Added the repolist-skin setting used to
add style to repository list pages.
Enhance the hierarchical display of Forum threads to do less
indentation and to provide links back to the previous message
in the thread. Provide sequential numbers for all messages in
a forum thread.
Add support for fenced code blocks and improved hyperlink
processing to the markdown formatter.
Uppercase query parameters, POST parameters, and cookie names are
converted to all lowercase and entered into the parameter set,
instead of being discarded.
The check-in lock interval is reduced from 24 hours to 60 seconds,
though the interval is now configurable using a setting.
An additional check for conflicts is added after interactive
check-in comment entry, to compensate for the reduced lock interval.
Enhancements to the timeline graph layout, to show more information
with less clutter.
Added tool-tips to the /timeline graph. On by default but can be
disabled by setting the "Tooltip dwell time" to 0 in the timeline
Copy buttons added to various check-in hash and branch name links.
Double-clicking on a /timeline graph node now jumps to the /info page
for the check-in. So, repurpose the timestamp hyperlink to show all
activity around that check-in in time.
For the "fossil update" and
"fossil checkout" commands, if a
managed file is removed because it is no longer part of the target
check-in and the directory containing the file is empty after the
file is removed and the directory is not the current working
directory and is not on the empty-dirs
list, then also remove the directory.
Update internal Unicode character tables, used in regular expression
handling, from version 11.0 to 12.1.
In "fossil regexp", "fossil grep"
and the TH1 "regexp" command, the -nocase option now removes multiple
diacritics from the same character (derived from SQLite's
Added the /secureraw page that requires the
complete SHA1 or SHA3 hash, not just a prefix, before it will deliver
Accept purely numeric ISO8601 date/time strings as long as they
do not conflict with a hash. Example: "20190510134217" instead of
"2019-05-10 13:42:17". This helps keep URLs shorter and less
Support both "1)" and "1." for numbered lists in markdown, as
commonmark does.
The sync and clone HTTP requests omit the extra /xfer path element
from the end of the request URI. All servers since 2010 know that
the HTTP request is for a sync or clone from the mimetype so the
extra path element is not needed.
If an automatic sync gets a permanent redirect request, then update
the saved remote URL to the new address.
Temporary filenames (for example used for external "diff" commands)
try to preserve the suffix of the original file.
Enhanced parsing of /timeline query parameters
"ymd=", "ym=", and "yw=". All arguments are option (in which case they
default to the current time) and all accept ISO8601 date/times without
Automatically disapprove pending moderation requests for a user when
that user is deleted. This helps in dealing with spam-bots.
Improvements to the "Capability Summary" section in the
Security Audit web-page.
Use new "ci-lock" and "ci-lock-failed" pragmas in the
sync protocol to try to prevent accident forks
caused by concurrent commits when operating in auto-sync mode.
Fix a bug (details)
that can cause repository databases to be overwritten with debugging
output, thus corrupting the repository. This is only a factor when
CGI debugging is enabled, and even then is a rare occurrence, but it is
obviously an important fix.
Changes for Version 2.8 (2019-02-20)
Show cherry-pick merges as dotted lines on the timeline graph.
→ The "fossil rebuild" command must be run to create and
populate the new "cherrypick" table in the repository in order
for this feature to operate.
Add the ability to associate branches, check-ins, and tags with
specially-named Wiki pages. This gives the ability to better
document branches and tags, and provide more documentation on
check-ins beyond the check-in comment. The associated Wiki is
automatically displayed on /info pages for check-ins, and on
/timeline?r=BRANCH and /timeline?t=TAG pages for branches and
tags. This feature is on by default, but can be disabled in on
the Admin/Wiki page.
Enhance the repository list page (shown for example by
"fossil all ui") so that it shows the name and last check-in
time for each project. The implementation of the repository
list page is now broken out into a separate source file (repolist.c).
Allow users with Forum Supervisor permission ('6') to add Forum
Write Trusted permission ('4') to users as they are approving a
forum post by that user.
When running a bisect, report the number of check-ins still in
the search range and the estimated number of bisect steps remaining.
Do this at each step of the bisect.
Provide a permanent link to a bisect timeline using the bid= query
Make the chronological forum display feature available to all users,
and make it the default format on mobile devices.
Break out Wiki setup into a separate /setup_wiki page, accessible
on the standard menus through Admin/Wiki.
Add "Next" and "Previous" buttons on the /wdiff page, allowing
the user to step through the versions of a wiki page.
Improve the display of the /whistory page.
Omit the "HH:MM" timestamps on timeline graphs on narrow-screen
devices, to improve horizontal space uses. This helps make Fossil
more mobile-friendly.
Enhance /wcontent to show a sortable list of Wiki pages together
with the number of revisions and the most recent change time for
each page.
Hyperlinks to Wiki pages on the /timeline go to the specific
version of the Wiki page named in the timeline, not to the latest
Enhancements to the "amend", "tag", and "reparent" commands, including
adding options --override-date, --override-user, and --dry-run.
Add the global --comment-format command-line option and the
comment-format setting to control the display of the command-line
Change the "fossil reparent" command so that it only works from
within an active checkout.
On the /setup_ucap_list, show administrators how many users have
each capability. The counts are a hyperlink to the /setup_ulist
page showing the subset of users that have that capability.
Provide the ability to redirect all HTTP pages to HTTPS. Formerly
one could cause this to occur for the /login page only. That option
still exists, but the redirect can now also be done for all pages.
"Compress" the built-in javascript by omitting comments and
leading and trailing whitespace.
Detect when the repository used by a checkout is swapped out for
a clone that uses different RID values, and make appropriate adjustments
to the checkout database to avoid any problems.
Add the backoffice-disable setting to completely disable the
backoffice feature.
Update the built-in SQLite to version 3.27.1.
Various other small enhancements to webpages and documentation.
Changes for Version 2.7 (2018-09-22)
Add the email alerts feature for commits, ticket
changes, wiki changes, forum posts, and announcements. This is
still a work in progress. It is functional, but it is not as easy to
setup and use as it ought to be.
Add new user capabilities letters needed to support alerts and forum.
Formerly, user capabilities were letters from [a-z], but with the
enhancements, the supply of lower case letters was exhausted.
User capabilities are now letters in [a-zA-Z0-9].
The built-in skins are now responsive, providing better layout on
small screens, including mobile devices.
The default skin now includes a hamburger menu that is generated
by the /sitemap page.
All of the built-in skins now use a
Content Security Policy (CSP)
to help prevent cross-site injection and forgery attacks. There are no known
vulnerabilities in Fossil. The added CSP does not fix anything; it merely adds
another layer of defense.
The /sitemap and other list pages show as multiple columns if
the viewing window is wide enough.
There is an optional "js" file for each skin that can be used to
hold javascript. This file can be loaded by reference or can be
included in the header or footer.
Some code and interfaces are in place to support sending and
receiving email directly via SMTP, but this feature is not yet
complete or ready for production use.
The mv-rm-files setting is now compiled into Fossil in the
default Fossil configuration; no longer must you say
./configure --with-legacy-mv-rm to make it available. The
setting remains disabled by default, however, so you must still say
fossil set mv-rm-files 1 to enable it on each repository
where you want hard mv/rm behavior.
Changes for Version 2.6 (2018-05-04)
Fix a bug that was causing crashes while trying to clone the TCL
repository. This fix is the main reason for the current release.
Added the new "Classic" timeline viewing mode. "Classic" is the
same as "Verbose" in the previous release. The "Verbose" mode is
now like "Compact" except the extra check-in details are shown by
Add support for ETags:, Last-Modified:, and If-Modified-Since:
cache control mechanisms.
Enhance the /tarball,
/zip, and
/sqlar pages so that the checkin
name to be downloaded can be expressed as part of the URI,
and without the need for query parameters.
On the /timeline webpage, add the days=N
query parameter and enhance the ymd=DATE and yw=DATE query parameters
to accept 'now' as an argument to show the latest day or week.
In the web page that comes up in response to the
fossil all ui command, show the last modification
time for each repository, and allow click-to-sort on the modification
time column.
In the tarball cache replacement algorithm, give extra weight to
tarballs that have been accessed more than once.
Additional defenses against web-based attacks. There have not been
any known vulnerabilities. We are just being paranoid.
Update the built-in SQLite to an alpha version of 3.24.0.
Changes for Version 2.5 (2018-02-07)
Numerous enhancements to the look and feel of the web interface.
Especially: Added separate "Modern", "Compact", "Verbose", and
"Columnar" view options on timelines.
Common display settings (such as the "view" option and the number
of rows in a timeline) are held in a cookie and thus persist
across multiple pages.
Rework the skin editing process so that changes are implemented
on one of nine /draft pages, evaluated, then merged back to the
Fossil now automatically generates the
at the beginning of each web page if the configurable header
lacks a <body> tag.
Added the /artifact_stats page, currently accessible only by
the administrator.
Upgrade to the latest versions of SQLite and OpenSSL.
Improved key bindings on the Tk diff screen generated by
"fossil diff --tk".
Begin factoring out in-line javascript into separately loaded
script files. This is a step along the
road toward supporting a strict Content Security Policy. More work
is to be done.
Initial infrastructure is in place to make use of the pledge()
system call in OpenBSD. More work is to be done.
Changes for Version 2.4 (2017-11-03)
New feature: URL Aliases. URL Aliases allow an administrator
to define their own URLs on the web interface that are rewritten to
built-in URLs with specific parameters. Create and configure URL Aliases
using the /Setup/URL_Aliases menu option in the web interface.
Add tech-note search capability.
Add the -r|--revision and -o|--origin options to the
annotate command.
Add the origin= query parameter to the /annotate
The fossil annotate command and the
/annotate web page go backwards in time as far
as can be computed in 30 milliseconds by default, rather than stopping
after 20 steps. The new limit= query parameter or the --limit command-line
option can be used to alter this timeout.
Remove support from the legacy configuration sync protocol. The only
way now to do a configuration push or pull is to use the new protocol that
was added in 2011.
Add the from= and to= query parameters to /fdiff
in order to get a diff of two files in the same check-in.
Fix the "ssh://" protocol to prevent an attack whereby the attacker convinces
a victim to run a "clone" with a dodgy URL and thereby gains access to their
Provide a checkbox that will temporarily disable all ad-units.
Added the "Event Summary" activity report.
Added the "Security Audit" page, available to administrators only
Added the Last Login time to the user list page, for administrators only
Added the --numstat option to the fossil diff command
Limit the size of the heap and stack on unix systems, as a proactive
defense against the
Stack Clash
Fix "database locked" warnings caused by "PRAGMA optimize".
Fix a potential XSS vulnerability on the
/help webpage.
Documentation updates
Changes for Version 2.2 (2017-04-11)
GIT comment tags are now handled by Fossil during import/export.
Show the content of README files on directory listings.
Support for Basic Authentication if enabled (default off).
Show the hash algorithms used on the
/rcvfromlist page.
The /tarball and /zip pages
now use the the r= query parameter
to select which check-in to deliver. The uuid= query parameter
is still accepted for backwards compatibility.
Update the built-in SQLite to version 3.18.0.
Run "PRAGMA optimize"
on the database connection as it is closing.
Changes for Version 2.1 (2017-03-10)
Add support for hash policies that control which
of the Hardened-SHA1 or SHA3-256 algorithms is used to name new
Add the "gshow" and "gcat" subcommands to fossil stash.
Add the /juvlist web page and use it to construct
the Download Page of the Fossil self-hosting website
using Ajax.
Changes for Version 2.0 (2017-03-03)
Use the
hardened SHA1
implemenation by Marc Stevens and Dan Shumow.
Add the ability to read and understand
artifact names that are based on SHA3-256
rather than SHA1, but do not actually generate any such names.
Add checkbox widgets to various web pages. See this technote for more information. To get the checkboxes to look as
intended, you must update the CSS in your repository and all clones.
Enhance the /brlist webpage to make use of branch colors.
Add support for the ms=EXACT|LIKE|GLOB|REGEXP query parameter on the
/timeline webpage, with associated form widgets.
Enhance the changes and status commands
with many new filter options so that specific kinds of changes can be
found without having to pipe through grep or sed.
The download page is moved into
unversioned content so that the self-hosting Fossil
websites no longer uses any external content.
Added the "Search" button to the graphical diff generated by
the --tk option on the diff command.
Added the "--checkin VERSION" option to the
diff command.
Various performance enhancements to the diff command.
Update internal Unicode character tables, used in regular expression
handling, from version 8.0 to 9.0.
Update the built-in SQLite to version 3.15. Fossil now requires
the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_MAINDBNAME interface of SQLite which is only available
in SQLite version 3.15 and later and so Fossil will not work with
earlier SQLite versions.
Enhance the /finfo page so that when it is showing
the ancestors of a particular file version, it only shows direct
ancestors and omits changes on branches, thus making it show the same set
of ancestors that are used for /blame.
Enhanced fossil clean --verily so that it ignores
keep-glob and ignore-glob settings. Added the -x alias for --verily.
Add the --soft and --hard options to fossil rm and
fossil mv. The default is still --soft, but that is
now configurable at compile-time or by the mv-rm-files setting.
Automatically adjust the CLI timeline to the terminal
width on Linux.
Added [info commands] and [info vars] commands to TH1.
These commands perform the same function as their Tcl counterparts,
except they do not accept a pattern argument.
Fix some obscure issues with TH1 expression processing.
Fix titles in search results for documents that are not wiki, markdown,
or HTML.
Formally translate TH1 to Tcl return codes and vice-versa, where
necessary, in the Tcl integration subsystem.
Removed the ".fossil-settings/keep-glob" file. It should not have been
checked into the repository.
Update the built-in SQLite to version
Make fossil open honor ".fossil-settings/allow-symlinks".
Allow fossil add to be used on symlinks to nonexistent or
unreadable files in the same way as fossil addremove.
Added fork warning to be issued if sync produced a fork
Update the info page to report when a file becomes a
symlink. Additionally show the UUID for files whose types have changed
without changing contents or symlink target.
Have fossil changes and
fossil status report when executable or symlink status
changes on otherwise unmodified files.
Permit filtering weekday and file reports by user.
Also ensure the user parameter is preserved when changing types. Add a
field for direct entry of the user name to each applicable report.
Create parent directories of empty-dirs if they don't
already exist.
Inhibit timeline links to wiki pages that have been deleted.
Changes for Version 1.32 (2015-03-14)
When creating a new repository using fossil init, ensure
that the new repository is fully compatible with historical versions of
Fossil by having a valid manifest as RID 1.
Anti-aliased rendering of arrowheads on timeline graphs.
Added vi/less-style key bindings to the --tk diff GUI.
Documentation updates to fix spellings and changes all "checkins" to
Change the auxiliary schema by adding columns MLINK.ISAUX and MLINK.PMID
columns to the schema, to support better drawing of file change graphs.
A fossil rebuild is recommended but is not required.
so that the new graph drawing logic can work effectively.
Added search over Check-in comments, Documents, Tickets and
Wiki. Disabled by default. The search can be either a full-scan or it
can use an index that is kept up-to-date automatically. The new
/srchsetup web-page and the fts-config command
were added to help configure the search capability. Expect further
enhancements to the search capabilities in subsequent releases.
Added form elements to some submenus (in particular the /timeline)
for easier operation.
Improvements to the /login page. Some hyperlinks to pages that require
"anonymous" privileges are displayed even if the current user is "nobody"
but automatically redirect to /login.
The /doc web-page will now try to deliver the file
"" from the top-level directory (if such a file exists) in
place of its built-in 404 text.
Download of Tarballs and ZIP Archives by user "nobody" is now enabled
by default in new repositories.
Enhancements to the table sorting controls. More display tables
are now sortable.
Enhance the /tree webpage to show the age of each file with the option
to sort by age.
Enhance the /brlist webpage to show additional information about each branch
and to be sortable by clicking on column headers.
Add support for Docker. Just install docker and type
"sudo docker run -d -p 8080:8080 nijtmans/fossil" to get it running.
Add the fossil fusefs DIRECTORY command that mounts a
Fuse Filesystem at the given DIRECTORY and populates it with read-only
copies of all historical check-ins. This only works on systems that
support FuseFS.
Add the administrative log that records all configuration.
Let fossil new no longer create an initial empty commit
by default. The first commit after checking out an empty repository will
become the initial commit.
Added the --verily option to the fossil clean command.
Add the "autosync-tries" setting to control the number of autosync attempts
before returning an error.
Added a compile-time option (--with-miniz) to build using miniz instead
of zlib. Disabled by default.
Support customization of commands and webpages, including the ability to
add new ones, via the "TH1 hooks" feature. Disabled by default. Enabled
via a compile-time option.
Add the [checkout], [render], [styleHeader], [styleFooter],
[trace], [getParameter], [setParameter], [artifact], and
[globalState] commands to TH1, primarily for use by TH1 hooks.
Automatically adjust the width of command-line timeline output according to the
detected width of the terminal.
Prompt the user to optionally fix invalid UTF-8 at check-in.
Added a line-number toggle option to the /info
and /artifact pages.
Most commands now issue errors rather than silently ignoring unrecognized
command-line options.
Use full 40-character SHA1 hashes (instead of abbreviations) in most
internal URLs.
The "ssh:" sync method on Windows now uses "plink.exe" instead of "ssh" as
the secure-shell client program.
Prevent a partial clone when the connection is lost.
Make the distinction between 301 and 302 redirects.
Allow commits against a closed check-in as long as the commit goes onto
a different branch.
Improved cache control in the web interface reduces unnecessary requests
for common resources like the page logo and CSS.
Fix a rare and long-standing sync protocol bug
that would silently prevent the sync from running to completion. Before
this bug-fix it was sometimes necessary to do "fossil sync --verily" to
get two repositories in sync.
Add the files_of_checkin virtual table - useful
for ad hoc queries in the fossil sql interface,
and also used internally.
Added the "$secureurl" TH1 variable for use in headers and footers.
(Internal:) Add the ability to include resources as separate files in the
source tree that are converted into constant byte arrays in the compiled
binary. Use this feature to store the Tk script that implements the --tk
diff option in a separate file for easier editing.
(Internal:) Implement a system of compile-time checks to help ensure
the correctness of printf-style formatting strings.
Fix CVE-2014-3566, also known as the POODLE SSL 3.0 vulnerability.
Numerous documentation fixes and improvements.
Other obscure and minor bug fixes - see the timeline for details.
Changes For Version 1.29 (2014-06-12)
Add the ability to display content, diffs and annotations for UTF16
text files in the web interface.
Add the "SaveAs..." and "Invert" buttons
to the graphical diff display that results
from using the --tk option with the fossil diff command.
The /reports page now requires Read ("o") permissions. The "byweek"
report now properly propagates the selected year through the event type
filter links.
The info command now shows leaf status of the checkout.
Add support for tunneling https through a http proxy (Ticket [e854101c4f]).
Add support for HTTP Basic Authentication on clone and
Fix the stash so that it remembers added files and re-adds
them when the stash is applied.
Fix the server so that it avoids writing to the database (and thus avoids
database locking issues) on a
pull or clone.
Add support for server load management using both
a cache of expensive pages (the fossil cache command)
and by rejecting expensive page requests when the server load average is too
Enhance the fossil test-diff command with -y or --tk
options so that it shows both filenames above their respective columns in
the side-by-side diff output.
Issue a warning if a fossil add command tries to add a file
that matches the ignore-glob.
Enhance support for running as the root user. Now works on Haiku.
Added the -empty option to fossil new, which
causes it to not create an initial empty commit. The first commit after
checking out a repo created this way will become the initial commit.
Enhance sync operations by committing each round-trip to minimize number
of retransmits when autosync fails. Include option for
fossil update and fossil merge to
continue even if missing content.
Minor portability fixes for platforms where the char type is unsigned
by default.
When cloning a repository, the user name passed via the URL (if any)
is now used as the default local admin user's name.
Enhance the SSH transport mechanism so that it runs a single instance of
the "fossil" executable on the remote side, obviating the need for a shell
on the remote side. Some users may need to add the "?fossil=/path/to/fossil"
query parameter to "ssh:" URIs if their fossil binary is not in a standard
Add the "fossil blame" command that works just like
"fossil annotate" but uses a different output format that includes the
user who made each changes and omits line numbers.
Add the "Tarball and ZIP-archive Prefix" configuration parameter under
Fix CGI processing so that it works on web servers that do not
Add options --dirsonly, --emptydirs, and --allckouts to the
"fossil clean" command.
Ten-fold performance improvement in large "fossil blame" or
"fossil annotate" commands.
Option -n|--limit of "fossil timeline" now
specifies the number of entries, just like all other commands which
have the -n|--limit option. The various timeline-related functions
now output "--- ?? limit (??) reached ---" at the end whenever
appropriate. Use "-n 0" if no limit is desired.
Fix handling of password embedded in Fossil URL.
New --once option to fossil clone command
which does not store the URL or password when cloning.
Modify fossil ui to respect "default user" in an open
Fossil now hides check-ins that have the "hidden" tag in timeline webpages.
Enhance /ci_edit page to add the "hidden" tag to check-ins.
Advanced possibilities for commit and ticket change notifications over
http using TH1 scripting.
Add --sha1sum and --integrate options
to the "fossil commit" command.
Add the "clean" and "extra" subcommands to the
"fossil all" command
Add the --whatif option to "fossil clean" that works the
same as "--dry-run",
so that the name does not collide with the --dry-run option of "fossil all".
Provide a configuration option to show dates on the web timeline
Add an option to the "stats" webpage that allows an administrator to see
the current repository schema.
Enhancements to the "/vdiff" webpage for more difference
display options.
Added the "/tree" webpage as an alternative
to "/dir" and make it the default way of showing file lists.
Send gzipped HTTP responses to clients that support it.
New --integrate option to fossil merge, which
automatically closes the merged branch when committing.
Renamed /stats_report page to /reports. Graph width is now
relative, not absolute.
Added yw=YYYY-WW (year-week) filter to timeline to limit the results
to a specific year and calendar week number, e.g. /timeline?yw=2013-01.
Updates to SQLite to prevent opening a repository file using file descriptors
1 or 2 on Unix. This fixes a bug under which an assertion failure could
overwrite part of a repository database file, corrupting it.
Added support for unlimited line lengths in side-by-side diffs.
New --close option to fossil commit, which
immediately closes the branch being committed.
The internals of the JSON API are now MIT-licensed, so downstream
users/packagers are no longer affected by the "do no evil" license
Changes For Version 1.26 (2013-06-18)
The argument to the --port option for the fossil ui and
fossil server commands can take an IP address in addition
to the port number, causing Fossil to bind to just that one IP address.
After prompting for a password, also ask if that password should be
Performance improvements to the diff engine.
Fix the side-by-side diff engine to work better with multi-byte Unicode text.
Color-coding in the web-based annotation (blame) display. Fix the annotation
engine so that it is no longer confused by time-warps.
The markdown formatter is now available by default and can be used for
tickets, wiki, and embedded documentation.
Add subcommands "fossil bisect log" and "fossil bisect status" to the
fossil bisect command, as well as other bisect enhancements.
Enhanced defenses that prevent spiders from using excessive CPU and bandwidth.
Consistent use of the -n or --dry-run command line options.
Enhancements to /timeline.rss, adding more flags for filtering
results, including the ability to subscribe to changes made
to individual tickets. For example: /timeline.rss?y=t&tkt=12fceeec82.
Improved handling of the differences between case-sensitive and
case-insensitive filesystems.
JSON API: added the 'status' command to report local checkout status.
Fixes to the --args support and documented this feature in the help.
Cherry-pick merges are recorded internally (though no yet displayed on the
timeline graph.)
Bring in the latest versions of SQLite, zlib, and autosetup from upstream.
Changes For Version 1.25 (2013-02-16)
Enhancements to ticket processing. There are now two tables: TICKET and
TICKETCHNG. There is one row in TICKETCHNG for each ticket artifact.
Fields from ticket artifacts go into either or both of TICKET and
TICKETCHNG, whichever contain matching column names. Default ticket
edit and viewing scripts are updated to use TICKETCHNG. The TH1
scripting language is enhanced to support this, including the new
"query" command for doing SQL queries against the repository database.
All changes should be backwards compatible.
Add the ability to moderate ticket and wiki changes. Unmoderated changes
do not sync and may be deleted by the moderator if found to contain spam
or other objectionable content.
Add javascript so that clicking on a node of the timeline graph selects
that node. Then clicking on a second node shows a diff between the
two nodes. Clicking on the selected node unselects it.
Warn of unresolved merge conflicts in "fossil status" and disallow
commits of unresolved conflicts unless the --allow-conflict option
is used.
Add javascript so that clicking on column headers in a ticket report
sorts by the indicated column.
Add the "fossil cat" command which is basically an alias for
"fossil finfo -p".
Hyperlinks with the class "button" are rendered as submenu buttons
on embedded documentation.
The check-in comment editor on Windows now defaults to NotePad.exe.
Correctly deal with BOMs in check-in comments. Also attempt to convert
check-in comments to UTF8 from other encodings.
Allow the deletion of multiple stash entries using multiple arguments
to the "fossil stash rm" command.
Enhance the "fossil server DIRECTORY" command to serve static content
files contained in DIRECTORY. For security, only files with a
recognized suffix (such as .html, .jpg, .txt, etc) will be delivered
as static content, and .fossil files are not on the list of recognized
suffixes. There are additional restrictions on the names of the files.
Allow the "fossil ui" command to specify a directory as long as the
the --notfound option is used.
Add a configuration option that causes timeline messages to be rendered
as text/x-fossil-plain (which is the same as text/plain except that
hyperlinks inside of [...] are decorated.)
Only decorate [...] in check-in comments and tickets
if the contented text really is a valid hyperlink target.
Improvements to the side-by-side diff algorithm, for a more
human-friendly display in some complex cases.
Added [utime] and [stime] commands to TH1. These
commands can be used for things such as displaying the page rendering
time in the footer.
Add the ability to pass command-line options of "fossil rebuild" to
"fossil all rebuild".
Add the --deanalyze option to "fossil rebuild" (and "fossil all rebuild")
Do not run the graphical merging tool nor leave merge-droppings after a
dry-run merge. Display an improved merge-summary message at the end of
the merge.
Add options to "fossil commit" to override the various sanity checks.
Options added: --allow-empty, --allow-fork, --allow-older, and
Optionally require a CAPTCHA (controlled by a setting on the
Admin/Access webpage) when a user who is not logged in tries to
edit wiki, or a ticket, or an attachment.
Improvements to the "ssh://" sync protocol, to help it move past
noisy motd comments.
Add the uf=FILE-SHA1-HASH query parameter to the timeline, causing the
timeline to show only check-ins that contain the specific file identified
by FILE-SHA1-HASH. ("uf" stands for "uses file".)
Enhance the file change annotator so that it follows the file across
name changes.
Fix the server-side of the sync protocol so that it will not generate
a delta loop when a file changes from its original state, through two
or more intermediate states, and back to the original state, all within
a single sync.
Show much less output during a sync operation, unless the --verbose
option is used.
Set the action= attribute of <form> elements using javascript,
as an addition defense against spam-bots.
Disallow invalid UTF8 characters (such as characters in the surrogate
pair range) in filenames.
Judge the UserAgent strings issued by the NetSurf webbrowser to be
coming from a human, not from a bot.
Add the zlib sources to the Fossil source tree (under compat/zlib) and
use those sources when compiling on (Windows) systems that do not have
a zlib library installed by default.
Prompt the user with the option to convert non-UTF8 files into UTF8
when committing.
Allow the characters *[]? in filenames.
Allow the --context option on diff commands to have a value of 0.
Added the "dbstat" command.
Enhanced "fossil merge" so that if the VERSION argument is omitted, Fossil
tries to merge any forks of the current branch.
Improved detection of forks in a commit race.
Added the --analyze option to "fossil rebuild".
Changes For Version 1.24 (2012-10-22)
Added support for WYSIWYG editing of wiki pages. WYSIWYG is turned off
by default and can be turned on by setting a configuration option.
Allow style= attribute to occur in HTML markup on wiki pages.
Added the --tk option to the "fossi diff" and "fossil stash diff"
commands, causing color-coded diff output to be displayed in a Tcl/Tk
GUI window. This option only works if Tcl/Tk is installed on the
On Windows, make the "gdiff" command default to use WinDiff.exe.
Update the "fossil stash" command so that it always prompts for a
comment if the -m option is omitted.
Enhance the timeline webpages so that a=, b=, c=, d=, p=, and dp=
query parameters (and others) can all accept any valid check-in name
(such as branch names or labels) instead of just SHA1 hashes.
Added the "fossil stash show" command.
Added the "fileage" webpage with links to this page from the check-in
information page and from the file browser.
Added --age and -t options to the "fossil ls" command.
Added the --setmtime option to "fossil update". When used, the mtime
of all managed files is set to the time when the most recent version of
the file was checked in.
Changed the "vdiff" webpage to show the complete text of files that
were added or removed (the equivalent of using the -N or --newfile
options with the "fossil diff" command-line.)
Added the --temp option to "fossil clean" and "fossil extra", causing
those commands to only look at temporary files generated by Fossil,
such as merge-conflict reports or aborted check-in messages.
Enhance the raw page download so that it can guess the mimetype of
attachments based on the filename.
Change the behavior of the from= and to= query parameters on the
timeline page so that by default the path between the two specified
check-ins avoids merges.
Add the --baseurl option to "fossil server" and "fossil http" commands,
so that those commands can be used with reverse proxies.
If unable to determine the command-line user, do not guess. Instead
issue an error message. This helps prevent check-ins from accidentally
occurring under the wrong username.
Include branch information in the output of file change listings
(the "finfo" webpage).
Make the simplified view of file history, rather than the full view,
the default.
In the "fossil configuration" command, allow the "css" option for
synchronizing, importing, or exporting just the CSS file. This makes
it easier to share CSS files across repositories by exporting from
one and importing to another.
Add the (unsupported) "fossil test-orphans" command.
Add the --template option to the "fossil init" command, to facilitate
creating new repositories based on a template repository.
Add the diff-binary setting, which if enabled causes binary files to
be passed to the "gdiff" command for it to deal with, rather than simply
printing a "cannot diff binary files" error.
Add the --unified option to the "fossil diff" command to force a unified
diff even if the --tk option (which normally implies a side-by-side diff)
is used.
Present a choice of nearby branches and versions to diff against on the
check-in information page.
Add the --force option to the "fossil merge" command that will force the
merge to occur even if it would be a no-op. This is sometimes useful for
documentation purposes.
Add another built-in skin: "Enhanced Default". Other minor tweaks to
the existing skins.
Add the "urllist" webpage, showing a list of URLs by which a server
instance of Fossil has been accessed. Requires "Administrator" privileges.
A link is on the "Setup" main page.
Enable dynamic loading of the Tcl runtime for installations that want
to use Tcl as part of their configuration. This reduces the size of
the Fossil binary and allows any version of Tcl 8.4 or later to be used.
Merge the latest SQLite changes from upstream.
Lots of minor bug fixes.
Changes For Version 1.23 (2012-08-08)
The default checkout database name is now ".fslckout" instead of
"FOSSIL" on Unix. Both names continue to work.
Added the "fossil all changes" command
Added the --ckout option to the "fossil all list" command
Added the "public-pages" glob pattern that can be configured to allow
anonymous users to see embedded documentation on sites where source
code should not be accessible to anonymous users.
Allow multiple --tag options on the same "fossil commit" command.
Change the meaning of the --bgcolor option for "fossil commit" to only
change the color for that one commit. The new --branchcolor option
is available to set a persistent background color.
Add the branch= query parameter to the vdiff page and the --branch option
to the "fossil diff" command.
Check-in names of the form "root:BRANCH" now refer to the origin of
the branch. Hence to see all changes in a branch, use
"fossil diff --from root:BRANCH --to BRANCH". The --branch option on
the diff command is an alias for the same.
Add the ability to configure ad-units to be displayed between the menu
bar and the content.
Add the ability to set a background image as part of server configuration.
Allow partial commits of cherrypick merges.
Updates against an uncommitted merge are now a warning, not a fatal error.
Prompt the user to continue if a check-in comment is unedited.
Fixes to case sensitivity settings with the /dir webpage.
Repositories now try to remember the locations of all checkouts and
web-access URLs and display this information with the
"fossil info $REPO" command.
Improved defense against spiders: The src= attribute of
<a> elements is set using javascript after the page loads.
Enhanced formatting of the user list page.
If a file named in "fossil add" is missing, that is now a warning instead
of a fatal error.
Fix side-by-side diff so that it displays correctly with
multi-byte UTF8 characters.
Performance improvements in the diff logic.
Other performance tweaks and documentation updates.
Changes For Version 1.22 (2012-03-17)
Greatly improved "diff" processing including the new --brief option,
partial line matching, colorized in-line diffs, and better performance.
Promote "allow-symlinks" to a versionable setting
Harden the CGI processing logic against DOS attacks
Add the ability to run TH1 scripts after sync requests
Store the repository name in FOSSIL as it is type in the "open" command,
possibly as a relative pathname.
Make ".fslckout" the alternative name for the "FOSSIL" file.
Change the "ssh:" transfer method to allow all access regardless of
user permission.
Improvements to the timeline messages associated with tag changes.
(Requires a "fossil rebuild" to take effect.)
Various additions and fixes for the JSON API.
Improved merge-with-rename handling.
--cherrypick merges use their origin's commit message by default.
Added support for multiple concurrent logins per user.
Update to use SQLite version 3.7.11.
Various minor bug fixes.
Changes For Version 1.21 (2011-12-13)
Added side-by-side diffs in the command-line interface
Automatically enable hyperlinks if the UserAgent string in the
HTTP header suggests that the requestor is a human and not a bot.
Show only commonly used commands with "fossil help". Use
"fossil help --all" to see the complete list now.
Improvements to the "stash" command: (1) Stash all files, not just
those below the working directory. (2) Add the --detail option to
"list". (3) Confirm before "drop --all". (4) Add the "help"
Add an Admin/Access setting to change the number of octets of the
IP address that are saved in login cookies - allowing this setting
to be changed to zero
Promote the "test-md5sum" command to "md5sum".
Added the "whatis" command.
Stop showing the server-code in status outputs - it is no longer used
for anything.
Added a compile-time option (--with-tcl) to build in full Tcl scripting
support via integration with TH1.
Merged the JSON branch into trunk. Disabled by default. Enabled
by a compile-time option. Probably it will be enabled by default
in some future release.
Update to use SQLite version 3.7.9 plus the alignment fix for Sparc.
Changes For Version 1.20 (2011-10-21)
Added side-by-side diffs in HTML interface. [0bde74ea1e]
Added support for symlinks. (Controlled by "allow-symlinks" setting,
off by default). [e4f1c1fe95]
Fixed CLI annotate to show the proper file version in case there
are multiple equal versions in history. [e161670939]
Timeline now shows tag changes (requires rebuild).[87540ed6e6]
Fixed annotate to show "more relevant" versions of lines in
some cases. [e161670939]
Added -R REPOFILE support to several more CLI commands. [e080560378]
Generated tarballs now have constant timestamps, so they are
always identical for any given check-in. [e080560378]
A number of minor HTML-related tweaks and fixes.
Added --args FILENAME global CLI argument to import arbitrary
CLI arguments from a file (e.g. long file lists). [e080560378]
Fixed significant memory leak in annotation of files with long
Added warnings when a merge operation overwrites local copies
(UNDO is available, but previously this condition normally went
silently unnoticed). [39f979b08c]
Improved performance when adding many files. [a369dc7721]
Improve merges which contain many file renames. [0b93b0f958]
Added protection against timing attacks. [d4a341b49d]
Firefox now remembers filled fields when returning to forms. [3fac77d7b0]
Added the --stats option to the rebuild command. [f25e5e53c4]
RSS feed now passes validation. [ce354d0a9f]
Show overridden user when entering commit comment. [ce354d0a9f]
Made rebuilding from web interface silent. [ce354d0a9f]
Now works on MSVC with repos >2GB. [6092935ff2]
A number of code cleanups to resolve warnings from various compilers.
Update the built-in SQLite to version 3.7.9 beta.
Changes For Version 1.19 (2011-09-02)
Added a ./configure script based on autosetup.
Added the "fossil winsrv" command
for creating a Fossil service on Windows systems.
Added "versionable settings" where settings that affect
the local tree can be stored in versioned files in the
.fossil-settings directory.
Background colors for branches are chosen automatically if no
color is specified by the user.
The status, changes and extras commands now show
pathnames relative to the current working directory,
unless overridden by command line options or the
"relative-paths" setting. WARNING: This
change will break scripts which rely on the current
output when the current working directory is not the
repository root.
Added "empty-dirs" versionable setting.
Added support for client-side SSL certificates with "ssl-identity"
setting and --ssl-identity option.
Added "ssl-ca-location" setting to specify trusted root
SSL certificates.
Added the --case-sensitive BOOLEAN command-line option to many commands.
Default to true for Unix and false for Windows.
Added the "Color-Test" submenu button on the branch list web page.
Compatibility improvements to the git-export feature.
Performance improvements on SHA1 checksums
Update to the latest SQLite version 3.7.8 alpha.
Fix the tarball generator to work with very log pathnames
Changes For Version 1.18 (2011-07-14)
Added this Change Log
Added sequential version numbering
Added a optional configure script - the Makefile still works for most
Improvements to the "annotate" algorithm: only search primary
ancestors and ignore branches.
Update the "scrub" command to remove traces of login-groups and
Added the --type option to the "fossil tag find" command.
In contexts where only a check-in makes sense, resolve branch and
tag names to checkins only, never events or other artifacts.
Improved display of file renames on a diff. A rebuild is required
to take full advantage of this change.