
Search Results

Search Results

  1. Check-in [ed6495baa68341d2] on 2024-02-07 12:16:30
    For the "fossil ui REMOTE:path" command, initially omit the PATH= prefix but add it in if the initial attempt fails to find a fossil executable. (user: drh, tags: trunk) For the "fossil ui REMOTE ...

  2. Check-in [d07689d11d36645c] on 2024-02-05 22:00:00
    ... ssh-path-prefix) Omit the PATH= prefix on the ssh fossil syncs unless the first attempt to contact the remote fails. Change the prefix to include common directories for Fossil on Macs. Remember whether or ...

  3. Check-in [fc5b49e99083ac7e] on 2023-09-18 17:13:15
    ... csrf-defense-enhancement) Omit the SameSite=strict specifier for the login cookie, since that prevents users from clicking a hyperlink on an email notification and then going directly to the relevant page and getting logged ...

  4. Check-in [0313f0f90d6410de] on 2023-08-27 19:01:56
    On the /docdir page, omit the submenu and other page decorations. (user: drh, tags: trunk) On the /docdir page, omit the submenu and other page decorations. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  5. Check-in [a35522f8a425c968] on 2023-06-18 19:58:33
    ... trunk) Omit the PATH= argument to SSH for "fossil patch push/pull" and "fossil ui" when the --fossilcmd option is used. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  6. Check-in [b1c0409a56baebf4] on 2023-05-18 17:02:18
    Update Pikchr to omit the artifical enlargement of "mono" text. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Update Pikchr to omit the artifical enlargement of "mono" text. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  7. Check-in [25a6ba26a20182d1] on 2023-01-31 10:41:33
    Use a faster query when checking for private artifacts. (user: danield, tags: git-export-omit-private) Use a faster query when checking for private artifacts. (user: danield, tags: git-export-omit-private)

  8. Check-in [40abd83957dc73a1] on 2023-01-31 10:11:08
    Do not export private artifacts to git. (user: danield, tags: git-export-omit-private) Do not export private artifacts to git. (user: danield, tags: git-export-omit-private)

  9. Check-in [e3c8aad9b12ac224] on 2022-11-19 16:48:50
    ... trunk) Omit "Show associated wikis" from the submenu of a /wcontent page if there are no associated wikis in a repository (this amends [29a24941ed9b]). Also optimize out a couple of unnecessary calls to mprintf(). (user ...

  10. Check-in [6e28f28091ff4baa] on 2022-11-02 22:51:27
    ... pre-2.21) Omit "Show associated wikis" from the submenu of a /wcontent page if there are no associated wikis in a repository. This amends [29a24941ed9b]. (user: george, tags: pre-2.21)

  11. Check-in [540955bd365dad8a] on 2022-07-29 10:24:00
    Omit the expiration date when creating the session cookie. (user: florian, tags: timeline-keyboard-navigation) Omit the expiration date when creating the session cookie. (user: florian, tags: timeline-keyboard-navigation)

  12. Check-in [ffd32a9f70172eae] on 2022-07-18 14:47:52
    Do not omit a forum thread's title while rendering /forumthread page. (user: george, tags: trunk) Do not omit a forum thread's title while rendering /forumthread page. (user: george, tags: trunk)

  13. Check-in [29a24941ed9bf442] on 2022-05-12 15:09:32
    On the wiki page list, omit wiki pages that are associated with check-ins and branches by default, but provide a button to show associated wiki pages if desired (Item 17 on the To Do ...

  14. Check-in [5b0c71d1fceb2d9f] on 2022-01-19 16:55:03
    For Solaris, omit the XOPEN_SOURCE define, as this is no longer recommended, according to private email from Claes Nästén. Also disable some obsolete compile-time options to SQLite. (user: drh, tags: trunk) For Solaris ...

  15. Check-in [d7008b34579d2f41] on 2022-01-17 16:56:51
    ... Change command-line options for server-TLS mode on "fossil server" and "fossil http": --cert for the cert file, --pkey for the private key, and omit --tls and --ssl. This check-in supercedes the tls ...

  16. Check-in [168eb71643a47549] on 2022-01-02 20:46:47
    In the forum, omit unnecessary query parameters on generated URLs, so that it is easier to copy/paste URLs into commit messages or chat windows. (user: drh, tags: trunk) In the forum, omit unnecessary query ...

  17. Check-in [4ef059bc2a73205e] on 2021-12-28 19:00:38
    ... ssl-server) Omit the "ssl-acme" setting. Access to ".well-known" is now controlled by the --acme command-line option on "fossil http" and "fossil server". This change is required for when those commands specify ...

  18. Check-in [637516c447d6e01f] on 2021-12-26 21:50:29
    Fix the build on Windows and on builds that omit OpenSSL. Improved error messages. (user: drh, tags: ssl-server) Fix the build on Windows and on builds that omit OpenSSL. Improved error messages. (user: drh ...

  19. Check-in [f0cdbd8b95f5b8eb] on 2021-12-23 13:16:46
    On the /urllist page, hyperlinks to URLs that include a username omit the username. (user: drh, tags: trunk) On the /urllist page, hyperlinks to URLs that include a username omit the username. (user: drh, tags ...

  20. Check-in [eb6611c4dc76f4a3] on 2021-08-25 20:56:57
    ... For --webpage, omit the CSS used only for side-by-side diffs when doing a unified diff. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Improved internal interfaces for diff. For --webpage, omit the CSS used only for side ...

  21. Check-in [a3392298c341e512] on 2021-07-12 13:26:38
    Timeline enhancements: (1) Add the "nc" query parameter which means to omit all graph colorations other than highlights from "m" or "m2". (2) Add the "m2=" query parameter for secondary highlight. (3) Undocumented sel1= and ...

  22. Check-in [d6b573f72dc56929] on 2021-07-05 20:40:35
    For the "fossil ui REMOTE" command, omit the -- in the ssh command that separates local ssh options from the remote command, as it does not appear to be needed, and does not work with plink ...

  23. Check-in [da2f1522db2a4172] on 2021-07-05 17:58:38
    ... trunk) Omit all of the submenu when a wiki page is shown using the /home URL. Forum post 5010f8f2d35c8024. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  24. Check-in [38567237d7ffd558] on 2021-06-22 15:37:00
    ... now always "ssh". Omit the legacy "plink" alternative on Windows as Windows machines now generally all support ssh. (user: drh, tags: trunk) The default "ssh" comand is now always "ssh". Omit the legacy "plink" alternative ...

  25. Check-in [bd67c3cdf0f114a8] on 2021-02-13 14:05:29
    Do not omit the ?..? around hyperlinks in chat. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Do not omit the ?..? around hyperlinks in chat. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  26. Check-in [acb4397ee5d5dabd] on 2021-02-08 18:51:56
    When accessing using /draftN or /skn_X URL extensions, omit those extensions from the zBaseURL that is recorded in the config table. (user: drh, tags: trunk) When accessing using /draftN or /skn_X URL extensions ...

  27. Check-in [d327660804fe3bd4] on 2020-12-14 14:27:14
    If REQUEST_URI includes a query string (which it does for "fossil ui" and for Apache, but not for althttpd) then omit that string prior to using the REQUEST_URI when forming the "g=" query ...

  28. Check-in [c728509f73846958] on 2020-12-12 19:37:00
    ... trunk) Omit the TCP port from the SERVER_NAME environment variable for the "fossil ui" and "fossil server" commands. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  29. Check-in [0ded250858cfdaac] on 2020-11-09 21:17:45
    Omit phantom artifacts from the count on the "fossil dbstat" command. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Omit phantom artifacts from the count on the "fossil dbstat" command. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  30. Check-in [8efba52b975ddf34] on 2020-07-27 12:29:55
    ... Omit extra explanatory text. Move the non-SSL login warning to the top of the login dialog. (user: drh, tags: login-session-cookie) Put the "remember me" checkbox on a line by itself. Omit extra ...

  31. Check-in [8e424389e02fa065] on 2020-07-06 10:46:46
    In the change list send into the post-receive hook, omit any changes that are more than 24 hours older than the most recent change. (user: drh, tags: hooks) In the change list send into ...

  32. Check-in [977bb3fdf2c9e6ae] on 2020-06-18 17:42:03
    Omit special characters from the search pattern for indexed search. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Omit special characters from the search pattern for indexed search. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  33. Check-in [aadf91723adc8df4] on 2020-06-01 14:59:41
    ... to be in the set of safe elements as defined by Fossil-wiki. Omit any unsafe elements and/or attributes. Omit unmatched close-tags. Insert missing close-tags. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Revert the change ...

  34. Check-in [fff9b6799cf3faa6] on 2020-05-09 21:10:17
    Another 304 change: Omit only the Content-Type header. Retain the cache-control header lines. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Another 304 change: Omit only the Content-Type header. Retain the cache-control header lines. (user ...

  35. Check-in [6624350b0e305664] on 2020-05-09 20:59:14
    For a 304 HTTP response, omit extraneous fields such as Content-Type and ETag. (user: drh, tags: trunk) For a 304 HTTP response, omit extraneous fields such as Content-Type and ETag. (user: drh, tags ...

  36. Check-in [3e2a9bc37335447c] on 2020-04-12 19:12:00
    In the sync reply, the server should omit igot cards for artifacts that are known to already exist on the client. (user: drh, tags: sync-improvements) In the sync reply, the server should omit igot ...

  37. Check-in [3941824d8547d8c7] on 2020-03-12 10:50:56
    ... trunk) Omit the 'd' capability (the ability to delete wiki and tickets). This capability does not do anything. Apparently, it is a hold-over from the old CVSTrac code. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  38. Check-in [9c2080a360fc4a4e] on 2019-11-30 13:38:33
    Completely rework the "fossil grep" command. Omit the -H option. Instead, print a header line that includes both the file hash and the check-in hash and the timestamp for every file that contains any ...

  39. Check-in [20187be72370eda2] on 2019-11-11 15:22:09
    ... trunk) Omit some asm code from the SHA1 implementation as it provides no performance improvement with modern compilers, and SHA1 is seldom used now anyhow. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  40. Check-in [8f5399bc7b2388a9] on 2019-07-29 18:17:56
    ... If the "repolist-skin" setting is 2 and if the repository list is coming from a directory scan, the omit that repository from the list. All repositories are always shown, regardless of the "repolist-skin ...

  41. Check-in [958e0bdc4ab87bdb] on 2019-07-29 14:06:19
    ... If the repolist-skin setting is 2, then omit that repository from the list for directory-scan lists, but always show all repos for a "fossil all ui" list. This *almost* works, but still has ...

  42. Check-in [97697b7956d3ea44] on 2019-07-14 20:32:28
    Try to omit unnecessary indentation on the hierarchical forum display. Include an "in reply to" mark on the hierarchical display. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Try to omit unnecessary indentation on the hierarchical forum display. Include ...

  43. Check-in [8e2b8b027bc2d62a] on 2019-05-12 23:48:09
    ... More generally, improved rendering of multiple graphs on the same page that omit the TIMELINE_DISJOINT flag. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Improved rendering of the graphs on the /thisdayinhistory page. More generally, improved rendering of ...

  44. Check-in [9bdda2047fbde3d8] on 2019-04-19 18:55:36
    Enhance the /timeline query parameter parsing so that the ymd=, ym=, and yw= query parameters can optionally omit the date punctuation. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Enhance the /timeline query parameter parsing so that the ymd ...

  45. Check-in [19c60b7fc9e2400e] on 2019-04-06 19:03:25
    Sync and Clone HTTP requests omit the extra /xfer path element from the end. This should work fine with all versions of Fossil server published since 2010, but might require that the /xfer path element ...

  46. Check-in [aaa937a8e14ec049] on 2019-03-16 13:58:27
    When the "fossil git export" command displays the "git push" command it is about to run, omit the display of any password that happens to be embedded in the URL. (user: drh, tags: trunk) When ...

  47. Check-in [f97700680a2223e6] on 2019-02-07 17:34:00
    For the 'tag' command, omit updating the "manifest" files without an open check-out, as reported here: (user: florian, tags: tag-cmd-manifest-updates) For the 'tag' command ...

  48. Check-in [19682676aabbd3bf] on 2019-01-04 08:22:17
    ... trunk) Omit hard-coded n= query parameters on /timeline hyperlinks for branches and tags. Use the n= cookie. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  49. Check-in [c0a5083edaa3bc6b] on 2018-12-27 16:22:17
    ... trunk) Omit unused elements of the "rowinfo" JSON element used to generate a timeline graph. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  50. Check-in [54928ff4b6855d97] on 2018-12-26 07:43:00
    For consistency with the 'tag' and 'reparent' commands, have --dry-run always print the generated control artifact and omit the unchanged summary, and drop --verbose (user: florian, tags: cmd-options-amend) For consistency with the ...

  51. Check-in [d4281bbc03f1b024] on 2018-08-31 11:32:20
    ... trunk) Omit the Forum Search at the top of the /forum page if search is disabled. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  52. Check-in [b3ccc4bf34a525a4] on 2018-08-07 18:53:46
    Allow manifest artifacts to omit the C and U cards, because otherwise there are some historical manifest artifacts in Fossil itself that will not parse, and there may be similar artifacts in other repositories. (user ...

  53. Check-in [023ce4edde8ceb2d] on 2018-07-14 20:11:37
    The -DFOSSIL_OMIT_DNS compile-time option avoids trying to link -lresolv. (user: drh, tags: trunk) The -DFOSSIL_OMIT_DNS compile-time option avoids trying to link -lresolv. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  54. Check-in [4c839973e4ae1b48] on 2018-06-24 23:22:07
    ... Also, omit empty environment variables from the error log. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Include the HTTP_REFERER value in the error log file. Also, omit empty environment variables from the error log. (user: drh, tags ...

  55. Check-in [99057f278c3afacd] on 2017-12-11 23:51:02
    Timeline styling changes: (1) The td.timelineModernCell and td.timelineColumnarCell elements omit the id attribute when they are the current check-out or the selection. (2) Default CSS is changed to give a light-gray ...

  56. Check-in [09d882ee819572a0] on 2017-12-05 16:22:07
    If a @-line for a string literal ends with "\" then omit the newline. (user: drh, tags: trunk) If a @-line for a string literal ends with "\" then omit the newline. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  57. Check-in [cde6cbfc9dc6c524] on 2017-11-27 11:26:49
    Omit query parameters from the /timeline view of search results. Use the defaults. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Omit query parameters from the /timeline view of search results. Use the defaults. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  58. Check-in [4102f608461115ff] on 2017-11-24 20:10:56
    Provide a configuration option that can move the hash in a timeline before the comment, after the comment, or into the details, and can omit the details span. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Provide a configuration ...

  59. Check-in [d9ef474a1a319217] on 2017-09-23 19:10:16
    ... value of the ANN_FILE_VERS flag so that it no longer overlaps with DIFF_SLOW_SBS. Omit the ANN_FILE_ANCEST flag which was always true. Update the annotator so that it follows check ...

  60. Check-in [33a13b80e784d2e9] on 2017-06-16 11:38:44
    Add -DSQLITE_OMIT_GET_TABLE to the compilation flags for SQLite (user: jan.nijtmans, tags: trunk) Add -DSQLITE_OMIT_GET_TABLE to the compilation flags for SQLite (user: jan.nijtmans, tags: trunk)

  61. Check-in [172c2235a46e173e] on 2017-05-12 14:11:32
    In the hyperlink on the "Last Sync URL", omit the username to prevent warnings from Firefox. (user: drh, tags: trunk) In the hyperlink on the "Last Sync URL", omit the username to prevent warnings from ...

  62. Check-in [c88662873f2a3a5e] on 2017-03-01 11:29:31
    ... fossil-2.0) Omit SHA3-224 as an option. The only two artifact naming hash options are SHA1 and SHA3-256. (user: drh, tags: fossil-2.0)

  63. Check-in [25758c7b1c8319a9] on 2016-12-01 21:56:36
    Get the "fossil all ui" command working on windows systems where the global_config table has "repo:" entries that omit the drive letter. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Get the "fossil all ui" command working on ...

  64. Check-in [e193e21be335c5e3] on 2016-11-05 06:37:01
    Enhance translate.c to interpret backslash at the end of a cgi_printf() "@" line as a directive to omit the newline (user: andygoth, tags: trunk) Enhance translate.c to interpret backslash at the end of ...

  65. Check-in [a3608700adb54ba2] on 2016-10-31 10:55:12
    ... trunk) Omit deleted unversioned files from the /uvlist page unless the showdel=1 query parameter is used. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  66. Check-in [0417467b72063283] on 2016-09-13 14:15:00
    ... Update the makefiles so that the build-in SQLite compiles with SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE. Update the build-in SQLite sources to 3.14.2. (user: jan.nijtmans, tags: branch-1.35) (cherry-pick): Update ...

  67. Check-in [871f978d9b080403] on 2016-09-10 20:01:51
    Update the makefiles so that the build-in SQLite compiles with SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE. Update the build-in SQLite sources to the latest 3.15 alpha, which compiles without warning with the above option ...

  68. Check-in [65207d617dfb2da1] on 2016-09-10 19:54:02
    ... Add the SQLITE_OMIT_INCRBLOB and SQLITE_OMIT_SHARED_CACHE compile-time options to SQLite. Update the built-in SQLite sources to the latest 3.15 alpha that will build without warnings when the above ...

  69. Check-in [a12d712203e055c6] on 2016-08-22 02:22:59
    Slightly improve clarity of the db_database_slot() function. (user: mistachkin, tags: omit-db_name) Slightly improve clarity of the db_database_slot() function. (user: mistachkin, tags: omit-db_name)

  70. Check-in [569f4b0e04fb8ff6] on 2016-08-21 02:17:54
    ... requested one. (user: mistachkin, tags: omit-db_name) Fix the code in db_open_config() that checks the current 'attachment mode' for the configuration database against the requested one. (user: mistachkin, tags: omit-db_name)

  71. Check-in [5a14b7834680e611] on 2016-08-21 00:42:03
    Merge test updates from trunk. (user: mistachkin, tags: omit-db_name) Merge test updates from trunk. (user: mistachkin, tags: omit-db_name)

  72. Check-in [e2f4f1f8d5c7aad3] on 2016-08-20 18:16:59
    Fix compilation errors when the JSON feature is enabled. (user: mistachkin, tags: omit-db_name) Fix compilation errors when the JSON feature is enabled. (user: mistachkin, tags: omit-db_name)

  73. Check-in [0c1f876e78e8f86b] on 2016-08-19 16:36:47
    ... database has been closed. (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name) Fix the db_database_slot() routine so that it works ever if the g.db database has been closed. (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name)

  74. Check-in [5031cb08964f479a] on 2016-08-19 16:25:16
    Handle the "-u" option on "fossil all sync". (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name) Handle the "-u" option on "fossil all sync". (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name)

  75. Check-in [80d0df0508de9d0c] on 2016-08-19 15:25:03
    Incorporate the version of SQLite that allows VACUUM on attached databases. (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name) Incorporate the version of SQLite that allows VACUUM on attached databases. (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name)

  76. Check-in [81184a02a56d7142] on 2016-08-19 09:14:36
    Clarification of comments on the db_set_main_schemaname() routine. (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name) Clarification of comments on the db_set_main_schemaname() routine. (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name)

  77. Check-in [d858f3da52969aab] on 2016-08-19 00:13:01
    ... for the db_name() hack. (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name) Use the new SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME feature of SQLite to eliminate the need for the db_name() hack. (user: drh, tags: omit-db_name)

  78. Check-in [d4a34293aeb890b6] on 2015-10-10 15:13:38
    ... obscure compilers. Omit the use of strcpy() in FTS5 since OpenBSD hates strcpy(). (user: drh, tags: trunk) Update the SQLite 3.9.0 beta with fixing for warnings on various obscure compilers. Omit the use ...

  79. Check-in [d4c2e8db08f041e2] on 2015-03-30 15:26:22
    Add the ability to specify circle-nodes and omit arrowheads on the timeline using the "details.txt" skin file. (user: drh, tags: improved-skin-edit) Add the ability to specify circle-nodes and omit arrowheads ...

  80. Check-in [dafc3fe42aa40666] on 2015-03-10 15:22:05
    Automatically omit merge risers from the graph when the graph is scrunched due to many rails. Make sure there is adequate spacing between the graph and text when the graph is scrunched. (user: drh, tags ...

  81. Check-in [65b729ac31174784] on 2015-02-09 10:13:21
    Omit unused c= parameters from hyperlinks in the /timeline. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Omit unused c= parameters from hyperlinks in the /timeline. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  82. Check-in [49976900788c7681] on 2015-01-27 01:25:55
    ... the primary parent. Omit diffs of changes from merged in nodes. (user: drh, tags: trunk) On the check-in information page, only show diffs for changes from the primary parent. Omit diffs of changes from ...

  83. Check-in [bd08b03a72410c48] on 2015-01-26 11:52:01
    Omit MLINK entries when a file is added by merge. (user: drh, tags: mlink-improvements) Omit MLINK entries when a file is added by merge. (user: drh, tags: mlink-improvements)

  84. Check-in [1c7dd7949e43001a] on 2014-12-01 17:17:32
    Change output formatting of describe_artifact_to_stdout() to omit the RID. Make sure the purgeevent and purgeitem tables are not deleted by a rebuild. (user: drh, tags: DBP-workflow) Change output formatting of describe ...

  85. Check-in [ff8ac8db0aea46b3] on 2014-09-09 21:24:38
    Omit TH1 hooks setting when it is not enabled. (user: mistachkin, tags: trunk) Omit TH1 hooks setting when it is not enabled. (user: mistachkin, tags: trunk)

  86. Check-in [516cc0c91f7f82d1] on 2014-09-09 21:22:09
    ... Also, omit TH1 hooks setting when it is not enabled. (user: mistachkin, tags: dynamicTh1Docs) Add compile-time option to control whether the TH1 embedded documentation support is enabled. Also, omit TH1 hooks setting when it ...

  87. Check-in [b3c40dd49ea8de84] on 2014-06-08 20:19:34
    Add the ability to include -OR- omit support for TH1 hooks at compile-time. (user: mistachkin, tags: th1Hooks) Add the ability to include -OR- omit support for TH1 hooks at compile-time. (user: mistachkin, tags ...

  88. Check-in [af990795fcd3c197] on 2014-01-22 18:19:02
    ... Rewrite the recursive query that computes ancestors to using ORDER BY and LIMIT and omit the use of LEVEL. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Update the built-in SQLite to a version that supports ORDER BY ...

  89. Check-in [5176783c062d6af0] on 2014-01-20 15:10:12
    Don't compile Cygwin using -DSQLITE_OMIT_CTE: Making it work would cause memory leaks. (user: jan.nijtmans, tags: trunk) Don't compile Cygwin using -DSQLITE_OMIT_CTE: Making it work would cause memory leaks ...

  90. Check-in [511eecb0e1937152] on 2014-01-20 13:15:50
    ... Compile fossil on Cygwin using -DSQLITE_OMIT_CTE (for test purposes only) (user: jan.nijtmans, tags: trunk) Now really add utf16be.txt. Compile fossil on Cygwin using -DSQLITE_OMIT_CTE (for test purposes only) (user ...

  91. Check-in [6f686403d74889ae] on 2013-10-08 12:54:27
    ... The "fossil annotate" command continues to show the line number and omit the username. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Add the "fossil blame" command that shows the username without a line number. The "fossil annotate" command ...

  92. Check-in [f151da213548584f] on 2013-04-30 00:03:15
    Omit CFLAGS when passing compiler options to the MSVC resource compiler. (user: mistachkin, tags: trunk) Omit CFLAGS when passing compiler options to the MSVC resource compiler. (user: mistachkin, tags: trunk)

  93. Check-in [871a949296b6325c] on 2013-02-21 14:39:30
    Error message changes: Omit the executable name at the beginning of error messages to the console, and try to make sure new error messages begin on a fresh line and do not overwrite prior status ...

  94. Check-in [6545e6cf7409fdbf] on 2012-10-13 17:31:32
    ... trunk) Omit the "private" tag from private check-ins. This opens up the possibility of publishing check-ins that were originally private. Fix the "deconstruct" command so that it omits private artifacts unless the --private ...

  95. Check-in [d1eb341f80203979] on 2012-08-31 19:57:42
    ... the password is never used. Omit debugging output on SSH syncs. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Avoid prompting for the password for SSH syncs, since the password is never used. Omit debugging output on SSH syncs ...

  96. Check-in [94979bc7e3d34e8d] on 2010-12-30 20:37:19
    ... javascript. Omit merge descenders if parent descenders are omitted. Add a test page of URL links. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Clean up to the graph generator. Add comments describing variables in the javascript. Omit merge ...

  97. Check-in [6c8ed4e147cd2502] on 2010-10-25 21:16:43
    ... The FOSSIL_OMIT_DELTA_CKSUM_TEST compile-time option is available. (user: drh, tags: experimental) The "fossil revert" command now clears merge history. Less frequent status output on rebuild. The FOSSIL_OMIT_DELTA_CKSUM_TEST ...

  98. Check-in [aab38ef02fe7ae15] on 2010-10-03 23:31:35
    ... It is always generated on manifests created by Fossil itself, but 3rd party import tools might choose to omit the R card as a simplification. Ticket [a32ff1eddb6ac1f499]. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Make the R card ...

  99. Check-in [8474ca6747d54c74] on 2010-08-23 22:24:16
    ... trunk,release) Omit the link to the "ZIP archive" if the user does not have permissions to download the ZIP archive. Ticket [f18142409088bfc707e26]. (user: drh, tags: trunk,release)

  100. Check-in [504dc92ceb397687] on 2010-03-22 14:17:46
    If the graph height is greater than 32767, omit the <canvas> object. Also, do not appendChild() the graphics <div> objects until after they have been set to "abolute" positioning, to work around a FF performance ...