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Ticket Hash: 1d5db57881e3842c444895b59e342b2fb8657e1d
Title: SVN Import: a better way to migrate from subversion to fossil?
Status: Open Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution:
Last Modified: 2013-12-14 04:04:17
Version Found In: any
User Comments:
nobody added on 2013-12-14 04:04:17:
I know, it's not really an code defect, but...

I mean, Fossil SCM is addressed potentially also to SVN users, who do not want GIT but the power of GIT. A direct import from SVN projects without GIT proxy would be nice. You would not have to bother with kurds GIT-stuff and version history would also look better.

Yes, it's a mental thing, but a hurdle.

Line breaks \n in the version history would perhaps also not a bad idea?

Fossil is a really cool SCM, but the migration is not the easiest. :/

Finally of course a thanks for this software. Future users can also make a detour around GIT hopefully soon.

Sorry for my rude tone and bad English. :(