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  1. Document: Fossil Versus Git
    1.0 Don't Stress! The feature sets of Fossil and Git overlap in many ways. Both are distributed version control systems which store a tree of check-in objects to a local repository clone ... (2024-04-09)

  2. Document: Git to Fossil Translation Guide
    Introduction Fossil shares many similarities with Git. In many cases, the sub-commands are identical: fossil bisect does essentially the same thing as git bisect, for example. Yet, Fossil is not merely Git with a ... (2024-04-09)

  3. Document: Import And Export
    Fossil has the ability to import and export repositories from and to Git. And since most other version control systems will also import/export from Git, that means that you can import/export a Fossil ... (2024-04-09)

  4. Wiki: Cookbook
    ... mkdir /tmp/moretmp cd /tmp/moretmp hg clone ssh://hg@hg/repos/wpkg git clone git:// git init --bare git-wpkg cd wpkg cat >> .hg/hgrc << EOF [extensions] hgext ... (2021-06-25)

  5. Document: Limitations On Git Mirrors
    The "fossil git export" command can be used to mirror a Fossil repository to Git. (Setup instructions and an example.) But the export to Git is not perfect. Some information is lost during export due ... (2024-04-09)

  6. Document: What People Are Saying
    The following are collected quotes from various forums and blogs about Fossil, Git, and DVCSes in general. This collection is put together by the creator of Fossil, so of course there is selection bias... On ... (2024-04-09)

  7. Wiki: Fossil-NG
    ... In the same way that fossil export --git was replaced with the more powerful fossil git export command, we'd like a fossil git import command that would sync changes to a Git repo back ... (2019-05-09)

  8. Ticket: git fast-import fails to import the fossil export result for mongrel2 repo (2010-12-18 23:59:19)
    ... dalien (password is "xxxxxx") Initialized empty Git repository in /home/dalien/tmp/mongrel2-git/.git/ fatal: Not a blob (actually a commit): M 100644 :27 src/manifest fast-import: dumping crash report to .git/fast ...

  9. Document: How To Mirror A Fossil Repository On GitHub
    ... The "fossil git export" command creates subprocesses that run "git" commands, so you must have Git installed on your machine for any of this to work. The Git repository will have an extra unmanaged top ... (2024-04-09)

  10. Document: Change Log
    ... This makes the clone command work more like Git, thus making it easier for people transitioning from Git. Added the --mainbranch option to the fossil git export command. Added the --format option to the "fossil ... (2024-04-23)

  11. Ticket: Timewarps cause Git export to malfunction (2014-11-04 01:07:23)
    ... tim | icomment: $ fossil export --git ../sqlite.fossil | git fast-import fatal: mark :60713 not declared fast-import: dumping crash report to .git/fast_import_crash_3740 To replicate, using latest version of sqlite $ fossil export ...

  12. Ticket: Suggested addition to Fossil->Git section on Import and Export page (2015-02-21 15:25:46)
    ... git merge trunk The main Fossil branch is called "trunk", while the main git branch is called "master". After you've exported your FOSSIL repo to git, you won't see any files and gitk ...

  13. Ticket: fossil fails to import from git (2013-12-09 12:19:39)
    ... git clone git:// cd minix git fast-export --all | fossil import --git ~/minix.fossil Now the minix git repo is 187mb but for some reason the minix fossil repo grows up ...

  14. Ticket: fossil export to git crashes (2013-11-06 06:54:32)
    ... dan) Command: ======== fossil export --git ../repo.fossil | git fast-import Git version: ============ git version OS: === Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS Release: 12.04 Codename: precise Kernel: ======= 3 ...

  15. Ticket: Git backend (2009-04-20 11:33:17)
    ... It is not feasible to attach a separate "backend" for a different version control system like Git. If you like the features of fossil, but are burdened by a Git legacy, I suggest you work ...

  16. Document: Rebase Considered Harmful
    ... First, Git forgets history in more cases than in rebasing. Second, if Git remembered the source of cherry-picks in commits, Git users might have a better argument for avoiding rebase, because they’d have ... (2024-04-09)

  17. Ticket: Export --git fails with "mark not declared" (2013-06-04 18:50:35)
    ... After cloning the official SQLite repository from I tried to export it into a git repository to use as a submodule. So I started `fossil export --git ../sqlite3.fossil | git ...

  18. Ticket: "Unsupported command: blob" error during Fossil to Git export (2010-11-17 13:15:29)
    ... Converting a clone of the Fossil repo to Git produces the following error: <verbatim> $ fossil export -R ../fsl.fsl | git fast-import fatal: Unsupported command: blob fast-import: dumping crash report to .git/fast_import ...

  19. Ticket: fossil clone is slow (2011-05-10 12:42:40)
    ... First from the network (slow connection 389 KB/s) and then from local. <pre> $ cd /tmp </pre> <pre> $ time git clone --mirror git:// pkgsrcgit </pre> <pre> Cloning into bare repository ...

  20. Ticket: equivalent to `darcs add` or `git add -p` (2019-11-14 11:40:12)
    ... fossil add some-file.rb fossil commit -m "Add the cure_aids method" # and again commit that. </verbatim> What I'd like to do instead, in case you are not familiar with git, is along ...

  21. Ticket: incremental update of git export (2011-09-11 17:11:07)
    ... It would be quite useful to be able to incrementally update a git repository whose contents was exported from fossil. <hr /><i>dmitry added on 2011-09-11 17:11:07 UTC:</i><br /> Duplicate ...

  22. Ticket: typo in (2010-11-12 21:06:04)
    ... There is typo in the beginning of page. 1st sentence... s/is is/it is Sincerely,<br/> Gour <hr /><i>aku added ...

  23. Ticket: import does not work with file- or directorynames containing whitespace (2010-12-11 14:53:59)
    ... Minimal test case: <verbatim> # init git repo $ mkdir gitrepo $ cd gitrepo/ $ git init Initialized empty Git repository in /home/dgruber/tmp/gitrepo/.git/ # add a file with name containing whitespace $ echo 1 > "file with whitespace ...

  24. Document: Fossil Quick Start Guide
    ... You can even decide to export your project back into git using the fossil git command, which is how the Fossil project maintains its public GitHub mirror. There is no limit to the number of ... (2024-04-09)

  25. Check-in [c26213be47b98084] on 2016-05-14 21:41:35
    ... This allows one to save all git-generated marks following an import. Previously, performing an incremental import from git resulted in new commits being imported as orphans, and trying to perform an export to git ...

  26. Check-in [cd4fbdee000875dd] on 2020-11-12 14:26:46
    Add new --attribute option to the 'fossil import --git' command that enables attributing commits to a username rather than the corresponding Git committer/author contact info of a given commit. Conversely, construct a full 'user ...

  27. Document: Check-Out Workflows
    ... Changing it to behave like git clone would therefore make the behavior surprising to Fossil users. (See our discussions if you want the full details.) Git-Like Clone-and-Open Fossil also supports a more ... (2024-04-09)

  28. Ticket: support for incremental import/export (2013-10-26 21:38:34)
    ... It doesn't work reliably for git though as it tends to fail on the git side during testing. It was complaining about missing objects, which are clearly part of an earlier import. | login: anonymous ...

  29. Ticket: Need a Branch Delete option (2010-01-02 03:13:28)
    ... git co master; git merge crazyFeature; git branch -d crazyFeature If the crazy feature was, well... just crazy, and you just want to drop away that crazy code: git co master; git branch -d crazyFeature ...

  30. Document: Hash Policy
    ... The SHA1 hash algorithm is used only to create names for artifacts in Fossil (and in Git, Mercurial, and Monotone). It is not used for security. Nevertheless, when the SHAttered attack found two different PDF ... (2024-04-09)

  31. Document: Reviews
    ... Short Quotes on Fossil, Git, And DVCSes Daniel writes on 2009-01-06: The reasons I use fossil are that it's the only version control I have found that I can get working through ... (2024-04-09)

  32. Document: Why You Should Use Fossil
    (Or if not Fossil, at least some kind of modern version control such as Git, Mercurial, or Subversion.) I. Benefits of Version Control Immutable file and version identification Simplified and unambiguous communication between developers Detect ... (2024-04-09)

  33. Ticket: Bad import of tags as branches (propagating tags ?) (2024-01-29 06:45:00)
    ... I recently converted the Tcl core CVS to GIT using cvs2git, and then used git fast-export --all | fossil import tcl.fossil to convert this further to a fossil repository. When inspecting the git and ...

  34. Check-in [47fb3ddc5a9100f5] on 2023-06-22 13:49:33
    enable importing multiple git repos into one fsl repo This fixes an issue reported by James Cook in d162b6e2dc. Previously, we assumed the fx_git table does not exist when creating a new import, thus ...

  35. Check-in [a69f71a2758ad66d] on 2020-11-28 13:36:08
    Fix how Fossil handles 'import --git' into a repository that already exists when neither the '--increment' nor '--force' options are passed, as reported by Warren in forum post 29e358909c. The proposed fix required duplicating a ...

  36. Check-in [8eeba7a8db0e8c3b] on 2020-11-14 06:52:08
    Add extra check in git_fast_import() so that 'import --git --incremental' queries the new 'fx_git' table if it exists in the repository database to attribute check-ins. (user: jamsek, tags: trunk) Add extra ...

  37. Check-in [dd15d28d89d472a1] on 2020-11-14 06:34:39
    Add documentation for the new '--attribute' option introduced with check-in [cd4fbdee00], 'fx_git' repository database table that's created when it's used, and subsequent operational changes to 'git export' and incremental 'import --git ...

  38. Check-in [f378f5dc5bb8836e] on 2020-11-02 05:20:03
    Moved the "What Changed?" section of up into the "Log" section since "git whatchanged" is approximately the same as "git log --raw", so they should be covered near each other. Then expanded the ...

  39. Check-in [31f8a835dafbe8a8] on 2020-11-02 00:34:14
    Added the "Git Worktrees" section to the gitusers doc, which acts as a complement to the "multiple check-out directories" section of the new doc. It gives us a place to talk ...

  40. Check-in [6e0dba257b226383] on 2020-10-01 20:59:31
    ... it said that rebase is a problem because Git makes the change immediately to the blockchain, but that's a problem with Git in general, due to its commit-then-push model, not a problem ...

  41. Check-in [d357f81b6c179313] on 2019-10-21 03:05:00
    Moved all of the "Features found in Fossil but not in Git" up from section 3.1 into section 2.1 Featureful of the fossil-v-git doc, where such differences are otherwise covered. Removed ...

  42. Check-in [e4d87cd16bd4be98] on 2019-03-17 00:14:45
    Automatically run "git repack -adf" after an initial export to git using the "fossil git export" command. (Recommended by Linus Torvalds himself.) (user: drh, tags: trunk) Automatically run "git repack -adf" after an initial export ...

  43. Check-in [01231dcb5e1bec71] on 2017-02-10 01:44:45
    When importing a git fast-import, we silently change master branch to trunk to match the default fossil naming conventions. So when we export to the git fast-import format, we should silently change the ...

  44. Check-in [69668f8c57a081b4] on 2016-09-21 19:05:46
    Fix a problem that can occasionally occur with repeated syncs to/from a git repository, where a fossil-generated mark clashes with a mark previously generated by git, causing the sync to fail. (user: nick ...

  45. Check-in [3a6c848f68e55c2e] on 2015-02-25 16:09:34
    Make --git the default for "fossil import" if neither --git nor --svn is specified. Make --force work (again) with "fossil import --git". (user: jan.nijtmans, tags: svn-import) Make --git the default for "fossil import ...

  46. Check-in [4d3bb24b4434cd40] on 2015-02-25 14:51:12
    Change import command to use --git and --svn options instead of "svn" and "git" sub-sub-command to stay compatible with before. Make sure verify_all_options() fail with specifiying svn only option with --git ...

  47. Check-in [b707622f29b6081d] on 2011-06-17 15:13:56
    Fixes to "export --git". Changes spaces in tag names to "_" since Git cannot deal with spaces in tag names. Make sure the name of the committer is well-formed according to git's definition of ...

  48. Ticket: import fails to import a branch which is isolated from trunk (2011-03-19 19:07:28)
    ... git fast-export|git fast-import does properly build a git repo, though but git fast-export|fossil import does not import apply the xus2 tag to the branch. <hr /><i>anonymous claiming to be ...

  49. Document: File Name Glob Patterns
    ... Git's globs are relative to the location of the .gitignore file: Fossil's globs are relative to the root of the workspace. Git's globs and Fossil's globs treat directory separators differently. Git ... (2024-04-09)

  50. Wiki: Fossil 2.0
    ... Optionally allow Fossil to read and write the Git object format (in addition to its own format) so that so that Fossil can clone/push/commit with standard Git implementations. A repository must decide at ... (2018-02-12)

  51. Ticket: SVN Import: a better way to migrate from subversion to fossil? (2013-12-14 04:04:17)
    ... I mean, Fossil SCM is addressed potentially also to SVN users, who do not want GIT but the power of GIT. A direct import from SVN projects without GIT proxy would be nice. You would ...

  52. Ticket: Non-ASCII characters in file and folder names are not handled correctly (2012-11-29 14:50:48)
    ... 1. [] 2. [] |login: drh | login: anonymous | icomment: I checked this a bit further to include a Windows 7 environment. Win 7 ...

  53. Ticket: fossil clean and ignore-glob (2010-12-20 12:49:13)
    ... Git's approach is that by default, git clean honors .gitignore but provides an option to force it to clean ignored files as well. <hr /><i>anonymous added on 2010-10-15 07:54:00 ...

  54. Ticket: Minor spelling mistake in online help for fossil import (2010-12-09 20:48:46)
    ... fossil import --git NEW-REPOSITORY Read text generated by the git-fast-export command and use it to construct a new Fossil repository named by the NEW-REPOSITORY argument. The <b>get-fast-export</b ...

  55. Document: A Coherent Software Configuration Management System
    ... Project Management — In addition to doing distributed version control like Git and Mercurial, Fossil also supports bug tracking, wiki, forum, email alerts, chat, and technotes. Built-in Web Interface — Fossil has a built-in, themeable ... (2024-04-23)

  56. Document: Why Add Forum, Wiki, and Web Software To Your DVCS?
    ... I don't see how this improves over git. This commenter may hold whatever opinions he wishes, of course. However, there are many good reasons why bundling other project management features with the DVCS might ... (2024-04-09)

  57. Document: Links For Fossil Users:
    ... Import and export from and to Git. Fossil versus Git. Up and running in 5 minutes as a single user (contributed by Gilles Ganault on 2013-01-08). How Fossil defends against abuse by spiders ... (2024-04-09)

  58. Document: Questions And Criticisms
    ... But fossil does not yet have the massive user base of git or mercurial. Fossil looks like the bug tracker that would be in your Linksys Router's administration screen. I take a pragmatic approach ... (2024-04-09)

  59. Check-in [7ab1e11850311049] on 2023-06-18 03:12:18
    fix import handling of git repositories with renamed files Reported by James Cook in 2b857ded1b: renamed files were shown as a deletion and an addition. This was because the optional 3rd and 4th field in ...

  60. Check-in [40abd83957dc73a1] on 2023-01-31 10:11:08
    Do not export private artifacts to git. (user: danield, tags: git-export-omit-private) Do not export private artifacts to git. (user: danield, tags: git-export-omit-private)

  61. Check-in [999d838de2a2c57a] on 2021-08-14 18:25:27
    Further improvements to "fossil all git status" output. Do not show repositories for which the git export repository does not exist or is inactive. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Further improvements to "fossil all git status ...

  62. Check-in [9179663d8c0efc0c] on 2021-08-14 18:00:00
    Improved output (less clutter) from the "fossil all git status" command. Results are only shown from repositories that actually have a Git mirror. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Improved output (less clutter) from the "fossil all ...

  63. Check-in [b3080a2286d701f5] on 2021-05-17 14:14:01
    In the document, remove the section titled "Accepting Contributions" as it does not seem to move the argument forward (as far as I can see) but it has provoked unnecessary pushback ...

  64. Check-in [da5faf18c3699d5c] on 2021-02-18 13:10:41
    Fix the "fossil git export" command so that it returns a non-zero exit code if the "git push" command fails. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Fix the "fossil git export" command so that it returns ...

  65. Check-in [aca011c5e5082ccc] on 2021-01-06 20:10:58
    Updated a few references to Git's "master" branch in the docs to track the addition of "fossil git export --mainbranch". (user: wyoung, tags: trunk) Updated a few references to Git's "master" branch in ...

  66. Check-in [b001a1c3def57388] on 2021-01-06 15:38:09
    Fix multiple problems with check-in [9360b66a67086d64] that can lead to crashes in Fossil itself, and in git-fast-import, when attempting to mirror the Fossil self-hosting repository to Git. (user: drh, tags: trunk ...

  67. Check-in [4c384ba2f4be3091] on 2021-01-05 23:47:47
    Attempt to add the --mainbranch option to the "fossil git export" command. This does not appear to be working. Need advice from a Git expert. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Attempt to add the --mainbranch option ...

  68. Check-in [358d7d8f0ee8e53c] on 2020-12-13 19:37:35
    Updates to the fossil-v-git documentation to reduce the amount of Git-bashing and to try to make the document less confrontational. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Updates to the fossil-v-git documentation to ...

  69. Check-in [9d53f2f6a22037e4] on 2020-11-30 21:46:09
    Add the "fossil all git export" and "fossil all git status" commands. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Add the "fossil all git export" and "fossil all git status" commands. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  70. Check-in [b6b1b705d001178b] on 2020-11-01 23:35:34
    Extracted the checkout workflows section of the doc to a new www/ doc, which talks about Git only as a common comparison. Linking to it from the doc ...

  71. Check-in [2777682b632030db] on 2020-09-11 15:40:49
    If the "fossil import --git" command encounters a file that looks like a well-formed Fossil artifact, append a line to the end of that file so that it is no longer a well-formed ...

  72. Check-in [4fdc8db06a3043a1] on 2020-02-04 20:21:56
    Updated the "SHA-3 vs SHA-2 vs SHA-1" section of the fossil-v-git article to cover recent developments: Brian M. Carlson's plan for migrating Git to SHA-256, SHAmbles, and more ...

  73. Check-in [e472ad36d663230b] on 2020-01-17 17:23:02
    Replaced "countless Git users" in point about detached heads within fossil-v-git doc with a link to a Google web search that currently returns ~389000 results. So not countless at all; just very, very ...

  74. Check-in [9dcb3de471d35e7d] on 2020-01-08 19:18:45
    Clarified point 2.2 of, adding more info about the sizes of Fossil vs Git in response to comments on this Hacker News posting: ...

  75. Check-in [81bfdca9e5119790] on 2019-12-19 15:13:13
    ... Attempt to fix a memory leak on Git import. (user: drh, tags: git-import-memleak) Never mind.... Was: Attempt to fix a memory leak on Git import. (user: drh, tags: git-import-memleak)

  76. Check-in [be7c1bde92c8caae] on 2019-10-01 18:11:07
    Use double-quotes instead of single-quotes for the argument to "git export" in the "fossil git export" command, for windows compatibility. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Use double-quotes instead of single-quotes for the ...

  77. Check-in [10a57cece17e70ff] on 2019-09-13 12:48:11
    ... Many Check-outs per Repository" section in to focus more on default modes of operation and their consequences in response to nit-picking on the thread about this article ...

  78. Check-in [1296ee46a3ad9f03] on 2019-08-09 12:15:02
    Added an aside in fossil-v-git about Git's minority use of high-level scripting languages aside from its dominant one, POSIX shell, with a comparison to Fossil's own use of high-level ...

  79. Check-in [92dc1021580c8c68] on 2019-08-07 11:32:53
    Clarity and accuracy pass on the git-worktree issue in (user: wyoung, tags: trunk) Clarity and accuracy pass on the git-worktree issue in (user: wyoung, tags ...

  80. Check-in [3609ff75608d351c] on 2019-08-07 11:13:59
    Merged two lists of similarities between Fossil and Git into a single instance up at the top of (user: wyoung, tags: trunk) Merged two lists of similarities between Fossil and Git ...

  81. Check-in [00af3dbf8bb20bc8] on 2019-08-07 10:38:08
    Clarified the issue of building and installing Git vs Fossil from source vs as binary packages in (user: wyoung, tags: trunk) Clarified the issue of building and installing Git vs Fossil ...

  82. Check-in [64a33a643ff3ea6d] on 2019-08-07 09:45:34
    Added a new section to, "2.4 Portable" covering how much more portable Fossil is than Git and its common third-party extensions. (user: wyoung, tags: trunk) Added a new section ...

  83. Check-in [5c24bee9fd5abafa] on 2019-08-07 02:26:18
    Extracted part of section 2.1 and merged it with the entire prior content of section 2.5 in fossil-v-git as a new section, "2.2 Efficient and Effective". These were two partially ...

  84. Check-in [c5a74af45c206e55] on 2019-08-06 23:20:43
    Removed some points in section 3.1 of fossil-v-git (Features found in Fossil but missing from Git) which are already covered above. (user: wyoung, tags: trunk) Removed some points in section 3.1 ...

  85. Check-in [4c22c7056914278c] on 2019-08-06 23:15:08
    Added point about installing Fossil on Windows vs installing Git to fossil-v-git doc. (user: wyoung, tags: trunk) Added point about installing Fossil on Windows vs installing Git to fossil-v-git doc. (user ...

  86. Check-in [4dcbd09feae9c12a] on 2019-07-19 15:39:10
    Moved the comment about patch files in fossil-v-git down to a footnote and expanded on the point. It isn't a Git vs Fossil difference, but we need to explain why "just use ...

  87. Check-in [e878d54dcc27d884] on 2019-07-17 14:52:30
    Added info about fossil undo, fossil amend, and shunning to the fossil-v-git doc, with comparison to the Git way of changing history. (user: wyoung, tags: trunk) Added info about fossil undo, fossil amend ...

  88. Check-in [fd990128dd0dc00b] on 2019-07-12 04:11:35
    Assorted improvements to www/ added hyperlinks, fixed some spelling, capitalization, and grammar problems, clarified "Linux" vs "Linux kernel", clarified the description of the git-worktree feature, moved punctuation inside double quotes ...

  89. Check-in [ab68afe984d7e43e] on 2019-04-23 01:05:39
    On a "fossil git export", run appropriate "git update-ref" commands to make sure that all refs/heads point to the latest check-ins for the branch, even in cases there the branch has been ...

  90. Check-in [a0a5be0e976c77cb] on 2019-04-22 15:22:12
    New information about the git export shown by "fossil git status". (user: drh, tags: trunk) New information about the git export shown by "fossil git status". (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  91. Check-in [8e6f3ced08278afb] on 2019-03-17 00:02:26
    Do not use the --input-marks option with "git fast-import". Instead, remember older Git-names and insert them directly into the fast-import stream. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Do not use the --input-marks ...

  92. Check-in [aaa937a8e14ec049] on 2019-03-16 13:58:27
    When the "fossil git export" command displays the "git push" command it is about to run, omit the display of any password that happens to be embedded in the URL. (user: drh, tags: trunk) When ...

  93. Check-in [702959420fa6a587] on 2019-03-16 00:58:05
    Add the "fossil git export" command, designed to simplify making a Git mirror of a working Fossil repository. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Add the "fossil git export" command, designed to simplify making a Git mirror ...

  94. Check-in [4f19d67b02aeffc6] on 2019-03-16 00:26:58
    Enhance the "fossil git export" command so that it also exports tags as lightweight Git tags. (user: drh, tags: mirror-cmd) Enhance the "fossil git export" command so that it also exports tags as lightweight ...

  95. Check-in [af91e0575e4293a9] on 2019-01-28 20:59:45
    Mention the "worktree" git command in the Fossil-versus-Git document. (user: drh, tags: trunk) Mention the "worktree" git command in the Fossil-versus-Git document. (user: drh, tags: trunk)

  96. Check-in [752bdd38c73da128] on 2017-02-13 03:34:12
    Add comment cards to tags, which are accepted by git import and exported to git export. They are visible via the timeline, but currently lack an editable means via the UI. (user: roy.marples, tags ...

  97. Check-in [abc87ccdd5aac7b9] on 2017-02-10 01:25:23
    Add function print_ref to sanitize branch and tag names in accordance with Use this rather than simply replacing non alpha or numeric chars for branch ...

  98. Check-in [880e3fb51f299099] on 2016-10-08 13:42:25
    Add missing arguments to Git->Fossil import example. (user: nick.lloyd, tags: nick.lloyd-git-interop) Add missing arguments to Git->Fossil import example. (user: nick.lloyd, tags: nick.lloyd-git-interop)

  99. Check-in [e8775afe1b080bf8] on 2016-09-29 17:46:22
    Add information to about bidirectional synchronization with Git repos. (user: nick.lloyd, tags: nick.lloyd-git-interop) Add information to about bidirectional synchronization with Git repos. (user: nick.lloyd, tags: nick ...

  100. Check-in [2cd0ee6388faaa02] on 2016-09-29 17:35:51
    Remove comment from about having to merge trunk into master after importing from Git repo. This is no longer true. Fossil automatically converts references to master into trunk when importing, and vice versa ...