
Changes On Branch base-href-fix

Changes On Branch base-href-fix

Many hyperlinks are disabled.
Use anonymous login to enable hyperlinks.

Changes In Branch base-href-fix Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from cef15ed3 to d253ece0

FIXME-comments in the code did not indicate issues and are now rephrased to be mere reminders. ... (Leaf check-in: d253ece0 user: george tags: base-href-fix)
Do not override base href for wiki pages. This needs testing. ... (check-in: 89dd3451 user: george tags: base-href-fix)
Enhancement to robot defense. The auto-hyperlink setting can now be 2 (UserAgent only) in which case the UserAgent string is consulted and hyperlinks are generated if and only if the UserAgent looks human. Javascript does not come into play. When auto-hyperlink is 1, the traditional Javascript changes to href= in anchor tags are still used. ... (check-in: df337eb6 user: drh tags: trunk)
An attepmt to fix the <base href="..."> element of webpages so that the value of href attribute matches the URL being served. This should fix "#fragment" hyperlinks on all pages where these were broken (all except /doc). The values for /wiki and /info were left unchanged (it's yet unclear if they should also be changed). ... (check-in: 03b39f1d user: george tags: base-href-fix)
Do not require mouse events for auto-hyperlink if the UserAgent string includes "Android". Describe the Safari visited/unvisited link limitation on the auto-hyperlink setting. ... (check-in: cef15ed3 user: drh tags: trunk)
New javascript for href.js such that any mousemove or mousedown event at any time is sufficient to trigger the mouse activity condition for activation of hyperlinks. This works better on FF and chrome, but with safari, the visited/unvisited link color is determined by the initial value of href= and is not adjusted when href= changes, so visited/unvisited colors are not being updated on safari. ... (check-in: e7d67b76 user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to src/cgi.c.

Changes to src/encode.c.

Changes to src/extcgi.c.

Changes to src/

Changes to src/info.c.

Changes to src/main.c.

Changes to src/style.c.

Changes to src/wiki.c.