


File src/file.c from the latest check-in

** Copyright (c) 2006 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
** Author contact information:
** File utilities.
#include "config.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "file.h"

** On Windows, include the Platform SDK header file.
#ifdef _WIN32
# include <direct.h>
# include <windows.h>
# include <sys/utime.h>
# include <sys/time.h>


/* Many APIs take an eFType argument which must be one of ExtFILE, RepoFILE,
** or SymFILE.
** The difference is in the handling of symbolic links.  RepoFILE should be
** used for files that are under management by a Fossil repository.  ExtFILE
** should be used for files that are not under management.  SymFILE is for
** a few special cases such as the "fossil test-tarball" command when we never
** want to follow symlinks.
**   ExtFILE      Symbolic links always refer to the object to which the
**                link points.  Symlinks are never recognized as symlinks but
**                instead always appear to the the target object.
**   SymFILE      Symbolic links always appear to be files whose name is
**                the target pathname of the symbolic link.
**   RepoFILE     Like SymFILE if allow-symlinks is true, or like
**                ExtFILE if allow-symlinks is false.  In other words,
**                symbolic links are only recognized as something different
**                from files or directories if allow-symlinks is true.
#include <stdlib.h>
#define ExtFILE    0  /* Always follow symlinks */
#define RepoFILE   1  /* Follow symlinks if and only if allow-symlinks is OFF */
#define SymFILE    2  /* Never follow symlinks */

#include <dirent.h>
#if defined(_WIN32)
# define DIR _WDIR
# define dirent _wdirent
# define opendir _wopendir
# define readdir _wreaddir
# define closedir _wclosedir
#endif /* _WIN32 */

#if defined(_WIN32) && (defined(__MSVCRT__) || defined(_MSC_VER))
** File status information for windows systems.
struct fossilStat {
    i64 st_size;
    i64 st_mtime;
    int st_mode;

#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
# define fossil_isdirsep(a)    (((a) == '/') || ((a) == '\\'))
# define fossil_isdirsep(a)    ((a) == '/')

#endif /* INTERFACE */

#if !defined(_WIN32) || !(defined(__MSVCRT__) || defined(_MSC_VER))
** File status information for unix systems
# define fossilStat stat

** On Windows S_ISLNK always returns FALSE.
#if !defined(S_ISLNK)
# define S_ISLNK(x) (0)

** Local state information for the file status routines
static struct {
  struct fossilStat fileStat;  /* File status from last fossil_stat() */
  int fileStatValid;           /* True if fileStat is valid */
} fx;

** Fill *buf with information about zFilename.
** If zFilename refers to a symbolic link:
**  (A) If allow-symlinks is on and eFType is RepoFILE, then fill
**      *buf with information about the symbolic link itself.
**  (B) If allow-symlinks is off or eFType is ExtFILE, then fill
**      *buf with information about the object that the symbolic link
**      points to.
static int fossil_stat(
  const char *zFilename,  /* name of file or directory to inspect. */
  struct fossilStat *buf, /* pointer to buffer where info should go. */
  int eFType              /* Look at symlink itself if RepoFILE and enabled. */
  int rc;
  void *zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(zFilename, 0);
#if !defined(_WIN32)
  if( (eFType==RepoFILE && db_allow_symlinks())
   || eFType==SymFILE ){
    /* Symlinks look like files whose content is the name of the target */
    rc = lstat(zMbcs, buf);
    /* Symlinks look like the object to which they point */
    rc = stat(zMbcs, buf);
  rc = win32_stat(zMbcs, buf, eFType);
  return rc;

** Clears the fx.fileStat variable and its associated validity flag.
static void resetStat(){
  fx.fileStatValid = 0;
  memset(&fx.fileStat, 0, sizeof(struct fossilStat));

** Fill in the fx.fileStat variable for the file named zFilename.
** If zFilename==0, then use the previous value of fx.fileStat if
** there is a previous value.
** Return the number of errors.  No error messages are generated.
static int getStat(const char *zFilename, int eFType){
  int rc = 0;
  if( zFilename==0 ){
    if( fx.fileStatValid==0 ) rc = 1;
    if( fossil_stat(zFilename, &fx.fileStat, eFType)!=0 ){
      fx.fileStatValid = 0;
      rc = 1;
      fx.fileStatValid = 1;
      rc = 0;
  return rc;

** Return the size of a file in bytes.  Return -1 if the file does not
** exist.  If zFilename is NULL, return the size of the most recently
** stat-ed file.
i64 file_size(const char *zFilename, int eFType){
  return getStat(zFilename, eFType) ? -1 : fx.fileStat.st_size;

** Return the modification time for a file.  Return -1 if the file
** does not exist.  If zFilename is NULL return the size of the most
** recently stat-ed file.
i64 file_mtime(const char *zFilename, int eFType){
  return getStat(zFilename, eFType) ? -1 : fx.fileStat.st_mtime;

** Return the mode bits for a file.  Return -1 if the file does not
** exist.  If zFilename is NULL return the size of the most recently
** stat-ed file.
int file_mode(const char *zFilename, int eFType){
  return getStat(zFilename, eFType) ? -1 : (int)(fx.fileStat.st_mode);

** Return TRUE if either of the following are true:
**   (1) zFilename is an ordinary file
**   (2) allow_symlinks is on and zFilename is a symbolic link to
**       a file, directory, or other object
int file_isfile_or_link(const char *zFilename){
  if( getStat(zFilename, RepoFILE) ){
    return 0;  /* stat() failed.  Return false. */
  return S_ISREG(fx.fileStat.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(fx.fileStat.st_mode);

** Return TRUE if the named file is an ordinary file.  Return false
** for directories, devices, fifos, symlinks, etc.
int file_isfile(const char *zFilename, int eFType){
  return getStat(zFilename, eFType) ? 0 : S_ISREG(fx.fileStat.st_mode);

** Create a symbolic link named zLinkFile that points to zTargetFile.
** If allow-symlinks is off, create an ordinary file named zLinkFile
** with the name of zTargetFile as its content.
void symlink_create(const char *zTargetFile, const char *zLinkFile){
#if !defined(_WIN32)
  if( db_allow_symlinks() ){
    int i, nName;
    char *zName, zBuf[1000];

    nName = strlen(zLinkFile);
    if( nName>=(int)sizeof(zBuf) ){
      zName = mprintf("%s", zLinkFile);
      zName = zBuf;
      memcpy(zName, zLinkFile, nName+1);
    nName = file_simplify_name(zName, nName, 0);
    for(i=1; i<nName; i++){
      if( zName[i]=='/' ){
        zName[i] = 0;
        if( file_mkdir(zName, ExtFILE, 1) ){
          fossil_fatal_recursive("unable to create directory %s", zName);
        zName[i] = '/';
    if( symlink(zTargetFile, zName)!=0 ){
      fossil_fatal_recursive("unable to create symlink \"%s\"", zName);
    if( zName!=zBuf ) free(zName);
    Blob content;
    blob_set(&content, zTargetFile);
    blob_write_to_file(&content, zLinkFile);

** Copy symbolic link from zFrom to zTo.
void symlink_copy(const char *zFrom, const char *zTo){
  Blob content;
  blob_read_link(&content, zFrom);
  symlink_create(blob_str(&content), zTo);

** Return file permissions (normal, executable, or symlink):
**   - PERM_EXE on Unix if file is executable;
**   - PERM_LNK on Unix if file is symlink and allow-symlinks option is on;
**   - PERM_REG for all other cases (regular file, directory, fifo, etc).
** If eFType is ExtFile then symbolic links are followed and so this
** routine can only return PERM_EXE and PERM_REG.
** On windows, this routine returns only PERM_REG.
int file_perm(const char *zFilename, int eFType){
#if !defined(_WIN32)
  if( !getStat(zFilename, eFType) ){
     if( S_ISREG(fx.fileStat.st_mode) && ((S_IXUSR)&fx.fileStat.st_mode)!=0 )
      return PERM_EXE;
    else if( db_allow_symlinks() && S_ISLNK(fx.fileStat.st_mode) )
      return PERM_LNK;
  return PERM_REG;

** Return TRUE if the named file is an executable.  Return false
** for directories, devices, fifos, symlinks, etc.
int file_isexe(const char *zFilename, int eFType){
  return file_perm(zFilename, eFType)==PERM_EXE;

** Return TRUE if the named file is a symlink and symlinks are allowed.
** Return false for all other cases.
** This routines assumes RepoFILE - that zFilename is always a file
** under management.
** On Windows, always return False.
int file_islink(const char *zFilename){
  return file_perm(zFilename, RepoFILE)==PERM_LNK;

** Check every sub-directory of zRoot along the path to zFile.
** If any sub-directory is really an ordinary file or a symbolic link,
** return an integer which is the length of the prefix of zFile which
** is the name of that object.  Return 0 if all no non-directory
** objects are found along the path.
** Example:  Given inputs
**     zRoot = /home/alice/project1
**     zFile = /home/alice/project1/main/src/js/fileA.js
** Look for objects in the following order:
**      /home/alice/project/main
**      /home/alice/project/main/src
**      /home/alice/project/main/src/js
** If any of those objects exist and are something other than a directory
** then return the length of the name of the first non-directory object
** seen.
int file_nondir_objects_on_path(const char *zRoot, const char *zFile){
  int i = (int)strlen(zRoot);
  char *z = fossil_strdup(zFile);
  assert( fossil_strnicmp(zRoot, z, i)==0 );
  if( i && zRoot[i-1]=='/' ) i--;
  while( z[i]=='/' ){
    int j, rc;
    for(j=i+1; z[j] && z[j]!='/'; j++){}
    if( z[j]!='/' ) break;
    z[j] = 0;
    rc = file_isdir(z, SymFILE);
    if( rc!=1 ){
      if( rc==2 ){
        return j;
    z[j] = '/';
    i = j;
  return 0;

** The file named zFile is suppose to be an in-tree file.  Check to
** ensure that it will be safe to write to this file by verifying that
** there are no symlinks or other non-directory objects in between the
** root of the check-out and zFile.
** If a problem is found, print a warning message (using fossil_warning())
** and return non-zero.  If everything is ok, return zero.
int file_unsafe_in_tree_path(const char *zFile){
  int n;
  if( !file_is_absolute_path(zFile) ){
    fossil_fatal("%s is not an absolute pathname",zFile);
  if( fossil_strnicmp(g.zLocalRoot, zFile, (int)strlen(g.zLocalRoot)) ){
    fossil_fatal("%s is not a prefix of %s", g.zLocalRoot, zFile);
  n = file_nondir_objects_on_path(g.zLocalRoot, zFile);
  if( n ){
    fossil_warning("cannot write to %s because non-directory object %.*s"
                   " is in the way", zFile, n, zFile);
  return n;

** Return 1 if zFilename is a directory.  Return 0 if zFilename
** does not exist.  Return 2 if zFilename exists but is something
** other than a directory.
int file_isdir(const char *zFilename, int eFType){
  int rc;
  char *zFN;

  zFN = mprintf("%s", zFilename);
  file_simplify_name(zFN, -1, 0);
  rc = getStat(zFN, eFType);
  if( rc ){
    rc = 0; /* It does not exist at all. */
  }else if( S_ISDIR(fx.fileStat.st_mode) ){
    rc = 1; /* It exists and is a real directory. */
    rc = 2; /* It exists and is something else. */
  return rc;

** Return true (1) if zFilename seems like it seems like a valid
** repository database.
int file_is_repository(const char *zFilename){
  i64 sz;
  sqlite3 *db = 0;
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt = 0;
  int rc;
  int i;
  static const char *azReqTab[] = {
     "blob", "delta", "rcvfrom", "user", "config"
  if( !file_isfile(zFilename, ExtFILE) ) return 0;
  sz = file_size(zFilename, ExtFILE);
  if( sz<35328 ) return 0;
  if( sz%512!=0 ) return 0;
  rc = sqlite3_open_v2(zFilename, &db,
  if( rc!=0 ) goto not_a_repo;
  for(i=0; i<count(azReqTab); i++){
    if( sqlite3_table_column_metadata(db, "main", azReqTab[i],0,0,0,0,0,0) ){
      goto not_a_repo;
  rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "SELECT 1 FROM config WHERE name='project-code'",
                          -1, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc ) goto not_a_repo;
  rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_ROW ) goto not_a_repo;
  return 1;

  return 0;

** Wrapper around the access() system call.
int file_access(const char *zFilename, int flags){
  int rc;
  void *zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(zFilename, 0);
#ifdef _WIN32
  rc = win32_access(zMbcs, flags);
  rc = access(zMbcs, flags);
  return rc;

** Wrapper around the chdir() system call.
** If bChroot=1, do a chroot to this dir as well
** (UNIX only)
int file_chdir(const char *zChDir, int bChroot){
  int rc;
  void *zPath = fossil_utf8_to_path(zChDir, 1);
#ifdef _WIN32
  rc = win32_chdir(zPath, bChroot);
  rc = chdir(zPath);
  if( !rc && bChroot ){
    rc = chroot(zPath);
    if( !rc ) rc = chdir("/");
    g.fJail = 1;
  return rc;

** Find an unused filename similar to zBase with zSuffix appended.
** Make the name relative to the working directory if relFlag is true.
** Space to hold the new filename is obtained form mprintf() and should
** be freed by the caller.
char *file_newname(const char *zBase, const char *zSuffix, int relFlag){
  char *z = 0;
  int cnt = 0;
  z = mprintf("%s-%s", zBase, zSuffix);
  while( file_size(z, ExtFILE)>=0 ){
    z = mprintf("%s-%s-%d", zBase, zSuffix, cnt++);
  if( relFlag ){
    Blob x;
    file_relative_name(z, &x, 0);
    z = blob_str(&x);
  return z;

** Return the tail of a file pathname.  The tail is the last component
** of the path.  For example, the tail of "/a/b/c.d" is "c.d".
const char *file_tail(const char *z){
  const char *zTail = z;
  if( !zTail ) return 0;
  while( z[0] ){
    if( fossil_isdirsep(z[0]) ) zTail = &z[1];
  return zTail;

** Return the directory of a file path name.  The directory is all components
** except the last one.  For example, the directory of "/a/b/c.d" is "/a/b".
** If there is no directory, NULL is returned; otherwise, the returned memory
** should be freed via fossil_free().
char *file_dirname(const char *z){
  const char *zTail = file_tail(z);
  if( zTail && zTail!=z ){
    return mprintf("%.*s", (int)(zTail-z-1), z);
    return 0;

/* SQL Function:  file_dirname(NAME)
** Return the directory for NAME
void file_dirname_sql_function(
  sqlite3_context *context,
  int argc,
  sqlite3_value **argv
  const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
  char *zDir;
  if( zName==0 ) return;
  zDir = file_dirname(zName);
  if( zDir ){

** Rename a file or directory.
** Returns zero upon success.
int file_rename(
  const char *zFrom,
  const char *zTo,
  int isFromDir,
  int isToDir
  int rc;
#if defined(_WIN32)
  wchar_t *zMbcsFrom = fossil_utf8_to_path(zFrom, isFromDir);
  wchar_t *zMbcsTo = fossil_utf8_to_path(zTo, isToDir);
  rc = _wrename(zMbcsFrom, zMbcsTo);
  char *zMbcsFrom = fossil_utf8_to_path(zFrom, isFromDir);
  char *zMbcsTo = fossil_utf8_to_path(zTo, isToDir);
  rc = rename(zMbcsFrom, zMbcsTo);
  return rc;

** Copy the content of a file from one place to another.
void file_copy(const char *zFrom, const char *zTo){
  FILE *in, *out;
  int got;
  char zBuf[8192];
  in = fossil_fopen(zFrom, "rb");
  if( in==0 ) fossil_fatal("cannot open \"%s\" for reading", zFrom);
  file_mkfolder(zTo, ExtFILE, 0, 0);
  out = fossil_fopen(zTo, "wb");
  if( out==0 ) fossil_fatal("cannot open \"%s\" for writing", zTo);
  while( (got=fread(zBuf, 1, sizeof(zBuf), in))>0 ){
    fwrite(zBuf, 1, got, out);
  if( file_isexe(zFrom, ExtFILE) ) file_setexe(zTo, 1);

** COMMAND: test-file-copy
** Usage: %fossil test-file-copy SOURCE DESTINATION
** Make a copy of the file at SOURCE into a new name DESTINATION.  Any
** directories in the path leading up to DESTINATION that do not already
** exist are created automatically.
void test_file_copy(void){
  if( g.argc!=4 ){
    fossil_fatal("Usage: %s test-file-copy SOURCE DESTINATION", g.argv[0]);
  file_copy(g.argv[2], g.argv[3]);

** Set or clear the execute bit on a file.  Return true if a change
** occurred and false if this routine is a no-op.
** This routine assumes RepoFILE as the eFType.  In other words, if
** zFilename is a symbolic link, it is the object that zFilename points
** to that is modified.
int file_setexe(const char *zFilename, int onoff){
  int rc = 0;
#if !defined(_WIN32)
  struct stat buf;
  if( fossil_stat(zFilename, &buf, RepoFILE)!=0
   || S_ISLNK(buf.st_mode)
   || S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)
    return 0;
  if( onoff ){
    int targetMode = (buf.st_mode & 0444)>>2;
    if( (buf.st_mode & 0100)==0 ){
      chmod(zFilename, buf.st_mode | targetMode);
      rc = 1;
    if( (buf.st_mode & 0100)!=0 ){
      chmod(zFilename, buf.st_mode & ~0111);
      rc = 1;
#endif /* _WIN32 */
  return rc;

** Set the mtime for a file.
void file_set_mtime(const char *zFilename, i64 newMTime){
#if !defined(_WIN32)
  char *zMbcs;
  struct timeval tv[2];
  memset(tv, 0, sizeof(tv[0])*2);
  tv[0].tv_sec = newMTime;
  tv[1].tv_sec = newMTime;
  zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(zFilename, 0);
  utimes(zMbcs, tv);
  struct _utimbuf tb;
  wchar_t *zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(zFilename, 0);
  tb.actime = newMTime;
  tb.modtime = newMTime;
  _wutime(zMbcs, &tb);

** COMMAND: test-set-mtime
** Usage: %fossil test-set-mtime FILENAME DATE/TIME
** Sets the mtime of the named file to the date/time shown.
void test_set_mtime(void){
  const char *zFile;
  char *zDate;
  i64 iMTime;
  if( g.argc!=4 ){
    usage("FILENAME DATE/TIME");
  db_open_or_attach(":memory:", "mem");
  iMTime = db_int64(0, "SELECT strftime('%%s',%Q)", g.argv[3]);
  zFile = g.argv[2];
  file_set_mtime(zFile, iMTime);
  iMTime = file_mtime(zFile, RepoFILE);
  zDate = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(%lld, 'unixepoch')", iMTime);
  fossil_print("Set mtime of \"%s\" to %s (%lld)\n", zFile, zDate, iMTime);

** Delete a file.
** If zFilename is a symbolic link, then it is the link itself that is
** removed, not the object that zFilename points to.
** Returns zero upon success.
int file_delete(const char *zFilename){
  int rc;
#ifdef _WIN32
  wchar_t *z = fossil_utf8_to_path(zFilename, 0);
  rc = _wunlink(z);
  char *z = fossil_utf8_to_path(zFilename, 0);
  rc = unlink(zFilename);
  return rc;

/* SQL Function:  file_delete(NAME)
** Remove file NAME.  Return zero on success and non-zero if anything goes
** wrong.
void file_delete_sql_function(
  sqlite3_context *context,
  int argc,
  sqlite3_value **argv
  const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
  int rc;
  if( zName==0 ){
    rc = 1;
    rc = file_delete(zName);
  sqlite3_result_int(context, rc);

** Create a directory called zName, if it does not already exist.
** If forceFlag is 1, delete any prior non-directory object
** with the same name.
** Return the number of errors.
int file_mkdir(const char *zName, int eFType, int forceFlag){
  int rc = file_isdir(zName, eFType);
  if( rc==2 ){
    if( !forceFlag ) return 1;
  if( rc!=1 ){
#if defined(_WIN32)
    wchar_t *zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(zName, 1);
    rc = _wmkdir(zMbcs);
    char *zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(zName, 1);
    rc = mkdir(zMbcs, 0755);
    return rc;
  return 0;

** Create the tree of directories in which zFilename belongs, if that sequence
** of directories does not already exist.
** On success, return zero.  On error, return errorReturn if positive, otherwise
** print an error message and abort.
int file_mkfolder(
  const char *zFilename,   /* Pathname showing directories to be created */
  int eFType,              /* Follow symlinks if ExtFILE */
  int forceFlag,           /* Delete non-directory objects in the way */
  int errorReturn          /* What to do when an error is seen */
  int nName, rc = 0;
  char *zName;

  nName = strlen(zFilename);
  zName = mprintf("%s", zFilename);
  nName = file_simplify_name(zName, nName, 0);
  while( nName>0 && zName[nName-1]!='/' ){ nName--; }
  if( nName>1 ){
    zName[nName-1] = 0;
    if( file_isdir(zName, eFType)!=1 ){
      rc = file_mkfolder(zName, eFType, forceFlag, errorReturn);
      if( rc==0 ){
        if( file_mkdir(zName, eFType, forceFlag)
         && file_isdir(zName, eFType)!=1
          if( errorReturn <= 0 ){
            fossil_fatal_recursive("unable to create directory %s", zName);
          rc = errorReturn;
  return rc;

#if defined(_WIN32)
** Returns non-zero if the specified name represents a real directory, i.e.
** not a junction or symbolic link.  This is important for some operations,
** e.g. removing directories via _wrmdir(), because its detection of empty
** directories will (apparently) not work right for junctions and symbolic
** links, etc.
int file_is_normal_dir(wchar_t *zName){
  ** Mask off attributes, applicable to directories, that are harmless for
  ** our purposes.  This may need to be updated if other attributes should
  ** be ignored by this function.
  DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributesW(zName);
  if( dwAttributes==INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ) return 0;
  dwAttributes &= ~(
  return dwAttributes==FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY;

** COMMAND: test-is-normal-dir
** Usage: %fossil test-is-normal-dir NAME...
** Returns non-zero if the specified names represent real directories, i.e.
** not junctions, symbolic links, etc.
void test_is_normal_dir(void){
  int i;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    wchar_t *zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(g.argv[i], 1);
    fossil_print("ATTRS \"%s\" -> %lx\n", g.argv[i], GetFileAttributesW(zMbcs));
    fossil_print("ISDIR \"%s\" -> %d\n", g.argv[i], file_is_normal_dir(zMbcs));

** Removes the directory named in the argument, if it exists.  The directory
** must be empty and cannot be the current directory or the root directory.
** Returns zero upon success.
int file_rmdir(const char *zName){
  int rc = file_isdir(zName, RepoFILE);
  if( rc==2 ) return 1; /* cannot remove normal file */
  if( rc==1 ){
#if defined(_WIN32)
    wchar_t *zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(zName, 1);
    if( file_is_normal_dir(zMbcs) ){
      rc = _wrmdir(zMbcs);
      rc = ENOTDIR; /* junction, symbolic link, etc. */
    char *zMbcs = fossil_utf8_to_path(zName, 1);
    rc = rmdir(zName);
    return rc;
  return 0;

/* SQL Function: rmdir(NAME)
** Try to remove the directory NAME.  Return zero on success and non-zero
** for failure.
void file_rmdir_sql_function(
  sqlite3_context *context,
  int argc,
  sqlite3_value **argv
  const char *zName = (const char*)sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]);
  int rc;
  if( zName==0 ){
    rc = 1;
    rc = file_rmdir(zName);
  sqlite3_result_int(context, rc);

** Check the input argument to see if it looks like it has an prefix that
** indicates a remote file.  If so, return the tail of the specification,
** which is the name of the file on the remote system.
** If the input argument does not have a prefix that makes it look like
** a remote file reference, then return NULL.
** Remote files look like:  "HOST:PATH" or "USER@HOST:PATH".  Host must
** be a valid hostname, meaning it must follow these rules:
**   *  Only characters [-.a-zA-Z0-9].  No spaces or other punctuation
**   *  Does not begin or end with -
**   *  Name is two or more characters long (otherwise it might be
**      confused with a drive-letter on Windows).
** The USER section, if it exists, must not contain the '@' character.
const char *file_skip_userhost(const char *zIn){
  const char *zTail;
  int n, i;
  if( zIn[0]==':' ) return 0;
  zTail = strchr(zIn, ':');
  if( zTail==0 ) return 0;
  if( zTail - zIn > 10000 ) return 0;
  n = (int)(zTail - zIn);
  if( n<2 ) return 0;
  if( zIn[n-1]=='-' || zIn[n-1]=='.' ) return 0;
  for(i=n-1; i>0 && zIn[i-1]!='@'; i--){
    if( !fossil_isalnum(zIn[i]) && zIn[i]!='-' && zIn[i]!='.' ) return 0;
  if( zIn[i]=='-' || zIn[i]=='.' || i==1 ) return 0;
  if( i>1 ){
    i -= 2;
    while( i>=0 ){
      if( zIn[i]=='@' ) return 0;
  return zTail+1;

** Return true if the filename given is a valid filename for
** a file in a repository.  Valid filenames follow all of the
** following rules:
**     *  Does not begin with "/"
**     *  Does not contain any path element named "." or ".."
**     *  Does not contain any of these characters in the path: "\"
**     *  Does not end with "/".
**     *  Does not contain two or more "/" characters in a row.
**     *  Contains at least one character
** Invalid UTF8 characters result in a false return if bStrictUtf8 is
** true.  If bStrictUtf8 is false, invalid UTF8 characters are silently
** ignored. See
** and (for the noncharacters)
** The bStrictUtf8 flag is true for new inputs, but is false when parsing
** legacy manifests, for backwards compatibility.
int file_is_simple_pathname(const char *z, int bStrictUtf8){
  int i;
  unsigned char c = (unsigned char) z[0];
  char maskNonAscii = bStrictUtf8 ? 0x80 : 0x00;
  if( c=='/' || c==0 ) return 0;
  if( c=='.' ){
    if( z[1]=='/' || z[1]==0 ) return 0;
    if( z[1]=='.' && (z[2]=='/' || z[2]==0) ) return 0;
  for(i=0; (c=(unsigned char)z[i])!=0; i++){
    if( c & maskNonAscii ){
      if( (z[++i]&0xc0)!=0x80 ){
        /* Invalid first continuation byte */
        return 0;
      if( c<0xc2 ){
        /* Invalid 1-byte UTF-8 sequence, or 2-byte overlong form. */
        return 0;
      }else if( (c&0xe0)==0xe0 ){
        /* 3-byte or more */
        int unicode;
        if( c&0x10 ){
          /* Unicode characters > U+FFFF are not supported.
           * Windows XP and earlier cannot handle them.
          return 0;
        /* This is a 3-byte UTF-8 character */
        unicode = ((c&0x0f)<<12) + ((z[i]&0x3f)<<6) + (z[i+1]&0x3f);
        if( unicode <= 0x07ff ){
          /* overlong form */
          return 0;
        }else if( unicode>=0xe000 ){
          /* U+E000..U+FFFF */
          if( (unicode<=0xf8ff) || (unicode>=0xfffe) ){
            /* U+E000..U+F8FF are for private use.
             * U+FFFE..U+FFFF are noncharacters. */
            return 0;
          } else if( (unicode>=0xfdd0) && (unicode<=0xfdef) ){
            /* U+FDD0..U+FDEF are noncharacters. */
            return 0;
        }else if( (unicode>=0xd800) && (unicode<=0xdfff) ){
          /* U+D800..U+DFFF are for surrogate pairs. */
          return 0;
        if( (z[++i]&0xc0)!=0x80 ){
          /* Invalid second continuation byte */
          return 0;
    }else if( bStrictUtf8 && (c=='\\') ){
      return 0;
    if( c=='/' ){
      if( z[i+1]=='/' ) return 0;
      if( z[i+1]=='.' ){
        if( z[i+2]=='/' || z[i+2]==0 ) return 0;
        if( z[i+2]=='.' && (z[i+3]=='/' || z[i+3]==0) ) return 0;
  if( z[i-1]=='/' ) return 0;
  return 1;
int file_is_simple_pathname_nonstrict(const char *z){
  unsigned char c = (unsigned char) z[0];
  if( c=='/' || c==0 ) return 0;
  if( c=='.' ){
    if( z[1]=='/' || z[1]==0 ) return 0;
    if( z[1]=='.' && (z[2]=='/' || z[2]==0) ) return 0;
  while( (z = strchr(z+1, '/'))!=0 ){
    if( z[1]=='/' ) return 0;
    if( z[1]==0 ) return 0;
    if( z[1]=='.' ){
      if( z[2]=='/' || z[2]==0 ) return 0;
      if( z[2]=='.' && (z[3]=='/' || z[3]==0) ) return 0;
  return 1;

** If the last component of the pathname in z[0]..z[j-1] is something
** other than ".." then back it out and return true.  If the last
** component is empty or if it is ".." then return false.
static int backup_dir(const char *z, int *pJ){
  int j = *pJ;
  int i;
  if( j<=0 ) return 0;
  for(i=j-1; i>0 && z[i-1]!='/'; i--){}
  if( z[i]=='.' && i==j-2 && z[i+1]=='.' ) return 0;
  *pJ = i-1;
  return 1;

** Simplify a filename by
**  * Remove extended path prefix on windows and cygwin
**  * Convert all \ into / on windows and cygwin
**  * removing any trailing and duplicate /
**  * removing /./
**  * removing /A/../
** Changes are made in-place.  Return the new name length.
** If the slash parameter is non-zero, the trailing slash, if any,
** is retained.
int file_simplify_name(char *z, int n, int slash){
  int i = 1, j;
  assert( z!=0 );
  if( n<0 ) n = strlen(z);
  if( n==0 ) return 0;

  /* On windows and cygwin convert all \ characters to /
   * and remove extended path prefix if present */
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  for(j=0; j<n; j++){
    if( z[j]=='\\' ) z[j] = '/';
  if( n>3 && !memcmp(z, "//?/", 4) ){
    if( fossil_strnicmp(z+4,"UNC", 3) ){
      i += 4;
      z[0] = z[4];
      i += 6;
      z[0] = '/';

  /* Removing trailing "/" characters */
  if( !slash ){
    while( n>1 && z[n-1]=='/' ){ n--; }

  /* Remove duplicate '/' characters.  Except, two // at the beginning
  ** of a pathname is allowed since this is important on windows. */
  for(j=1; i<n; i++){
    z[j++] = z[i];
    while( z[i]=='/' && i<n-1 && z[i+1]=='/' ) i++;
  n = j;

  /* Skip over zero or more initial "./" sequences */
  for(i=0; i<n-1 && z[i]=='.' && z[i+1]=='/'; i+=2){}

  /* Begin copying from z[i] back to z[j]... */
  for(j=0; i<n; i++){
    if( z[i]=='/' ){
      /* Skip over internal "/." directory components */
      if( z[i+1]=='.' && (i+2==n || z[i+2]=='/') ){
        i += 1;

      /* If this is a "/.." directory component then back out the
      ** previous term of the directory if it is something other than ".."
      ** or "."
      if( z[i+1]=='.' && i+2<n && z[i+2]=='.' && (i+3==n || z[i+3]=='/')
       && backup_dir(z, &j)
        i += 2;
    if( j>=0 ) z[j] = z[i];
  if( j==0 ) z[j++] = '/';
  z[j] = 0;
  return j;

** COMMAND: test-simplify-name
** Usage: %fossil test-simplify-name FILENAME...
** Print the simplified versions of each FILENAME.  This is used to test
** the file_simplify_name() routine.
** If FILENAME is of the form "HOST:PATH" or "USER@HOST:PATH", then remove
** and print the remote host prefix first.  This is used to test the
** file_skip_userhost() interface.
void cmd_test_simplify_name(void){
  int i;
  char *z;
  const char *zTail;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    zTail = file_skip_userhost(g.argv[i]);
    if( zTail ){
      fossil_print("... ON REMOTE: %.*s\n", (int)(zTail-g.argv[i]), g.argv[i]);
      z = mprintf("%s", zTail);
      z = mprintf("%s", g.argv[i]);
    fossil_print("[%s] -> ", z);
    file_simplify_name(z, -1, 0);
    fossil_print("[%s]\n", z);

** Get the current working directory.
** On windows, the name is converted from unicode to UTF8 and all '\\'
** characters are converted to '/'.  No conversions are needed on
** unix.
** Store the value of the CWD in zBuf which is nBuf bytes in size.
** or if zBuf==0, allocate space to hold the result using fossil_malloc().
char *file_getcwd(char *zBuf, int nBuf){
  if( zBuf==0 ){
    char zTemp[2000];
    return fossil_strdup(file_getcwd(zTemp, sizeof(zTemp)));
#ifdef _WIN32
  win32_getcwd(zBuf, nBuf);
  if( getcwd(zBuf, nBuf-1)==0 ){
    if( errno==ERANGE ){
      fossil_fatal("pwd too big: max %d", nBuf-1);
      fossil_fatal("cannot find current working directory; %s",
  return zBuf;

** Return true if zPath is an absolute pathname.  Return false
** if it is relative.
int file_is_absolute_path(const char *zPath){
  if( fossil_isdirsep(zPath[0])
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
      || (fossil_isalpha(zPath[0]) && zPath[1]==':'
           && (fossil_isdirsep(zPath[2]) || zPath[2]=='\0'))
    return 1;
    return 0;

** Compute a canonical pathname for a file or directory.
** Make the name absolute if it is relative.
** Remove redundant / characters
** Remove all /./ path elements.
** Convert /A/../ to just /
** If the slash parameter is non-zero, the trailing slash, if any,
** is retained.
** See also: file_canonical_name_dup()
void file_canonical_name(const char *zOrigName, Blob *pOut, int slash){
  if( file_is_absolute_path(zOrigName) ){
    blob_appendf(pOut, "%/", zOrigName);
    char zPwd[2000];
    file_getcwd(zPwd, sizeof(zPwd)-strlen(zOrigName));
    if( zPwd[0]=='/' && strlen(zPwd)==1 ){
      /* when on '/', don't add an extra '/' */
      if( zOrigName[0]=='.' && strlen(zOrigName)==1 ){
        /* '.' when on '/' mean '/' */
        blob_appendf(pOut, "%/", zPwd);
        blob_appendf(pOut, "%/%/", zPwd, zOrigName);
      blob_appendf(pOut, "%//%/", zPwd, zOrigName);
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    char *zOut;
    ** On Windows/cygwin, normalize the drive letter to upper case.
    zOut = blob_str(pOut);
    if( fossil_islower(zOut[0]) && zOut[1]==':' && zOut[2]=='/' ){
      zOut[0] = fossil_toupper(zOut[0]);
  blob_resize(pOut, file_simplify_name(blob_buffer(pOut),
                                       blob_size(pOut), slash));

** Compute the canonical name of a file.  Store that name in
** memory obtained from fossil_malloc() and return a pointer to the
** name.
** See also: file_canonical_name()
char *file_canonical_name_dup(const char *zOrigName){
  Blob x;
  if( zOrigName==0 ) return 0;
  blob_init(&x, 0, 0);
  file_canonical_name(zOrigName, &x, 0);
  return blob_str(&x);

** Convert zPath, which is a relative pathname rooted at zDir, into the
** case preferred by the underlying filesystem.  Return the a copy
** of the converted path in memory obtained from fossil_malloc().
** For case-sensitive filesystems, such as on Linux, this routine is
** just fossil_strdup().  But for case-insenstiive but "case preserving"
** filesystems, such as on MacOS or Windows, we want the filename to be
** in the preserved casing.  That's what this routine does.
char *file_case_preferred_name(const char *zDir, const char *zPath){
  DIR *d;
  int i;
  char *zResult = 0;
  void *zNative = 0;

  if( filenames_are_case_sensitive() ){
    return fossil_strdup(zPath);
  for(i=0; zPath[i] && zPath[i]!='/' && zPath[i]!='\\'; i++){}
  zNative = fossil_utf8_to_path(zDir, 1);
  d = opendir(zNative);
  if( d ){
    struct dirent *pEntry;
    while( (pEntry = readdir(d))!=0 ){
      char *zUtf8 = fossil_path_to_utf8(pEntry->d_name);
      if( fossil_strnicmp(zUtf8, zPath, i)==0 && zUtf8[i]==0 ){
        if( zPath[i]==0 ){
          zResult = fossil_strdup(zUtf8);
          char *zSubDir = mprintf("%s/%s", zDir, zUtf8);
          char *zSubPath = file_case_preferred_name(zSubDir, &zPath[i+1]);
          zResult = mprintf("%s/%s", zUtf8, zSubPath);
  if( zResult==0 ) zResult = fossil_strdup(zPath);
  return zResult;

** COMMAND: test-case-filename
** Usage: fossil test-case-filename DIRECTORY PATH PATH PATH ....
** All the PATH arguments (there must be one at least one) are pathnames
** relative to DIRECTORY.  This test command prints the OS-preferred name
** for each PATH in filesystems where case is not significant.
void test_preferred_fn(void){
  int i;
  if( g.argc<4 ){
    usage("DIRECTORY PATH ...");
  for(i=3; i<g.argc; i++){
    char *z = file_case_preferred_name(g.argv[2], g.argv[i]);
    fossil_print("%s -> %s\n", g.argv[i], z);

** The input is the name of an executable, such as one might
** type on a command-line.  This routine resolves that name into
** a full pathname.  The result is obtained from fossil_malloc()
** and should be freed by the caller.
char *file_fullexename(const char *zCmd){
#ifdef _WIN32
  char *zPath;
  char *z = 0;
  const char *zExe = "";
  if( sqlite3_strlike("%.exe",zCmd,0)!=0 ) zExe = ".exe";
  if( file_is_absolute_path(zCmd) ){
    return mprintf("%s%s", zCmd, zExe);
  if( strchr(zCmd,'\\')!=0 && strchr(zCmd,'/')!=0 ){
    int i;
    Blob out = BLOB_INITIALIZER;
    file_canonical_name(zCmd, &out, 0);
    blob_append(&out, zExe, -1);
    z = fossil_strdup(blob_str(&out));
    for(i=0; z[i]; i++){ if( z[i]=='/' ) z[i] = '\\'; }
    return z;
  z = mprintf(".\\%s%s", zCmd, zExe);
  if( file_isfile(z, ExtFILE) ){
    int i;
    Blob out = BLOB_INITIALIZER;
    file_canonical_name(zCmd, &out, 0);
    blob_append(&out, zExe, -1);
    z = fossil_strdup(blob_str(&out));
    for(i=0; z[i]; i++){ if( z[i]=='/' ) z[i] = '\\'; }
    return z;
  zPath = fossil_getenv("PATH");
  while( zPath && zPath[0] ){
    int n;
    char *zColon;
    zColon = strchr(zPath, ';');
    n = zColon ? (int)(zColon-zPath) : (int)strlen(zPath);
    while( n>0 && zPath[n-1]=='\\' ){ n--; }
    z = mprintf("%.*s\\%s%s", n, zPath, zCmd, zExe);
    if( file_isfile(z, ExtFILE) ){
      return z;
    if( zColon==0 ) break;
    zPath = zColon+1;
  return fossil_strdup(zCmd);
  char *zPath;
  char *z;
  if( zCmd[0]=='/' ){
    return fossil_strdup(zCmd);
  if( strchr(zCmd,'/')!=0 ){
    Blob out = BLOB_INITIALIZER;
    file_canonical_name(zCmd, &out, 0);
    z = fossil_strdup(blob_str(&out));
    return z;
  zPath = fossil_getenv("PATH");
  while( zPath && zPath[0] ){
    int n;
    char *zColon;
    zColon = strchr(zPath, ':');
    n = zColon ? (int)(zColon-zPath) : (int)strlen(zPath);
    z = mprintf("%.*s/%s", n, zPath, zCmd);
    if( file_isexe(z, ExtFILE) ){
      return z;
    if( zColon==0 ) break;
    zPath = zColon+1;
  return fossil_strdup(zCmd);

** COMMAND: test-which
** Usage: %fossil test-which ARGS...
** For each argument, search the PATH for the executable with the name
** and print its full pathname.
void test_which_cmd(void){
  int i;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    char *z = file_fullexename(g.argv[i]);
    fossil_print("%z\n", z);

** Emits the effective or raw stat() information for the specified
** file or directory, optionally preserving the trailing slash and
** resetting the cached stat() information.
static void emitFileStat(
  const char *zPath,
  int slash,
  int reset
  char zBuf[200];
  char *z;
  Blob x;
  char *zFull;
  int rc;
  sqlite3_int64 iMtime;
  struct fossilStat testFileStat;
  memset(zBuf, 0, sizeof(zBuf));
  file_canonical_name(zPath, &x, slash);
  zFull = blob_str(&x);
  fossil_print("[%s] -> [%s]\n", zPath, zFull);
  memset(&testFileStat, 0, sizeof(struct fossilStat));
  rc = fossil_stat(zPath, &testFileStat, 0);
  fossil_print("  stat_rc                = %d\n", rc);
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld", testFileStat.st_size);
  fossil_print("  stat_size              = %s\n", zBuf);
  if( g.db==0 ) sqlite3_open(":memory:", &g.db);
  z = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(%lld, 'unixepoch')", testFileStat.st_mtime);
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld (%s)", testFileStat.st_mtime, z);
  fossil_print("  stat_mtime             = %s\n", zBuf);
  fossil_print("  stat_mode              = 0%o\n", testFileStat.st_mode);
  memset(&testFileStat, 0, sizeof(struct fossilStat));
  rc = fossil_stat(zPath, &testFileStat, 1);
  fossil_print("  l_stat_rc              = %d\n", rc);
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld", testFileStat.st_size);
  fossil_print("  l_stat_size            = %s\n", zBuf);
  z = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(%lld, 'unixepoch')", testFileStat.st_mtime);
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld (%s)", testFileStat.st_mtime, z);
  fossil_print("  l_stat_mtime           = %s\n", zBuf);
  fossil_print("  l_stat_mode            = 0%o\n", testFileStat.st_mode);
  if( reset ) resetStat();
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld", file_size(zPath,ExtFILE));
  fossil_print("  file_size(ExtFILE)     = %s\n", zBuf);
  iMtime = file_mtime(zPath, ExtFILE);
  z = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(%lld, 'unixepoch')", iMtime);
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld (%s)", iMtime, z);
  fossil_print("  file_mtime(ExtFILE)    = %s\n", zBuf);
  fossil_print("  file_mode(ExtFILE)     = 0%o\n", file_mode(zPath,ExtFILE));
  fossil_print("  file_isfile(ExtFILE)   = %d\n", file_isfile(zPath,ExtFILE));
  fossil_print("  file_isdir(ExtFILE)    = %d\n", file_isdir(zPath,ExtFILE));
  if( reset ) resetStat();
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld", file_size(zPath,RepoFILE));
  fossil_print("  file_size(RepoFILE)    = %s\n", zBuf);
  iMtime = file_mtime(zPath,RepoFILE);
  z = db_text(0, "SELECT datetime(%lld, 'unixepoch')", iMtime);
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld (%s)", iMtime, z);
  fossil_print("  file_mtime(RepoFILE)   = %s\n", zBuf);
  fossil_print("  file_mode(RepoFILE)    = 0%o\n", file_mode(zPath,RepoFILE));
  fossil_print("  file_isfile(RepoFILE)  = %d\n", file_isfile(zPath,RepoFILE));
  fossil_print("  file_isfile_or_link    = %d\n", file_isfile_or_link(zPath));
  fossil_print("  file_islink            = %d\n", file_islink(zPath));
  fossil_print("  file_isexe(RepoFILE)   = %d\n", file_isexe(zPath,RepoFILE));
  fossil_print("  file_isdir(RepoFILE)   = %d\n", file_isdir(zPath,RepoFILE));
  fossil_print("  file_is_repository     = %d\n", file_is_repository(zPath));
  fossil_print("  file_is_reserved_name  = %d\n",
  fossil_print("  file_in_cwd            = %d\n", file_in_cwd(zPath));
  if( reset ) resetStat();

** COMMAND: test-file-environment
** Usage: %fossil test-file-environment FILENAME...
** Display the effective file handling subsystem "settings" and then
** display file system information about the files specified, if any.
** Options:
**     --allow-symlinks BOOLEAN     Temporarily turn allow-symlinks on/off
**     --open-config                Open the configuration database first
**     --reset                      Reset cached stat() info for each file
**     --root ROOT                  Use ROOT as the root of the check-out
**     --slash                      Trailing slashes, if any, are retained
void cmd_test_file_environment(void){
  int i;
  int slashFlag = find_option("slash",0,0)!=0;
  int resetFlag = find_option("reset",0,0)!=0;
  const char *zRoot = find_option("root",0,1);
  const char *zAllow = find_option("allow-symlinks",0,1);
  if( find_option("open-config", 0, 0)!=0 ){
  db_find_and_open_repository(OPEN_ANY_SCHEMA|OPEN_OK_NOT_FOUND, 0);
  fossil_print("filenames_are_case_sensitive() = %d\n",
  if( zAllow ){
    g.allowSymlinks = !is_false(zAllow);
  if( zRoot==0 ) zRoot = g.zLocalRoot;
  fossil_print("db_allow_symlinks() = %d\n", db_allow_symlinks());
  fossil_print("local-root = [%s]\n", zRoot);
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    char *z;
    emitFileStat(g.argv[i], slashFlag, resetFlag);
    z = file_canonical_name_dup(g.argv[i]);
    fossil_print("  file_canonical_name    = %s\n", z);
    fossil_print("  file_nondir_path       = ");
    if( fossil_strnicmp(zRoot,z,(int)strlen(zRoot))!=0 ){
      fossil_print("(--root is not a prefix of this file)\n");
      int n = file_nondir_objects_on_path(zRoot, z);
      fossil_print("%.*s\n", n, z);

** COMMAND: test-canonical-name
** Usage: %fossil test-canonical-name FILENAME...
** Test the operation of the canonical name generator.
** Also test Fossil's ability to measure attributes of a file.
void cmd_test_canonical_name(void){
  int i;
  Blob x;
  int slashFlag = find_option("slash",0,0)!=0;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    char zBuf[100];
    const char *zName = g.argv[i];
    file_canonical_name(zName, &x, slashFlag);
    fossil_print("[%s] -> [%s]\n", zName, blob_buffer(&x));
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld", file_size(zName,RepoFILE));
    fossil_print("  file_size           = %s\n", zBuf);
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zBuf), zBuf, "%lld", file_mtime(zName,RepoFILE));
    fossil_print("  file_mtime          = %s\n", zBuf);
    fossil_print("  file_isfile         = %d\n", file_isfile(zName,RepoFILE));
    fossil_print("  file_isfile_or_link = %d\n", file_isfile_or_link(zName));
    fossil_print("  file_islink         = %d\n", file_islink(zName));
    fossil_print("  file_isexe          = %d\n", file_isexe(zName,RepoFILE));
    fossil_print("  file_isdir          = %d\n", file_isdir(zName,RepoFILE));

** Return TRUE if the given filename is canonical.
** Canonical names are full pathnames using "/" not "\" and which
** contain no "/./" or "/../" terms.
int file_is_canonical(const char *z){
  int i;
  if( z[0]!='/'
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    && (!fossil_isupper(z[0]) || z[1]!=':' || z[2]!='/')
  ) return 0;

  for(i=0; z[i]; i++){
    if( z[i]=='\\' ) return 0;
    if( z[i]=='/' ){
      if( z[i+1]=='.' ){
        if( z[i+2]=='/' || z[i+2]==0 ) return 0;
        if( z[i+2]=='.' && (z[i+3]=='/' || z[i+3]==0) ) return 0;
  return 1;

** Return a pointer to the first character in a pathname past the
** drive letter.  This routine is a no-op on unix.
char *file_without_drive_letter(char *zIn){
#ifdef _WIN32
  if( fossil_isalpha(zIn[0]) && zIn[1]==':' ) zIn += 2;
  return zIn;

** Compute a pathname for a file or directory that is relative
** to the current directory.  If the slash parameter is non-zero,
** the trailing slash, if any, is retained.
void file_relative_name(const char *zOrigName, Blob *pOut, int slash){
  char *zPath;
  blob_set(pOut, zOrigName);
  blob_resize(pOut, file_simplify_name(blob_buffer(pOut),
                                       blob_size(pOut), slash));
  zPath = file_without_drive_letter(blob_buffer(pOut));
  if( zPath[0]=='/' ){
    int i, j;
    Blob tmp;
    char *zPwd;
    char zBuf[2000];
    zPwd = zBuf;
    file_getcwd(zBuf, sizeof(zBuf)-20);
    zPwd = file_without_drive_letter(zBuf);
    i = 1;
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
    while( zPath[i] && fossil_tolower(zPwd[i])==fossil_tolower(zPath[i]) ) i++;
    while( zPath[i] && zPwd[i]==zPath[i] ) i++;
    if( zPath[i]==0 ){
      memcpy(&tmp, pOut, sizeof(tmp));
      if( zPwd[i]==0 ){
        blob_set(pOut, ".");
        blob_set(pOut, "..");
        for(j=i+1; zPwd[j]; j++){
          if( zPwd[j]=='/' ){
            blob_append(pOut, "/..", 3);
        while( i>0 && (zPwd[i]!='/')) --i;
        blob_append(pOut, zPath+i, j-i);
      if( slash && i>0 && zPath[strlen(zPath)-1]=='/'){
        blob_append(pOut, "/", 1);
    if( zPwd[i]==0 && zPath[i]=='/' ){
      memcpy(&tmp, pOut, sizeof(tmp));
      blob_set(pOut, "./");
      blob_append(pOut, &zPath[i+1], -1);
    while( zPath[i-1]!='/' ){ i--; }
    if( zPwd[0]=='/' && strlen(zPwd)==1 ){
      /* If on '/', don't go to higher level */
      blob_set(&tmp, "../");
    for(j=i; zPwd[j]; j++){
      if( zPwd[j]=='/' ){
        blob_append(&tmp, "../", 3);
    blob_append(&tmp, &zPath[i], -1);
    memcpy(pOut, &tmp, sizeof(tmp));

** COMMAND: test-relative-name
** Test the operation of the relative name generator.
void cmd_test_relative_name(void){
  int i;
  Blob x;
  int slashFlag = find_option("slash",0,0)!=0;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    file_relative_name(g.argv[i], &x, slashFlag);
    fossil_print("%s\n", blob_buffer(&x));

** Compute a full path name for a file in the local tree.  If
** the absolute flag is non-zero, the computed path will be
** absolute, starting with the root path of the local tree;
** otherwise, it will be relative to the root of the local
** tree.  In both cases, the root of the local tree is defined
** by the g.zLocalRoot variable.  Return TRUE on success.  On
** failure, print and error message and quit if the errFatal
** flag is true.  If errFatal is false, then simply return 0.
int file_tree_name(
  const char *zOrigName,
  Blob *pOut,
  int absolute,
  int errFatal
  Blob localRoot;
  int nLocalRoot;
  char *zLocalRoot;
  Blob full;
  int nFull;
  char *zFull;
  int (*xCmp)(const char*,const char*,int);

  if( !g.localOpen ){
    if( absolute && !file_is_absolute_path(zOrigName) ){
      if( errFatal ){
        fossil_fatal("relative to absolute needs open check-out tree: %s",
      return 0;
      ** The original path may be relative or absolute; however, without
      ** an open check-out tree, the only things we can do at this point
      ** is return it verbatim or generate a fatal error.  The caller is
      ** probably expecting a tree-relative path name will be returned;
      ** however, most places where this function is called already check
      ** if the local check-out tree is open, either directly or indirectly,
      ** which would make this situation impossible.  Alternatively, they
      ** could check the returned path using the file_is_absolute_path()
      ** function.
      blob_appendf(pOut, "%s", zOrigName);
      return 1;
  file_canonical_name(g.zLocalRoot, &localRoot, 1);
  nLocalRoot = blob_size(&localRoot);
  zLocalRoot = blob_buffer(&localRoot);
  assert( nLocalRoot>0 && zLocalRoot[nLocalRoot-1]=='/' );
  file_canonical_name(zOrigName, &full, 0);
  nFull = blob_size(&full);
  zFull = blob_buffer(&full);
  if( filenames_are_case_sensitive() ){
    xCmp = fossil_strncmp;
    xCmp = fossil_strnicmp;

  /* Special case.  zOrigName refers to g.zLocalRoot directory. */
  if( (nFull==nLocalRoot-1 && xCmp(zLocalRoot, zFull, nFull)==0)
      || (nFull==1 && zFull[0]=='/' && nLocalRoot==1 && zLocalRoot[0]=='/') ){
    if( absolute ){
      blob_append(pOut, zLocalRoot, nLocalRoot);
      blob_append(pOut, ".", 1);
    return 1;

  if( nFull<=nLocalRoot || xCmp(zLocalRoot, zFull, nLocalRoot) ){
    if( errFatal ){
      fossil_fatal("file outside of check-out tree: %s", zOrigName);
    return 0;
  if( absolute ){
    if( !file_is_absolute_path(zOrigName) ){
      blob_append(pOut, zLocalRoot, nLocalRoot);
    blob_append(pOut, zOrigName, -1);
    blob_resize(pOut, file_simplify_name(blob_buffer(pOut),
                                         blob_size(pOut), 0));
    blob_append(pOut, &zFull[nLocalRoot], nFull-nLocalRoot);
  return 1;

** COMMAND: test-tree-name
** Test the operation of the tree name generator.
** Options:
**   --absolute           Return an absolute path instead of a relative one
**   --case-sensitive B   Enable or disable case-sensitive filenames.  B is
**                        a boolean: "yes", "no", "true", "false", etc.
void cmd_test_tree_name(void){
  int i;
  Blob x;
  int absoluteFlag = find_option("absolute",0,0)!=0;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    if( file_tree_name(g.argv[i], &x, absoluteFlag, 1) ){
      fossil_print("%s\n", blob_buffer(&x));

** zFile is the name of a file.  Return true if that file is in the
** current working directory (the "pwd" or file_getcwd() directory).
** Return false if the file is someplace else.
int file_in_cwd(const char *zFile){
  char *zFull = file_canonical_name_dup(zFile);
  char *zCwd = file_getcwd(0,0);
  size_t nCwd = strlen(zCwd);
  size_t nFull = strlen(zFull);
  int rc = 1;
  int (*xCmp)(const char*,const char*,int);

  if( filenames_are_case_sensitive() ){
    xCmp = fossil_strncmp;
    xCmp = fossil_strnicmp;

  if( nFull>nCwd+1
   && xCmp(zFull,zCwd,nCwd)==0
   && zFull[nCwd]=='/'
   && strchr(zFull+nCwd+1, '/')==0
    rc = 1;
    rc = 0;
  return rc;

** Parse a URI into scheme, host, port, and path.
void file_parse_uri(
  const char *zUri,
  Blob *pScheme,
  Blob *pHost,
  int *pPort,
  Blob *pPath
  int i, j;

  for(i=0; zUri[i] && zUri[i]>='a' && zUri[i]<='z'; i++){}
  if( zUri[i]!=':' ){
    blob_set(pPath, zUri);
  blob_init(pScheme, zUri, i);
  if( zUri[i]=='/' && zUri[i+1]=='/' ){
    i += 2;
    j = i;
    while( zUri[i] && zUri[i]!='/' && zUri[i]!=':' ){ i++; }
    blob_init(pHost, &zUri[j], i-j);
    if( zUri[i]==':' ){
      *pPort = atoi(&zUri[i]);
      while( zUri[i] && zUri[i]!='/' ){ i++; }
  if( zUri[i]=='/' ){
    blob_set(pPath, &zUri[i]);
    blob_set(pPath, "/");

** Construct a random temporary filename into pBuf where the name of
** the temporary file is derived from zBasis.  The suffix on the temp
** file is the same as the suffix on zBasis, and the temp file has
** the root of zBasis in its name.
** If zTag is not NULL, then try to create the temp-file using zTag
** as a differentiator.  If that fails, or if zTag is NULL, then use
** a bunch of random characters as the tag.
** Dangerous characters in zBasis are changed.
** See also fossil_temp_filename() and file_time_tempname();
void file_tempname(Blob *pBuf, const char *zBasis, const char *zTag){
#if defined(_WIN32)
  const char *azDirs[] = {
     0, /* GetTempPath */
     0, /* TEMP */
     0, /* TMP */
  static const char *azDirs[] = {
     0, /* TMPDIR */
  static const unsigned char zChars[] =
  unsigned int i;
  const char *zDir = ".";
  int cnt = 0;
  char zRand[16];
  int nBasis;
  const char *zSuffix;
  char *z;

#if defined(_WIN32)
  wchar_t zTmpPath[MAX_PATH];

  if( GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, zTmpPath) ){
    azDirs[0] = fossil_path_to_utf8(zTmpPath);
    /* Removing trailing \ from the temp path */
    z = (char*)azDirs[0];
    i = (int)strlen(z)-1;
    if( i>0 && z[i]=='\\' ) z[i] = 0;

  azDirs[1] = fossil_getenv("TEMP");
  azDirs[2] = fossil_getenv("TMP");
  azDirs[0] = fossil_getenv("TMPDIR");

  for(i=0; i<count(azDirs); i++){
    if( azDirs[i]==0 ) continue;
    if( !file_isdir(azDirs[i], ExtFILE) ) continue;
    zDir = azDirs[i];

  assert( zBasis!=0 );
  zSuffix = 0;
  for(i=0; zBasis[i]; i++){
    if( zBasis[i]=='/' || zBasis[i]=='\\' ){
      zBasis += i+1;
      i = -1;
    }else if( zBasis[i]=='.' ){
      zSuffix = zBasis + i;
  if( zSuffix==0 || zSuffix<=zBasis ){
    zSuffix = "";
    nBasis = i;
    nBasis = (int)(zSuffix - zBasis);
  if( nBasis==0 ){
    nBasis = 6;
    zBasis = "fossil";
    if( cnt++>20 ) fossil_fatal("cannot generate a temporary filename");
    if( zTag==0 ){
      const int nRand = sizeof(zRand)-1;
      sqlite3_randomness(nRand, zRand);
      for(i=0; i<nRand; i++){
        zRand[i] = (char)zChars[ ((unsigned char)zRand[i])%(sizeof(zChars)-1) ];
      zRand[nRand] = 0;
      zTag = zRand;
    blob_appendf(pBuf, "%s/%.*s~%s%s", zDir, nBasis, zBasis, zTag, zSuffix);
    zTag = 0;
    for(z=blob_str(pBuf); z!=0 && (z=strpbrk(z,"'\"`;|$&"))!=0; z++){
      z[0] = '_';
  }while( file_size(blob_str(pBuf), ExtFILE)>=0 );

#if defined(_WIN32)
  fossil_path_free((char *)azDirs[0]);
  fossil_path_free((char *)azDirs[1]);
  fossil_path_free((char *)azDirs[2]);
  /* Change all \ characters in the windows path into / so that they can
  ** be safely passed to a subcommand, such as by gdiff */
  z = blob_buffer(pBuf);
  for(i=0; z[i]; i++) if( z[i]=='\\' ) z[i] = '/';
  fossil_path_free((char *)azDirs[0]);

** Compute a temporary filename in zDir.  The filename is based on
** the current time.
** See also fossil_temp_filename() and file_tempname();
char *file_time_tempname(const char *zDir, const char *zSuffix){
  struct tm *tm;
  unsigned int r;
  static unsigned int cnt = 0;
  time_t t;
  t = time(0);
  tm = gmtime(&t);
  sqlite3_randomness(sizeof(r), &r);
  return mprintf("%s/%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%04d%06d%s",
      zDir, tm->tm_year+1900, tm->tm_mon+1, tm->tm_mday,
            tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, cnt++, r%1000000, zSuffix);

** COMMAND: test-tempname
** Usage:  fossil test-name [--time SUFFIX] [--tag NAME] BASENAME ...
** Generate temporary filenames derived from BASENAME.  Use the --time
** option to generate temp names based on the time of day.  If --tag NAME
** is specified, try to use NAME as the differentiator in the temp file.
** If --time is used, file_time_tempname() generates the filename.
** If BASENAME is present, file_tempname() generates the filename.
** Without --time or BASENAME, fossil_temp_filename() generates the filename.
void file_test_tempname(void){
  int i;
  const char *zSuffix = find_option("time",0,1);
  char *z;
  const char *zTag = find_option("tag",0,1);
  if( g.argc<=2 ){
    z = fossil_temp_filename();
    fossil_print("%s\n", z);
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    if( zSuffix ){
      z = file_time_tempname(g.argv[i], zSuffix);
      fossil_print("%s\n", z);
      file_tempname(&x, g.argv[i], zTag);
      fossil_print("%s\n", blob_str(&x));

** Return true if a file named zName exists and has identical content
** to the blob pContent.  If zName does not exist or if the content is
** different in any way, then return false.
** This routine assumes RepoFILE
int file_is_the_same(Blob *pContent, const char *zName){
  i64 iSize;
  int rc;
  Blob onDisk;

  iSize = file_size(zName, RepoFILE);
  if( iSize<0 ) return 0;
  if( iSize!=blob_size(pContent) ) return 0;
  blob_read_from_file(&onDisk, zName, RepoFILE);
  rc = blob_compare(&onDisk, pContent);
  return rc==0;

** Return the value of an environment variable as UTF8.
** Use fossil_path_free() to release resources.
char *fossil_getenv(const char *zName){
#ifdef _WIN32
  wchar_t *uName = fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zName);
  void *zValue = _wgetenv(uName);
  char *zValue = getenv(zName);
  if( zValue ) zValue = fossil_path_to_utf8(zValue);
  return zValue;

** Sets the value of an environment variable as UTF8.
int fossil_setenv(const char *zName, const char *zValue){
  int rc;
  char *zString = mprintf("%s=%s", zName, zValue);
#ifdef _WIN32
  wchar_t *uString = fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zString);
  rc = _wputenv(uString);
  rc = putenv(zString);
  /* NOTE: Cannot free the string on POSIX. */
  /* fossil_free(zString); */
  return rc;

** Clear all environment variables
int fossil_clearenv(void){
#ifdef _WIN32
  int rc = 0;
  LPWCH zzEnv = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
  if( zzEnv ){
    LPCWSTR zEnv = zzEnv; /* read-only */
    while( 1 ){
      LPWSTR zNewEnv = _wcsdup(zEnv); /* writable */
      if( zNewEnv ){
        LPWSTR zEquals = wcsstr(zNewEnv, L"=");
        if( zEquals ){
          zEquals[1] = 0; /* no value */
          if( zNewEnv==zEquals || _wputenv(zNewEnv)==0 ){ /* via CRT */
            /* do nothing */
            zEquals[0] = 0; /* name only */
            if( !SetEnvironmentVariableW(zNewEnv, NULL) ){ /* via Win32 */
              rc = 1;
          if( rc==0 ){
            zEnv += (lstrlenW(zEnv) + 1); /* double NUL term? */
            if( zEnv[0]==0 ){
              break; /* no more vars */
          rc = 1;
        rc = 1;
      if( rc!=0 ) break;
    if( !FreeEnvironmentStringsW(zzEnv) ){
      rc = 2;
    rc = 1;
  return rc;
  extern char **environ;
  environ[0] = 0;
  return 0;

** Like fopen() but always takes a UTF8 argument.
** This function assumes ExtFILE. In other words, symbolic links
** are always followed.
FILE *fossil_fopen(const char *zName, const char *zMode){
#ifdef _WIN32
  wchar_t *uMode = fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zMode);
  wchar_t *uName = fossil_utf8_to_path(zName, 0);
  FILE *f = _wfopen(uName, uMode);
  FILE *f = fopen(zName, zMode);
  return f;

** Wrapper for freopen() that understands UTF8 arguments.
FILE *fossil_freopen(const char *zName, const char *zMode, FILE *stream){
#ifdef _WIN32
  wchar_t *uMode = fossil_utf8_to_unicode(zMode);
  wchar_t *uName = fossil_utf8_to_path(zName, 0);
  FILE *f = _wfreopen(uName, uMode, stream);
  FILE *f = freopen(zName, zMode, stream);
  return f;

** Works like fclose() except that:
** 1) is a no-op if f is 0 or if it is stdin.
** 2) If f is one of (stdout, stderr), it is flushed but not closed.
void fossil_fclose(FILE *f){
    if(stdout==f || stderr==f){
    }else if(stdin!=f){

**   Works like fopen(zName,"wb") except that:
**   1) If zName is "-", the stdout handle is returned.
**   2) Else file_mkfolder() is used to create all directories
**      which lead up to the file before opening it.
**   3) It fails fatally if the file cannot be opened.
FILE *fossil_fopen_for_output(const char *zFilename){
  if(zFilename[0]=='-' && zFilename[1]==0){
    return stdout;
    FILE * p;
    file_mkfolder(zFilename, ExtFILE, 1, 0);
    p = fossil_fopen(zFilename, "wb");
    if( p==0 ){
#if defined(_WIN32)
      const char *zReserved = file_is_win_reserved(zFilename);
      if( zReserved ){
        fossil_fatal("cannot open \"%s\" because \"%s\" is "
                     "a reserved name on Windows", zFilename,
      fossil_fatal("unable to open file \"%s\" for writing",
    return p;

** Return non-NULL if zFilename contains pathname elements that
** are reserved on Windows.  The returned string is the disallowed
** path element.
const char *file_is_win_reserved(const char *zPath){
  static const char *const azRes[] = { "CON","PRN","AUX","NUL","COM","LPT" };
  static char zReturn[5];
  int i;
  while( zPath[0] ){
    for(i=0; i<count(azRes); i++){
      if( sqlite3_strnicmp(zPath, azRes[i], 3)==0
       && ((i>=4 && fossil_isdigit(zPath[3])
                 && (zPath[4]=='/' || zPath[4]=='.' || zPath[4]==0))
          || (i<4 && (zPath[3]=='/' || zPath[3]=='.' || zPath[3]==0)))
        sqlite3_snprintf(5,zReturn,"%.*s", i>=4 ? 4 : 3, zPath);
        return zReturn;
    while( zPath[0] && zPath[0]!='/' ) zPath++;
    while( zPath[0]=='/' ) zPath++;
  return 0;

** COMMAND: test-valid-for-windows
** Usage:  fossil test-valid-for-windows FILENAME ....
** Show which filenames are not valid for Windows
void file_test_valid_for_windows(void){
  int i;
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    fossil_print("%s %s\n", file_is_win_reserved(g.argv[i]), g.argv[i]);

** Returns non-zero if the specified file extension belongs to a Fossil
** repository file.
int file_is_repository_extension(const char *zPath){
  if( fossil_strcmp(zPath, ".fossil")==0 ) return 1;
  if( fossil_strcmp(zPath, ".efossil")==0 ) return 1;
  return 0;

** Returns non-zero if the specified path appears to match a file extension
** that should belong to a Fossil repository file.
int file_contains_repository_extension(const char *zPath){
  if( sqlite3_strglob("*.fossil*",zPath)==0 ) return 1;
  if( sqlite3_strglob("*.efossil*",zPath)==0 ) return 1;
  return 0;

** Returns non-zero if the specified path ends with a file extension that
** should belong to a Fossil repository file.
int file_ends_with_repository_extension(const char *zPath, int bQual){
  if( bQual ){
    if( sqlite3_strglob("*/*.fossil", zPath)==0 ) return 1;
    if( sqlite3_strglob("*/*.efossil", zPath)==0 ) return 1;
    if( sqlite3_strglob("*.fossil", zPath)==0 ) return 1;
    if( sqlite3_strglob("*.efossil", zPath)==0 ) return 1;
  return 0;

** Remove surplus "/" characters from the beginning of a full pathname.
** Extra leading "/" characters are benign on unix.  But on Windows
** machines, they must be removed.  Example:  Convert "/C:/fossil/xyx.fossil"
** into "C:/fossil/xyz.fossil". Cygwin should behave as Windows here.
const char *file_cleanup_fullpath(const char *z){
#if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
  if( z[0]=='/' && fossil_isalpha(z[1]) && z[2]==':' && z[3]=='/' ) z++;
  while( z[0]=='/' && z[1]=='/' ) z++;
  return z;

** Count the number of objects (files and subdirectories) in a given
** directory.  Return the count.  Return -1 if the object is not a
** directory.
** This routine never counts the two "." and ".." special directory
** entries, even if the provided glob would match them.
int file_directory_size(const char *zDir, const char *zGlob, int omitDotFiles){
  void *zNative;
  DIR *d;
  int n = -1;
  zNative = fossil_utf8_to_path(zDir,1);
  d = opendir(zNative);
  if( d ){
    struct dirent *pEntry;
    n = 0;
    while( (pEntry=readdir(d))!=0 ){
      if( pEntry->d_name[0]==0 ) continue;
      if( pEntry->d_name[0]=='.' &&
           /* Skip the special "." and ".." entries. */
           || pEntry->d_name[1]==0
           || (pEntry->d_name[1]=='.' && pEntry->d_name[2]==0))){
      if( zGlob ){
        char *zUtf8 = fossil_path_to_utf8(pEntry->d_name);
        int rc = sqlite3_strglob(zGlob, zUtf8);
        if( rc ) continue;
  return n;

** COMMAND: test-dir-size
** Usage: %fossil test-dir-size NAME [GLOB] [--nodots]
** Return the number of objects in the directory NAME.  If GLOB is
** provided, then only count objects that match the GLOB pattern.
** if --nodots is specified, omit files that begin with ".".
void test_dir_size_cmd(void){
  int omitDotFiles = find_option("nodots",0,0)!=0;
  const char *zGlob;
  const char *zDir;
  if( g.argc!=3 && g.argc!=4 ){
    usage("NAME [GLOB] [-nodots]");
  zDir = g.argv[2];
  zGlob = g.argc==4 ? g.argv[3] : 0;
  fossil_print("%d\n", file_directory_size(zDir, zGlob, omitDotFiles));

** Internal helper for touch_cmd(). zAbsName must be resolvable as-is
** to an existing file - this function does not expand/normalize
** it. i.e. it "really should" be an absolute path. zTreeName is
** strictly cosmetic: it is used when dryRunFlag, verboseFlag, or
** quietFlag generate output, and is assumed to be a repo-relative or
** or subdir-relative filename.
** newMTime is the file's new timestamp (Unix epoch).
** Returns 1 if it sets zAbsName's mtime, 0 if it does not (indicating
** that the file already has that timestamp or a warning was emitted
** or was not found). If dryRunFlag is true then it outputs the name
** of the file it would have timestamped but does not stamp the
** file. If verboseFlag is true, it outputs a message if the file's
** timestamp is actually modified. If quietFlag is true then the
** output of non-fatal warning messages is suppressed.
** As a special case, if newMTime is 0 then this function emits a
** warning (unless quietFlag is true), does NOT set the timestamp, and
** returns 0. The timestamp is known to be zero when
** mtime_of_manifest_file() is asked to provide the timestamp for a
** file which is currently undergoing an uncommitted merge (though
** this may depend on exactly where that merge is happening the
** history of the project).
static int touch_cmd_stamp_one_file(char const *zAbsName,
                                    char const *zTreeName,
                                    i64 newMtime, int dryRunFlag,
                                    int verboseFlag, int quietFlag){
  i64 currentMtime;
    if( quietFlag==0 ){
      fossil_print("SKIPPING timestamp of 0: %s\n", zTreeName);
    return 0;
  currentMtime = file_mtime(zAbsName, 0);
    fossil_print("SKIPPING: cannot stat file: %s\n", zAbsName);
    return 0;
  }else if(currentMtime==newMtime){
    return 0;
  }else if( dryRunFlag!=0 ){
    fossil_print( "dry-run: %s\n", zTreeName );
    file_set_mtime(zAbsName, newMtime);
    if( verboseFlag!=0 ){
      fossil_print( "touched %s\n", zTreeName );
  return 1;

** Internal helper for touch_cmd(). If the given file name is found in
** the given check-out version, which MUST be the check-out version
** currently populating the vfile table, the vfile.mrid value for the
** file is returned, else 0 is returned. zName must be resolvable
** as-is from the vfile table - this function neither expands nor
** normalizes it, though it does compare using the repo's
** filename_collation() preference.
static int touch_cmd_vfile_mrid( int vid, char const *zName ){
  int mrid = 0;
  static Stmt q = empty_Stmt_m;
             "SELECT vfile.mrid "
             "FROM vfile LEFT JOIN blob ON vfile.mrid=blob.rid "
             "WHERE vid=:vid AND pathname=:pathname %s",
  db_bind_int(&q, ":vid", vid);
  db_bind_text(&q, ":pathname", zName);
    mrid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
  return mrid;

** COMMAND: touch*
** Usage: %fossil touch ?OPTIONS? ?FILENAME...?
** For each file in the current check-out matching one of the provided
** list of glob patterns and/or file names, the file's mtime is
** updated to a value specified by one of the flags --checkout,
** --checkin, or --now.
** If neither glob patterns nor filenames are provided, it operates on
** all files managed by the currently checked-out version.
** This command gets its name from the conventional Unix "touch"
** command.
** Options:
**   --now          Stamp each affected file with the current time.
**                  This is the default behavior.
**   -c|--checkin   Stamp each affected file with the time of the
**                  most recent check-in which modified that file
**   -C|--checkout  Stamp each affected file with the time of the
**                  currently checked-out version
**   -g GLOBLIST    Comma-separated list of glob patterns
**   -G GLOBFILE    Similar to -g but reads its globs from a
**                  fossil-conventional glob list file
**   -v|--verbose   Outputs extra information about its globs
**                  and each file it touches
**   -n|--dry-run   Outputs which files would require touching,
**                  but does not touch them
**   -q|--quiet     Suppress warnings, e.g. when skipping unmanaged
**                  or out-of-tree files
** Only one of --now, --checkin, and --checkout may be used. The
** default is --now.
** Only one of -g or -G may be used. If neither is provided and no
** additional filenames are provided, the effect is as if a glob of
** '*' were provided, i.e. all files belonging to the
** currently checked-out version. Note that all glob patterns provided
** via these flags are always evaluated as if they are relative to the
** top of the source tree, not the current working (sub)directory.
** Filenames provided without these flags, on the other hand, are
** treated as relative to the current directory.
** As a special case, files currently undergoing an uncommitted merge
** might not get timestamped with --checkin because it may be
** impossible for fossil to choose between multiple potential
** timestamps. A non-fatal warning is emitted for such cases.
void touch_cmd(){
  const char * zGlobList; /* -g List of glob patterns */
  const char * zGlobFile; /* -G File of glob patterns */
  Glob * pGlob = 0;       /* List of glob patterns */
  int verboseFlag;
  int dryRunFlag;
  int vid;                /* Check-out version */
  int changeCount = 0;    /* Number of files touched */
  int quietFlag = 0;      /* -q|--quiet */
  int timeFlag;           /* -1==--checkin, 1==--checkout, 0==--now */
  i64 nowTime = 0;        /* Timestamp of --now or --checkout */
  Stmt q;
  Blob absBuffer = empty_blob; /* Absolute filename buffer */

  verboseFlag = find_option("verbose","v",0)!=0;
  quietFlag = find_option("quiet","q",0)!=0 || g.fQuiet;
  dryRunFlag = find_option("dry-run","n",0)!=0;
  zGlobList = find_option("glob", "g",1);
  zGlobFile = find_option("globfile", "G",1);

  if(zGlobList && zGlobFile){
    fossil_fatal("Options -g and -G may not be used together.");

    int const ci =
      (find_option("checkin","c",0) || find_option("check-in",0,0))
      ? 1 : 0;
    int const co = find_option("checkout","C",0) ? 1 : 0;
    int const now = find_option("now",0,0) ? 1 : 0;
    if(ci + co + now > 1){
      fossil_fatal("Options --checkin, --checkout, and --now may "
                   "not be used together.");
    }else if(co){
      timeFlag = 1;
        fossil_print("Timestamp = current check-out version.\n");
    }else if(ci){
      timeFlag = -1;
        fossil_print("Timestamp = check-in in which each file was "
                     "most recently modified.\n");
      timeFlag = 0;
        fossil_print("Timestamp = current system time.\n");


  vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
    fossil_fatal("Cannot determine check-out version.");

    pGlob = *zGlobList ? glob_create(zGlobList) : 0;
  }else if(zGlobFile){
    Blob globs = empty_blob;
    blob_read_from_file(&globs, zGlobFile, ExtFILE);
    pGlob = glob_create( globs.aData );
  if( pGlob && verboseFlag!=0 ){
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<pGlob->nPattern; ++i){
      fossil_print("glob: %s\n", pGlob->azPattern[i]);

    nowTime = time(0);
  }else if(timeFlag>0){/*--checkout: get the check-out
                         manifest's timestamp*/
    nowTime = db_int64(-1,
                       "SELECT CAST(strftime('%%s',"
                         "(SELECT mtime FROM event WHERE objid=%d)"
                       ") AS INTEGER)", vid);
      fossil_fatal("Could not determine check-out version's time!");
  }else{ /* --checkin */
    assert(0 == nowTime);
  if((pGlob && pGlob->nPattern>0) || g.argc<3){
    ** We have either (1) globs or (2) no trailing filenames. If there
    ** are neither globs nor filenames then we operate on all managed
    ** files.
               "SELECT vfile.mrid, pathname "
               "FROM vfile LEFT JOIN blob ON vfile.mrid=blob.rid "
               "WHERE vid=%d", vid);
      int const fid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
      const char * zName = db_column_text(&q, 1);
      i64 newMtime = nowTime;
      char const * zAbs = 0;         /* absolute path */
      absBuffer.nUsed = 0;
      assert(timeFlag<0 ? newMtime==0 : newMtime>0);
        if(glob_match(pGlob, zName)==0) continue;
      blob_appendf( &absBuffer, "%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zName );
      zAbs = blob_str(&absBuffer);
      if( newMtime || mtime_of_manifest_file(vid, fid, &newMtime)==0 ){
        changeCount +=
          touch_cmd_stamp_one_file( zAbs, zName, newMtime, dryRunFlag,
                                    verboseFlag, quietFlag );
  pGlob = 0;
    ** Trailing filenames on the command line. These require extra
    ** care to avoid modifying unmanaged or out-of-tree files and
    ** finding an associated --checkin timestamp.
    int i;
    Blob treeNameBuf = empty_blob;   /* Buffer for file_tree_name(). */
    for( i = 2; i < g.argc; ++i,
           blob_reset(&treeNameBuf) ){
      char const * zArg = g.argv[i];
      char const * zTreeFile;        /* repo-relative filename */
      char const * zAbs;             /* absolute filename */
      i64 newMtime = nowTime;
      int nameCheck;
      int fid;                       /* vfile.mrid of file */
      nameCheck = file_tree_name( zArg, &treeNameBuf, 0, 0 );
          fossil_print("SKIPPING out-of-tree file: %s\n", zArg);
      zTreeFile = blob_str(&treeNameBuf);
      fid = touch_cmd_vfile_mrid( vid, zTreeFile );
          fossil_print("SKIPPING unmanaged file: %s\n", zArg);
      absBuffer.nUsed = 0;
      blob_appendf(&absBuffer, "%s%s", g.zLocalRoot, zTreeFile);
      zAbs = blob_str(&absBuffer);
        if(mtime_of_manifest_file( vid, fid, &newMtime )!=0){
          fossil_fatal("Could not resolve --checkin mtime of %s", zTreeFile);
      changeCount +=
        touch_cmd_stamp_one_file( zAbs, zArg, newMtime, dryRunFlag,
                                  verboseFlag, quietFlag );
  if( dryRunFlag!=0 ){
    fossil_print("dry-run: would have touched %d file(s)\n",
    fossil_print("Touched %d file(s)\n", changeCount);

** If zFileName is not NULL and contains a '.', this returns a pointer
** to the position after the final '.', else it returns NULL. As a
** special case, if it ends with a period then a pointer to the
** terminating NUL byte is returned.
const char * file_extension(const char *zFileName){
  const char * zExt = zFileName ? strrchr(zFileName, '.') : 0;
  return zExt ? &zExt[1] : 0;

** Returns non-zero if the specified file name ends with any reserved name,
** e.g.: _FOSSIL_ or .fslckout.  Specifically, it returns 1 for exact match
** or 2 for a tail match on a longer file name.
** For the sake of efficiency, zFilename must be a canonical name, e.g. an
** absolute path using only forward slash ('/') as a directory separator.
** nFilename must be the length of zFilename.  When negative, strlen() will
** be used to calculate it.
int file_is_reserved_name(const char *zFilename, int nFilename){
  const char *zEnd;  /* one-after-the-end of zFilename */
  int gotSuffix = 0; /* length of suffix (-wal, -shm, -journal) */

  assert( zFilename && "API misuse" );
  if( nFilename<0 ) nFilename = (int)strlen(zFilename);
  if( nFilename<8 ) return 0; /* strlen("_FOSSIL_") */
  zEnd = zFilename + nFilename;
  if( nFilename>=12 ){ /* strlen("_FOSSIL_-(shm|wal)") */
    /* Check for (-wal, -shm, -journal) suffixes, with an eye towards
    ** runtime speed. */
    if( zEnd[-4]=='-' ){
      if( fossil_strnicmp("wal", &zEnd[-3], 3)
       && fossil_strnicmp("shm", &zEnd[-3], 3) ){
        return 0;
      gotSuffix = 4;
    }else if( nFilename>=16 && zEnd[-8]=='-' ){ /*strlen(_FOSSIL_-journal) */
      if( fossil_strnicmp("journal", &zEnd[-7], 7) ) return 0;
      gotSuffix = 8;
    if( gotSuffix ){
      assert( 4==gotSuffix || 8==gotSuffix );
      zEnd -= gotSuffix;
      nFilename -= gotSuffix;
      gotSuffix = 1;
    assert( nFilename>=8 && "strlen(_FOSSIL_)" );
    assert( gotSuffix==0 || gotSuffix==1 );
  switch( zEnd[-1] ){
    case '_':{
      if( fossil_strnicmp("_FOSSIL_", &zEnd[-8], 8) ) return 0;
      if( 8==nFilename ) return 1;
      return zEnd[-9]=='/' ? 2 : gotSuffix;
    case 'T':
    case 't':{
      if( nFilename<9 || zEnd[-9]!='.'
       || fossil_strnicmp(".fslckout", &zEnd[-9], 9) ){
        return 0;
      if( 9==nFilename ) return 1;
      return zEnd[-10]=='/' ? 2 : gotSuffix;
      return 0;

** COMMAND: test-is-reserved-name
** Usage: %fossil test-is-reserved-name FILENAMES...
** Passes each given name to file_is_reserved_name() and outputs one
** line per file: the result value of that function followed by the
** name.
void test_is_reserved_name_cmd(void){
  int i;

    usage("FILENAME_1 [...FILENAME_N]");
  for( i = 2; i < g.argc; ++i ){
    const int check = file_is_reserved_name(g.argv[i], -1);
    fossil_print("%d %s\n", check, g.argv[i]);

** Returns 1 if the given directory contains a file named .fslckout, 2
** if it contains a file named _FOSSIL_, else returns 0.
int dir_has_ckout_db(const char *zDir){
  int rc = 0;
  char * zCkoutDb = mprintf("%//.fslckout", zDir);
  if(file_isfile(zCkoutDb, ExtFILE)){
    rc = 1;
    zCkoutDb = mprintf("%//_FOSSIL_", zDir);
    if(file_isfile(zCkoutDb, ExtFILE)){
      rc = 2;
  return rc;