


** Copyright (c) 2009 D. Richard Hipp
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also
** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".)

** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of
** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.
** Author contact information:
** This file contains code to implement the "finfo" command.
#include "config.h"
#include "finfo.h"

** COMMAND: finfo
** Usage: %fossil finfo ?OPTIONS? FILENAME
** Print the complete change history for a single file going backwards
** in time.  The default mode is -l.
** For the -l|--log mode: If "-b|--brief" is specified one line per revision
** is printed, otherwise the full comment is printed.  The "-n|--limit N"
** and "--offset P" options limits the output to the first N changes
** after skipping P changes.
** In the -s mode prints the status as <status> <revision>.  This is
** a quick status and does not check for up-to-date-ness of the file.
** In the -p mode, there's an optional flag "-r|--revision REVISION".
** The specified version (or the latest checked out version) is printed
** to stdout.  The -p mode is another form of the "cat" command.
** Options:
**   -b|--brief           display a brief (one line / revision) summary
**   --case-sensitive B   Enable or disable case-sensitive filenames.  B is a
**                        boolean: "yes", "no", "true", "false", etc.
**   -l|--log             select log mode (the default)
**   -n|--limit N         display the first N changes. N=0 means no limit.
**   --offset P           skip P changes
**   -p|--print           select print mode
**   -r|--revision R      print the given revision (or ckout, if none is given)
**                        to stdout (only in print mode)
**   -s|--status          select status mode (print a status indicator for FILE)
**   -W|--width <num>     With of lines (default 79). Must be >22 or 0
**                        (= no limit, resulting in a single line per entry).
** See also: artifact, cat, descendants, info, leaves
void finfo_cmd(void){
  if( find_option("status","s",0) ){
    Stmt q;
    Blob line;
    Blob fname;
    int vid;

    if( g.argc!=3 ) usage("-s|--status FILENAME");
    vid = db_lget_int("checkout", 0);
    if( vid==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("no checkout to finfo files in");
    vfile_check_signature(vid, CKSIG_ENOTFILE);
    file_tree_name(g.argv[2], &fname, 1);
        "SELECT pathname, deleted, rid, chnged, coalesce(origname!=pathname,0)"
        "  FROM vfile WHERE vfile.pathname=%B %s",
        &fname, filename_collation());
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ) {
      Blob uuid;
      int isDeleted = db_column_int(&q, 1);
      int isNew = db_column_int(&q,2) == 0;
      int chnged = db_column_int(&q,3);
      int renamed = db_column_int(&q,4);

           "SELECT uuid FROM blob, mlink, vfile WHERE "
           "blob.rid = mlink.mid AND mlink.fid = vfile.rid AND "
           "vfile.pathname=%B %s",
           &fname, filename_collation()
      if( isNew ){
        blob_appendf(&line, "new");
      }else if( isDeleted ){
        blob_appendf(&line, "deleted");
      }else if( renamed ){
        blob_appendf(&line, "renamed");
      }else if( chnged ){
        blob_appendf(&line, "edited");
        blob_appendf(&line, "unchanged");
      blob_appendf(&line, " ");
      blob_appendf(&line, " %10.10s", blob_str(&uuid));
      blob_appendf(&line, "unknown 0000000000");
    fossil_print("%s\n", blob_str(&line));
  }else if( find_option("print","p",0) ){
    Blob record;
    Blob fname;
    const char *zRevision = find_option("revision", "r", 1);

    file_tree_name(g.argv[2], &fname, 1);
    if( zRevision ){
      historical_version_of_file(zRevision, blob_str(&fname), &record, 0,0,0,0);
      int rid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM vfile WHERE pathname=%B %s",
                       &fname, filename_collation());
      if( rid==0 ){
        fossil_fatal("no history for file: %b", &fname);
      content_get(rid, &record);
    blob_write_to_file(&record, "-");
    Blob line;
    Stmt q;
    Blob fname;
    int rid;
    const char *zFilename;
    const char *zLimit;
    const char *zWidth;
    const char *zOffset;
    int iLimit, iOffset, iBrief, iWidth;

    if( find_option("log","l",0) ){
      /* this is the default, no-op */
    zLimit = find_option("limit","n",1);
    zWidth = find_option("width","W",1);
    iLimit = zLimit ? atoi(zLimit) : -1;
    zOffset = find_option("offset",0,1);
    iOffset = zOffset ? atoi(zOffset) : 0;
    iBrief = (find_option("brief","b",0) == 0);
    if( zWidth ){
      iWidth = atoi(zWidth);
      if( (iWidth!=0) && (iWidth<=22) ){
        fossil_fatal("-W|--width value must be >22 or 0");
      iWidth = -1;
    if( g.argc!=3 ){
      usage("?-l|--log? ?-b|--brief? FILENAME");
    file_tree_name(g.argv[2], &fname, 1);
    rid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM vfile WHERE pathname=%B %s",
                 &fname, filename_collation());
    if( rid==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("no history for file: %b", &fname);
    zFilename = blob_str(&fname);
        "SELECT b.uuid, ci.uuid, date(event.mtime%s),"
        "       coalesce(event.ecomment, event.comment),"
        "       coalesce(event.euser, event.user),"
        "       (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0"
                                " AND tagxref.rid=mlink.mid)" /* Tags */
        "  FROM mlink, blob b, event, blob ci, filename"
        " WHERE %s"
        "   AND mlink.fnid=filename.fnid"
        "   AND b.rid=mlink.fid"
        "   AND event.objid=mlink.mid"
        "   AND event.objid=ci.rid"
        " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC LIMIT %d OFFSET %d",
        timeline_utc(), TAG_BRANCH, zFilename, filename_collation(),
        iLimit, iOffset
    if( iBrief ){
      fossil_print("History of %s\n", blob_str(&fname));
    while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      const char *zFileUuid = db_column_text(&q, 0);
      const char *zCiUuid = db_column_text(&q,1);
      const char *zDate = db_column_text(&q, 2);
      const char *zCom = db_column_text(&q, 3);
      const char *zUser = db_column_text(&q, 4);
      const char *zBr = db_column_text(&q, 5);
      char *zOut;
      if( zBr==0 ) zBr = "trunk";
      if( iBrief ){
        fossil_print("%s ", zDate);
        zOut = sqlite3_mprintf(
           "[%.10s] %s (user: %s, artifact: [%.10s], branch: %s)",
           zCiUuid, zCom, zUser, zFileUuid, zBr);
        comment_print(zOut, 11, iWidth, COMMENT_PRINT_DEFAULT);
        blob_appendf(&line, "%.10s ", zCiUuid);
        blob_appendf(&line, "%.10s ", zDate);
        blob_appendf(&line, "%8.8s ", zUser);
        blob_appendf(&line, "%8.8s ", zBr);
        blob_appendf(&line,"%-39.39s", zCom );
        comment_print(blob_str(&line), 0, iWidth, COMMENT_PRINT_DEFAULT);

** COMMAND: cat
** Usage: %fossil cat FILENAME ... ?OPTIONS?
** Print on standard output the content of one or more files as they exist
** in the repository.  The version currently checked out is shown by default.
** Other versions may be specified using the -r option.
** Options:
**    -R|--repository FILE       Extract artifacts from repository FILE
**    -r VERSION                 The specific check-in containing the file
** See also: finfo
void cat_cmd(void){
  int i;
  int rc;
  Blob content, fname;
  const char *zRev;
  db_find_and_open_repository(0, 0);
  zRev = find_option("r","r",1);
  for(i=2; i<g.argc; i++){
    file_tree_name(g.argv[i], &fname, 1);
    rc = historical_version_of_file(zRev, blob_str(&fname), &content, 0,0,0,0);
    if( rc==0 ){
      fossil_fatal("no such file: %s", g.argv[i]);
    blob_write_to_file(&content, "-");

/* Values for the debug= query parameter to finfo */
#define FINFO_DEBUG_MLINK  0x01

** WEBPAGE: finfo
** URL: /finfo?name=FILENAME
** Show the change history for a single file.
** Additional query parameters:
**    a=DATE     Only show changes after DATE
**    b=DATE     Only show changes before DATE
**    n=NUM      Show the first NUM changes only
**    brbg       Background color by branch name
**    ubg        Background color by user name
**    ci=UUID    Ancestors of a particular check-in
**    fco=BOOL   Show only first occurrence of each version if true (default)
void finfo_page(void){
  Stmt q;
  const char *zFilename;
  char zPrevDate[20];
  const char *zA;
  const char *zB;
  int n;
  int baseCheckin;

  Blob title;
  Blob sql;
  HQuery url;
  GraphContext *pGraph;
  int brBg = P("brbg")!=0;
  int uBg = P("ubg")!=0;
  int firstChngOnly = atoi(PD("fco","1"))!=0;
  int fDebug = atoi(PD("debug","0"));

  if( !g.perm.Read ){ login_needed(); return; }
  style_header("File History");
  url_initialize(&url, "finfo");
  if( brBg ) url_add_parameter(&url, "brbg", 0);
  if( uBg ) url_add_parameter(&url, "ubg", 0);
  baseCheckin = name_to_rid_www("ci");
  if( baseCheckin ) firstChngOnly = 1;
  if( !firstChngOnly ) url_add_parameter(&url, "fco", "0");

  zPrevDate[0] = 0;
  zFilename = PD("name","");
  url_add_parameter(&url, "name", zFilename);
    " datetime(event.mtime%s),"                      /* Date of change */
    " coalesce(event.ecomment, event.comment),"      /* Check-in comment */
    " coalesce(event.euser, event.user),"            /* User who made chng */
    ","                                    /* Parent file rid */
    " mlink.fid,"                                    /* File rid */
    " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE,"  /* Parent file uuid */
    " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=mlink.fid),"  /* Current file uuid */
    " (SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=mlink.mid),"  /* Check-in uuid */
    " event.bgcolor,"                                /* Background color */
    " (SELECT value FROM tagxref WHERE tagid=%d AND tagtype>0"
                                " AND tagxref.rid=mlink.mid)," /* Tags */
    " mlink.mid,"                                    /* check-in ID */
    " mlink.pfnid",                                  /* Previous filename */
    timeline_utc(), TAG_BRANCH
  if( firstChngOnly ){
#if 0
    blob_appendf(&sql, ", min(event.mtime)");
        ", min(CASE (SELECT value FROM tagxref"
                    " WHERE tagtype>0 AND tagid=%d"
                    "   AND tagxref.rid=mlink.mid)"
             " WHEN 'trunk' THEN event.mtime-10000 ELSE event.mtime END)",
    "  FROM mlink, event"
    " WHERE mlink.fnid IN (SELECT fnid FROM filename WHERE name=%Q)"
    "   AND event.objid=mlink.mid",
  if( baseCheckin ){
    compute_direct_ancestors(baseCheckin, 10000000);
    blob_appendf(&sql,"  AND mlink.mid IN (SELECT rid FROM ancestor)");
  if( (zA = P("a"))!=0 ){
    blob_appendf(&sql, " AND event.mtime>=julianday('%q')", zA);
    url_add_parameter(&url, "a", zA);
  if( (zB = P("b"))!=0 ){
    blob_appendf(&sql, " AND event.mtime<=julianday('%q')", zB);
    url_add_parameter(&url, "b", zB);
  if( firstChngOnly ){
    blob_appendf(&sql, " GROUP BY mlink.fid");
  blob_appendf(&sql," ORDER BY event.mtime DESC /*sort*/");
  if( (n = atoi(PD("n","0")))>0 ){
    blob_appendf(&sql, " LIMIT %d", n);
    url_add_parameter(&url, "n", P("n"));
  if( baseCheckin==0 ){
    if( firstChngOnly ){
      style_submenu_element("Full", "Show all changes","%s",
                            url_render(&url, "fco", "0", 0, 0));
                            "Show only first use of a change","%s",
                            url_render(&url, "fco", 0, 0, 0));
  db_prepare(&q, blob_str(&sql));
  if( P("showsql")!=0 ){
    @ <p>SQL: %h(blob_str(&sql))</p>
  if( baseCheckin ){
    char *zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", baseCheckin);
    char *zLink = href("%R/info/%s", zUuid);
    blob_appendf(&title, "Ancestors of file ");
    hyperlinked_path(zFilename, &title, zUuid, "tree", "");
    blob_appendf(&title, " from check-in %z%.10s</a>", zLink, zUuid);
    blob_appendf(&title, "History of files named ");
    hyperlinked_path(zFilename, &title, 0, "tree", "");
  @ <h2>%b(&title)</h2>
  pGraph = graph_init();
  @ <div id="canvas" style="position:relative;width:1px;height:1px;"
  @  onclick="clickOnGraph(event)"></div>
  @ <table id="timelineTable" class="timelineTable">
  while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
    const char *zDate = db_column_text(&q, 0);
    const char *zCom = db_column_text(&q, 1);
    const char *zUser = db_column_text(&q, 2);
    int fpid = db_column_int(&q, 3);
    int frid = db_column_int(&q, 4);
    const char *zPUuid = db_column_text(&q, 5);
    const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 6);
    const char *zCkin = db_column_text(&q,7);
    const char *zBgClr = db_column_text(&q, 8);
    const char *zBr = db_column_text(&q, 9);
    int fmid = db_column_int(&q, 10);
    int pfnid = db_column_int(&q, 11);
    int gidx;
    char zTime[10];
    if( zBr==0 ) zBr = "trunk";
    if( uBg ){
      zBgClr = hash_color(zUser);
    }else if( brBg || zBgClr==0 || zBgClr[0]==0 ){
      zBgClr = strcmp(zBr,"trunk")==0 ? "" : hash_color(zBr);
    gidx = graph_add_row(pGraph, frid, fpid>0 ? 1 : 0, &fpid, zBr, zBgClr,
                         zUuid, 0);
    if( memcmp(zDate, zPrevDate, 10) ){
      sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(zPrevDate), zPrevDate, "%.10s", zDate);
      @ <tr><td>
      @   <div class="divider">%s(zPrevDate)</div>
      @ </td><td></td><td></td></tr>
    memcpy(zTime, &zDate[11], 5);
    zTime[5] = 0;
    @ <tr><td class="timelineTime">
    @ %z(href("%R/timeline?c=%t",zDate))%s(zTime)</a></td>
    @ <td class="timelineGraph"><div id="m%d(gidx)"></div></td>
    if( zBgClr && zBgClr[0] ){
      @ <td class="timelineTableCell" style="background-color: %h(zBgClr);">
      @ <td class="timelineTableCell">
    if( zUuid ){
      if( fpid==0 ){
        @ <b>Added</b>
      }else if( pfnid ){
        char *zPrevName = db_text(0, "SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid=%d",
        @ <b>Renamed</b> from
        @ %z(href("%R/finfo?name=%t", zPrevName))%h(zPrevName)</a>
      @ %z(href("%R/artifact/%s",zUuid))[%S(zUuid)]</a> part of check-in
      char *zNewName;
      zNewName = db_text(0,
        "SELECT name FROM filename WHERE fnid = "
        "   (SELECT fnid FROM mlink"
        "     WHERE mid=%d"
        "       AND pfnid IN (SELECT fnid FROM filename WHERE name=%Q))",
        fmid, zFilename);
      if( zNewName ){
        @ <b>Renamed</b> to
        @ %z(href("%R/finfo?name=%t",zNewName))%h(zNewName)</a> by check-in
        @ <b>Deleted</b> by check-in
    @ %w(zCom) (user:
    hyperlink_to_user(zUser, zDate, "");
    @ branch: %h(zBr))
    if( g.perm.Hyperlink && zUuid ){
      const char *z = zFilename;
      @ %z(href("%R/annotate?filename=%h&checkin=%s",z,zCkin))
      @ [annotate]</a>
      @ %z(href("%R/blame?filename=%h&checkin=%s",z,zCkin))
      @ [blame]</a>
      @ %z(href("%R/timeline?n=200&uf=%s",zUuid))[checkins&nbsp;using]</a>
      if( fpid ){
        @ %z(href("%R/fdiff?sbs=1&v1=%s&v2=%s",zPUuid,zUuid))[diff]</a>
    if( fDebug & FINFO_DEBUG_MLINK ){
      int srcid = db_int(0, "SELECT srcid FROM delta WHERE rid=%d", frid);
      int sz = db_int(0, "SELECT length(content) FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", frid);
      @ <br>fid=%d(frid) pid=%d(fpid) mid=%d(fmid) sz=%d(sz)
      if( srcid ){
        @ srcid=%d(srcid)
    @ </td></tr>
  if( pGraph ){
    graph_finish(pGraph, 0);
    if( pGraph->nErr ){
      pGraph = 0;
      int w = (pGraph->mxRail+1)*pGraph->iRailPitch + 10;
      @ <tr><td></td><td>
      @ <div id="grbtm" style="width:%d(w)px;"></div>
      @     </td><td></td></tr>
  @ </table>
  timeline_output_graph_javascript(pGraph, 0, 1);