The "test-wiki-render" command:
Usage: fossil test-wiki-render FILE [OPTIONS]
Translate the input FILE from Fossil-wiki into HTML and write the resulting HTML on standard output.
- --buttons
- Set the WIKI_BUTTONS flag
- --dark-pikchr
- Render pikchrs in dark mode
- --flow
- Render as text using comment_format
- --htmlonly
- Set the WIKI_HTMLONLY flag
- --inline
- Set the WIKI_INLINE flag
- --linksonly
- Set the WIKI_LINKSONLY flag
- -m TEXT
- Use TEXT in place of the content of FILE
- --mark
- Add <mark>...</mark> around problems
- --nobadlinks
- Set the WIKI_NOBADLINKS flag
- --text
- Run the output through html_to_plaintext()
- --type
- Break down the return code from wiki_convert()