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3 most recent check-ins related to "no-joy"

chat: reintegrated partial changes from [b0ab6cbd3] and [670732a6]: remove skin-induced div.content margins in chat-only mode and cap image preview size to avoid screen overflow. Moved #dbgMessage element out of the way at app startup to avoid it potentially influencing our flexbox layout, and include that element in the to-hide list for chat-only mode. Edit: Martin G. reports that this one also causes Grief with Safari, but in different ways that before. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 7c3cf7a1 user: stephan tags: no-joy)
chat: re-integrated JS-based div.content resizer to do approximately what the preferred 'vh' CSS units would, but upon which Safari apparently chokes. Message area now gets a scrollbar. This works reasonably well on FF/Chrome on both Linux and Android. The jury is still out on Safari. Edit: Martin G. confirmed this one also suffers from the "collapsing messages" problem on Safari. (check-in: d488f5c6 user: stephan tags: no-joy)
Eliminated top-down chat mode altogether in an attempt to eliminate some complexity and cruft. Re-added the toast-on-new-invisible-message from [0a00a103]. (check-in: 421d6570 user: stephan tags: trunk)