** Copyright (c) 2011 D. Richard Hipp
** Copyright (c) 2011 Joe Mistachkin
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
** Author contact information:
** drh@hwaci.com
** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/
** This file contains code used to bridge the TH1 and Tcl scripting languages.
#include "config.h"
#include "sqlite3.h"
#include "th.h"
#include "tcl.h"
** This macro is used to verify that the header version of Tcl meets some
** minimum requirement.
#define MINIMUM_TCL_VERSION(major, minor) \
((TCL_MAJOR_VERSION > (major)) || \
((TCL_MAJOR_VERSION == (major)) && (TCL_MINOR_VERSION >= (minor))))
** These macros are designed to reduce the redundant code required to marshal
** arguments from TH1 to Tcl.
#define USE_ARGV_TO_OBJV() \
int objc; \
Tcl_Obj **objv; \
int obji;
#define COPY_ARGV_TO_OBJV() \
objc = argc-1; \
objv = (Tcl_Obj **)ckalloc((unsigned)(objc * sizeof(Tcl_Obj *))); \
for(obji=1; obji<argc; obji++){ \
objv[obji-1] = Tcl_NewStringObj(argv[obji], argl[obji]); \
Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[obji-1]); \
#define FREE_ARGV_TO_OBJV() \
for(obji=1; obji<argc; obji++){ \
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objv[obji-1]); \
objv[obji-1] = 0; \
} \
ckfree((char *)objv); \
objv = 0;
** Fetch the Tcl interpreter from the specified void pointer, cast to a Tcl
** context.
#define GET_CTX_TCL_INTERP(ctx) \
((struct TclContext *)(ctx))->interp
** Fetch the (logically boolean) value from the specified void pointer that
** indicates whether or not we can/should use direct objProc calls.
((struct TclContext *)(ctx))->useObjProc
** This is the name of an environment variable that may refer to a Tcl library
** directory or file name. If this environment variable is set [to anything],
** its value will be used when searching for a Tcl library to load.
** Define the Tcl shared library name, some exported function names, and some
** cross-platform macros for use with the Tcl stubs mechanism, when enabled.
#if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS)
# if defined(_WIN32)
# if !defined(WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN)
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
# endif
# if !defined(_WIN32_WINNT) || (_WIN32_WINNT < 0x0502)
# undef _WIN32_WINNT
# define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0502 /* SetDllDirectory, Windows XP SP2 */
# endif
# include <windows.h>
# define TCL_DIRECTORY_SEP '\\'
# endif
# define TCL_LIBRARY_NAME "tcl87.dll\0"
# endif
# define TCL_MINOR_OFFSET (4)
# endif
# ifndef dlopen
# define dlopen(a,b) (void *)LoadLibrary((a))
# endif
# ifndef dlsym
# define dlsym(a,b) GetProcAddress((HANDLE)(a),(b))
# endif
# ifndef dlclose
# define dlclose(a) FreeLibrary((HANDLE)(a))
# endif
# else
# include <dlfcn.h>
# define TCL_DIRECTORY_SEP '/'
# endif
# if defined(__CYGWIN__)
# define TCL_LIBRARY_NAME "libtcl8.7.dll\0"
# endif
# define TCL_MINOR_OFFSET (8)
# endif
# elif defined(__APPLE__)
# define TCL_LIBRARY_NAME "libtcl8.7.dylib\0"
# endif
# define TCL_MINOR_OFFSET (8)
# endif
# elif defined(__FreeBSD__)
# define TCL_LIBRARY_NAME "libtcl87.so\0"
# endif
# define TCL_MINOR_OFFSET (7)
# endif
# else
# define TCL_LIBRARY_NAME "libtcl8.7.so\0"
# endif
# define TCL_MINOR_OFFSET (8)
# endif
# endif /* defined(__CYGWIN__) */
# endif /* defined(_WIN32) */
# define TCL_FINDEXECUTABLE_NAME "_Tcl_FindExecutable\0"
# endif
# define TCL_CREATEINTERP_NAME "_Tcl_CreateInterp\0"
# endif
# define TCL_DELETEINTERP_NAME "_Tcl_DeleteInterp\0"
# endif
# define TCL_FINALIZE_NAME "_Tcl_Finalize\0"
# endif
#endif /* defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) */
** If this constant is defined to non-zero, the Win32 SetDllDirectory function
** will be used during the Tcl library loading process if the path environment
** variable for Tcl was set.
# if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_WIN32_WINNT) && (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0502)
# else
# endif
** The function types for Tcl_FindExecutable and Tcl_CreateInterp are needed
** when the Tcl library is being loaded dynamically by a stubs-enabled
** application (i.e. the inverse of using a stubs-enabled package). These are
** the only Tcl API functions that MUST be called prior to being able to call
** Tcl_InitStubs (i.e. because it requires a Tcl interpreter). For complete
** cleanup if the Tcl stubs initialization fails somehow, the Tcl_DeleteInterp
** and Tcl_Finalize function types are also required.
typedef void (tcl_FindExecutableProc) (const char *);
typedef Tcl_Interp *(tcl_CreateInterpProc) (void);
typedef void (tcl_DeleteInterpProc) (Tcl_Interp *);
typedef void (tcl_FinalizeProc) (void);
** The function types for the "hook" functions to be called before and after a
** TH1 command makes a call to evaluate a Tcl script. If the "pre" function
** returns anything but TH_OK, then evaluation of the Tcl script is skipped and
** that value is used as the return code. If the "post" function returns
** anything other than its rc argument, that will become the new return code
** for the command.
typedef int (tcl_NotifyProc) (
void *pContext, /* The context for this notification. */
Th_Interp *interp, /* The TH1 interpreter being used. */
void *ctx, /* The original TH1 command context. */
int argc, /* Number of arguments for the TH1 command. */
const char **argv, /* Array of arguments for the TH1 command. */
int *argl, /* Array of lengths for the TH1 command arguments. */
int rc /* Recommended notification return value. */
** Are we using our own private implementation of the Tcl stubs mechanism? If
** this is enabled, it prevents the user from having to link against the Tcl
** stubs library for the target platform, which may not be readily available.
** HACK: Using some preprocessor magic and a private static variable, redirect
** the Tcl API calls [found within this file] to the function pointers
** that will be contained in our private Tcl stubs table. This takes
** advantage of the fact that the Tcl headers always define the Tcl API
** functions in terms of the "tclStubsPtr" variable when the define
** USE_TCL_STUBS is present during compilation.
#define tclStubsPtr privateTclStubsPtr
static const TclStubs *tclStubsPtr = NULL;
** Create a Tcl interpreter structure that mirrors just enough fields to get
** it up and running successfully with our private implementation of the Tcl
** stubs mechanism.
struct PrivateTclInterp {
char *result;
Tcl_FreeProc *freeProc;
int errorLine;
const struct TclStubs *stubTable;
** Fossil can now be compiled without linking to the actual Tcl stubs library.
** In that case, this function will be used to perform those steps that would
** normally be performed within the Tcl stubs library.
static int initTclStubs(
Th_Interp *interp,
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp
tclStubsPtr = ((struct PrivateTclInterp *)tclInterp)->stubTable;
if( !tclStubsPtr || (tclStubsPtr->magic!=TCL_STUB_MAGIC) ){
"could not initialize Tcl stubs: incompatible mechanism",
(const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
/* NOTE: At this point, the Tcl API functions should be available. */
if( Tcl_PkgRequireEx(tclInterp, "Tcl", "8.4", 0, (void *)&tclStubsPtr)==0 ){
"could not initialize Tcl stubs: incompatible version",
(const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
return TH_OK;
** Is the loaded version of Tcl one where querying and/or calling the objProc
** for a command does not work for some reason? The following special cases
** are currently handled by this function:
** 1. All versions of Tcl 8.4 have a bug that causes a crash when calling into
** the Tcl_GetCommandFromObj function via stubs (i.e. the stubs table entry
** is NULL).
** 2. Various beta builds of Tcl 8.6, namely 1 and 2, have an NRE-specific bug
** in Tcl_EvalObjCmd (SF bug #3399564) that cause a panic when calling into
** the objProc directly.
** For both of the above cases, the Tcl_EvalObjv function must be used instead
** of the more direct route of querying and calling the objProc directly.
static int canUseObjProc(){
int major = -1, minor = -1, patchLevel = -1, type = -1;
Tcl_GetVersion(&major, &minor, &patchLevel, &type);
if( major<0 || minor<0 || patchLevel<0 || type<0 ){
return 0; /* NOTE: Invalid version info, assume bad. */
if( major==8 && minor==4 ){
return 0; /* NOTE: Disabled on Tcl 8.4, missing public API. */
if( major==8 && minor==6 && type==TCL_BETA_RELEASE && patchLevel<3 ){
return 0; /* NOTE: Disabled on Tcl 8.6b1/b2, SF bug #3399564. */
return 1; /* NOTE: For all other cases, assume good. */
** Is the loaded version of Tcl one where TIP #285 (asynchronous script
** cancellation) is available? This should return non-zero only for Tcl
** 8.6 and higher.
static int canUseTip285(){
int major = -1, minor = -1, patchLevel = -1, type = -1;
Tcl_GetVersion(&major, &minor, &patchLevel, &type);
if( major<0 || minor<0 || patchLevel<0 || type<0 ){
return 0; /* NOTE: Invalid version info, assume bad. */
return (major>8 || (major==8 && minor>=6));
return 0;
** Creates and initializes a Tcl interpreter for use with the specified TH1
** interpreter. Stores the created Tcl interpreter in the Tcl context supplied
** by the caller. This must be declared here because quite a few functions in
** this file need to use it before it can be defined.
static int createTclInterp(Th_Interp *interp, void *pContext);
** Returns the TH1 return code corresponding to the specified Tcl
** return code.
static int getTh1ReturnCode(
int rc /* The Tcl return code value to convert. */
switch( rc ){
case /*0*/ TCL_OK: return /*0*/ TH_OK;
case /*1*/ TCL_ERROR: return /*1*/ TH_ERROR;
case /*2*/ TCL_RETURN: return /*3*/ TH_RETURN;
case /*3*/ TCL_BREAK: return /*2*/ TH_BREAK;
case /*4*/ TCL_CONTINUE: return /*4*/ TH_CONTINUE;
default /*?*/: return /*?*/ rc;
** Returns the Tcl return code corresponding to the specified TH1
** return code.
static int getTclReturnCode(
int rc /* The TH1 return code value to convert. */
switch( rc ){
case /*0*/ TH_OK: return /*0*/ TCL_OK;
case /*1*/ TH_ERROR: return /*1*/ TCL_ERROR;
case /*2*/ TH_BREAK: return /*3*/ TCL_BREAK;
case /*3*/ TH_RETURN: return /*2*/ TCL_RETURN;
case /*4*/ TH_CONTINUE: return /*4*/ TCL_CONTINUE;
default /*?*/: return /*?*/ rc;
** Returns a name for a Tcl return code.
static const char *getTclReturnCodeName(
int rc,
int nullIfOk
static char zRc[TCL_INTEGER_SPACE + 17]; /* "Tcl return code\0" */
switch( rc ){
case TCL_OK: return nullIfOk ? 0 : "TCL_OK";
case TCL_ERROR: return "TCL_ERROR";
case TCL_RETURN: return "TCL_RETURN";
case TCL_BREAK: return "TCL_BREAK";
default: {
sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zRc), zRc, "Tcl return code %d", rc);
return zRc;
** Returns the Tcl interpreter result as a string with the associated length.
** If the Tcl interpreter or the Tcl result are NULL, the length will be 0.
** If the length pointer is NULL, the length will not be stored.
static char *getTclResult(
Tcl_Interp *pInterp,
int *pN
Tcl_Obj *resultPtr;
if( !pInterp ){ /* This should not happen. */
if( pN ) *pN = 0;
return 0;
resultPtr = Tcl_GetObjResult(pInterp);
if( !resultPtr ){ /* This should not happen either? */
if( pN ) *pN = 0;
return 0;
return Tcl_GetStringFromObj(resultPtr, pN);
** Tcl context information used by TH1. This structure definition has been
** copied from and should be kept in sync with the one in "main.c".
struct TclContext {
int argc; /* Number of original arguments. */
char **argv; /* Full copy of the original arguments. */
void *hLibrary; /* The Tcl library module handle. */
tcl_FindExecutableProc *xFindExecutable; /* Tcl_FindExecutable() pointer. */
tcl_CreateInterpProc *xCreateInterp; /* Tcl_CreateInterp() pointer. */
tcl_DeleteInterpProc *xDeleteInterp; /* Tcl_DeleteInterp() pointer. */
tcl_FinalizeProc *xFinalize; /* Tcl_Finalize() pointer. */
Tcl_Interp *interp; /* The on-demand created Tcl interpreter. */
int useObjProc; /* Non-zero if an objProc can be called directly. */
int useTip285; /* Non-zero if TIP #285 is available. */
const char *setup; /* The optional Tcl setup script. */
tcl_NotifyProc *xPreEval; /* Optional, called before Tcl_Eval*(). */
void *pPreContext; /* Optional, provided to xPreEval(). */
tcl_NotifyProc *xPostEval; /* Optional, called after Tcl_Eval*(). */
void *pPostContext; /* Optional, provided to xPostEval(). */
** This function calls the configured xPreEval or xPostEval functions, if any.
** May have arbitrary side-effects. This function returns the result of the
** called notification function or the value of the rc argument if there is no
** notification function configured.
static int notifyPreOrPostEval(
int bIsPost,
Th_Interp *interp,
void *ctx,
int argc,
const char **argv,
int *argl,
int rc
struct TclContext *tclContext = (struct TclContext *)ctx;
tcl_NotifyProc *xNotifyProc;
if( !tclContext ){
"invalid Tcl context", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
xNotifyProc = bIsPost ? tclContext->xPostEval : tclContext->xPreEval;
if( xNotifyProc ){
rc = xNotifyProc(bIsPost ?
tclContext->pPostContext : tclContext->pPreContext,
interp, ctx, argc, argv, argl, rc);
return rc;
** TH1 command: tclEval arg ?arg ...?
** Evaluates the Tcl script and returns its result verbatim. If a Tcl script
** error is generated, it will be transformed into a TH1 script error. The
** Tcl interpreter will be created automatically if it has not been already.
static int tclEval_command(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *ctx,
int argc,
const char **argv,
int *argl
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp;
Tcl_Obj *objPtr;
int rc = TH_OK;
int nResult;
const char *zResult;
if( createTclInterp(interp, ctx)!=TH_OK ){
return TH_ERROR;
if( argc<2 ){
return Th_WrongNumArgs(interp, "tclEval arg ?arg ...?");
tclInterp = GET_CTX_TCL_INTERP(ctx);
if( !tclInterp || Tcl_InterpDeleted(tclInterp) ){
Th_ErrorMessage(interp, "invalid Tcl interpreter", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
rc = notifyPreOrPostEval(0, interp, ctx, argc, argv, argl, rc);
if( rc!=TH_OK ){
return rc;
if( argc==2 ){
objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(argv[1], argl[1]);
rc = Tcl_EvalObjEx(tclInterp, objPtr, 0);
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
objPtr = Tcl_ConcatObj(objc, objv);
rc = Tcl_EvalObjEx(tclInterp, objPtr, 0);
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
zResult = getTclResult(tclInterp, &nResult);
Th_SetResult(interp, zResult, nResult);
rc = notifyPreOrPostEval(1, interp, ctx, argc, argv, argl,
return rc;
** TH1 command: tclExpr arg ?arg ...?
** Evaluates the Tcl expression and returns its result verbatim. If a Tcl
** script error is generated, it will be transformed into a TH1 script error.
** The Tcl interpreter will be created automatically if it has not been
** already.
static int tclExpr_command(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *ctx,
int argc,
const char **argv,
int *argl
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp;
Tcl_Obj *objPtr;
Tcl_Obj *resultObjPtr;
int rc = TH_OK;
int nResult;
const char *zResult;
if( createTclInterp(interp, ctx)!=TH_OK ){
return TH_ERROR;
if( argc<2 ){
return Th_WrongNumArgs(interp, "tclExpr arg ?arg ...?");
tclInterp = GET_CTX_TCL_INTERP(ctx);
if( !tclInterp || Tcl_InterpDeleted(tclInterp) ){
Th_ErrorMessage(interp, "invalid Tcl interpreter", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
rc = notifyPreOrPostEval(0, interp, ctx, argc, argv, argl, rc);
if( rc!=TH_OK ){
return rc;
if( argc==2 ){
objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(argv[1], argl[1]);
rc = Tcl_ExprObj(tclInterp, objPtr, &resultObjPtr);
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
objPtr = Tcl_ConcatObj(objc, objv);
rc = Tcl_ExprObj(tclInterp, objPtr, &resultObjPtr);
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
if( rc==TCL_OK ){
zResult = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(resultObjPtr, &nResult);
zResult = getTclResult(tclInterp, &nResult);
Th_SetResult(interp, zResult, nResult);
if( rc==TCL_OK ){
Tcl_DecrRefCount(resultObjPtr); resultObjPtr = 0;
rc = notifyPreOrPostEval(1, interp, ctx, argc, argv, argl,
return rc;
** TH1 command: tclInvoke command ?arg ...?
** Invokes the Tcl command using the supplied arguments. No additional
** substitutions are performed on the arguments. The Tcl interpreter
** will be created automatically if it has not been already.
static int tclInvoke_command(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *ctx,
int argc,
const char **argv,
int *argl
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp;
int rc = TH_OK;
int nResult;
const char *zResult;
if( createTclInterp(interp, ctx)!=TH_OK ){
return TH_ERROR;
if( argc<2 ){
return Th_WrongNumArgs(interp, "tclInvoke command ?arg ...?");
tclInterp = GET_CTX_TCL_INTERP(ctx);
if( !tclInterp || Tcl_InterpDeleted(tclInterp) ){
Th_ErrorMessage(interp, "invalid Tcl interpreter", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
rc = notifyPreOrPostEval(0, interp, ctx, argc, argv, argl, rc);
if( rc!=TH_OK ){
return rc;
Tcl_Command command;
Tcl_CmdInfo cmdInfo;
Tcl_Obj *objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(argv[1], argl[1]);
command = Tcl_GetCommandFromObj(tclInterp, objPtr);
if( !command || Tcl_GetCommandInfoFromToken(command, &cmdInfo)==0 ){
Th_ErrorMessage(interp, "Tcl command not found:", argv[1], argl[1]);
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
if( !cmdInfo.objProc ){
Th_ErrorMessage(interp, "cannot invoke Tcl command:", argv[1], argl[1]);
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
rc = cmdInfo.objProc(cmdInfo.objClientData, tclInterp, objc, objv);
#endif /* !defined(USE_TCL_EVALOBJV) || !USE_TCL_EVALOBJV */
rc = Tcl_EvalObjv(tclInterp, objc, objv, 0);
zResult = getTclResult(tclInterp, &nResult);
Th_SetResult(interp, zResult, nResult);
rc = notifyPreOrPostEval(1, interp, ctx, argc, argv, argl,
return rc;
** TH1 command: tclIsSafe
** Returns non-zero if the Tcl interpreter is "safe". The Tcl interpreter
** will be created automatically if it has not been already.
static int tclIsSafe_command(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *ctx,
int argc,
const char **argv,
int *argl
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp;
if( createTclInterp(interp, ctx)!=TH_OK ){
return TH_ERROR;
if( argc!=1 ){
return Th_WrongNumArgs(interp, "tclIsSafe");
tclInterp = GET_CTX_TCL_INTERP(ctx);
if( !tclInterp || Tcl_InterpDeleted(tclInterp) ){
Th_ErrorMessage(interp, "invalid Tcl interpreter", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
Th_SetResultInt(interp, Tcl_IsSafe(tclInterp));
return TH_OK;
** TH1 command: tclMakeSafe
** Forces the Tcl interpreter into "safe" mode by removing all "unsafe"
** commands and variables. This operation cannot be undone. The Tcl
** interpreter will remain "safe" until the process terminates.
static int tclMakeSafe_command(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *ctx,
int argc,
const char **argv,
int *argl
static int registerChans = 1;
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp;
int rc = TH_OK;
if( createTclInterp(interp, ctx)!=TH_OK ){
return TH_ERROR;
if( argc!=1 ){
return Th_WrongNumArgs(interp, "tclMakeSafe");
tclInterp = GET_CTX_TCL_INTERP(ctx);
if( !tclInterp || Tcl_InterpDeleted(tclInterp) ){
Th_ErrorMessage(interp, "invalid Tcl interpreter", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
if( Tcl_IsSafe(tclInterp) ){
"Tcl interpreter is already 'safe'", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
if( registerChans ){
** HACK: Prevent the call to Tcl_MakeSafe() from actually closing the
** standard channels instead of simply unregistering them from
** the Tcl interpreter. This should only need to be done once
** per thread (process?).
registerChans = 0;
Tcl_RegisterChannel(NULL, Tcl_GetStdChannel(TCL_STDIN));
Tcl_RegisterChannel(NULL, Tcl_GetStdChannel(TCL_STDOUT));
Tcl_RegisterChannel(NULL, Tcl_GetStdChannel(TCL_STDERR));
/* TCL 8.7+ removes Tcl_MakeSafe():
** https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcl/tktview?name=655300
** https://core.tcl-lang.org/tips/doc/trunk/tip/624.md
** 8.7 has it in the headers but not in the libs.
# define Tcl_MakeSafe(X) TCL_OK
if( Tcl_MakeSafe(tclInterp)!=TCL_OK ){
int nResult;
const char *zResult = getTclResult(tclInterp, &nResult);
"could not make Tcl interpreter 'safe':", zResult, nResult);
rc = TH_ERROR;
Th_SetResult(interp, 0, 0);
return rc;
** Tcl command: th1Eval arg
** Evaluates the TH1 script and returns its result verbatim. If a TH1 script
** error is generated, it will be transformed into a Tcl script error.
static int Th1EvalObjCmd(
ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp,
int objc,
Tcl_Obj *const objv[]
Th_Interp *th1Interp;
int nArg;
const char *arg;
int rc;
if( objc!=2 ){
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "arg");
return TCL_ERROR;
th1Interp = (Th_Interp *)clientData;
if( !th1Interp ){
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid TH1 interpreter", NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
arg = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[1], &nArg);
rc = Th_Eval(th1Interp, 0, arg, nArg);
arg = Th_GetResult(th1Interp, &nArg);
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(arg, nArg));
return getTclReturnCode(rc);
** Tcl command: th1Expr arg
** Evaluates the TH1 expression and returns its result verbatim. If a TH1
** script error is generated, it will be transformed into a Tcl script error.
static int Th1ExprObjCmd(
ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp,
int objc,
Tcl_Obj *const objv[]
Th_Interp *th1Interp;
int nArg;
const char *arg;
int rc;
if( objc!=2 ){
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "arg");
return TCL_ERROR;
th1Interp = (Th_Interp *)clientData;
if( !th1Interp ){
Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "invalid TH1 interpreter", NULL);
return TCL_ERROR;
arg = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[1], &nArg);
rc = Th_Expr(th1Interp, arg, nArg);
arg = Th_GetResult(th1Interp, &nArg);
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(arg, nArg));
return getTclReturnCode(rc);
** Array of Tcl integration commands. Used when adding or removing the Tcl
** integration commands from TH1.
static struct _Command {
const char *zName;
Th_CommandProc xProc;
void *pContext;
} aCommand[] = {
{"tclEval", tclEval_command, 0},
{"tclExpr", tclExpr_command, 0},
{"tclInvoke", tclInvoke_command, 0},
{"tclIsSafe", tclIsSafe_command, 0},
{"tclMakeSafe", tclMakeSafe_command, 0},
{0, 0, 0}
** Called if the Tcl interpreter is deleted. Removes the Tcl integration
** commands from the TH1 interpreter.
static void Th1DeleteProc(
ClientData clientData,
Tcl_Interp *interp
int i;
Th_Interp *th1Interp = (Th_Interp *)clientData;
if( !th1Interp ) return;
/* Remove the Tcl integration commands. */
for(i=0; i<count(aCommand); i++){
Th_RenameCommand(th1Interp, aCommand[i].zName, -1, NULL, 0);
** When Tcl stubs support is enabled, attempts to dynamically load the Tcl
** shared library and fetch the function pointers necessary to create an
** interpreter and initialize the stubs mechanism; otherwise, simply setup
** the function pointers provided by the caller with the statically linked
** functions.
char *fossil_getenv(const char *zName); /* file.h */
int file_isdir(const char *zPath, int); /* file.h */
#define ExtFILE 0 /* file.h */
#define RepoFILE 1 /* file.h */
#define SymFILE 2 /* file.h */
char *file_dirname(const char *zPath); /* file.h */
void fossil_free(void *p); /* util.h */
static int loadTcl(
Th_Interp *interp,
void **phLibrary,
tcl_FindExecutableProc **pxFindExecutable,
tcl_CreateInterpProc **pxCreateInterp,
tcl_DeleteInterpProc **pxDeleteInterp,
tcl_FinalizeProc **pxFinalize
#if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS)
const char *zEnvPath = fossil_getenv(TCL_PATH_ENV_VAR_NAME);
char aFileName[] = TCL_LIBRARY_NAME;
#endif /* defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) */
if( !phLibrary || !pxFindExecutable || !pxCreateInterp ||
!pxDeleteInterp || !pxFinalize ){
"invalid Tcl loader argument(s)", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
#if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS)
do {
char *zFileName;
void *hLibrary;
if( !zEnvPath ){
zFileName = aFileName; /* NOTE: Assume present in PATH. */
}else if( file_isdir(zEnvPath, ExtFILE)==1 ){
SetDllDirectory(zEnvPath); /* NOTE: Maybe needed for "zlib1.dll". */
/* NOTE: The environment variable contains a directory name. */
zFileName = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%c%s%c", zEnvPath, TCL_DIRECTORY_SEP,
aFileName, '\0');
char *zDirName = file_dirname(zEnvPath);
if( zDirName ){
SetDllDirectory(zDirName); /* NOTE: Maybe needed for "zlib1.dll". */
/* NOTE: The environment variable might contain a file name. */
zFileName = sqlite3_mprintf("%s%c", zEnvPath, '\0');
if( zDirName ){
fossil_free(zDirName); zDirName = 0;
if( !zFileName ) break;
hLibrary = dlopen(zFileName, RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL);
/* NOTE: If the file name was allocated, free it now. */
if( zFileName!=aFileName ){
sqlite3_free(zFileName); zFileName = 0;
if( hLibrary ){
tcl_FindExecutableProc *xFindExecutable;
tcl_CreateInterpProc *xCreateInterp;
tcl_DeleteInterpProc *xDeleteInterp;
tcl_FinalizeProc *xFinalize;
const char *procName = TCL_FINDEXECUTABLE_NAME;
xFindExecutable = (tcl_FindExecutableProc *)dlsym(hLibrary, procName+1);
if( !xFindExecutable ){
xFindExecutable = (tcl_FindExecutableProc *)dlsym(hLibrary, procName);
if( !xFindExecutable ){
"could not locate Tcl_FindExecutable", (const char *)"", 0);
dlclose(hLibrary); hLibrary = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
xCreateInterp = (tcl_CreateInterpProc *)dlsym(hLibrary, procName+1);
if( !xCreateInterp ){
xCreateInterp = (tcl_CreateInterpProc *)dlsym(hLibrary, procName);
if( !xCreateInterp ){
"could not locate Tcl_CreateInterp", (const char *)"", 0);
dlclose(hLibrary); hLibrary = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
xDeleteInterp = (tcl_DeleteInterpProc *)dlsym(hLibrary, procName+1);
if( !xDeleteInterp ){
xDeleteInterp = (tcl_DeleteInterpProc *)dlsym(hLibrary, procName);
if( !xDeleteInterp ){
"could not locate Tcl_DeleteInterp", (const char *)"", 0);
dlclose(hLibrary); hLibrary = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
xFinalize = (tcl_FinalizeProc *)dlsym(hLibrary, procName+1);
if( !xFinalize ){
xFinalize = (tcl_FinalizeProc *)dlsym(hLibrary, procName);
if( !xFinalize ){
"could not locate Tcl_Finalize", (const char *)"", 0);
dlclose(hLibrary); hLibrary = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
*phLibrary = hLibrary;
*pxFindExecutable = xFindExecutable;
*pxCreateInterp = xCreateInterp;
*pxDeleteInterp = xDeleteInterp;
*pxFinalize = xFinalize;
return TH_OK;
} while( --aFileName[TCL_MINOR_OFFSET]>'3' ); /* Tcl 8.4+ */
aFileName[TCL_MINOR_OFFSET] = 'x';
"could not load any supported Tcl 8.x shared library \"",
aFileName, -1);
return TH_ERROR;
*phLibrary = 0;
*pxFindExecutable = Tcl_FindExecutable;
*pxCreateInterp = Tcl_CreateInterp;
*pxDeleteInterp = Tcl_DeleteInterp;
*pxFinalize = Tcl_Finalize;
return TH_OK;
#endif /* defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) */
** Sets the "argv0", "argc", and "argv" script variables in the Tcl interpreter
** based on the supplied command line arguments.
static int setTclArguments(
Tcl_Interp *pInterp,
int argc,
char **argv
Tcl_Obj *objPtr;
Tcl_Obj *resultObjPtr;
Tcl_Obj *listPtr;
int rc = TCL_OK;
if( argc<=0 || !argv ){
return TCL_OK;
objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(argv[0], -1);
resultObjPtr = Tcl_SetVar2Ex(pInterp, "argv0", NULL, objPtr,
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
if( !resultObjPtr ){
return TCL_ERROR;
objPtr = Tcl_NewWideIntObj(argc - 1);
resultObjPtr = Tcl_SetVar2Ex(pInterp, "argc", NULL, objPtr,
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
if( !resultObjPtr ){
return TCL_ERROR;
listPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
if( argc>1 ){
while( --argc ){
objPtr = Tcl_NewStringObj(*++argv, -1);
rc = Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(pInterp, listPtr, objPtr);
Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr); objPtr = 0;
if( rc!=TCL_OK ){
if( rc==TCL_OK ){
resultObjPtr = Tcl_SetVar2Ex(pInterp, "argv", NULL, listPtr,
if( !resultObjPtr ){
Tcl_DecrRefCount(listPtr); listPtr = 0;
return rc;
** Evaluate a Tcl script, creating the Tcl interpreter if necessary. If the
** Tcl script succeeds, start a Tcl event loop until there are no more events
** remaining to process -OR- the script calls [exit]. If the bWait argument
** is zero, only process events that are already in the queue; otherwise,
** process events until the script terminates the Tcl event loop.
void fossil_print(const char *zFormat, ...); /* printf.h */
int evaluateTclWithEvents(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *pContext,
const char *zScript,
int nScript,
int bCancel,
int bWait,
int bVerbose
struct TclContext *tclContext = (struct TclContext *)pContext;
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp;
int rc;
int flags = TCL_ALL_EVENTS;
int useTip285;
if( createTclInterp(interp, pContext)!=TH_OK ){
return TH_ERROR;
tclInterp = tclContext->interp;
useTip285 = bCancel ? tclContext->useTip285 : 0;
rc = Tcl_EvalEx(tclInterp, zScript, nScript, TCL_EVAL_GLOBAL);
if( rc!=TCL_OK ){
if( bVerbose ){
const char *zResult = getTclResult(tclInterp, 0);
fossil_print("%s: ", getTclReturnCodeName(rc, 0));
fossil_print("%s\n", zResult);
return rc;
if( !bWait ) flags |= TCL_DONT_WAIT;
while( Tcl_DoOneEvent(flags) ){
if( Tcl_InterpDeleted(tclInterp) ){
if( useTip285 && Tcl_Canceled(tclInterp, 0)!=TCL_OK ){
return rc;
** Creates and initializes a Tcl interpreter for use with the specified TH1
** interpreter. Stores the created Tcl interpreter in the Tcl context supplied
** by the caller.
static int createTclInterp(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *pContext
struct TclContext *tclContext = (struct TclContext *)pContext;
int argc;
char **argv;
char *argv0 = 0;
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp;
const char *setup;
if( !tclContext ){
"invalid Tcl context", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
if( tclContext->interp ){
return TH_OK;
if( loadTcl(interp, &tclContext->hLibrary, &tclContext->xFindExecutable,
&tclContext->xCreateInterp, &tclContext->xDeleteInterp,
&tclContext->xFinalize)!=TH_OK ){
return TH_ERROR;
argc = tclContext->argc;
argv = tclContext->argv;
if( argc>0 && argv ){
argv0 = argv[0];
tclInterp = tclContext->xCreateInterp();
if( !tclInterp ){
"could not create Tcl interpreter", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
#if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS)
if( initTclStubs(interp, tclInterp)!=TH_OK ){
tclInterp = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
if( !Tcl_InitStubs(tclInterp, "8.4", 0) ){
"could not initialize Tcl stubs", (const char *)"", 0);
tclInterp = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
#endif /* defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) */
if( Tcl_InterpDeleted(tclInterp) ){
"Tcl interpreter appears to be deleted", (const char *)"", 0);
Tcl_DeleteInterp(tclInterp); /* TODO: Redundant? */
tclInterp = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
tclContext->interp = tclInterp;
if( Tcl_Init(tclInterp)!=TCL_OK ){
"Tcl initialization error:",
Tcl_GetString(Tcl_GetObjResult(tclInterp)), -1);
tclContext->interp = tclInterp = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
if( setTclArguments(tclInterp, argc, argv)!=TCL_OK ){
"Tcl error setting arguments:",
Tcl_GetString(Tcl_GetObjResult(tclInterp)), -1);
tclContext->interp = tclInterp = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
** Determine (and cache) if an objProc can be called directly for a Tcl
** command invoked via the tclInvoke TH1 command.
tclContext->useObjProc = canUseObjProc();
** Determine (and cache) whether or not we can use TIP #285 (asynchronous
** script cancellation).
tclContext->useTip285 = canUseTip285();
/* Add the TH1 integration commands to Tcl. */
Tcl_CallWhenDeleted(tclInterp, Th1DeleteProc, interp);
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(tclInterp, "th1Eval", Th1EvalObjCmd, interp, NULL);
Tcl_CreateObjCommand(tclInterp, "th1Expr", Th1ExprObjCmd, interp, NULL);
/* If necessary, evaluate the custom Tcl setup script. */
setup = tclContext->setup;
if( setup && Tcl_EvalEx(tclInterp, setup, -1, 0)!=TCL_OK ){
"Tcl setup script error:",
Tcl_GetString(Tcl_GetObjResult(tclInterp)), -1);
tclContext->interp = tclInterp = 0;
return TH_ERROR;
return TH_OK;
** Finalizes and unloads the previously loaded Tcl library, if applicable.
int unloadTcl(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *pContext
struct TclContext *tclContext = (struct TclContext *)pContext;
Tcl_Interp *tclInterp;
tcl_FinalizeProc *xFinalize;
#if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS)
void *hLibrary;
#endif /* defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) */
if( !tclContext ){
"invalid Tcl context", (const char *)"", 0);
return TH_ERROR;
** Grab the Tcl_Finalize function pointer prior to deleting the Tcl
** interpreter because the memory backing the Tcl stubs table will
** be going away.
xFinalize = tclContext->xFinalize;
** If the Tcl interpreter has been created, formally delete it now.
tclInterp = tclContext->interp;
if( tclInterp ){
tclContext->interp = tclInterp = 0;
** If the Tcl library is not finalized prior to unloading it, a deadlock
** can occur in some circumstances (i.e. the [clock] thread is running).
if( xFinalize ) xFinalize();
#if defined(USE_TCL_STUBS)
** If Tcl is compiled on Windows using the latest MinGW, Fossil can crash
** when exiting while a stubs-enabled Tcl is still loaded. This is due to
** a bug in MinGW, see:
** http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.gnu.mingw.user/41724
** The workaround is to manually unload the loaded Tcl library prior to
** exiting the process.
hLibrary = tclContext->hLibrary;
if( hLibrary ){
tclContext->hLibrary = hLibrary = 0;
#endif /* defined(USE_TCL_STUBS) */
return TH_OK;
** Register the Tcl language commands with interpreter interp.
** Usually this is called soon after interpreter creation.
int th_register_tcl(
Th_Interp *interp,
void *pContext
int i;
/* Add the Tcl integration commands to TH1. */
for(i=0; i<count(aCommand); i++){
void *ctx;
if( !aCommand[i].zName || !aCommand[i].xProc ) continue;
ctx = aCommand[i].pContext;
/* Use Tcl interpreter for context? */
if( !ctx ) ctx = pContext;
Th_CreateCommand(interp, aCommand[i].zName, aCommand[i].xProc, ctx, 0);
return TH_OK;
#endif /* FOSSIL_ENABLE_TCL */