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24 check-ins using file src/smtp.c version 58d50145

Do not put "Return-Path:" headers in notification emails to be sent. That is a violation of standards as only the receiving SMTP server should add the Return-Path header. Instead, include a custom X-Fossil-From: header that downstream software can use (if desired) to set the envelope header of the message. (check-in: 731836b8 user: drh tags: trunk)
For email notifications abound events from a single user (such as individual forum post notifications) make the From: address be a "noreply" hash based on the users human-readable name or handle. Always include a Return-Path: field in the header that is the email-self setting, to be used by MTUs that need to bounce the message. (check-in: 475c9d11 user: drh tags: trunk)
Do not show posts that are awaiting moderation to users without moderator privilege unless they are the same user that generated the post in the first place. (check-in: 16c42a08 user: drh tags: trunk)
Update the built-in SQLite to the latest trunk version which includes the fix for EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN for the query that runs the /forum page. (check-in: f8994f89 user: drh tags: trunk)
Adjust the /forum page so that it for users without forum moderator privilege, it pretends that unmoderated posts do not exist, and for user with moderator privilege it paints an "Awaiting Moderator Approval" message on posts that need moderation. (check-in: ef7f85ee user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix the /forum page so that it links to the most recent post. (check-in: b0ae37c0 user: drh tags: trunk)
Improved locality of a variable. No functional change. (check-in: 09103fd2 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Posts are now hidden on the /forum page if they're marked as private (i.e. needing moderator attention) and they were posted by another user, except when the user is a moderator.

(Closed because a different method was implemented on trunk.) (Closed-Leaf check-in: 779eaaae user: wyoung tags: hide-post-if-needmod)

Replaced a declare-and-init line pair with a single define-with-value line. No functional change. (check-in: 8f47c3f6 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Fix the hextoblob() function so that does not report out-of-memory if the size of the input string is zero bytes. This fixes the instances of "out-of-memory" reports when accessing the /alerts page without an argument. (check-in: 5519c6b8 user: drh tags: trunk)
Fixes to the /webmail screen (check-in: a24de3f9 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add comments to the /register page implementation. No logic changes. (check-in: a4419c6c user: drh tags: trunk)
Do not issue a warning about duplicate branch names when doing a --private check-in. (check-in: d7e45aae user: drh tags: trunk)
Improved title on on the /forum page. (check-in: dbd96b2c user: drh tags: trunk)
On the main /forum screen, provide the new n= and x= query parameters to enable access to older threads. (check-in: aff20904 user: drh tags: trunk)
On the "Recent Threads" page (/forum) show the number of messages and the duration of each thread. (check-in: a50dfe6f user: drh tags: trunk)
Improvements to self-register (the /register page) so that it works correctly for users how are already subscribers and enter the subscriber email. (check-in: 4c43f2cd user: drh tags: trunk)
Remove an db_begin_transaction() that had no matching db_end_transaction(). (check-in: b2fca3dd user: drh tags: trunk)
Change the default markup language for Forum to Markdown. (check-in: 5f3cb278 user: drh tags: trunk)
Update to openssl-1.0.2p (check-in: 38638cfc user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk)
Don't use "file nativename" in makemake.tcl, because it gives a different win/Makefile.msc when run on UNIX (check-in: af80be5c user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk)
Changed all of the "sendmail -t" commands to "sendmail -ti" to make it ignore lines containing only a dot; we use EOF to signal "end of message," so we don't need the second signal. This is separate from the smtp.c fix in [51740ce45f]: that's only used when Fossil speaks directly to an SMTP server, where a leading dot is treated somewhat differently than the lone dot rule for sendmail(1)'s stdin.

This problem with leading dots was diagnosed by gumblex, /forumpost/4290f75ba1. (check-in: 8c0ec30b user: wyoung tags: trunk)

URL fix (check-in: 6787aac9 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
The blob-to-SMTP encoding logic was not strictly following RFC 5321 in that it was only dealing with the lone dot on the line case, doubling it to prevent the SMTP server from interpreting that as end-of-message. It missed the case where, if anything follows the dot, SMTP drops the leading dot, so you must also double the leading dot in that case. Basically, you always double a leading dot, regardless of line length.

This only affects Fossil's direct-to-SMTP email sending case, not those that send via a piped command or via DB. That is dealt with later in [8c0ec30bc3]. (check-in: 51740ce4 user: wyoung tags: trunk)