


** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
** Author contact information:
** Implementation of the Setup page
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "setup.h"

** Increment the "cfgcnt" variable, so that ETags will know that
** the configuration has changed.
void setup_incr_cfgcnt(void){
  static int once = 1;
  if( once ){
    once = 0;
    db_multi_exec("UPDATE config SET value=value+1 WHERE name='cfgcnt'");
    if( db_changes()==0 ){
      db_multi_exec("INSERT INTO config(name,value) VALUES('cfgcnt',1)");

** Output a single entry for a menu generated using an HTML table.
** If zLink is not NULL or an empty string, then it is the page that
** the menu entry will hyperlink to.  If zLink is NULL or "", then
** the menu entry has no hyperlink - it is disabled.
void setup_menu_entry(
  const char *zTitle,
  const char *zLink,
  const char *zDesc
  @ <tr><td valign="top" align="right">
  if( zLink && zLink[0] ){
    @ <a href="%s(zLink)"><nobr>%h(zTitle)</nobr></a>
    @ %h(zTitle)
  @ </td><td width="5"></td><td valign="top">%h(zDesc)</td></tr>

** WEBPAGE: setup
** Main menu for the administrative pages.  Requires Admin or Setup
** privileges.  Links to sub-pages only usable by Setup users are
** shown only to Setup users.
void setup_page(void){
  int setup_user = 0;
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  setup_user = g.perm.Setup;

  style_header("Server Administration");

  /* Make sure the header contains <base href="...">.   Issue a warning
  ** if it does not. */
  if( !cgi_header_contains("<base href=") ){
    @ <p class="generalError"><b>Configuration Error:</b> Please add
    @ <tt>&lt;base href="$secureurl/$current_page"&gt;</tt> after
    @ <tt>&lt;head&gt;</tt> in the
    @ <a href="setup_skinedit?w=2">HTML header</a>!</p>

#if !defined(_WIN32)
  /* Check for /dev/null and /dev/urandom.  We want both devices to be present,
  ** but they are sometimes omitted (by mistake) from chroot jails. */
  if( access("/dev/null", R_OK|W_OK) ){
    @ <p class="generalError">WARNING: Device "/dev/null" is not available
    @ for reading and writing.</p>
  if( access("/dev/urandom", R_OK) ){
    @ <p class="generalError">WARNING: Device "/dev/urandom" is not available
    @ for reading. This means that the pseudo-random number generator used
    @ by SQLite will be poorly seeded.</p>

  @ <table border="0" cellspacing="3">
  setup_menu_entry("Users", "setup_ulist",
    "Grant privileges to individual users.");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Access", "setup_access",
      "Control access settings.");
    setup_menu_entry("Configuration", "setup_config",
      "Configure the WWW components of the repository");
  setup_menu_entry("Security-Audit", "secaudit0",
    "Analyze the current configuration for security problems");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Robot-Defense", "setup_robot",
      "Settings for configure defense against robots");
    setup_menu_entry("Settings", "setup_settings",
      "Web interface to the \"fossil settings\" command");
  setup_menu_entry("Timeline", "setup_timeline",
    "Timeline display preferences");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Login-Group", "setup_login_group",
      "Manage single sign-on between this repository and others"
      " on the same server");
    setup_menu_entry("Tickets", "tktsetup",
      "Configure the trouble-ticketing system for this repository");
    setup_menu_entry("Wiki", "setup_wiki",
      "Configure the wiki for this repository");
    setup_menu_entry("Interwiki Map", "intermap",
      "Mapping keywords for interwiki links");
    setup_menu_entry("Chat", "setup_chat",
      "Configure the chatroom");
    setup_menu_entry("Forum", "setup_forum",
      "Forum config and metrics");
    "Configure the built-in search engine");
  setup_menu_entry("URL Aliases", "waliassetup",
    "Configure URL aliases");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Notification", "setup_notification",
      "Automatic notifications of changes via outbound email");
    setup_menu_entry("Transfers", "xfersetup",
      "Configure the transfer system for this repository");
  setup_menu_entry("Skins", "setup_skin_admin",
    "Select and/or modify the web interface \"skins\"");
  setup_menu_entry("Moderation", "setup_modreq",
    "Enable/Disable requiring moderator approval of Wiki and/or Ticket"
    " changes and attachments.");
  setup_menu_entry("Ad-Unit", "setup_adunit",
    "Edit HTML text for an ad unit inserted after the menu bar");
  setup_menu_entry("URLs & Checkouts", "urllist",
    "Show URLs used to access this repo and known check-outs");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("Web-Cache", "cachestat",
      "View the status of the expensive-page cache");
  setup_menu_entry("Logo", "setup_logo",
    "Change the logo and background images for the server");
  setup_menu_entry("Shunned", "shun",
    "Show artifacts that are shunned by this repository");
  setup_menu_entry("Log Files", "setup-logmenu",
    "A menu of available log files");
  setup_menu_entry("Unversioned Files", "uvlist?byage=1",
    "Show all unversioned files held");
  setup_menu_entry("Stats", "stat",
    "Repository Status Reports");
  setup_menu_entry("Sitemap", "sitemap",
    "Links to miscellaneous pages");
  if( setup_user ){
    setup_menu_entry("SQL", "admin_sql",
      "Enter raw SQL commands");
    setup_menu_entry("TH1", "admin_th1",
      "Enter raw TH1 commands");
  @ </table>


** WEBPAGE: setup-logmenu
** Show a menu of available log renderings accessible to an administrator, 
** together with a succinct explanation of each.
** This page is only accessible by administrators.
void setup_logmenu_page(void){
  Blob desc;
  blob_init(&desc, 0, 0);

  /* Administrator access only */
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  style_header("Log Menu");
  @ <table border="0" cellspacing="3">
  setup_menu_entry("Admin Log", "admin_log",
    "The admin log records configuration changes to the repository.\n"
    "The admin log is stored in the \"admin_log\" table of the repository.\n"
  setup_menu_entry("Artifact Log", "rcvfromlist",
    "The artifact log records when new content is added to the repository.\n"
    "The time and date and origin of the new content is entered into the\n"
    "Log.  The artifact log is always on and is stored in the \"rcvfrom\"\n"
    "table of the repository.\n"

    "The error log is a separate text file to which warning and error\n"
    "messages are appended.  A single error log can and often is shared\n"
    "across multiple repositories.\n"
  if( g.zErrlog==0 || fossil_strcmp(g.zErrlog,"-")==0 ){
    blob_appendf(&desc,"The error log is disabled for this repository.");
    blob_appendf(&desc,"In this repository, the error log is in the file"
       "named \"%s\".", g.zErrlog);
  setup_menu_entry("Error Log", "errorlog", blob_str(&desc));

  setup_menu_entry("Panic Log", "paniclog",
    "The panic log is a filtering of the Error Log that shows only the\n"
    "most important messages - assertion faults, segmentation faults, and\n"
    "similar malfunctions."

  setup_menu_entry("User Log", "user_log",
    "The user log is a record of login attempts.  The user log is stored\n"
    "in the \"accesslog\" table of the respository.\n"

  @ </table>

** Generate a checkbox for an attribute.
void onoff_attribute(
  const char *zLabel,   /* The text label on the checkbox */
  const char *zVar,     /* The corresponding row in the CONFIG table */
  const char *zQParm,   /* The query parameter */
  int dfltVal,          /* Default value if CONFIG table entry does not exist */
  int disabled          /* 1 if disabled */
  const char *zQ = P(zQParm);
  int iVal = db_get_boolean(zVar, dfltVal);
  if( zQ==0 && !disabled && P("submit") ){
    zQ = "off";
  if( zQ ){
    int iQ = fossil_strcmp(zQ,"on")==0 || atoi(zQ);
    if( iQ!=iVal && cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
      db_set(zVar/*works-like:"x"*/, iQ ? "1" : "0", 0);
      admin_log("Set option [%q] to [%q].",
                zVar, iQ ? "on" : "off");
      iVal = iQ;
  @ <label><input type="checkbox" name="%s(zQParm)" \
  @ aria-label="%h(zLabel[0]?zLabel:zQParm)" \
  if( iVal ){
    @ checked="checked" \
  if( disabled ){
    @ disabled="disabled" \
  @ > <b>%s(zLabel)</b></label>

** Generate an entry box for an attribute.
void entry_attribute(
  const char *zLabel,   /* The text label on the entry box */
  int width,            /* Width of the entry box */
  const char *zVar,     /* The corresponding row in the CONFIG table */
  const char *zQParm,   /* The query parameter */
  const char *zDflt,    /* Default value if CONFIG table entry does not exist */
  int disabled          /* 1 if disabled */
  const char *zVal = db_get(zVar, zDflt);
  const char *zQ = P(zQParm);
  if( zQ && fossil_strcmp(zQ,zVal)!=0 && cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
    const int nZQ = (int)strlen(zQ);
    db_set(zVar/*works-like:"x"*/, zQ, 0);
    admin_log("Set entry_attribute %Q to: %.*s%s",
              zVar, 20, zQ, (nZQ>20 ? "..." : ""));
    zVal = zQ;
  @ <input aria-label="%h(zLabel[0]?zLabel:zQParm)" type="text" \
  @ id="%s(zQParm)" name="%s(zQParm)" value="%h(zVal)" size="%d(width)" \
  if( disabled ){
    @ disabled="disabled" \
  @ > <b>%s(zLabel)</b>

** Generate a text box for an attribute.
const char *textarea_attribute(
  const char *zLabel,   /* The text label on the textarea */
  int rows,             /* Rows in the textarea */
  int cols,             /* Columns in the textarea */
  const char *zVar,     /* The corresponding row in the CONFIG table */
  const char *zQP,      /* The query parameter */
  const char *zDflt,    /* Default value if CONFIG table entry does not exist */
  int disabled          /* 1 if the textarea should  not be editable */
  const char *z = db_get(zVar, zDflt);
  const char *zQ = P(zQP);
  if( zQ && !disabled && fossil_strcmp(zQ,z)!=0 && cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
    const int nZQ = (int)strlen(zQ);
    db_set(zVar/*works-like:"x"*/, zQ, 0);
    admin_log("Set textarea_attribute %Q to: %.*s%s",
              zVar, 20, zQ, (nZQ>20 ? "..." : ""));
    z = zQ;
  if( rows>0 && cols>0 ){
    @ <textarea id="id%s(zQP)" name="%s(zQP)" rows="%d(rows)" \
    @ aria-label="%h(zLabel[0]?zLabel:zQP)" \
    if( disabled ){
      @ disabled="disabled" \
    @ cols="%d(cols)">%h(z)</textarea>
    if( *zLabel ){
      @ <span class="textareaLabel">%s(zLabel)</span>
  return z;

** Generate a text box for an attribute.
void multiple_choice_attribute(
  const char *zLabel,   /* The text label on the menu */
  const char *zVar,     /* The corresponding row in the CONFIG table */
  const char *zQP,      /* The query parameter */
  const char *zDflt,    /* Default value if CONFIG table entry does not exist */
  int nChoice,          /* Number of choices */
  const char *const *azChoice /* Choices in pairs (VAR value, Display) */
  const char *z = db_get(zVar, zDflt);
  const char *zQ = P(zQP);
  int i;
  if( zQ && fossil_strcmp(zQ,z)!=0 && cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
    const int nZQ = (int)strlen(zQ);
    db_set(zVar/*works-like:"x"*/, zQ, 0);
    admin_log("Set multiple_choice_attribute %Q to: %.*s%s",
              zVar, 20, zQ, (nZQ>20 ? "..." : ""));
    z = zQ;
  @ <select aria-label="%h(zLabel)" size="1" name="%s(zQP)" id="id%s(zQP)">
  for(i=0; i<nChoice*2; i+=2){
    const char *zSel = fossil_strcmp(azChoice[i],z)==0 ? " selected" : "";
    @ <option value="%h(azChoice[i])"%s(zSel)>%h(azChoice[i+1])</option>
  @ </select> <b>%h(zLabel)</b>

** Insert code into the current page that allows the user to configure
** auto-hyperlink related robot defense settings.
static void addAutoHyperlinkSettings(void){
  static const char *const azDefenseOpts[] = {
    "0", "Off",
    "2", "UserAgent only",
    "1", "UserAgent and Javascript",
     "Enable hyperlinks base on User-Agent and/or Javascript",
     "auto-hyperlink", "autohyperlink", "1",
     count(azDefenseOpts)/2, azDefenseOpts);
  @ <p>Enable hyperlinks (the equivalent of the "h" permission) for all users,
  @ including user "nobody", as long as the User-Agent string in the
  @ HTTP header indicates that the request is coming from an actual human
  @ being.  If this setting is "UserAgent only" (2) then the
  @ UserAgent string is the only factor considered.  If the value of this
  @ setting is "UserAgent And Javascript" (1) then Javascript is added that
  @ runs after the page loads and fills in the href= values of &lt;a&gt;
  @ elements.  In either case, &lt;a&gt; tags are only generated if the
  @ UserAgent string indicates that the request is coming from a human and
  @ not a robot.
  @ <p>This setting is designed to give easy access to humans while
  @ keeping out robots.
  @ You do not normally want a robot to walk your entire repository because
  @ if it does, your server will end up computing diffs and annotations for
  @ every historical version of every file and creating ZIPs and tarballs of
  @ every historical check-in, which can use a lot of CPU and bandwidth
  @ even for relatively small projects.</p>
  @ <p>The "UserAgent and Javascript" value for this setting provides
  @ superior protection from robots.  However, that setting also prevents
  @ the visited/unvisited colors on hyperlinks from displaying correctly
  @ on Safari-derived browsers.  (Chrome and Firefox work fine.)  Since
  @ Safari is the underlying rendering engine on all iPhones and iPads,
  @ this means that hyperlink visited/unvisited colors will not operate
  @ on those platforms when "UserAgent and Javascript" is selected.</p>
  @ <p>Additional parameters that control the behavior of Javascript:</p>
  @ <blockquote>
  entry_attribute("Delay in milliseconds before enabling hyperlinks", 5,
                  "auto-hyperlink-delay", "ah-delay", "50", 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Also require a mouse event before enabling hyperlinks",
                  "auto-hyperlink-mouseover", "ahmo", 0, 0);
  @ </blockquote>
  @ <p>For maximum robot defense, "Delay" should be at least 50 milliseconds
  @ and "require a mouse event" should be turned on.  These values only come
  @ into play when the main auto-hyperlink settings is 2 ("UserAgent and
  @ Javascript").</p>
  @ <p>To see if Javascript-base hyperlink enabling mechanism is working,
  @ visit the <a href="%R/test_env">/test_env</a> page (from a separate
  @ web browser that is not logged in, even as "anonymous") and verify
  @ that the "g.jsHref" value is "1".</p>
  @ <p>(Properties: "auto-hyperlink", "auto-hyperlink-delay", and
  @ "auto-hyperlink-mouseover"")</p>

** WEBPAGE: setup_robot
** Settings associated with defense against robots.  Requires setup privilege.
void setup_robots(void){
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){
  style_header("Robot Defense Settings");
  @ <p>A Fossil website can have billions of pages in its tree, even for a
  @ modest project.  Many of those pages (examples: diffs and tarballs)
  @ might be expensive to compute. A robot that tries to walk the entire
  @ website can present a crippling CPU and bandwidth load.
  @ <p>The settings on this page are intended to help site administrators
  @ defend the site against robots.
  @ <form action="%R/setup_robot" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ <hr>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Server Load Average Limit", 11, "max-loadavg", "mxldavg",
                  "0.0", 0);
  @ <p>Some expensive operations (such as computing tarballs, zip archives,
  @ or annotation/blame pages) are prohibited if the load average on the host
  @ computer is too large.  Set the threshold for disallowing expensive
  @ computations here.  Set this to 0.0 to disable the load average limit.
  @ This limit is only enforced on Unix servers.  On Linux systems,
  @ access to the /proc virtual filesystem is required, which means this limit
  @ might not work inside a chroot() jail.
  @ (Property: "max-loadavg")</p>

  @ <hr>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_access
** The access-control settings page.  Requires Setup privileges.
void setup_access(void){
  static const char *const azRedirectOpts[] = {
    "0", "Off",
    "1", "Login Page Only",
    "2", "All Pages"
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

  style_header("Access Control Settings");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_access" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ <hr>
  multiple_choice_attribute("Redirect to HTTPS",
     "redirect-to-https", "redirhttps", "0",
     count(azRedirectOpts)/2, azRedirectOpts);
  @ <p>Force the use of HTTPS by redirecting to HTTPS when an
  @ unencrypted request is received.  This feature can be enabled
  @ for the Login page only, or for all pages.
  @ <p>Further details:  When enabled, this option causes the $secureurl TH1
  @ variable is set to an "https:" variant of $baseurl.  Otherwise,
  @ $secureurl is just an alias for $baseurl.
  @ (Property: "redirect-to-https".  "0" for off, "1" for Login page only,
  @ "2" otherwise.)
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Require password for local access",
     "localauth", "localauth", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, the password sign-in is always required for
  @ web access.  When disabled, unrestricted web access from
  @ is allowed for the <a href="%R/help/ui">fossil ui</a> command or
  @ from the <a href="%R/help/server">fossil server</a>,
  @ <a href="%R/help/http">fossil http</a> commands when the
  @ "--localauth" command line options is used, or from the
  @ <a href="%R/help/cgi">fossil cgi</a> if a line containing
  @ the word "localauth" appears in the CGI script.
  @ <p>A password is always required if any one or more
  @ of the following are true:
  @ <ol>
  @ <li> This button is checked
  @ <li> The inbound TCP/IP connection is not from
  @ <li> The server is started using either of the
  @ <a href="%R/help/server">fossil server</a> or
  @ <a href="%R/help/server">fossil http</a> commands
  @ without the "--localauth" option.
  @ <li> The server is started from CGI without the "localauth" keyword
  @ in the CGI script.
  @ </ol>
  @ (Property: "localauth")
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Enable /test_env",
     "test_env_enable", "test_env_enable", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, the %h(g.zBaseURL)/test_env URL is available to all
  @ users.  When disabled (the default) only users Admin and Setup can visit
  @ the /test_env page.
  @ (Property: "test_env_enable")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Enable /artifact_stats",
     "artifact_stats_enable", "artifact_stats_enable", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, the %h(g.zBaseURL)/artifact_stats URL is available to all
  @ users.  When disabled (the default) only users with check-in privilege may
  @ access the /artifact_stats page.
  @ (Property: "artifact_stats_enable")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Allow REMOTE_USER authentication",
     "remote_user_ok", "remote_user_ok", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, if the REMOTE_USER environment variable is set to the
  @ login name of a valid user and no other login credentials are available,
  @ then the REMOTE_USER is accepted as an authenticated user.
  @ (Property: "remote_user_ok")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Allow HTTP_AUTHENTICATION authentication",
     "http_authentication_ok", "http_authentication_ok", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, allow the use of the HTTP_AUTHENTICATION environment
  @ variable or the "Authentication:" HTTP header to find the username and
  @ password. This is another way of supporting Basic Authentication.
  @ (Property: "http_authentication_ok")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Login expiration time", 6, "cookie-expire", "cex",
                  "8766", 0);
  @ <p>The number of hours for which a login is valid.  This must be a
  @ positive number.  The default is 8766 hours which is approximately equal
  @ to a year.
  @ (Property: "cookie-expire")</p>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Download packet limit", 10, "max-download", "mxdwn",
                  "5000000", 0);
  @ <p>Fossil tries to limit out-bound sync, clone, and pull packets
  @ to this many bytes, uncompressed.  If the client requires more data
  @ than this, then the client will issue multiple HTTP requests.
  @ Values below 1 million are not recommended.  5 million is a
  @ reasonable number.  (Property: "max-download")</p>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Download time limit", 11, "max-download-time", "mxdwnt",
                  "30", 0);

  @ <p>Fossil tries to spend less than this many seconds gathering
  @ the out-bound data of sync, clone, and pull packets.
  @ If the client request takes longer, a partial reply is given similar
  @ to the download packet limit. 30s is a reasonable default.
  @ (Property: "max-download-time")</p>

  @ <a id="slal"></a>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Server Load Average Limit", 11, "max-loadavg", "mxldavg",
                  "0.0", 0);
  @ <p>Some expensive operations (such as computing tarballs, zip archives,
  @ or annotation/blame pages) are prohibited if the load average on the host
  @ computer is too large.  Set the threshold for disallowing expensive
  @ computations here.  Set this to 0.0 to disable the load average limit.
  @ This limit is only enforced on Unix servers.  On Linux systems,
  @ access to the /proc virtual filesystem is required, which means this limit
  @ might not work inside a chroot() jail.
  @ (Property: "max-loadavg")</p>

  /* Add the auto-hyperlink settings controls.  These same controls
  ** are also accessible from the /setup_robot page.
  @ <hr>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Require a CAPTCHA if not logged in",
                  "require-captcha", "reqcapt", 1, 0);
  @ <p>Require a CAPTCHA for edit operations (appending, creating, or
  @ editing wiki or tickets or adding attachments to wiki or tickets)
  @ for users who are not logged in. (Property: "require-captcha")</p>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Public pages", 30, "public-pages",
                  "pubpage", "", 0);
  @ <p>A comma-separated list of glob patterns for pages that are accessible
  @ without needing a login and using the privileges given by the
  @ "Default privileges" setting below.
  @ <p>Example use case: Set this field to "/doc/trunk/www/*" and set
  @ the "Default privileges" to include the "o" privilege
  @ to give anonymous users read-only permission to the
  @ latest version of the embedded documentation in the www/ folder without
  @ allowing them to see the rest of the source code.
  @ (Property: "public-pages")
  @ </p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Allow users to register themselves",
                  "self-register", "selfreg", 0, 0);
  @ <p>Allow users to register themselves on the /register webpage.
  @ A self-registration creates a new entry in the USER table and
  @ perhaps also in the SUBSCRIBER table if email notification is
  @ enabled.
  @ (Property: "self-register")</p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Allow users to reset their own passwords",
                  "self-pw-reset", "selfpw", 0, 0);
  @ <p>Allow users to request that an email contains a hyperlink to a
  @ password reset page be sent to their email address of record.  This
  @ enables forgetful users to recover their forgotten passwords without
  @ administrator intervention.
  @ (Property: "self-pw-reset")</p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Email verification required for self-registration",
                  "selfreg-verify", "sfverify", 0, 0);
  @ <p>If enabled, self-registration creates a new entry in the USER table
  @ with only capabilities "7".  The default user capabilities are not
  @ added until the email address associated with the self-registration
  @ has been verified. This setting only makes sense if
  @ email notifications are enabled.
  @ (Property: "selfreg-verify")</p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Allow anonymous subscriptions",
                  "anon-subscribe", "anonsub", 1, 0);
  @ <p>If disabled, email notification subscriptions are only allowed
  @ for users with a login.  If Nobody or Anonymous visit the /subscribe
  @ page, they are redirected to /register or /login.
  @ (Property: "anon-subscribe")</p>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Authorized subscription email addresses", 35,
                  "auth-sub-email", "asemail", "", 0);
  @ <p>This is a comma-separated list of GLOB patterns that specify
  @ email addresses that are authorized to subscriptions.  If blank
  @ (the usual case), then any email address can be used to self-register.
  @ This setting is used to limit subscriptions to members of a particular
  @ organization or group based on their email address.
  @ (Property: "auth-sub-email")</p>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Default privileges", 10, "default-perms",
                  "defaultperms", "u", 0);
  @ <p>Permissions given to users that... <ul><li>register themselves using
  @ the self-registration procedure (if enabled), or <li>access "public"
  @ pages identified by the public-pages glob pattern above, or <li>
  @ are users newly created by the administrator.</ul>
  @ <p>Recommended value: "u" for Reader.
  @ <a href="%R/setup_ucap_list">Capability Key</a>.
  @ (Property: "default-perms")
  @ </p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Show javascript button to fill in CAPTCHA",
                  "auto-captcha", "autocaptcha", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, a button appears on the login screen for user
  @ "anonymous" that will automatically fill in the CAPTCHA password.
  @ This is less secure than forcing the user to do it manually, but is
  @ probably secure enough and it is certainly more convenient for
  @ anonymous users.  (Property: "auto-captcha")</p>

  @ <hr>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_login_group
** Change how the current repository participates in a login
** group.
void setup_login_group(void){
  const char *zGroup;
  char *zErrMsg = 0;
  Blob fullName;
  char *zSelfRepo;
  const char *zRepo = PD("repo", "");
  const char *zLogin = PD("login", "");
  const char *zPw = PD("pw", "");
  const char *zNewName = PD("newname", "New Login Group");

  if( !g.perm.Setup ){
  file_canonical_name(g.zRepositoryName, &fullName, 0);
  zSelfRepo = fossil_strdup(blob_str(&fullName));
  if( P("join")!=0 ){
    login_group_join(zRepo, 1, zLogin, zPw, zNewName, &zErrMsg);
  }else if( P("leave") ){
  style_header("Login Group Configuration");
  if( zErrMsg ){
    @ <p class="generalError">%s(zErrMsg)</p>
  zGroup = login_group_name();
  if( zGroup==0 ){
    @ <p>This repository (in the file named "%h(zSelfRepo)")
    @ is not currently part of any login-group.
    @ To join a login group, fill out the form below.</p>
    @ <form action="%R/setup_login_group" method="post"><div>
    @ <blockquote><table border="0">
    @ <tr><th align="right" id="rfigtj">Repository filename \
    @ in group to join:</th>
    @ <td width="5"></td><td>
    @ <input aria-labelledby="rfigtj" type="text" size="50" \
    @ value="%h(zRepo)" name="repo"></td></tr>
    @ <tr><th align="right" id="lotar">Login on the above repo:</th>
    @ <td width="5"></td><td>
    @ <input aria-labelledby="lotar" type="text" size="20" \
    @ value="%h(zLogin)" name="login"></td></tr>
    @ <tr><th align="right" id="lgpw">Password:</th>
    @ <td width="5"></td><td>
    @ <input aria-labelledby="lgpw" type="password" size="20" name="pw">\
    @ </td></tr>
    @ <tr><th align="right" id="nolg">Name of login-group:</th>
    @ <td width="5"></td><td>
    @ <input aria-labelledby="nolg" type="text" size="30" \
    @ value="%h(zNewName)" name="newname">
    @ (only used if creating a new login-group).</td></tr>
    @ <tr><td colspan="3" align="center">
    @ <input type="submit" value="Join" name="join"></td></tr>
    @ </table></blockquote></div></form>
    Stmt q;
    int n = 0;
    @ <p>This repository (in the file "%h(zSelfRepo)")
    @ is currently part of the "<b>%h(zGroup)</b>" login group.
    @ Other repositories in that group are:</p>
    @ <table border="0" cellspacing="4">
    @ <tr><td colspan="2"><th align="left">Project Name<td>
    @ <th align="left">Repository File</tr>
       "SELECT value,"
       "       (SELECT value FROM config"
       "         WHERE name=('peer-name-' || substr(,11)))"
       "  FROM config AS x"
       " WHERE name GLOB 'peer-repo-*'"
       " ORDER BY value"
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zRepo = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      const char *zTitle = db_column_text(&q, 1);
      @ <tr><td align="right">%d(n).</td><td width="4">
      @ <td>%h(zTitle)<td width="10"><td>%h(zRepo)</tr>
    @ </table>
    @ <p><form action="%R/setup_login_group" method="post"><div>
    @ To leave this login group press
    @ <input type="submit" value="Leave Login Group" name="leave">
    @ </form></p>
    @ <hr><h2>Implementation Details</h2>
    @ <p>The following are fields from the CONFIG table related to login-groups,
    @ provided here for instructional and debugging purposes:</p>
    @ <table border='1' class='sortable' data-column-types='ttt' \
    @ data-init-sort='1'>
    @ <thead><tr>
    @ <th>Config.Name<th>Config.Value<th>Config.mtime</tr>
    @ </thead><tbody>
    db_prepare(&q, "SELECT name, value, datetime(mtime,'unixepoch') FROM config"
                   " WHERE name GLOB 'peer-*'"
                   "    OR name GLOB 'project-*'"
                   "    OR name GLOB 'login-group-*'"
                   " ORDER BY name");
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      @ <tr><td>%h(db_column_text(&q,0))</td>
      @ <td>%h(db_column_text(&q,1))</td>
      @ <td>%h(db_column_text(&q,2))</td></tr>
    @ </tbody></table>

** WEBPAGE: setup_timeline
** Edit administrative settings controlling the display of
** timelines.
void setup_timeline(void){
  double tmDiff;
  char zTmDiff[20];
  static const char *const azTimeFormats[] = {
      "0", "HH:MM",
      "1", "HH:MM:SS",
      "2", "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM",
      "3", "YYMMDD HH:MM",
      "4", "(off)"
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){

  style_header("Timeline Display Preferences");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_timeline" method="post"><div>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Allow block-markup in timeline",
                  "timeline-block-markup", "tbm", 0, 0);
  @ <p>In timeline displays, check-in comments can be displayed with or
  @ without block markup such as paragraphs, tables, etc.
  @ (Property: "timeline-block-markup")</p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Plaintext comments on timelines",
                  "timeline-plaintext", "tpt", 0, 0);
  @ <p>In timeline displays, check-in comments are displayed literally,
  @ without any wiki or HTML interpretation.  Use CSS to change
  @ display formatting features such as fonts and line-wrapping behavior.
  @ (Property: "timeline-plaintext")</p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Truncate comment at first blank line (Git-style)",
                  "timeline-truncate-at-blank", "ttb", 0, 0);
  @ <p>In timeline displays, check-in comments are displayed only through
  @ the first blank line.  This is the traditional way to display comments
  @ in Git repositories (Property: "timeline-truncate-at-blank")</p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Break comments at newline characters",
                  "timeline-hard-newlines", "thnl", 0, 0);
  @ <p>In timeline displays, newline characters in check-in comments force
  @ a line break on the display.
  @ (Property: "timeline-hard-newlines")</p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Use Universal Coordinated Time (UTC)",
                  "timeline-utc", "utc", 1, 0);
  @ <p>Show times as UTC (also sometimes called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or
  @ Zulu) instead of in local time.  On this server, local time is currently
  tmDiff = db_double(0.0, "SELECT julianday('now')");
  tmDiff = db_double(0.0,
        "SELECT (julianday(%.17g,'localtime')-julianday(%.17g))*24.0",
        tmDiff, tmDiff);
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zTmDiff), zTmDiff, "%.1f", tmDiff);
  if( strcmp(zTmDiff, "0.0")==0 ){
    @ the same as UTC and so this setting will make no difference in
    @ the display.</p>
  }else if( tmDiff<0.0 ){
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zTmDiff), zTmDiff, "%.1f", -tmDiff);
    @ %s(zTmDiff) hours behind UTC.</p>
    @ %s(zTmDiff) hours ahead of UTC.</p>
  @ <p>(Property: "timeline-utc")

  @ <hr>
  multiple_choice_attribute("Style", "timeline-default-style",
            "tdss", "0", N_TIMELINE_VIEW_STYLE, timeline_view_styles);
  @ <p>The default timeline viewing style, for when the user has not
  @ specified an alternative.  (Property: "timeline-default-style")</p>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Default Number Of Rows", 6, "timeline-default-length",
                  "tldl", "50", 0);
  @ <p>The maximum number of rows to show on a timeline in the absence
  @ of a user display preference cookie setting or an explicit n= query
  @ parameter.  (Property: "timeline-default-length")</p>

  @ <hr>
  multiple_choice_attribute("Per-Item Time Format", "timeline-date-format",
            "tdf", "0", count(azTimeFormats)/2, azTimeFormats);
  @ <p>If the "HH:MM" or "HH:MM:SS" format is selected, then the date is shown
  @ in a separate box (using CSS class "timelineDate") whenever the date
  @ changes.  With the "YYYY-MM-DD&nbsp;HH:MM" and "YYMMDD ..." formats,
  @ the complete date and time is shown on every timeline entry using the
  @ CSS class "timelineTime". (Property: "timeline-date-format")</p>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Max timeline comment length", 6,
                  "timeline-max-comment", "tmc", "0", 0);
  @ <p>The maximum length of a comment to be displayed in a timeline.
  @ "0" there is no length limit.
  @ (Property: "timeline-max-comment")</p>

  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Tooltip dwell time (milliseconds)", 6,
                  "timeline-dwelltime", "tdt", "100", 0);
  @ <br>
  entry_attribute("Tooltip close time (milliseconds)", 6,
                  "timeline-closetime", "tct", "250", 0);
  @ <p>The <strong>dwell time</strong> defines how long the mouse pointer
  @ should be stationary above an object of the graph before a tooltip
  @ appears.<br>
  @ The <strong>close time</strong> defines how long the mouse pointer
  @ can be away from an object before a tooltip is closed.</p>
  @ <p>Set <strong>dwell time</strong> to "0" to disable tooltips.<br>
  @ Set <strong>close time</strong> to "0" to keep tooltips visible until
  @ the mouse is clicked elsewhere.<p>
  @ <p>(Properties: "timeline-dwelltime", "timeline-closetime")</p>

  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Timestamp hyperlinks to /info",
                  "timeline-tslink-info", "ttlti", 0, 0);
  @ <p>The hyperlink on the timestamp associated with each timeline entry,
  @ on the far left-hand side of the screen, normally targets another
  @ /timeline page that shows the entry in context.  However, if this
  @ option is turned on, that hyperlink targets the /info page showing
  @ the details of the entry.
  @ <p>The /timeline link is the default since it is often useful to
  @ see an entry in context, and because that link is not otherwise
  @ accessible on the timeline.  The /info link is also accessible by
  @ double-clicking the timeline node or by clicking on the hash that
  @ follows "check-in:" in the supplemental information section on the
  @ right of the entry.
  @ <p>(Properties: "timeline-tslink-info")

  @ <hr>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_settings
** Change or view miscellaneous settings.  Part of the
** /setup pages requiring Setup privileges.
void setup_settings(void){
  int nSetting;
  int i;
  Setting const *pSet;
  const Setting *aSetting = setting_info(&nSetting);

  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

    /* Provide read-only access to versioned settings,
       but only if no repo file was explicitly provided. */
  @ <p>Settings marked with (v) are "versionable" and will be overridden
  @ by the contents of managed files named
  @ "<tt>.fossil-settings/</tt><i>SETTING-NAME</i>".
  @ If the file for a versionable setting exists, the value cannot be
  @ changed on this screen.</p><hr><p>
  @ <form action="%R/setup_settings" method="post"><div>
  @ <table border="0"><tr><td valign="top">
  for(i=0, pSet=aSetting; i<nSetting; i++, pSet++){
    if( pSet->width==0 ){
      int hasVersionableValue = pSet->versionable &&
          (db_get_versioned(pSet->name, NULL)!=0);
      onoff_attribute("", pSet->name,
                      pSet->var!=0 ? pSet->var : pSet->name /*works-like:"x"*/,
                      is_truth(pSet->def), hasVersionableValue);
      @ <a href='%R/help?cmd=%s(pSet->name)'>%h(pSet->name)</a>
      if( pSet->versionable ){
        @  (v)<br>
      } else {
        @ <br>
  @ <br><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes">
  @ </td><td style="width:50px;"></td><td valign="top">
  @ <table>
  for(i=0, pSet=aSetting; i<nSetting; i++, pSet++){
    if( pSet->width>0 && !pSet->forceTextArea ){
      int hasVersionableValue = pSet->versionable &&
          (db_get_versioned(pSet->name, NULL)!=0);
      @ <tr><td>
      @ <a href='%R/help?cmd=%s(pSet->name)'>%h(pSet->name)</a>
      if( pSet->versionable ){
        @  (v)
      } else {
      entry_attribute("", /*pSet->width*/ 25, pSet->name,
                      pSet->var!=0 ? pSet->var : pSet->name /*works-like:"x"*/,
                      (char*)pSet->def, hasVersionableValue);
  @ </td><td style="width:50px;"></td><td valign="top">
  for(i=0, pSet=aSetting; i<nSetting; i++, pSet++){
    if( pSet->width>0 && pSet->forceTextArea ){
      int hasVersionableValue = db_get_versioned(pSet->name, NULL)!=0;
      @ <a href='%R/help?cmd=%s(pSet->name)'>%s(pSet->name)</a>
      if( pSet->versionable ){
        @  (v)<br>
      } else {
        @ <br>
      textarea_attribute("", /*rows*/ 2, /*cols*/ 35, pSet->name,
                      pSet->var!=0 ? pSet->var : pSet->name /*works-like:"x"*/,
                      (char*)pSet->def, hasVersionableValue);
  @ </td></tr></table>
  @ </div></form>

** SETTING:  mainmenu          width=70 block-text keep-empty
** The mainmenu setting specifies the entries on the main menu
** for many skins.  The mainmenu should be a TCL list.  Each set
** of four consecutive values defines a single main menu item:
**   *   The first term is text that appears on the menu.
**   *   The second term is a hyperlink to take when a user clicks on the
**       entry.  Hyperlinks that start with "/" are relative to the
**       repository root.
**   *   The third term is an argument to the TH1 "capexpr" command.
**       If capexpr evaluates to true, then the entry is shown.  If not,
**       the entry is omitted.  "*" is always true.  "{}" is never true.
**   *   The fourth term is a list of extra class names to apply to the
**       new menu entry.  Some skins use classes "desktoponly" and
**       "wideonly" to only show the entries when the web browser
**       screen is wide or very wide, respectively.
** Some custom skins might not use this property.  Whether the property
** is used or not a choice made by the skin designer.  Some skins may add
** extra choices (such as the hamburger button) to the menu.
** SETTING: sitemap-extra      width=70 block-text
** The sitemap-extra setting defines extra links to appear on the
** /sitemap web page as sub-items of the "Home Page" entry before the
** "Documentation Search" entry (if any).  For skins that use the /sitemap
** page to construct a hamburger menu dropdown, new entries added here
** will appear on the hamburger menu.
** This setting should be a TCL list divided into triples.  Each
** triple defines a new entry:
**   *   The first term is the display name of the /sitemap entry
**   *   The second term is a hyperlink to take when a user clicks on the
**       entry.  Hyperlinks that start with "/" are relative to the
**       repository root.
**   *   The third term is an argument to the TH1 "capexpr" command.
**       If capexpr evaluates to true, then the entry is shown.  If not,
**       the entry is omitted.  "*" is always true.
** The default value is blank, meaning no added entries.

** WEBPAGE: setup_config
** The "Admin/Configuration" page.  Requires Setup privilege.
void setup_config(void){
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

  style_header("WWW Configuration");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_config" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Project Name", 60, "project-name", "pn", "", 0);
  @ <p>A brief project name so visitors know what this site is about.
  @ The project name will also be used as the RSS feed title.
  @ (Property: "project-name")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  textarea_attribute("Project Description", 3, 80,
                     "project-description", "pd", "", 0);
  @ <p>Describe your project. This will be used in page headers for search
  @ engines as well as a short RSS description.
  @ (Property: "project-description")</p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Canonical Server URL", 40, "email-url",
                   "eurl", "", 0);
  @ <p>This is the URL used to access this repository as a server.
  @ Other repositories use this URL to clone or sync against this repository.
  @ This is also the basename for hyperlinks included in email alert text.
  @ Omit the trailing "/".
  @ If this repo will not be set up as a persistent server and will not
  @ be sending email alerts, then leave this entry blank.
  @ Suggested value: "%h(g.zBaseURL)"
  @ (Property: "email-url")</p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Tarball and ZIP-archive Prefix", 20, "short-project-name",
                  "spn", "", 0);
  @ <p>This is used as a prefix on the names of generated tarballs and
  @ ZIP archive. For best results, keep this prefix brief and avoid special
  @ characters such as "/" and "\".
  @ If no tarball prefix is specified, then the full Project Name above is used.
  @ (Property: "short-project-name")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Download Tag", 20, "download-tag", "dlt", "trunk", 0);
  @ <p>The <a href='%R/download'>/download</a> page is designed to provide
  @ a convenient place for newbies
  @ to download a ZIP archive or a tarball of the project.  By default,
  @ the latest trunk check-in is downloaded.  Change this tag to something
  @ else (ex: release) to alter the behavior of the /download page.
  @ (Property: "download-tag")
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Index Page", 60, "index-page", "idxpg", "/home", 0);
  @ <p>Enter the pathname of the page to display when the "Home" menu
  @ option is selected and when no pathname is
  @ specified in the URL.  For example, if you visit the url:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p>%h(g.zBaseURL)</p></blockquote>
  @ <p>And you have specified an index page of "/home" the above will
  @ automatically redirect to:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p>%h(g.zBaseURL)/home</p></blockquote>
  @ <p>The default "/home" page displays a Wiki page with the same name
  @ as the Project Name specified above.  Some sites prefer to redirect
  @ to a documentation page (ex: "/doc/trunk/") or to "/timeline".</p>
  @ <p>Note:  To avoid a redirect loop or other problems, this entry must
  @ begin with "/" and it must specify a valid page.  For example,
  @ "<b>/home</b>" will work but "<b>home</b>" will not, since it omits the
  @ leading "/".</p>
  @ <p>(Property: "index-page")
  @ <hr>
  @ <p>The main menu for the web interface
  @ <p>
  @ <p>This setting should be a TCL list.  Each set of four consecutive
  @ values defines a single main menu item:
  @ <ol>
  @ <li> The first term is text that appears on the menu.
  @ <li> The second term is a hyperlink to take when a user clicks on the
  @      entry.  Hyperlinks that start with "/" are relative to the
  @      repository root.
  @ <li> The third term is an argument to the TH1 "capexpr" command.
  @      If capexpr evaluates to true, then the entry is shown.  If not,
  @      the entry is omitted.  "*" is always true.  "{}" is never true.
  @ <li> The fourth term is a list of extra class names to apply to the new
  @      menu entry.  Some skins use classes "desktoponly" and "wideonly"
  @      to only show the entries when the web browser screen is wide or
  @      very wide, respectively.
  @ </ol>
  @ <p>Some custom skins might not use this property. Whether the property
  @ is used or not a choice made by the skin designer. Some skins may add extra
  @ choices (such as the hamburger button) to the menu that are not shown
  @ on this list. (Property: mainmenu)
  @ <p>
    db_unset("mainmenu", 0);
  textarea_attribute("Main Menu", 12, 80,
      "mainmenu", "mmenu", style_default_mainmenu(), 0);
  @ </p>
  @ <p><input type='checkbox' id='cbResetMenu' name='resetMenu' value='1'>
  @ <label for='cbResetMenu'>Reset menu to default value</label>
  @ </p>
  @ <hr>
  @ <p>Extra links to appear on the <a href="%R/sitemap">/sitemap</a> page,
  @ as sub-items of the "Home Page" entry, appearing before the
  @ "Documentation Search" entry (if any).  In skins that use the /sitemap
  @ page to construct a hamburger menu dropdown, new entries added here
  @ will appear on the hamburger menu.
  @ <p>This setting should be a TCL list divided into triples.  Each
  @ triple defines a new entry:
  @ <ol>
  @ <li> The first term is the display name of the /sitemap entry
  @ <li> The second term is a hyperlink to take when a user clicks on the
  @      entry.  Hyperlinks that start with "/" are relative to the
  @      repository root.
  @ <li> The third term is an argument to the TH1 "capexpr" command.
  @      If capexpr evaluates to true, then the entry is shown.  If not,
  @      the entry is omitted.  "*" is always true.
  @ </ol>
  @ <p>The default value is blank, meaning no added entries.
  @ (Property: sitemap-extra)
  @ <p>
  textarea_attribute("Custom Sitemap Entries", 8, 80,
      "sitemap-extra", "smextra", "", 0);
  @ <hr>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_wiki
** The "Admin/Wiki" page.  Requires Setup privilege.
void setup_wiki(void){
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

  style_header("Wiki Configuration");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_wiki" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Associate Wiki Pages With Branches, Tags, or Checkins",
                  "wiki-about", "wiki-about", 1, 0);
  @ <p>
  @ Associate wiki pages with branches, tags, or checkins, based on
  @ the wiki page name.  Wiki pages that begin with "branch/", "checkin/"
  @ or "tag/" and which continue with the name of an existing branch, check-in
  @ or tag are treated specially when this feature is enabled.
  @ <ul>
  @ <li> <b>branch/</b><i>branch-name</i>
  @ <li> <b>checkin/</b><i>full-check-in-hash</i>
  @ <li> <b>tag/</b><i>tag-name</i>
  @ </ul>
  @ (Property: "wiki-about")</p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Allow Unsafe HTML In Markdown", 6,
                  "safe-html", "safe-html", "", 0);
  @ <p>Allow "unsafe" HTML (ex: &lt;script&gt;, &lt;form&gt;, etc) to be
  @ generated by <a href="%R/md_rules">Markdown-formatted</a> documents.
  @ This setting is a string where each character indicates a "type" of
  @ document in which to allow unsafe HTML:
  @ <ul>
  @ <li> <b>b</b> &rarr; checked-in files, embedded documentation
  @ <li> <b>f</b> &rarr; forum posts
  @ <li> <b>t</b> &rarr; tickets
  @ <li> <b>w</b> &rarr; wiki pages
  @ </ul>
  @ Include letters for each type of document for which unsafe HTML should
  @ be allowed.  For example, to allow unsafe HTML only for checked-in files,
  @ make this setting be just "<b>b</b>".  To allow unsafe HTML anywhere except
  @ in forum posts, make this setting be "<b>btw</b>".  The default is an
  @ empty string which means that Fossil never allows Markdown documents
  @ to generate unsafe HTML.
  @ (Property: "safe-html")</p>
  @ <hr>
  @ The current interwiki tag map is as follows:
  @ <p>Visit <a href="./intermap">%R/intermap</a> for details or to
  @ modify the interwiki tag map.
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Use HTML as wiki markup language",
    "wiki-use-html", "wiki-use-html", 0, 0);
  @ <p>Use HTML as the wiki markup language. Wiki links will still be parsed
  @ but all other wiki formatting will be ignored.</p>
  @ <p><strong>CAUTION:</strong> when
  @ enabling, <i>all</i> HTML tags and attributes are accepted in the wiki.
  @ No sanitization is done. This means that it is very possible for malicious
  @ users to inject dangerous HTML, CSS and JavaScript code into your wiki.</p>
  @ <p>This should <strong>only</strong> be enabled when wiki editing is limited
  @ to trusted users. It should <strong>not</strong> be used on a publicly
  @ editable wiki.</p>
  @ (Property: "wiki-use-html")
  @ <hr>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ </div></form>

** WEBPAGE: setup_chat
** The "Admin/Chat" page.  Requires Setup privilege.
void setup_chat(void){
  static const char *const azAlerts[] = {
    "alerts/plunk.wav",  "Plunk",
    "alerts/bflat3.wav", "Tone-1",
    "alerts/bflat2.wav", "Tone-2",
    "alerts/bloop.wav",  "Bloop",

  if( !g.perm.Setup ){

  style_header("Chat Configuration");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_chat" method="post"><div>
  @ <input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Initial Chat History Size", 10,
                  "chat-initial-history", "chatih", "50", 0);
  @ <p>When /chat first starts up, it preloads up to this many historical
  @ messages.
  @ (Property: "chat-initial-history")</p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Minimum Number Of Historical Messages To Retain", 10,
                  "chat-keep-count", "chatkc", "50", 0);
  @ <p>The chat subsystem purges older messages.  But it will always retain
  @ the N most recent messages where N is the value of this setting.
  @ (Property: "chat-keep-count")</p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Maximum Message Age In Days", 10,
                  "chat-keep-days", "chatkd", "7", 0);
  @ <p>Chat message are removed after N days, where N is the value of
  @ this setting.  N may be fractional.  So, for example, to only keep
  @ an historical record of chat messages for 12 hours, set this value
  @ to 0.5.
  @ (Property: "chat-keep-days")</p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Chat Polling Timeout", 10,
                  "chat-poll-timeout", "chatpt", "420", 0);
  @ <p>New chat content is downloaded using the "long poll" technique.
  @ HTTP requests are made to /chat-poll which blocks waiting on new
  @ content to arrive.  But the /chat-poll cannot block forever.  It
  @ eventual must give up and return an empty message set.  This setting
  @ determines how long /chat-poll will wait before giving up.  The
  @ default setting of approximately 7 minutes works well on many systems.
  @ Shorter delays might be required on installations that use proxies
  @ or web-servers with short timeouts.  For best efficiency, this value
  @ should be larger rather than smaller.
  @ (Property: "chat-poll-timeout")</p>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Chat Timeline Robot Username", 15,
                  "chat-timeline-user", "chatrobot", "", 0);
  @ <p>If this setting is not an empty string, then any changes that appear
  @ on the timeline are announced in the chatroom under the username
  @ supplied.  The username does not need to actually exist in the USER table.
  @ Suggested username:  "chat-robot".
  @ (Property: "chat-timeline-user")</p>
  @ <hr>

  multiple_choice_attribute("Alert sound",
     "chat-alert-sound", "snd", azAlerts[0],
     count(azAlerts)/2, azAlerts);
  @ <p>The sound used in the client-side chat to indicate that a new
  @ chat message has arrived.
  @ (Property: "chat-alert-sound")</p>
  @ <hr/>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ </div></form>
  @ <script nonce="%h(style_nonce())">
  @ (function(){
  @   var w = document.getElementById('idsnd');
  @   w.onchange = function(){
  @     var audio = new Audio('%s(g.zBaseURL)/builtin/' + w.value);
  @     audio.currentTime = 0;
  @   }
  @ })();
  @ </script>

** WEBPAGE: setup_modreq
** Admin page for setting up moderation of tickets and wiki.
void setup_modreq(void){
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){

  style_header("Moderator For Wiki And Tickets");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_modreq" method="post"><div>
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Moderate ticket changes",
     "modreq-tkt", "modreq-tkt", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, any change to tickets is subject to the approval
  @ by a ticket moderator - a user with the "q" or Mod-Tkt privilege.
  @ Ticket changes enter the system and are shown locally, but are not
  @ synced until they are approved.  The moderator has the option to
  @ delete the change rather than approve it.  Ticket changes made by
  @ a user who has the Mod-Tkt privilege are never subject to
  @ moderation. (Property: "modreq-tkt")
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Moderate wiki changes",
     "modreq-wiki", "modreq-wiki", 0, 0);
  @ <p>When enabled, any change to wiki is subject to the approval
  @ by a wiki moderator - a user with the "l" or Mod-Wiki privilege.
  @ Wiki changes enter the system and are shown locally, but are not
  @ synced until they are approved.  The moderator has the option to
  @ delete the change rather than approve it.  Wiki changes made by
  @ a user who has the Mod-Wiki privilege are never subject to
  @ moderation. (Property: "modreq-wiki")
  @ </p>

  @ <hr>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ </div></form>


** WEBPAGE: setup_adunit
** Administrative page for configuring and controlling ad units
** and how they are displayed.
void setup_adunit(void){
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  if( P("clear")!=0 && cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
    db_multi_exec("DELETE FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'adunit*'");

  style_header("Edit Ad Unit");
  @ <form action="%R/setup_adunit" method="post"><div>
  @ <b>Banner Ad-Unit:</b><br>
 textarea_attribute("", 6, 80, "adunit", "adunit", "", 0);
  @ <br>
  @ <b>Right-Column Ad-Unit:</b><br>
  textarea_attribute("", 6, 80, "adunit-right", "adright", "", 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Omit ads to administrator",
     "adunit-omit-if-admin", "oia", 0, 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Omit ads to logged-in users",
     "adunit-omit-if-user", "oiu", 0, 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Temporarily disable all ads",
     "adunit-disable", "oall", 0, 0);
  @ <br>
  @ <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Apply Changes">
  @ <input type="submit" name="clear" value="Delete Ad-Unit">
  @ </div></form>
  @ <hr>
  @ <b>Ad-Unit Notes:</b><ul>
  @ <li>Leave both Ad-Units blank to disable all advertising.
  @ <li>The "Banner Ad-Unit" is used for wide pages.
  @ <li>The "Right-Column Ad-Unit" is used on pages with tall, narrow content.
  @ <li>If the "Right-Column Ad-Unit" is blank, the "Banner Ad-Unit" is
  @     used on all pages.
  @ <li>Properties: "adunit", "adunit-right", "adunit-omit-if-admin", and
  @     "adunit-omit-if-user".
  @ <li>Suggested <a href="setup_skinedit?w=0">CSS</a> changes:
  @ <blockquote><pre>
  @ div.adunit_banner {
  @   margin: auto;
  @   width: 100%%;
  @ }
  @ div.adunit_right {
  @   float: right;
  @ }
  @ div.adunit_right_container {
  @   min-height: <i>height-of-right-column-ad-unit</i>;
  @ }
  @ </pre></blockquote>
  @ <li>For a place-holder Ad-Unit for testing, Copy/Paste the following
  @ with appropriate adjustments to "width:" and "height:".
  @ <blockquote><pre>
  @ &lt;div style='
  @   margin: 0 auto;
  @   width: 600px;
  @   height: 90px;
  @   border: 1px solid #f11;
  @   background-color: #fcc;
  @ '&gt;Demo Ad&lt;/div&gt;
  @ </pre></blockquote>
  @ </li>

** WEBPAGE: setup_logo
** Administrative page for changing the logo, background, and icon images.
void setup_logo(void){
  const char *zLogoMtime = db_get_mtime("logo-image", 0, 0);
  const char *zLogoMime = db_get("logo-mimetype","image/gif");
  const char *aLogoImg = P("logoim");
  int szLogoImg = atoi(PD("logoim:bytes","0"));
  const char *zBgMtime = db_get_mtime("background-image", 0, 0);
  const char *zBgMime = db_get("background-mimetype","image/gif");
  const char *aBgImg = P("bgim");
  int szBgImg = atoi(PD("bgim:bytes","0"));
  const char *zIconMtime = db_get_mtime("icon-image", 0, 0);
  const char *zIconMime = db_get("icon-mimetype","image/gif");
  const char *aIconImg = P("iconim");
  int szIconImg = atoi(PD("iconim:bytes","0"));
  if( szLogoImg>0 ){
    zLogoMime = PD("logoim:mimetype","image/gif");
  if( szBgImg>0 ){
    zBgMime = PD("bgim:mimetype","image/gif");
  if( szIconImg>0 ){
    zIconMime = PD("iconim:mimetype","image/gif");
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  if( !cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
    /* Allow no state changes if not safe from CSRF */
  }else if( P("setlogo")!=0 && zLogoMime && zLogoMime[0] && szLogoImg>0 ){
    Blob img;
    Stmt ins;
    blob_init(&img, aLogoImg, szLogoImg);
        "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
        " VALUES('logo-image',:bytes,now())"
    db_bind_blob(&ins, ":bytes", &img);
       "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('logo-mimetype',%Q,now())",
  }else if( P("clrlogo")!=0 ){
       "DELETE FROM config WHERE name IN "
  }else if( P("setbg")!=0 && zBgMime && zBgMime[0] && szBgImg>0 ){
    Blob img;
    Stmt ins;
    blob_init(&img, aBgImg, szBgImg);
        "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
        " VALUES('background-image',:bytes,now())"
    db_bind_blob(&ins, ":bytes", &img);
       "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
       " VALUES('background-mimetype',%Q,now())",
  }else if( P("clrbg")!=0 ){
       "DELETE FROM config WHERE name IN "
  }else if( P("seticon")!=0 && zIconMime && zIconMime[0] && szIconImg>0 ){
    Blob img;
    Stmt ins;
    blob_init(&img, aIconImg, szIconImg);
        "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
        " VALUES('icon-image',:bytes,now())"
    db_bind_blob(&ins, ":bytes", &img);
       "REPLACE INTO config(name,value,mtime)"
       " VALUES('icon-mimetype',%Q,now())",
  }else if( P("clricon")!=0 ){
       "DELETE FROM config WHERE name IN "
  style_header("Edit Project Logo And Background");
  @ <p>The current project logo has a MIME-Type of <b>%h(zLogoMime)</b>
  @ and looks like this:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p>
  @ <img src="%R/logo/%z(zLogoMtime)" alt="logo" border="1">
  @ </p></blockquote>
  @ <form action="%R/setup_logo" method="post"
  @  enctype="multipart/form-data"><div>
  @ <p>The logo is accessible to all users at this URL:
  @ <a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/logo">%s(g.zBaseURL)/logo</a>.
  @ The logo may or may not appear on each
  @ page depending on the <a href="setup_skinedit?w=0">CSS</a> and
  @ <a href="setup_skinedit?w=2">header setup</a>.
  @ To change the logo image, use the following form:</p>
  @ Logo Image file:
  @ <input type="file" name="logoim" size="60" accept="image/*">
  @ <p align="center">
  @ <input type="submit" name="setlogo" value="Change Logo">
  @ <input type="submit" name="clrlogo" value="Revert To Default"></p>
  @ <p>(Properties: "logo-image" and "logo-mimetype")
  @ </div></form>
  @ <hr>
  @ <p>The current background image has a MIME-Type of <b>%h(zBgMime)</b>
  @ and looks like this:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p><img src="%R/background/%z(zBgMtime)" \
  @ alt="background" border=1>
  @ </p></blockquote>
  @ <form action="%R/setup_logo" method="post"
  @  enctype="multipart/form-data"><div>
  @ <p>The background image is accessible to all users at this URL:
  @ <a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/background">%s(g.zBaseURL)/background</a>.
  @ The background image may or may not appear on each
  @ page depending on the <a href="setup_skinedit?w=0">CSS</a> and
  @ <a href="setup_skinedit?w=2">header setup</a>.
  @ To change the background image, use the following form:</p>
  @ Background image file:
  @ <input type="file" name="bgim" size="60" accept="image/*">
  @ <p align="center">
  @ <input type="submit" name="setbg" value="Change Background">
  @ <input type="submit" name="clrbg" value="Revert To Default"></p>
  @ </div></form>
  @ <p>(Properties: "background-image" and "background-mimetype")
  @ <hr>
  @ <p>The current icon image has a MIME-Type of <b>%h(zIconMime)</b>
  @ and looks like this:</p>
  @ <blockquote><p><img src="%R/favicon.ico/%z(zIconMtime)" \
  @ alt="icon" border=1>
  @ </p></blockquote>
  @ <form action="%R/setup_logo" method="post"
  @  enctype="multipart/form-data"><div>
  @ <p>The icon image is accessible to all users at this URL:
  @ <a href="%s(g.zBaseURL)/favicon.ico">%s(g.zBaseURL)/favicon.ico</a>.
  @ The icon image may or may not appear on each
  @ page depending on the web browser in use and the MIME-Types that it
  @ supports for icon images.
  @ To change the icon image, use the following form:</p>
  @ Icon image file:
  @ <input type="file" name="iconim" size="60" accept="image/*">
  @ <p align="center">
  @ <input type="submit" name="seticon" value="Change Icon">
  @ <input type="submit" name="clricon" value="Revert To Default"></p>
  @ </div></form>
  @ <p>(Properties: "icon-image" and "icon-mimetype")
  @ <hr>
  @ <p><span class="note">Note:</span>  Your browser has probably cached these
  @ images, so you may need to press the Reload button before changes will
  @ take effect. </p>

** Prevent the RAW SQL feature from being used to ATTACH a different
** database and query it.
** Actually, the RAW SQL feature only does a single statement per request.
** So it is not possible to ATTACH and then do a separate query.  This
** routine is not strictly necessary, therefore.  But it does not hurt
** to be paranoid.
int raw_sql_query_authorizer(
  void *pError,
  int code,
  const char *zArg1,
  const char *zArg2,
  const char *zArg3,
  const char *zArg4
  if( code==SQLITE_ATTACH ){
    return SQLITE_DENY;
  return SQLITE_OK;

** WEBPAGE: admin_sql
** Run raw SQL commands against the database file using the web interface.
** Requires Setup privileges.
void sql_page(void){
  const char *zQ;
  int go = P("go")!=0;
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){
  zQ = cgi_csrf_safe(2) ? P("q") : 0;
  style_header("Raw SQL Commands");
  @ <p><b>Caution:</b> There are no restrictions on the SQL that can be
  @ run by this page.  You can do serious and irrepairable damage to the
  @ repository.  Proceed with extreme caution.</p>
#if 0
  @ <p>Only the first statement in the entry box will be run.
  @ Any subsequent statements will be silently ignored.</p>
  @ <p>Database names:<ul><li>repository
  if( g.zConfigDbName ){
    @ <li>configdb
  if( g.localOpen ){
    @ <li>localdb
  @ </ul></p>

  if( P("configtab") ){
    /* If the user presses the "CONFIG Table Query" button, populate the
    ** query text with a pre-packaged query against the CONFIG table */
    zQ = "SELECT\n"
         " CASE WHEN length(name)<50 THEN name ELSE printf('%.50s...',name)"
         "  END AS name,\n"
         " CASE WHEN typeof(value)<>'blob' AND length(value)<80 THEN value\n"
         "           ELSE '...' END AS value,\n"
         " datetime(mtime, 'unixepoch') AS mtime\n"
         "FROM config\n"
         "-- ORDER BY mtime DESC; -- optional";
     go = 1;
  @ <form method="post" action="%R/admin_sql">
  @ SQL:<br>
  @ <textarea name="q" rows="8" cols="80">%h(zQ)</textarea><br>
  @ <input type="submit" name="go" value="Run SQL">
  @ <input type="submit" name="schema" value="Show Schema">
  @ <input type="submit" name="tablelist" value="List Tables">
  @ <input type="submit" name="configtab" value="CONFIG Table Query">
  @ </form>
  if( P("schema") ){
    zQ = sqlite3_mprintf(
            "SELECT sql FROM repository.sqlite_schema"
            " WHERE sql IS NOT NULL ORDER BY name");
    go = 1;
  }else if( P("tablelist") ){
    zQ = sqlite3_mprintf("SELECT*FROM pragma_table_list ORDER BY schema, name");
    go = 1;
  if( go && cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
    sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
    int rc;
    const char *zTail;
    int nCol;
    int nRow = 0;
    int i;
    @ <hr>
    sqlite3_set_authorizer(g.db, raw_sql_query_authorizer, 0);
    rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(g.db, zQ, -1, &pStmt, &zTail);
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      @ <div class="generalError">%h(sqlite3_errmsg(g.db))</div>
    }else if( pStmt==0 ){
      /* No-op */
    }else if( (nCol = sqlite3_column_count(pStmt))==0 ){
      rc = sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
      if( rc ){
        @ <div class="generalError">%h(sqlite3_errmsg(g.db))</div>
      @ <table border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
      while( sqlite3_step(pStmt)==SQLITE_ROW ){
        if( nRow==0 ){
          @ <tr>
          for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
            @ <th>%h(sqlite3_column_name(pStmt, i))</th>
          @ </tr>
        @ <tr>
        for(i=0; i<nCol; i++){
          switch( sqlite3_column_type(pStmt, i) ){
            case SQLITE_INTEGER:
            case SQLITE_FLOAT: {
               @ <td align="right" valign="top">
               @ %s(sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, i))</td>
            case SQLITE_NULL: {
               @ <td valign="top" align="center"><i>NULL</i></td>
            case SQLITE_TEXT: {
               const char *zText = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, i);
               @ <td align="left" valign="top"
               @ style="white-space:pre;">%h(zText)</td>
            case SQLITE_BLOB: {
               @ <td valign="top" align="center">
               @ <i>%d(sqlite3_column_bytes(pStmt, i))-byte BLOB</i></td>
        @ </tr>
      @ </table>

** WEBPAGE: admin_th1
** Run raw TH1 commands using the web interface.  If Tcl integration was
** enabled at compile-time and the "tcl" setting is enabled, Tcl commands
** may be run as well.  Requires Admin privilege.
void th1_page(void){
  const char *zQ = P("q");
  int go = P("go")!=0;
  if( !g.perm.Setup ){
  style_header("Raw TH1 Commands");
  @ <p><b>Caution:</b> There are no restrictions on the TH1 that can be
  @ run by this page.  If Tcl integration was enabled at compile-time and
  @ the "tcl" setting is enabled, Tcl commands may be run as well.</p>
  form_begin(0, "%R/admin_th1");
  @ TH1:<br>
  @ <textarea name="q" rows="5" cols="80">%h(zQ)</textarea><br>
  @ <input type="submit" name="go" value="Run TH1">
  @ </form>
  if( go && cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
    const char *zR;
    int rc;
    int n;
    @ <hr>
    rc = Th_Eval(g.interp, 0, zQ, -1);
    zR = Th_GetResult(g.interp, &n);
    if( rc==TH_OK ){
      @ <pre class="th1result">%h(zR)</pre>
      @ <pre class="th1error">%h(zR)</pre>

** WEBPAGE: admin_log
** Shows the contents of the admin_log table, which is only created if
** the admin-log setting is enabled. Requires Admin or Setup ('a' or
** 's') permissions.
void page_admin_log(){
  Stmt stLog;
  int limit;                 /* How many entries to show */
  int ofst;                  /* Offset to the first entry */
  int fLogEnabled;
  int counter = 0;
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  style_header("Admin Log");
  style_submenu_element("Log-Menu", "setup-logmenu");
  limit = atoi(PD("n","200"));
  ofst = atoi(PD("x","0"));
  fLogEnabled = db_get_boolean("admin-log", 0);
  @ <div>Admin logging is %s(fLogEnabled?"on":"off").
  @ (Change this on the <a href="setup_settings">settings</a> page.)</div>

  if( ofst>0 ){
    int prevx = ofst - limit;
    if( prevx<0 ) prevx = 0;
    @ <p><a href="admin_log?n=%d(limit)&x=%d(prevx)">[Newer]</a></p>
    "SELECT datetime(time,'unixepoch'), who, page, what "
    "FROM admin_log "
    "ORDER BY time DESC, rowid DESC");
  @ <table class="sortable adminLogTable" width="100%%" \
  @  data-column-types='Tttx' data-init-sort='1'>
  @ <thead>
  @ <th>Time</th>
  @ <th>User</th>
  @ <th>Page</th>
  @ <th width="60%%">Message</th>
  @ </thead><tbody>
  while( SQLITE_ROW == db_step(&stLog) ){
    const char *zTime = db_column_text(&stLog, 0);
    const char *zUser = db_column_text(&stLog, 1);
    const char *zPage = db_column_text(&stLog, 2);
    const char *zMessage = db_column_text(&stLog, 3);
    if( counter<ofst ) continue;
    if( counter>ofst+limit ) break;
    @ <tr class="row%d(counter%2)">
    @ <td class="adminTime">%s(zTime)</td>
    @ <td>%s(zUser)</td>
    @ <td>%s(zPage)</td>
    @ <td>%h(zMessage)</td>
    @ </tr>
  @ </tbody></table>
  if( counter>ofst+limit ){
    @ <p><a href="admin_log?n=%d(limit)&x=%d(limit+ofst)">[Older]</a></p>

** Renders a selection list of values for the search-tokenizer
** setting, using the form field name "ftstok".
static void select_fts_tokenizer(void){
  const char *const aTokenizer[] = {
  "off",     "None",
  "porter",  "Porter Stemmer",
  "unicode61", "Unicode without stemming",
  "trigram", "Trigram",
  multiple_choice_attribute("FTS Tokenizer", "search-tokenizer",
                            "ftstok", "off", 4, aTokenizer);

** WEBPAGE: srchsetup
** Configure the search engine.  Requires Admin privilege.
void page_srchsetup(){
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  style_header("Search Configuration");
  @ <form action="%R/srchsetup" method="post"><div>
  @ <div style="text-align:center;font-weight:bold;">
  @ Server-specific settings that affect the
  @ <a href="%R/search">/search</a> webpage.
  @ </div>
  @ <hr>
  textarea_attribute("Document Glob List", 3, 35, "doc-glob", "dg", "", 0);
  @ <p>The "Document Glob List" is a comma- or newline-separated list
  @ of GLOB expressions that identify all documents within the source
  @ tree that are to be searched when "Document Search" is enabled.
  @ Some examples:
  @ <table border=0 cellpadding=2 align=center>
  @ <tr><td>*.wiki,*.html,*.md,*.txt<td style="width: 4x;">
  @ <td>Search all wiki, HTML, Markdown, and Text files</tr>
  @ <tr><td>doc/*.md,*/README.txt,README.txt<td>
  @ <td>Search all Markdown files in the doc/ subfolder and all README.txt
  @ files.</tr>
  @ <tr><td>*<td><td>Search all checked-in files</tr>
  @ <tr><td><i>(blank)</i><td>
  @ <td>Search nothing. (Disables document search).</tr>
  @ </table>
  @ <hr>
  entry_attribute("Document Branch", 20, "doc-branch", "db", "trunk", 0);
  @ <p>When searching documents, use the versions of the files found at the
  @ type of the "Document Branch" branch.  Recommended value: "trunk".
  @ Document search is disabled if blank.
  @ <hr>
  onoff_attribute("Search Check-in Comments", "search-ci", "sc", 0, 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Search Documents", "search-doc", "sd", 0, 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Search Tickets", "search-tkt", "st", 0, 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Search Wiki", "search-wiki", "sw", 0, 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Search Tech Notes", "search-technote", "se", 0, 0);
  @ <br>
  onoff_attribute("Search Forum", "search-forum", "sf", 0, 0);
  @ <hr>
  @ <p><input type="submit"  name="submit" value="Apply Changes"></p>
  @ <hr>
  if( P("fts0") ){
  }else if( P("fts1") ){
    const char *zTokenizer = PD("ftstok","off");
  if( search_index_exists() ){
    int pgsz = db_int64(0, "PRAGMA repository.page_size;");
    i64 nTotal = db_int64(0, "PRAGMA repository.page_count;")*pgsz;
    i64 nFts = db_int64(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM dbstat"
                               " WHERE schema='repository'"
                               " AND name LIKE 'fts%%'")*pgsz;
    char zSize[30];
    @ <p>Currently using an SQLite FTS%d(search_index_type(0)) search index.
    @ The index helps search run faster, especially on large repositories,
    @ but takes up space.  The index is currently using about %s(zSize)
    @ or %.1f(100.0*(double)nFts/(double)nTotal)%% of the repository.</p>
    @ <p><input type="submit" name="fts0" value="Delete The Full-Text Index">
    @ <input type="submit" name="fts1" value="Rebuild The Full-Text Index">
    style_submenu_element("FTS Index Debugging","%R/test-ftsdocs");
    @ <p>The SQLite search index is disabled.  All searching will be
    @ a full-text scan.  This usually works fine, but can be slow for
    @ larger repositories.</p>
    @ <p><input type="submit" name="fts1" value="Create A Full-Text Index">
  @ </div></form>

** A URL Alias originally called zOldName is now zNewName/zValue.
** Write SQL to make this change into pSql.
** If zNewName or zValue is an empty string, then delete the entry.
** If zOldName is an empty string, create a new entry.
static void setup_update_url_alias(
  Blob *pSql,
  const char *zOldName,
  const char *zNewName,
  const char *zValue
  if( !cgi_csrf_safe(2) ) return;
  if( zNewName[0]==0 || zValue[0]==0 ){
    if( zOldName[0] ){
        "DELETE FROM config WHERE name='walias:%q';\n",
  if( zOldName[0]==0 ){
      "INSERT INTO config(name,value,mtime) VALUES('walias:%q',%Q,now());\n",
      zNewName, zValue);
  if( strcmp(zOldName, zNewName)!=0 ){
       "UPDATE config SET name='walias:%q', value=%Q, mtime=now()"
       " WHERE name='walias:%q';\n",
       zNewName, zValue, zOldName);
       "UPDATE config SET value=%Q, mtime=now()"
       " WHERE name='walias:%q' AND value<>%Q;\n",
       zValue, zOldName, zValue);

** WEBPAGE: waliassetup
** Configure the URL aliases
void page_waliassetup(){
  Stmt q;
  int cnt = 0;
  Blob namelist;
  if( !g.perm.Admin ){
  style_header("URL Alias Configuration");
  if( P("submit")!=0 && cgi_csrf_safe(2) ){
    Blob token;
    Blob sql;
    const char *zNewName;
    const char *zValue;
    char zCnt[10];
    blob_init(&namelist, PD("namelist",""), -1);
    blob_init(&sql, 0, 0);
    while( blob_token(&namelist, &token) ){
      const char *zOldName = blob_str(&token);
      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCnt), zCnt, "n%d", cnt);
      zNewName = PD(zCnt, "");
      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCnt), zCnt, "v%d", cnt);
      zValue = PD(zCnt, "");
      setup_update_url_alias(&sql, zOldName, zNewName, zValue);
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCnt), zCnt, "n%d", cnt);
    zNewName = PD(zCnt,"");
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zCnt), zCnt, "v%d", cnt);
    zValue = PD(zCnt,"");
    setup_update_url_alias(&sql, "", zNewName, zValue);
    db_multi_exec("%s", blob_sql_text(&sql));
    cnt = 0;
      "SELECT substr(name,8), value FROM config WHERE name GLOB 'walias:/*'"
      " UNION ALL SELECT '', ''"
  @ <form action="%R/waliassetup" method="post"><div>
  @ <table border=0 cellpadding=5>
  @ <tr><th>Alias<th>URI That The Alias Maps Into
  blob_init(&namelist, 0, 0);
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    const char *zValue = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    @ <tr><td>
    @ <input type='text' size='20' value='%h(zName)' name='n%d(cnt)'>
    @ </td><td>
    @ <input type='text' size='80' value='%h(zValue)' name='v%d(cnt)'>
    @ </td></tr>
    if( blob_size(&namelist)>0 ) blob_append(&namelist, " ", 1);
    blob_append(&namelist, zName, -1);
  @ <tr><td>
  @ <input type='hidden' name='namelist' value='%h(blob_str(&namelist))'>
  @ <input type='submit' name='submit' value="Apply Changes">
  @ </td><td></td></tr>
  @ </table></form>
  @ <hr>
  @ <p>When the first term of an incoming URL exactly matches one of
  @ the "Aliases" on the left-hand side (LHS) above, the URL is
  @ converted into the corresponding form on the right-hand side (RHS).
  @ <ul>
  @ <li><p>
  @ The LHS is compared against only the first term of the incoming URL.
  @ All LHS entries in the alias table should therefore begin with a
  @ single "/" followed by a single path element.
  @ <li><p>
  @ The RHS entries in the alias table should begin with a single "/"
  @ followed by a path element, and optionally followed by "?" and a
  @ list of query parameters.
  @ <li><p>
  @ Query parameters on the RHS are added to the set of query parameters
  @ in the incoming URL.
  @ <li><p>
  @ If the same query parameter appears in both the incoming URL and
  @ on the RHS of the alias, the RHS query parameter value overwrites
  @ the value on the incoming URL.
  @ <li><p>
  @ If a query parameter on the RHS of the alias is of the form "X!"
  @ (a name followed by "!") then the X query parameter is removed
  @ from the incoming URL if
  @ it exists.
  @ <li><p>
  @ Only a single alias operation occurs.  It is not possible to nest aliases.
  @ The RHS entries must be built-in webpage names.
  @ <li><p>
  @ The alias table is only checked if no built-in webpage matches
  @ the incoming URL.
  @ Hence, it is not possible to override a built-in webpage using aliases.
  @ This is by design.
  @ </ul>
  @ <p>To delete an entry from the alias table, change its name or value to an
  @ empty string and press "Apply Changes".
  @ <p>To add a new alias, fill in the name and value in the bottom row
  @ of the table above and press "Apply Changes".