossil changes --extra" command is equivalent to "fossil extras".
** General options:
**    --abs-paths       Display absolute pathnames
**    --rel-paths       Display pathnames relative to the current working
**                      directory
**    --hash            Verify file status using hashing rather than
**                      relying on file mtimes
**    --case-sensitive BOOL  Override case-sensitive setting
**    --dotfiles        Include unmanaged files beginning with a dot
**    --ignore <CSG>    Ignore unmanaged files matching CSG glob patterns
** Options specific to the changes command:
**    --header          Identify the repository if report is non-empty
**    -v|--verbose      Say "(none)" if the change report is empty
**    --classify        Start each line with the file's change type
**    --no-classify     Do not print file change types
** Filter options:
**    --edited          Display edited, merged, and conflicted files
**    --updated         Display files updated by merge/integrate
**    --changed         Combination of the above two options
**    --missing         Display missing files
**    --added           Display added files
**    --deleted         Display deleted files
**    --renamed         Display renamed files
**    --conflict        Display files having merge conflicts
**    --meta            Display files with metadata changes
**    --unchanged       Display unchanged files
**    --all             Display all managed files, i.e. all of the above
**    --extra           Display unmanaged files
**    --differ          Display modified and extra files
**    --merge           Display merge contributors
**    --no-merge        Do not display merge contributors
** See also: [[extras]], [[ls]]
void status_cmd(void){
  /* Affirmative and negative flag option tables. */
  static const struct {
    const char *option; /* Flag name. */
    unsigned mask;      /* Flag bits. */
  } flagDefs[] = {
    {"edited"  , C_EDITED  }, {"updated"    , C_UPDATED  },
    {"changed" , C_CHANGED }, {"missing"    , C_MISSING  },
    {"added"   , C_ADDED   }, {"deleted"    , C_DELETED  },
    {"renamed" , C_RENAMED }, {"conflict"   , C_CONFLICT },
    {"meta"    , C_META    }, {"unchanged"  , C_UNCHANGED},
    {"all"     , C_ALL     }, {"extra"      , C_EXTRA    },
    {"differ"  , C_DIFFER  }, {"merge"      , C_MERGE    },
    {"classify", C_CLASSIFY},
  }, noFlagDefs[] = {
    {"no-merge", C_MERGE   }, {"no-classify", C_CLASSIFY },

  Blob report = BLOB_INITIALIZER;
  enum {CHANGES, STATUS} command = *g.argv[1]=='s' ? STATUS : CHANGES;
  /* --sha1sum is an undocumented alias for --hash for backwards compatiblity */
  int useHash = find_option("hash",0,0)!=0 || find_option("sha1sum",0,0)!=0;
  int showHdr = command==CHANGES && find_option("header", 0, 0);
  int verboseFlag = command==CHANGES && find_option("verbose", "v", 0);
  const char *zIgnoreFlag = find_option("ignore", 0, 1);
  unsigned scanFlags = 0;
  unsigned flags = 0;
  int vid, i;

  fossil_pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr id flock tty chown");

  /* Load affirmative flag options. */
  for( i=0; i<count(flagDefs); ++i ){
    if( (command==CHANGES || !(flagDefs[i].mask & C_CLASSIFY))
     && find_option(flagDefs[i].option, 0, 0) ){
      flags |= flagDefs[i].mask;

  /* If no filter options are specified, enable defaults. */
  if( !(flags & C_FILTER) ){
    flags |= C_DEFAULT;

  /* If more than one filter is enabled, enable classification.  This is tricky.
   * Having one filter means flags masked by C_FILTER is a power of two.  If a
   * number masked by one less than itself is zero, it's either zero or a power
   * of two.  It's already known to not be zero because of the above defaults.
   * Unlike --all, --changed is a single filter, i.e. it sets only one bit.
   * Also force classification for the status command. */
  if( command==STATUS || (flags & (flags-1) & C_FILTER) ){
    flags |= C_CLASSIFY;

  /* Negative flag options override defaults applied above. */
  for( i=0; i<count(noFlagDefs); ++i ){
    if( (command==CHANGES || !(noFlagDefs[i].mask & C_CLASSIFY))
     && find_option(noFlagDefs[i].option, 0, 0) ){
      flags &= ~noFlagDefs[i].mask;

  /* Confirm current working directory is within check-out. */

  /* Get check-out version. l*/
  vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);

  /* Relative path flag determination is done by a shared function. */
  if( determine_cwd_relative_option() ){
    flags |= C_RELPATH;

  /* If --ignore is not specified, use the ignore-glob setting. */
  if( !zIgnoreFlag ){
    zIgnoreFlag = db_get("ignore-glob", 0);

  /* Get the --dotfiles argument, or read it from the dotfiles setting. */
  if( find_option("dotfiles", 0, 0) || db_get_boolean("dotfiles", 0) ){
    scanFlags = SCAN_ALL;

  /* We should be done with options. */

  /* Check for changed files. */
  vfile_check_signature(vid, useHash ? CKSIG_HASH : 0);

  /* Search for unmanaged files if requested. */
  if( flags & C_EXTRA ){
    Glob *pIgnore = glob_create(zIgnoreFlag);
    locate_unmanaged_files(g.argc-2, g.argv+2, scanFlags, pIgnore);

  /* The status command prints general information before the change list. */
  if( command==STATUS ){
    fossil_print("repository:   %s\n", db_repository_filename());
    fossil_print("local-root:   %s\n", g.zLocalRoot);
    if( g.zConfigDbName ){
      fossil_print("config-db:    %s\n", g.zConfigDbName);
    if( vid ){
      show_common_info(vid, "checkout:", 1, 1);

  /* Find and print all requested changes. */
  status_report(&report, flags);
  if( blob_size(&report) ){
    if( showHdr ){
        "Changes for %s at %s:\n", db_get("project-name", "<unnamed>"),
    blob_write_to_file(&report, "-");
  }else if( verboseFlag ){
    fossil_print("  (none)\n");

  /* The status command ends with warnings about ambiguous leaves (forks). */
  if( command==STATUS ){
    leaf_ambiguity_warning(vid, vid);

/* zIn is a string that is guaranteed to be followed by \n.  Return
** a pointer to the next line after the \n.  The returned value might
** point to the \000 string terminator.
static const char *next_line(const char *zIn){
  const char *z = strchr(zIn, '\n');
  assert( z!=0 );
  return z+1;

/* zIn is a non-empty list of filenames in sorted order and separated
** by \n.  There might be a cluster of lines that have the same n-character
** prefix.  Return a pointer to the start of the last line of that
** cluster.  The return value might be zIn if the first line of zIn is
** unique in its first n character.
static const char *last_line(const char *zIn, int n){
  const char *zLast = zIn;
  const char *z;
  while( 1 ){
    z = next_line(zLast);
    if( z[0]==0 || (n>0 && strncmp(zIn, z, n)!=0) ) break;
    zLast = z;
  return zLast;

** Print a section of a filelist hierarchy graph.  This is a helper
** routine for print_filelist_as_tree() below.
static const char *print_filelist_section(
  const char *zIn,           /* List of filenames, separated by \n */
  const char *zLast,         /* Last filename in the list to print */
  const char *zPrefix,       /* Prefix so put before each output line */
  int nDir                   /* Ignore this many characters of directory name */
  /* Unicode box-drawing characters: U+251C, U+2514, U+2502 */
  const char *zENTRY = "\342\224\234\342\224\200\342\224\200 ";
  const char *zLASTE = "\342\224\224\342\224\200\342\224\200 ";   
  const char *zCONTU = "\342\224\202   ";
  const char *zBLANK = "    ";

  while( zIn<=zLast ){
    int i;
    for(i=nDir; zIn[i]!='\n' && zIn[i]!='/'; i++){}
    if( zIn[i]=='/' ){
      char *zSubPrefix;
      const char *zSubLast = last_line(zIn, i+1);
      zSubPrefix = mprintf("%s%s", zPrefix, zSubLast==zLast ? zBLANK : zCONTU);
      fossil_print("%s%s%.*s\n", zPrefix, zSubLast==zLast ? zLASTE : zENTRY,
                   i-nDir, &zIn[nDir]);
      zIn = print_filelist_section(zIn, zSubLast, zSubPrefix, i+1);
      fossil_print("%s%s%.*s\n", zPrefix, zIn==zLast ? zLASTE : zENTRY,
                   i-nDir, &zIn[nDir]);
      zIn = next_line(zIn);
  return zIn;

** Input blob pList is a list of filenames, one filename per line,
** in sorted order and with / directory separators.  Output this list
** as a tree in a manner similar to the "tree" command on Linux.
static void print_filelist_as_tree(Blob *pList){
  char *zAll;
  const char *zLast;
  fossil_print("%s\n", g.zLocalRoot);
  zAll = blob_str(pList);
  if( zAll[0] ){
    zLast = last_line(zAll, 0);
    print_filelist_section(zAll, zLast, "", 0);

** Take care of -r version of ls command
static void ls_cmd_rev(
  const char *zRev,  /* Revision string given */
  int verboseFlag,   /* Verbose flag given */
  int showAge,       /* Age flag given */
  int timeOrder,     /* Order by time flag given */
  int treeFmt        /* Show output in the tree format */
  Stmt q;
  char *zOrderBy = "pathname COLLATE nocase";
  char *zName;
  Blob where;
  int rid;
  int i;
  Blob out;

  /* Handle given file names */
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    Blob fname;
    file_tree_name(g.argv[i], &fname, 0, 1);
    zName = blob_str(&fname);
    if( fossil_strcmp(zName, ".")==0 ){
      " %s (pathname=%Q %s) "
      "OR (pathname>'%q/' %s AND pathname<'%q0' %s)",
      (blob_size(&where)>0) ? "OR" : "AND (", zName,
      filename_collation(), zName, filename_collation(),
      zName, filename_collation()
  if( blob_size(&where)>0 ){
    blob_append_sql(&where, ")");

  rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zRev, "ci");
  if( rid==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("not a valid check-in: %s", zRev);

  if( timeOrder ){
    zOrderBy = "mtime DESC";

    "SELECT datetime(fileage.mtime, toLocal()), fileage.pathname,\n"
    "       blob.size\n"
    "  FROM fileage, blob\n"
    " WHERE blob.rid=fileage.fid %s\n"
    " ORDER BY %s;", blob_sql_text(&where), zOrderBy /*safe-for-%s*/
  if( treeFmt ) blob_init(&out, 0, 0);

  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zTime = db_column_text(&q,0);
    const char *zFile = db_column_text(&q,1);
    int size = db_column_int(&q,2);
    if( treeFmt ){
      blob_appendf(&out, "%s\n", zFile);
    }else if( verboseFlag ){
      fossil_print("%s  %7d  %s\n", zTime, size, zFile);
    }else if( showAge ){
      fossil_print("%s  %s\n", zTime, zFile);
      fossil_print("%s\n", zFile);
  if( treeFmt ){

** COMMAND: ls
** Usage: %fossil ls ?OPTIONS? ?PATHS ...?
** List all files in the current check-out.  If PATHS is included, only the
** named files (or their children if directories) are shown.
** The ls command is essentially two related commands in one, depending on
** whether or not the -r option is given.  -r selects a specific check-in
** version to list, in which case -R can be used to select the repository.
** The fine behavior of the --age, -v, and -t options is altered by the -r
** option as well, as explained below.
** The --age option displays file commit times.  Like -r, --age has the
** side effect of making -t sort by commit time, not modification time.
** The -v option provides extra information about each file.  Without -r,
** -v displays the change status, in the manner of the changes command.
** With -r, -v shows the commit time and size of the checked-in files.
** The -t option changes the sort order.  Without -t, files are sorted by
** path and name (case insensitive sort if -r).  If neither --age nor -r
** are used, -t sorts by modification time, otherwise by commit time.
** Options:
**   --age                 Show when each file was committed
**   --hash                With -v, verify file status using hashing
**                         rather than relying on file sizes and mtimes
**   -r VERSION            The specific check-in to list
**   -R|--repository REPO  Extract info from repository REPO
**   -t                    Sort output in time order
**   --tree                Tree format
**   -v|--verbose          Provide extra information about each file
** See also: [[changes]], [[extras]], [[status]], [[tree]]
void ls_cmd(void){
  int vid;
  Stmt q;
  int verboseFlag;
  int showAge;
  int treeFmt;
  int timeOrder;
  char *zOrderBy = "pathname";
  Blob where;
  int i;
  int useHash = 0;
  const char *zName;
  const char *zRev;

  verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v", 0)!=0;
  if( !verboseFlag ){
    verboseFlag = find_option("l","l", 0)!=0; /* deprecated */
  showAge = find_option("age",0,0)!=0;
  zRev = find_option("r","r",1);
  timeOrder = find_option("t","t",0)!=0;
  if( verboseFlag ){
    useHash = find_option("hash",0,0)!=0;
  treeFmt = find_option("tree",0,0)!=0;
  if( treeFmt ){
    if( zRev==0 ) zRev = "current";

  if( zRev!=0 ){
    db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
  }else if( find_option("R",0,1)!=0 ){
    fossil_fatal("the -r is required in addition to -R");

  vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
  if( timeOrder ){
    if( showAge ){
      zOrderBy = mprintf("checkin_mtime(%d,rid) DESC", vid);
      zOrderBy = "mtime DESC";
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    Blob fname;
    file_tree_name(g.argv[i], &fname, 0, 1);
    zName = blob_str(&fname);
    if( fossil_strcmp(zName, ".")==0 ){
       " %s (pathname=%Q %s) "
       "OR (pathname>'%q/' %s AND pathname<'%q0' %s)",
       (blob_size(&where)>0) ? "OR" : "WHERE", zName,
       filename_collation(), zName, filename_collation(),
       zName, filename_collation()
  vfile_check_signature(vid, useHash ? CKSIG_HASH : 0);
  if( showAge ){
       "SELECT pathname, deleted, rid, chnged, coalesce(origname!=pathname,0),"
       "       datetime(checkin_mtime(%d,rid),'unixepoch',toLocal())"
       "  FROM vfile %s"
       " ORDER BY %s",
       vid, blob_sql_text(&where), zOrderBy /*safe-for-%s*/
       "SELECT pathname, deleted, rid, chnged,"
       "       coalesce(origname!=pathname,0), islink"
       "  FROM vfile %s"
       " ORDER BY %s", blob_sql_text(&where), zOrderBy /*safe-for-%s*/
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zPathname = db_column_text(&q,0);
    int isDeleted = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    int isNew = db_column_int(&q,2)==0;
    int chnged = db_column_int(&q,3);
    int renamed = db_column_int(&q,4);
    int isLink = db_column_int(&q,5);
    char *zFullName = mprintf("%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zPathname);
    const char *type = "";
    if( verboseFlag ){
      if( isNew ){
        type = "ADDED      ";
      }else if( isDeleted ){
        type = "DELETED    ";
      }else if( !file_isfile_or_link(zFullName) ){
        if( file_access(zFullName, F_OK)==0 ){
          type = "NOT_A_FILE ";
          type = "MISSING    ";
      }else if( chnged ){
        if( chnged==2 ){
          type = "UPDATED_BY_MERGE ";
        }else if( chnged==3 ){
          type = "ADDED_BY_MERGE ";
        }else if( chnged==4 ){
          type = "UPDATED_BY_INTEGRATE ";
        }else if( chnged==5 ){
          type = "ADDED_BY_INTEGRATE ";
        }else if( !isLink && file_contains_merge_marker(zFullName) ){
          type = "CONFLICT   ";
          type = "EDITED     ";
      }else if( renamed ){
        type = "RENAMED    ";
        type = "UNCHANGED  ";
    if( showAge ){
      fossil_print("%s%s  %s\n", type, db_column_text(&q, 5), zPathname);
      fossil_print("%s%s\n", type, zPathname);

** COMMAND: tree
** Usage: %fossil tree ?OPTIONS? ?PATHS ...?
** List all files in the current check-out in after the fashion of the
** "tree" command.  If PATHS is included, only the named files
** (or their children if directories) are shown.
** Options:
**   -r VERSION            The specific check-in to list
**   -R|--repository REPO  Extract info from repository REPO
** See also: [[ls]]
void tree_cmd(void){
  const char *zRev;

  zRev = find_option("r","r",1);
  if( zRev==0 ) zRev = "current";
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);

** COMMAND: extras
** Usage: %fossil extras ?OPTIONS? ?PATH1 ...?
** Print a list of all files in the source tree that are not part of the
** current check-out. See also the "clean" command. If paths are specified,
** only files in the given directories will be listed.
** Files and subdirectories whose names begin with "." are normally
** ignored but can be included by adding the --dotfiles option.
** Files whose names match any of the glob patterns in the "ignore-glob"
** setting are ignored. This setting can be overridden by the --ignore
** option, whose CSG argument is a comma-separated list of glob patterns.
** Pathnames are displayed according to the "relative-paths" setting,
** unless overridden by the --abs-paths or --rel-paths options.
** Options:
**    --abs-paths             Display absolute pathnames
**    --case-sensitive BOOL   Override case-sensitive setting
**    --dotfiles              Include files beginning with a dot (".")
**    --header                Identify the repository if there are extras
**    --ignore CSG            Ignore files matching patterns from the argument
**    --rel-paths             Display pathnames relative to the current working
**                            directory
**    --tree                  Show output in the tree format
** See also: [[changes]], [[clean]], [[status]]
void extras_cmd(void){
  Blob report = BLOB_INITIALIZER;
  const char *zIgnoreFlag = find_option("ignore",0,1);
  unsigned scanFlags = find_option("dotfiles",0,0)!=0 ? SCAN_ALL : 0;
  unsigned flags = C_EXTRA;
  int showHdr = find_option("header",0,0)!=0;
  int treeFmt = find_option("tree",0,0)!=0;
  Glob *pIgnore;

  if( find_option("temp",0,0)!=0 ) scanFlags |= SCAN_TEMP;

  if( determine_cwd_relative_option() ){
    flags |= C_RELPATH;

  if( db_get_boolean("dotfiles", 0) ) scanFlags |= SCAN_ALL;

  if( treeFmt ){
    flags &= ~C_RELPATH;

  /* We should be done with options.. */

  if( zIgnoreFlag==0 ){
    zIgnoreFlag = db_get("ignore-glob", 0);
  pIgnore = glob_create(zIgnoreFlag);
  locate_unmanaged_files(g.argc-2, g.argv+2, scanFlags, pIgnore);

  status_report(&report, flags);
  if( blob_size(&report) ){
    if( showHdr ){
      fossil_print("Extras for %s at %s:\n", db_get("project-name","<unnamed>"),
    if( treeFmt ){
      blob_write_to_file(&report, "-");

** COMMAND: clean
** Usage: %fossil clean ?OPTIONS? ?PATH ...?
** Delete all "extra" files in the source tree.  "Extra" files are files
** that are not officially part of the check-out.  If one or more PATH
** arguments appear, then only the files named, or files contained with
** directories named, will be removed.
** If the --prompt option is used, prompts are issued to confirm the
** permanent removal of each file.  Otherwise, files are backed up to the
** undo buffer prior to removal, and prompts are issued only for files
** whose removal cannot be undone due to their large size or due to
** --disable-undo being used.
** The --force option treats all prompts as having been answered yes,
** whereas --no-prompt treats them as having been answered no.
** Files matching any glob pattern specified by the --clean option are
** deleted without prompting, and the removal cannot be undone.
** No file that matches glob patterns specified by --ignore or --keep will
** ever be deleted.  Files and subdirectories whose names begin with "."
** are automatically ignored unless the --dotfiles option is used.
** The default values for --clean, --ignore, and --keep are determined by
** the (versionable) clean-glob, ignore-glob, and keep-glob settings.
** The --verily option ignores the keep-glob and ignore-glob settings and
** turns on --force, --emptydirs, --dotfiles, and --disable-undo.  Use the
** --verily option when you really want to clean up everything.  Extreme
** care should be exercised when using the --verily option.
** Options:
**    --allckouts            Check for empty directories within any check-outs
**                           that may be nested within the current one.  This
**                           option should be used with great care because the
**                           empty-dirs setting (and other applicable settings)
**                           belonging to the other repositories, if any, will
**                           not be checked.
**    --case-sensitive BOOL  Override case-sensitive setting
**    --dirsonly             Only remove empty directories.  No files will
**                           be removed.  Using this option will automatically
**                           enable the --emptydirs option as well.
**    --disable-undo         WARNING: This option disables use of the undo
**                           mechanism for this clean operation and should be
**                           used with extreme caution.
**    --dotfiles             Include files beginning with a dot (".")
**    --emptydirs            Remove any empty directories that are not
**                           explicitly exempted via the empty-dirs setting
**                           or another applicable setting or command line
**                           argument.  Matching files, if any, are removed
**                           prior to checking for any empty directories;
**                           therefore, directories that contain only files
**                           that were removed will be removed as well.
**    -f|--force             Remove files without prompting
**    -i|--prompt            Prompt before removing each file.  This option
**                           implies the --disable-undo option.
**    -x|--verily            WARNING: Removes everything that is not a managed
**                           file or the repository itself.  This option
**                           implies the --force, --emptydirs, --dotfiles, and
**                           --disable-undo options. Furthermore, it
**                           completely disregards the keep-glob
**                           and ignore-glob settings.  However, it does honor
**                           the --ignore and --keep options.
**    --clean CSG            WARNING: Never prompt to delete any files matching
**                           this comma separated list of glob patterns.  Also,
**                           deletions of any files matching this pattern list
**                           cannot be undone.
**    --ignore CSG           Ignore files matching patterns from the
**                           comma separated list of glob patterns
**    --keep <CSG>           Keep files matching this comma separated
**                           list of glob patterns
**    -n|--dry-run           Delete nothing, but display what would have been
**                           deleted
**    --no-prompt            Do not prompt the user for input and assume an
**                           answer of 'No' for every question
**    --temp                 Remove only Fossil-generated temporary files
**    -v|--verbose           Show all files as they are removed
** See also: [[addremove]], [[extras]], [[status]]
void clean_cmd(void){
  int allFileFlag, allDirFlag, dryRunFlag, verboseFlag;
  int emptyDirsFlag, dirsOnlyFlag;
  int disableUndo, noPrompt;
  int alwaysPrompt = 0;
  unsigned scanFlags = 0;
  int verilyFlag = 0;
  const char *zIgnoreFlag, *zKeepFlag, *zCleanFlag;
  Glob *pIgnore, *pKeep, *pClean;
  int nRoot;

#ifndef UNDO_SIZE_LIMIT  /* TODO: Setting? */
#define UNDO_SIZE_LIMIT  (10*1024*1024) /* 10MiB */

  dryRunFlag = find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0;
  if( !dryRunFlag ){
    dryRunFlag = find_option("test",0,0)!=0; /* deprecated */
  if( !dryRunFlag ){
    dryRunFlag = find_option("whatif",0,0)!=0;
  disableUndo = find_option("disable-undo",0,0)!=0;
  noPrompt = find_option("no-prompt",0,0)!=0;
  alwaysPrompt = find_option("prompt","i",0)!=0;
  allFileFlag = allDirFlag = find_option("force","f",0)!=0;
  dirsOnlyFlag = find_option("dirsonly",0,0)!=0;
  emptyDirsFlag = find_option("emptydirs","d",0)!=0 || dirsOnlyFlag;
  if( find_option("dotfiles",0,0)!=0 ) scanFlags |= SCAN_ALL;
  if( find_option("temp",0,0)!=0 ) scanFlags |= SCAN_TEMP;
  if( find_option("allckouts",0,0)!=0 ) scanFlags |= SCAN_NESTED;
  zIgnoreFlag = find_option("ignore",0,1);
  verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v",0)!=0;
  zKeepFlag = find_option("keep",0,1);
  zCleanFlag = find_option("clean",0,1);
  if( find_option("verily","x",0)!=0 ){
    verilyFlag = allFileFlag = allDirFlag = 1;
    emptyDirsFlag = 1;
    disableUndo = 1;
    scanFlags |= SCAN_ALL;
    zCleanFlag = 0;
  if( zIgnoreFlag==0 && !verilyFlag ){
    zIgnoreFlag = db_get("ignore-glob", 0);
  if( zKeepFlag==0 && !verilyFlag ){
    zKeepFlag = db_get("keep-glob", 0);
  if( zCleanFlag==0 && !verilyFlag ){
    zCleanFlag = db_get("clean-glob", 0);
  if( db_get_boolean("dotfiles", 0) ) scanFlags |= SCAN_ALL;
  pIgnore = glob_create(zIgnoreFlag);
  pKeep = glob_create(zKeepFlag);
  pClean = glob_create(zCleanFlag);
  nRoot = (int)strlen(g.zLocalRoot);
  if( !dirsOnlyFlag ){
    Stmt q;
    Blob repo;
    if( !dryRunFlag && !disableUndo ) undo_begin();
    locate_unmanaged_files(g.argc-2, g.argv+2, scanFlags, pIgnore);
        "SELECT %Q || pathname FROM sfile"
        " WHERE pathname NOT IN (%s)"
        " ORDER BY 1",
        g.zLocalRoot, fossil_all_reserved_names(0)
    if( file_tree_name(g.zRepositoryName, &repo, 0, 0) ){
      db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM sfile WHERE pathname=%B", &repo);
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM sfile WHERE pathname IN"
                  " (SELECT pathname FROM vfile)");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      if( glob_match(pKeep, zName+nRoot) ){
        if( verboseFlag ){
          fossil_print("KEPT file \"%s\" not removed (due to --keep"
                       " or \"keep-glob\")\n", zName+nRoot);
      if( !dryRunFlag && !glob_match(pClean, zName+nRoot) ){
        char *zPrompt = 0;
        char cReply;
        Blob ans = empty_blob;
        int undoRc = UNDO_NONE;
        if( alwaysPrompt ){
          zPrompt = mprintf("Remove unmanaged file \"%s\" (a=all/y/N)? ",
          prompt_user(zPrompt, &ans);
          cReply = fossil_toupper(blob_str(&ans)[0]);
          if( cReply=='N' ) continue;
          if( cReply=='A' ){
            allFileFlag = 1;
            alwaysPrompt = 0;
            undoRc = UNDO_SAVED_OK;
        }else if( !disableUndo ){
          undoRc = undo_maybe_save(zName+nRoot, UNDO_SIZE_LIMIT);
        if( undoRc!=UNDO_SAVED_OK ){
          if( allFileFlag ){
            cReply = 'Y';
          }else if( !noPrompt ){
            Blob ans;
            zPrompt = mprintf("\nWARNING: Deletion of this file will "
                              "not be undoable via the 'undo'\n"
                              "         command because %s.\n\n"
                              "Remove unmanaged file \"%s\" (a=all/y/N)? ",
                              undo_save_message(undoRc), zName+nRoot);
            prompt_user(zPrompt, &ans);
            cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
            cReply = 'N';
          if( cReply=='a' || cReply=='A' ){
            allFileFlag = 1;
          }else if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){
      if( dryRunFlag || file_delete(zName)==0 ){
        if( verboseFlag || dryRunFlag ){
          fossil_print("Removed unmanaged file: %s\n", zName+nRoot);
        fossil_print("Could not remove file: %s\n", zName+nRoot);
    if( !dryRunFlag && !disableUndo ) undo_finish();
  if( emptyDirsFlag ){
    Glob *pEmptyDirs = glob_create(db_get("empty-dirs", 0));
    Stmt q;
    Blob root;
    blob_init(&root, g.zLocalRoot, nRoot - 1);
    vfile_dir_scan(&root, blob_size(&root), scanFlags, pIgnore,
                   pEmptyDirs, RepoFILE);
        "SELECT %Q || x FROM dscan_temp"
        " WHERE x NOT IN (%s) AND y = 0"
        " ORDER BY 1 DESC",
        g.zLocalRoot, fossil_all_reserved_names(0)
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      if( glob_match(pKeep, zName+nRoot) ){
        if( verboseFlag ){
          fossil_print("KEPT directory \"%s\" not removed (due to --keep"
                       " or \"keep-glob\")\n", zName+nRoot);
      if( !allDirFlag && !dryRunFlag && !glob_match(pClean, zName+nRoot) ){
        char cReply;
        if( !noPrompt ){
          Blob ans;
          char *prompt = mprintf("Remove empty directory \"%s\" (a=all/y/N)? ",
          prompt_user(prompt, &ans);
          cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
          cReply = 'N';
        if( cReply=='a' || cReply=='A' ){
          allDirFlag = 1;
        }else if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){
      if( dryRunFlag || file_rmdir(zName)==0 ){
        if( verboseFlag || dryRunFlag ){
          fossil_print("Removed unmanaged directory: %s\n", zName+nRoot);
      }else if( verboseFlag ){
        fossil_print("Could not remove directory: %s\n", zName+nRoot);

** Prompt the user for a check-in or stash comment (given in pPrompt),
** gather the response, then return the response in pComment.
** Lines of the prompt that begin with # are discarded.  Excess whitespace
** is removed from the reply.
** Appropriate encoding translations are made on windows.
void prompt_for_user_comment(Blob *pComment, Blob *pPrompt){
  const char *zEditor;
  char *zCmd;
  char *zFile;
  Blob reply, line;
  char *zComment;
  int i;

  zEditor = fossil_text_editor();
  if( zEditor==0 ){
    if( blob_size(pPrompt)>0 ){
         "# Since no default text editor is set using EDITOR or VISUAL\n"
         "# environment variables or the \"fossil set editor\" command,\n"
         "# and because no comment was specified using the \"-m\" or \"-M\"\n"
         "# command-line options, you will need to enter the comment below.\n"
         "# Type \".\" on a line by itself when you are done:\n", -1);
    zFile = mprintf("-");
    Blob fname;
    if( g.zLocalRoot!=0 ){
      file_relative_name(g.zLocalRoot, &fname, 1);
      zFile = db_text(0, "SELECT '%qci-comment-'||hex(randomblob(6))||'.txt'",
      file_tempname(&fname, "ci-comment",0);
      zFile = mprintf("%s", blob_str(&fname));
#if defined(_WIN32)
  if( blob_size(pPrompt)>0 ) blob_write_to_file(pPrompt, zFile);
  if( zEditor ){
    char *z, *zEnd;
    zCmd = mprintf("%s %$", zEditor, zFile);
    fossil_print("%s\n", zCmd);
    if( fossil_system(zCmd) ){
      fossil_fatal("editor aborted: \"%s\"", zCmd);
    blob_read_from_file(&reply, zFile, ExtFILE);
    z = blob_str(&reply);
    zEnd = strstr(z, "##########");
    if( zEnd ){
      /* Truncate the reply at any sequence of 10 or more # characters.
      ** The diff for the -v option occurs after such a sequence. */
      blob_resize(&reply, (int)(zEnd - z));
    char zIn[300];
    while( fgets(zIn, sizeof(zIn), stdin)!=0 ){
      if( zIn[0]=='.' && (zIn[1]==0 || zIn[1]=='\r' || zIn[1]=='\n') ){
      blob_append(&reply, zIn, -1);
  blob_to_utf8_no_bom(&reply, 1);
  while( blob_line(&reply, &line) ){
    int i, n;
    char *z;
    n = blob_size(&line);
    z = blob_buffer(&line);
    for(i=0; i<n && fossil_isspace(z[i]);  i++){}
    if( i<n && z[i]=='#' ) continue;
    if( i<n || blob_size(pComment)>0 ){
      blob_appendf(pComment, "%b", &line);
  zComment = blob_str(pComment);
  i = strlen(zComment);
  while( i>0 && fossil_isspace(zComment[i-1]) ){ i--; }
  blob_resize(pComment, i);

** Prepare a commit comment.  Let the user modify it using the
** editor specified in the global_config table or either
** the VISUAL or EDITOR environment variable.
** Store the final commit comment in pComment.  pComment is assumed
** to be uninitialized - any prior content is overwritten.
** zInit is the text of the most recent failed attempt to check in
** this same change.  Use zInit to reinitialize the check-in comment
** so that the user does not have to retype.
** zBranch is the name of a new branch that this check-in is forced into.
** zBranch might be NULL or an empty string if no forcing occurs.
** parent_rid is the recordid of the parent check-in.
static void prepare_commit_comment(
  Blob *pComment,
  char *zInit,
  CheckinInfo *p,
  int parent_rid,
  int dryRunFlag
  Blob prompt;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  int bomSize;
  const unsigned char *bom = get_utf8_bom(&bomSize);
  blob_init(&prompt, (const char *) bom, bomSize);
  if( zInit && zInit[0]){
    blob_append(&prompt, zInit, -1);
  blob_init(&prompt, zInit, -1);
    "# Enter a commit message for this check-in."
        " Lines beginning with # are ignored.\n"
    "#\n", -1
  if( dryRunFlag ){
    blob_appendf(&prompt, "# DRY-RUN:  This is a test commit.  No changes "
                          "will be made to the repository\n#\n");
  blob_appendf(&prompt, "# user: %s\n",
               p->zUserOvrd ? p->zUserOvrd : login_name());
  if( p->zBranch && p->zBranch[0] ){
    blob_appendf(&prompt, "# tags: %s\n#\n", p->zBranch);
    char *zTags = info_tags_of_checkin(parent_rid, 1);
    if( zTags || p->azTag ){
      blob_append(&prompt, "# tags: ", 8);
        blob_appendf(&prompt, "%z%s", zTags, p->azTag ? ", " : "");
        int i = 0;
        for( ; p->azTag[i]; ++i ){
          blob_appendf(&prompt, "%s%s", p->azTag[i],
                       p->azTag[i+1] ? ", " : "");
      blob_appendf(&prompt, "\n#\n");
  status_report(&prompt, C_DEFAULT | C_FATAL | C_COMMENT);
  if( g.markPrivate ){
      "# PRIVATE BRANCH: This check-in will be private and will not sync to\n"
      "# repositories.\n"
      "#\n", -1
  if( p->integrateFlag ){
      "# All merged-in branches will be closed due to the --integrate flag\n"
      "#\n", -1
  if( p->verboseFlag ){
    DiffConfig DCfg;
        "# The following diff is excluded from the commit message:\n#\n",
    diff_options(&DCfg, 0, 1);
    DCfg.diffFlags |= DIFF_VERBOSE;
    if( g.aCommitFile ){
      Stmt q;
      Blob sql = BLOB_INITIALIZER;
      FileDirList *diffFiles;
      int i;
      for(i=0; g.aCommitFile[i]!=0; ++i){}
      diffFiles = fossil_malloc_zero((i+1) * sizeof(*diffFiles));
      for(i=0; g.aCommitFile[i]!=0; ++i){
                        "SELECT pathname, deleted, rid WHERE id=%d",
        db_prepare(&q, "%s", blob_sql_text(&sql));
        assert( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW );
        diffFiles[i].zName = fossil_strdup(db_column_text(&q, 0));
        DCfg.diffFlags &= (~DIFF_FILE_MASK);
        if( db_column_int(&q, 1) ){
          DCfg.diffFlags |= DIFF_FILE_DELETED;
        }else if( db_column_int(&q, 2)==0 ){
          DCfg.diffFlags |= DIFF_FILE_ADDED;
        if( fossil_strcmp(diffFiles[i].zName, "." )==0 ){
          diffFiles[0].zName[0] = '.';
          diffFiles[0].zName[1] = 0;
        diffFiles[i].nName = strlen(diffFiles[i].zName);
        diffFiles[i].nUsed = 0;
      diff_against_disk(0, &DCfg, diffFiles, &prompt);
      for( i=0; diffFiles[i].zName; ++i ){
      diff_against_disk(0, &DCfg, 0, &prompt);
  prompt_for_user_comment(pComment, &prompt);

** Prepare text that describes a pending commit and write it into
** a file at the root of the check-in.  Return the name of that file.
** Space to hold the returned filename is obtained from fossil_malloc()
** and should be freed by the caller.  The caller should also unlink
** the file when it is done.
static char *prepare_commit_description_file(
  CheckinInfo *p,     /* Information about this commit */
  int parent_rid,     /* parent check-in */
  Blob *pComment,     /* Check-in comment */
  int dryRunFlag      /* True for a dry-run only */
  Blob *pDesc;
  char *zTags;
  char *zFilename;
  Blob desc;
  blob_init(&desc, 0, 0);
  pDesc = &desc;
  blob_appendf(pDesc, "checkout %s\n", g.zLocalRoot);
  blob_appendf(pDesc, "repository %s\n", g.zRepositoryName);
  blob_appendf(pDesc, "user %s\n",
               p->zUserOvrd ? p->zUserOvrd : login_name());
  blob_appendf(pDesc, "branch %s\n",
    (p->zBranch && p->zBranch[0]) ? p->zBranch : "trunk");
  zTags = info_tags_of_checkin(parent_rid, 1);
  if( zTags || p->azTag ){
    blob_append(pDesc, "tags ", -1);
      blob_appendf(pDesc, "%z%s", zTags, p->azTag ? ", " : "");
      int i = 0;
      for( ; p->azTag[i]; ++i ){
        blob_appendf(pDesc, "%s%s", p->azTag[i],
                     p->azTag[i+1] ? ", " : "");
    blob_appendf(pDesc, "\n");
  status_report(pDesc, C_DEFAULT | C_FATAL);
  if( g.markPrivate ){
    blob_append(pDesc, "private-branch\n", -1);
  if( p->integrateFlag ){
    blob_append(pDesc, "integrate\n", -1);
  if( pComment && blob_size(pComment)>0 ){
    blob_appendf(pDesc, "checkin-comment\n%s\n", blob_str(pComment));
  if( dryRunFlag ){
    zFilename = 0;
    fossil_print("******* Commit Description *******\n%s"
                 "***** End Commit Description *****\n",
    unsigned int r[2];
    sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(r), r);
    zFilename = mprintf("%scommit-description-%08x%08x.txt",
                        g.zLocalRoot, r[0], r[1]);
    blob_write_to_file(pDesc, zFilename);
  return zFilename;

** Populate the Global.aCommitFile[] based on the command line arguments
** to a [commit] command. Global.aCommitFile is an array of integers
** sized at (N+1), where N is the number of arguments passed to [commit].
** The contents are the [id] values from the vfile table corresponding
** to the filenames passed as arguments.
** The last element of aCommitFile[] is always 0 - indicating the end
** of the array.
** If there were no arguments passed to [commit], aCommitFile is not
** allocated and remains NULL. Other parts of the code interpret this
** to mean "all files".
** Returns 1 if there was a warning, 0 otherwise.
int select_commit_files(void){
  int result = 0;
  assert( g.aCommitFile==0 );
  if( g.argc>2 ){
    int ii, jj=0;
    Blob fname;
    Stmt q;
    Bag toCommit;

    for(ii=2; ii<g.argc; ii++){
      int cnt = 0;
      file_tree_name(g.argv[ii], &fname, 0, 1);
      if( fossil_strcmp(blob_str(&fname),".")==0 ){
        return result;
        "SELECT id FROM vfile WHERE pathname=%Q %s"
        " OR (pathname>'%q/' %s AND pathname<'%q0' %s)",
        blob_str(&fname), filename_collation(), blob_str(&fname),
        filename_collation(), blob_str(&fname), filename_collation());
      while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        bag_insert(&toCommit, db_column_int(&q, 0));
      if( cnt==0 ){
        fossil_warning("fossil knows nothing about: %s", g.argv[ii]);
        result = 1;
    g.aCommitFile = fossil_malloc( (bag_count(&toCommit)+1) *
                                      sizeof(g.aCommitFile[0]) );
    for(ii=bag_first(&toCommit); ii>0; ii=bag_next(&toCommit, ii)){
      g.aCommitFile[jj++] = ii;
    g.aCommitFile[jj] = 0;
  return result;

** Returns true if the check-in identified by the first parameter is
** older than the given (valid) date/time string, else returns false.
** Also returns true if rid does not refer to a check-in, but it is not
** intended to be used for that case.
int checkin_is_younger(
  int rid,              /* The record ID of the ancestor */
  const char *zDate     /* Date & time of the current check-in */
  return db_exists(
    "SELECT 1 FROM event"
    " WHERE datetime(mtime)>=%Q"
    "   AND type='ci' AND objid=%d",
    zDate, rid
  ) ? 0 : 1;

** Make sure the current check-in with timestamp zDate is younger than its
** ancestor identified rid and zUuid.  Throw a fatal error if not.
static void checkin_verify_younger(
  int rid,              /* The record ID of the ancestor */
  const char *zUuid,    /* The artifact hash of the ancestor */
  const char *zDate     /* Date & time of the current check-in */
    fossil_fatal("ancestor check-in [%S] (%s) is not older (clock skew?)"
                 " Use --allow-older to override.", zUuid, zDate);

** zDate should be a valid date string.  Convert this string into the
** format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.  If the string is not a valid date,
** print a fatal error and quit.
char *date_in_standard_format(const char *zInputDate){
  char *zDate;
  if( g.perm.Setup && fossil_strcmp(zInputDate,"now")==0 ){
    zInputDate = PD("date_override","now");
  zDate = db_text(0, "SELECT strftime('%%Y-%%m-%%dT%%H:%%M:%%f',%Q)",
  if( zDate[0]==0 ){
      "unrecognized date format (%s): use \"YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSS\"",
  return zDate;

** COMMAND: test-date-format
** Usage: %fossil test-date-format DATE-STRING...
** Convert the DATE-STRING into the standard format used in artifacts
** and display the result.
void test_date_format(void){
  int i;
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA, 0);
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    fossil_print("%s -> %s\n", g.argv[i], date_in_standard_format(g.argv[i]));

** The following structure holds some of the information needed to construct a
** check-in manifest.
struct CheckinInfo {
  Blob *pComment;             /* Check-in comment text */
  const char *zMimetype;      /* Mimetype of check-in command.  May be NULL */
  int verifyDate;             /* Verify that child is younger */
  int closeFlag;              /* Close the branch being committed */
  int integrateFlag;          /* Close merged-in branches */
  int verboseFlag;            /* Show diff in editor for check-in comment */
  Blob *pCksum;               /* Repository checksum.  May be 0 */
  const char *zDateOvrd;      /* Date override.  If 0 then use 'now' */
  const char *zUserOvrd;      /* User override.  If 0 then use login_name() */
  const char *zBranch;        /* Branch name.  May be 0 */
  const char *zColor;         /* One-time background color.  May be 0 */
  const char *zBrClr;         /* Persistent branch color.  May be 0 */
  const char **azTag;         /* Tags to apply to this check-in */
#endif /* INTERFACE */

** Create a manifest.
static void create_manifest(
  Blob *pOut,                 /* Write the manifest here */
  const char *zBaselineUuid,  /* Hash of baseline, or zero */
  Manifest *pBaseline,        /* Make it a delta manifest if not zero */
  int vid,                    /* for the parent check-in */
  CheckinInfo *p,             /* Information about the check-in */
  int *pnFBcard               /* OUT: Number of generated B- and F-cards */
  char *zDate;                /* Date of the check-in */
  char *zParentUuid = 0;      /* Hash of parent check-in */
  Blob filename;              /* A single filename */
  int nBasename;              /* Size of base filename */
  Stmt q;                     /* Various queries */
  Blob mcksum;                /* Manifest checksum */
  ManifestFile *pFile;        /* File from the baseline */
  int nFBcard = 0;            /* Number of B-cards and F-cards */
  int i;                      /* Loop counter */
  const char *zColor;         /* Modified value of p->zColor */

  assert( pBaseline==0 || pBaseline->zBaseline==0 );
  assert( pBaseline==0 || zBaselineUuid!=0 );
  if( vid ){
    zParentUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d AND "
      "EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM event WHERE event.type='ci' and event.objid=%d)",
      vid, vid);
    if( !zParentUuid ){
      fossil_fatal("Could not find a valid check-in for RID %d. "
                   "Possible check-out/repo mismatch.", vid);
  if( pBaseline ){
    blob_appendf(pOut, "B %s\n", zBaselineUuid);
    pFile = manifest_file_next(pBaseline, 0);
    pFile = 0;
  if( blob_size(p->pComment)!=0 ){
    blob_appendf(pOut, "C %F\n", blob_str(p->pComment));
    blob_append(pOut, "C (no\\scomment)\n", 16);
  zDate = date_in_standard_format(p->zDateOvrd ? p->zDateOvrd : "now");
  blob_appendf(pOut, "D %s\n", zDate);
  zDate[10] = ' ';
    "SELECT pathname, uuid, origname, blob.rid, isexe, islink,"
    "       is_selected("
    "  FROM vfile JOIN blob ON vfile.mrid=blob.rid"
    " WHERE (NOT deleted OR NOT is_selected("
    "   AND vfile.vid=%d"
    " ORDER BY if_selected(, pathname, origname)",
  blob_appendf(&filename, "%s", g.zLocalRoot);
  nBasename = blob_size(&filename);
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    const char *zOrig = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    int frid = db_column_int(&q, 3);
    int isExe = db_column_int(&q, 4);
    int isLink = db_column_int(&q, 5);
    int isSelected = db_column_int(&q, 6);
    const char *zPerm;
    int cmp;

    blob_resize(&filename, nBasename);
    blob_append(&filename, zName, -1);

#if !defined(_WIN32)
    /* For unix, extract the "executable" and "symlink" permissions
    ** directly from the filesystem.  On windows, permissions are
    ** unchanged from the original.  However, only do this if the file
    ** itself is actually selected to be part of this check-in.
    if( isSelected ){
      int mPerm;

      mPerm = file_perm(blob_str(&filename), RepoFILE);
      isExe = ( mPerm==PERM_EXE );
      isLink = ( mPerm==PERM_LNK );
    if( isExe ){
      zPerm = " x";
    }else if( isLink ){
      zPerm = " l"; /* note: symlinks don't have executable bit on unix */
      zPerm = "";
    if( !g.markPrivate ) content_make_public(frid);
    while( pFile && fossil_strcmp(pFile->zName,zName)<0 ){
      blob_appendf(pOut, "F %F\n", pFile->zName);
      pFile = manifest_file_next(pBaseline, 0);
    cmp = 1;
    if( pFile==0
      || (cmp = fossil_strcmp(pFile->zName,zName))!=0
      || fossil_strcmp(pFile->zUuid, zUuid)!=0
      if( zOrig && !isSelected ){ zName = zOrig; zOrig = 0; }
      if( zOrig==0 || fossil_strcmp(zOrig,zName)==0 ){
        blob_appendf(pOut, "F %F %s%s\n", zName, zUuid, zPerm);
        if( zPerm[0]==0 ){ zPerm = " w"; }
        blob_appendf(pOut, "F %F %s%s %F\n", zName, zUuid, zPerm, zOrig);
    if( cmp==0 ) pFile = manifest_file_next(pBaseline,0);
  while( pFile ){
    blob_appendf(pOut, "F %F\n", pFile->zName);
    pFile = manifest_file_next(pBaseline, 0);
  if( p->zMimetype && p->zMimetype[0] ){
    blob_appendf(pOut, "N %F\n", p->zMimetype);
  if( vid ){
    blob_appendf(pOut, "P %s", zParentUuid);
    if( p->verifyDate ) checkin_verify_younger(vid, zParentUuid, zDate);
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT merge FROM vmerge WHERE id=0 OR id<-2");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      char *zMergeUuid;
      int mid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
      if( (!g.markPrivate && content_is_private(mid)) || (mid == vid) ){
      zMergeUuid = rid_to_uuid(mid);
      if( zMergeUuid ){
        blob_appendf(pOut, " %s", zMergeUuid);
        if( p->verifyDate ) checkin_verify_younger(mid, zMergeUuid, zDate);
    blob_appendf(pOut, "\n");

    "SELECT CASE WHEN -1 THEN '+' ELSE '-' END || mhash, merge"
    "  FROM vmerge"
    " WHERE ( OR"
    " ORDER BY 1");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zCherrypickUuid = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    int mid = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    if( (!g.markPrivate && content_is_private(mid)) || (mid == vid) ) continue;
    blob_appendf(pOut, "Q %s\n", zCherrypickUuid);

  if( p->pCksum ) blob_appendf(pOut, "R %b\n", p->pCksum);
  zColor = p->zColor;
  if( p->zBranch && p->zBranch[0] ){
    /* Set tags for the new branch */
    if( p->zBrClr && p->zBrClr[0] ){
      zColor = 0;
      blob_appendf(pOut, "T *bgcolor * %F\n", p->zBrClr);
    blob_appendf(pOut, "T *branch * %F\n", p->zBranch);
    blob_appendf(pOut, "T *sym-%F *\n", p->zBranch);
  if( zColor && zColor[0] ){
    /* One-time background color */
    blob_appendf(pOut, "T +bgcolor * %F\n", zColor);
  if( p->closeFlag ){
    blob_appendf(pOut, "T +closed *\n");
  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT mhash,merge FROM vmerge"
                 " WHERE id %s ORDER BY 1",
                 p->integrateFlag ? "IN(0,-4)" : "=(-4)");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zIntegrateUuid = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    int rid = db_column_int(&q, 1);
    if( is_a_leaf(rid) && !db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM tagxref "
        " WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d AND tagtype>0", TAG_CLOSED, rid)){
#if 0
      /* Make sure the check-in manifest of the resulting merge child does not
      ** include a +close tag referring to the leaf check-in on a private
      ** branch, so as not to generate a missing artifact reference on
      ** repository clones without that private branch.  The merge command
      ** should have dropped the --integrate option, at this point. */
      assert( !content_is_private(rid) );
      blob_appendf(pOut, "T +closed %s\n", zIntegrateUuid);

  if( p->azTag ){
    for(i=0; p->azTag[i]; i++){
      /* Add a symbolic tag to this check-in.  The tag names have already
      ** been sorted and converted using the %F format */
      assert( i==0 || strcmp(p->azTag[i-1], p->azTag[i])<=0 );
      blob_appendf(pOut, "T +sym-%s *\n", p->azTag[i]);
  if( p->zBranch && p->zBranch[0] ){
    /* For a new branch, cancel all prior propagating tags */
        "SELECT tagname FROM tagxref, tag"
        " WHERE tagxref.rid=%d AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid"
        "   AND tagtype==2 AND tagname GLOB 'sym-*'"
        "   AND tagname!='sym-'||%Q"
        " ORDER BY tagname",
        vid, p->zBranch);
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zBrTag = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      blob_appendf(pOut, "T -%F *\n", zBrTag);
  blob_appendf(pOut, "U %F\n", p->zUserOvrd ? p->zUserOvrd : login_name());
  md5sum_blob(pOut, &mcksum);
  blob_appendf(pOut, "Z %b\n", &mcksum);
  if( pnFBcard ) *pnFBcard = nFBcard;

** Issue a warning and give the user an opportunity to abandon out
** if a Unicode (UTF-16) byte-order-mark (BOM) or a \r\n line ending
** is seen in a text file.
** Return 1 if the user pressed 'c'. In that case, the file will have
** been converted to UTF-8 (if it was UTF-16) with LF line-endings,
** and the original file will have been renamed to "<filename>-original".
static int commit_warning(
  Blob *pContent,        /* The content of the file being committed. */
  int crlfOk,            /* Non-zero if CR/LF warnings should be disabled. */
  int binOk,             /* Non-zero if binary warnings should be disabled. */
  int encodingOk,        /* Non-zero if encoding warnings should be disabled. */
  int sizeOk,            /* Non-zero if oversize warnings are disabled */
  int noPrompt,          /* 0 to always prompt, 1 for 'N', 2 for 'Y'. */
  const char *zFilename, /* The full name of the file being committed. */
  Blob *pReason          /* Reason for warning, if any (non-fatal only). */
  int bReverse;           /* UTF-16 byte order is reversed? */
  int fUnicode;           /* return value of could_be_utf16() */
  int fBinary;            /* does the blob content appear to be binary? */
  int lookFlags;          /* output flags from looks_like_utf8/utf16() */
  int fHasAnyCr;          /* the blob contains one or more CR chars */
  int fHasLoneCrOnly;     /* all detected line endings are CR only */
  int fHasCrLfOnly;       /* all detected line endings are CR/LF pairs */
  int fHasInvalidUtf8 = 0;/* contains invalid UTF-8 */
  int fHasNul;            /* contains NUL chars? */
  int fHasLong;           /* overly long line? */
  char *zMsg;             /* Warning message */
  Blob fname;             /* Relative pathname of the file */
  static int allOk = 0;   /* Set to true to disable this routine */

  if( allOk ) return 0;
  if( sizeOk ){
    fUnicode = could_be_utf16(pContent, &bReverse);
    if( fUnicode ){
      lookFlags = looks_like_utf16(pContent, bReverse, LOOK_NUL);
      lookFlags = looks_like_utf8(pContent, LOOK_NUL);
      if( !(lookFlags & LOOK_BINARY) && invalid_utf8(pContent) ){
        fHasInvalidUtf8 = 1;
    fHasAnyCr = (lookFlags & LOOK_CR);
    fBinary = (lookFlags & LOOK_BINARY);
    fHasLoneCrOnly = ((lookFlags & LOOK_EOL) == LOOK_LONE_CR);
    fHasCrLfOnly = ((lookFlags & LOOK_EOL) == LOOK_CRLF);
    fHasNul = (lookFlags & LOOK_NUL);
    fHasLong = (lookFlags & LOOK_LONG);
    fUnicode = fHasAnyCr = fBinary = fHasInvalidUtf8 = 0;
    fHasLoneCrOnly = fHasCrLfOnly = fHasNul = fHasLong = 0;
  if( !sizeOk || fUnicode || fHasAnyCr || fBinary || fHasInvalidUtf8 ){
    const char *zWarning = 0;
    const char *zDisable = 0;
    const char *zConvert = "c=convert/";
    const char *zIn = "in";
    Blob ans;
    char cReply;

    if( fBinary ){
      if( binOk ){
        return 0; /* We don't want binary warnings for this file. */
      if( !fHasNul && fHasLong ){
        zWarning = "long lines";
        zConvert = ""; /* We cannot convert overlong lines. */
        zWarning = "binary data";
        zConvert = ""; /* We cannot convert binary files. */
      zDisable = "\"binary-glob\" setting";
    }else if( fUnicode && fHasAnyCr ){
      if( crlfOk && encodingOk ){
        return 0; /* We don't want CR/LF and Unicode warnings for this file. */
      if( fHasLoneCrOnly ){
        zWarning = "CR line endings and Unicode";
      }else if( fHasCrLfOnly ){
        zWarning = "CR/LF line endings and Unicode";
        zWarning = "mixed line endings and Unicode";
      zDisable = "\"crlf-glob\" and \"encoding-glob\" settings";
    }else if( fHasInvalidUtf8 ){
      if( encodingOk ){
        return 0; /* We don't want encoding warnings for this file. */
      zWarning = "invalid UTF-8";
      zDisable = "\"encoding-glob\" setting";
    }else if( fHasAnyCr ){
      if( crlfOk ){
        return 0; /* We don't want CR/LF warnings for this file. */
      if( fHasLoneCrOnly ){
        zWarning = "CR line endings";
      }else if( fHasCrLfOnly ){
        zWarning = "CR/LF line endings";
        zWarning = "mixed line endings";
      zDisable = "\"crlf-glob\" setting";
    }else if( !sizeOk ){
      zWarning = "oversize";
      zIn = "file";
      if( encodingOk ){
        return 0; /* We don't want encoding warnings for this file. */
      zWarning = "Unicode";
      zDisable = "\"encoding-glob\" setting";
    file_relative_name(zFilename, &fname, 0);
    if( !sizeOk ){
      zMsg = mprintf(
           "%s is more than %,lld bytes in size.\n"
           "Commit anyhow (a=all/y/N)? ",
           blob_str(&fname), db_large_file_size());
      zMsg = mprintf(
           "%s contains %s. Use --no-warnings or the %s to"
                   " disable this warning.\n"
           "Commit anyhow (a=all/%sy/N)? ",
           blob_str(&fname), zWarning, zDisable, zConvert);
    if( noPrompt==0 ){
      prompt_user(zMsg, &ans);
      cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
    }else if( noPrompt==2 ){
      cReply = 'Y';
      cReply = 'N';
    if( cReply=='a' || cReply=='A' ){
      allOk = 1;
    }else if( *zConvert && (cReply=='c' || cReply=='C') ){
      char *zOrig = file_newname(zFilename, "original", 1);
      FILE *f;
      blob_write_to_file(pContent, zOrig);
      f = fossil_fopen(zFilename, "wb");
      if( f==0 ){
        fossil_warning("cannot open %s for writing", zFilename);
        if( fUnicode ){
          int bomSize;
          const unsigned char *bom = get_utf8_bom(&bomSize);
          fwrite(bom, 1, bomSize, f);
          blob_to_utf8_no_bom(pContent, 0);
        }else if( fHasInvalidUtf8 ){
        if( fHasAnyCr ){
        fwrite(blob_buffer(pContent), 1, blob_size(pContent), f);
      return 1;
    }else if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){
      fossil_fatal("Abandoning commit due to %s %s %s",
                   zWarning, zIn, blob_str(&fname));
    }else if( noPrompt==2 ){
      if( pReason ){
        blob_append(pReason, zWarning, -1);
      return 1;
  return 0;

** COMMAND: test-commit-warning
** Usage: %fossil test-commit-warning ?OPTIONS?
** Check each file in the check-out, including unmodified ones, using all
** the pre-commit checks.
** Options:
**    --no-settings     Do not consider any glob settings.
**    -v|--verbose      Show per-file results for all pre-commit checks.
** See also: commit, extras
void test_commit_warning(void){
  int rc = 0;
  int noSettings;
  int verboseFlag;
  i64 mxSize;
  Stmt q;
  noSettings = find_option("no-settings",0,0)!=0;
  verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v",0)!=0;
  mxSize = db_large_file_size();
      "SELECT %Q || pathname, pathname, %s, %s, %s FROM vfile"
      " WHERE NOT deleted",
      glob_expr("pathname", noSettings ? 0 : db_get("crlf-glob",
      glob_expr("pathname", noSettings ? 0 : db_get("binary-glob","")),
      glob_expr("pathname", noSettings ? 0 : db_get("encoding-glob",""))
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zFullname;
    const char *zName;
    Blob content;
    Blob reason;
    int crlfOk, binOk, encodingOk, sizeOk;
    int fileRc;

    zFullname = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    zName = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    crlfOk = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    binOk = db_column_int(&q, 3);
    encodingOk = db_column_int(&q, 4);
    sizeOk = mxSize<=0 || file_size(zFullname, ExtFILE)<=mxSize;
    blob_read_from_file(&content, zFullname, RepoFILE);
    fileRc = commit_warning(&content, crlfOk, binOk, encodingOk, sizeOk, 2,
                            zFullname, &reason);
    if( fileRc || verboseFlag ){
      fossil_print("%d\t%s\t%s\n", fileRc, zName, blob_str(&reason));
    rc |= fileRc;
  fossil_print("%d\n", rc);

** qsort() comparison routine for an array of pointers to strings.
static int tagCmp(const void *a, const void *b){
  char **pA = (char**)a;
  char **pB = (char**)b;
  return fossil_strcmp(pA[0], pB[0]);

** COMMAND: ci#
** COMMAND: commit
** Usage: %fossil commit ?OPTIONS? ?FILE...?
**    or: %fossil ci ?OPTIONS? ?FILE...?
** Create a new version containing all of the changes in the current
** check-out.  You will be prompted to enter a check-in comment unless
** the comment has been specified on the command-line using "-m" or a
** file containing the comment using -M.  The editor defined in the
** "editor" fossil option (see %fossil help set) will be used, or from
** the "VISUAL" or "EDITOR" environment variables (in that order) if
** no editor is set.
** All files that have changed will be committed unless some subset of
** files is specified on the command line.
** The --branch option followed by a branch name causes the new
** check-in to be placed in a newly-created branch with the name
** passed to the --branch option.
** Use the --branchcolor option followed by a color name (ex:
** '#ffc0c0') to specify the background color of entries in the new
** branch when shown in the web timeline interface.  The use of
** the --branchcolor option is not recommended.  Instead, let Fossil
** choose the branch color automatically.
** The --bgcolor option works like --branchcolor but only sets the
** background color for a single check-in.  Subsequent check-ins revert
** to the default color.
** A check-in is not permitted to fork unless the --allow-fork option
** appears.  An empty check-in (i.e. with nothing changed) is not
** allowed unless the --allow-empty option appears.  A check-in may not
** be older than its ancestor unless the --allow-older option appears.
** If any of files in the check-in appear to contain unresolved merge
** conflicts, the check-in will not be allowed unless the
** --allow-conflict option is present.  In addition, the entire
** check-in process may be aborted if a file contains content that
** appears to be binary, Unicode text, or text with CR/LF line endings
** unless the interactive user chooses to proceed.  If there is no
** interactive user or these warnings should be skipped for some other
** reason, the --no-warnings option may be used.  A check-in is not
** allowed against a closed leaf.
** If a commit message is blank, you will be prompted:
** ("continue (y/N)?") to confirm you really want to commit with a
** blank commit message.  The default value is "N", do not commit.
** The --private option creates a private check-in that is never synced.
** Children of private check-ins are automatically private.
** The --tag option applies the symbolic tag name to the check-in.
** The --hash option detects edited files by computing each file's
** artifact hash rather than just checking for changes to its size or mtime.
** Options:
**    --allow-conflict           Allow unresolved merge conflicts
**    --allow-empty              Allow a commit with no changes
**    --allow-fork               Allow the commit to fork
**    --allow-older              Allow a commit older than its ancestor
**    --baseline                 Use a baseline manifest in the commit process
**    --bgcolor COLOR            Apply COLOR to this one check-in only
**    --branch NEW-BRANCH-NAME   Check in to this new branch
**    --branchcolor COLOR        Apply given COLOR to the branch
**                                 ("auto" lets Fossil choose it automatically,
**                                  even for private branches)
**    --close                    Close the branch being committed
**    --date-override DATETIME   DATE to use instead of 'now'
**    --delta                    Use a delta manifest in the commit process
**    --hash                     Verify file status using hashing rather
**                               than relying on file mtimes
**    --ignore-clock-skew        If a clock skew is detected, ignore it and
**                               behave as if the user had entered 'yes' to
**                               the question of whether to proceed despite
**                               the skew.
**    --ignore-oversize          Do not warning the user about oversized files
**    --integrate                Close all merged-in branches
**    -m|--comment COMMENT-TEXT  Use COMMENT-TEXT as commit comment
**    -M|--message-file FILE     Read the commit comment from given file
**    --mimetype MIMETYPE        Mimetype of check-in comment
**    -n|--dry-run               If given, display instead of run actions
**    -v|--verbose               Show a diff in the commit message prompt
**    --no-prompt                This option disables prompting the user for
**                               input and assumes an answer of 'No' for every
**                               question.
**    --no-warnings              Omit all warnings about file contents
**    --no-verify                Do not run before-commit hooks
**    --nosign                   Do not attempt to sign this commit with gpg
**    --override-lock            Allow a check-in even though parent is locked
**    --private                  Do not sync changes and their descendants
**    --tag TAG-NAME             Assign given tag TAG-NAME to the check-in
**    --trace                    Debug tracing
**    --user-override USER       USER to use instead of the current default
** DATETIME may be "now" or "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSS". If in
** year-month-day form, it may be truncated, the "T" may be replaced by
** a space, and it may also name a timezone offset from UTC as "-HH:MM"
** (westward) or "+HH:MM" (eastward). Either no timezone suffix or "Z"
** means UTC.
** See also: [[branch]], [[changes]], [[update]], [[extras]], [[sync]]
void commit_cmd(void){
  int hasChanges;        /* True if unsaved changes exist */
  int vid;               /* blob-id of parent version */
  int nrid;              /* blob-id of a modified file */
  int nvid;              /* Blob-id of the new check-in */
  Blob comment;          /* Check-in comment */
  const char *zComment;  /* Check-in comment */
  Stmt q;                /* Various queries */
  char *zUuid;           /* Hash of the new check-in */
  int useHash = 0;       /* True to verify file status using hashing */
  int noSign = 0;        /* True to omit signing the manifest using GPG */
  int privateFlag = 0;   /* True if the --private option is present */
  int privateParent = 0; /* True if the parent check-in is private */
  int isAMerge = 0;      /* True if checking in a merge */
  int noWarningFlag = 0; /* True if skipping all warnings */
  int noVerify = 0;      /* Do not run before-commit hooks */
  int bTrace = 0;        /* Debug tracing */
  int noPrompt = 0;      /* True if skipping all prompts */
  int forceFlag = 0;     /* Undocumented: Disables all checks */
  int forceDelta = 0;    /* Force a delta-manifest */
  int forceBaseline = 0; /* Force a baseline-manifest */
  int allowConflict = 0; /* Allow unresolve merge conflicts */
  int allowEmpty = 0;    /* Allow a commit with no changes */
  int allowFork = 0;     /* Allow the commit to fork */
  int allowOlder = 0;    /* Allow a commit older than its ancestor */
  char *zManifestFile;   /* Name of the manifest file */
  int useCksum;          /* True if checksums should be computed and verified */
  int outputManifest;    /* True to output "manifest" and "manifest.uuid" */
  int dryRunFlag;        /* True for a test run.  Debugging only */
  CheckinInfo sCiInfo;   /* Information about this check-in */
  const char *zComFile;  /* Read commit message from this file */
  int nTag = 0;          /* Number of --tag arguments */
  const char *zTag;      /* A single --tag argument */
  ManifestFile *pFile;   /* File structure in the manifest */
  Manifest *pManifest;   /* Manifest structure */
  Blob manifest;         /* Manifest in baseline form */
  Blob muuid;            /* Manifest uuid */
  Blob cksum1, cksum2;   /* Before and after commit checksums */
  Blob cksum1b;          /* Checksum recorded in the manifest */
  int szD;               /* Size of the delta manifest */
  int szB;               /* Size of the baseline manifest */
  int nConflict = 0;     /* Number of unresolved merge conflicts */
  int abortCommit = 0;   /* Abort the commit due to text format conversions */
  Blob ans;              /* Answer to continuation prompts */
  char cReply;           /* First character of ans */
  int bRecheck = 0;      /* Repeat fork and closed-branch checks*/
  int bAutoBrClr = 0;    /* Value of "--branchcolor" is "auto" */
  int bIgnoreSkew = 0;   /* --ignore-clock-skew flag */
  int mxSize;

  memset(&sCiInfo, 0, sizeof(sCiInfo));
  /* --sha1sum is an undocumented alias for --hash for backwards compatiblity */
  useHash = find_option("hash",0,0)!=0 || find_option("sha1sum",0,0)!=0;
  noSign = find_option("nosign",0,0)!=0;
  privateFlag = find_option("private",0,0)!=0;
  forceDelta = find_option("delta",0,0)!=0;
  forceBaseline = find_option("baseline",0,0)!=0;
  if( db_get_boolean("dont-commit",0) ){
    fossil_fatal("committing is prohibited: the 'dont-commit' option is set");
  if( forceDelta ){
    if( forceBaseline ){
      fossil_fatal("cannot use --delta and --baseline together");
    if( db_get_boolean("forbid-delta-manifests",0) ){
      fossil_fatal("delta manifests are prohibited in this repository");
  dryRunFlag = find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0;
  if( !dryRunFlag ){
    dryRunFlag = find_option("test",0,0)!=0; /* deprecated */
  zComment = find_option("comment","m",1);
  forceFlag = find_option("force", "f", 0)!=0;
  allowConflict = find_option("allow-conflict",0,0)!=0;
  allowEmpty = find_option("allow-empty",0,0)!=0;
  allowFork = find_option("allow-fork",0,0)!=0;
  if( find_option("override-lock",0,0)!=0 ) allowFork = 1;
  allowOlder = find_option("allow-older",0,0)!=0;
  noPrompt = find_option("no-prompt", 0, 0)!=0;
  noWarningFlag = find_option("no-warnings", 0, 0)!=0;
  noVerify = find_option("no-verify",0,0)!=0;
  bTrace = find_option("trace",0,0)!=0;
  sCiInfo.zBranch = find_option("branch","b",1);
  sCiInfo.zColor = find_option("bgcolor",0,1);
  sCiInfo.zBrClr = find_option("branchcolor",0,1);
  if ( fossil_strncmp(sCiInfo.zBrClr, "auto", 4)==0 ) {
    bAutoBrClr = 1;
    sCiInfo.zBrClr = 0;
  sCiInfo.closeFlag = find_option("close",0,0)!=0;
  sCiInfo.integrateFlag = find_option("integrate",0,0)!=0;
  sCiInfo.zMimetype = find_option("mimetype",0,1);
  sCiInfo.verboseFlag = find_option("verbose", "v", 0)!=0;
  while( (zTag = find_option("tag",0,1))!=0 ){
    if( zTag[0]==0 ) continue;
    sCiInfo.azTag = fossil_realloc((void*)sCiInfo.azTag,
    sCiInfo.azTag[nTag++] = zTag;
    sCiInfo.azTag[nTag] = 0;
  zComFile = find_option("message-file", "M", 1);
  sCiInfo.zDateOvrd = find_option("date-override",0,1);
  sCiInfo.zUserOvrd = find_option("user-override",0,1);
  noSign = db_get_boolean("omitsign", 0)|noSign;
  if( db_get_boolean("clearsign", 0)==0 ){ noSign = 1; }
  useCksum = db_get_boolean("repo-cksum", 1);
  bIgnoreSkew = find_option("ignore-clock-skew",0,0)!=0;
  outputManifest = db_get_manifest_setting();
  mxSize = db_large_file_size();
  if( find_option("ignore-oversize",0,0)!=0 ) mxSize = 0;

  /* Get the ID of the parent manifest artifact */
  vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
  if( vid==0 ){
    useCksum = 1;
    if( privateFlag==0 && sCiInfo.zBranch==0 ) {
      sCiInfo.zBranch=db_get("main-branch", 0);
    privateParent = content_is_private(vid);

  /* Track the "private" status */
  g.markPrivate = privateFlag || privateParent;
  if( privateFlag && !privateParent ){
    /* Apply default branch name ("private") and color ("orange") if not
    ** specified otherwise on the command-line, and if the parent is not
    ** already private. */
    if( sCiInfo.zBranch==0 ) sCiInfo.zBranch = "private";
    if( sCiInfo.zBrClr==0 && sCiInfo.zColor==0 && !bAutoBrClr) {
      sCiInfo.zBrClr = "#fec084";

  /* Do not allow the creation of a new branch using an existing open
  ** branch name unless the --force flag is used */
  if( sCiInfo.zBranch!=0
   && !forceFlag
   && fossil_strcmp(sCiInfo.zBranch,"private")!=0
   && branch_is_open(sCiInfo.zBranch)
    fossil_fatal("an open branch named \"%s\" already exists - use --force"
                 " to override", sCiInfo.zBranch);

  /* Escape special characters in tags and put all tags in sorted order */
  if( nTag ){
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<nTag; i++) sCiInfo.azTag[i] = mprintf("%F", sCiInfo.azTag[i]);
    qsort((void*)sCiInfo.azTag, nTag, sizeof(sCiInfo.azTag[0]), tagCmp);

  ** Autosync if autosync is enabled and this is not a private check-in.
  if( !g.markPrivate ){
    int syncFlags = SYNC_PULL;
    if( vid!=0 && !allowFork && !forceFlag ){
      syncFlags |= SYNC_CKIN_LOCK;
    if( autosync_loop(syncFlags, 1, "commit") ){

  /* So that older versions of Fossil (that do not understand delta-
  ** manifest) can continue to use this repository, do not create a new
  ** delta-manifest unless this repository already contains one or more
  ** delta-manifests, or unless the delta-manifest is explicitly requested
  ** by the --delta option.
  ** The forbid-delta-manifests setting prevents new delta manifests.
  ** If the remote repository sent an avoid-delta-manifests pragma on
  ** the autosync above, then also try to avoid deltas, unless the
  ** --delta option is specified.  The remote repo will send the
  ** avoid-delta-manifests pragma if it has its "forbid-delta-manifests"
  ** setting is enabled.
  if( !db_get_boolean("seen-delta-manifest",0)
   || db_get_boolean("forbid-delta-manifests",0)
   || g.bAvoidDeltaManifests
    if( !forceDelta ) forceBaseline = 1;

  /* Require confirmation to continue with the check-in if there is
  ** clock skew
  if( g.clockSkewSeen ){
    if( bIgnoreSkew!=0 ){
      cReply = 'y';
      fossil_warning("Clock skew ignored due to --ignore-clock-skew.");
    }else if( !noPrompt ){
      prompt_user("continue in spite of time skew (y/N)? ", &ans);
      cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
      fossil_print("Abandoning commit due to time skew\n");
      cReply = 'N';
    if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){

  /* There are two ways this command may be executed. If there are
  ** no arguments following the word "commit", then all modified files
  ** in the checked-out directory are committed. If one or more arguments
  ** follows "commit", then only those files are committed.
  ** After the following function call has returned, the Global.aCommitFile[]
  ** array is allocated to contain the "id" field from the vfile table
  ** for each file to be committed. Or, if aCommitFile is NULL, all files
  ** should be committed.
  if( select_commit_files() ){
    if( !noPrompt ){
      prompt_user("continue (y/N)? ", &ans);
      cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
      cReply = 'N';
    if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){
  isAMerge = db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM vmerge WHERE id=0 OR id<-2");
  if( g.aCommitFile && isAMerge ){
    fossil_fatal("cannot do a partial commit of a merge");

  /* Doing "fossil mv fileA fileB; fossil add fileA; fossil commit fileA"
  ** will generate a manifest that has two fileA entries, which is illegal.
  ** When you think about it, the sequence above makes no sense.  So detect
  ** it and disallow it.  Ticket [0ff64b0a5fc8].
  if( g.aCommitFile ){
       "SELECT v1.pathname, v2.pathname"
       "  FROM vfile AS v1, vfile AS v2"
       " WHERE is_selected("
       "   AND v2.origname IS NOT NULL"
       "   AND v2.origname=v1.pathname"
       "   AND NOT is_selected(");
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zFrom = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      const char *zTo = db_column_text(&q, 1);
      fossil_fatal("cannot do a partial commit of '%s' without '%s' because "
                   "'%s' was renamed to '%s'", zFrom, zTo, zFrom, zTo);

  ** Check that the user exists.
  if( !db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM user WHERE login=%Q", g.zLogin) ){
    fossil_fatal("no such user: %s", g.zLogin);

  hasChanges = unsaved_changes(useHash ? CKSIG_HASH : 0);
  if( hasChanges==0 && !isAMerge && !allowEmpty && !forceFlag ){
    fossil_fatal("nothing has changed; use --allow-empty to override");

  /* If none of the files that were named on the command line have
  ** been modified, bail out now unless the --allow-empty or --force
  ** flags is used.
  if( g.aCommitFile
   && !allowEmpty
   && !forceFlag
   && !db_exists(
        "SELECT 1 FROM vfile "
        " WHERE is_selected(id)"
        "   AND (chnged OR deleted OR rid=0 OR pathname!=origname)")
    fossil_fatal("none of the selected files have changed; use "
                 "--allow-empty to override.");

  /* This loop checks for potential forks and for check-ins against a
  ** closed branch.  The checks are repeated once after interactive
  ** check-in comment editing.
    ** Do not allow a commit that will cause a fork unless the --allow-fork
    ** or --force flags is used, or unless this is a private check-in.
    ** The initial commit MUST have tags "trunk" and "sym-trunk".
    if( sCiInfo.zBranch==0
     && allowFork==0
     && forceFlag==0
     && g.markPrivate==0
     && (vid==0 || !is_a_leaf(vid) || g.ckinLockFail)
      if( g.ckinLockFail ){
        fossil_fatal("Might fork due to a check-in race with user \"%s\"\n"
                     "Try \"update\" first, or --branch, or "
                     "use --override-lock",
        fossil_fatal("Would fork.  \"update\" first or use --branch or "

    ** Do not allow a commit against a closed leaf unless the commit
    ** ends up on a different branch.
        /* parent check-in has the "closed" tag... */
        /* ... and the new check-in has no --branch option or the --branch
        ** option does not actually change the branch */
     && (sCiInfo.zBranch==0
         || db_exists("SELECT 1 FROM tagxref"
                      " WHERE tagid=%d AND rid=%d AND tagtype>0"
                      "   AND value=%Q", TAG_BRANCH, vid, sCiInfo.zBranch))
      fossil_fatal("cannot commit against a closed leaf");

    /* Always exit the loop on the second pass */
    if( bRecheck ) break;

    /* Get the check-in comment.  This might involve prompting the
    ** user for the check-in comment, in which case we should resync
    ** to renew the check-in lock and repeat the checks for conflicts.
    if( zComment ){
      blob_append(&comment, zComment, -1);
    }else if( zComFile ){
      blob_read_from_file(&comment, zComFile, ExtFILE);
      blob_to_utf8_no_bom(&comment, 1);
    }else if( !noPrompt ){
      char *zInit = db_text(0,"SELECT value FROM vvar WHERE name='ci-comment'");
      prepare_commit_comment(&comment, zInit, &sCiInfo, vid, dryRunFlag);
      if( zInit && zInit[0] && fossil_strcmp(zInit, blob_str(&comment))==0 ){
        prompt_user("unchanged check-in comment.  continue (y/N)? ", &ans);
        cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
        if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){
          fossil_fatal("Commit aborted.");
      db_multi_exec("REPLACE INTO vvar VALUES('ci-comment',%B)", &comment);
      if( !g.markPrivate && vid!=0 && !allowFork && !forceFlag ){
        /* Do another auto-pull, renewing the check-in lock.  Then set
        ** bRecheck so that we loop back above to verify that the check-in
        ** is still not against a closed branch and still won't fork. */
        int syncFlags = SYNC_PULL|SYNC_CKIN_LOCK;
        if( autosync_loop(syncFlags, 1, "commit") ){
          fossil_fatal("Auto-pull failed. Commit aborted.");
        bRecheck = 1;
  }while( bRecheck );

  if( blob_size(&comment)==0 ){
    if( !dryRunFlag ){
      if( !noPrompt ){
        prompt_user("empty check-in comment.  continue (y/N)? ", &ans);
        cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
        cReply = 'N';
      if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){
        fossil_fatal("Abandoning commit due to empty check-in comment\n");

  if( !noVerify && hook_exists("before-commit") ){
    /* Run before-commit hooks */
    char *zAuxFile;
    zAuxFile = prepare_commit_description_file(
                     &sCiInfo, vid, &comment, dryRunFlag);
    if( zAuxFile ){
      int rc = hook_run("before-commit",zAuxFile,bTrace);
      if( rc ){
        fossil_fatal("Before-commit hook failed\n");

  ** Step 1: Compute an aggregate MD5 checksum over the disk image
  ** of every file in vid.  The file names are part of the checksum.
  ** The resulting checksum is the same as is expected on the R-card
  ** of a manifest.
  if( useCksum ) vfile_aggregate_checksum_disk(vid, &cksum1);

  /* Step 2: Insert records for all modified files into the blob
  ** table. If there were arguments passed to this command, only
  ** the identified files are inserted (if they have been modified).
    "SELECT id, %Q || pathname, mrid, %s, %s, %s FROM vfile "
    "WHERE chnged<>0 AND NOT deleted AND is_selected(id)",
    glob_expr("pathname", db_get("crlf-glob",db_get("crnl-glob",""))),
    glob_expr("pathname", db_get("binary-glob","")),
    glob_expr("pathname", db_get("encoding-glob",""))
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    int id, rid;
    const char *zFullname;
    Blob content;
    int crlfOk, binOk, encodingOk, sizeOk;

    id = db_column_int(&q, 0);
    zFullname = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    rid = db_column_int(&q, 2);
    crlfOk = db_column_int(&q, 3);
    binOk = db_column_int(&q, 4);
    encodingOk = db_column_int(&q, 5);
    sizeOk = mxSize<=0 || file_size(zFullname, ExtFILE)<=mxSize;

    blob_read_from_file(&content, zFullname, RepoFILE);
    /* Do not emit any warnings when they are disabled. */
    if( !noWarningFlag ){
      abortCommit |= commit_warning(&content, crlfOk, binOk,
                                    encodingOk, sizeOk, noPrompt,
                                    zFullname, 0);
    if( contains_merge_marker(&content) ){
      Blob fname; /* Relative pathname of the file */

      file_relative_name(zFullname, &fname, 0);
      fossil_print("possible unresolved merge conflict in %s\n",
    nrid = content_put(&content);
    if( nrid!=rid ){
      if( rid>0 ){
        content_deltify(rid, &nrid, 1, 0);
      db_multi_exec("UPDATE vfile SET mrid=%d, rid=%d, mhash=NULL WHERE id=%d",
  if( nConflict && !allowConflict ){
    fossil_fatal("abort due to unresolved merge conflicts; "
                 "use --allow-conflict to override");
  }else if( abortCommit ){
    fossil_fatal("one or more files were converted on your request; "
                 "please re-test before committing");

  /* Create the new manifest */
  sCiInfo.pComment = &comment;
  sCiInfo.pCksum =  useCksum ? &cksum1 : 0;
  sCiInfo.verifyDate = !allowOlder && !forceFlag;
  if( forceDelta ){
    create_manifest(&manifest, 0, 0, vid, &sCiInfo, &szB);

  /* See if a delta-manifest would be more appropriate */
  if( !forceBaseline ){
    const char *zBaselineUuid;
    Manifest *pParent;
    Manifest *pBaseline;
    pParent = manifest_get(vid, CFTYPE_MANIFEST, 0);
    if( pParent && pParent->zBaseline ){
      zBaselineUuid = pParent->zBaseline;
      pBaseline = manifest_get_by_name(zBaselineUuid, 0);
      zBaselineUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", vid);
      pBaseline = pParent;
    if( pBaseline ){
      Blob delta;
      create_manifest(&delta, zBaselineUuid, pBaseline, vid, &sCiInfo, &szD);
      ** At this point, two manifests have been constructed, either of
      ** which would work for this check-in.  The first manifest (held
      ** in the "manifest" variable) is a baseline manifest and the second
      ** (held in variable named "delta") is a delta manifest.  The
      ** question now is: which manifest should we use?
      ** Let B be the number of F-cards in the baseline manifest and
      ** let D be the number of F-cards in the delta manifest, plus one for
      ** the B-card.  (B is held in the szB variable and D is held in the
      ** szD variable.)  Assume that all delta manifests adds X new F-cards.
      ** Then to minimize the total number of F- and B-cards in the repository,
      ** we should use the delta manifest if and only if:
      **      D*D < B*X - X*X
      ** X is an unknown here, but for most repositories, we will not be
      ** far wrong if we assume X=3.
      if( forceDelta || (szD*szD)<(szB*3-9) ){
        manifest = delta;
    }else if( forceDelta ){
      fossil_fatal("unable to find a baseline-manifest for the delta");
  if( !noSign && !g.markPrivate && clearsign(&manifest, &manifest) ){
    if( !noPrompt ){
      prompt_user("unable to sign manifest.  continue (y/N)? ", &ans);
      cReply = blob_str(&ans)[0];
      cReply = 'N';
    if( cReply!='y' && cReply!='Y' ){
      fossil_fatal("Abandoning commit due to manifest signing failure\n");

  /* If the -n|--dry-run option is specified, output the manifest file
  ** and rollback the transaction.
  if( dryRunFlag ){
    blob_write_to_file(&manifest, "");
  if( outputManifest & MFESTFLG_RAW ){
    zManifestFile = mprintf("%smanifest", g.zLocalRoot);
    blob_write_to_file(&manifest, zManifestFile);
    blob_read_from_file(&manifest, zManifestFile, ExtFILE);

  nvid = content_put(&manifest);
  if( nvid==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("trouble committing manifest: %s", g.zErrMsg);
  if( manifest_crosslink(nvid, &manifest,
                         dryRunFlag ? MC_NONE : MC_PERMIT_HOOKS)==0 ){
    fossil_fatal("%s", g.zErrMsg);
  assert( blob_is_reset(&manifest) );
  content_deltify(vid, &nvid, 1, 0);
  zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", nvid);

  db_prepare(&q, "SELECT mhash,merge FROM vmerge WHERE id=-4");
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zIntegrateUuid = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    if( is_a_leaf(db_column_int(&q, 1)) ){
      fossil_print("Closed: %s\n", zIntegrateUuid);
      fossil_print("Not_Closed: %s (not a leaf any more)\n", zIntegrateUuid);

  fossil_print("New_Version: %s\n", zUuid);
  if( outputManifest & MFESTFLG_UUID ){
    zManifestFile = mprintf("%smanifest.uuid", g.zLocalRoot);
    blob_appendf(&muuid, "%s\n", zUuid);
    blob_write_to_file(&muuid, zManifestFile);

  /* Update the vfile and vmerge tables */
    "DELETE FROM vfile WHERE (vid!=%d OR deleted) AND is_selected(id);"
    "DELETE FROM vmerge;"
    "UPDATE vfile SET vid=%d;"
    "UPDATE vfile SET rid=mrid, mhash=NULL, chnged=0, deleted=0, origname=NULL"
    " WHERE is_selected(id);"
    , vid, nvid

  /* Update the isexe and islink columns of the vfile table */
    "UPDATE vfile SET isexe=:exec, islink=:link"
    " WHERE vid=:vid AND pathname=:path AND (isexe!=:exec OR islink!=:link)"
  db_bind_int(&q, ":vid", nvid);
  pManifest = manifest_get(nvid, CFTYPE_MANIFEST, 0);
  while( (pFile = manifest_file_next(pManifest, 0)) ){
    db_bind_int(&q, ":exec", pFile->zPerm && strstr(pFile->zPerm, "x"));
    db_bind_int(&q, ":link", pFile->zPerm && strstr(pFile->zPerm, "l"));
    db_bind_text(&q, ":path", pFile->zName);

  if( useCksum ){
    /* Verify that the repository checksum matches the expected checksum
    ** calculated before the check-in started (and stored as the R record
    ** of the manifest file).
    vfile_aggregate_checksum_repository(nvid, &cksum2);
    if( blob_compare(&cksum1, &cksum2) ){
      fossil_fatal("working check-out does not match what would have ended "
                   "up in the repository:  %b versus %b",
                   &cksum1, &cksum2);

    /* Verify that the manifest checksum matches the expected checksum */
    vfile_aggregate_checksum_manifest(nvid, &cksum2, &cksum1b);
    if( blob_compare(&cksum1, &cksum1b) ){
      fossil_fatal("manifest checksum self-test failed: "
                   "%b versus %b", &cksum1, &cksum1b);
    if( blob_compare(&cksum1, &cksum2) ){
         "working check-out does not match manifest after commit: "
         "%b versus %b", &cksum1, &cksum2);

    /* Verify that the commit did not modify any disk images. */
    vfile_aggregate_checksum_disk(nvid, &cksum2);
    if( blob_compare(&cksum1, &cksum2) ){
      fossil_fatal("working check-out before and after commit does not match");

  /* Clear the undo/redo stack */

  /* Commit */
  db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM vvar WHERE name='ci-comment'");
  db_multi_exec("PRAGMA repository.application_id=252006673;");
  db_multi_exec("PRAGMA localdb.application_id=252006674;");
  if( dryRunFlag ){

  if( outputManifest & MFESTFLG_TAGS ){
    Blob tagslist;
    zManifestFile = mprintf("%smanifest.tags", g.zLocalRoot);
    get_checkin_taglist(nvid, &tagslist);
    blob_write_to_file(&tagslist, zManifestFile);

  if( !g.markPrivate ){
    int syncFlags = SYNC_PUSH | SYNC_PULL | SYNC_IFABLE;
    autosync_loop(syncFlags, 0, "commit");
  if( count_nonbranch_children(vid)>1 ){
    fossil_print("**** warning: a fork has occurred *****\n");