
Changes On Branch hide-post-if-needmod

Changes On Branch hide-post-if-needmod

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Changes In Branch hide-post-if-needmod Excluding Merge-Ins

This is equivalent to a diff from 8f47c3f6 to 779eaaae

Improved locality of a variable. No functional change. (check-in: 09103fd2 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Posts are now hidden on the /forum page if they're marked as private (i.e. needing moderator attention) and they were posted by another user, except when the user is a moderator.

(Closed because a different method was implemented on trunk.) (Closed-Leaf check-in: 779eaaae user: wyoung tags: hide-post-if-needmod)

Replaced a declare-and-init line pair with a single define-with-value line. No functional change. (check-in: 8f47c3f6 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Fix the hextoblob() function so that does not report out-of-memory if the size of the input string is zero bytes. This fixes the instances of "out-of-memory" reports when accessing the /alerts page without an argument. (check-in: 5519c6b8 user: drh tags: trunk)

Changes to src/forum.c.